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Cisco Networks

Dataset information

This dataset was provided by the Cisco Secure Workload group. The dataset contains 22 disjoint graphs representing communications among machines running different distributed applications in various enterprises, collected over multiple days between 2019 and 2022. The dataset also includes ground truth groupings for two graphs. The groupings are useful for evaluating tasks such as clustering hosts based on network communications. Also provided are a README file with a detailed description of the datasets and their format, and Python code for reading the graphs, reporting graph statistics, and reading the ground truth file.

Number of graphs: 22
Directed: Yes
Node features: No
Edge features: Yes
Graph labels: No
Temporal: Yes
Nodes 86278,739
Edges 1552,158,346

Possible tasks
Community detection

Paper: A Dataset of Networks of Computing Hosts, by Omid Madani, Sai Ankith Averineni, Shashidhar Gandham, IWSPA 2022

Source (citation)

  • O. Madani, S.A. Averineni, S. Gandham: A Dataset of Networks of Computing Hosts, IWSPA 2022.
  •   @inproceedings{madani2022dataset,
        title={A Dataset of Networks of Computing Hosts},
        author={Madani, Omid and Averineni, Sai Ankith and Gandham, Shashidhar},
        booktitle={Proceedings of the 2022 ACM on International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics},


    File Description
    CiscoSecureWorkload_22_networks.zipCisco networks