SNAP Library 2.3, User Reference  2014-06-16 11:58:46
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1 // Macro-Processor
3 TMacro::TMacro(const TStr& _TxtStr, const char& _MacroCh, const char& _VarCh):
4  Ok(true), MsgStr("Ok"), MacroCh(_MacroCh), VarCh(_VarCh),
5  TxtStr(_TxtStr), SubstToValStrH(10), VarNmToValStrH(10){
6  int TxtStrLen=TxtStr.Len(); int TxtStrChN=0;
7  while ((Ok)&&(TxtStrChN<TxtStrLen)){
8  if (TxtStr[TxtStrChN]==MacroCh){
9  // extract substitution from text
10  TChA SubstChA; TxtStrChN++;
11  while ((TxtStrChN<TxtStrLen)&&(TxtStr[TxtStrChN]!=MacroCh)){
12  SubstChA+=TxtStr[TxtStrChN]; TxtStrChN++;}
13  Ok=(TxtStrChN<TxtStrLen);
14  if (!Ok){MsgStr=SubstChA; break;}
15  TxtStrChN++;
16  SubstToValStrH.AddDat(SubstChA);
17  // extract variable name from substitution
18  int SubstChN=0;
19  while ((Ok)&&(SubstChN<SubstChA.Len())){
20  if (SubstChA[SubstChN]==VarCh){
21  TChA VarNmChA; SubstChN++;
22  while ((SubstChN<SubstChA.Len())&&(SubstChA[SubstChN]!=VarCh)){
23  VarNmChA+=SubstChA[SubstChN]; SubstChN++;}
24  Ok=(SubstChN<SubstChA.Len());
25  if (!Ok){MsgStr=VarNmChA; break;}
26  SubstChN++;
27  VarNmToValStrH.AddDat(VarNmChA);
28  } else {
29  SubstChN++;
30  }
31  }
32  } else {
33  TxtStrChN++;
34  }
35  }
36 }
39  int TxtStrLen=TxtStr.Len(); int TxtStrChN=0;
40  TChA DstTxtChA;
41  while (TxtStrChN<TxtStrLen){
42  if (TxtStr[TxtStrChN]==MacroCh){
43  TChA SubstChA; TxtStrChN++;
44  while ((TxtStrChN<TxtStrLen)&&(TxtStr[TxtStrChN]!=MacroCh)){
45  SubstChA+=TxtStr[TxtStrChN]; TxtStrChN++;}
46  TxtStrChN++;
47  int SubstKeyId;
48  if (SubstToValStrH.IsKey(SubstChA, SubstKeyId)){
49  DstTxtChA+=SubstToValStrH[SubstKeyId];
50  } else {
51  DstTxtChA+=MacroCh; DstTxtChA+=SubstChA; DstTxtChA+=MacroCh;
52  }
53  } else {
54  DstTxtChA+=TxtStr[TxtStrChN]; TxtStrChN++;
55  }
56  }
57  return DstTxtChA;
58 }
60 void TMacro::GetSrcSubstStrV(TStrV& SubstStrV) const {
61  SubstStrV.Gen(GetSubstStrs(), 0);
62  for (int SubstStrN=0; SubstStrN<GetSubstStrs(); SubstStrN++){
63  SubstStrV.Add(GetSrcSubstStr(SubstStrN));
64  }
65 }
67 TStr TMacro::GetDstSubstStr(const int& SubstStrN) const {
68  TStr SrcSubstStr=SubstToValStrH.GetKey(SubstStrN);
69  int SrcSubstStrLen=SrcSubstStr.Len();
70  int SrcSubstChN=0;
71  TChA DstSubstChA;
72  while (SrcSubstChN<SrcSubstStrLen){
73  if (SrcSubstStr[SrcSubstChN]==VarCh){
74  TChA VarNmChA; SrcSubstChN++;
75  while ((SrcSubstChN<SrcSubstStrLen)&&(SrcSubstStr[SrcSubstChN]!=VarCh)){
76  VarNmChA+=SrcSubstStr[SrcSubstChN]; SrcSubstChN++;}
77  IAssert(SrcSubstChN<SrcSubstStrLen); SrcSubstChN++;
78  TStr VarVal=GetVarVal(VarNmChA);
79  DstSubstChA+=VarVal;
80  } else {
81  DstSubstChA+=SrcSubstStr[SrcSubstChN]; SrcSubstChN++;
82  }
83  }
84  return DstSubstChA;
85 }
88  TChA AllSubstValChA;
89  for (int SubstStrN=0; SubstStrN<GetSubstStrs(); SubstStrN++){
90  if (SubstStrN>0){AllSubstValChA+=", ";}
91  AllSubstValChA+=GetSubstValStr(SubstStrN);
92  }
93  return AllSubstValChA;
94 }
96 void TMacro::GetVarNmV(TStrV& VarNmV) const {
97  VarNmV.Gen(GetVars(), 0);
98  for (int VarN=0; VarN<GetVars(); VarN++){
99  VarNmV.Add(GetVarNm(VarN));
100  }
101 }
104  const TStr& VarNm, TStr& CapStr,
105  bool& IsComboBox, TStr& TbNm, TStr& ListFldNm, TStr& DataFldNm){
106  if (VarNm.SearchCh(':')==-1){
107  CapStr=VarNm; IsComboBox=false; TbNm=""; ListFldNm=""; DataFldNm="";
108  } else {
109  int FirstColonChN=VarNm.SearchCh(':');
110  int SecondColonChN=VarNm.SearchCh(':', FirstColonChN+1);
111  int ThirdColonChN=VarNm.SearchCh(':', SecondColonChN+1);
112  IAssert((FirstColonChN!=-1)&&(SecondColonChN!=-1));
113  if (ThirdColonChN==-1){ThirdColonChN=VarNm.Len();}
114  CapStr=VarNm.GetSubStr(0, FirstColonChN-1);
115  IsComboBox=true;
116  TbNm=VarNm.GetSubStr(FirstColonChN+1, SecondColonChN-1);
117  ListFldNm=VarNm.GetSubStr(SecondColonChN+1, ThirdColonChN-1);
118  if (ThirdColonChN!=VarNm.Len()){
119  DataFldNm=VarNm.GetSubStr(ThirdColonChN+1, VarNm.Len()-1);
120  } else {
121  DataFldNm=ListFldNm;
122  }
123  }
124 }
#define IAssert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:262
int SearchCh(const char &Ch, const int &BChN=0) const
Definition: dt.cpp:1043
int Len() const
Definition: dt.h:487
char VarCh
Definition: macro.h:10
TStr GetAllSubstValStr() const
Definition: macro.cpp:87
int Len() const
Definition: dt.h:259
TStr GetSubStr(const int &BChN, const int &EChN) const
Definition: dt.cpp:811
TStrStrH SubstToValStrH
Definition: macro.h:12
TStr GetVarVal(const TStr &VarNm) const
Definition: macro.h:52
TStr GetSrcSubstStr(const int &SubstStrN) const
Definition: macro.h:33
TStrStrH VarNmToValStrH
Definition: macro.h:13
static void SplitVarNm(const TStr &VarNm, TStr &CapStr, bool &IsComboBox, TStr &TbNm, TStr &ListFldNm, TStr &DataFldNm)
Definition: macro.cpp:103
bool Ok
Definition: macro.h:7
char MacroCh
Definition: macro.h:9
TStr GetVarNm(const int &VarN) const
Definition: macro.h:48
void GetVarNmV(TStrV &VarNmV) const
Definition: macro.cpp:96
TStr MsgStr
Definition: macro.h:8
int GetVars() const
Definition: macro.h:47
Definition: dt.h:201
TStr GetDstTxtStr() const
Definition: macro.cpp:38
TStr GetDstSubstStr(const int &SubstStrN=0) const
Definition: macro.cpp:67
Definition: dt.h:412
TMacro(const TStr &TxtStr, const char &_MacroCh='$', const char &_VarCh='#')
Definition: macro.cpp:3
void Gen(const TSizeTy &_Vals)
Constructs a vector (an array) of _Vals elements.
Definition: ds.h:486
TStr TxtStr
Definition: macro.h:11
int GetSubstStrs() const
Definition: macro.h:32
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:559
TStr GetSubstValStr(const int &SubstStrN) const
Definition: macro.h:43
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
const TKey & GetKey(const int &KeyId) const
Definition: hash.h:210
void GetSrcSubstStrV(TStrV &SubstStrV) const
Definition: macro.cpp:60