SNAP Library, Developer Reference  2012-10-15 15:06:59
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bits.h File Reference
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class  TB1Def
class  TB2Def
class  TB4Def
class  TFSet
class  TB8Set
class  TB32Set


typedef TVec< TB8SetTB8SetV
typedef TVec< TB32SetTB32SetV


void SetLastB4 ()
 TBSet ()
 TBSet (const TBSet &BSet)
PBSet Clone () const
 TBSet (const int &_Bits)
static PBSet New (const int &Bits)
 ~TBSet ()
 TBSet (TSIn &SIn)
static PBSet Load (TSIn &SIn)
void Save (TSOut &SOut) const
TBSetoperator= (const TBSet &BSet)
bool operator== (const TBSet &BSet) const
void Gen (const int &_Bits)
void Clr ()
void Fill ()
void Incl (const int &BitN)
void Excl (const int &BitN)
bool In (const int &BitN) const
void SetBit (const int &BitN, const bool &Bool)
bool GetBit (const int &BitN) const
void SwitchBit (const int &BitN)
int GetBits () const
int Get1s ()
int Get0s ()
uint64 GetUInt64 () const
void Wr ()
TBSetoperator~ ()
TBSetoperator&= (const TBSet &BSet)
TBSetoperator|= (const TBSet &BSet)
TBSetoperator|= (const int &BitN)
TBSetoperator^= (const TBSet &BSet)
TBSet operator~ (const TBSet &BSet)
TBSet operator& (const TBSet &LBSet, const TBSet &RBSet)
TBSet operator| (const TBSet &LBSet, const TBSet &RBSet)
TBSet operator^ (const TBSet &LBSet, const TBSet &RBSet)
TBSet operator& (const TBSet &LBSet, const int &BitN)
TBSet operator| (const TBSet &LBSet, const int &BitN)
TBSet operator^ (const TBSet &LBSet, const int &BitN)


ClassTPV(TBSet, PBSet, TBSetV)
private TB4Def::TB4 

Typedef Documentation

typedef TVec<TB32Set> TB32SetV

Definition at line 307 of file bits.h.

typedef TVec<TB8Set> TB8SetV

Definition at line 233 of file bits.h.

Function Documentation

PBSet Clone ( ) const

Definition at line 320 of file bits.h.

References TBSet().

{return PBSet(new TBSet(*this));}

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Excl ( const int &  BitN)

Definition at line 346 of file bits.h.

References Assert, TB4Def::B4Bits, TB4Def::B4Def, TB4Def::B4P2T, and B4T.

Referenced by SetBit().


Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Fill ( )
void Gen ( const int &  _Bits)

Definition at line 113 of file dt.h.

References Clr(), and Resize().

Referenced by TCliqueOverlap::CalculateOverlapMtx(), TVec< TVal >::LoadXml(), and TBSet().

    Clr(); Resize(_BfL); BfL=_BfL;}

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int Get0s ( )

Definition at line 364 of file bits.h.

References Get1s().

{return Bits-Get1s();}

Here is the call graph for this function:

int Get1s ( )

Referenced by Get0s().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool GetBit ( const int &  BitN) const

Definition at line 356 of file bits.h.

References Assert, TB4Def::B4Def, and B4T.

Referenced by SwitchBit().

    return (B4T[BitN/TB4Def::B4Def.B4Bits] &

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int GetBits ( ) const

Definition at line 362 of file bits.h.

{return Bits;}
uint64 GetUInt64 ( ) const

Definition at line 365 of file bits.h.

References Assert, and B4T.

    Assert(Bits>=64); uint64 Val; memcpy(&Val, B4T, 8); return Val;}
bool In ( const int &  BitN) const

Definition at line 350 of file bits.h.

References Assert, TB4Def::B4Def, and B4T.

Referenced by TMAGFitBern::UpdateApxPhiMI().

    return (B4T[BitN/TB4Def::B4Def.B4Bits] &

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void Incl ( const int &  BitN)

Definition at line 342 of file bits.h.

References Assert, TB4Def::B4Bits, TB4Def::B4Def, TB4Def::B4P2T, and B4T.

Referenced by operator|=(), and SetBit().


Here is the caller graph for this function:

static PBSet Load ( TSIn SIn) [static]

Definition at line 329 of file bits.h.

References TBSet().

Referenced by GetFFreeBlobPtV(), TKeyDatFl< TKey, TDat, THashFunc >::LoadHash(), TKeyDatFl< TKey, TDat, THashFunc >::Save(), TKronMomentsFit::Test(), and TPt< TRec >::TPt().

{return new TBSet(SIn);}

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

static PBSet New ( const int &  Bits) [static]

Definition at line 323 of file bits.h.

References TBSet().

Referenced by _IsTagRedir(), TStrHash< TDat, TStringPool, THashFunc >::AddKey(), TFfGGen::AddNodes(), TUndirFFire::AddNodes(), TCliqueOverlap::CalculateOverlapMtx(), TSnap::ConvertESubGraph(), TSnap::ConvertGraph(), TSnap::TSnapDetail::TGetSubGraph< PGraph, IsMultiGraph >::Do(), TSnap::TSnapDetail::TGetSubGraph< PGraph, false >::Do(), TSnap::TSnapDetail::TConvertSubGraph< POutGraph, PInGraph, IsMultiGraph >::Do(), TSnap::TSnapDetail::TConvertSubGraph< POutGraph, PInGraph, false >::Do(), EvalExp(), EvalExpOp(), TAGM::GenAGM(), TSnap::GenBaraHierar(), TSnap::GenCircle(), TSnap::GenConfModel(), TSnap::GenCopyModel(), TSnap::GenDegSeq(), TKronMtx::GenDetKronecker(), TKronMtx::GenFastKronecker(), TFfGGen::GenFFGraphs(), TSnap::GenFull(), TSnap::GenGeoPrefAttach(), TFfGGen::GenGraph(), TSnap::GenGrid(), TKronMtx::GenKronecker(), TSnap::GenPrefAttach(), TSnap::GenRewire(), TSnap::GenRMat(), TSnap::GenRndBipart(), TSnap::GenRndGnm(), TKronMtx::GenRndGraph(), TSnap::GenSmallWorld(), TSnap::GenStar(), TKronMtx::GenThreshGraph(), TSnap::GenTree(), TSnap::Get1CnCom(), TSnap::Get1CnComSzCnt(), GetAbsFromBase(), TSnap::GetBfsTree(), TExpBi::GetBiFuncVal(), TSnap::GetEDatSubGraph(), TSnap::GetESubGraph(), TD34GraphCounter::GetGraph(), TGraphEnumUtils::GetIsoGraphs(), GetMd5SigStr(), TSnap::GetMxBiCon(), TSnap::GetMxScc(), TSnap::GetMxWcc(), TGraphKey::GetNGraph(), THtmlLx::GetNoTag(), GetOutDescUrlStrKdV(), GetOutUrlV(), TSnap::GetSubGraph(), TBigNet< TNodeData, IsDir >::GetSubGraph(), THtmlLx::GetTokStrV(), GetTopDownDocNm(), GetUndefExpVal(), TSnap::GetUnDir(), GetUrl(), GetUrlFromShortcut(), GetValFromLx(), TSecTm::GetXmlTok(), GetZeroExpVal(), IsSite(), TUniChDb::LoadBin(), TSnap::LoadConnList(), TSnap::LoadConnListStr(), TSnap::LoadDyNet(), TSnap::LoadDyNetGraphV(), TSnap::LoadEdgeList(), TSnap::LoadEdgeListStr(), TLAMisc::LoadMatlabTFltVV(), TSnap::LoadPajek(), TStr::LoadTxt(), LoadTxtFact(), New(), NewV(), NewVV(), TDGHashGraphCounter::operator()(), ParseHttpRq(), PutTagTokStr(), TUniChDb::SaveBin(), TLAMisc::SaveMatlabTFltV(), TLAMisc::SaveMatlabTFltVV(), TLAMisc::SaveMatlabTFltVVCol(), TLAMisc::SaveMatlabTFltVVMjrSubMtrx(), TLAMisc::SaveMatlabTIntV(), TStr::SaveTxt(), TUniChDb::Test(), TSnap::TestAnf(), TExpBi::TExpBi(), TMd5Sig::TMd5Sig(), TPreproc::TPreproc(), and TStatTest::TTest().

{return PBSet(new TBSet(Bits));}

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

friend TBSet operator& ( const TBSet LBSet,
const TBSet RBSet 

Definition at line 385 of file bits.h.

References TBSet().

    return TBSet(LBSet)&=RBSet;}

Here is the call graph for this function:

friend TBSet operator& ( const TBSet LBSet,
const int &  BitN 

Definition at line 392 of file bits.h.

References TBSet().

    return TBSet(LBSet)&=BitN;}

Here is the call graph for this function:

TBSet& operator&= ( const TBSet BSet)

Definition at line 371 of file bits.h.

References Assert, and B4T.

    for (int B4N=0; B4N<B4s; B4N++){B4T[B4N]&=BSet.B4T[B4N];} return *this;}
TBSet& operator= ( const TBSet BSet)

Referenced by THash< TKey, TDat, THashFunc >::Defrag(), and THashSet< TKey, THashFunc >::Defrag().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool operator== ( const TBSet BSet) const
friend TBSet operator^ ( const TBSet LBSet,
const TBSet RBSet 

Definition at line 389 of file bits.h.

References TBSet().

    return TBSet(LBSet)^=RBSet;}

Here is the call graph for this function:

friend TBSet operator^ ( const TBSet LBSet,
const int &  BitN 

Definition at line 396 of file bits.h.

References TBSet().

    return TBSet(LBSet)^=BitN;}

Here is the call graph for this function:

TBSet& operator^= ( const TBSet BSet)

Definition at line 379 of file bits.h.

References Assert, and B4T.

    for (int B4N=0; B4N<B4s; B4N++){B4T[B4N]^=BSet.B4T[B4N];} return *this;}
friend TBSet operator| ( const TBSet LBSet,
const TBSet RBSet 

Definition at line 387 of file bits.h.

References TBSet().

    return TBSet(LBSet)|=RBSet;}

Here is the call graph for this function:

friend TBSet operator| ( const TBSet LBSet,
const int &  BitN 

Definition at line 394 of file bits.h.

References TBSet().

    return TBSet(LBSet)|=BitN;}

Here is the call graph for this function:

TBSet& operator|= ( const TBSet BSet)

Definition at line 374 of file bits.h.

References Assert, and B4T.

    for (int B4N=0; B4N<B4s; B4N++){B4T[B4N]|=BSet.B4T[B4N];} return *this;}
TBSet& operator|= ( const int &  BitN)

Definition at line 377 of file bits.h.

References Incl().

    Incl(BitN); return *this;}

Here is the call graph for this function:

Definition at line 369 of file bits.h.

References B4T.

    for (int B4N=0; B4N<B4s; B4N++){B4T[B4N]=~B4T[B4N];} return *this;}
friend TBSet operator~ ( const TBSet BSet)

Definition at line 383 of file bits.h.

References ~TBSet().

    return ~TBSet(BSet);}

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Save ( TSOut SOut) const

Definition at line 330 of file bits.h.

Referenced by TFHashKey< TKey, TFDat, TVDat >::OnDelFromCache(), and Save().

    SOut.Save(B4s); SOut.Save(Bits);
    SOut.SaveBf(&LastB4Mask, sizeof(TB4Def::TB4));
    SOut.SaveBf(B4T, B4s*sizeof(TB4Def::TB4));}

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void SetBit ( const int &  BitN,
const bool &  Bool 

Definition at line 354 of file bits.h.

References Excl(), and Incl().

Referenced by TGraphAnf< PGraph >::InitAnfBits(), and SwitchBit().

    if (Bool){Incl(BitN);} else {Excl(BitN);}}

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void SetLastB4 ( )

Definition at line 316 of file bits.h.

References LastB4Mask.

void SwitchBit ( const int &  BitN)

Definition at line 360 of file bits.h.

References GetBit(), and SetBit().

    SetBit(BitN, !GetBit(BitN));}

Here is the call graph for this function:

TBSet ( )

Definition at line 318 of file bits.h.

Referenced by Clone(), Load(), New(), operator&(), operator^(), operator|(), and TXmlChDef().

: B4s(0), Bits(0), LastB4Mask(0), B4T(NULL){}

Here is the caller graph for this function:

TBSet::TBSet ( const TBSet BSet)

Definition at line 163 of file bits.cpp.

References B4T, and Gen().

  B4s(0), Bits(0), LastB4Mask(0), B4T(NULL){
  for (int B4N=0; B4N<B4s; B4N++){B4T[B4N]=BSet.B4T[B4N];}

Here is the call graph for this function:

TBSet ( const int &  _Bits)

Definition at line 321 of file bits.h.

References Gen().

    B4s(0), Bits(0), LastB4Mask(0), B4T(NULL){Gen(_Bits);}

Here is the call graph for this function:

TBSet ( TSIn SIn)

Definition at line 325 of file bits.h.

References B4T, LastB4Mask, TSIn::Load(), TSIn::LoadBf(), and TSIn::LoadNewBf().

    SIn.Load(B4s); SIn.Load(Bits);
    SIn.LoadBf(&LastB4Mask, sizeof(TB4Def::TB4));

Here is the call graph for this function:

void Wr ( )
~TBSet ( )

Definition at line 324 of file bits.h.

References B4T.

Referenced by operator~().

{delete[] B4T;}

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

ClassTPV (TBSet, PBSet, TBSetV) private TB4Def::TB4 LastB4Mask

Definition at line 311 of file bits.h.

Referenced by Save(), SetLastB4(), and TBSet().