SNAP Library 2.3, User Reference  2014-06-16 11:58:46
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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dt.h File Reference
#include "bd.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  TRnd
class  TMem
class  TMemIn
class  TMemOut
class  TChA
class  TChAIn
class  TRStr
class  TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >
 Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size. More...
class  TStr
class  TStrIn
class  TDbStr
class  TStrPool
class  TStrPool64
class  TVoid
class  TBool
class  TCh
class  TUCh
class  TSInt
class  TInt
class  TUInt
class  TUInt64
class  TFlt
class  TAscFlt
class  TSFlt
class  TLFlt
class  TFltRect


typedef TPt< TXmlTokPXmlTok
typedef TPt< TMemPMem
typedef TVec< TStr, int > TStrV
typedef TPt< TStrPoolPStrPool
typedef TPt< TStrPool64PStrPool64

Typedef Documentation

typedef TPt< TMem > PMem

Definition at line 77 of file dt.h.

typedef TPt< TStrPool > PStrPool

Definition at line 779 of file dt.h.

Definition at line 830 of file dt.h.

typedef TPt< TXmlTok > PXmlTok

Definition at line 7 of file dt.h.

typedef TVec<TStr, int> TStrV

Definition at line 409 of file dt.h.