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OpenVPN on CentOS 6

This howto was prepared and tested on CentOS 6 64 bit.

Install the client

1) Make sure that you add the EPEL repositories to your yum configuration. Here is how you can add those.

curl -O
sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm

2) Install OpenVPN.

sudo yum install openvpn

Set up the connection

3) Unzip the file named

mkdir ~/openvpn
cd ~/openvpn/
unzip /path/to/your/file/

4) Start the connection by running the script Make sure you run it as root so it can setup the routing table.

sudo ~/openvpn/


5) If you want to terminate the connection press Ctrl+C in the command line window where your connection is running.