Social and Information Network Analysis
Autumn 2010

Class project

Once you have finalized your project topic, and team members, please register here. This is a requirement and would help us identify you as teams.

Class project is composed of the following parts:


There can be three kinds of class projects:

Ideally, projects will be a mix of the three types of projects outlined above. For some useful project themes, go here. As with the reaction paper, the project should contain at least some amount of mathematical analysis, and some experimentation on real or synthetic data.

There are four deliverables (Click the respective deliverable to know more):

Project themes and Datasets :

Click here

Project Proposal

Due on midnight OCT 18 2010

Answer the following questions:

Some other points to note:

You can work in groups of up to 3 people on the project. Also, a list of the previous year's (2009) course projects is below.

Projects from Fall 2009