Motifs in temporal networks


Here are some new SNAP datasets that were collected for this paper. The CollegeMsg dataset listed below is derived from the dataset hosted by Tore Opsahl, and we have parsed it here so that it may be read directly by SNAP.

Name Nodes Temporal Edges Static Edges Time span Description
sx-stackoverflow 2,601,977 63,497,050 36,233,450 2,774 days Comments, questions, and answers on Stack Overflow
sx-mathoverflow 24,818 506,550 239,978 2,350 days Comments, questions, and answers on Math Overflow
sx-superuser 194,085 1,443,339 924,886 2,773 days Comments, questions, and answers on Super User
sx-askubuntu 159,316 964,437 596,933 2,613 days Comments, questions, and answers on Ask Ubuntu
wiki-talk-temporal 1,140,149 7,833,140 3,309,592 2,320 days Users editing talk pages on Wikipedia
email-Eu-core-temporal 986 332,334 24,929 803 days E-mails between users at a research institution
CollegeMsg 1,899 20,296 59,835 193 days Messages on a Facebook-like platform at UC-Irvine

Other datasets analyzed in the paper may be downloaded directly from other sources and loaded immediately into SNAP: