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Protein-coding genes

Dataset information

This is protein-gene association network that contais information on genes and proteins encoded by these genes. Nodes represent genes and proteins, and edges protein-coding relationships.

Dataset statistics
Nodes 125234
Gene nodes 22784
Protein nodes 102450
Edges 102450
Nodes in largest SCC 66
Fraction of nodes in largest SCC 1.000000
Edges in largest SCC 65
Fraction of edges in largest SCC 0.000634
Diameter (longest shortest path) 2
90-percentile effective diameter 1.853109

Protein-coding genes are DNA sequences that code for proteins. Each gene tells the cell how to put together the building blocks for one specific protein (there exist exceptions to this general principle, e.g., isoforms). The DNA sequences are first transcribed into mRNA. The corresponding mRNA molecules are then translated into polypeptide chains and these chains ultimately result in a protein, which is a working molecule in the cell.



File Size Description
GP-Miner_miner-gene-protein.tsv.gz 3.2MB Gene-protein mapping