SNAP Library, User Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
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TKroneckerLL Class Reference

!!!!! MYUNGHWAN, CHECK! More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TKroneckerLL ()
 TKroneckerLL (const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TFltV &ParamV, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.2)
 TKroneckerLL (const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.2)
 TKroneckerLL (const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx, const TIntV &NodeIdPermV, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.2)
int GetNodes () const
int GetKronIters () const
PNGraph GetGraph () const
void SetGraph (const PNGraph &GraphPt)
const TKronMtxGetProbMtx () const
const TKronMtxGetLLMtx () const
int GetParams () const
int GetDim () const
void SetDebug (const bool Debug)
const TFltVGetLLHist () const
const TVec< TKronMtx > & GetParamHist () const
bool IsObsNode (const int &NId) const
bool IsObsEdge (const int &NId1, const int &NId2) const
bool IsLatentNode (const int &NId) const
bool IsLatentEdge (const int &NId1, const int &NId2) const
void SetPerm (const char &PermId)
void SetOrderPerm ()
void SetRndPerm ()
void SetDegPerm ()
void SetBestDegPerm ()
void SetPerm (const TIntV &NodePermV)
void SetIPerm (const TIntV &Perm)
const TIntVGetPermV () const
void AppendIsoNodes ()
void RestoreGraph (const bool RestoreNodes=true)
double GetFullGraphLL () const
double GetFullRowLL (int RowId) const
double GetFullColLL (int ColId) const
double GetEmptyGraphLL () const
double GetApxEmptyGraphLL () const
void InitLL (const TFltV &ParamV)
void InitLL (const TKronMtx &ParamMtx)
void InitLL (const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx)
double CalcGraphLL ()
double CalcApxGraphLL ()
double GetLL () const
double GetAbsErr () const
double NodeLLDelta (const int &NId) const
double SwapNodesLL (const int &NId1, const int &NId2)
bool SampleNextPerm (int &NId1, int &NId2)
double GetEmptyGraphDLL (const int &ParamId) const
double GetApxEmptyGraphDLL (const int &ParamId) const
const TFltVCalcGraphDLL ()
const TFltVCalcFullApxGraphDLL ()
const TFltVCalcApxGraphDLL ()
double NodeDLLDelta (const int ParamId, const int &NId) const
void UpdateGraphDLL (const int &SwapNId1, const int &SwapNId2)
const TFltVGetDLL () const
double GetDLL (const int &ParamId) const
void SampleGradient (const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, double &AvgLL, TFltV &GradV)
double GradDescent (const int &NIter, const double &LrnRate, double MnStep, double MxStep, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples)
double GradDescent2 (const int &NIter, const double &LrnRate, double MnStep, double MxStep, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples)
void SetRandomEdges (const int &NEdges, const bool isDir=true)
void MetroGibbsSampleSetup (const int &WarmUp)
void MetroGibbsSampleNext (const int &WarmUp, const bool DLLUpdate=false)
void RunEStep (const int &GibbsWarmUp, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, TFltV &LLV, TVec< TFltV > &DLLV)
double RunMStep (const TFltV &LLV, const TVec< TFltV > &DLLV, const int &GradIter, const double &LrnRate, double MnStep, double MxStep)
void RunKronEM (const int &EMIter, const int &GradIter, double LrnRate, double MnStep, double MxStep, const int &GibbsWarmUp, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const TKronEMType &Type=kronNodeMiss, const int &NMissing=-1)
TFltV TestSamplePerm (const TStr &OutFNm, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const TKronMtx &TrueMtx, const bool &DoPlot=true)
TFltQu TestKronDescent (const bool &DoExact, const bool &TruePerm, double LearnRate, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const TKronMtx &TrueParam)
void GradDescentConvergence (const TStr &OutFNm, const TStr &Desc1, const bool &SamplePerm, const int &NIters, double LearnRate, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const int &AvgKGraphs, const TKronMtx &TrueParam)

Static Public Member Functions

static PKroneckerLL New ()
static PKroneckerLL New (const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.1)
static PKroneckerLL New (const PNGraph &GraphPt, const TKronMtx &ParamMtx, const TIntV &NodeIdPermV, const double &PermPSwapNd=0.2)
static double CalcChainR2 (const TVec< TFltV > &ChainLLV)
static void ChainGelmapRubinPlot (const TVec< TFltV > &ChainLLV, const TStr &OutFNm, const TStr &Desc)
static void TestBicCriterion (const TStr &OutFNm, const TStr &Desc1, const PNGraph &G, const int &GradIters, double LearnRate, const int &WarmUp, const int &NSamples, const int &TrueN0)
static void TestGradDescent (const int &KronIters, const int &KiloSamples, const TStr &Permutation)


class TPt< TKroneckerLL >

Detailed Description


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TKroneckerLL::TKroneckerLL ( const PNGraph GraphPt,
const TFltV ParamV,
const double &  PermPSwapNd = 0.2 
TKroneckerLL::TKroneckerLL ( const PNGraph GraphPt,
const TKronMtx ParamMtx,
const double &  PermPSwapNd = 0.2 
TKroneckerLL::TKroneckerLL ( const PNGraph GraphPt,
const TKronMtx ParamMtx,
const TIntV NodeIdPermV,
const double &  PermPSwapNd = 0.2 

Member Function Documentation

double TKroneckerLL::CalcChainR2 ( const TVec< TFltV > &  ChainLLV) [static]
void TKroneckerLL::ChainGelmapRubinPlot ( const TVec< TFltV > &  ChainLLV,
const TStr OutFNm,
const TStr Desc 
) [static]
double TKroneckerLL::GetAbsErr ( ) const [inline]
double TKroneckerLL::GetApxEmptyGraphDLL ( const int &  ParamId) const
int TKroneckerLL::GetDim ( ) const [inline]
const TFltV& TKroneckerLL::GetDLL ( ) const [inline]
double TKroneckerLL::GetDLL ( const int &  ParamId) const [inline]
double TKroneckerLL::GetEmptyGraphDLL ( const int &  ParamId) const
double TKroneckerLL::GetFullColLL ( int  ColId) const
double TKroneckerLL::GetFullGraphLL ( ) const
double TKroneckerLL::GetFullRowLL ( int  RowId) const
PNGraph TKroneckerLL::GetGraph ( ) const [inline]
int TKroneckerLL::GetKronIters ( ) const [inline]
double TKroneckerLL::GetLL ( ) const [inline]
const TFltV& TKroneckerLL::GetLLHist ( ) const [inline]
const TKronMtx& TKroneckerLL::GetLLMtx ( ) const [inline]
int TKroneckerLL::GetNodes ( ) const [inline]
const TVec<TKronMtx>& TKroneckerLL::GetParamHist ( ) const [inline]
int TKroneckerLL::GetParams ( ) const [inline]
const TIntV& TKroneckerLL::GetPermV ( ) const [inline]
const TKronMtx& TKroneckerLL::GetProbMtx ( ) const [inline]
double TKroneckerLL::GradDescent ( const int &  NIter,
const double &  LrnRate,
double  MnStep,
double  MxStep,
const int &  WarmUp,
const int &  NSamples 



double TKroneckerLL::GradDescent2 ( const int &  NIter,
const double &  LrnRate,
double  MnStep,
double  MxStep,
const int &  WarmUp,
const int &  NSamples 
void TKroneckerLL::GradDescentConvergence ( const TStr OutFNm,
const TStr Desc1,
const bool &  SamplePerm,
const int &  NIters,
double  LearnRate,
const int &  WarmUp,
const int &  NSamples,
const int &  AvgKGraphs,
const TKronMtx TrueParam 
void TKroneckerLL::InitLL ( const TFltV ParamV)
void TKroneckerLL::InitLL ( const TKronMtx ParamMtx)
void TKroneckerLL::InitLL ( const PNGraph GraphPt,
const TKronMtx ParamMtx 
bool TKroneckerLL::IsLatentEdge ( const int &  NId1,
const int &  NId2 
) const [inline]
bool TKroneckerLL::IsLatentNode ( const int &  NId) const [inline]
bool TKroneckerLL::IsObsEdge ( const int &  NId1,
const int &  NId2 
) const [inline]
bool TKroneckerLL::IsObsNode ( const int &  NId) const [inline]
void TKroneckerLL::MetroGibbsSampleNext ( const int &  WarmUp,
const bool  DLLUpdate = false 
void TKroneckerLL::MetroGibbsSampleSetup ( const int &  WarmUp)
static PKroneckerLL TKroneckerLL::New ( ) [inline, static]
PKroneckerLL TKroneckerLL::New ( const PNGraph GraphPt,
const TKronMtx ParamMtx,
const double &  PermPSwapNd = 0.1 
) [static]
PKroneckerLL TKroneckerLL::New ( const PNGraph GraphPt,
const TKronMtx ParamMtx,
const TIntV NodeIdPermV,
const double &  PermPSwapNd = 0.2 
) [static]
double TKroneckerLL::NodeDLLDelta ( const int  ParamId,
const int &  NId 
) const
double TKroneckerLL::NodeLLDelta ( const int &  NId) const
void TKroneckerLL::RestoreGraph ( const bool  RestoreNodes = true)


void TKroneckerLL::RunEStep ( const int &  GibbsWarmUp,
const int &  WarmUp,
const int &  NSamples,
TVec< TFltV > &  DLLV 
void TKroneckerLL::RunKronEM ( const int &  EMIter,
const int &  GradIter,
double  LrnRate,
double  MnStep,
double  MxStep,
const int &  GibbsWarmUp,
const int &  WarmUp,
const int &  NSamples,
const TKronEMType Type = kronNodeMiss,
const int &  NMissing = -1 
double TKroneckerLL::RunMStep ( const TFltV LLV,
const TVec< TFltV > &  DLLV,
const int &  GradIter,
const double &  LrnRate,
double  MnStep,
double  MxStep 
void TKroneckerLL::SampleGradient ( const int &  WarmUp,
const int &  NSamples,
double &  AvgLL,
TFltV GradV 
bool TKroneckerLL::SampleNextPerm ( int &  NId1,
int &  NId2 


void TKroneckerLL::SetDebug ( const bool  Debug) [inline]
void TKroneckerLL::SetGraph ( const PNGraph GraphPt)
void TKroneckerLL::SetIPerm ( const TIntV Perm)


void TKroneckerLL::SetPerm ( const char &  PermId)
void TKroneckerLL::SetPerm ( const TIntV NodePermV) [inline]
void TKroneckerLL::SetRandomEdges ( const int &  NEdges,
const bool  isDir = true 


double TKroneckerLL::SwapNodesLL ( const int &  NId1,
const int &  NId2 
void TKroneckerLL::TestBicCriterion ( const TStr OutFNm,
const TStr Desc1,
const PNGraph G,
const int &  GradIters,
double  LearnRate,
const int &  WarmUp,
const int &  NSamples,
const int &  TrueN0 
) [static]
void TKroneckerLL::TestGradDescent ( const int &  KronIters,
const int &  KiloSamples,
const TStr Permutation 
) [static]
TFltQu TKroneckerLL::TestKronDescent ( const bool &  DoExact,
const bool &  TruePerm,
double  LearnRate,
const int &  WarmUp,
const int &  NSamples,
const TKronMtx TrueParam 
TFltV TKroneckerLL::TestSamplePerm ( const TStr OutFNm,
const int &  WarmUp,
const int &  NSamples,
const TKronMtx TrueMtx,
const bool &  DoPlot = true 
void TKroneckerLL::UpdateGraphDLL ( const int &  SwapNId1,
const int &  SwapNId2 

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class TPt< TKroneckerLL > [friend]

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