SNAP Library 4.1, User Reference  2018-07-26 16:30:42
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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1 namespace TSnap {
3 // Reads the schema from the file (that is being parsed), and fills the SrcColId, DstColId, and the vectors with the index,
4 // within a given line, at which the source/destination nodes and edge attributes can be found in the file.
5 // The schema must have the format specified in WriteEdgeSchemaToFile.
6 int ReadEdgeSchemaFromFile(TSsParser& Ss, const char& Separator, int& SrcColId, int& DstColId, TStrIntH& IntAttrEVals, TStrIntH& FltAttrEVals, TStrIntH& StrAttrEVals) {
7  if (EDGES_START != Ss.GetFld(0)) return -1;
8  for (int i = 1; i < Ss.GetFlds(); i++) {
9  if (SRC_ID_NAME == Ss.GetFld(i)) {
10  SrcColId = i-1;
11  continue;
12  }
13  if (DST_ID_NAME == Ss.GetFld(i)) {
14  DstColId = i-1;
15  continue;
16  }
17  TStr Attr(Ss.GetFld(i));
18  TStr AttrType;
19  TStr AttrName;
20  Attr.SplitOnCh(AttrType, ':', AttrName);
21  if (AttrType == INT_TYPE_PREFIX) {
22  IntAttrEVals.AddDat(AttrName, i-1);
23  } else if (AttrType == FLT_TYPE_PREFIX) {
24  FltAttrEVals.AddDat(AttrName, i-1);
25  } else if (AttrType == STR_TYPE_PREFIX) {
26  StrAttrEVals.AddDat(AttrName, i-1);
27  } else {
28  return -1;
29  }
30  }
31  return 0;
32 }
34 // Reads the edges from the file being parsed and adds the nodes/edges and edge attributes
35 // at the positions specified by SrcColId, DstColId, IntAttrEVal, etc. to the Graph.
36 // Continues going through the file until it hits the sentinel line END_SENTINEL, the end of the file,
37 // or a schema line. Returns a bool indicating whether the current line in the TSsParser is a schema line.
38 bool ReadEdgesFromFile(TSsParser& Ss, const char& Separator, PNEANet& Graph, int& SrcColId, int& DstColId, TStrIntH& IntAttrEVals, TStrIntH& FltAttrEVals, TStrIntH& StrAttrEVals) {
39  int SrcNId, DstNId;
40  while (Ss.Next()) {
41  if (Ss.GetFlds() == 0) continue;
42  if (END_SENTINEL == Ss.GetFld(0)) { return false; }
43  if (EDGES_START == Ss.GetFld(0)) { return true; }
44  if (NODES_START == Ss.GetFld(0)) { return true; }
45  if (Ss.GetFld(0)[0] == '#') { continue; }
46  if (! Ss.GetInt(SrcColId, SrcNId) || ! Ss.GetInt(DstColId, DstNId)) { continue; }
47  if (! Graph->IsNode(SrcNId)) { Graph->AddNode(SrcNId); }
48  if (! Graph->IsNode(DstNId)) { Graph->AddNode(DstNId); }
49  int EId = Graph->AddEdge(SrcNId, DstNId);
50  double FltAttrVal;
51  for (TStrIntH::TIter it = FltAttrEVals.BegI(); it < FltAttrEVals.EndI(); it++) {
52  if (Ss.GetFlt(it.GetDat(), FltAttrVal)) {
53  Graph->AddFltAttrDatE(EId, FltAttrVal, it.GetKey());
54  }
55  }
56  int IntAttrVal;
57  for (TStrIntH::TIter it = IntAttrEVals.BegI(); it < IntAttrEVals.EndI(); it++) {
58  if (Ss.GetInt(it.GetDat(), IntAttrVal)) {
59  Graph->AddIntAttrDatE(EId, IntAttrVal, it.GetKey());
60  }
61  }
62  char* StrAttrVal;
63  for (TStrIntH::TIter it = StrAttrEVals.BegI(); it < StrAttrEVals.EndI(); it++) {
64  StrAttrVal = Ss.GetFld(it.GetDat());
65  if (NULL_VAL != StrAttrVal) {
66  Graph->AddStrAttrDatE(EId, TStr(StrAttrVal), it.GetKey());
67  }
68  }
69  }
70  return false;
71 }
74 // Reads the node schema from the file, and fills the NId and the vectors with the index,
75 // within a given line, at which the node id and attributes can be found in the file.
76 // The schema must have the format specified in WriteNodeSchemaToFile.
77 int ReadNodeSchemaFromFile(TSsParser& Ss, const char& Separator, int& NId, TStrIntH& IntAttrNVals, TStrIntH& FltAttrNVals, TStrIntH& StrAttrNVals) {
78  if (NODES_START != Ss.GetFld(0)) return -1;
79  for (int i = 1; i < Ss.GetFlds(); i++) {
80  if (NID_NAME == Ss.GetFld(i)) {
81  NId = i-1;
82  continue;
83  }
84  TStr Attr(Ss.GetFld(i));
85  TStr AttrType;
86  TStr AttrName;
87  Attr.SplitOnCh(AttrType, ':', AttrName);
88  if (AttrType == INT_TYPE_PREFIX) {
89  IntAttrNVals.AddDat(AttrName, i-1);
90  } else if (AttrType == FLT_TYPE_PREFIX) {
91  FltAttrNVals.AddDat(AttrName, i-1);
92  } else if (AttrType == STR_TYPE_PREFIX) {
93  StrAttrNVals.AddDat(AttrName, i-1);
94  } else {
95  return -1;
96  }
97  }
98  return 0;
99 }
101 // Reads the nodes from the file being parsed and adds the nodes and node attributes
102 // at the positions specified by NColId, IntAttrEVal, etc. to the Graph.
103 // Continues going through the file until it hits the sentinel line END_SENTINEL, the end of the file,
104 // or a schema line. Returns a bool indicating whether the current line in the TSsParser is a schema line.
105 bool ReadNodesFromFile(TSsParser& Ss, const char& Separator, PNEANet& Graph, int& NColId, TStrIntH& IntAttrNVals, TStrIntH& FltAttrNVals, TStrIntH& StrAttrNVals) {
106  int NId;
107  while (Ss.Next()) {
108  if (Ss.GetFlds() == 0) continue;
109  if (END_SENTINEL == Ss.GetFld(0)) { return false; }
110  if (EDGES_START == Ss.GetFld(0)) { return true; }
111  if (NODES_START == Ss.GetFld(0)) { return true; }
112  if (Ss.GetFld(0)[0] == '#') { continue; }
113  if (! Ss.GetInt(NColId, NId)) { continue; }
114  if (! Graph->IsNode(NId)) { Graph->AddNode(NId); }
115  double FltAttrVal;
116  for (TStrIntH::TIter it = FltAttrNVals.BegI(); it < FltAttrNVals.EndI(); it++) {
117  if (Ss.GetFlt(it.GetDat(), FltAttrVal)) {
118  Graph->AddFltAttrDatN(NId, FltAttrVal, it.GetKey());
119  }
120  }
121  int IntAttrVal;
122  for (TStrIntH::TIter it = IntAttrNVals.BegI(); it < IntAttrNVals.EndI(); it++) {
123  if (Ss.GetInt(it.GetDat(), IntAttrVal)) {
124  Graph->AddIntAttrDatN(NId, IntAttrVal, it.GetKey());
125  }
126  }
127  char* StrAttrVal;
128  for (TStrIntH::TIter it = StrAttrNVals.BegI(); it < StrAttrNVals.EndI(); it++) {
129  StrAttrVal = Ss.GetFld(it.GetDat());
130  if (NULL_VAL != StrAttrVal) {
131  Graph->AddStrAttrDatN(NId, TStr(StrAttrVal), it.GetKey());
132  }
133  }
134  }
135  return false;
136 }
138 PNEANet LoadEdgeListNet(const TStr& InFNm, const char& Separator) {
139  PNEANet Graph = PNEANet::New();
140  TSsParser Ss(InFNm, Separator, true, false, false);
141  bool isSchemaLine = false;
143  while (isSchemaLine || Ss.Next()) {
144  isSchemaLine = false;
145  if (Ss.GetFlds() == 0) continue;
146  if (NODES_START == Ss.GetFld(0)) {
147  // Map node attribute names to column number in the file.
148  TStrIntH IntAttrNVals;
149  TStrIntH FltAttrNVals;
150  TStrIntH StrAttrNVals;
151  int NColId = -1;
152  ReadNodeSchemaFromFile(Ss, Separator, NColId, IntAttrNVals, FltAttrNVals, StrAttrNVals);
153  isSchemaLine = ReadNodesFromFile(Ss, Separator, Graph, NColId, IntAttrNVals, FltAttrNVals, StrAttrNVals);
154  } else if (EDGES_START == Ss.GetFld(0)) {
155  // Map edge attribute names to column number in the file.
156  TStrIntH IntAttrEVals;
157  TStrIntH FltAttrEVals;
158  TStrIntH StrAttrEVals;
159  int SrcColId = -1;
160  int DstColId = -1;
161  ReadEdgeSchemaFromFile(Ss, Separator, SrcColId, DstColId, IntAttrEVals, FltAttrEVals, StrAttrEVals);
162  isSchemaLine = ReadEdgesFromFile(Ss, Separator, Graph, SrcColId, DstColId, IntAttrEVals, FltAttrEVals, StrAttrEVals);
163  }
164  }
166  return Graph;
167 }
169 // Writes the schema out to the file, which consists of the NId and node attributes, separated by tabs.
170 // Node attributes are written in the format <Type>:<Name>, where Type is either Int, Flt, or Str.
171 void WriteNodeSchemaToFile(FILE *F, TStrV &IntAttrNNames, TStrV &FltAttrNNames, TStrV &StrAttrNNames) {
172  fprintf(F, "%s\t%s", NODES_START.CStr(), NID_NAME.CStr());
173  for(int i = 0; i < IntAttrNNames.Len(); i++) {
174  fprintf(F, "\t%s:%s", INT_TYPE_PREFIX.CStr(), IntAttrNNames[i].CStr());
175  }
176  for(int i = 0; i < FltAttrNNames.Len(); i++) {
177  fprintf(F, "\t%s:%s", FLT_TYPE_PREFIX.CStr(), FltAttrNNames[i].CStr());
178  }
179  for(int i = 0; i < StrAttrNNames.Len(); i++) {
180  fprintf(F, "\t%s:%s", STR_TYPE_PREFIX.CStr(), StrAttrNNames[i].CStr());
181  }
182  fprintf(F, "\n");
183 }
185 // Writes nodes out to the file. Each line consists of the node id followed by the
186 // int attributes in the order specified by the TStrV IntAttrNNames, the float attributes
187 // in the order specified by FltAttrNNames, and the string attributes specified by StrAttrNNames.
188 void WriteNodesToFile(FILE *F, const PNEANet& Graph, TStrV &IntAttrNNames, TStrV &FltAttrNNames, TStrV &StrAttrNNames) {
189  for (TNEANet::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
190  fprintf(F, "%d", NI.GetId());
191  for(int i = 0; i < IntAttrNNames.Len(); i++) {
192  if (Graph->IsIntAttrDeletedN(NI.GetId(), IntAttrNNames[i])) {
193  fprintf(F, "\t%s", NULL_VAL.CStr());
194  continue;
195  }
196  int AttrIntVal = Graph->GetIntAttrDatN(NI.GetId(), IntAttrNNames[i]);
197  fprintf(F, "\t%d", AttrIntVal);
198  }
199  for(int i = 0; i < FltAttrNNames.Len(); i++) {
200  if (Graph->IsFltAttrDeletedN(NI.GetId(), FltAttrNNames[i])) {
201  fprintf(F, "\t%s", NULL_VAL.CStr());
202  continue;
203  }
204  double AttrFltVal = Graph->GetFltAttrDatN(NI.GetId(), FltAttrNNames[i]);
205  fprintf(F, "\t%f", AttrFltVal);
206  }
207  for(int i = 0; i < StrAttrNNames.Len(); i++) {
208  if (Graph->IsStrAttrDeletedN(NI.GetId(), StrAttrNNames[i])) {
209  fprintf(F, "\t%s", NULL_VAL.CStr());
210  continue;
211  }
212  char * AttrStrVal = Graph->GetStrAttrDatN(NI.GetId(), StrAttrNNames[i]).CStr();
213  fprintf(F, "\t%s", AttrStrVal);
214  }
215  fprintf(F, "\n");
216  }
217 }
219 // Writes the schema out to the file, which consists of the SrcNId, DstNId, and edge attributes, separated by tabs.
220 // Edge attributes are written in the format <Type>:<Name>, where Type is either Int, Flt, or Str.
221 void WriteEdgeSchemaToFile(FILE *F, TStrV &IntAttrENames, TStrV &FltAttrENames, TStrV &StrAttrENames) {
222  fprintf(F, "%s\t%s\t%s", EDGES_START.CStr(), SRC_ID_NAME.CStr(), DST_ID_NAME.CStr());
223  for(int i = 0; i < IntAttrENames.Len(); i++) {
224  fprintf(F, "\t%s:%s", INT_TYPE_PREFIX.CStr(), IntAttrENames[i].CStr());
225  }
226  for(int i = 0; i < FltAttrENames.Len(); i++) {
227  fprintf(F, "\t%s:%s", FLT_TYPE_PREFIX.CStr(), FltAttrENames[i].CStr());
228  }
229  for(int i = 0; i < StrAttrENames.Len(); i++) {
230  fprintf(F, "\t%s:%s", STR_TYPE_PREFIX.CStr(), StrAttrENames[i].CStr());
231  }
232  fprintf(F, "\n");
233 }
235 // Writes edges out to the file. Each line consists of the SrcNId and DstNId followed by the
236 // int attributes in the order specified by the TStrV IntAttrENames, the float attributes
237 // in the order specified by FltAttrENames, and the string attributes specified by StrAttrENames.
238 void WriteEdgesToFile(FILE *F, const PNEANet& Graph, TStrV &IntAttrENames, TStrV &FltAttrENames, TStrV &StrAttrENames) {
239  for (TNEANet::TEdgeI EI = Graph->BegEI(); EI < Graph->EndEI(); EI++) {
240  fprintf(F, "%d\t%d", EI.GetSrcNId(), EI.GetDstNId());
241  for(int i = 0; i < IntAttrENames.Len(); i++) {
242  if (Graph->IsIntAttrDeletedE(EI.GetId(), IntAttrENames[i])) {
243  fprintf(F, "\t%s", NULL_VAL.CStr());
244  continue;
245  }
246  int AttrIntVal = Graph->GetIntAttrDatE(EI.GetId(), IntAttrENames[i]);
247  fprintf(F, "\t%d", AttrIntVal);
248  }
249  for(int i = 0; i < FltAttrENames.Len(); i++) {
250  if (Graph->IsFltAttrDeletedE(EI.GetId(), FltAttrENames[i])) {
251  fprintf(F, "\t%s", NULL_VAL.CStr());
252  continue;
253  }
254  double AttrFltVal = Graph->GetFltAttrDatE(EI.GetId(), FltAttrENames[i]);
255  fprintf(F, "\t%f", AttrFltVal);
256  }
257  for(int i = 0; i < StrAttrENames.Len(); i++) {
258  if (Graph->IsStrAttrDeletedE(EI.GetId(), StrAttrENames[i])) {
259  fprintf(F, "\t%s", NULL_VAL.CStr());
260  continue;
261  }
262  char * AttrStrVal = Graph->GetStrAttrDatE(EI.GetId(), StrAttrENames[i]).CStr();
263  fprintf(F, "\t%s", AttrStrVal);
264  }
265  fprintf(F, "\n");
266  }
267 }
269 void SaveEdgeListNet(const PNEANet& Graph, const TStr& OutFNm, const TStr& Desc) {
270  FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
271  fprintf(F, "# Directed network: %s \n", OutFNm.CStr());
272  if (! Desc.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "# %s\n", Desc.CStr()); }
273  fprintf(F, "# Nodes: %d Edges: %d\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges());
275  TStrV IntAttrNNames;
276  TStrV FltAttrNNames;
277  TStrV StrAttrNNames;
278  Graph->GetAttrNNames(IntAttrNNames, FltAttrNNames, StrAttrNNames);
279  WriteNodeSchemaToFile(F, IntAttrNNames, FltAttrNNames, StrAttrNNames);
280  WriteNodesToFile(F, Graph, IntAttrNNames, FltAttrNNames, StrAttrNNames);
281  fprintf(F, "%s\n", END_SENTINEL.CStr());
283  TStrV IntAttrENames;
284  TStrV FltAttrENames;
285  TStrV StrAttrENames;
286  Graph->GetAttrENames(IntAttrENames, FltAttrENames, StrAttrENames);
287  WriteEdgeSchemaToFile(F, IntAttrENames, FltAttrENames, StrAttrENames);
288  WriteEdgesToFile(F, Graph, IntAttrENames, FltAttrENames, StrAttrENames);
289  fprintf(F, "%s\n", END_SENTINEL.CStr());
291  fclose(F);
292 }
296 PNGraph LoadDyNet(const TStr& FNm) {
298  THashSet<TStr> NIdStr;
299  while (XmlLx.GetSym()!=xsyEof) {
300  if (XmlLx.Sym==xsySTag && XmlLx.TagNm=="network") {
301  PNGraph G = TNGraph::New();
302  XmlLx.GetSym();
303  while (XmlLx.TagNm=="link") {
304  TStr Str1, Val1, Str2, Val2;
305  XmlLx.GetArg(0, Str1, Val1); XmlLx.GetArg(1, Str2, Val2);
306  IAssert(Str1=="source" && Str2=="target");
307  NIdStr.AddKey(Val1); NIdStr.AddKey(Val2);
308  const int src=NIdStr.GetKeyId(Val1);
309  const int dst=NIdStr.GetKeyId(Val2);
310  if (! G->IsNode(src)) { G->AddNode(src); }
311  if (! G->IsNode(dst)) { G->AddNode(dst); }
312  G->AddEdge(src, dst);
313  XmlLx.GetSym();
314  }
315  return G;
316  }
317  }
318  return PNGraph();
319 }
324  TVec<PNGraph> GraphV;
325  THashSet<TStr> NIdStr;
326  while (XmlLx.GetSym()!=xsyEof) {
327  if (XmlLx.Sym==xsySTag && XmlLx.TagNm=="network") {
328  PNGraph G = TNGraph::New();
329  GraphV.Add(G);
330  XmlLx.GetSym();
331  while (XmlLx.TagNm=="link") {
332  TStr Str1, Val1, Str2, Val2;
333  XmlLx.GetArg(0, Str1, Val1); XmlLx.GetArg(1, Str2, Val2);
334  IAssert(Str1=="source" && Str2=="target");
335  NIdStr.AddKey(Val1); NIdStr.AddKey(Val2);
336  const int src=NIdStr.GetKeyId(Val1);
337  const int dst=NIdStr.GetKeyId(Val2);
338  if (! G->IsNode(src)) { G->AddNode(src); }
339  if (! G->IsNode(dst)) { G->AddNode(dst); }
340  G->AddEdge(src, dst);
341  XmlLx.GetSym();
342  }
343  }
344  }
345  return GraphV;
346 }
348 }; // namespace TSnap
#define IAssert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:262
Definition: gio.h:6
TXmlLxSym GetSym()
Definition: xml.cpp:757
TStr TagNm
Definition: xml.h:141
void GetArg(const int &ArgN, TStr &ArgNm, TStr &ArgVal) const
Definition: xml.h:166
void SaveEdgeListNet(const PNEANet &Graph, const TStr &OutFNm, const TStr &Desc)
Saves a network into a text file. Each line encodes either an edge or a node, along with its attribut...
Definition: gio.cpp:269
static PNGraph New()
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph. Call: PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New().
Definition: graph.h:477
Definition: xml.h:94
int GetKeyId(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: shash.h:1328
Definition: gio.h:14
static TPt New()
Definition: bd.h:479
int ReadNodeSchemaFromFile(TSsParser &Ss, const char &Separator, int &NId, TStrIntH &IntAttrNVals, TStrIntH &FltAttrNVals, TStrIntH &StrAttrNVals)
Definition: gio.cpp:77
static bool IsZipFNm(const TStr &FNm)
Check whether the file extension of FNm is that of a compressed file (.gz, .7z, .rar, .zip, .cab, .arj. bzip2).
Definition: zipfl.h:56
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:213
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:575
Definition: ss.h:72
const TStr NID_NAME
Definition: gio.h:11
int AddNode(int NId=-1)
Adds a node of ID NId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:236
bool GetInt(const int &FldN, int &Val) const
If the field FldN is an integer its value is returned in Val and the function returns true...
Definition: ss.cpp:447
Node iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: network.h:1792
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:218
int GetFlds() const
Returns the number of fields in the current line.
Definition: ss.h:116
bool ReadNodesFromFile(TSsParser &Ss, const char &Separator, PNEANet &Graph, int &NColId, TStrIntH &IntAttrNVals, TStrIntH &FltAttrNVals, TStrIntH &StrAttrNVals)
Definition: gio.cpp:105
int ReadEdgeSchemaFromFile(TSsParser &Ss, const char &Separator, int &SrcColId, int &DstColId, TStrIntH &IntAttrEVals, TStrIntH &FltAttrEVals, TStrIntH &StrAttrEVals)
Definition: gio.cpp:6
static PSIn New(const TStr &FNm)
Definition: zipfl.cpp:122
const char * GetFld(const int &FldN) const
Returns the contents of the field at index FldN.
Definition: ss.h:129
const TStr DST_ID_NAME
Definition: gio.h:10
TVec< PNGraph > LoadDyNetGraphV(const TStr &FNm)
For more info see ORA Network Analysis Data (
Definition: gio.cpp:322
void SplitOnCh(TStr &LStr, const char &SplitCh, TStr &RStr) const
Definition: dt.cpp:901
Definition: gio.h:13
static PSIn New(const TStr &FNm)
Definition: fl.cpp:290
PNEANet LoadEdgeListNet(const TStr &InFNm, const char &Separator)
Loads a network from the text file InFNm with 1 node/edge per line ('Separator' separated columns...
Definition: gio.cpp:138
int AddEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId)
Adds an edge from node SrcNId to node DstNId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:321
Definition: xml.h:98
Definition: gio.h:7
void WriteEdgesToFile(FILE *F, const PNEANet &Graph, TStrV &IntAttrENames, TStrV &FltAttrENames, TStrV &StrAttrENames)
Definition: gio.cpp:238
Definition: gio.h:8
bool IsNode(const int &NId) const
Tests whether ID NId is a node.
Definition: graph.h:542
TPt< TNGraph > PNGraph
Pointer to a directed graph (TNGraph)
Definition: graph.h:16
int AddKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: shash.h:1254
Definition: xml.h:93
bool GetFlt(const int &FldN, double &Val) const
If the field FldN is a float its value is returned in Val and the function returns true...
Definition: ss.cpp:485
void WriteEdgeSchemaToFile(FILE *F, TStrV &IntAttrENames, TStrV &FltAttrENames, TStrV &StrAttrENames)
Definition: gio.cpp:221
Edge iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: network.h:1867
Definition: dt.h:412
bool Empty() const
Definition: dt.h:488
void WriteNodesToFile(FILE *F, const PNEANet &Graph, TStrV &IntAttrNNames, TStrV &FltAttrNNames, TStrV &StrAttrNNames)
Definition: gio.cpp:188
bool Next()
Loads next line from the input file.
Definition: ss.cpp:412
Definition: bd.h:196
const TStr NULL_VAL
Definition: gio.h:15
PNGraph LoadDyNet(const TStr &FNm)
For more info see ORA Network Analysis Data (
Definition: gio.cpp:296
TXmlLxSym Sym
Definition: xml.h:139
Definition: gio.h:12
char * CStr()
Definition: dt.h:476
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:602
const TStr SRC_ID_NAME
Definition: gio.h:9
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:238
bool ReadEdgesFromFile(TSsParser &Ss, const char &Separator, PNEANet &Graph, int &SrcColId, int &DstColId, TStrIntH &IntAttrEVals, TStrIntH &FltAttrEVals, TStrIntH &StrAttrEVals)
Definition: gio.cpp:38
void WriteNodeSchemaToFile(FILE *F, TStrV &IntAttrNNames, TStrV &FltAttrNNames, TStrV &StrAttrNNames)
Definition: gio.cpp:171