SNAP Library, User Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
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ss.h File Reference

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enum  TSsFmt {
  ssfUndef, ssfTabSep, ssfCommaSep, ssfSemicolonSep,
  ssfVBar, ssfSpaceSep, ssfWhiteSep, ssfMx


 TSs ()
static PSs New ()
 ~TSs ()
 TSs (TSIn &SIn)
static PSs Load (TSIn &SIn)
void Save (TSOut &SOut)
TSsoperator= (const TSs &Ss)
TStrAt (const int &X, const int &Y)
void PutVal (const int &X, const int &Y, const TStr &Str)
TStr GetVal (const int &X, const int &Y) const
int GetXLen () const
int GetXLen (const int &Y) const
int GetYLen () const
void DelX (const int &X)
void DelY (const int &Y)
int SearchX (const int &Y, const TStr &Str) const
int SearchY (const int &X, const TStr &Str) const
int GetFlds () const
int GetFldX (const TStr &FldNm, const TStr &NewFldNm="", const int &Y=0) const
int GetFldY (const TStr &FldNm, const TStr &NewFldNm="", const int &X=0) const
TStr GetFldNm (const int &FldX) const
static PSs LoadTxt (const TSsFmt &SsFmt, const TStr &FNm, const PNotify &Notify=NULL, const bool &IsExcelEoln=true, const int &MxY=-1, const TIntV &AllowedColNV=TIntV(), const bool &IsQStr=true)
void SaveTxt (const TStr &FNm, const PNotify &Notify=NULL) const
static void LoadTxtFldV (const TSsFmt &SsFmt, const PSIn &SIn, char &Ch, TStrV &FldValV, const bool &IsExcelEoln=true, const bool &IsQStr=true)
static TSsFmt GetSsFmtFromStr (const TStr &SsFmtNm)
static TStr GetStrFromSsFmt (const TSsFmt &SsFmt)
static TStr GetSsFmtNmVStr ()
 UndefDefaultCopyAssign (TSsParser)
 TSsParser (const TStr &FNm, const TSsFmt _SsFmt=ssfTabSep, const bool &_SkipLeadBlanks=false, const bool &_SkipCmt=true, const bool &_SkipEmptyFld=false)
 TSsParser (const TStr &FNm, const char &Separator, const bool &_SkipLeadBlanks=false, const bool &_SkipCmt=true, const bool &_SkipEmptyFld=false)
 ~TSsParser ()
static PSsParser New (const TStr &FNm, const TSsFmt SsFmt)
bool Next ()
int Len () const
uint64 GetLineNo () const
bool IsCmt () const
bool Eof () const
const TChAGetLnStr () const
void ToLc ()
const char * GetFld (const int &FldN) const
const char * operator[] (const int &FldN) const
bool GetInt (const int &FldN, int &Val) const
int GetInt (const int &FldN) const
bool IsInt (const int &FldN) const
bool GetFlt (const int &FldN, double &Val) const
bool IsFlt (const int &FldN) const
double GetFlt (const int &FldN) const
const char * DumpStr () const


ClassTP(TSsParser, PSsParser)
private bool 
ClassTP(TSsParser, PSsParser)
private bool 
ClassTP(TSsParser, PSsParser)
private bool 
uint64 LineCnt
char SplitCh
TChA LineStr
TVec< char * > FldV

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum TSsFmt

Function Documentation

TStr& At ( const int &  X,
const int &  Y 
void DelX ( const int &  X)
void DelY ( const int &  Y)
const char * TSsParser::DumpStr ( ) const
bool Eof ( ) const
char * GetFld ( const int &  FldN) const
TStr GetFldNm ( const int &  FldX) const
int GetFlds ( ) const
int TSs::GetFldX ( const TStr FldNm,
const TStr NewFldNm = "",
const int &  Y = 0 
) const
int TSs::GetFldY ( const TStr FldNm,
const TStr NewFldNm = "",
const int &  X = 0 
) const
bool GetFlt ( const int &  FldN,
double &  Val 
) const
double GetFlt ( const int &  FldN) const
bool GetInt ( const int &  FldN,
int &  Val 
) const
int GetInt ( const int &  FldN) const
uint64 GetLineNo ( ) const
const TChA& GetLnStr ( ) const
TSsFmt TSs::GetSsFmtFromStr ( const TStr SsFmtNm) [static]
TStr TSs::GetSsFmtNmVStr ( ) [static]
TStr TSs::GetStrFromSsFmt ( const TSsFmt SsFmt) [static]
TStr GetVal ( const int &  X,
const int &  Y 
) const
int GetXLen ( ) const
int GetXLen ( const int &  Y) const
int GetYLen ( ) const
bool IsCmt ( ) const
bool IsFlt ( const int &  FldN) const
bool IsInt ( const int &  FldN) const
int Len ( ) const
static PSs Load ( TSIn SIn) [static]
static PSs LoadTxt ( const TSsFmt SsFmt,
const TStr FNm,
const PNotify &  Notify = NULL,
const bool &  IsExcelEoln = true,
const int &  MxY = -1,
const TIntV AllowedColNV = TIntV(),
const bool &  IsQStr = true 
) [static]
void TSs::LoadTxtFldV ( const TSsFmt SsFmt,
const PSIn SIn,
char &  Ch,
TStrV FldValV,
const bool &  IsExcelEoln = true,
const bool &  IsQStr = true 
) [static]
static PSs New ( ) [static]
static PSsParser New ( const TStr FNm,
const TSsFmt  SsFmt 
) [static]
bool Next ( )
TSs& operator= ( const TSs Ss)
const char* operator[] ( const int &  FldN) const
void PutVal ( const int &  X,
const int &  Y,
const TStr Str 
void Save ( TSOut SOut)
void SaveTxt ( const TStr FNm,
const PNotify &  Notify = NULL 
) const
int TSs::SearchX ( const int &  Y,
const TStr Str 
) const
int TSs::SearchY ( const int &  X,
const TStr Str 
) const
void ToLc ( )
TSs ( )
TSs ( TSIn SIn)
TSsParser::TSsParser ( const TStr FNm,
const TSsFmt  _SsFmt = ssfTabSep,
const bool &  _SkipLeadBlanks = false,
const bool &  _SkipCmt = true,
const bool &  _SkipEmptyFld = false 
TSsParser::TSsParser ( const TStr FNm,
const char &  Separator,
const bool &  _SkipLeadBlanks = false,
const bool &  _SkipCmt = true,
const bool &  _SkipEmptyFld = false 
~TSs ( )

Variable Documentation

TVec<char*> FldV
ClassTP (TSsParser, PSsParser) private bool SkipCmt
ClassTP (TSsParser, PSsParser) private bool SkipEmptyFld
ClassTP (TSsParser, PSsParser) private bool SkipLeadBlanks

Fast Spread Sheet Parser.

char SplitCh