SNAP Library 2.2, Developer Reference  2014-03-11 19:15:55
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TKronMtx Class Reference

#include <kronecker.h>

Collaboration diagram for TKronMtx:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TKronMtx ()
 TKronMtx (const int &Dim)
 TKronMtx (const TFltV &SeedMatrix)
 TKronMtx (const TKronMtx &Kronecker)
void SaveTxt (const TStr &OutFNm) const
TKronMtxoperator= (const TKronMtx &Kronecker)
bool operator== (const TKronMtx &Kronecker) const
int GetPrimHashCd () const
int GetSecHashCd () const
int GetDim () const
int Len () const
bool Empty () const
bool IsProbMtx () const
TFltVGetMtx ()
const TFltVGetMtx () const
void SetMtx (const TFltV &ParamV)
void SetRndMtx (const int &MtxDim, const double &MinProb=0.0)
void PutAllMtx (const double &Val)
void GenMtx (const int &Dim)
void SetEpsMtx (const double &Eps1, const double &Eps0, const int &Eps1Val=1, const int &Eps0Val=0)
void SetForEdges (const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
void AddRndNoise (const double &SDev)
TStr GetMtxStr () const
const double & At (const int &Row, const int &Col) const
double & At (const int &Row, const int &Col)
const double & At (const int &ValN) const
double & At (const int &ValN)
int GetNodes (const int &NIter) const
int GetEdges (const int &NIter) const
int GetKronIter (const int &Nodes) const
int GetNZeroK (const PNGraph &Graph) const
double GetEZero (const int &Edges, const int &KronIter) const
double GetMtxSum () const
double GetRowSum (const int &RowId) const
double GetColSum (const int &ColId) const
void ToOneMinusMtx ()
void GetLLMtx (TKronMtx &LLMtx)
void GetProbMtx (TKronMtx &ProbMtx)
void Swap (TKronMtx &KronMtx)
double GetEdgeProb (int NId1, int NId2, const int &NKronIters) const
double GetNoEdgeProb (int NId1, int NId2, const int &NKronIters) const
double GetEdgeLL (int NId1, int NId2, const int &NKronIters) const
double GetNoEdgeLL (int NId1, int NId2, const int &NKronIters) const
double GetApxNoEdgeLL (int NId1, int NId2, const int &NKronIters) const
bool IsEdgePlace (int NId1, int NId2, const int &NKronIters, const double &ProbTresh) const
double GetEdgeDLL (const int &ParamId, int NId1, int NId2, const int &NKronIters) const
double GetNoEdgeDLL (const int &ParamId, int NId1, int NId2, const int &NKronIters) const
double GetApxNoEdgeDLL (const int &ParamId, int NId1, int NId2, const int &NKronIters) const
double GetEdgeProb (const uint &NId1Sig, const uint &NId2Sig, const int &NIter) const
PNGraph GenThreshGraph (const double &Thresh) const
PNGraph GenRndGraph (const double &RndFact=1.0) const
void Dump (const TStr &MtxNm=TStr(), const bool &Sort=false) const

Static Public Member Functions

static uint GetNodeSig (const double &OneProb=0.5)
static int GetKronIter (const int &GNodes, const int &SeedMtxSz)
static PNGraph GenKronecker (const TKronMtx &SeedMtx, const int &NIter, const bool &IsDir, const int &Seed=0)
static PNGraph GenFastKronecker (const TKronMtx &SeedMtx, const int &NIter, const bool &IsDir, const int &Seed=0)
static PNGraph GenFastKronecker (const TKronMtx &SeedMtx, const int &NIter, const int &Edges, const bool &IsDir, const int &Seed=0)
static PNGraph GenDetKronecker (const TKronMtx &SeedMtx, const int &NIter, const bool &IsDir)
static void PlotCmpGraphs (const TKronMtx &SeedMtx, const PNGraph &Graph, const TStr &OutFNm, const TStr &Desc)
static void PlotCmpGraphs (const TKronMtx &SeedMtx1, const TKronMtx &SeedMtx2, const PNGraph &Graph, const TStr &OutFNm, const TStr &Desc)
static void PlotCmpGraphs (const TVec< TKronMtx > &SeedMtxV, const PNGraph &Graph, const TStr &FNmPref, const TStr &Desc)
static void KronMul (const TKronMtx &LeftPt, const TKronMtx &RightPt, TKronMtx &OutMtx)
static void KronSum (const TKronMtx &LeftPt, const TKronMtx &RightPt, TKronMtx &OutMtx)
static void KronPwr (const TKronMtx &KronPt, const int &NIter, TKronMtx &OutMtx)
static double GetAvgAbsErr (const TKronMtx &Kron1, const TKronMtx &Kron2)
static double GetAvgFroErr (const TKronMtx &Kron1, const TKronMtx &Kron2)
static TKronMtx GetMtx (TStr MatlabMtxStr)
static TKronMtx GetRndMtx (const int &Dim, const double &MinProb)
static TKronMtx GetInitMtx (const int &Dim, const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
static TKronMtx GetInitMtx (const TStr &MtxStr, const int &Dim, const int &Nodes, const int &Edges)
static TKronMtx GetMtxFromNm (const TStr &MtxNm)
static TKronMtx LoadTxt (const TStr &MtxFNm)
static void PutRndSeed (const int &Seed)

Static Public Attributes

static const double NInf = -DBL_MAX
static TRnd Rnd = TRnd(0)

Private Attributes

TInt MtxDim
TFltV SeedMtx

Detailed Description

Definition at line 11 of file kronecker.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TKronMtx::TKronMtx ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 19 of file kronecker.h.

Referenced by GetMtxFromNm().

: MtxDim(-1), SeedMtx() { }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

TKronMtx::TKronMtx ( const int &  Dim) [inline]

Definition at line 20 of file kronecker.h.

: MtxDim(Dim), SeedMtx(Dim*Dim) { }
TKronMtx::TKronMtx ( const TFltV SeedMatrix)

Definition at line 9 of file kronecker.cpp.

References IAssert, TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Len(), MtxDim, and SeedMtx.

                                          : SeedMtx(SeedMatrix) {
  MtxDim = (int) sqrt((double)SeedMatrix.Len());
  IAssert(MtxDim*MtxDim == SeedMtx.Len());

Here is the call graph for this function:

TKronMtx::TKronMtx ( const TKronMtx Kronecker) [inline]

Definition at line 22 of file kronecker.h.

: MtxDim(Kronecker.MtxDim), SeedMtx(Kronecker.SeedMtx) { }

Member Function Documentation

void TKronMtx::AddRndNoise ( const double &  SDev)

Definition at line 69 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), Dump(), TRnd::GetNrmDev(), Len(), and Rnd.

Referenced by GetInitMtx().

  double NewVal;
  int c =0;
  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    for(c = 0; ((NewVal = At(i)*Rnd.GetNrmDev(1, SDev, 0.8, 1.2)) < 0.01 || NewVal>0.99) && c <1000; c++) { }
    if (c < 999) { At(i) = NewVal; } else { printf("XXXXX\n"); }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double& TKronMtx::At ( const int &  Row,
const int &  Col 
) [inline]

Definition at line 47 of file kronecker.h.

References MtxDim, and SeedMtx.

{ return SeedMtx[MtxDim*Row+Col].Val; }
const double& TKronMtx::At ( const int &  ValN) const [inline]

Definition at line 48 of file kronecker.h.

References SeedMtx.

{ return SeedMtx[ValN].Val; }
double& TKronMtx::At ( const int &  ValN) [inline]

Definition at line 49 of file kronecker.h.

References SeedMtx.

{ return SeedMtx[ValN].Val; }
void TKronMtx::Dump ( const TStr MtxNm = TStr(),
const bool &  Sort = false 
) const

Definition at line 636 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TStr::CStr(), TStr::Empty(), GetDim(), TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Len(), SeedMtx, and TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Sort().

Referenced by AddRndNoise(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescent(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescent2(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescentConvergence(), TKroneckerLL::RunMStep(), TKroneckerLL::TestBicCriterion(), TKroneckerLL::TestKronDescent(), and TKroneckerLL::TestSamplePerm().

  /*printf("%s: %d x %d\n", MtxNm.Empty()?"Mtx":MtxNm.CStr(), GetDim(), GetDim());
  for (int r = 0; r < GetDim(); r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < GetDim(); c++) { printf("  %8.2g", At(r, c)); }
  if (! MtxNm.Empty()) printf("%s\n", MtxNm.CStr());
  double Sum=0.0;
  TFltV ValV = SeedMtx;
  if (Sort) { ValV.Sort(false); }
  for (int i = 0; i < ValV.Len(); i++) {
    printf("  %10.4g", ValV[i]());
    Sum += ValV[i];
    if ((i+1) % GetDim() == 0) { printf("\n"); }
  printf(" (sum:%.4f)\n", Sum);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool TKronMtx::Empty ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 32 of file kronecker.h.

References TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Empty(), and SeedMtx.

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::GradDescentConvergence(), and TKroneckerLL::TestSamplePerm().

{ return SeedMtx.Empty(); }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PNGraph TKronMtx::GenDetKronecker ( const TKronMtx SeedMtx,
const int &  NIter,
const bool &  IsDir 
) [static]

Definition at line 458 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TNGraph::AddEdge(), TNGraph::AddNode(), GetNodes(), TRnd::GetUniDev(), IsEdgePlace(), TNGraph::New(), Rnd, and SeedMtx.

  const TKronMtx& SeedGraph = SeedMtx;
  const int NNodes = SeedGraph.GetNodes(NIter);
  printf("  Deterministic Kronecker: %d nodes, %s...\n", NNodes, IsDir ? "Directed":"UnDirected");
  PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(NNodes, -1);
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  int edges = 0;
  for (int node1 = 0; node1 < NNodes; node1++) { Graph->AddNode(node1); }

  for (int node1 = 0; node1 < NNodes; node1++) {
    for (int node2 = 0; node2 < NNodes; node2++) {
      if (SeedGraph.IsEdgePlace(node1, node2, NIter, Rnd.GetUniDev())) {
        Graph->AddEdge(node1, node2);
    if (node1 % 1000 == 0) printf("\r...%dk, %dk", node1/1000, edges/1000);
  return Graph;

Here is the call graph for this function:

PNGraph TKronMtx::GenFastKronecker ( const TKronMtx SeedMtx,
const int &  NIter,
const bool &  IsDir,
const int &  Seed = 0 
) [static]

Definition at line 349 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Add(), TNGraph::AddEdge(), TNGraph::AddNode(), At(), GetDim(), GetEdges(), TNGraph::GetEdges(), GetMtxSum(), GetNodes(), TRnd::GetUniDev(), TNGraph::IsEdge(), MtxDim, TNGraph::New(), Rnd, and SeedMtx.

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::GradDescentConvergence(), PlotCmpGraphs(), TKronMaxLL::Test(), and TKroneckerLL::TestGradDescent().

  const TKronMtx& SeedGraph = SeedMtx;
  const int MtxDim = SeedGraph.GetDim();
  const double MtxSum = SeedGraph.GetMtxSum();
  const int NNodes = SeedGraph.GetNodes(NIter);
  const int NEdges = SeedGraph.GetEdges(NIter);
  //const double DiagEdges = NNodes * pow(SeedGraph.At(0,0), double(NIter));
  //const int NEdges = (int) TMath::Round(((pow(double(SeedGraph.GetMtxSum()), double(NIter)) - DiagEdges) /2.0));
  printf("  FastKronecker: %d nodes, %d edges, %s...\n", NNodes, NEdges, IsDir ? "Directed":"UnDirected");
  PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(NNodes, -1);
  TRnd Rnd(Seed);
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  // prepare cell probability vector
  TVec<TFltIntIntTr> ProbToRCPosV; // row, col position
  double CumProb = 0.0;
  for (int r = 0; r < MtxDim; r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < MtxDim; c++) {
      const double Prob = SeedGraph.At(r, c);
      if (Prob > 0.0) {
        CumProb += Prob;
        ProbToRCPosV.Add(TFltIntIntTr(CumProb/MtxSum, r, c));
  // add nodes
  for (int i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
    Graph->AddNode(i); }
  // add edges
  int Rng, Row, Col, Collision=0, n = 0;
  for (int edges = 0; edges < NEdges; ) {
    Rng=NNodes;  Row=0;  Col=0;
    for (int iter = 0; iter < NIter; iter++) {
      const double& Prob = Rnd.GetUniDev();
      n = 0; while(Prob > ProbToRCPosV[n].Val1) { n++; }
      const int MtxRow = ProbToRCPosV[n].Val2;
      const int MtxCol = ProbToRCPosV[n].Val3;
      Rng /= MtxDim;
      Row += MtxRow * Rng;
      Col += MtxCol * Rng;
    if (! Graph->IsEdge(Row, Col)) { // allow self-loops
      Graph->AddEdge(Row, Col);  edges++;
      if (! IsDir) {
        if (Row != Col) Graph->AddEdge(Col, Row);
    } else { Collision++; }
    //if (edges % 1000 == 0) printf("\r...%dk", edges/1000);
  //printf("             %d edges [%s]\n", Graph->GetEdges(), ExeTm.GetTmStr());
  printf("             collisions: %d (%.4f)\n", Collision, Collision/(double)Graph->GetEdges());
  return Graph;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PNGraph TKronMtx::GenFastKronecker ( const TKronMtx SeedMtx,
const int &  NIter,
const int &  Edges,
const bool &  IsDir,
const int &  Seed = 0 
) [static]

Definition at line 404 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Add(), TNGraph::AddEdge(), TNGraph::AddNode(), At(), GetDim(), TNGraph::GetEdges(), GetMtxSum(), GetNodes(), TRnd::GetUniDev(), TNGraph::IsEdge(), MtxDim, TNGraph::New(), Rnd, and SeedMtx.

  const TKronMtx& SeedGraph = SeedMtx;
  const int MtxDim = SeedGraph.GetDim();
  const double MtxSum = SeedGraph.GetMtxSum();
  const int NNodes = SeedGraph.GetNodes(NIter);
  const int NEdges = Edges;
  //const double DiagEdges = NNodes * pow(SeedGraph.At(0,0), double(NIter));
  //const int NEdges = (int) TMath::Round(((pow(double(SeedGraph.GetMtxSum()), double(NIter)) - DiagEdges) /2.0));
  printf("  RMat Kronecker: %d nodes, %d edges, %s...\n", NNodes, NEdges, IsDir ? "Directed":"UnDirected");
  PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(NNodes, -1);
  TRnd Rnd(Seed);
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  // prepare cell probability vector
  TVec<TFltIntIntTr> ProbToRCPosV; // row, col position
  double CumProb = 0.0;
  for (int r = 0; r < MtxDim; r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < MtxDim; c++) {
      const double Prob = SeedGraph.At(r, c);
      if (Prob > 0.0) {
        CumProb += Prob;
        ProbToRCPosV.Add(TFltIntIntTr(CumProb/MtxSum, r, c));
  // add nodes
  for (int i = 0; i < NNodes; i++) {
    Graph->AddNode(i); }
  // add edges
  int Rng, Row, Col, Collision=0, n = 0;
  for (int edges = 0; edges < NEdges; ) {
    Rng=NNodes;  Row=0;  Col=0;
    for (int iter = 0; iter < NIter; iter++) {
      const double& Prob = Rnd.GetUniDev();
      n = 0; while(Prob > ProbToRCPosV[n].Val1) { n++; }
      const int MtxRow = ProbToRCPosV[n].Val2;
      const int MtxCol = ProbToRCPosV[n].Val3;
      Rng /= MtxDim;
      Row += MtxRow * Rng;
      Col += MtxCol * Rng;
    if (! Graph->IsEdge(Row, Col)) { // allow self-loops
      Graph->AddEdge(Row, Col);  edges++;
      if (! IsDir) {
        if (Row != Col) Graph->AddEdge(Col, Row);
    } else { Collision++; }
    //if (edges % 1000 == 0) printf("\r...%dk", edges/1000);
  //printf("             %d edges [%s]\n", Graph->GetEdges(), ExeTm.GetTmStr());
  printf("             collisions: %d (%.4f)\n", Collision, Collision/(double)Graph->GetEdges());
  return Graph;

Here is the call graph for this function:

PNGraph TKronMtx::GenKronecker ( const TKronMtx SeedMtx,
const int &  NIter,
const bool &  IsDir,
const int &  Seed = 0 
) [static]

Definition at line 312 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TNGraph::AddEdge(), TNGraph::AddNode(), TNGraph::GetEdges(), GetNodes(), TExeTm::GetTmStr(), TRnd::GetUniDev(), IsEdgePlace(), TNGraph::New(), Rnd, and SeedMtx.

Referenced by PlotCmpGraphs().

  const TKronMtx& SeedGraph = SeedMtx;
  const int NNodes = SeedGraph.GetNodes(NIter);
  printf("  Kronecker: %d nodes, %s...\n", NNodes, IsDir ? "Directed":"UnDirected");
  PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New(NNodes, -1);
  TExeTm ExeTm;
  TRnd Rnd(Seed);
  int edges = 0;
  for (int node1 = 0; node1 < NNodes; node1++) {
    Graph->AddNode(node1); }
  if (IsDir) {
    for (int node1 = 0; node1 < NNodes; node1++) {
      for (int node2 = 0; node2 < NNodes; node2++) {
        if (SeedGraph.IsEdgePlace(node1, node2, NIter, Rnd.GetUniDev())) {
          Graph->AddEdge(node1, node2);
      if (node1 % 1000 == 0) printf("\r...%dk, %dk", node1/1000, edges/1000);
  } else {
    for (int node1 = 0; node1 < NNodes; node1++) {
      for (int node2 = node1; node2 < NNodes; node2++) {
        if (SeedGraph.IsEdgePlace(node1, node2, NIter, Rnd.GetUniDev())) {
          Graph->AddEdge(node1, node2);
          Graph->AddEdge(node2, node1);
      if (node1 % 1000 == 0) printf("\r...%dk, %dk", node1/1000, edges/1000);
  printf("\r             %d edges [%s]\n", Graph->GetEdges(), ExeTm.GetTmStr());
  return Graph;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::GenMtx ( const int &  Dim) [inline]

Definition at line 40 of file kronecker.h.

References TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Gen(), MtxDim, and SeedMtx.

Referenced by GetLLMtx(), GetProbMtx(), KronMul(), KronSum(), and TKronMaxLL::RoundTheta().

{ MtxDim=Dim;  SeedMtx.Gen(Dim*Dim); }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PNGraph TKronMtx::GenRndGraph ( const double &  RndFact = 1.0) const

Definition at line 295 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TNGraph::AddEdge(), TNGraph::AddNode(), At(), GetDim(), TRnd::GetUniDev(), and TNGraph::New().

  PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New();
  for (int i = 0; i < GetDim(); i++) {
    Graph->AddNode(i); }
  for (int r = 0; r < GetDim(); r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < GetDim(); c++) {
      if (RndFact * At(r, c) >= TKronMtx::Rnd.GetUniDev()) { Graph->AddEdge(r, c); }
  return Graph;

Here is the call graph for this function:

PNGraph TKronMtx::GenThreshGraph ( const double &  Thresh) const

Definition at line 283 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TNGraph::AddEdge(), TNGraph::AddNode(), At(), GetDim(), and TNGraph::New().

  PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New();
  for (int i = 0; i < GetDim(); i++) {
    Graph->AddNode(i); }
  for (int r = 0; r < GetDim(); r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < GetDim(); c++) {
      if (At(r, c) >= Thresh) { Graph->AddEdge(r, c); }
  return Graph;

Here is the call graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetApxNoEdgeDLL ( const int &  ParamId,
int  NId1,
int  NId2,
const int &  NKronIters 
) const

Definition at line 240 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), GetDim(), IAssert, MtxDim, and NInf.

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::CalcApxGraphDLL(), TKroneckerLL::CalcFullApxGraphDLL(), TKroneckerLL::MetroGibbsSampleNext(), TKroneckerLL::NodeDLLDelta(), and TKroneckerLL::UpdateGraphDLL().

  const int& ThetaX = ParamId % GetDim();
  const int& ThetaY = ParamId / GetDim();
  int ThetaCnt = 0;
  double DLL = 0;//, LL = 0;
  for (int level = 0; level < NKronIters; level++) {
    const int X = NId1 % MtxDim;
    const int Y = NId2 % MtxDim;
    const double LVal = At(X, Y); IAssert(LVal > NInf);
    if (X == ThetaX && Y == ThetaY) {
      if (ThetaCnt != 0) { DLL += LVal; }
    } else { DLL += LVal; }
    //LL += LVal;
    NId1 /= MtxDim;  NId2 /= MtxDim;
  //return -ThetaCnt*exp(DLL)*(1.0 + exp(LL)); // -x'/(1+x) WRONG!
  // deriv = -(ax^(a-1)*y^b..) - a*x^(2a-1)*y^2b..
  //       = - (ax^(a-1)*y^b..) - a*x*(x^(a-1)*y^b..)^2
  return -ThetaCnt*exp(DLL) - ThetaCnt*exp(At(ThetaX, ThetaY)+2*DLL);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetApxNoEdgeLL ( int  NId1,
int  NId2,
const int &  NKronIters 
) const

Definition at line 191 of file kronecker.cpp.

References GetEdgeLL().

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::CalcApxGraphLL(), TKroneckerLL::MetroGibbsSampleNext(), TKroneckerLL::NodeLLDelta(), and TKroneckerLL::SwapNodesLL().

  const double EdgeLL = GetEdgeLL(NId1, NId2, NKronIters);
  return -exp(EdgeLL) - 0.5*exp(2*EdgeLL);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetAvgAbsErr ( const TKronMtx Kron1,
const TKronMtx Kron2 
) [static]

Definition at line 655 of file kronecker.cpp.

References GetMtx(), IAssert, TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Len(), and TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Sort().

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::GradDescentConvergence(), and TKroneckerLL::TestKronDescent().

  TFltV P1 = Kron1.GetMtx();
  TFltV P2 = Kron2.GetMtx();
  IAssert(P1.Len() == P2.Len());
  P1.Sort();  P2.Sort();
  double delta = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P1.Len(); i++) {
    delta += fabs(P1[i] - P2[i]);
  return delta/P1.Len();

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetAvgFroErr ( const TKronMtx Kron1,
const TKronMtx Kron2 
) [static]

Definition at line 668 of file kronecker.cpp.

References GetMtx(), IAssert, TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Len(), and TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Sort().

  TFltV P1 = Kron1.GetMtx();
  TFltV P2 = Kron2.GetMtx();
  IAssert(P1.Len() == P2.Len());
  P1.Sort();  P2.Sort();
  double delta = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < P1.Len(); i++) {
    delta += pow(P1[i] - P2[i], 2);
  return sqrt(delta/P1.Len());

Here is the call graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetColSum ( const int &  ColId) const

Definition at line 154 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), and GetDim().

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::GetFullColLL().

  double Sum = 0;
  for (int r = 0; r < GetDim(); r++) {
    Sum += At(r, ColId); }
  return Sum;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetEdgeDLL ( const int &  ParamId,
int  NId1,
int  NId2,
const int &  NKronIters 
) const

Definition at line 207 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), GetDim(), and MtxDim.

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::CalcApxGraphDLL(), TKroneckerLL::CalcFullApxGraphDLL(), TKroneckerLL::CalcGraphDLL(), TKroneckerLL::MetroGibbsSampleNext(), TKroneckerLL::NodeDLLDelta(), and TKroneckerLL::UpdateGraphDLL().

  const int ThetaX = ParamId % GetDim();
  const int ThetaY = ParamId / GetDim();
  int ThetaCnt = 0;
  for (int level = 0; level < NKronIters; level++) {
    if ((NId1 % MtxDim) == ThetaX && (NId2 % MtxDim) == ThetaY) {
      ThetaCnt++; }
    NId1 /= MtxDim;  NId2 /= MtxDim;
  return double(ThetaCnt) / exp(At(ParamId));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetEdgeLL ( int  NId1,
int  NId2,
const int &  NKronIters 
) const

Definition at line 175 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), MtxDim, and NInf.

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::CalcApxGraphLL(), TKroneckerLL::CalcGraphLL(), GetApxNoEdgeLL(), GetNoEdgeLL(), TKroneckerLL::MetroGibbsSampleNext(), TKroneckerLL::NodeLLDelta(), and TKroneckerLL::SwapNodesLL().

  double LL = 0.0;
  for (int level = 0; level < NKronIters; level++) {
    const double& LLVal = At(NId1 % MtxDim, NId2 % MtxDim);
    if (LLVal == NInf) return NInf;
    LL += LLVal;
    NId1 /= MtxDim;  NId2 /= MtxDim;
  return LL;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetEdgeProb ( int  NId1,
int  NId2,
const int &  NKronIters 
) const

Definition at line 161 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), and MtxDim.

Referenced by GetNoEdgeProb().

  double Prob = 1.0;
  for (int level = 0; level < NKronIters; level++) {
    Prob *= At(NId1 % MtxDim, NId2 % MtxDim);
    if (Prob == 0.0) { return 0.0; }
    NId1 /= MtxDim;  NId2 /= MtxDim;
  return Prob;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetEdgeProb ( const uint NId1Sig,
const uint NId2Sig,
const int &  NIter 
) const

Definition at line 271 of file kronecker.cpp.

References Assert, At(), and GetDim().

  Assert(GetDim() == 2);
  double Prob = 1.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < NIter; i++) {
    const uint Mask = (1u<<i);
    const uint Bit1 = NId1Sig & Mask;
    const uint Bit2 = NId2Sig & Mask;
    Prob *= At(int(Bit1!=0), int(Bit2!=0));
  return Prob;

Here is the call graph for this function:

int TKronMtx::GetEdges ( const int &  NIter) const

Definition at line 123 of file kronecker.cpp.

References GetMtxSum().

Referenced by GenFastKronecker(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescent(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescent2(), and TKroneckerLL::GradDescentConvergence().

  return (int) pow(double(GetMtxSum()), double(NIter));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetEZero ( const int &  Edges,
const int &  KronIter 
) const

Definition at line 136 of file kronecker.cpp.

  return pow((double) Edges, 1.0/double(KronIters));
TKronMtx TKronMtx::GetInitMtx ( const int &  Dim,
const int &  Nodes,
const int &  Edges 
) [static]

Definition at line 705 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TRnd::GetUniDev(), TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Len(), TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::PutAll(), and SetForEdges().

Referenced by GetInitMtx(), and TKroneckerLL::TestBicCriterion().

  const double MxParam = 0.8+TKronMtx::Rnd.GetUniDev()/5.0;
  const double MnParam = 0.2-TKronMtx::Rnd.GetUniDev()/5.0;
  const double Step = (MxParam-MnParam) / (Dim*Dim-1);
  TFltV ParamV(Dim*Dim);
  if (Dim == 1) { ParamV.PutAll(0.5); } // random graph
  else {
    for (int p = 0; p < ParamV.Len(); p++) {
      ParamV[p] = MxParam - p*Step; }
  //IAssert(ParamV[0]==MxParam && ParamV.Last()==MnParam);
  TKronMtx Mtx(ParamV);
  Mtx.SetForEdges(Nodes, Edges);
  return Mtx;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

TKronMtx TKronMtx::GetInitMtx ( const TStr MtxStr,
const int &  Dim,
const int &  Nodes,
const int &  Edges 
) [static]

Definition at line 721 of file kronecker.cpp.

References AddRndNoise(), At(), FailR, GetInitMtx(), GetMtx(), GetRndMtx(), TRnd::GetUniDev(), TCh::IsNum(), and SetForEdges().

  TKronMtx Mtx(Dim);
  if (TCh::IsNum(MtxStr[0])) { Mtx = TKronMtx::GetMtx(MtxStr); }
  else if (MtxStr[0] == 'r') { Mtx = TKronMtx::GetRndMtx(Dim, 0.1); }
  else if (MtxStr[0] == 'a') {
    const double Prob = TKronMtx::Rnd.GetUniDev();
    if (Prob < 0.4) {
      Mtx = TKronMtx::GetInitMtx(Dim, Nodes, Edges); }
    else { // interpolate so that there are in the corners 0.9, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5
      const double Max = 0.9+TKronMtx::Rnd.GetUniDev()/10.0;
      const double Min = 0.1-TKronMtx::Rnd.GetUniDev()/10.0;
      const double Med = (Max-Min)/2.0;
      Mtx.At(0,0)      = Max;       Mtx.At(0,Dim-1) = Med;
      Mtx.At(Dim-1, 0) = Med;  Mtx.At(Dim-1, Dim-1) = Min;
      for (int i = 1; i < Dim-1; i++) {
        Mtx.At(i,i) = Max - double(i)*(Max-Min)/double(Dim-1);
        Mtx.At(i, 0) = Mtx.At(0, i) = Max - double(i)*(Max-Med)/double(Dim-1);
        Mtx.At(i, Dim-1) = Mtx.At(Dim-1, i) = Med - double(i)*(Med-Min)/double(Dim-1);
      for (int i = 1; i < Dim-1; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j < Dim-1; j++) {
          if (i >= j) { continue; }
          Mtx.At(i,j) = Mtx.At(j,i) = Mtx.At(i,i) - (j-i)*(Mtx.At(i,i)-Mtx.At(i,Dim-1))/(Dim-i-1);
  } else { FailR("Wrong mtx: matlab str, or random (r), or all (a)"); }
  Mtx.SetForEdges(Nodes, Edges);
  return Mtx;

Here is the call graph for this function:

int TKronMtx::GetKronIter ( const int &  Nodes) const

Definition at line 127 of file kronecker.cpp.

References GetDim().

Referenced by GetNZeroK(), PlotCmpGraphs(), SetForEdges(), and TKronMomentsFit::Test().

  return (int) ceil(log(double(Nodes)) / log(double(GetDim()))); // upper bound
  //return (int) TMath::Round(log(double(Nodes)) / log(double(GetDim()))); // round to nearest power

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int TKronMtx::GetKronIter ( const int &  GNodes,
const int &  SeedMtxSz 
) [static]

Definition at line 307 of file kronecker.cpp.

  return (int) ceil(log(double(GNodes)) / log(double(SeedMtxSz)));
void TKronMtx::GetLLMtx ( TKronMtx LLMtx)

Definition at line 98 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), GenMtx(), Len(), MtxDim, and NInf.

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::GradDescent(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescent2(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescentConvergence(), TKroneckerLL::InitLL(), TKroneckerLL::RunMStep(), and TKroneckerLL::TestKronDescent().

  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    if (At(i) != 0.0) { LLMtx.At(i) = log(At(i)); }
    else { LLMtx.At(i) = NInf; }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

TFltV& TKronMtx::GetMtx ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 35 of file kronecker.h.

References SeedMtx.

Referenced by GetAvgAbsErr(), GetAvgFroErr(), GetInitMtx(), GetMtxFromNm(), TKronMaxLL::Test(), and TKroneckerLL::TestGradDescent().

{ return SeedMtx; }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const TFltV& TKronMtx::GetMtx ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 36 of file kronecker.h.

References SeedMtx.

{ return SeedMtx; }
TKronMtx TKronMtx::GetMtx ( TStr  MatlabMtxStr) [static]

Definition at line 681 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), TStr::ChangeChAll(), TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Empty(), IAssert, TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Len(), and TStr::SplitOnAllCh().

  TStrV RowStrV, ColStrV;
  MatlabMtxStr.ChangeChAll(',', ' ');
  MatlabMtxStr.SplitOnAllCh(';', RowStrV);  IAssert(! RowStrV.Empty());
  RowStrV[0].SplitOnWs(ColStrV);    IAssert(! ColStrV.Empty());
  const int Rows = RowStrV.Len();
  const int Cols = ColStrV.Len();
  IAssert(Rows == Cols);
  TKronMtx Mtx(Rows);
  for (int r = 0; r < Rows; r++) {
    IAssert(ColStrV.Len() == Cols);
    for (int c = 0; c < Cols; c++) {
      Mtx.At(r, c) = (double) ColStrV[c].GetFlt(); }
  return Mtx;

Here is the call graph for this function:

TKronMtx TKronMtx::GetMtxFromNm ( const TStr MtxNm) [static]

Definition at line 753 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TStr::CStr(), FailR, TStr::Fmt(), GetMtx(), and TKronMtx().

  if (MtxNm == "3chain") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 1 0; 1 1 1; 0 1 1");
  else if (MtxNm == "4star") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 1 1 1; 1 1 0 0 ; 1 0 1 0; 1 0 0 1");
  else if (MtxNm == "4chain") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 1 0 0; 1 1 1 0 ; 0 1 1 1; 0 0 1 1");
  else if (MtxNm == "4square") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 1 0 1; 1 1 1 0 ; 0 1 1 1; 1 0 1 1");
  else if (MtxNm == "5star") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 0 0 0; 1 0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 1 0; 1 0 0 0 1");
  else if (MtxNm == "6star") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 0 0 0 0; 1 0 1 0 0 0; 1 0 0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0 1 0; 1 0 0 0 0 1");
  else if (MtxNm == "7star") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 1 1 1 1 1 1; 1 1 0 0 0 0 0; 1 0 1 0 0 0 0; 1 0 0 1 0 0 0; 1 0 0 0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 0 0 1 0; 1 0 0 0 0 0 1");
  else if (MtxNm == "5burst") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 1 1 1 0; 1 1 0 0 0; 1 0 1 0 0; 1 0 0 1 1; 0 0 0 1 1");
  else if (MtxNm == "7burst") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 0 0 1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 1 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1 1 1 1; 0 0 0 0 1 1 0; 0 0 0 0 1 0 1");
  else if (MtxNm == "7cross") return TKronMtx::GetMtx("1 0 0 1 0 0 0; 0 1 0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 1 1 0 0 0; 1 1 1 1 1 0 0; 0 0 0 1 1 1 0; 0 0 0 0 1 1 1; 0 0 0 0 0 1 1");
  FailR(TStr::Fmt("Unknow matrix: '%s'", MtxNm.CStr()).CStr());
  return TKronMtx();

Here is the call graph for this function:

Definition at line 80 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), TStr::Fmt(), GetDim(), and Len().

Referenced by PlotCmpGraphs().

  TChA ChA("[");
  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    ChA += TStr::Fmt("%g", At(i));
    if ((i+1)%GetDim()==0 && (i+1<Len())) { ChA += "; "; }
    else if (i+1<Len()) { ChA += ", "; }
  ChA += "]";
  return TStr(ChA);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetMtxSum ( ) const

Definition at line 140 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), and Len().

Referenced by GenFastKronecker(), TKroneckerLL::GetAbsErr(), GetEdges(), TKroneckerLL::GetFullGraphLL(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescent(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescent2(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescentConvergence(), TKroneckerLL::MetroGibbsSampleSetup(), TKroneckerLL::RunMStep(), SetForEdges(), TKroneckerLL::SetRandomEdges(), and TKroneckerLL::TestKronDescent().

  double Sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    Sum += At(i); }
  return Sum;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int TKronMtx::GetNodes ( const int &  NIter) const

Definition at line 119 of file kronecker.cpp.

References GetDim().

Referenced by GenDetKronecker(), GenFastKronecker(), GenKronecker(), TKroneckerLL::GetEmptyGraphLL(), GetNZeroK(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescent(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescent2(), TKroneckerLL::GradDescentConvergence(), and TKroneckerLL::RunKronEM().

  return (int) pow(double(GetDim()), double(NIter));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

uint TKronMtx::GetNodeSig ( const double &  OneProb = 0.5) [static]

Definition at line 262 of file kronecker.cpp.

  uint Sig = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < (int)(8*sizeof(uint)); i++) {
    if (TKronMtx::Rnd.GetUniDev() < OneProb) {
      Sig |= (1u<<i); }
  return Sig;
double TKronMtx::GetNoEdgeDLL ( const int &  ParamId,
int  NId1,
int  NId2,
const int &  NKronIters 
) const

Definition at line 220 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), GetDim(), and MtxDim.

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::CalcGraphDLL(), and TKroneckerLL::GetEmptyGraphDLL().

  const int& ThetaX = ParamId % GetDim();
  const int& ThetaY = ParamId / GetDim();
  int ThetaCnt = 0;
  double DLL = 0, LL = 0;
  for (int level = 0; level < NKronIters; level++) {
    const int X = NId1 % MtxDim;
    const int Y = NId2 % MtxDim;
    const double LVal = At(X, Y);
    if (X == ThetaX && Y == ThetaY) {
      if (ThetaCnt != 0) { DLL += LVal; }
    } else { DLL += LVal; }
    LL += LVal;
    NId1 /= MtxDim;  NId2 /= MtxDim;
  return -ThetaCnt*exp(DLL) / (1.0 - exp(LL));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetNoEdgeLL ( int  NId1,
int  NId2,
const int &  NKronIters 
) const

Definition at line 186 of file kronecker.cpp.

References GetEdgeLL().

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::CalcGraphLL(), and TKroneckerLL::GetEmptyGraphLL().

  return log(1.0 - exp(GetEdgeLL(NId1, NId2, NKronIters)));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetNoEdgeProb ( int  NId1,
int  NId2,
const int &  NKronIters 
) const

Definition at line 171 of file kronecker.cpp.

References GetEdgeProb().

  return 1.0 - GetEdgeProb(NId1, NId2, NKronIters);

Here is the call graph for this function:

int TKronMtx::GetNZeroK ( const PNGraph Graph) const

Definition at line 132 of file kronecker.cpp.

References GetKronIter(), GetNodes(), and TNGraph::GetNodes().

 return GetNodes(GetKronIter(Graph->GetNodes()));

Here is the call graph for this function:

int TKronMtx::GetPrimHashCd ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 26 of file kronecker.h.

References TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::GetPrimHashCd(), and SeedMtx.

{ return SeedMtx.GetPrimHashCd(); }

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::GetProbMtx ( TKronMtx ProbMtx)

Definition at line 106 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), GenMtx(), Len(), MtxDim, and NInf.

  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    if (At(i) != NInf) { ProbMtx.At(i) = exp(At(i)); }
    else { ProbMtx.At(i) = 0.0; }

Here is the call graph for this function:

TKronMtx TKronMtx::GetRndMtx ( const int &  Dim,
const double &  MinProb 
) [static]

Definition at line 699 of file kronecker.cpp.

References SetRndMtx().

Referenced by GetInitMtx().

  TKronMtx Mtx;
  Mtx.SetRndMtx(Dim, MinProb);
  return Mtx;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double TKronMtx::GetRowSum ( const int &  RowId) const

Definition at line 147 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), and GetDim().

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::GetFullRowLL().

  double Sum = 0;
  for (int c = 0; c < GetDim(); c++) {
    Sum += At(RowId, c); }
  return Sum;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int TKronMtx::GetSecHashCd ( ) const [inline]

Definition at line 27 of file kronecker.h.

References TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::GetSecHashCd(), and SeedMtx.

{ return SeedMtx.GetSecHashCd(); }

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool TKronMtx::IsEdgePlace ( int  NId1,
int  NId2,
const int &  NKronIters,
const double &  ProbTresh 
) const

Definition at line 196 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), and MtxDim.

Referenced by GenDetKronecker(), and GenKronecker().

  double Prob = 1.0;
  for (int level = 0; level < NKronIters; level++) {
    Prob *= At(NId1 % MtxDim, NId2 % MtxDim);
    if (ProbTresh > Prob) { return false; }
    NId1 /= MtxDim;  NId2 /= MtxDim;
  return true;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool TKronMtx::IsProbMtx ( ) const

Definition at line 33 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), and Len().

Referenced by TKroneckerLL::InitLL().

  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    if (At(i) < 0.0 || At(i) > 1.0) return false;
  return true;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::KronMul ( const TKronMtx LeftPt,
const TKronMtx RightPt,
TKronMtx OutMtx 
) [static]

Definition at line 591 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), GenMtx(), and GetDim().

Referenced by KronPwr().

  const int LDim = Left.GetDim();
  const int RDim = Right.GetDim();
  Result.GenMtx(LDim * RDim);
  for (int r1 = 0; r1 < LDim; r1++) {
    for (int c1 = 0; c1 < LDim; c1++) {
      const double& Val = Left.At(r1, c1);
      for (int r2 = 0; r2 < RDim; r2++) {
        for (int c2 = 0; c2 < RDim; c2++) {
          Result.At(r1*RDim+r2, c1*RDim+c2) = Val * Right.At(r2, c2);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::KronPwr ( const TKronMtx KronPt,
const int &  NIter,
TKronMtx OutMtx 
) [static]

Definition at line 626 of file kronecker.cpp.

References KronMul(), and Swap().

  OutMtx = KronMtx;
  TKronMtx NewOutMtx;
  for (int iter = 0; iter < NIter; iter++) {
    KronMul(OutMtx, KronMtx, NewOutMtx);


Here is the call graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::KronSum ( const TKronMtx LeftPt,
const TKronMtx RightPt,
TKronMtx OutMtx 
) [static]

Definition at line 607 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), GenMtx(), GetDim(), and NInf.

  const int LDim = Left.GetDim();
  const int RDim = Right.GetDim();
  Result.GenMtx(LDim * RDim);
  for (int r1 = 0; r1 < LDim; r1++) {
    for (int c1 = 0; c1 < LDim; c1++) {
      const double& Val = Left.At(r1, c1);
      for (int r2 = 0; r2 < RDim; r2++) {
        for (int c2 = 0; c2 < RDim; c2++) {
          if (Val == NInf || Right.At(r2, c2) == NInf) {
            Result.At(r1*RDim+r2, c1*RDim+c2) = NInf; }
          else {
            Result.At(r1*RDim+r2, c1*RDim+c2) = Val + Right.At(r2, c2); }

Here is the call graph for this function:

TKronMtx TKronMtx::LoadTxt ( const TStr MtxFNm) [static]

Definition at line 768 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), IAssert, IAssertR, and ssfTabSep.

  PSs Ss = TSs::LoadTxt(ssfTabSep, MtxFNm);
  IAssertR(Ss->GetXLen() == Ss->GetYLen(), "Not a square matrix");
  IAssert(Ss->GetYLen() == Ss->GetXLen());
  TKronMtx Mtx(Ss->GetYLen());
  for (int r = 0; r < Ss->GetYLen(); r++) {
    for (int c = 0; c < Ss->GetXLen(); c++) {
      Mtx.At(r, c) = (double) Ss->At(c, r).GetFlt(); }
  return Mtx;

Here is the call graph for this function:

TKronMtx & TKronMtx::operator= ( const TKronMtx Kronecker)

Definition at line 25 of file kronecker.cpp.

References MtxDim, and SeedMtx.

  if (this != &Kronecker){
  return *this;
bool TKronMtx::operator== ( const TKronMtx Kronecker) const [inline]

Definition at line 25 of file kronecker.h.

References SeedMtx.

{ return SeedMtx==Kronecker.SeedMtx; }
void TKronMtx::PlotCmpGraphs ( const TKronMtx SeedMtx,
const PNGraph Graph,
const TStr OutFNm,
const TStr Desc 
) [static]

Definition at line 479 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TStr::CStr(), TSnap::DelZeroDegNodes(), TStr::Fmt(), GenFastKronecker(), GenKronecker(), TNGraph::GetEdges(), GetKronIter(), TSnap::GetMxWcc(), TNGraph::GetNodes(), gpwLinesPoints, gsdClustCf, gsdHops, gsdInDeg, gsdOutDeg, gsdScc, gsdSngVal, gsdSngVec, gsdWcc, and tmuNodes.

  const int KronIters = SeedMtx.GetKronIter(Graph->GetNodes());
  PNGraph KronG, WccG;
  const bool FastGen = true;
  if (FastGen) { KronG = TKronMtx::GenFastKronecker(SeedMtx, KronIters, true, 0); }
  else { KronG = TKronMtx::GenKronecker(SeedMtx, KronIters, true, 0); }
  WccG = TSnap::GetMxWcc(KronG);
  const TStr Desc1 = TStr::Fmt("%s", Desc.CStr());
  TGStatVec GS(tmuNodes, TFSet() | gsdInDeg | gsdOutDeg | gsdWcc | gsdHops | gsdScc | gsdClustCf | gsdSngVec | gsdSngVal);
  //gsWccHops, gsdSngVal, gsdSngVec, gsdClustCf
  GS.Add(Graph, TSecTm(1), TStr::Fmt("GRAPH  G(%d, %d)", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges()));
  GS.Add(KronG, TSecTm(2), TStr::Fmt("KRONECKER  K(%d, %d)", KronG->GetNodes(), KronG->GetEdges()));
  GS.Add(WccG, TSecTm(3),  TStr::Fmt("KRONECKER  wccK(%d, %d)", WccG->GetNodes(), WccG->GetEdges()));
  const TStr Style = "linewidth 1 pointtype 6 pointsize 1";
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdInDeg, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdInDeg, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdOutDeg, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdOutDeg, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdHops, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdClustCf, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdClustCf, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVal, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVal, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVec, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVec, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdWcc, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdWcc, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdScc, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdScc, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
//    typedef enum { distrUndef, distrInDeg, distrOutDeg, distrWcc, distrScc,
//  distrHops, distrWccHops, distrSngVal, distrSngVec, distrClustCf, distrMx } TGraphDistr;*/

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::PlotCmpGraphs ( const TKronMtx SeedMtx1,
const TKronMtx SeedMtx2,
const PNGraph Graph,
const TStr OutFNm,
const TStr Desc 
) [static]


Definition at line 514 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TStr::CStr(), TSnap::DelZeroDegNodes(), TStr::Fmt(), GenFastKronecker(), GenKronecker(), TNGraph::GetEdges(), GetKronIter(), GetMtxStr(), TNGraph::GetNodes(), gpwLinesPoints, gsdClustCf, gsdHops, gsdInDeg, gsdOutDeg, gsdScc, gsdSngVal, gsdSngVec, gsdTriadPart, gsdWcc, and tmuNodes.

  const int KronIters1 = SeedMtx1.GetKronIter(Graph->GetNodes());
  const int KronIters2 = SeedMtx2.GetKronIter(Graph->GetNodes());
  PNGraph KronG1, KronG2;
  const bool FastGen = true;
  if (FastGen) {
    KronG1 = TKronMtx::GenFastKronecker(SeedMtx1, KronIters1, true, 0);
    KronG2 = TKronMtx::GenFastKronecker(SeedMtx2, KronIters2, false, 0); } 
  else {
    KronG1 = TKronMtx::GenKronecker(SeedMtx1, KronIters1, true, 0);
    KronG2 = TKronMtx::GenKronecker(SeedMtx2, KronIters2, true, 0);  }
  const TStr Desc1 = TStr::Fmt("%s", Desc.CStr());
  TGStatVec GS(tmuNodes, TFSet() | gsdInDeg | gsdOutDeg | gsdWcc | gsdScc | gsdHops | gsdClustCf | gsdSngVec | gsdSngVal | gsdTriadPart);
  //gsWccHops, gsdSngVal, gsdSngVec, gsdClustCf
  GS.Add(Graph, TSecTm(1), TStr::Fmt("GRAPH  G(%d, %d)", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges()));
  GS.Add(KronG1, TSecTm(2), TStr::Fmt("KRONECKER1  K(%d, %d) %s", KronG1->GetNodes(), KronG1->GetEdges(), SeedMtx1.GetMtxStr().CStr()));
  GS.Add(KronG2, TSecTm(3),  TStr::Fmt("KRONECKER2  K(%d, %d) %s", KronG2->GetNodes(), KronG2->GetEdges(), SeedMtx2.GetMtxStr().CStr()));
  const TStr Style = "linewidth 1 pointtype 6 pointsize 1";
  // raw data
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdInDeg, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdOutDeg, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdHops, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdClustCf, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVal, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVec, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdWcc, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdScc, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdTriadPart, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  // smooth
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdInDeg, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdOutDeg, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdClustCf, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdScc, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdWcc, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVec, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVal, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);
  GS.ImposeDistr(gsdTriadPart, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLinesPoints, Style);

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::PlotCmpGraphs ( const TVec< TKronMtx > &  SeedMtxV,
const PNGraph Graph,
const TStr FNmPref,
const TStr Desc 
) [static]

Definition at line 556 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TStr::CStr(), TSnap::DelZeroDegNodes(), TStr::Fmt(), GenFastKronecker(), TNGraph::GetEdges(), TNGraph::GetNodes(), gpwLines, gsdClustCf, gsdHops, gsdInDeg, gsdOutDeg, gsdScc, gsdSngVal, gsdSngVec, gsdWcc, TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Len(), and tmuNodes.

  const TStr Desc1 = TStr::Fmt("%s", Desc.CStr());
  TGStatVec GS(tmuNodes, TFSet() | gsdInDeg | gsdOutDeg | gsdWcc | gsdScc | gsdHops | gsdClustCf | gsdSngVec | gsdSngVal);
  GS.Add(Graph, TSecTm(1), TStr::Fmt("GRAPH  G(%d, %d)", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges()));
  //gsWccHops, gsdSngVal, gsdSngVec, gsdClustCf
  for (int m = 0; m < SeedMtxV.Len(); m++) {
    const int KronIters = SeedMtxV[m].GetKronIter(Graph->GetNodes());
    PNGraph KronG1 = TKronMtx::GenFastKronecker(SeedMtxV[m], KronIters, true, 0);
    printf("*** K(%d, %d) n0=%d\n", KronG1->GetNodes(), KronG1->GetEdges(), SeedMtxV[m].GetDim());
    printf(" del zero deg K(%d, %d) n0=%d\n", KronG1->GetNodes(), KronG1->GetEdges(), m);
    GS.Add(KronG1, TSecTm(m+2), TStr::Fmt("K(%d, %d) n0^k=%d n0=%d", KronG1->GetNodes(), KronG1->GetEdges(), SeedMtxV[m].GetNZeroK(Graph), SeedMtxV[m].GetDim()));
    // plot after each Kronecker is done
    const TStr Style = "linewidth 1 pointtype 6 pointsize 1";
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdInDeg, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdInDeg, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdOutDeg, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdOutDeg, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdHops, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdClustCf, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdClustCf, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVal, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVal, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVec, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdSngVec, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdWcc, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdWcc, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdScc, FNmPref, Desc1, false, false, gpwLines, Style);
    GS.ImposeDistr(gsdScc, FNmPref+"-B", Desc1, true, false, gpwLines, Style);
  //    typedef enum { distrUndef, distrInDeg, distrOutDeg, distrWcc, distrScc,
  //  distrHops, distrWccHops, distrSngVal, distrSngVec, distrClustCf, distrMx } TGraphDistr;*/

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::PutAllMtx ( const double &  Val) [inline]

Definition at line 39 of file kronecker.h.

References TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::PutAll(), and SeedMtx.

{ SeedMtx.PutAll(Val); }

Here is the call graph for this function:

static void TKronMtx::PutRndSeed ( const int &  Seed) [inline, static]

Definition at line 108 of file kronecker.h.

References TRnd::PutSeed(), and Rnd.

Referenced by TKronMaxLL::Test().

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::SaveTxt ( const TStr OutFNm) const

Definition at line 14 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), TStr::CStr(), and GetDim().

  FILE *F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
  for (int i = 0; i < GetDim(); i++) {
    for (int j = 0; j < GetDim(); j++) {
      if (j > 0) fprintf(F, "\t");
      fprintf(F, "%f", At(i,j)); }
    fprintf(F, "\n");

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::SetEpsMtx ( const double &  Eps1,
const double &  Eps0,
const int &  Eps1Val = 1,
const int &  Eps0Val = 0 

Definition at line 50 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), and Len().

  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    double& Val = At(i);
    if (Val == Eps1Val) Val = double(Eps1);
    else if (Val == Eps0Val) Val = double(Eps0);

Here is the call graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::SetForEdges ( const int &  Nodes,
const int &  Edges 

Definition at line 59 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), GetKronIter(), GetMtxSum(), and Len().

Referenced by GetInitMtx().

  const int KronIter = GetKronIter(Nodes);
  const double EZero = pow((double) Edges, 1.0/double(KronIter));
  const double Factor = EZero / GetMtxSum();
  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    At(i) *= Factor;
    if (At(i) > 1) { At(i) = 1; }

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::SetMtx ( const TFltV ParamV) [inline]

Definition at line 37 of file kronecker.h.

References SeedMtx.

{ SeedMtx = ParamV; }
void TKronMtx::SetRndMtx ( const int &  MtxDim,
const double &  MinProb = 0.0 

Definition at line 40 of file kronecker.cpp.

References TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Gen(), TRnd::GetUniDev(), TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Len(), MtxDim, and SeedMtx.

Referenced by GetRndMtx().

  MtxDim = PrmMtxDim;
  for (int p = 0; p < SeedMtx.Len(); p++) {
    do {
      SeedMtx[p] = TKronMtx::Rnd.GetUniDev();
    } while (SeedMtx[p] < MinProb);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TKronMtx::Swap ( TKronMtx KronMtx)

Definition at line 114 of file kronecker.cpp.

References MtxDim, SeedMtx, and TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Swap().

Referenced by KronPwr().

  ::Swap(MtxDim, KronMtx.MtxDim);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Definition at line 91 of file kronecker.cpp.

References At(), IAssert, and Len().

  for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
    IAssert(At(i) >= 0.0 && At(i) <= 1.0);
    At(i) = 1.0 - At(i);

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

const double TKronMtx::NInf = -DBL_MAX [static]
TRnd TKronMtx::Rnd = TRnd(0) [static]

Definition at line 14 of file kronecker.h.

Referenced by AddRndNoise(), GenDetKronecker(), GenFastKronecker(), GenKronecker(), and PutRndSeed().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: