SNAP Library 4.1, User Reference  2018-07-26 16:30:42
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1 // Add functions
2 int TAttr::AddSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TStr& AttrName, const TInt& Val) {
3  TInt AttrId;
4  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) {
5  AddSAttr(AttrName, atInt, AttrId);
6  } else {
7  AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
8  }
9  return AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
10 }
11 int TAttr::AddSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TInt& AttrId, const TInt& Val) {
12  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
13  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atInt) { return -2; }
14  TIntPr Key(AttrId, Id);
15  IntAttrVals.AddDat(Key, Val);
16  return 0;
17 }
19 int TAttr::AddSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TStr& AttrName, const TFlt& Val) {
20  TInt AttrId;
21  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) {
22  AddSAttr(AttrName, atFlt, AttrId);
23  } else {
24  AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
25  }
26  return AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
27 }
28 int TAttr::AddSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TInt& AttrId, const TFlt& Val) {
29  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
30  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atFlt) { return -2; }
31  TIntPr Key(AttrId, Id);
32  FltAttrVals.AddDat(Key, Val);
33  return 0;
34 }
36 int TAttr::AddSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TStr& AttrName, const TStr& Val) {
37  TInt AttrId;
38  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) {
39  AddSAttr(AttrName, atStr, AttrId);
40  } else {
41  AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
42  }
43  return AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
44 }
45 int TAttr::AddSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TInt& AttrId, const TStr& Val) {
46  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
47  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atStr) { return -2; }
48  TIntPr Key(AttrId, Id);
49  StrAttrVals.AddDat(Key, Val);
50  return 0;
51 }
53 // Get functions
54 int TAttr::GetSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TStr& AttrName, TInt& Val) const {
55  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
56  TInt AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
57  return GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
58 }
59 int TAttr::GetSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TInt& AttrId, TInt& Val) const {
60  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
61  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atInt) { return -2; }
62  TIntPr Key(AttrId, Id);
63  if (IntAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
64  Val = IntAttrVals.GetDat(Key);
65  return 0;
66  }
67  return -1;
68 }
70 int TAttr::GetSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TStr& AttrName, TFlt& Val) const {
71  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
72  TInt AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
73  return GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
74 }
75 int TAttr::GetSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TInt& AttrId, TFlt& Val) const {
76  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
77  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atFlt) { return -2; }
78  TIntPr Key(AttrId, Id);
79  if (FltAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
80  Val = FltAttrVals.GetDat(Key);
81  return 0;
82  }
83  return -1;
84 }
86 int TAttr::GetSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TStr& AttrName, TStr& Val) const {
87  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
88  TInt AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
89  return GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
90 }
91 int TAttr::GetSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TInt& AttrId, TStr& Val) const {
92  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
93  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atStr) { return -2; }
94  TIntPr Key(AttrId, Id);
95  if (StrAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
96  Val = StrAttrVals.GetDat(Key);
97  return 0;
98  }
99  return -1;
100 }
102 // Del functions
103 int TAttr::DelSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TStr& AttrName) {
104  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
105  TInt AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
106  return DelSAttrDat(Id, AttrId);
107 }
108 int TAttr::DelSAttrDat(const TInt& Id, const TInt& AttrId) {
109  TIntPr Key(AttrId, Id);
110  if (IntAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
111  IntAttrVals.DelKey(Key);
112  return 0;
113  } else if (FltAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
114  FltAttrVals.DelKey(Key);
115  return 0;
116  } else if (StrAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
117  StrAttrVals.DelKey(Key);
118  return 0;
119  }
120  return -1;
121 }
123 // Delete all attributes for an id
124 void TAttr::DelSAttrId(const TInt& Id) {
125  for (TStrIntPrH::TIter it = AttrNameToId.BegI(); it < AttrNameToId.EndI(); it++) {
126  TAttrType CurType = static_cast<TAttrType>(it.GetDat().GetVal1().Val);
127  TIntPr AttrKey(it.GetDat().GetVal2(), Id);
128  if (CurType == atInt) {
129  IntAttrVals.DelIfKey(AttrKey);
130  } else if (CurType == atFlt) {
131  FltAttrVals.DelIfKey(AttrKey);
132  } else if (CurType == atStr) {
133  StrAttrVals.DelIfKey(AttrKey);
134  }
135  }
136 }
138 // GetNames
139 void TAttr::GetSAttrV(const TInt& Id, const TAttrType AttrType, TAttrPrV& AttrV) const {
140  AttrV = TAttrPrV();
141  for (TStrIntPrH::TIter it = AttrNameToId.BegI(); it < AttrNameToId.EndI(); it++) {
142  TAttrType CurType = static_cast<TAttrType>(it.GetDat().GetVal1().Val);
143  if (CurType == AttrType) {
144  TIntPr AttrKey(it.GetDat().GetVal2(), Id);
145  if (CurType == atInt) {
146  if (IntAttrVals.IsKey(AttrKey)) {
147  TAttrPr Dat(it.GetKey(), CurType);
148  AttrV.Add(Dat);
149  }
151  } else if (CurType == atFlt) {
152  if (FltAttrVals.IsKey(AttrKey)) {
153  TAttrPr Dat(it.GetKey(), CurType);
154  AttrV.Add(Dat);
155  }
156  } else if (CurType == atStr) {
157  if (StrAttrVals.IsKey(AttrKey)) {
158  TAttrPr Dat(it.GetKey(), CurType);
159  AttrV.Add(Dat);
160  }
161  }
162  }
163  }
164 }
166 // Get ids of all items with given attribute
167 int TAttr::GetIdVSAttr(const TInt& AttrId, const TAttrType Type, TIntV& IdV) const {
168  if (Type == atInt) {
169  for (TIntPrIntH::TIter it = IntAttrVals.BegI(); it < IntAttrVals.EndI(); it++) {
170  if (it.GetKey().GetVal1() == AttrId) {
171  IdV.Add(it.GetKey().GetVal2());
172  }
173  }
174  } else if (Type == atFlt) {
175  for (TIntPrFltH::TIter it = FltAttrVals.BegI(); it < FltAttrVals.EndI(); it++) {
176  if (it.GetKey().GetVal1() == AttrId) {
177  IdV.Add(it.GetKey().GetVal2());
178  }
179  }
180  } else if (Type == atStr) {
181  for (TIntPrStrH::TIter it = StrAttrVals.BegI(); it < StrAttrVals.EndI(); it++) {
182  if (it.GetKey().GetVal1() == AttrId) {
183  IdV.Add(it.GetKey().GetVal2());
184  }
185  }
186  } else {
187  return -1;
188  }
189  return 0;
190 }
192 int TAttr::GetIdVSAttr(const TInt& AttrId, TIntV& IdV) const {
193  IdV = TIntV();
194  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
195  TIntStrPr TypeAndName = AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId);
196  TAttrType Type = static_cast<TAttrType>(TypeAndName.GetVal1().Val);
197  return GetIdVSAttr(AttrId, Type, IdV);
198 }
200 int TAttr::GetIdVSAttr(const TStr& AttrName, TIntV& IdV) const {
201  IdV = TIntV();
202  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
203  TIntPr TypeAndId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName);
204  TAttrType Type = static_cast<TAttrType>(TypeAndId.GetVal1().Val);
205  TInt AttrId = TypeAndId.GetVal2();
206  return GetIdVSAttr(AttrId, Type, IdV);
207 }
209 // Add Attribute mapping
210 int TAttr::AddSAttr(const TStr& Name, const TAttrType& AttrType, TInt& AttrId) {
211  if (AttrType != atInt && AttrType != atFlt && AttrType != atStr) {
212  return -1; // type must be defined and can only have a single type
213  }
214  if (AttrNameToId.IsKey(Name)) { return -1; }
215  AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetMxKeyIds();
216  TIntPr TypeAndId(AttrType, AttrId);
217  AttrNameToId.AddDat(Name, TypeAndId);
218  TIntStrPr TypeAndName(AttrType, Name);
219  AttrIdToName.AddDat(AttrId, TypeAndName);
220  return 0;
221 }
223 // Attribute Name to ID conversion and vice versa
224 int TAttr::GetSAttrId(const TStr& Name, TInt& AttrId, TAttrType& AttrType) const {
225  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(Name)) {
226  return -1;
227  }
228  TIntPr TypeAndId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(Name);
229  AttrType = static_cast<TAttrType>(TypeAndId.GetVal1().Val);
230  AttrId = TypeAndId.GetVal2();
231  return 0;
232 }
233 int TAttr::GetSAttrName(const TInt& AttrId, TStr& Name, TAttrType& AttrType) const {
234  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) {
235  return -1;
236  }
237  TIntStrPr TypeAndName = AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId);
238  AttrType = static_cast<TAttrType>(TypeAndName.GetVal1().Val);
239  Name = TypeAndName.GetVal2();
240  return 0;
241 }
245 // Add functions
246 int TAttrPair::AddSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TStr& AttrName, const TInt& Val) {
247  TInt AttrId;
248  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) {
249  AddSAttr(AttrName, atInt, AttrId);
250  } else {
251  AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
252  }
253  return AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
254 }
255 int TAttrPair::AddSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TInt& AttrId, const TInt& Val) {
256  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
257  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atInt) { return -2; }
258  TIntIntPrPr Key(AttrId, Id);
259  IntAttrVals.AddDat(Key, Val);
260  return 0;
261 }
263 int TAttrPair::AddSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TStr& AttrName, const TFlt& Val) {
264  TInt AttrId;
265  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) {
266  AddSAttr(AttrName, atFlt, AttrId);
267  } else {
268  AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
269  }
270  return AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
271 }
272 int TAttrPair::AddSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TInt& AttrId, const TFlt& Val) {
273  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
274  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atFlt) { return -2; }
275  TIntIntPrPr Key(AttrId, Id);
276  FltAttrVals.AddDat(Key, Val);
277  return 0;
278 }
280 int TAttrPair::AddSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TStr& AttrName, const TStr& Val) {
281  TInt AttrId;
282  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) {
283  AddSAttr(AttrName, atStr, AttrId);
284  } else {
285  AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
286  }
287  return AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
288 }
289 int TAttrPair::AddSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TInt& AttrId, const TStr& Val) {
290  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
291  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atStr) { return -2; }
292  TIntIntPrPr Key(AttrId, Id);
293  StrAttrVals.AddDat(Key, Val);
294  return 0;
295 }
297 // Get functions
298 int TAttrPair::GetSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TStr& AttrName, TInt& Val) const {
299  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
300  TInt AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
301  return GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
302 }
303 int TAttrPair::GetSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TInt& AttrId, TInt& Val) const {
304  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
305  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atInt) { return -2; }
306  TIntIntPrPr Key(AttrId, Id);
307  if (IntAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
308  Val = IntAttrVals.GetDat(Key);
309  return 0;
310  }
311  return -1;
312 }
314 int TAttrPair::GetSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TStr& AttrName, TFlt& Val) const {
315  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
316  TInt AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
317  return GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
318 }
319 int TAttrPair::GetSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TInt& AttrId, TFlt& Val) const {
320  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
321  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atFlt) { return -2; }
322  TIntIntPrPr Key(AttrId, Id);
323  if (FltAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
324  Val = FltAttrVals.GetDat(Key);
325  return 0;
326  }
327  return -1;
328 }
330 int TAttrPair::GetSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TStr& AttrName, TStr& Val) const {
331  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
332  TInt AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
333  return GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val);
334 }
335 int TAttrPair::GetSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TInt& AttrId, TStr& Val) const {
336  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
337  if (AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId).GetVal1() != atStr) { return -2; }
338  TIntIntPrPr Key(AttrId, Id);
339  if (StrAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
340  Val = StrAttrVals.GetDat(Key);
341  return 0;
342  }
343  return -1;
344 }
346 // Del functions
347 int TAttrPair::DelSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TStr& AttrName) {
348  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
349  TInt AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName).GetVal2();
350  return DelSAttrDat(Id, AttrId);
351 }
352 int TAttrPair::DelSAttrDat(const TIntPr& Id, const TInt& AttrId) {
353  TIntIntPrPr Key(AttrId, Id);
354  if (IntAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
355  IntAttrVals.DelKey(Key);
356  return 0;
357  } else if (FltAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
358  FltAttrVals.DelKey(Key);
359  return 0;
360  } else if (StrAttrVals.IsKey(Key)) {
361  StrAttrVals.DelKey(Key);
362  return 0;
363  }
364  return -1;
365 }
367 // Delete all attributes for an id
368 void TAttrPair::DelSAttrId(const TIntPr& Id) {
369  for (TStrIntPrH::TIter it = AttrNameToId.BegI(); it < AttrNameToId.EndI(); it++) {
370  TAttrType CurType = static_cast<TAttrType>(it.GetDat().GetVal1().Val);
371  TIntIntPrPr AttrKey(it.GetDat().GetVal2(), Id);
372  if (CurType == atInt) {
373  IntAttrVals.DelIfKey(AttrKey);
374  } else if (CurType == atFlt) {
375  FltAttrVals.DelIfKey(AttrKey);
376  } else if (CurType == atStr) {
377  StrAttrVals.DelIfKey(AttrKey);
378  }
379  }
380 }
382 // GetNames
383 void TAttrPair::GetSAttrV(const TIntPr& Id, const TAttrType AttrType, TAttrPrV& AttrV) const {
384  AttrV = TAttrPrV();
385  for (TStrIntPrH::TIter it = AttrNameToId.BegI(); it < AttrNameToId.EndI(); it++) {
386  TAttrType CurType = static_cast<TAttrType>(it.GetDat().GetVal1().Val);
387  if (CurType == AttrType) {
388  TIntIntPrPr AttrKey(it.GetDat().GetVal2(), Id);
389  if (CurType == atInt) {
390  if (IntAttrVals.IsKey(AttrKey)) {
391  TAttrPr Dat(it.GetKey(), CurType);
392  AttrV.Add(Dat);
393  }
395  } else if (CurType == atFlt) {
396  if (FltAttrVals.IsKey(AttrKey)) {
397  TAttrPr Dat(it.GetKey(), CurType);
398  AttrV.Add(Dat);
399  }
400  } else if (CurType == atStr) {
401  if (StrAttrVals.IsKey(AttrKey)) {
402  TAttrPr Dat(it.GetKey(), CurType);
403  AttrV.Add(Dat);
404  }
405  }
406  }
407  }
408 }
410 // Get ids of all items with given attribute
411 int TAttrPair::GetIdVSAttr(const TInt& AttrId, const TAttrType Type, TIntPrV& IdV) const {
412  if (Type == atInt) {
413  for (TIntIntPrPrIntH::TIter it = IntAttrVals.BegI(); it < IntAttrVals.EndI(); it++) {
414  if (it.GetKey().GetVal1() == AttrId) {
415  IdV.Add(it.GetKey().GetVal2());
416  }
417  }
418  } else if (Type == atFlt) {
419  for (TIntIntPrPrFltH::TIter it = FltAttrVals.BegI(); it < FltAttrVals.EndI(); it++) {
420  if (it.GetKey().GetVal1() == AttrId) {
421  IdV.Add(it.GetKey().GetVal2());
422  }
423  }
424  } else if (Type == atStr) {
425  for (TIntIntPrPrStrH::TIter it = StrAttrVals.BegI(); it < StrAttrVals.EndI(); it++) {
426  if (it.GetKey().GetVal1() == AttrId) {
427  IdV.Add(it.GetKey().GetVal2());
428  }
429  }
430  } else {
431  return -1;
432  }
433  return 0;
434 }
436 int TAttrPair::GetIdVSAttr(const TStr& AttrName, TIntPrV& IdV) const {
437  IdV = TIntPrV();
438  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(AttrName)) { return -1; }
439  TIntPr TypeAndId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(AttrName);
440  TAttrType Type = static_cast<TAttrType>(TypeAndId.GetVal1().Val);
441  TInt AttrId = TypeAndId.GetVal2();
442  return GetIdVSAttr(AttrId, Type, IdV);
443 }
445 int TAttrPair::GetIdVSAttr(const TInt& AttrId, TIntPrV& IdV) const {
446  IdV = TIntPrV();
447  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) { return -1; }
448  TIntStrPr TypeAndName = AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId);
449  TAttrType Type = static_cast<TAttrType>(TypeAndName.GetVal1().Val);
450  return GetIdVSAttr(AttrId, Type, IdV);
451 }
453 // Add Attribute mapping
454 int TAttrPair::AddSAttr(const TStr& Name, const TAttrType& AttrType, TInt& AttrId) {
455  if (AttrType != atInt && AttrType != atFlt && AttrType != atStr) {
456  return -1; // type must be defined and can only have a single type
457  }
458  AttrId = AttrNameToId.GetMxKeyIds();
459  TIntPr TypeAndId(AttrType, AttrId);
460  AttrNameToId.AddDat(Name, TypeAndId);
461  TIntStrPr TypeAndName(AttrType, Name);
462  AttrIdToName.AddDat(AttrId, TypeAndName);
463  return 0;
464 }
466 // Attribute Name to ID conversion and vice versa
467 int TAttrPair::GetSAttrId(const TStr& Name, TInt& AttrId, TAttrType& AttrType) const {
468  if (!AttrNameToId.IsKey(Name)) {
469  return -1;
470  }
471  TIntPr TypeAndId = AttrNameToId.GetDat(Name);
472  AttrType = static_cast<TAttrType>(TypeAndId.GetVal1().Val);
473  AttrId = TypeAndId.GetVal2();
474  return 0;
475 }
477 int TAttrPair::GetSAttrName(const TInt& AttrId, TStr& Name, TAttrType& AttrType) const {
478  if (!AttrIdToName.IsKey(AttrId)) {
479  return -1;
480  }
481  TIntStrPr TypeAndName = AttrIdToName.GetDat(AttrId);
482  AttrType = static_cast<TAttrType>(TypeAndName.GetVal1().Val);
483  Name = TypeAndName.GetVal2();
484  return 0;
485 }
int DelSAttrDat(const TInt &Id, const TStr &AttrName)
Delete attribute with name AttrName for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:103
int GetSAttrDat(const TIntPr &Id, const TStr &AttrName, TInt &ValX) const
Get Int attribute with name AttrName for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:298
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
int AddSAttrDat(const TInt &Id, const TStr &AttrName, const TInt &Val)
Add Int attribute with name AttrName for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:2
void DelSAttrId(const TIntPr &Id)
Delete all attributes for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:368
const TVal1 & GetVal1() const
Definition: ds.h:60
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:213
int GetSAttrName(const TInt &AttrId, TStr &NameX, TAttrType &AttrTypeX) const
Given the attribute id AttrId, get the attribute name.
Definition: attr.cpp:233
TIntIntStrPrH AttrIdToName
Definition: attr.h:101
const TVal2 & GetVal2() const
Definition: ds.h:61
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:262
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:218
int GetSAttrName(const TInt &AttrId, TStr &NameX, TAttrType &AttrTypeX) const
Given the attribute id AttrId, get the attribute name and type.
Definition: attr.cpp:477
void DelSAttrId(const TInt &Id)
Delete all attributes for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:124
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1383
TIntIntPrPrIntH IntAttrVals
Definition: attr.h:103
void DelKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:404
TVec< TIntPr > TIntPrV
Definition: ds.h:1601
TIntIntStrPrH AttrIdToName
Definition: attr.h:8
int GetIdVSAttr(const TInt &AttrId, const TAttrType Type, TIntV &IdV) const
Definition: attr.cpp:167
TIntIntPrPrFltH FltAttrVals
Definition: attr.h:104
TStrIntPrH AttrNameToId
Definition: attr.h:100
int GetMxKeyIds() const
Definition: hash.h:231
void GetSAttrV(const TInt &Id, const TAttrType AttrType, TAttrPrV &AttrV) const
Get a list of all attributes of type AttrType for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:139
TIntIntPrPrStrH StrAttrVals
Definition: attr.h:105
Definition: dt.h:1134
int GetSAttrId(const TStr &Name, TInt &AttrIdX, TAttrType &AttrTypeX) const
Given the attribute name Name, get the attribute id and type.
Definition: attr.cpp:467
TIntPrStrH StrAttrVals
Definition: attr.h:12
int GetIdVSAttr(const TInt &AttrId, const TAttrType Type, TIntPrV &IdV) const
Definition: attr.cpp:411
int GetSAttrDat(const TInt &Id, const TStr &AttrName, TInt &ValX) const
Get Int attribute with name AttrName for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:54
int AddSAttr(const TStr &Name, const TAttrType &AttrType, TInt &AttrIdX)
Adds a mapping for an attribute with name Name and type AttrType.
Definition: attr.cpp:454
TVec< TAttrPr > TAttrPrV
Definition: attr.h:2
Definition: ds.h:32
int AddSAttrDat(const TIntPr &Id, const TStr &AttrName, const TInt &Val)
Add Int attribute with name AttrName for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:246
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
int DelSAttrDat(const TIntPr &Id, const TStr &AttrName)
Delete attribute with name AttrName for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:347
void GetSAttrV(const TIntPr &Id, const TAttrType AttrType, TAttrPrV &AttrV) const
Get a list of all attributes of the given type AttrType for the given id Id.
Definition: attr.cpp:383
bool DelIfKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:243
TIntPrFltH FltAttrVals
Definition: attr.h:11
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1594
int GetSAttrId(const TStr &Name, TInt &AttrIdX, TAttrType &AttrTypeX) const
Given the attribute name Name, get the attribute id.
Definition: attr.cpp:224
Definition: gbase.h:23
TIntPrIntH IntAttrVals
Definition: attr.h:10
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:258
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:602
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:238
int AddSAttr(const TStr &Name, const TAttrType &AttrType, TInt &AttrIdX)
Adds a mapping for an attribute with name Name and type AttrType.
Definition: attr.cpp:210
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:430
TStrIntPrH AttrNameToId
Definition: attr.h:7