Open positions
Open research positions in SNAP group are available at undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral levels.

Note Dame web graph

Dataset information

Nodes represent pages from University of Notre Dame (domain and directed edges represent hyperlinks between them. The data was collected in 1999 by Albert, Jeong and Barabasi.

Dataset statistics
Nodes 325729
Edges 1497134
Nodes in largest WCC 325729 (1.000)
Edges in largest WCC 1497134 (1.000)
Nodes in largest SCC 53968 (0.166)
Edges in largest SCC 304685 (0.204)
Average clustering coefficient 0.2346
Number of triangles 8910005
Fraction of closed triangles 0.03104
Diameter (longest shortest path) 46
90-percentile effective diameter 9.4

Source (citation)


File Description
web-NotreDame.txt.gz University of Notre Dame web graph from 1999