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Drug side-effect association network

Dataset information

This is a drug side-effect association network that contains information on side effects caused by drugs that are on the U.S. market. Nodes represent drugs and side effects, and edges indicate recorded adverse drug reactions.

Dataset statistics
Nodes 10825
Drug nodes 640
Side effect nodes 10185
Edges 174978
Nodes in largest SCC 10823
Fraction of nodes in largest SCC 1.000000
Edges in largest SCC 174977
Fraction of edges in largest SCC 0.999994
Diameter (longest shortest path) 6
90-percentile effective diameter 3.853952

The information is extracted from public documents, package inserts, drug labels, off-label associations between drugs and side effects, and adverse event reporting systems that collect reports from doctors, patients and drug companies.



File Size Description
ChSe-Decagon_monopharmacy.csv.gz 7.8MB Drug side-effects (edgelist)