SNAP Library 2.3, User Reference  2014-06-16 11:58:46
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1 // Property-Tag
3 TStr TPpTag::GetStr(const int& Tag){
4  switch (Tag){
5  case ptUndef: return "Undef";
6  case ptBool: return "Bool";
7  case ptInt: return "Int";
8  case ptFlt: return "Flt";
9  case ptStr: return "Str";
10  case ptValV: return "ValV";
11  case ptSel: return "Sel";
12  case ptSet: return "Set";
13  default: Fail; return TStr();
14  }
15 }
18  if (Str=="Undef"){return ptUndef;}
19  else if (Str=="Bool"){return ptBool;}
20  else if (Str=="Int"){return ptInt;}
21  else if (Str=="Flt"){return ptFlt;}
22  else if (Str=="Str"){return ptStr;}
23  else if (Str=="ValV"){return ptValV;}
24  else if (Str=="Sel"){return ptSel;}
25  else if (Str=="Set"){return ptSet;}
26  else {Fail; return ptUndef;}
27 }
30 // Property-Value
31 bool TPpVal::operator==(const TPpVal& PpVal) const {
32  if (Tag!=PpVal.Tag){return false;}
33  switch (Tag){
34  case ptUndef: return true;
35  case ptBool: return Bool==PpVal.Bool;
36  case ptInt: return Int==PpVal.Int;
37  case ptFlt: return Flt==PpVal.Flt;
38  case ptStr: return Str==PpVal.Str;
39  case ptValV: return ValV==PpVal.ValV;
40  case ptSel:
41  case ptSet:
42  default: Fail; return false;
43  }
44 }
46 TStr TPpVal::GetValStr(const bool& DoAddTag) const {
47  TChA ChA;
48  if (DoAddTag){ChA+='<'; ChA+=TPpTag::GetStr(Tag); ChA+='>';}
49  switch (Tag){
50  case ptUndef: break;
51  case ptBool: ChA+=TBool::GetStr(Bool); break;
52  case ptInt: ChA+=TInt::GetStr(Int); break;
53  case ptFlt: ChA+=TFlt::GetStr(Flt); break;
54  case ptStr: ChA+='"'; ChA+=Str; ChA+='"'; break;
55  case ptValV:{
56  ChA+='[';
57  for (int ValN=0; ValN<ValV.Len(); ValN++){
58  if (ValN>0){ChA+=' ';}
59  ChA+=ValV[ValN].GetValStr(DoAddTag);
60  }
61  ChA+=']'; break;}
62  default: Fail;
63  }
64  return ChA;
65 }
69  if (Tag==ptUndef){
70  return TPpVal();
71  } else {
72  Lx.GetSym(syColon);
73  switch (Tag){
74  case ptBool: return TPpVal(Lx.GetBool());
75  case ptInt: return TPpVal(Lx.GetInt());
76  case ptFlt: return TPpVal(Lx.GetFlt());
77  case ptStr: return TPpVal(Lx.GetQStr());
78  case ptValV:{
79  TPpValV ValV;
80  Lx.GetSym(syLBracket);
81  while (Lx.PeekSym()==syIdStr){ValV.Add(LoadTxt(Lx));}
82  Lx.GetSym(syRBracket);
83  return TPpVal(ValV);}
84  default: Fail; return TPpVal();
85  }
86  }
87 }
89 void TPpVal::SaveTxt(TOLx& Lx) const {
91  if (int(Tag)!=ptUndef){
92  Lx.PutSym(syColon);
93  switch (Tag){
94  case ptBool: Lx.PutBool(Bool); break;
95  case ptInt: Lx.PutInt(Int); break;
96  case ptFlt: Lx.PutFlt(Flt); break;
97  case ptStr: Lx.PutQStr(Str); break;
98  case ptValV:{
99  Lx.PutSym(syLBracket);
100  for (int ValN=0; ValN<ValV.Len(); ValN++){ValV[ValN].SaveTxt(Lx);}
101  Lx.PutSym(syRBracket); break;}
102  default: Fail;
103  }
104  }
105 }
108 // Property
109 TStr TPp::PpNm="Pp";
111 int TPp::GetPpN(const TStr& IdNm) const {
112  TStr UcIdNm=IdNm.GetUc();
113  for (int PpN=0; PpN<PpV.Len(); PpN++){
114  if (PpV[PpN]->UcIdNm==UcIdNm){return PpN;}}
115  return -1;
116 }
118 void TPp::GetChA(const int& Lev, const bool& Brief, TChA& ChA) const {
119  for (int LevN=0; LevN<Lev; LevN++){ChA+="| ";}
120  if (!Brief){ChA+=TPpTag::GetStr(Tag);}
121  ChA+=" '"; ChA+=IdNm; ChA+="' ("; ChA+=DescNm; ChA+=") = ";
122  ChA+=Val.GetValStr(true); ChA+="\r\n";
123  if ((int(Tag)==ptSel)||(int(Tag)==ptSet)){
124  for (int PpN=0; PpN<PpV.Len(); PpN++){
125  PpV[PpN]->GetChA(Lev+1, Brief, ChA);
126  }
127  }
128 }
130 void TPp::PutVal(const TPpVal& _Val){
131  Val=_Val;
132  if (Val.GetTag()!=ptUndef){
133  switch (Tag){
134  case ptUndef: Fail; break;
135  case ptBool: IAssert(Val.GetTag()==int(Tag)); break;
136  case ptInt:
137  case ptFlt:
138  IAssert(Val.GetTag()==int(Tag));
139  if (MnVal.GetTag()!=ptUndef){IAssert(MnVal<=Val);}
140  if (MxVal.GetTag()!=ptUndef){IAssert(Val<=MxVal);}
141  break;
142  case ptStr:
143  if (Val.GetTag()==ptInt){Val=CcValV[Val.GetInt()];}
144  IAssert(Val.GetTag()==ptStr);
145  IAssert((CcValV.Len()==0)||(CcValV.SearchForw(Val)!=-1)); break;
146  case ptValV:{
147  IAssert(Val.GetTag()==int(Tag));
148  Fail; //**TPpValV ValV=Val.GetValV();
149  //**for (int ValN=0; ValN<ValV.Len(); ValN++){
150  //**IAssert(ValV[ValN].GetTag()==int(ValVTag));}
151  break;}
152  case ptSel:
153  if (Val.GetTag()==ptInt){Val=TPpVal(PpV[Val.GetInt()]->GetIdNm());}
154  IAssert((Val.GetTag()==ptStr)&&(IsPp(Val.GetStr()))); break;
155  case ptSet: Fail; break;
156  default: Fail;
157  }
158  }
159 }
161 PPp TPp::GetPp(const TStr& IdPath) const {
162  IAssertSubPp();
163  TStr IdNm; TStr RestIdPath;
164  IdPath.SplitOnCh(IdNm, '|', RestIdPath);
165  PPp Pp=PpV[GetPpN(IdNm)];
166  while (!RestIdPath.Empty()){
167  RestIdPath.SplitOnCh(IdNm, '|', RestIdPath);
168  Pp=Pp->PpV[Pp->GetPpN(IdNm)];
169  }
170  IAssert(!Pp.Empty()); return Pp;
171 }
174  Lx.GetSym(syLBracket);
175  TStr IdNm=Lx.GetIdStr();
176  TStr DescNm;
177  if (Lx.PeekSym()==syLBracket){
178  Lx.GetSym(syLBracket); DescNm=Lx.GetQStr(); Lx.GetSym(syRBracket);
179  }
180  Lx.GetSym(syColon);
183  if (Tag==ptValV){
184  Lx.GetSym(syLBracket); ValVTag=TPpTag::LoadTxt(Lx); Lx.GetSym(syRBracket);}
185  TPpVal Val;
186  if (Lx.PeekSym()==syEq){
187  Lx.GetSym(syEq); Val=TPpVal::LoadTxt(Lx);}
188  TPpVal DfVal;
189  if (Lx.PeekSym()==syLBracket){
190  Lx.GetSym(syLBracket); DfVal=TPpVal::LoadTxt(Lx); Lx.GetSym(syRBracket);}
191  bool IsMnMxValDef=false; TPpVal MnVal, MxVal;
192  if (Lx.PeekSym()==syLss){
193  Lx.GetSym(syLss);
194  IsMnMxValDef=true; MnVal=TPpVal::LoadTxt(Lx); MxVal=TPpVal::LoadTxt(Lx);
195  Lx.GetSym(syGtr);
196  }
197  TPpValV CcValV;
198  if (Lx.PeekSym()==syLBrace){
199  Lx.GetSym(syLBrace);
200  while (Lx.PeekSym()!=syRBrace){CcValV.Add(TPpVal::LoadTxt(Lx));}
201  Lx.GetSym(syRBrace);
202  }
203  TPpV PpV;
204  if ((Tag==ptSel)||(Tag==ptSet)){
205  while (Lx.IsVar(PpNm)){
206  Lx.GetVar(PpNm); PpV.Add(LoadTxt(Lx));}
207  }
208  Lx.GetSym(syRBracket);
209  // construct property
210  PPp Pp=PPp(new TPp(IdNm, DescNm, Tag, ValVTag));
211  Pp->AddPpV(PpV);
212  Pp->PutCcValV(CcValV);
213  if (IsMnMxValDef){Pp->PutMnMxVal(MnVal, MxVal);}
214  Pp->PutDfVal(DfVal);
215  Pp->PutVal(Val);
216  // return property
217  return Pp;
218 }
220 void TPp::SaveTxt(TOLx& Lx, const int& Lev) const {
221  Lx.PutSym(syLBracket);
222  //Lx.PutIndent(Lev);
223  Lx.PutIdStr(IdNm);
224  if (!DescNm.Empty()){
226  Lx.PutSym(syColon);
227  TPpTag::SaveTxt(Lx, Tag);
228  if (int(Tag)==ptValV){
230  if (Val.GetTag()!=ptUndef){
231  Lx.PutSym(syEq); Val.SaveTxt(Lx);
232  }
233  if (DfVal.GetTag()!=ptUndef){
235  if ((MnVal.GetTag()!=ptUndef)||(MxVal.GetTag()!=ptUndef)){
236  Lx.PutSym(syLss); MnVal.SaveTxt(Lx); MxVal.SaveTxt(Lx); Lx.PutSym(syGtr);
237  }
238  if (CcValV.Len()>0){
239  Lx.PutSym(syLBrace);
240  for (int CcValN=0; CcValN<CcValV.Len(); CcValN++){
241  CcValV[CcValN].SaveTxt(Lx);}
242  Lx.PutSym(syRBrace);
243  }
244  if ((int(Tag)==ptSel)||(int(Tag)==ptSet)){
245  for (int PpN=0; PpN<PpV.Len(); PpN++){
246  Lx.PutVar(PpNm); PpV[PpN]->SaveTxt(Lx, Lev+1);}
247  }
248  Lx.PutSym(syRBracket);
249 }
#define IAssert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:262
TStr GetStr() const
Definition: pp.h:55
Definition: pp.h:86
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:50
static PPp LoadTxt(const PSIn &SIn)
Definition: pp.h:227
TInt Tag
Definition: pp.h:21
TStr GetStr() const
Definition: dt.h:1104
Definition: pp.h:81
int GetTag() const
Definition: pp.h:51
void IAssertSubPp() const
Definition: pp.h:82
void PutVar(const TStr &VarNm, const bool &LBracket=false, const bool &NewLn=false, const bool &CheckIdStr=true)
Definition: lx.h:309
Definition: lx.h:50
TPpVal MnVal
Definition: pp.h:79
static TStr GetStr(const int &Tag)
Definition: pp.cpp:3
void PutBool(const TBool &Bool)
Definition: lx.h:275
TInt Int
Definition: pp.h:22
#define Fail
Definition: bd.h:238
bool Empty() const
Definition: bd.h:501
TStr GetUc() const
Definition: dt.h:493
Definition: pp.h:19
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:535
static TPpTagVal GetTag(const TStr &Str)
Definition: pp.cpp:17
void SaveTxt(TOLx &Lx) const
Definition: pp.cpp:89
void PutInt(const TInt &Int)
Definition: lx.h:277
Definition: pp.h:4
Definition: pp.h:4
void GetVar(const TStr &VarNm, const bool &LBracket=false, const bool &NewLn=false)
Definition: lx.h:209
int GetInt()
Definition: lx.h:181
Definition: lx.h:45
Definition: pp.h:4
TStr IdNm
Definition: pp.h:76
void PutSym(const TLxSym &Sym)
Definition: lx.cpp:751
TInt ValVTag
Definition: pp.h:77
void PutQStr(const TStr &Str)
Definition: lx.h:289
double GetFlt()
Definition: lx.h:182
Definition: lx.h:49
TStr Str
Definition: pp.h:22
bool IsVar(const TStr &VarNm)
Definition: lx.h:207
Definition: pp.h:24
TPt< TPp > PPp
Definition: pp.h:66
Definition: pp.h:4
static TStr PpNm
Definition: pp.h:74
void SplitOnCh(TStr &LStr, const char &SplitCh, TStr &RStr) const
Definition: dt.cpp:901
Definition: lx.h:50
int GetPpN(const TStr &IdNm) const
Definition: pp.cpp:111
TStr DescNm
Definition: pp.h:76
TStr UcIdNm
Definition: pp.h:76
void GetChA(const int &Lev, const bool &Brief, TChA &ChA) const
Definition: pp.cpp:118
TVec< TPpVal > ValV
Definition: pp.h:22
TInt GetInt() const
Definition: pp.h:53
static TPpVal LoadTxt(TILx &Lx)
Definition: pp.cpp:67
Definition: lx.h:49
Definition: lx.h:129
TPpVal Val
Definition: pp.h:78
void SaveTxt(const PSOut &SOut) const
Definition: pp.h:229
TPpValV CcValV
Definition: pp.h:80
Definition: lx.h:251
TStr GetValStr(const bool &DoAddTag=false) const
Definition: pp.cpp:46
TStr GetQStr(const TStr &QStr=TStr())
Definition: lx.h:187
TFlt Flt
Definition: pp.h:22
TBool Bool
Definition: pp.h:22
bool operator==(const TPpVal &PpVal) const
Definition: pp.cpp:31
Definition: lx.h:50
void PutFlt(const TFlt &Flt, const int &Width=-1, const int &Prec=-1)
Definition: lx.h:280
TPpVal DfVal
Definition: pp.h:78
bool GetBool()
Definition: lx.h:180
TInt Tag
Definition: pp.h:77
Definition: pp.h:4
static void SaveTxt(TOLx &Lx, const TInt &Tag)
Definition: pp.h:12
Definition: dt.h:201
TStr GetIdStr(const TStr &IdStr=TStr())
Definition: lx.h:185
TLxSym PeekSym()
Definition: lx.h:200
Definition: pp.h:3
Definition: dt.h:412
bool Empty() const
Definition: dt.h:488
Definition: pp.h:4
TSizeTy SearchForw(const TVal &Val, const TSizeTy &BValN=0) const
Returns the position of an element with value Val.
Definition: ds.h:1440
static TStr GetStr(const bool &Val)
Definition: dt.h:918
Definition: bd.h:196
Definition: lx.h:46
TStr GetStr() const
Definition: dt.h:1365
TPpVal MxVal
Definition: pp.h:79
TLxSym GetSym(const TFSet &Expect)
Definition: lx.cpp:315
Definition: pp.h:4
void PutVal(const TPpVal &_Val)
Definition: pp.cpp:130
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:559
PPp GetPp(const int &PpN) const
Definition: pp.h:158
Definition: pp.h:4
static TPpTagVal LoadTxt(TILx &Lx)
Definition: pp.h:10
bool IsPp(const TStr &IdNm) const
Definition: pp.h:150
void PutIdStr(const TStr &Str, const bool &CheckIdStr=true)
Definition: lx.h:286