SNAP Library, User Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
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TUniChDb Class Reference

List of all members.


class  TSubcatHelper
class  TUcdFileReader

Public Types

enum  {
  HangulSBase = 0xAC00, HangulLBase = 0x1100, HangulVBase = 0x1161, HangulTBase = 0x11A7,
  HangulLCount = 19, HangulVCount = 21, HangulTCount = 28, HangulNCount = HangulVCount * HangulTCount,
  HangulSCount = HangulLCount * HangulNCount
enum  TCaseConversion_ { ccLower = 0, ccUpper = 1, ccTitle = 2, ccMax = 3 }
typedef enum

Public Member Functions

 TUniChDb ()
 TUniChDb (TSIn &SIn)
void Clr ()
void Save (TSOut &SOut) const
void Load (TSIn &SIn)
void LoadBin (const TStr &fnBin)
void Test (const TStr &basePath)
const TStrGetScriptName (const int scriptId) const
int GetScriptByName (const TStr &scriptName) const
int GetScript (const TUniChInfo &ci) const
int GetScript (const int cp) const
const char * GetCharName (const int cp) const
TStr GetCharNameS (const int cp) const
template<class TSrcVec >
void PrintCharNames (FILE *f, const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, const TStr &prefix) const
template<class TSrcVec >
void PrintCharNames (FILE *f, const TSrcVec &src, const TStr &prefix) const
bool IsGetChInfo (const int cp, TUniChInfo &ChInfo)
TUniChCategory GetCat (const int cp) const
TUniChSubCategory GetSubCat (const int cp) const
bool IsWbFlag (const int cp, const TUniChFlags flag) const
int GetWbFlags (const int cp) const
bool IsSbFlag (const int cp, const TUniChFlags flag) const
int GetSbFlags (const int cp) const
IsPrivateUse (const int cp) const
bool IsSurrogate (const int cp) const
int GetCombiningClass (const int cp) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
bool FindNextWordBoundary (const TSrcVec &src, const size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, size_t &position) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void FindWordBoundaries (const TSrcVec &src, const size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TBoolV &dest) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
bool FindNextSentenceBoundary (const TSrcVec &src, const size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, size_t &position) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void FindSentenceBoundaries (const TSrcVec &src, const size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TBoolV &dest) const
void SbEx_Clr ()
template<class TSrcVec >
void SbEx_Add (const TSrcVec &v)
void SbEx_Add (const TStr &s)
void SbEx_AddUtf8 (const TStr &s)
int SbEx_AddMulti (const TStr &words, const bool wordsAreUtf8=true)
void SbEx_Set (const TUniTrie< TInt > &newTrie)
int SbEx_SetStdEnglish ()
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void Decompose (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, bool compatibility, bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void Decompose (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, bool compatibility, bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void Compose (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void Compose (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void DecomposeAndCompose (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, bool compatibility, bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void DecomposeAndCompose (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, bool compatibility, bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
size_t ExtractStarters (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
size_t ExtractStarters (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
size_t ExtractStarters (TSrcVec &src) const
void LoadTxt (const TStr &basePath)
void SaveBin (const TStr &fnBinUcd)
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetCaseConverted (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest, const TCaseConversion how, const bool turkic, const bool lithuanian) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetLowerCase (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true, const bool turkic=false, const bool lithuanian=false) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetUpperCase (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true, const bool turkic=false, const bool lithuanian=false) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetTitleCase (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true, const bool turkic=false, const bool lithuanian=false) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetLowerCase (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true, const bool turkic=false, const bool lithuanian=false) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetUpperCase (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true, const bool turkic=false, const bool lithuanian=false) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetTitleCase (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true, const bool turkic=false, const bool lithuanian=false) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetSimpleCaseConverted (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest, const TCaseConversion how) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetSimpleLowerCase (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetSimpleUpperCase (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetSimpleTitleCase (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetSimpleLowerCase (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetSimpleUpperCase (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetSimpleTitleCase (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void ToSimpleCaseConverted (TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, const TCaseConversion how) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void ToSimpleUpperCase (TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void ToSimpleLowerCase (TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void ToSimpleTitleCase (TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void ToSimpleUpperCase (TSrcVec &src) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void ToSimpleLowerCase (TSrcVec &src) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void ToSimpleTitleCase (TSrcVec &src) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetCaseFolded (const TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest, const bool full, const bool turkic=false) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void GetCaseFolded (const TSrcVec &src, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool clrDest=true, const bool full=true, const bool turkic=false) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void ToCaseFolded (TSrcVec &src, size_t srcIdx, const size_t srcCount, const bool turkic=false) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void ToCaseFolded (TSrcVec &src, const bool turkic=false) const

Static Public Member Functions

static TStr GetCaseFoldingFn ()
static TStr GetSpecialCasingFn ()
static TStr GetUnicodeDataFn ()
static TStr GetCompositionExclusionsFn ()
static TStr GetScriptsFn ()
static TStr GetDerivedCorePropsFn ()
static TStr GetLineBreakFn ()
static TStr GetPropListFn ()
static TStr GetAuxiliaryDir ()
static TStr GetWordBreakTestFn ()
static TStr GetWordBreakPropertyFn ()
static TStr GetSentenceBreakTestFn ()
static TStr GetSentenceBreakPropertyFn ()
static TStr GetNormalizationTestFn ()
static TStr GetBinFn ()
static TStr GetScriptNameUnknown ()
static TStr GetScriptNameKatakana ()
static TStr GetScriptNameHiragana ()

Public Attributes

THash< TInt, TUniChInfoh
TStrPool charNames
TStrIntH scripts
TIntV decompositions
THash< TIntPr, TIntinverseDec
TUniCaseFolding caseFolding
TIntIntVH specialCasingLower
TIntIntVH specialCasingUpper
TIntIntVH specialCasingTitle
int scriptUnknown

Protected Types

typedef TUniVecIdx TVecIdx

Protected Member Functions

void InitAfterLoad ()
bool IsWbIgnored (const int cp) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void WbFindCurOrNextNonIgnored (const TSrcVec &src, size_t &position, const size_t srcEnd) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void WbFindNextNonIgnored (const TSrcVec &src, size_t &position, const size_t srcEnd) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void WbFindNextNonIgnoredS (const TSrcVec &src, size_t &position, const size_t srcEnd) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
bool WbFindPrevNonIgnored (const TSrcVec &src, const size_t srcStart, size_t &position) const
void TestWbFindNonIgnored (const TIntV &src) const
void TestWbFindNonIgnored () const
void TestFindNextWordOrSentenceBoundary (const TStr &basePath, bool sentence)
template<typename TSrcVec >
bool CanSentenceEndHere (const TSrcVec &src, const size_t srcIdx, const size_t position) const
template<typename TDestCh >
void AddDecomposition (const int codePoint, TVec< TDestCh > &dest, const bool compatibility) const
void TestComposition (const TStr &basePath)
void InitWordAndSentenceBoundaryFlags (const TStr &basePath)
void InitScripts (const TStr &basePath)
void InitLineBreaks (const TStr &basePath)
void InitDerivedCoreProperties (const TStr &basePath)
void InitPropList (const TStr &basePath)
void InitSpecialCasing (const TStr &basePath)
void LoadTxt_ProcessDecomposition (TUniChInfo &ci, TStr s)
void TestCaseConversion (const TStr &source, const TStr &trueLc, const TStr &trueTc, const TStr &trueUc, bool turkic, bool lithuanian)
void TestCaseConversions ()

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool IsWbIgnored (const TUniChInfo &ci)

Protected Attributes

TUniTrie< TIntsbExTrie


class TUniCaseFolding

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef TUniVecIdx TUniChDb::TVecIdx [protected]

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TUniChDb::TUniChDb ( ) [inline]
TUniChDb::TUniChDb ( TSIn SIn) [inline, explicit]

Member Function Documentation

template<typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::AddDecomposition ( const int  codePoint,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  compatibility 
) const [protected]
template<typename TSrcVec >
bool TUniChDb::CanSentenceEndHere ( const TSrcVec &  src,
const size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  position 
) const [protected]
void TUniChDb::Clr ( ) [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::Compose ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
bool  clrDest = true 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::Compose ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::Decompose ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
bool  compatibility,
bool  clrDest = true 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::Decompose ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
bool  compatibility,
bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::DecomposeAndCompose ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
bool  compatibility,
bool  clrDest = true 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::DecomposeAndCompose ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
bool  compatibility,
bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
size_t TUniChDb::ExtractStarters ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
bool  clrDest = true 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
size_t TUniChDb::ExtractStarters ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
size_t TUniChDb::ExtractStarters ( TSrcVec &  src) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
bool TUniChDb::FindNextSentenceBoundary ( const TSrcVec &  src,
const size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
size_t &  position 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
bool TUniChDb::FindNextWordBoundary ( const TSrcVec &  src,
const size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
size_t &  position 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::FindSentenceBoundaries ( const TSrcVec &  src,
const size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TBoolV dest 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::FindWordBoundaries ( const TSrcVec &  src,
const size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TBoolV dest 
) const
static TStr TUniChDb::GetAuxiliaryDir ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetBinFn ( ) [inline, static]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetCaseConverted ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest,
const TCaseConversion  how,
const bool  turkic,
const bool  lithuanian 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetCaseFolded ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest,
const bool  full,
const bool  turkic = false 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetCaseFolded ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true,
const bool  full = true,
const bool  turkic = false 
) const [inline]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetCaseFoldingFn ( ) [inline, static]
TUniChCategory TUniChDb::GetCat ( const int  cp) const [inline]
const char* TUniChDb::GetCharName ( const int  cp) const [inline]
TStr TUniChDb::GetCharNameS ( const int  cp) const [inline]
int TUniChDb::GetCombiningClass ( const int  cp) const [inline]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetCompositionExclusionsFn ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetDerivedCorePropsFn ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetLineBreakFn ( ) [inline, static]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetLowerCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true,
const bool  turkic = false,
const bool  lithuanian = false 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetLowerCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true,
const bool  turkic = false,
const bool  lithuanian = false 
) const [inline]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetNormalizationTestFn ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetPropListFn ( ) [inline, static]
int TUniChDb::GetSbFlags ( const int  cp) const [inline]
int TUniChDb::GetScript ( const TUniChInfo ci) const [inline]
int TUniChDb::GetScript ( const int  cp) const [inline]
int TUniChDb::GetScriptByName ( const TStr scriptName) const [inline]
const TStr& TUniChDb::GetScriptName ( const int  scriptId) const [inline]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetScriptNameHiragana ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetScriptNameKatakana ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetScriptNameUnknown ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetScriptsFn ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetSentenceBreakPropertyFn ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetSentenceBreakTestFn ( ) [inline, static]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetSimpleCaseConverted ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest,
const TCaseConversion  how 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetSimpleLowerCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetSimpleLowerCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetSimpleTitleCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetSimpleTitleCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetSimpleUpperCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetSimpleUpperCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true 
) const [inline]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetSpecialCasingFn ( ) [inline, static]
TUniChSubCategory TUniChDb::GetSubCat ( const int  cp) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetTitleCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true,
const bool  turkic = false,
const bool  lithuanian = false 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetTitleCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true,
const bool  turkic = false,
const bool  lithuanian = false 
) const [inline]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetUnicodeDataFn ( ) [inline, static]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetUpperCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true,
const bool  turkic = false,
const bool  lithuanian = false 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec , typename TDestCh >
void TUniChDb::GetUpperCase ( const TSrcVec &  src,
TVec< TDestCh > &  dest,
const bool  clrDest = true,
const bool  turkic = false,
const bool  lithuanian = false 
) const [inline]
int TUniChDb::GetWbFlags ( const int  cp) const [inline]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetWordBreakPropertyFn ( ) [inline, static]
static TStr TUniChDb::GetWordBreakTestFn ( ) [inline, static]
void TUniChDb::InitAfterLoad ( ) [protected]
void TUniChDb::InitDerivedCoreProperties ( const TStr basePath) [protected]
void TUniChDb::InitLineBreaks ( const TStr basePath) [protected]
void TUniChDb::InitPropList ( const TStr basePath) [protected]
void TUniChDb::InitScripts ( const TStr basePath) [protected]
void TUniChDb::InitSpecialCasing ( const TStr basePath) [protected]
void TUniChDb::InitWordAndSentenceBoundaryFlags ( const TStr basePath) [protected]
bool TUniChDb::IsGetChInfo ( const int  cp,
TUniChInfo ChInfo 
) [inline]
DECLARE_FORWARDED_PROPERTY_METHODS bool TUniChDb::IsPrivateUse ( const int  cp) const [inline]
bool TUniChDb::IsSbFlag ( const int  cp,
const TUniChFlags  flag 
) const [inline]
bool TUniChDb::IsSurrogate ( const int  cp) const [inline]
bool TUniChDb::IsWbFlag ( const int  cp,
const TUniChFlags  flag 
) const [inline]
static bool TUniChDb::IsWbIgnored ( const TUniChInfo ci) [inline, static, protected]
bool TUniChDb::IsWbIgnored ( const int  cp) const [inline, protected]
void TUniChDb::Load ( TSIn SIn) [inline]
void TUniChDb::LoadBin ( const TStr fnBin) [inline]
void TUniChDb::LoadTxt ( const TStr basePath)
void TUniChDb::LoadTxt_ProcessDecomposition ( TUniChInfo ci,
TStr  s 
) [protected]
template<class TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::PrintCharNames ( FILE *  f,
const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
const TStr prefix 
) const [inline]
template<class TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::PrintCharNames ( FILE *  f,
const TSrcVec &  src,
const TStr prefix 
) const [inline]
void TUniChDb::Save ( TSOut SOut) const [inline]
void TUniChDb::SaveBin ( const TStr fnBinUcd)
template<class TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::SbEx_Add ( const TSrcVec &  v) [inline]
void TUniChDb::SbEx_Add ( const TStr s) [inline]
int TUniChDb::SbEx_AddMulti ( const TStr words,
const bool  wordsAreUtf8 = true 
) [inline]
void TUniChDb::SbEx_AddUtf8 ( const TStr s) [inline]
void TUniChDb::SbEx_Clr ( ) [inline]
void TUniChDb::SbEx_Set ( const TUniTrie< TInt > &  newTrie) [inline]
int TUniChDb::SbEx_SetStdEnglish ( ) [inline]
void TUniChDb::Test ( const TStr basePath)
void TUniChDb::TestCaseConversion ( const TStr source,
const TStr trueLc,
const TStr trueTc,
const TStr trueUc,
bool  turkic,
bool  lithuanian 
) [protected]
void TUniChDb::TestCaseConversions ( ) [protected]
void TUniChDb::TestComposition ( const TStr basePath) [protected]
void TUniChDb::TestFindNextWordOrSentenceBoundary ( const TStr basePath,
bool  sentence 
) [protected]
void TUniChDb::TestWbFindNonIgnored ( const TIntV src) const [protected]
void TUniChDb::TestWbFindNonIgnored ( ) const [protected]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::ToCaseFolded ( TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
const bool  turkic = false 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::ToCaseFolded ( TSrcVec &  src,
const bool  turkic = false 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::ToSimpleCaseConverted ( TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount,
const TCaseConversion  how 
) const
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::ToSimpleLowerCase ( TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::ToSimpleLowerCase ( TSrcVec &  src) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::ToSimpleTitleCase ( TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::ToSimpleTitleCase ( TSrcVec &  src) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::ToSimpleUpperCase ( TSrcVec &  src,
size_t  srcIdx,
const size_t  srcCount 
) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::ToSimpleUpperCase ( TSrcVec &  src) const [inline]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::WbFindCurOrNextNonIgnored ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t &  position,
const size_t  srcEnd 
) const [inline, protected]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::WbFindNextNonIgnored ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t &  position,
const size_t  srcEnd 
) const [inline, protected]
template<typename TSrcVec >
void TUniChDb::WbFindNextNonIgnoredS ( const TSrcVec &  src,
size_t &  position,
const size_t  srcEnd 
) const [inline, protected]
template<typename TSrcVec >
bool TUniChDb::WbFindPrevNonIgnored ( const TSrcVec &  src,
const size_t  srcStart,
size_t &  position 
) const [inline, protected]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class TUniCaseFolding [friend]

Member Data Documentation

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: