SNAP Library, User Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
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hash.h File Reference

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class  THashKeyDat< TKey, TDat >
class  THashKeyDatI< TKey, TDat >
class  TDefaultHashFunc< TKey >
class  THash< TKey, TDat, THashFunc >
class  THash< TKey, TDat, THashFunc >::THashKeyDatCmp
class  PHash< TKey, TDat >
class  TStrHash< TDat, TStringPool, THashFunc >
class  TCache< TKey, TDat, THashFunc >
class  TStrHashF_OldGLib
class  TStrHashF_Md5
class  TStrHashF_DJB


typedef THash< TCh, TChTChChH
typedef THash< TChTr, TIntTChTrIntH
typedef THash< TInt, TIntTIntH
typedef THash< TUInt64, TIntTUInt64H
typedef THash< TInt, TBoolTIntBoolH
typedef THash< TInt, TIntTIntIntH
typedef THash< TInt, TUInt64TIntUInt64H
typedef THash< TInt, TIntFltPrTIntIntFltPrH
typedef THash< TInt, TIntVTIntIntVH
typedef THash< TInt, TIntHTIntIntHH
typedef THash< TInt, TFltTIntFltH
typedef THash< TInt, TFltPrTIntFltPrH
typedef THash< TInt, TFltTrTIntFltTrH
typedef THash< TInt, TFltVTIntFltVH
typedef THash< TInt, TStrTIntStrH
typedef THash< TInt, TStrVTIntStrVH
typedef THash< TInt, TIntPrTIntIntPrH
typedef THash< TInt, TIntPrVTIntIntPrVH
typedef THash< TUInt64, TStrVTUInt64StrVH
typedef THash< TIntPr, TIntTIntPrIntH
typedef THash< TIntPr, TIntVTIntPrIntVH
typedef THash< TIntPr, TIntPrVTIntPrIntPrVH
typedef THash< TIntTr, TIntTIntTrIntH
typedef THash< TIntV, TIntTIntVIntH
typedef THash< TUInt, TUIntTUIntH
typedef THash< TIntPr, TFltTIntPrFltH
typedef THash< TIntTr, TFltTIntTrFltH
typedef THash< TIntPr, TStrTIntPrStrH
typedef THash< TIntPr, TStrVTIntPrStrVH
typedef THash< TIntStrPr, TIntTIntStrPrIntH
typedef THash< TFlt, TFltTFltFltH
typedef THash< TStr, TIntTStrH
typedef THash< TStr, TBoolTStrBoolH
typedef THash< TStr, TIntTStrIntH
typedef THash< TStr, TIntPrTStrIntPrH
typedef THash< TStr, TIntVTStrIntVH
typedef THash< TStr, TUInt64VTStrUInt64VH
typedef THash< TStr, TIntPrVTStrIntPrVH
typedef THash< TStr, TFltTStrFltH
typedef THash< TStr, TFltVTStrFltVH
typedef THash< TStr, TStrTStrStrH
typedef THash< TStr, TStrPrTStrStrPrH
typedef THash< TStr, TStrVTStrStrVH
typedef THash< TStr, TStrPrVTStrStrPrVH
typedef THash< TStr, TStrKdVTStrStrKdVH
typedef THash< TStr, TIntFltPrTStrIntFltPrH
typedef THash< TStr, TStrIntPrVTStrStrIntPrVH
typedef THash< TStr, TStrIntKdVTStrStrIntKdVH
typedef THash< TDbStr, TIntTDbStrIntH
typedef THash< TDbStr, TStrTDbStrStrH
typedef THash< TStrPr, TBoolTStrPrBoolH
typedef THash< TStrPr, TIntTStrPrIntH
typedef THash< TStrPr, TFltTStrPrFltH
typedef THash< TStrPr, TStrTStrPrStrH
typedef THash< TStrPr, TStrVTStrPrStrVH
typedef THash< TStrTr, TIntTStrTrIntH
typedef THash< TStrIntPr, TIntTStrIntPrIntH
typedef THash< TStrV, TIntTStrVH
typedef THash< TStrV, TIntTStrVIntH
typedef THash< TStrV, TIntVTStrVIntVH
typedef THash< TStrV, TStrTStrVStrH
typedef THash< TStrV, TStrVTStrVStrVH
typedef TStrHash< TIntTStrSH
typedef TStrHash< TIntTStrIntSH
typedef TStrHash< TIntVTStrToIntVSH


 TBigStrPool (TSize MxBfLen=0, uint _GrowBy=16 *1024 *1024)
 TBigStrPool (TSIn &SIn, bool LoadCompact=true)
 TBigStrPool (const TBigStrPool &Pool)
 ~TBigStrPool ()
static PBigStrPool New (TSize _MxBfLen=0, uint _GrowBy=16 *1024 *1024)
static PBigStrPool New (TSIn &SIn)
static PBigStrPool New (const TStr &fileName)
static PBigStrPool Load (TSIn &SIn, bool LoadCompacted=true)
void Save (TSOut &SOut) const
void Save (const TStr &fileName)
int GetStrs () const
TSize Len () const
TSize Size () const
bool Empty () const
char * operator() () const
TBigStrPooloperator= (const TBigStrPool &Pool)
int AddStr (const char *Str, uint Len)
int AddStr (const char *Str)
int AddStr (const TStr &Str)
TStr GetStr (const int &StrId) const
const char * GetCStr (const int &StrId) const
TStr GetStrFromOffset (const TSize &Offset) const
const char * GetCStrFromOffset (const TSize &Offset) const
void Clr (bool DoDel=false)
int Cmp (const int &StrId, const char *Str) const
static int GetPrimHashCd (const char *CStr)
static int GetSecHashCd (const char *CStr)
int GetPrimHashCd (const int &StrId)
int GetSecHashCd (const int &StrId)


PBigStrPool) private uint 
char * Bf
TVec< TSizeIdOffV

Typedef Documentation

typedef THash<TCh, TCh> TChChH
typedef THash<TFlt, TFlt> TFltFltH
typedef THash<TInt, TFlt> TIntFltH
typedef THash<TInt, TInt> TIntH
typedef THash<TInt, TInt> TIntIntH
typedef THash< TIntPr, TInt > TIntPrIntH
typedef THash<TInt, TStr> TIntStrH
typedef THash<TStr, TFlt> TStrFltH
typedef THash<TStr, TInt> TStrH
typedef THash<TStr, TInt> TStrIntH
typedef TStrHash<TInt> TStrSH
typedef THash<TStr, TStr> TStrStrH
typedef THash<TStrV, TInt> TStrVH
typedef THash<TUInt, TUInt> TUIntH

Function Documentation

int AddStr ( const char *  Str,
uint  Len 
int AddStr ( const char *  Str)
int AddStr ( const TStr Str)
void Clr ( bool  DoDel = false)
int Cmp ( const int &  StrId,
const char *  Str 
) const
bool Empty ( ) const
const char* GetCStr ( const int &  StrId) const
const char* GetCStrFromOffset ( const TSize Offset) const
static int GetPrimHashCd ( const char *  CStr) [static]
int GetPrimHashCd ( const int &  StrId)
static int GetSecHashCd ( const char *  CStr) [static]
int GetSecHashCd ( const int &  StrId)
TStr GetStr ( const int &  StrId) const
TStr GetStrFromOffset ( const TSize Offset) const
int GetStrs ( ) const
TSize Len ( ) const
static PBigStrPool Load ( TSIn SIn,
bool  LoadCompacted = true 
) [static]
static PBigStrPool New ( TSize  _MxBfLen = 0,
uint  _GrowBy = 16*1024*1024 
) [static]
static PBigStrPool New ( TSIn SIn) [static]
static PBigStrPool New ( const TStr fileName) [static]
char* operator() ( ) const
TBigStrPool& operator= ( const TBigStrPool Pool)
void Save ( TSOut SOut) const
void Save ( const TStr fileName)
TSize Size ( ) const
TBigStrPool::TBigStrPool ( TSize  MxBfLen = 0,
uint  _GrowBy = 16*1024*1024 
TBigStrPool::TBigStrPool ( TSIn SIn,
bool  LoadCompact = true 
TBigStrPool ( const TBigStrPool Pool)

Variable Documentation

char* Bf
ClassTP (TBigStrPool, PBigStrPool) private uint GrowBy