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Disease-gene association network

Dataset information

This is a dataset of associations between diseases and human genes.

Dataset statistics
Nodes 23484
Disease nodes 5663
Gene nodes 17821
Edges 15509618
Nodes in largest SCC 23482
Fraction of nodes in largest SCC 1.000000
Edges in largest SCC 15509617
Fraction of edges in largest SCC 1.000000
Diameter (longest shortest path) 5
90-percentile effective diameter 2.825574

The information is based on curated biomedical knowledge databases. In the knowledge databases, gene-disease associations are extracted from scientific publications by biocurators or derived from associations, which are experimentally documented in biological wet laboratories. Associations can also be established via, for example, chemical-gene interactions (e.g., gene A is associated with disease B because gene A has a curated interaction with chemical C, and chemical C has a curated association with disease B).



File Size Description
DG-Miner_miner-disease-gene.tsv.gz 817MB Disease-gene association network (edgelist)