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AFS on Mac OS X El Capitan / 10.11.1


Download the Auristor client for Mac OS X El Capitan here or grab it from here.


Open the downloaded image file (dmg) and double-click the Auristor-Lite.pkg icon to start the installation.



Enter for your local cell name and cs for your local cell alias.



You'll be prompted for your account password to allow the installation. This is the password to your account on your Mac.

  • scr#3


Copy the krb5.conf file from here to your /etc directory. Since you'll probably run into a privilege issue we suggest you open a Terminal window and run:

sudo curl -o /etc/krb5.conf ""


Reboot the system.


Obtaining credentials is not as user friendly as it used to be. Here's how you can do it manually... Open a Terminal window then run:

kinit your_csid@CS.STANFORD.EDU

Alternatively you can run this script. You can even add it to your dock.

You can use the script provided here. Make sure you modify

Restart the computer.


Open the Kerberos Commander. Enter your username, make sure to spell out the domain name (CS.STANFORD.EDU) in capital letters, e.g.


Enter your password too. Once the Kerberos Commander displays the successfully obtained credentials use the Get New AFS Token button.



You can now find your home directory under under the /afs directory:


You can make an alias to that directory for easier access.