SNAP Library, User Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
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THttp Class Reference

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsHtmlFExt (const TStr &FExt)
static bool IsGifFExt (const TStr &FExt)
static TStr GetReasonPhrase (const int &StatusCd)

Static Public Attributes

static const TStr HttpStr = "http"
static const TStr SlashStr = "/"
static const TStr ColonStr = ":"
static const TStr ContTypeFldNm = "Content-Type"
static const TStr ContLenFldNm = "Content-Length"
static const TStr HostFldNm = "Host"
static const TStr AcceptRangesFldNm = "Accept-Ranges"
static const TStr CacheCtrlFldNm = "Cache-Control"
static const TStr AcceptFldNm = "Accept"
static const TStr SrvFldNm = "Server"
static const TStr ConnFldNm = "Connection"
static const TStr FetchIdFldNm = "FetchId"
static const TStr LocFldNm = "Location"
static const TStr SetCookieFldNm = "Set-Cookie"
static const TStr CookieFldNm = "Cookie"
static const TStr TextFldVal = "text/"
static const TStr TextPlainFldVal = "text/plain"
static const TStr TextHtmlFldVal = "text/html"
static const TStr TextXmlFldVal = "text/xml"
static const TStr TextWmlFldVal = "text/vnd.wap.wml"
static const TStr TextJavaScriptFldVal = "text/javascript"
static const TStr TextCssFldVal = "text/css"
static const TStr ImagePngFldVal = "image/png"
static const TStr ImageGifFldVal = "image/gif"
static const TStr ImageJpgFldVal = "image/jpg"
static const TStr AppOctetFldVal = "application/octet-stream"
static const TStr AppSoapXmlFldVal = "application/soap+xml"
static const TStr AppW3FormFldVal = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
static const TStr AppJSonFldVal = "application/json"
static const TStr ConnKeepAliveFldVal = "keep-alive"
static const int DfPortN = 80
static const int OkStatusCd = 200
static const int RedirStatusCd = 300
static const int BadRqStatusCd = 400
static const int ErrStatusCd = 400
static const int ErrNotFoundStatusCd = 404
static const int InternalErrStatusCd = 500
static const TStr GetMethodNm = "GET"
static const TStr HeadMethodNm = "HEAD"
static const TStr PostMethodNm = "POST"
static const TStr UndefMethodNm = "UndefinedMethod"

Member Function Documentation

TStr THttp::GetReasonPhrase ( const int &  StatusCd) [static]
bool THttp::IsGifFExt ( const TStr FExt) [static]
bool THttp::IsHtmlFExt ( const TStr FExt) [static]

Member Data Documentation

const TStr THttp::AcceptFldNm = "Accept" [static]
const TStr THttp::AcceptRangesFldNm = "Accept-Ranges" [static]
const TStr THttp::AppJSonFldVal = "application/json" [static]
const TStr THttp::AppOctetFldVal = "application/octet-stream" [static]
const TStr THttp::AppSoapXmlFldVal = "application/soap+xml" [static]
const TStr THttp::AppW3FormFldVal = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" [static]
const int THttp::BadRqStatusCd = 400 [static]
const TStr THttp::CacheCtrlFldNm = "Cache-Control" [static]
const TStr THttp::ColonStr = ":" [static]
const TStr THttp::ConnFldNm = "Connection" [static]
const TStr THttp::ConnKeepAliveFldVal = "keep-alive" [static]
const TStr THttp::ContLenFldNm = "Content-Length" [static]
const TStr THttp::ContTypeFldNm = "Content-Type" [static]
const TStr THttp::CookieFldNm = "Cookie" [static]
const int THttp::DfPortN = 80 [static]
const int THttp::ErrNotFoundStatusCd = 404 [static]
const int THttp::ErrStatusCd = 400 [static]
const TStr THttp::FetchIdFldNm = "FetchId" [static]
const TStr THttp::GetMethodNm = "GET" [static]
const TStr THttp::HeadMethodNm = "HEAD" [static]
const TStr THttp::HostFldNm = "Host" [static]
const TStr THttp::HttpStr = "http" [static]
const TStr THttp::ImageGifFldVal = "image/gif" [static]
const TStr THttp::ImageJpgFldVal = "image/jpg" [static]
const TStr THttp::ImagePngFldVal = "image/png" [static]
const int THttp::InternalErrStatusCd = 500 [static]
const TStr THttp::LocFldNm = "Location" [static]
const int THttp::OkStatusCd = 200 [static]
const TStr THttp::PostMethodNm = "POST" [static]
const int THttp::RedirStatusCd = 300 [static]
const TStr THttp::SetCookieFldNm = "Set-Cookie" [static]
const TStr THttp::SlashStr = "/" [static]
const TStr THttp::SrvFldNm = "Server" [static]
const TStr THttp::TextCssFldVal = "text/css" [static]
const TStr THttp::TextFldVal = "text/" [static]
const TStr THttp::TextHtmlFldVal = "text/html" [static]
const TStr THttp::TextJavaScriptFldVal = "text/javascript" [static]
const TStr THttp::TextPlainFldVal = "text/plain" [static]
const TStr THttp::TextWmlFldVal = "text/vnd.wap.wml" [static]
const TStr THttp::TextXmlFldVal = "text/xml" [static]
const TStr THttp::UndefMethodNm = "UndefinedMethod" [static]

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