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Condense Matter collaboration network

Dataset information

Arxiv COND-MAT (Condense Matter Physics) collaboration network is from the e-print arXiv and covers scientific collaborations between authors papers submitted to Condense Matter category. If an author i co-authored a paper with author j, the graph contains a undirected edge from i to j. If the paper is co-authored by k authors this generates a completely connected (sub)graph on k nodes.

The data covers papers in the period from January 1993 to April 2003 (124 months). It begins within a few months of the inception of the arXiv, and thus represents essentially the complete history of its COND-MAT section.

Dataset statistics
Nodes 23133
Edges 93497
Nodes in largest WCC 21363 (0.923)
Edges in largest WCC 91342 (0.977)
Nodes in largest SCC 21363 (0.923)
Edges in largest SCC 91342 (0.977)
Average clustering coefficient 0.6334
Number of triangles 173361
Fraction of closed triangles 0.107
Diameter (longest shortest path) 14
90-percentile effective diameter 6.5

Source (citation)


File Description
ca-CondMat.txt.gz Collaboration network of Arxiv Condensed Matter category