SNAP Library, User Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
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TUniChInfo Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  {
  ccStarter = 0, ccOverlaysAndInterior = 1, ccNuktas = 7, ccHiraganaKatakanaVoicingMarks = 8,
  ccViramas = 9, ccFixedPositionStart = 10, ccFixedPositionEnd = 199, ccBelowLeftAttached = 200,
  ccBelowAttached = 202, ccBelowRightAttached = 204, ccLeftAttached = 208, ccRightAttached = 210,
  ccAboveLeftAttached = 212, ccAboveAttached = 214, ccAboveRightAttached = 216, ccBelowLeft = 218,
  ccBelow = 220, ccBelowRight = 222, ccLeft = 224, ccRight = 226,
  ccAboveLeft = 228, ccAbove = 230, ccAboveRight = 232, ccDoubleBelow = 233,
  ccDoubleAbove = 234, ccBelowIotaSubscript = 240, ccInvalid = 255

Public Member Functions

void InitAfterLoad ()
void SetCatAndSubCat (const TUniChSubCategory catAndSubCat)
void Save (TSOut &SOut) const
void Load (TSIn &SIn)
 TUniChInfo (TSIn &SIn)
 TUniChInfo ()
bool IsDcpFlag (const TUniChFlags flag) const
void ClrDcpFlags ()
void SetDcpFlag (const TUniChFlags flag)
bool IsAlphabetic () const
bool IsUppercase () const
bool IsLowercase () const
bool IsMath () const
bool IsDefaultIgnorable () const
bool IsGraphemeBase () const
bool IsGraphemeExtend () const
bool IsIdStart () const
bool IsIdContinue () const
bool IsXidStart () const
bool IsXidContinue () const
bool IsProperty (const TUniChProperties flag) const
void SetProperty (const TUniChProperties flag)
bool IsAsciiHexDigit () const
bool IsBidiControl () const
bool IsDash () const
bool IsDeprecated () const
bool IsDiacritic () const
bool IsExtender () const
bool IsGraphemeLink () const
bool IsHexDigit () const
bool IsHyphen () const
bool IsIdeographic () const
bool IsJoinControl () const
bool IsLogicalOrderException () const
bool IsNoncharacter () const
bool IsQuotationMark () const
bool IsSoftDotted () const
bool IsSTerminal () const
bool IsTerminalPunctuation () const
bool IsVariationSelector () const
bool IsWhiteSpace () const
bool IsPropertyX (const TUniChPropertiesX flag) const
void SetPropertyX (const TUniChPropertiesX flag)
bool IsCompositionExclusion () const
bool IsCompatibilityDecomposition () const
bool IsWbFlag (const TUniChFlags flag) const
void ClrWbAndSbFlags ()
void SetWbFlag (const TUniChFlags flag)
int GetWbFlags () const
bool IsWbFormat () const
TStr GetWbFlagsStr () const
bool IsSbFlag (const TUniChFlags flag) const
void SetSbFlag (const TUniChFlags flag)
int GetSbFlags () const
bool IsSbFormat () const
TStr GetSbFlagsStr () const
bool IsSbSep () const
bool IsGbExtend () const
bool IsCased () const
TUniChCategory GetCat () const
TUniChSubCategory GetSubCat () const
bool IsCurrency () const
bool IsPrivateUse () const
bool IsSurrogate () const

Static Public Member Functions

static ushort GetLineBreakCode (char c1, char c2)
static void LoadUShort (TSIn &SIn, ushort &u)
static void LoadSChar (TSIn &SIn, signed char &u)
static void SaveUShort (TSOut &SOut, ushort u)
static void SaveSChar (TSOut &SOut, signed char u)
static TStr GetWbFlagsStr (const int flags)
static TStr GetSbFlagsStr (const int flags)
static bool IsValidSubCat (const char chCat, const char chSubCat)

Public Attributes

char chCat
char chSubCat
uchar combClass
TUniChCategory cat
TUniChSubCategory subCat
signed char script
int simpleUpperCaseMapping
int simpleLowerCaseMapping
int simpleTitleCaseMapping
int decompOffset
int nameOffset
int flags
int properties
int propertiesX
ushort lineBreak

Static Public Attributes

static const ushort LineBreak_Unknown = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('X', 'X')
static const ushort LineBreak_ComplexContext = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('S', 'A')
static const ushort LineBreak_Numeric = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('N', 'U')
static const ushort LineBreak_InfixNumeric = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('I', 'S')
static const ushort LineBreak_Quotation = TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode('Q', 'U')


class TUniChDb

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TUniChInfo::TUniChInfo ( TSIn SIn) [inline, explicit]
TUniChInfo::TUniChInfo ( ) [inline]

Member Function Documentation

void TUniChInfo::ClrDcpFlags ( ) [inline]
void TUniChInfo::ClrWbAndSbFlags ( ) [inline]
TUniChCategory TUniChInfo::GetCat ( ) const [inline]
static ushort TUniChInfo::GetLineBreakCode ( char  c1,
char  c2 
) [inline, static]
int TUniChInfo::GetSbFlags ( ) const [inline]
TStr TUniChInfo::GetSbFlagsStr ( ) const [inline]
static TStr TUniChInfo::GetSbFlagsStr ( const int  flags) [inline, static]
int TUniChInfo::GetWbFlags ( ) const [inline]
TStr TUniChInfo::GetWbFlagsStr ( ) const [inline]
static TStr TUniChInfo::GetWbFlagsStr ( const int  flags) [inline, static]
void TUniChInfo::InitAfterLoad ( ) [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsAlphabetic ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsAsciiHexDigit ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsBidiControl ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsCased ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsCompositionExclusion ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsCurrency ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsDash ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsDcpFlag ( const TUniChFlags  flag) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsDefaultIgnorable ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsDeprecated ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsDiacritic ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsExtender ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsGbExtend ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsGraphemeBase ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsGraphemeExtend ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsGraphemeLink ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsHexDigit ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsHyphen ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsIdContinue ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsIdeographic ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsIdStart ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsJoinControl ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsLogicalOrderException ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsLowercase ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsMath ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsNoncharacter ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsPrivateUse ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsProperty ( const TUniChProperties  flag) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsPropertyX ( const TUniChPropertiesX  flag) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsQuotationMark ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsSbFlag ( const TUniChFlags  flag) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsSbFormat ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsSbSep ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsSoftDotted ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsSTerminal ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsSurrogate ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsTerminalPunctuation ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsUppercase ( ) const [inline]
static bool TUniChInfo::IsValidSubCat ( const char  chCat,
const char  chSubCat 
) [inline, static]
bool TUniChInfo::IsVariationSelector ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsWbFlag ( const TUniChFlags  flag) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsWbFormat ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsWhiteSpace ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsXidContinue ( ) const [inline]
bool TUniChInfo::IsXidStart ( ) const [inline]
void TUniChInfo::Load ( TSIn SIn) [inline]
static void TUniChInfo::LoadSChar ( TSIn SIn,
signed char &  u 
) [inline, static]
static void TUniChInfo::LoadUShort ( TSIn SIn,
ushort u 
) [inline, static]
void TUniChInfo::Save ( TSOut SOut) const [inline]
static void TUniChInfo::SaveSChar ( TSOut SOut,
signed char  u 
) [inline, static]
static void TUniChInfo::SaveUShort ( TSOut SOut,
ushort  u 
) [inline, static]
void TUniChInfo::SetCatAndSubCat ( const TUniChSubCategory  catAndSubCat) [inline]
void TUniChInfo::SetDcpFlag ( const TUniChFlags  flag) [inline]
void TUniChInfo::SetProperty ( const TUniChProperties  flag) [inline]
void TUniChInfo::SetPropertyX ( const TUniChPropertiesX  flag) [inline]
void TUniChInfo::SetSbFlag ( const TUniChFlags  flag) [inline]
void TUniChInfo::SetWbFlag ( const TUniChFlags  flag) [inline]

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class TUniChDb [friend]

Member Data Documentation

signed char TUniChInfo::script

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