SNAP Library 2.2, Developer Reference  2014-03-11 19:15:55
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TExpBi Class Reference

#include <exp.h>

Collaboration diagram for TExpBi:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TExpBi ()
TExpBioperator= (const TExpBi &)
bool operator== (const TExpBi &) const
bool IsExpBiId (const TStr &ExpBiNm, TExpBiId &ExpBiId)
bool IsExpBiId (const TStr &ExpBiNm)
TExpBiArgType GetExpBiArgType (const TExpBiId &ExpBiId)
void AssertArgs (const int &RqArgs, const int &ActArgs)
void AssertArgValType (const TExpValType &ExpValType, const PExpVal &ExpVal)
PExpVal GetBiConstVal (const TExpBiId &ExpBiId)
PExpVal GetBiFuncVal (const TExpBiId &ExpBiId, const TExpValV &ArgValV, const PExpEnv &ExpEnv)

Private Member Functions

void AddBi (const TStr &ExpBiNm, const TExpBiId &ExpBiId, const TExpBiArgType &ExpBiArgType=ebatUndef)

Private Attributes

TStrIntH ExpBiNmToIdH
TIntIntH ExpBiIdToArgTypeH
PExpVal Val_Undef
PExpVal Val_True
PExpVal Val_False
PExpVal Val_E
PExpVal Val_Pi

Detailed Description

Definition at line 140 of file exp.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Definition at line 183 of file exp.cpp.

References AddBi(), TMath::E, ebatFlt, ebatFltFlt, ebatVoid, ebi_Abs, ebi_ACos, ebi_ASin, ebi_ATan, ebi_BinDev, ebi_Ceil, ebi_Cos, ebi_CosH, ebi_E, ebi_Exp, ebi_ExpDev, ebi_False, ebi_Floor, ebi_Frac, ebi_GamDev, ebi_Int, ebi_Log, ebi_Log10, ebi_NrmDev, ebi_Pi, ebi_PoiDev, ebi_Pow, ebi_Sin, ebi_SinH, ebi_Sqr, ebi_Sqrt, ebi_Tan, ebi_TanH, ebi_True, ebi_Undef, ebi_UniDev, ebi_UniDevStep, TExpVal::GetUndefExpVal(), TExpVal::New(), TMath::Pi, Val_E, Val_False, Val_Pi, Val_True, and Val_Undef.

  ExpBiNmToIdH(100), ExpBiIdToArgTypeH(100){
  // constants
  AddBi("Undef", ebi_Undef);
  AddBi("True", ebi_True);
  AddBi("False", ebi_False);
  AddBi("E", ebi_E);
  AddBi("Pi", ebi_Pi);

  // trigonometric funcions
  AddBi("Sin", ebi_Sin, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Cos", ebi_Cos, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Tan", ebi_Tan, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("ASin", ebi_ASin, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("ACos", ebi_ACos, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("ATan", ebi_ATan, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("SinH", ebi_SinH, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("CosH", ebi_CosH, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("TanH", ebi_TanH, ebatFlt);

  // exponential functions
  AddBi("Pow", ebi_Pow, ebatFltFlt);
  AddBi("Exp", ebi_Exp, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Sqr", ebi_Sqr, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Sqrt", ebi_Sqrt, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Log", ebi_Log, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Log10", ebi_Log10, ebatFlt);

  // number manipulation functions
  AddBi("Ceil", ebi_Ceil, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Floor", ebi_Floor, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Int", ebi_Int, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Frac", ebi_Frac, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("Abs", ebi_Abs, ebatFlt);

  // random deviates
  AddBi("UniDev", ebi_UniDev, ebatVoid);
  AddBi("NrmDev", ebi_NrmDev, ebatVoid);
  AddBi("ExpDev", ebi_ExpDev, ebatVoid);
  AddBi("GamDev", ebi_GamDev, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("PoiDev", ebi_PoiDev, ebatFlt);
  AddBi("BinDev", ebi_BinDev, ebatFltFlt);
  AddBi("UniDevStep", ebi_UniDevStep, ebatFltFlt);

  // assign values to constants

Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Function Documentation

void TExpBi::AddBi ( const TStr ExpBiNm,
const TExpBiId ExpBiId,
const TExpBiArgType ExpBiArgType = ebatUndef 
) [private]

Definition at line 235 of file exp.cpp.

References THash< TKey, TDat, THashFunc >::AddDat(), ExpBiIdToArgTypeH, ExpBiNmToIdH, and TStr::GetUc().

Referenced by TExpBi().

  ExpBiNmToIdH.AddDat(ExpBiNm.GetUc(), TInt(int(ExpBiId)));
  ExpBiIdToArgTypeH.AddDat(TInt(int(ExpBiId)), TInt(int(ExpBiArgType)));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TExpBi::AssertArgs ( const int &  RqArgs,
const int &  ActArgs 

Definition at line 255 of file exp.cpp.

References TExcept::Throw().

Referenced by GetBiFuncVal().

  if (RqArgs!=ActArgs){
    TExcept::Throw("Invalid number of arguments.");

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void TExpBi::AssertArgValType ( const TExpValType ExpValType,
const PExpVal ExpVal 

Definition at line 261 of file exp.cpp.

References TExpVal::GetValType(), and TExcept::Throw().

Referenced by GetBiFuncVal().

  if (ExpValType!=ExpVal->GetValType()){
    TExcept::Throw("Invalid type of argument.");

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PExpVal TExpBi::GetBiConstVal ( const TExpBiId ExpBiId)

Definition at line 268 of file exp.cpp.

References ebi_E, ebi_False, ebi_Pi, ebi_True, ebi_Undef, TExcept::Throw(), Val_E, Val_False, Val_Pi, Val_True, and Val_Undef.

Referenced by TExp::EvalExp().

  switch (ExpBiId){
    case ebi_Undef: return Val_Undef;
    case ebi_True: return Val_True;
    case ebi_False: return Val_False;
    case ebi_E: return Val_E;
    case ebi_Pi: return Val_Pi;
    default: TExcept::Throw("Invalid constant."); return Val_Undef;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

PExpVal TExpBi::GetBiFuncVal ( const TExpBiId ExpBiId,
const TExpValV ArgValV,
const PExpEnv ExpEnv 

Definition at line 279 of file exp.cpp.

References AssertArgs(), AssertArgValType(), ebatFlt, ebatFltFlt, ebatUndef, ebatVoid, ebi_Abs, ebi_ACos, ebi_ASin, ebi_ATan, ebi_BinDev, ebi_Ceil, ebi_Cos, ebi_CosH, ebi_Exp, ebi_ExpDev, ebi_ExpDevStep, ebi_Floor, ebi_Frac, ebi_GamDev, ebi_Int, ebi_Log, ebi_Log10, ebi_NrmDev, ebi_NrmDevStep, ebi_PoiDev, ebi_Pow, ebi_Sin, ebi_SinH, ebi_Sqr, ebi_Sqrt, ebi_Tan, ebi_TanH, ebi_UniDev, ebi_UniDevStep, evtFlt, Fail, GetExpBiArgType(), TRnd::GetExpDevStep(), TRnd::GetNrmDevStep(), TRnd::GetUniDevStep(), TVec< TVal, TSizeTy >::Len(), TExpVal::New(), TMath::Sqr(), and TExcept::Throw().

Referenced by TExp::EvalExp().

  TExpBiArgType ExpBiArgType=TExpBi::GetExpBiArgType(ExpBiId);
  int Args=ArgValV.Len();
  double ArgFlt1=0; double ArgFlt2=0;
  switch (ExpBiArgType){
    case ebatUndef: Fail; break;
    case ebatVoid:
      AssertArgs(0, Args); break;
    case ebatFlt:
      AssertArgs(1, Args);
      AssertArgValType(evtFlt, ArgValV[0]);
      ArgFlt1=ArgValV[0]->GetFltVal(); break;
    case ebatFltFlt:
      AssertArgs(2, Args);
      AssertArgValType(evtFlt, ArgValV[0]);
      AssertArgValType(evtFlt, ArgValV[1]);
      ArgFlt2=ArgValV[1]->GetFltVal(); break;
    default: Fail;
  PExpVal ExpVal;
  switch (ExpBiId){
    // trigonometric funcions
    case ebi_Sin: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(sin(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_Cos: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(cos(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_Tan: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(tan(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_ASin: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(asin(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_ACos: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(acos(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_ATan: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(atan(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_SinH: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(sinh(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_CosH: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(cosh(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_TanH: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(tanh(ArgFlt1)); break;

    // exponential functions
    case ebi_Pow: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(pow(ArgFlt1, ArgFlt2)); break;
    case ebi_Exp: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(exp(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_Sqr: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(TMath::Sqr(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_Sqrt: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(sqrt(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_Log: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(log(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_Log10: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(log10(ArgFlt1)); break;

    // number manipulation functions
    case ebi_Ceil: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ceil(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_Floor: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(floor(ArgFlt1)); break;
    case ebi_Int:{
      double Int; modf(ArgFlt1, &Int);
      ExpVal=TExpVal::New(Int); break;}
    case ebi_Frac:{
      double Frac, Int; Frac=modf(ArgFlt1, &Int);
      ExpVal=TExpVal::New(Frac); break;}
    case ebi_Abs: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(fabs(ArgFlt1)); break;

    // random deviates
    case ebi_UniDev: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetUniDev()); break;
    case ebi_NrmDev: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetNrmDev()); break;
    case ebi_ExpDev: ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetExpDev()); break;
    case ebi_GamDev:{
      int ArgInt1=int(ArgFlt1);
      ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetGammaDev(ArgInt1)); break;}
    case ebi_PoiDev:{
      ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetPoissonDev(ArgFlt1)); break;}
    case ebi_BinDev:{
      int ArgInt2=int(ArgFlt2);
      ExpVal=TExpVal::New(ExpEnv->GetRnd().GetBinomialDev(ArgFlt1, ArgInt2)); break;}
    case ebi_UniDevStep:{
      int ArgInt1=int(ArgFlt1); if (ArgInt1<0){ArgInt1=0;}
      int ArgInt2=int(ArgFlt2);
      ExpVal=TExpVal::New(TRnd::GetUniDevStep(ArgInt1, ArgInt2)); break;}
    case ebi_NrmDevStep:{
      int ArgInt1=int(ArgFlt1); if (ArgInt1<0){ArgInt1=0;}
      int ArgInt2=int(ArgFlt2);
      ExpVal=TExpVal::New(TRnd::GetNrmDevStep(ArgInt1, ArgInt2)); break;}
    case ebi_ExpDevStep:{
      int ArgInt1=int(ArgFlt1); if (ArgInt1<0){ArgInt1=0;}
      int ArgInt2=int(ArgFlt2);
      ExpVal=TExpVal::New(TRnd::GetExpDevStep(ArgInt1, ArgInt2)); break;}

    default: TExcept::Throw("Invalid function.");
  return ExpVal;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Definition at line 250 of file exp.cpp.

References ExpBiIdToArgTypeH, and THash< TKey, TDat, THashFunc >::GetDat().

Referenced by GetBiFuncVal().

  TInt ExpBiArgType=ExpBiIdToArgTypeH.GetDat(TInt(int(ExpBiId)));
  return TExpBiArgType(int(ExpBiArgType));

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool TExpBi::IsExpBiId ( const TStr ExpBiNm,
TExpBiId ExpBiId 

Definition at line 241 of file exp.cpp.

References ebi_Undef, ExpBiNmToIdH, TStr::GetUc(), and THash< TKey, TDat, THashFunc >::IsKey().

Referenced by IsExpBiId(), and TExp::TExp().

  int ExpBiIdP;
  if (ExpBiNmToIdH.IsKey(ExpBiNm.GetUc(), ExpBiIdP)){
    ExpBiId=TExpBiId(int(ExpBiNmToIdH[ExpBiIdP])); return true;
  } else {
    ExpBiId=ebi_Undef; return false;

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool TExpBi::IsExpBiId ( const TStr ExpBiNm) [inline]

Definition at line 154 of file exp.h.

References IsExpBiId().

    TExpBiId ExpBiId; return IsExpBiId(ExpBiNm, ExpBiId);}

Here is the call graph for this function:

TExpBi& TExpBi::operator= ( const TExpBi ) [inline]

Definition at line 150 of file exp.h.

References Fail.

{Fail; return *this;}
bool TExpBi::operator== ( const TExpBi ) const [inline]

Definition at line 151 of file exp.h.

References Fail.

{Fail; return false;}

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 143 of file exp.h.

Referenced by AddBi(), and GetExpBiArgType().

Definition at line 142 of file exp.h.

Referenced by AddBi(), and IsExpBiId().

Definition at line 144 of file exp.h.

Referenced by GetBiConstVal(), and TExpBi().

Definition at line 144 of file exp.h.

Referenced by GetBiConstVal(), and TExpBi().

Definition at line 144 of file exp.h.

Referenced by GetBiConstVal(), and TExpBi().

Definition at line 144 of file exp.h.

Referenced by GetBiConstVal(), and TExpBi().

Definition at line 144 of file exp.h.

Referenced by GetBiConstVal(), and TExpBi().

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