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Oregon AS

Dataset information

Autonomous Systems peering information. Three different networks inferred from the Oregon route-views project BGP dataset on May 15 2002.

AS peering information inferred from Oregon route-views BGP data, May 15 2002:

Dataset statistics
Nodes 13233
Edges 27724
Nodes in largest WCC 13233 (1.000)
Edges in largest WCC 27724 (1.000)
Nodes in largest SCC 13233 (1.000)
Edges in largest SCC 27724 (1.000)
Average clustering coefficient 0.4296
Number of triangles 24342
Fraction of closed triangles 0.009325
Diameter (longest shortest path) 10
90-percentile effective diameter 4.4

Dataset statistics for AS inferred from RIPE RIS BGP data, May 15 2002:

Dataset statistics
Nodes 13220
Edges 26471
Nodes in largest WCC 13220 (1.000)
Edges in largest WCC 26471 (1.000)
Nodes in largest SCC 13220 (1.000)
Edges in largest SCC 26471 (1.000)
Average clustering coefficient 0.4132
Number of triangles 16358
Fraction of closed triangles 0.006526
Diameter (longest shortest path) 10
90-percentile effective diameter 4.5

Dataset statistics for AS inferred from (1) Oregon route-views,(2) RIPE RIS BGP, (3) Looking glass data, and (4) Routing registry, all combined, May 15 2002:

Dataset statistics
Nodes 13579
Edges 37448
Nodes in largest WCC 13579 (1.000)
Edges in largest WCC 37448 (1.000)
Nodes in largest SCC 13579 (1.000)
Edges in largest SCC 37448 (1.000)
Average clustering coefficient 0.4625
Number of triangles 85611
Fraction of closed triangles 0.02919
Diameter (longest shortest path) 9
90-percentile effective diameter 4.3

Source (citation)


File Description
peer.oregon020515.txt.gz AS peering information inferred from Oregon route-views BGP data, May 15 2002
peer.ris020515.txt.gz AS peering information inferred from RIPE RIS BGP data, May 15 2002
peer.all020515.txt.gz AS peering information inferred from (1) Oregon route-views,(2) RIPE RIS BGP, (3) Looking glass data, and (4) Routing registry, all combined, May 15 2002