SNAP Library 2.3, Developer Reference  2014-06-16 11:58:46
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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1 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
4 class TUNGraph;
5 class TBPGraph;
6 //TODO:class TUNEGraph; -- undirected multigraph
9 typedef TPt<TUNGraph> PUNGraph;
13 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
15 class TNGraph;
16 class TNEGraph;
19 typedef TPt<TNGraph> PNGraph;
23 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
32 class TUNGraph {
33 public:
34  typedef TUNGraph TNet;
36 public:
37  class TNode {
38  private:
41  public:
42  TNode() : Id(-1), NIdV() { }
43  TNode(const int& NId) : Id(NId), NIdV() { }
44  TNode(const TNode& Node) : Id(Node.Id), NIdV(Node.NIdV) { }
45  TNode(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), NIdV(SIn) { }
46  void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); NIdV.Save(SOut); }
47  int GetId() const { return Id; }
48  int GetDeg() const { return NIdV.Len(); }
49  int GetInDeg() const { return GetDeg(); }
50  int GetOutDeg() const { return GetDeg(); }
51  int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
52  int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
53  int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NIdV[NodeN]; }
54  bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return NIdV.SearchBin(NId)!=-1; }
55  bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return IsNbrNId(NId); }
56  bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return IsNbrNId(NId); }
57  void PackOutNIdV() { NIdV.Pack(); }
58  void PackNIdV() { NIdV.Pack(); }
59  friend class TUNGraph;
60  friend class TUNGraphMtx;
61  };
63  class TNodeI {
64  private:
67  public:
68  TNodeI() : NodeHI() { }
69  TNodeI(const THashIter& NodeHIter) : NodeHI(NodeHIter) { }
70  TNodeI(const TNodeI& NodeI) : NodeHI(NodeI.NodeHI) { }
71  TNodeI& operator = (const TNodeI& NodeI) { NodeHI = NodeI.NodeHI; return *this; }
74  TNodeI& operator++ (int) { NodeHI++; return *this; }
76  bool operator < (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI < NodeI.NodeHI; }
77  bool operator == (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI == NodeI.NodeHI; }
80  int GetId() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetId(); }
82  int GetDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetDeg(); }
84  int GetInDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInDeg(); }
86  int GetOutDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutDeg(); }
91  int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInNId(NodeN); }
96  int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutNId(NodeN); }
101  int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
103  bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsInNId(NId); }
105  bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsOutNId(NId); }
107  bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsNbrNId(NId); }
108  friend class TUNGraph;
109  };
111  class TEdgeI {
112  private:
114  int CurEdge;
115  public:
116  TEdgeI() : CurNode(), EndNode(), CurEdge(0) { }
117  TEdgeI(const TNodeI& NodeI, const TNodeI& EndNodeI, const int& EdgeN=0) : CurNode(NodeI), EndNode(EndNodeI), CurEdge(EdgeN) { }
118  TEdgeI(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) : CurNode(EdgeI.CurNode), EndNode(EdgeI.EndNode), CurEdge(EdgeI.CurEdge) { }
119  TEdgeI& operator = (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { if (this!=&EdgeI) { CurNode=EdgeI.CurNode; EndNode=EdgeI.EndNode; CurEdge=EdgeI.CurEdge; } return *this; }
121  TEdgeI& operator++ (int) { do { CurEdge++; if (CurEdge >= CurNode.GetOutDeg()) { CurEdge=0; CurNode++; while (CurNode < EndNode && CurNode.GetOutDeg()==0) { CurNode++; } } } while (CurNode < EndNode && GetSrcNId()>GetDstNId()); return *this; }
122  bool operator < (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode<EdgeI.CurNode || (CurNode==EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge<EdgeI.CurEdge); }
123  bool operator == (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode == EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge == EdgeI.CurEdge; }
125  int GetId() const { return -1; }
127  int GetSrcNId() const { return CurNode.GetId(); }
129  int GetDstNId() const { return CurNode.GetOutNId(CurEdge); }
130  friend class TUNGraph;
131  };
132 private:
136 private:
137  TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
138  const TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
139 public:
140  TUNGraph() : CRef(), MxNId(0), NEdges(0), NodeH() { }
142  explicit TUNGraph(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) : MxNId(0), NEdges(0) { Reserve(Nodes, Edges); }
143  TUNGraph(const TUNGraph& Graph) : MxNId(Graph.MxNId), NEdges(Graph.NEdges), NodeH(Graph.NodeH) { }
145  TUNGraph(TSIn& SIn) : MxNId(SIn), NEdges(SIn), NodeH(SIn) { }
147  void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { MxNId.Save(SOut); NEdges.Save(SOut); NodeH.Save(SOut); }
149  static PUNGraph New() { return new TUNGraph(); }
153  static PUNGraph New(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { return new TUNGraph(Nodes, Edges); }
155  static PUNGraph Load(TSIn& SIn) { return PUNGraph(new TUNGraph(SIn)); }
157  bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag& Flag) const;
158  TUNGraph& operator = (const TUNGraph& Graph) {
159  if (this!=&Graph) { MxNId=Graph.MxNId; NEdges=Graph.NEdges; NodeH=Graph.NodeH; } return *this; }
162  int GetNodes() const { return NodeH.Len(); }
168  int AddNode(int NId = -1);
170  int AddNode(const TNodeI& NodeI) { return AddNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
181  int AddNode(const int& NId, const TIntV& NbrNIdV);
191  int AddNode(const int& NId, const TVecPool<TInt>& Pool, const int& NIdVId);
195  void DelNode(const int& NId);
197  void DelNode(const TNode& NodeI) { DelNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
199  bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.IsKey(NId); }
201  TNodeI BegNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.BegI()); }
203  TNodeI EndNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.EndI()); }
205  TNodeI GetNI(const int& NId) const { return TNodeI(NodeH.GetI(NId)); }
207  int GetMxNId() const { return MxNId; }
210  int GetEdges() const;
216  int AddEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId);
218  int AddEdge(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { return AddEdge(EdgeI.GetSrcNId(), EdgeI.GetDstNId()); }
223  void DelEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId);
225  bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const;
227  TEdgeI BegEI() const { TNodeI NI = BegNI(); TEdgeI EI(NI, EndNI(), 0); if (GetNodes() != 0 && (NI.GetOutDeg()==0 || NI.GetId()>NI.GetOutNId(0))) { EI++; } return EI; }
229  TEdgeI EndEI() const { return TEdgeI(EndNI(), EndNI()); }
231  TEdgeI GetEI(const int& EId) const;
235  TEdgeI GetEI(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const;
238  int GetRndNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return NodeH.GetKey(NodeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); }
240  TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); }
242  void GetNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
245  bool Empty() const { return GetNodes()==0; }
247  void Clr() { MxNId=0; NEdges=0; NodeH.Clr(); }
249  void Reserve(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { if (Nodes>0) NodeH.Gen(Nodes/2); }
251  void ReserveNIdDeg(const int& NId, const int& Deg) { GetNode(NId).NIdV.Reserve(Deg); }
257  void Defrag(const bool& OnlyNodeLinks=false);
261  bool IsOk(const bool& ThrowExcept=true) const;
263  void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const;
271  static PUNGraph GetSmallGraph();
273  friend class TUNGraphMtx;
274  friend class TPt<TUNGraph>;
275 };
277 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
293 class TNGraph {
294 public:
295  typedef TNGraph TNet;
297 public:
298  class TNode {
299  private:
302  public:
303  TNode() : Id(-1), InNIdV(), OutNIdV() { }
304  TNode(const int& NId) : Id(NId), InNIdV(), OutNIdV() { }
305  TNode(const TNode& Node) : Id(Node.Id), InNIdV(Node.InNIdV), OutNIdV(Node.OutNIdV) { }
306  TNode(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), InNIdV(SIn), OutNIdV(SIn) { }
307  void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); InNIdV.Save(SOut); OutNIdV.Save(SOut); }
308  int GetId() const { return Id; }
309  int GetDeg() const { return GetInDeg() + GetOutDeg(); }
310  int GetInDeg() const { return InNIdV.Len(); }
311  int GetOutDeg() const { return OutNIdV.Len(); }
312  int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return InNIdV[NodeN]; }
313  int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return OutNIdV[NodeN]; }
314  int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeN<GetOutDeg()?GetOutNId(NodeN):GetInNId(NodeN-GetOutDeg()); }
315  bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return InNIdV.SearchBin(NId) != -1; }
316  bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return OutNIdV.SearchBin(NId) != -1; }
317  bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return IsOutNId(NId) || IsInNId(NId); }
318  void PackOutNIdV() { OutNIdV.Pack(); }
319  void PackNIdV() { InNIdV.Pack(); }
320  friend class TNGraph;
321  friend class TNGraphMtx;
322  };
324  class TNodeI {
325  private:
328  public:
329  TNodeI() : NodeHI() { }
330  TNodeI(const THashIter& NodeHIter) : NodeHI(NodeHIter) { }
331  TNodeI(const TNodeI& NodeI) : NodeHI(NodeI.NodeHI) { }
332  TNodeI& operator = (const TNodeI& NodeI) { NodeHI = NodeI.NodeHI; return *this; }
334  TNodeI& operator++ (int) { NodeHI++; return *this; }
335  bool operator < (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI < NodeI.NodeHI; }
336  bool operator == (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI == NodeI.NodeHI; }
338  int GetId() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetId(); }
340  int GetDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetDeg(); }
342  int GetInDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInDeg(); }
344  int GetOutDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutDeg(); }
348  int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInNId(NodeN); }
352  int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutNId(NodeN); }
356  int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
358  bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsInNId(NId); }
360  bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsOutNId(NId); }
362  bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return IsOutNId(NId) || IsInNId(NId); }
363  friend class TNGraph;
364  };
366  class TEdgeI {
367  private:
369  int CurEdge;
370  public:
371  TEdgeI() : CurNode(), EndNode(), CurEdge(0) { }
372  TEdgeI(const TNodeI& NodeI, const TNodeI& EndNodeI, const int& EdgeN=0) : CurNode(NodeI), EndNode(EndNodeI), CurEdge(EdgeN) { }
373  TEdgeI(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) : CurNode(EdgeI.CurNode), EndNode(EdgeI.EndNode), CurEdge(EdgeI.CurEdge) { }
374  TEdgeI& operator = (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { if (this!=&EdgeI) { CurNode=EdgeI.CurNode; EndNode=EdgeI.EndNode; CurEdge=EdgeI.CurEdge; } return *this; }
377  while (CurNode < EndNode && CurNode.GetOutDeg()==0) { CurNode++; } } return *this; }
378  bool operator < (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode<EdgeI.CurNode || (CurNode==EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge<EdgeI.CurEdge); }
379  bool operator == (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode == EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge == EdgeI.CurEdge; }
381  int GetId() const { return -1; }
383  int GetSrcNId() const { return CurNode.GetId(); }
385  int GetDstNId() const { return CurNode.GetOutNId(CurEdge); }
386  friend class TNGraph;
387  };
388 private:
392 private:
393  TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
394  const TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
395 public:
396  TNGraph() : CRef(), MxNId(0), NodeH() { }
398  explicit TNGraph(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) : MxNId(0) { Reserve(Nodes, Edges); }
399  TNGraph(const TNGraph& Graph) : MxNId(Graph.MxNId), NodeH(Graph.NodeH) { }
401  TNGraph(TSIn& SIn) : MxNId(SIn), NodeH(SIn) { }
403  void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { MxNId.Save(SOut); NodeH.Save(SOut); }
405  static PNGraph New() { return new TNGraph(); }
409  static PNGraph New(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { return new TNGraph(Nodes, Edges); }
411  static PNGraph Load(TSIn& SIn) { return PNGraph(new TNGraph(SIn)); }
413  bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag& Flag) const;
414  TNGraph& operator = (const TNGraph& Graph) {
415  if (this!=&Graph) { MxNId=Graph.MxNId; NodeH=Graph.NodeH; } return *this; }
418  int GetNodes() const { return NodeH.Len(); }
424  int AddNode(int NId = -1);
426  int AddNode(const TNodeI& NodeId) { return AddNode(NodeId.GetId()); }
437  int AddNode(const int& NId, const TIntV& InNIdV, const TIntV& OutNIdV);
447  int AddNode(const int& NId, const TVecPool<TInt>& Pool, const int& SrcVId, const int& DstVId);
451  void DelNode(const int& NId);
453  void DelNode(const TNode& NodeI) { DelNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
455  bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.IsKey(NId); }
457  TNodeI BegNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.BegI()); }
459  TNodeI EndNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.EndI()); }
461  TNodeI GetNI(const int& NId) const { return TNodeI(NodeH.GetI(NId)); }
462  // GetNodeC() has been commented out. It was a quick shortcut, do not use.
463  //const TNode& GetNodeC(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
465  int GetMxNId() const { return MxNId; }
468  int GetEdges() const;
476  int AddEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId);
478  int AddEdge(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { return AddEdge(EdgeI.GetSrcNId(), EdgeI.GetDstNId()); }
484  void DelEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true);
486  bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true) const;
488  TEdgeI BegEI() const { TNodeI NI=BegNI(); while(NI<EndNI() && NI.GetOutDeg()==0){NI++;} return TEdgeI(NI, EndNI()); }
490  TEdgeI EndEI() const { return TEdgeI(EndNI(), EndNI()); }
492  TEdgeI GetEI(const int& EId) const; // not supported
494  TEdgeI GetEI(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const;
497  int GetRndNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return NodeH.GetKey(NodeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); }
499  TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); }
501  void GetNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
504  bool Empty() const { return GetNodes()==0; }
506  void Clr() { MxNId=0; NodeH.Clr(); }
508  void Reserve(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { if (Nodes>0) { NodeH.Gen(Nodes/2); } }
510  void ReserveNIdInDeg(const int& NId, const int& InDeg) { GetNode(NId).InNIdV.Reserve(InDeg); }
512  void ReserveNIdOutDeg(const int& NId, const int& OutDeg) { GetNode(NId).OutNIdV.Reserve(OutDeg); }
519  void Defrag(const bool& OnlyNodeLinks=false);
524  bool IsOk(const bool& ThrowExcept=true) const;
526  void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const;
532  static PNGraph GetSmallGraph();
533  friend class TPt<TNGraph>;
534  friend class TNGraphMtx;
535 };
537 // set flags
538 namespace TSnap {
539 template <> struct IsDirected<TNGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; };
540 }
542 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
557 class TNEGraph {
558 public:
559  typedef TNEGraph TNet;
561 public:
562  class TNode {
563  private:
566  public:
567  TNode() : Id(-1), InEIdV(), OutEIdV() { }
568  TNode(const int& NId) : Id(NId), InEIdV(), OutEIdV() { }
569  TNode(const TNode& Node) : Id(Node.Id), InEIdV(Node.InEIdV), OutEIdV(Node.OutEIdV) { }
570  TNode(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), InEIdV(SIn), OutEIdV(SIn) { }
571  void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); InEIdV.Save(SOut); OutEIdV.Save(SOut); }
572  int GetId() const { return Id; }
573  int GetDeg() const { return GetInDeg() + GetOutDeg(); }
574  int GetInDeg() const { return InEIdV.Len(); }
575  int GetOutDeg() const { return OutEIdV.Len(); }
576  int GetInEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return InEIdV[EdgeN]; }
577  int GetOutEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return OutEIdV[EdgeN]; }
578  int GetNbrEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return EdgeN<GetOutDeg()?GetOutEId(EdgeN):GetInEId(EdgeN-GetOutDeg()); }
579  bool IsInEId(const int& EId) const { return InEIdV.SearchBin(EId) != -1; }
580  bool IsOutEId(const int& EId) const { return OutEIdV.SearchBin(EId) != -1; }
581  friend class TNEGraph;
582  };
583  class TEdge {
584  private:
586  public:
587  TEdge() : Id(-1), SrcNId(-1), DstNId(-1) { }
588  TEdge(const int& EId, const int& SourceNId, const int& DestNId) : Id(EId), SrcNId(SourceNId), DstNId(DestNId) { }
589  TEdge(const TEdge& Edge) : Id(Edge.Id), SrcNId(Edge.SrcNId), DstNId(Edge.DstNId) { }
590  TEdge(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), SrcNId(SIn), DstNId(SIn) { }
591  void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); SrcNId.Save(SOut); DstNId.Save(SOut); }
592  int GetId() const { return Id; }
593  int GetSrcNId() const { return SrcNId; }
594  int GetDstNId() const { return DstNId; }
595  friend class TNEGraph;
596  };
598  class TNodeI {
599  private:
602  const TNEGraph *Graph;
603  public:
604  TNodeI() : NodeHI(), Graph(NULL) { }
605  TNodeI(const THashIter& NodeHIter, const TNEGraph* GraphPt) : NodeHI(NodeHIter), Graph(GraphPt) { }
606  TNodeI(const TNodeI& NodeI) : NodeHI(NodeI.NodeHI), Graph(NodeI.Graph) { }
607  TNodeI& operator = (const TNodeI& NodeI) { NodeHI = NodeI.NodeHI; Graph=NodeI.Graph; return *this; }
609  TNodeI& operator++ (int) { NodeHI++; return *this; }
610  bool operator < (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI < NodeI.NodeHI; }
611  bool operator == (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return NodeHI == NodeI.NodeHI; }
613  int GetId() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetId(); }
615  int GetDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetDeg(); }
617  int GetInDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInDeg(); }
619  int GetOutDeg() const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutDeg(); }
623  int GetInNId(const int& EdgeN) const { return Graph->GetEdge(NodeHI.GetDat().GetInEId(EdgeN)).GetSrcNId(); }
627  int GetOutNId(const int& EdgeN) const { return Graph->GetEdge(NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutEId(EdgeN)).GetDstNId(); }
631  int GetNbrNId(const int& EdgeN) const { const TEdge& E = Graph->GetEdge(NodeHI.GetDat().GetNbrEId(EdgeN));
632  return GetId()==E.GetSrcNId() ? E.GetDstNId():E.GetSrcNId(); }
634  bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const;
636  bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const;
638  bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return IsOutNId(NId) || IsInNId(NId); }
639  // edges
641  int GetInEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetInEId(EdgeN); }
643  int GetOutEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetOutEId(EdgeN); }
645  int GetNbrEId(const int& EdgeN) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().GetNbrEId(EdgeN); }
647  bool IsInEId(const int& EId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsInEId(EId); }
649  bool IsOutEId(const int& EId) const { return NodeHI.GetDat().IsOutEId(EId); }
651  bool IsNbrEId(const int& EId) const { return IsInEId(EId) || IsOutEId(EId); }
652  friend class TNEGraph;
653  };
655  class TEdgeI {
656  private:
659  const TNEGraph *Graph;
660  public:
661  TEdgeI() : EdgeHI(), Graph(NULL) { }
662  TEdgeI(const THashIter& EdgeHIter, const TNEGraph *GraphPt) : EdgeHI(EdgeHIter), Graph(GraphPt) { }
663  TEdgeI(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) : EdgeHI(EdgeI.EdgeHI), Graph(EdgeI.Graph) { }
664  TEdgeI& operator = (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { if (this!=&EdgeI) { EdgeHI=EdgeI.EdgeHI; Graph=EdgeI.Graph; } return *this; }
666  TEdgeI& operator++ (int) { EdgeHI++; return *this; }
667  bool operator < (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return EdgeHI < EdgeI.EdgeHI; }
668  bool operator == (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return EdgeHI == EdgeI.EdgeHI; }
670  int GetId() const { return EdgeHI.GetDat().GetId(); }
672  int GetSrcNId() const { return EdgeHI.GetDat().GetSrcNId(); }
674  int GetDstNId() const { return EdgeHI.GetDat().GetDstNId(); }
675  friend class TNEGraph;
676  };
678 private:
679  TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
680  const TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
681  TEdge& GetEdge(const int& EId) { return EdgeH.GetDat(EId); }
682  const TEdge& GetEdge(const int& EId) const { return EdgeH.GetDat(EId); }
683 private:
688 public:
689  TNEGraph() : CRef(), MxNId(0), MxEId(0) { }
691  explicit TNEGraph(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) : CRef(), MxNId(0), MxEId(0) { Reserve(Nodes, Edges); }
692  TNEGraph(const TNEGraph& Graph) : MxNId(Graph.MxNId), MxEId(Graph.MxEId), NodeH(Graph.NodeH), EdgeH(Graph.EdgeH) { }
694  TNEGraph(TSIn& SIn) : MxNId(SIn), MxEId(SIn), NodeH(SIn), EdgeH(SIn) { }
696  void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { MxNId.Save(SOut); MxEId.Save(SOut); NodeH.Save(SOut); EdgeH.Save(SOut); }
698  static PNEGraph New() { return PNEGraph(new TNEGraph()); }
702  static PNEGraph New(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { return PNEGraph(new TNEGraph(Nodes, Edges)); }
704  static PNEGraph Load(TSIn& SIn) { return PNEGraph(new TNEGraph(SIn)); }
706  bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag& Flag) const;
707  TNEGraph& operator = (const TNEGraph& Graph) { if (this!=&Graph) {
708  MxNId=Graph.MxNId; MxEId=Graph.MxEId; NodeH=Graph.NodeH; EdgeH=Graph.EdgeH; } return *this; }
711  int GetNodes() const { return NodeH.Len(); }
717  int AddNode(int NId = -1);
719  int AddNode(const TNodeI& NodeId) { return AddNode(NodeId.GetId()); }
723  void DelNode(const int& NId);
725  void DelNode(const TNode& NodeI) { DelNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
727  bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.IsKey(NId); }
729  TNodeI BegNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.BegI(), this); }
731  TNodeI EndNI() const { return TNodeI(NodeH.EndI(), this); }
733  TNodeI GetNI(const int& NId) const { return TNodeI(NodeH.GetI(NId), this); }
735  int GetMxNId() const { return MxNId; }
738  int GetEdges() const { return EdgeH.Len(); }
745  int AddEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, int EId = -1);
747  int AddEdge(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { return AddEdge(EdgeI.GetSrcNId(), EdgeI.GetDstNId(), EdgeI.GetId()); }
749  void DelEdge(const int& EId);
755  void DelEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true);
757  bool IsEdge(const int& EId) const { return EdgeH.IsKey(EId); }
759  bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir = true) const { int EId; return IsEdge(SrcNId, DstNId, EId, IsDir); }
761  bool IsEdge(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, int& EId, const bool& IsDir = true) const;
763  int GetEId(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const { int EId; return IsEdge(SrcNId, DstNId, EId)?EId:-1; }
765  TEdgeI BegEI() const { return TEdgeI(EdgeH.BegI(), this); }
767  TEdgeI EndEI() const { return TEdgeI(EdgeH.EndI(), this); }
769  TEdgeI GetEI(const int& EId) const { return TEdgeI(EdgeH.GetI(EId), this); }
771  TEdgeI GetEI(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const { return GetEI(GetEId(SrcNId, DstNId)); }
774  int GetRndNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return NodeH.GetKey(NodeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); }
776  TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); }
778  int GetRndEId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return EdgeH.GetKey(EdgeH.GetRndKeyId(Rnd, 0.8)); }
780  TEdgeI GetRndEI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetEI(GetRndEId(Rnd)); }
782  void GetNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
784  void GetEIdV(TIntV& EIdV) const;
787  bool Empty() const { return GetNodes()==0; }
789  void Clr() { MxNId=0; MxEId=0; NodeH.Clr(); EdgeH.Clr(); }
791  void Reserve(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) {
792  if (Nodes>0) { NodeH.Gen(Nodes/2); } if (Edges>0) { EdgeH.Gen(Edges/2); } }
799  void Defrag(const bool& OnlyNodeLinks=false);
804  bool IsOk(const bool& ThrowExcept=true) const;
806  void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const;
812  static PNEGraph GetSmallGraph();
813  friend class TPt<TNEGraph>;
814 };
816 // set flags
817 namespace TSnap {
818 template <> struct IsMultiGraph<TNEGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; };
819 template <> struct IsDirected<TNEGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; };
820 }
822 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
825 class TBPGraph {
826 public:
827  typedef TBPGraph TNet;
829  typedef enum { bgsUndef, bgsLeft, bgsRight, bgsBoth } TNodeTy; // left or right hand side node
830 public:
831  class TNode {
832  private:
835  TNodeTy NodeTy; // remove
836  public:
837  TNode() : Id(-1), NIdV(), NodeTy(bgsUndef) { }
838  TNode(const int& NId) : Id(NId), NIdV(), NodeTy(true?bgsLeft:bgsRight) { }
839  TNode(const TNode& Node) : Id(Node.Id), NIdV(Node.NIdV), NodeTy(Node.NodeTy) { }
840  TNode(TSIn& SIn) : Id(SIn), NIdV(SIn), NodeTy(bgsUndef) { TInt Ty(SIn); NodeTy=(TNodeTy)Ty.Val; }
841  void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { Id.Save(SOut); NIdV.Save(SOut); TInt(NodeTy).Save(SOut); }
842  int GetId() const { return Id; }
843  int GetDeg() const { return NIdV.Len(); }
844  int GetInDeg() const { return GetDeg(); }
845  int GetOutDeg() const { return GetDeg(); }
846  int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
847  int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
848  int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return NIdV[NodeN]; }
849  bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return NIdV.SearchBin(NId)!=-1; }
850  bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return IsNbrNId(NId); }
851  bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return IsNbrNId(NId); }
852  void PackOutNIdV() { NIdV.Pack(); }
853  void PackNIdV() { NIdV.Pack(); }
854  friend class TBPGraph;
855  };
857  class TNodeI {
858  private:
860  THashIter LeftHI, RightHI; // iterator over left and right hand-side nodes
861  private:
862  inline THashIter HI() const { return ! LeftHI.IsEnd()?LeftHI:RightHI; }
863  public:
864  TNodeI() : LeftHI(), RightHI() { }
865  TNodeI(const THashIter& LeftHIter, const THashIter& RightHIter) : LeftHI(LeftHIter), RightHI(RightHIter) { }
866  TNodeI(const TNodeI& NodeI) : LeftHI(NodeI.LeftHI), RightHI(NodeI.RightHI) { }
867  TNodeI& operator = (const TNodeI& NodeI) { LeftHI = NodeI.LeftHI; RightHI=NodeI.RightHI; return *this; }
870  if (! LeftHI.IsEnd()) {
871  LeftHI++; }
872  else if (! RightHI.IsEnd()) {
873  RightHI++; }
874  return *this; }
875  bool operator < (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return LeftHI < NodeI.LeftHI || (LeftHI==NodeI.LeftHI && RightHI < NodeI.RightHI); }
876  bool operator == (const TNodeI& NodeI) const { return LeftHI==NodeI.LeftHI && RightHI==NodeI.RightHI; }
878  int GetId() const { return HI().GetDat().GetId(); }
880  bool IsLeft() const { return ! LeftHI.IsEnd(); }
882  bool IsRight() const { return ! IsLeft(); }
884  int GetDeg() const { return HI().GetDat().GetDeg(); }
886  int GetInDeg() const { return HI().GetDat().GetInDeg(); }
888  int GetOutDeg() const { return HI().GetDat().GetOutDeg(); }
891  int GetInNId(const int& NodeN) const { return HI().GetDat().GetInNId(NodeN); }
894  int GetOutNId(const int& NodeN) const { return HI().GetDat().GetOutNId(NodeN); }
897  int GetNbrNId(const int& NodeN) const { return HI().GetDat().GetNbrNId(NodeN); }
899  bool IsInNId(const int& NId) const { return HI().GetDat().IsInNId(NId); }
901  bool IsOutNId(const int& NId) const { return HI().GetDat().IsOutNId(NId); }
903  bool IsNbrNId(const int& NId) const { return HI().GetDat().IsNbrNId(NId); }
904  friend class TBPGraph;
905  };
907  class TEdgeI {
908  private:
909  TNodeI CurNode, EndNode; // end node on the 'left'
910  int CurEdge;
911  public:
912  TEdgeI() : CurNode(), EndNode(), CurEdge(0) { }
913  TEdgeI(const TNodeI& NodeI, const TNodeI& EndNodeI, const int& EdgeN=0) : CurNode(NodeI), EndNode(EndNodeI), CurEdge(EdgeN) { }
914  TEdgeI(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) : CurNode(EdgeI.CurNode), EndNode(EdgeI.EndNode), CurEdge(EdgeI.CurEdge) { }
915  TEdgeI& operator = (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { if (this!=&EdgeI) { CurNode=EdgeI.CurNode; EndNode=EdgeI.EndNode; CurEdge=EdgeI.CurEdge; } return *this; }
918  while (CurNode < EndNode && CurNode.GetOutDeg()==0) { CurNode++; } } return *this; }
919  bool operator < (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode<EdgeI.CurNode || (CurNode==EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge<EdgeI.CurEdge); }
920  bool operator == (const TEdgeI& EdgeI) const { return CurNode == EdgeI.CurNode && CurEdge == EdgeI.CurEdge; }
922  int GetId() const { return -1; }
924  int GetSrcNId() const { return CurNode.GetId(); }
926  int GetDstNId() const { return CurNode.GetOutNId(CurEdge); }
928  int GetLNId() const { return GetSrcNId(); }
930  int GetRNId() const { return GetDstNId(); }
931  friend class TBPGraph;
932  };
933 private:
935  TInt MxNId; // maximum node ID in the graph
936  THash<TInt, TNode> LeftH; // 'left' nodes
937  THash<TInt, TNode> RightH; // 'right' nodes
938 private:
939  //TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
940  //const TNode& GetNode(const int& NId) const { return NodeH.GetDat(NId); }
941 public:
942  TBPGraph() : CRef(), MxNId(0), LeftH(), RightH() { }
944  explicit TBPGraph(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) : MxNId(0) { }
945  TBPGraph(const TBPGraph& BPGraph) : MxNId(BPGraph.MxNId), LeftH(BPGraph.LeftH), RightH(BPGraph.RightH) { }
947  TBPGraph(TSIn& SIn) : MxNId(SIn), LeftH(SIn), RightH(SIn) { }
949  void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { MxNId.Save(SOut); LeftH.Save(SOut); RightH.Save(SOut); }
951  static PBPGraph New() { return new TBPGraph(); }
954  static PBPGraph New(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges) { return new TBPGraph(Nodes, Edges); }
956  static PBPGraph Load(TSIn& SIn) { return PBPGraph(new TBPGraph(SIn)); }
958  bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag& Flag) const;
959  TBPGraph& operator = (const TBPGraph& BPGraph) {
960  if (this!=&BPGraph) { MxNId=BPGraph.MxNId; LeftH=BPGraph.LeftH; RightH=BPGraph.RightH; } return *this; }
963  int GetNodes() const { return GetLNodes() + GetRNodes(); }
965  int GetLNodes() const { return LeftH.Len(); }
967  int GetRNodes() const { return RightH.Len(); }
970  int AddNode(int NId = -1, const bool& LeftNode=true);
972  int AddNode(const TNodeI& NodeI) { return AddNode(NodeI.GetId(), NodeI.IsLeft()); }
975  void DelNode(const int& NId);
977  void DelNode(const TNode& NodeI) { DelNode(NodeI.GetId()); }
979  bool IsNode(const int& NId) const { return IsLNode(NId) || IsRNode(NId); }
981  bool IsLNode(const int& NId) const { return LeftH.IsKey(NId); }
983  bool IsRNode(const int& NId) const { return RightH.IsKey(NId); }
985  int GetMxNId() const { return MxNId; }
988  TNodeI BegNI() const { return TNodeI(LeftH.BegI(), RightH.BegI()); }
990  TNodeI EndNI() const { return TNodeI(LeftH.EndI(), RightH.EndI()); }
992  TNodeI GetNI(const int& NId) const { return IsLNode(NId) ? TNodeI(LeftH.GetI(NId), RightH.EndI()) : TNodeI(LeftH.EndI(), RightH.GetI(NId)); }
994  TNodeI BegLNI() const { return TNodeI(LeftH.BegI(), RightH.EndI()); }
996  TNodeI EndLNI() const { return EndNI(); }
998  TNodeI BegRNI() const { return TNodeI(LeftH.EndI(), RightH.BegI()); }
1000  TNodeI EndRNI() const { return EndNI(); }
1003  int GetEdges() const;
1006  int AddEdge(const int& LeftNId, const int& RightNId);
1008  int AddEdge(const TEdgeI& EdgeI) { return AddEdge(EdgeI.GetSrcNId(), EdgeI.GetDstNId()); }
1011  void DelEdge(const int& LeftNId, const int& RightNId);
1013  bool IsEdge(const int& LeftNId, const int& RightNId) const;
1015  TEdgeI BegEI() const { TNodeI NI=BegLNI(); while (NI<EndLNI() && (NI.GetOutDeg()==0 || NI.GetId()>NI.GetOutNId(0))) { NI++; } return TEdgeI(NI, EndLNI()); }
1017  TEdgeI EndEI() const { return TEdgeI(EndNI(), EndNI()); }
1019  TEdgeI GetEI(const int& EId) const;
1022  TEdgeI GetEI(const int& LeftNId, const int& RightNId) const;
1025  int GetRndNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
1027  int GetRndLNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
1029  int GetRndRNId(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd);
1031  TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd& Rnd=TInt::Rnd) { return GetNI(GetRndNId(Rnd)); }
1033  void GetNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
1035  void GetLNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
1037  void GetRNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const;
1040  bool Empty() const { return GetNodes()==0; }
1042  void Clr() { MxNId=0; LeftH.Clr(); RightH.Clr(); }
1044  void Reserve(const int& Nodes, const int& Edges);
1047  void Defrag(const bool& OnlyNodeLinks=false);
1050  bool IsOk(const bool& ThrowExcept=true) const;
1052  void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const;
1055  static PBPGraph GetSmallGraph();
1057  friend class TPt<TBPGraph>;
1058 };
1060 // set flags
1061 namespace TSnap {
1062 template <> struct IsBipart<TBPGraph> { enum { Val = 1 }; };
1063 }
bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag &Flag) const
Allows for run-time checking the type of the graph (see the TGraphFlag for flags).
Definition: graph.cpp:204
Definition: bd.h:440
static PBPGraph GetSmallGraph()
Returns a small graph on 2 'left', 3 'right' nodes and 4 edges.
Definition: graph.cpp:818
int AddEdge(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Adds an edge between EdgeI.GetLNId() and EdgeI.GetRNId() to the graph.
Definition: graph.h:1008
Edge iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graph.h:111
int GetNbrNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th neighboring node.
Definition: graph.h:356
bool operator<(const TNodeI &NodeI) const
Definition: graph.h:875
TBPGraph(const TBPGraph &BPGraph)
!! Reserve(Nodes, Edges); }
Definition: graph.h:945
int GetDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:843
int GetId() const
Gets edge ID. Always returns -1 since only edges in multigraphs have explicit IDs.
Definition: graph.h:922
TPt< TBPGraph > PNet
Definition: graph.h:828
TUNGraph(const TUNGraph &Graph)
Definition: graph.h:143
THashIter NodeHI
Definition: graph.h:66
int AddNode(const TNodeI &NodeId)
Adds a node of ID NodeI.GetId() to the graph.
Definition: graph.h:426
int GetOutDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:311
void Reserve(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Reserves memory for a biparite graph of Nodes nodes and Edges edges.
Definition: graph.cpp:740
int GetSrcNId() const
Definition: graph.h:593
void GetNIdV(TIntV &NIdV) const
Gets a vector IDs of all nodes in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:326
static PUNGraph New(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph and reserves enough memory for Nodes nodes and...
Definition: graph.h:153
TNodeI CurNode
Definition: graph.h:368
bool IsInNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether node with ID NId points to the current node.
Definition: graph.cpp:418
void DelNode(const int &NId)
Deletes node of ID NId from the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:447
int AddEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, int EId=-1)
Adds an edge with ID EId between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:466
TNodeI BegNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:457
bool IsOk(const bool &ThrowExcept=true) const
Checks the graph data structure for internal consistency.
Definition: graph.cpp:536
TEdgeI EndEI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:229
void GetRNIdV(TIntV &NIdV) const
Gets a vector IDs of all 'right' nodes in the bipartite graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:734
TNode(const int &NId)
Definition: graph.h:43
bool IsOutNId(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:56
bool operator==(const TEdgeI &EdgeI) const
Definition: graph.h:123
TEdgeI & operator++(int)
Increment iterator.
Definition: graph.h:917
TNodeI & operator=(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Definition: graph.h:867
static PBPGraph New(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph and reserves enough memory for Nodes nodes and...
Definition: graph.h:954
TNode(const TNode &Node)
Definition: graph.h:839
bool Empty() const
Tests whether the graph is empty (has zero nodes).
Definition: graph.h:787
bool operator==(const TNodeI &NodeI) const
Definition: graph.h:876
TNodeI GetNI(const int &NId) const
Returns an iterator referring to the node of ID NId in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:992
int GetInDeg() const
Returns in-degree of the current node (returns same as value GetDeg() since the graph is undirected)...
Definition: graph.h:886
static PUNGraph GetSmallGraph()
Returns a small graph on 5 nodes and 5 edges.
Definition: graph.cpp:193
Definition: dt.h:11
TNEGraph & operator=(const TNEGraph &Graph)
Definition: graph.h:707
THash< TInt, TNode >::TIter THashIter
Definition: graph.h:65
TNode & GetNode(const int &NId)
Definition: graph.h:137
bool operator==(const TEdgeI &EdgeI) const
Definition: graph.h:668
bool IsNbrNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether node with ID NId is a neighbor of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:107
int GetNbrEId(const int &EdgeN) const
Definition: graph.h:578
TEdge(const int &EId, const int &SourceNId, const int &DestNId)
Definition: graph.h:588
int GetRndNId(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an ID of a random node in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:704
bool IsNode(const int &NId) const
Tests whether ID NId is a node.
Definition: graph.h:979
void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const
Print the graph in a human readable form to an output stream OutF.
Definition: graph.cpp:387
TNodeTy NodeTy
Definition: graph.h:835
int Val
Definition: dt.h:1043
const TNEGraph * Graph
Definition: graph.h:659
static PNGraph New()
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph. Call: PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New().
Definition: graph.h:405
TNodeI GetNI(const int &NId) const
Returns an iterator referring to the node of ID NId in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:461
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: dt.h:1057
void ReserveNIdInDeg(const int &NId, const int &InDeg)
Reserves memory for node ID NId having InDeg in-edges.
Definition: graph.h:510
THashIter HI() const
Definition: graph.h:862
TEdgeI BegEI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:765
TNEGraph(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Constructor that reserves enough memory for a graph of Nodes nodes and Edges edges.
Definition: graph.h:691
int AddNode(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Adds a node of ID NodeI.GetId() to the graph.
Definition: graph.h:972
void GetNIdV(TIntV &NIdV) const
Gets a vector IDs of all nodes in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:125
TEdgeI EndEI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:490
int GetOutDeg() const
Returns out-degree of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:619
int GetDstNId() const
Returns the destination of the edge. Since the graph is undirected, this is the node with a greater I...
Definition: graph.h:129
int GetMxNId() const
Returns an ID that is larger than any node ID in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:207
void PackNIdV()
Definition: graph.h:58
bool IsInNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether node with ID NId points to the current node.
Definition: graph.h:358
bool IsLNode(const int &NId) const
Tests whether ID NId is a 'left' side node.
Definition: graph.h:981
TNEGraph(TSIn &SIn)
Constructor for loading the graph from a (binary) stream SIn.
Definition: graph.h:694
TUNGraph(TSIn &SIn)
Constructor that loads the graph from a (binary) stream SIn.
Definition: graph.h:145
TEdgeI & operator=(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Definition: graph.h:374
Tests (at compile time) if the graph is directed.
Definition: gbase.h:25
int GetMxNId() const
Returns an ID that is larger than any node ID in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:985
int GetNbrNId(const int &NodeN) const
Definition: graph.h:848
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
int GetEdges() const
Returns the number of edges in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:278
Node iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graph.h:857
int AddNode(int NId=-1)
Adds a node of ID NId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:8
int GetDstNId() const
Gets destination ('right' side) of an edge. Since the graph is undirected this is the node with great...
Definition: graph.h:926
THash< TInt, TNode > NodeH
Definition: graph.h:391
int GetEdges() const
Returns the number of edges in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:74
Definition: graph.h:829
int AddEdge(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Adds an edge from EdgeI.GetSrcNId() to EdgeI.GetDstNId() to the graph.
Definition: graph.h:478
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:535
bool IsInEId(const int &EId) const
Definition: graph.h:579
int GetId() const
Definition: graph.h:572
TPt< TNEGraph > PNet
Definition: graph.h:560
TNodeI & operator=(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Definition: graph.h:71
bool operator<(const TEdgeI &EdgeI) const
Definition: graph.h:667
Node iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graph.h:63
int GetId() const
Gets edge ID.
Definition: graph.h:670
TNodeI EndNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:990
bool operator==(const TEdgeI &EdgeI) const
Definition: graph.h:920
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: hash.h:141
TNodeI BegNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:988
bool IsEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, const bool &IsDir=true) const
Tests whether an edge between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId exists in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:759
TEdgeI BegEI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:488
int GetInDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:574
TInt NEdges
Definition: graph.h:134
TEdgeI & operator++(int)
Increment iterator.
Definition: graph.h:376
TInt SrcNId
Definition: graph.h:585
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: graph.h:591
bool IsOk(const bool &ThrowExcept=true) const
Checks the graph data structure for internal consistency.
Definition: graph.cpp:341
int GetOutEId(const int &EdgeN) const
Definition: graph.h:577
int AddNode(int NId=-1, const bool &LeftNode=true)
Adds a node of ID NId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:621
void PackOutNIdV()
Definition: graph.h:57
Directed multigraph.
Definition: graph.h:557
TEdgeI EndEI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:767
int GetNodes() const
Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:418
TEdgeI EndEI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:1017
THashIter NodeHI
Definition: graph.h:327
int GetInDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:49
void PackOutNIdV()
Definition: graph.h:318
int AddNode(int NId=-1)
Adds a node of ID NId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:208
TCRef CRef
Definition: graph.h:684
void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const
Print the graph in a human readable form to an output stream OutF.
Definition: graph.cpp:179
static PNEGraph Load(TSIn &SIn)
Static constructor that loads the graph from a stream SIn and returns a pointer to it...
Definition: graph.h:704
Definition: graph.h:396
Edge iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graph.h:655
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Saves the graph to a (binary) stream SOut.
Definition: graph.h:696
TNode(const int &NId)
Definition: graph.h:304
int GetSrcNId() const
Returns the source of the edge. Since the graph is undirected, this is the node with a smaller ID of ...
Definition: graph.h:127
TCRef CRef
Definition: graph.h:934
TNodeI EndNode
Definition: graph.h:113
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Saves the graph to a (binary) stream SOut.
Definition: graph.h:147
bool IsNbrNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether node with ID NId is a neighbor of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:362
const TNode & GetNode(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:138
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
TNEGraph TNet
Definition: graph.h:559
THashIter NodeHI
Definition: graph.h:601
static TRnd Rnd
Definition: dt.h:1050
int GetId() const
Definition: graph.h:47
bool IsInNId(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:55
int GetRndLNId(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an ID of a random 'left' node in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:712
TNodeI & operator++(int)
Increment iterator.
Definition: graph.h:609
TBPGraph(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Constructor that reserves enough memory for a graph of Nodes (LeftNodes+RightNodes) nodes and Edges e...
Definition: graph.h:944
bool IsNbrEId(const int &EId) const
Tests whether the edge with ID EId is an in or out-edge of current node.
Definition: graph.h:651
TNodeI BegNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:729
int GetId() const
Returns edge ID. Always returns -1 since only edges in multigraphs have explicit IDs.
Definition: graph.h:381
void DelNode(const TNode &NodeI)
Deletes node of ID NodeI.GetId() from the graph.
Definition: graph.h:725
THashIter EdgeHI
Definition: graph.h:658
int GetNodes() const
Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:162
bool IsInNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether node with ID NId points to the current node.
Definition: graph.h:899
TNodeI(const THashIter &NodeHIter, const TNEGraph *GraphPt)
Definition: graph.h:605
THash< TInt, TNode > NodeH
Definition: graph.h:686
int GetInNId(const int &EdgeN) const
Returns ID of EdgeN-th in-node (the node pointing to the current node).
Definition: graph.h:623
TNGraph(TSIn &SIn)
Constructor that loads the graph from a (binary) stream SIn.
Definition: graph.h:401
TNodeI EndNode
Definition: graph.h:368
int GetInNId(const int &NodeN) const
Definition: graph.h:846
int GetOutDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:575
TNode & GetNode(const int &NId)
Definition: graph.h:393
int AddEdge(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Adds an edge between EdgeI.GetSrcNId() and EdgeI.GetDstNId() to the graph.
Definition: graph.h:747
Definition: fl.h:58
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: ds.h:885
int GetRndNId(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an ID of a random node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:238
TEdgeI & operator++(int)
Increment iterator.
Definition: graph.h:666
int GetId() const
Returns ID of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:878
int GetOutNId(const int &NodeN) const
Definition: graph.h:847
int GetInDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:310
int GetDstNId() const
Gets destination of an edge.
Definition: graph.h:674
THash< TInt, TEdge > EdgeH
Definition: graph.h:687
int GetDstNId() const
Definition: graph.h:594
int GetLNodes() const
Returns the number of nodes on the 'left' side of the biparite graph.
Definition: graph.h:965
TEdgeI(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Definition: graph.h:118
bool operator<(const TEdgeI &EdgeI) const
Definition: graph.h:122
TEdgeI(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TNodeI &EndNodeI, const int &EdgeN=0)
Definition: graph.h:913
static PBPGraph Load(TSIn &SIn)
Static constructor that loads the graph from a stream SIn and returns a pointer to it...
Definition: graph.h:956
TCRef CRef
Definition: graph.h:133
void DelNode(const int &NId)
Deletes node of ID NId from the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:259
int GetOutEId(const int &EdgeN) const
Returns ID of EdgeN-th out-edge.
Definition: graph.h:643
int GetNbrNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th neighboring node.
Definition: graph.h:897
int GetDeg() const
Returns degree of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:82
void Clr()
Deletes all nodes and edges from the bipartite graph.
Definition: graph.h:1042
TNodeI EndNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:731
TEdgeI GetEI(const int &EId) const
Not supported/implemented!
TNode(const int &NId)
Definition: graph.h:838
int GetInEId(const int &EdgeN) const
Definition: graph.h:576
TNodeI GetNI(const int &NId) const
Returns an iterator referring to the node of ID NId in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:733
int GetOutDeg() const
Returns out-degree of the current node (returns same as value GetDeg() since the graph is undirected)...
Definition: graph.h:888
int GetId() const
Definition: graph.h:308
int GetNbrNId(const int &EdgeN) const
Returns ID of EdgeN-th neighboring node.
Definition: graph.h:631
void GetNIdV(TIntV &NIdV) const
Gets a vector IDs of all nodes in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:514
TEdgeI GetEI(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId) const
Returns an iterator referring to edge (SrcNId, DstNId) in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:771
int GetNodes() const
Returns the number of nodes in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:711
TNodeI & operator++(int)
Increment iterator.
Definition: graph.h:74
THashIter LeftHI
Definition: graph.h:860
int GetOutDeg() const
Returns out-degree of the current node (returns same as value GetDeg() since the graph is undirected)...
Definition: graph.h:86
bool Empty() const
Tests whether the bipartite graph is empty (has zero nodes).
Definition: graph.h:1040
void PackNIdV()
Definition: graph.h:319
TPt< TNEGraph > PNEGraph
Pointer to a directed multigraph (TNEGraph)
Definition: graph.h:21
TEdge & GetEdge(const int &EId)
Definition: graph.h:681
Undirected graph.
Definition: graph.h:32
int GetLNId() const
Gets the ID of the node on the 'left' side of the edge.
Definition: graph.h:928
THash< TInt, TNode >::TIter THashIter
Definition: graph.h:326
bool IsOutNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether the current node points to node with ID NId.
Definition: graph.cpp:427
TNodeI EndRNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end 'right' node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:1000
TNodeI & operator++(int)
Increment iterator.
Definition: graph.h:334
bool IsOutNId(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:851
void Gen(const int &ExpectVals)
Definition: hash.h:180
Edge iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graph.h:366
int GetEdges() const
Returns the number of edges in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:648
TInt MxNId
Definition: graph.h:134
TNodeI(const THashIter &LeftHIter, const THashIter &RightHIter)
Definition: graph.h:865
int AddEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId)
Adds an edge from node IDs SrcNId to node DstNId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:286
static PNEGraph GetSmallGraph()
Returns a small multigraph on 5 nodes and 6 edges.
Definition: graph.cpp:610
int GetNodes() const
Returns the total number of nodes in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:963
bool IsInNId(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:850
static PNGraph Load(TSIn &SIn)
Static constructor that loads the graph from a stream SIn and returns a pointer to it...
Definition: graph.h:411
Definition: gsvd.h:5
TEdgeI(const THashIter &EdgeHIter, const TNEGraph *GraphPt)
Definition: graph.h:662
void DelNode(const TNode &NodeI)
Deletes node of ID NodeI.GetId() from the graph.
Definition: graph.h:197
void DelEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, const bool &IsDir=true)
Deletes an edge from node IDs SrcNId to DstNId from the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:295
bool IsEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, const bool &IsDir=true) const
Tests whether an edge from node IDs SrcNId to DstNId exists in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:313
void Reserve(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Reserves memory for a graph of Nodes nodes and Edges edges.
Definition: graph.h:249
TNGraph(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Constructor that reserves enough memory for a graph of Nodes nodes and Edges edges.
Definition: graph.h:398
bool Empty() const
Tests whether the graph is empty (has zero nodes).
Definition: graph.h:245
int GetRndNId(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an ID of a random node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:497
TNodeI BegLNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first 'left' node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:994
int GetInEId(const int &EdgeN) const
Returns ID of EdgeN-th in-edge.
Definition: graph.h:641
TNode(TSIn &SIn)
Definition: graph.h:570
bool IsOutNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether the current node points to node with ID NId.
Definition: graph.h:360
TNode(TSIn &SIn)
Definition: graph.h:306
int GetRNodes() const
Returns the number of nodes on the 'right' side of the biparite graph.
Definition: graph.h:967
TNodeI GetNI(const int &NId) const
Returns an iterator referring to the node of ID NId in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:205
bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag &Flag) const
Allows for run-time checking the type of the graph (see the TGraphFlag for flags).
Definition: graph.cpp:414
THash< TInt, TNode >::TIter THashIter
Definition: graph.h:600
Tests (at compile time) if the graph is a multigraph with multiple edges between the same nodes...
Definition: gbase.h:27
bool IsNode(const int &NId) const
Tests whether ID NId is a node.
Definition: graph.h:455
TNodeI(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Definition: graph.h:70
TNode(const TNode &Node)
Definition: graph.h:569
int GetOutNId(const int &EdgeN) const
Returns ID of EdgeN-th out-node (the node the current node points to).
Definition: graph.h:627
TInt DstNId
Definition: graph.h:585
bool IsEdge(const int &LeftNId, const int &RightNId) const
Tests whether an edge between node IDs LeftNId and RightNId exists in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:685
bool operator<(const TEdgeI &EdgeI) const
Definition: graph.h:919
Definition: graph.h:40
int AddEdge(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Adds an edge between EdgeI.GetSrcNId() and EdgeI.GetDstNId() to the graph.
Definition: graph.h:218
TInt MxNId
Definition: graph.h:935
TEdgeI BegEI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:227
void PackOutNIdV()
Definition: graph.h:852
void GetLNIdV(TIntV &NIdV) const
Gets a vector IDs of all 'left' nodes in the bipartite graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:728
static PUNGraph New()
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph. Call: PUNGraph Graph = TUNGraph::New().
Definition: graph.h:149
TEdgeI(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TNodeI &EndNodeI, const int &EdgeN=0)
Definition: graph.h:372
TPt< TNGraph > PNGraph
Pointer to a directed graph (TNGraph)
Definition: graph.h:16
TNodeI CurNode
Definition: graph.h:113
bool operator<(const TNodeI &NodeI) const
Definition: graph.h:610
TBPGraph TNet
Definition: graph.h:827
int GetOutNId(const int &NodeN) const
Definition: graph.h:313
TBPGraph & operator=(const TBPGraph &BPGraph)
Definition: graph.h:959
int AddNode(int NId=-1)
Adds a node of ID NId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:436
int AddNode(const TNodeI &NodeId)
Adds a node of ID NodeI.GetId() to the graph.
Definition: graph.h:719
void DelEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId)
Deletes an edge between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId from the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:95
TNodeI BegRNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first 'right' node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:998
int GetOutNId(const int &NodeN) const
Definition: graph.h:52
Definition: graph.h:565
void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const
Print the graph in a human readable form to an output stream OutF.
Definition: graph.cpp:589
TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an interator referring to a random node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:240
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: graph.h:841
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: graph.h:46
TUNGraph TNet
Definition: graph.h:34
TNodeI EndLNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end 'left' node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:996
int GetRNId() const
Gets the ID of the node on the 'right' side of the edge.
Definition: graph.h:930
TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an interator referring to a random node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:499
TNodeI & operator=(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Definition: graph.h:332
bool operator==(const TNodeI &NodeI) const
Definition: graph.h:611
int GetDeg() const
Returns degree of the current node, the sum of in-degree and out-degree.
Definition: graph.h:340
bool operator==(const TNodeI &NodeI) const
Definition: graph.h:77
Definition: fl.h:128
TNGraph(const TNGraph &Graph)
Definition: graph.h:399
THash< TInt, TNode >::TIter THashIter
Definition: graph.h:859
Definition: graph.h:834
int GetDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:573
bool IsNbrNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether node with ID NId is a neighbor of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:903
TSizeTy SearchBin(const TVal &Val) const
Returns the position of an element with value Val.
Definition: ds.h:1418
void Defrag(const bool &OnlyNodeLinks=false)
Defragments the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:332
int AddEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId)
Adds an edge between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:84
bool operator<(const TNodeI &NodeI) const
Definition: graph.h:335
int GetDeg() const
Returns degree of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:884
void Clr()
Deletes all nodes and edges from the graph.
Definition: graph.h:506
Definition: graph.h:140
Definition: dt.h:1041
int GetMxNId() const
Returns an ID that is larger than any node ID in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:465
bool IsNbrNId(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:849
TNEGraph(const TNEGraph &Graph)
Definition: graph.h:692
TNode & GetNode(const int &NId)
Definition: graph.h:679
static PUNGraph Load(TSIn &SIn)
Static constructor that loads the graph from a stream SIn and returns a pointer to it...
Definition: graph.h:155
static PNEGraph New()
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph. Call: PNEGraph Graph = TNEGraph::New().
Definition: graph.h:698
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Saves the graph to a (binary) stream SOut.
Definition: graph.h:403
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: graph.h:571
int AddEdge(const int &LeftNId, const int &RightNId)
Adds an edge between a node LeftNId on the left and a node RightNId on the right side of the bipartit...
Definition: graph.cpp:655
void DelEdge(const int &LeftNId, const int &RightNId)
Deletes an edge between a node LeftNId on the left and a node RightNId on the right side of the bipar...
Definition: graph.cpp:669
THashIter RightHI
Definition: graph.h:860
int GetSrcNId() const
Gets the source ('left' side) of an edge. Since the graph is undirected this is the node with smaller...
Definition: graph.h:924
TEdge(const TEdge &Edge)
Definition: graph.h:589
Directed graph.
Definition: graph.h:293
bool IsNbrNId(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:54
int GetNbrNId(const int &NodeN) const
Definition: graph.h:53
TEdgeI GetEI(const int &EId) const
Returns an iterator referring to edge with edge ID EId.
Definition: graph.h:769
void DelNode(const int &NId)
Deletes node of ID NId from the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:632
TNode(const TNode &Node)
Definition: graph.h:305
TEdgeI & operator=(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Definition: graph.h:915
bool IsEdge(const int &EId) const
Tests whether an edge with edge ID EId exists in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:757
TNodeI EndNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:459
int GetId() const
Returns ID of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:338
Definition: graph.h:942
static PNGraph GetSmallGraph()
Returns a small graph on 5 nodes and 6 edges.
Definition: graph.cpp:404
TNode(const int &NId)
Definition: graph.h:568
int GetOutNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th out-node (the node the current node points to).
Definition: graph.h:96
int GetRndRNId(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an ID of a random 'right' node in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:716
const TNode & GetNode(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:680
int GetId() const
Returns edge ID. Always returns -1 since only edges in multigraphs have explicit IDs.
Definition: graph.h:125
void Reserve(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Reserves memory for a graph of Nodes nodes and Edges edges.
Definition: graph.h:791
int GetOutDeg() const
Returns out-degree of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:344
Bipartite graph.
Definition: graph.h:825
int GetEId(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId) const
Returns an edge ID between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId, if such an edge exists. Otherwise, return -1.
Definition: graph.h:763
int GetSrcNId() const
Gets the source of an edge.
Definition: graph.h:672
TNodeI & operator=(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Definition: graph.h:607
THash< TInt, TNode > NodeH
Definition: graph.h:135
TEdge(TSIn &SIn)
Definition: graph.h:590
TNode(const TNode &Node)
Definition: graph.h:44
bool IsOutEId(const int &EId) const
Definition: graph.h:580
static PNGraph New(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph and reserves enough memory for Nodes nodes and...
Definition: graph.h:409
void GetEIdV(TIntV &EIdV) const
Gets a vector IDs of all edges in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:520
TNode(TSIn &SIn)
Definition: graph.h:840
void Pack()
The vector reduces its capacity (frees memory) to match its size.
Definition: ds.h:987
int GetId() const
Definition: graph.h:842
int GetRndEId(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an ID of a random edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:778
enum TGraphFlag_ TGraphFlag
Graph Flags, used for quick testing of graph types.
bool IsRNode(const int &NId) const
Tests whether ID NId is a 'right' side node.
Definition: graph.h:983
bool IsRight() const
Tests whether the node is right hand side node.
Definition: graph.h:882
TCRef CRef
Definition: graph.h:389
THash< TInt, TNode > RightH
Definition: graph.h:937
Definition: hash.h:88
TNodeI(const THashIter &NodeHIter)
Definition: graph.h:330
static PNEGraph New(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph and reserves enough memory for Nodes nodes and...
Definition: graph.h:702
TPt< TNGraph > PNet
Definition: graph.h:296
int GetNbrEId(const int &EdgeN) const
Returns ID of EdgeN-th in or out-edge.
Definition: graph.h:645
int GetEdges() const
Returns the number of edges in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:738
int GetInDeg() const
Returns in-degree of the current node (returns same as value GetDeg() since the graph is undirected)...
Definition: graph.h:84
Node iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graph.h:324
void Defrag(const bool &OnlyNodeLinks=false)
Defragments the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:132
const TEdge & GetEdge(const int &EId) const
Definition: graph.h:682
TNodeI EndNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:203
int GetOutDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:845
const TNEGraph * Graph
Definition: graph.h:602
Definition: graph.h:301
bool IsOutNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether the current node points to node with ID NId.
Definition: graph.h:901
TPt< TUNGraph > PNet
Definition: graph.h:35
int GetRndNId(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an ID of a random node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:774
void Reserve(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Reserves memory for a graph of Nodes nodes and Edges edges.
Definition: graph.h:508
static PBPGraph New()
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph. Call: PBPGraph BPGraph = TBPGraph::New();.
Definition: graph.h:951
int GetNbrNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th neighboring node.
Definition: graph.h:101
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1, const bool &ResetDat=true)
Definition: hash.h:315
THash< TInt, TNode > LeftH
Definition: graph.h:936
TNode(TSIn &SIn)
Definition: graph.h:45
TInt MxNId
Definition: graph.h:685
bool IsNode(const int &NId) const
Tests whether ID NId is a node.
Definition: graph.h:199
TInt MxNId
Definition: graph.h:390
int GetOutNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th out-node (the node the current node points to).
Definition: graph.h:894
TPt< TBPGraph > PBPGraph
Pointer to a bipartitegraph graph (TBPGraph)
Definition: graph.h:11
bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag &Flag) const
Allows for run-time checking the type of the graph (see the TGraphFlag for flags).
Definition: graph.cpp:3
TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an interator referring to a random node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:776
int GetRndKeyId(TRnd &Rnd) const
Get an index of a random element. If the hash table has many deleted keys, this may take a long time...
Definition: hash.h:398
bool operator==(const TNodeI &NodeI) const
Definition: graph.h:336
void Clr()
Deletes all nodes and edges from the graph.
Definition: graph.h:789
TNodeI CurNode
Definition: graph.h:909
void GetNIdV(TIntV &NIdV) const
Gets a vector IDs of all nodes in the bipartite graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:720
void Clr()
Deletes all nodes and edges from the graph.
Definition: graph.h:247
TNodeI & operator++(int)
Increment iterator.
Definition: graph.h:869
bool IsOk(const bool &ThrowExcept=true) const
Checks the graph data structure for internal consistency.
Definition: graph.cpp:142
void Reserve(const TSizeTy &_MxVals)
Reserves enough memory for the vector to store _MxVals elements.
Definition: ds.h:506
TEdgeI GetRndEI(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an interator referring to a random edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:780
Definition: graph.h:301
int GetOutDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:50
const TNode & GetNode(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:394
bool HasFlag(const TGraphFlag &Flag) const
Allows for run-time checking the type of the graph (see the TGraphFlag for flags).
void Defrag(const bool &OnlyNodeLinks=false)
Defragments the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:527
TEdgeI BegEI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first edge in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:1015
TNodeI EndNode
Definition: graph.h:909
int GetInDeg() const
Returns in-degree of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:342
void DelNode(const TNode &NodeI)
Deletes node of ID NodeI.GetId() from the graph.
Definition: graph.h:453
void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const
Print the biparite graph in a human readable form to an output stream OutF.
Definition: graph.cpp:795
void DelNode(const TNode &NodeI)
Deletes node of ID NodeI.GetId() from the graph.
Definition: graph.h:977
int GetSrcNId() const
Returns the source node of the edge.
Definition: graph.h:383
int GetId() const
Returns ID of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:613
void Defrag(const bool &OnlyNodeLinks=false)
Defragments the biparite graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:744
int GetId() const
Returns ID of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:80
bool IsEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId) const
Tests whether an edge between node IDs SrcNId and DstNId exists in the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:108
TEdgeI(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Definition: graph.h:914
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
int GetInNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th in-node (the node pointing to the current node).
Definition: graph.h:348
void PackNIdV()
Definition: graph.h:853
bool IsOutNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether the current node points to node with ID NId.
Definition: graph.h:105
void DelEdge(const int &EId)
Deletes an edge with edge ID EId from the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:477
TEdgeI GetEI(const int &EId) const
Not supported/implemented!
int GetInNId(const int &NodeN) const
Definition: graph.h:51
bool IsOutEId(const int &EId) const
Tests whether the edge with ID EId is an out-edge of current node.
Definition: graph.h:649
TNodeI BegNI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the first node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:201
int GetInNId(const int &NodeN) const
Definition: graph.h:312
int GetDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:309
int GetDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:48
bool operator<(const TEdgeI &EdgeI) const
Definition: graph.h:378
void ReserveNIdDeg(const int &NId, const int &Deg)
Reserves memory for node ID NId having Deg edges.
Definition: graph.h:251
bool IsOutNId(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:316
int GetNbrNId(const int &NodeN) const
Definition: graph.h:314
int Len() const
Definition: hash.h:186
TNodeI(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Definition: graph.h:866
TInt MxEId
Definition: graph.h:685
int AddNode(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Adds a node of ID NodeI.GetId() to the graph.
Definition: graph.h:170
TNodeI(const THashIter &NodeHIter)
Definition: graph.h:69
TNodeI(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Definition: graph.h:606
bool IsInEId(const int &EId) const
Tests whether the edge with ID EId is an in-edge of current node.
Definition: graph.h:647
bool IsNbrNId(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:317
bool operator==(const TEdgeI &EdgeI) const
Definition: graph.h:379
TNodeI GetRndNI(TRnd &Rnd=TInt::Rnd)
Returns an interator referring to a random node in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:1031
bool IsOk(const bool &ThrowExcept=true) const
Checks the bipartite graph data structure for internal consistency.
Definition: graph.cpp:753
void DelNode(const int &NId)
Deletes node of ID NId from the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:59
Tests (at compile time) if the graph is a bipartite graph type.
Definition: gbase.h:35
TEdgeI & operator=(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Definition: graph.h:664
TEdgeI(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Definition: graph.h:663
Edge iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graph.h:907
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: graph.h:307
TNGraph & operator=(const TNGraph &Graph)
Definition: graph.h:414
Node iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graph.h:598
int GetDstNId() const
Returns the destination node of the edge.
Definition: graph.h:385
bool IsInNId(const int &NId) const
Definition: graph.h:315
bool operator<(const TNodeI &NodeI) const
Definition: graph.h:76
int GetInDeg() const
Definition: graph.h:844
TUNGraph & operator=(const TUNGraph &Graph)
Definition: graph.h:158
int GetOutNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th out-node (the node the current node points to).
Definition: graph.h:352
int GetDeg() const
Returns degree of the current node, the sum of in-degree and out-degree.
Definition: graph.h:615
bool Empty() const
Tests whether the graph is empty (has zero nodes).
Definition: graph.h:504
TEdgeI & operator++(int)
Increment iterator.
Definition: graph.h:121
THash< TInt, TEdge >::TIter THashIter
Definition: graph.h:657
const TKey & GetKey(const int &KeyId) const
Definition: hash.h:210
int GetInDeg() const
Returns in-degree of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:617
TEdgeI GetEI(const int &EId) const
Not supported/implemented!
TEdgeI(const TNodeI &NodeI, const TNodeI &EndNodeI, const int &EdgeN=0)
Definition: graph.h:117
bool IsLeft() const
Tests whether the node is left hand side node.
Definition: graph.h:880
TUNGraph(const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
Constructor that reserves enough memory for a graph of Nodes nodes and Edges edges.
Definition: graph.h:142
bool IsNode(const int &NId) const
Tests whether ID NId is a node.
Definition: graph.h:727
TEdgeI(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Definition: graph.h:373
TEdgeI & operator=(const TEdgeI &EdgeI)
Definition: graph.h:119
int GetInNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th in-node (the node pointing to the current node).
Definition: graph.h:91
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Saves the graph to a (binary) stream SOut.
Definition: graph.h:949
TBPGraph(TSIn &SIn)
Constructor for loading the graph from a (binary) stream SIn.
Definition: graph.h:947
TNodeI(const TNodeI &NodeI)
Definition: graph.h:331
void ReserveNIdOutDeg(const int &NId, const int &OutDeg)
Reserves memory for node ID NId having OutDeg out-edges.
Definition: graph.h:512
Definition: graph.h:689
bool IsNbrNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether node with ID NId is a neighbor of the current node.
Definition: graph.h:638
TPt< TUNGraph > PUNGraph
Pointer to an undirected graph (TUNGraph)
Definition: graph.h:5
int GetMxNId() const
Returns an ID that is larger than any node ID in the graph.
Definition: graph.h:735
TIter GetI(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:178
int GetInNId(const int &NodeN) const
Returns ID of NodeN-th in-node (the node pointing to the current node).
Definition: graph.h:891
Definition: graph.h:565
int GetId() const
Definition: graph.h:592
bool IsInNId(const int &NId) const
Tests whether node with ID NId points to the current node.
Definition: graph.h:103
TNGraph TNet
Definition: graph.h:295