SNAP Library 2.3, Developer Reference  2014-06-16 11:58:46
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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1 namespace TSnap {
4 // Node centrality measures
5 double GetDegreeCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, const int& NId) {
6  if (Graph->GetNodes() > 1) {
7  return double(Graph->GetNI(NId).GetDeg())/double(Graph->GetNodes()-1); }
8  else { return 0.0; }
9 }
11 double GetFarnessCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, const int& NId) {
12  TIntH NDistH(Graph->GetNodes());
13  TSnap::GetShortPath<PUNGraph>(Graph, NId, NDistH, true, TInt::Mx);
14  double sum = 0;
15  for (TIntH::TIter I = NDistH.BegI(); I < NDistH.EndI(); I++) {
16  sum += I->Dat();
17  }
18  if (NDistH.Len() > 1) { return sum/double(NDistH.Len()-1); }
19  else { return 0.0; }
20 }
22 double GetClosenessCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, const int& NId) {
23  const double Farness = GetFarnessCentr(Graph, NId);
24  if (Farness != 0.0) { return 1.0/Farness; }
25  else { return 0.0; }
26 }
28 void GetBetweennessCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TIntV& BtwNIdV, TIntFltH& NodeBtwH, const bool& DoNodeCent, TIntPrFltH& EdgeBtwH, const bool& DoEdgeCent) {
29  if (DoNodeCent) { NodeBtwH.Clr(); }
30  if (DoEdgeCent) { EdgeBtwH.Clr(); }
31  const int nodes = Graph->GetNodes();
32  TIntS S(nodes);
33  TIntQ Q(nodes);
34  TIntIntVH P(nodes); // one vector for every node
35  TIntFltH delta(nodes);
36  TIntH sigma(nodes), d(nodes);
37  // init
38  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
39  if (DoNodeCent) {
40  NodeBtwH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 0); }
41  if (DoEdgeCent) {
42  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
43  if (NI.GetId() < NI.GetOutNId(e)) {
44  EdgeBtwH.AddDat(TIntPr(NI.GetId(), NI.GetOutNId(e)), 0); }
45  }
46  }
47  sigma.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 0);
48  d.AddDat(NI.GetId(), -1);
49  P.AddDat(NI.GetId(), TIntV());
50  delta.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 0);
51  }
52  // calc betweeness
53  for (int k=0; k < BtwNIdV.Len(); k++) {
54  const TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(BtwNIdV[k]);
55  // reset
56  for (int i = 0; i < sigma.Len(); i++) {
57  sigma[i]=0; d[i]=-1; delta[i]=0; P[i].Clr(false);
58  }
59  S.Clr(false);
60  Q.Clr(false);
61  sigma.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 1);
62  d.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 0);
63  Q.Push(NI.GetId());
64  while (! Q.Empty()) {
65  const int v = Q.Top(); Q.Pop();
66  const TUNGraph::TNodeI NI2 = Graph->GetNI(v);
67  S.Push(v);
68  const int VDat = d.GetDat(v);
69  for (int e = 0; e < NI2.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
70  const int w = NI2.GetOutNId(e);
71  if (d.GetDat(w) < 0) { // find w for the first time
72  Q.Push(w);
73  d.AddDat(w, VDat+1);
74  }
75  //shortest path to w via v ?
76  if (d.GetDat(w) == VDat+1) {
77  sigma.AddDat(w) += sigma.GetDat(v);
78  P.GetDat(w).Add(v);
79  }
80  }
81  }
82  while (! S.Empty()) {
83  const int w = S.Top();
84  const double SigmaW = sigma.GetDat(w);
85  const double DeltaW = delta.GetDat(w);
86  const TIntV NIdV = P.GetDat(w);
87  S.Pop();
88  for (int i = 0; i < NIdV.Len(); i++) {
89  const int nid = NIdV[i];
90  const double c = (sigma.GetDat(nid)*1.0/SigmaW) * (1+DeltaW);
91  delta.AddDat(nid) += c;
92  if (DoEdgeCent) {
93  EdgeBtwH.AddDat(TIntPr(TMath::Mn(nid, w), TMath::Mx(nid, w))) += c; }
94  }
95  if (DoNodeCent && w != NI.GetId()) {
96  NodeBtwH.AddDat(w) += delta.GetDat(w)/2.0; }
97  }
98  }
99 }
101 // Approximate beetweenness centrality scores. The implementation scales to large networks.
102 // NodeFrac ... calculate Beetweenness Centrality for a fraction of nodes. Gives approximate.
103 void GetBetweennessCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, TIntFltH& NodeBtwH, const double& NodeFrac) {
104  TIntPrFltH EdgeBtwH;
105  TIntV NIdV; Graph->GetNIdV(NIdV);
106  if (NodeFrac < 1.0) { // calculate beetweenness centrality for a subset of nodes
107  NIdV.Shuffle(TInt::Rnd);
108  for (int i = int((1.0-NodeFrac)*NIdV.Len()); i > 0; i--) {
109  NIdV.DelLast(); }
110  }
111  GetBetweennessCentr(Graph, NIdV, NodeBtwH, true, EdgeBtwH, false);
112 }
114 void GetBetweennessCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, TIntPrFltH& EdgeBtwH, const double& NodeFrac) {
115  TIntFltH NodeBtwH;
116  TIntV NIdV; Graph->GetNIdV(NIdV);
117  if (NodeFrac < 1.0) { // calculate beetweenness centrality for a subset of nodes
118  NIdV.Shuffle(TInt::Rnd);
119  for (int i = int((1.0-NodeFrac)*NIdV.Len()); i > 0; i--) {
120  NIdV.DelLast(); }
121  }
122  GetBetweennessCentr(Graph, NIdV, NodeBtwH, false, EdgeBtwH, true);
123 }
125 void GetBetweennessCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, TIntFltH& NodeBtwH, TIntPrFltH& EdgeBtwH, const double& NodeFrac) {
126  TIntV NIdV; Graph->GetNIdV(NIdV);
127  if (NodeFrac < 1.0) { // calculate beetweenness centrality for a subset of nodes
128  NIdV.Shuffle(TInt::Rnd);
129  for (int i = int((1.0-NodeFrac)*NIdV.Len()); i > 0; i--) {
130  NIdV.DelLast(); }
131  }
132  GetBetweennessCentr(Graph, NIdV, NodeBtwH, true, EdgeBtwH, true);
133 }
135 void GetEigenVectorCentr(const PUNGraph& Graph, TIntFltH& NIdEigenH, const double& Eps, const int& MaxIter) {
136  const int NNodes = Graph->GetNodes();
137  NIdEigenH.Gen(NNodes);
138  // initialize vector values
139  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
140  NIdEigenH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), 1.0/NNodes);
141  IAssert(NI.GetId() == NIdEigenH.GetKey(NIdEigenH.Len()-1));
142  }
143  TFltV TmpV(NNodes);
144  for (int iter = 0; iter < MaxIter; iter++) {
145  int j = 0;
146  // add neighbor values
147  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, j++) {
148  TmpV[j] = 0;
149  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
150  TmpV[j] += NIdEigenH.GetDat(NI.GetOutNId(e)); }
151  }
153  // normalize
154  double sum = 0;
155  for (int i = 0; i < TmpV.Len(); i++) {
156  sum += (TmpV[i]*TmpV[i]);
157  }
158  sum = sqrt(sum);
159  for (int i = 0; i < TmpV.Len(); i++) {
160  TmpV[i] /= sum;
161  }
163  // compute difference
164  double diff = 0.0;
165  j = 0;
166  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, j++) {
167  diff += fabs(NIdEigenH.GetDat(NI.GetId())-TmpV[j]);
168  }
170  // set new values
171  j = 0;
172  for (TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++, j++) {
173  NIdEigenH.AddDat(NI.GetId(), TmpV[j]);
174  }
176  if (diff < Eps) {
177  break;
178  }
179  }
180 }
182 }; // namespace TSnap
#define IAssert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:262
static const T & Mn(const T &LVal, const T &RVal)
Definition: xmath.h:36
TPair< TInt, TInt > TIntPr
Definition: ds.h:83
bool Empty()
Definition: ds.h:3468
double GetDegreeCentr(const PUNGraph &Graph, const int &NId)
Definition: centr.cpp:5
bool Empty() const
Definition: ds.h:3523
static const T & Mx(const T &LVal, const T &RVal)
Definition: xmath.h:32
TVal & Top()
Definition: ds.h:3472
static const int Mx
Definition: dt.h:1046
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:535
void GetBetweennessCentr(const PUNGraph &Graph, const TIntV &BtwNIdV, TIntFltH &NodeBtwH, const bool &DoNodeCent, TIntPrFltH &EdgeBtwH, const bool &DoEdgeCent)
Definition: centr.cpp:28
Node iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graph.h:63
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=false)
Definition: ds.h:3469
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
static TRnd Rnd
Definition: dt.h:1050
void Pop()
Definition: ds.h:3527
int GetOutDeg() const
Returns out-degree of the current node (returns same as value GetDeg() since the graph is undirected)...
Definition: graph.h:86
void Gen(const int &ExpectVals)
Definition: hash.h:180
double GetClosenessCentr(const PUNGraph &Graph, const int &NId)
Definition: centr.cpp:22
const TVal & Top() const
Definition: ds.h:3525
void Push()
Definition: ds.h:3474
int GetOutNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th out-node (the node the current node points to).
Definition: graph.h:96
void Pop()
Definition: ds.h:3476
Definition: hash.h:88
void Shuffle(TRnd &Rnd)
Randomly shuffles the elements of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:1235
double GetFarnessCentr(const PUNGraph &Graph, const int &NId)
Definition: centr.cpp:11
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:2473
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1, const bool &ResetDat=true)
Definition: hash.h:315
Definition: bd.h:196
void Push(const TVal &Val)
Definition: ds.h:3530
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true)
Definition: ds.h:3512
int GetId() const
Returns ID of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:80
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:559
void DelLast()
Removes the last element of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:609
int Len() const
Definition: hash.h:186
void GetEigenVectorCentr(const PUNGraph &Graph, TIntFltH &NIdEigenH, const double &Eps, const int &MaxIter)
Definition: centr.cpp:135
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
THKeyDat * EndI
Definition: hash.h:45
const TKey & GetKey(const int &KeyId) const
Definition: hash.h:210