SNAP Library 3.0, User Reference  2016-07-20 17:56:49
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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1 namespace TSnap {
4 // BFS and DFS
9 template <class PGraph> PNGraph GetBfsTree(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn);
11 template <class PGraph> int GetSubTreeSz(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn, int& TreeSzX, int& TreeDepthX);
15 template <class PGraph> int GetNodesAtHop(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, const int& Hop, TIntV& NIdV, const bool& IsDir=false);
19 template <class PGraph> int GetNodesAtHops(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, TIntPrV& HopCntV, const bool& IsDir=false);
22 // Shortest paths
26 template <class PGraph> int GetShortPath(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir=false);
32 template <class PGraph> int GetShortPath(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, TIntH& NIdToDistH, const bool& IsDir=false, const int& MaxDist=TInt::Mx);
35 // Diameter
40 template <class PGraph> int GetBfsFullDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const bool& IsDir=false);
44 template <class PGraph> double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const bool& IsDir=false);
48 template <class PGraph> double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const bool& IsDir, double& EffDiamX, int& FullDiamX);
50 template <class PGraph> double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const bool& IsDir, double& EffDiamX, int& FullDiamX, double& AvgSPLX);
52 template <class PGraph> double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const TIntV& SubGraphNIdV, const bool& IsDir, double& EffDiamX, int& FullDiamX);
54 // TODO: Implement in the future
55 //template <class PGraph> int GetRangeDist(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir=false);
56 //template <class PGraph> int GetShortPath(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, TIntH& NIdToDistH, const bool& IsDir=false, const int& MaxDist=1000);
57 //template <class PGraph> int GetShortPath(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const TIntSet& TargetSet, const bool& IsDir, TIntV& PathNIdV);
58 //template <class PGraph> int GetShortPath(TIntH& NIdPrnH, TCcQueue<int>& NIdQ, const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const TIntSet& TargetSet, const bool& IsDir, TIntV& PathNIdV);
59 //template <class PGraph> int GetMxShortDist(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const bool& IsDir=false);
60 //template <class PGraph> int GetMxShortDist(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const bool& IsDir, int& MxDistNId);
61 //template <class PGraph> int GetMxShortDist(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const bool& IsDir, int& MxDistNId, TCcQueue<int>& NIdQ, TCcQueue<int>& DistQ, TIntSet& VisitedH);
62 //template <class PGraph> int GetMxGreedyDist(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const bool& IsDir=false);
63 //template <class PGraph> int GetMxGreedyDist(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const bool& IsDir, TCcQueue<int>& NIdQ, TCcQueue<int>& DistQ, TIntSet& VisitedH);
64 //template <class PGraph> PNGraph GetShortPathsSubGraph(const PGraph& Graph, const TIntV& SubGraphNIdV);
65 //template <class PGraph> PGraph GetWccPathsSubGraph(const PGraph& Graph, const TIntV& NIdV);
66 //template <class PGraph> void GetSubTreeSz(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, const bool& FollowOutEdges, int& TreeSz, int& TreeDepth);
68 } // namespace TSnap
70 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
73 template<class PGraph>
74 class TBreathFS {
75 public:
76  PGraph Graph;
80 public:
81  TBreathFS(const PGraph& GraphPt, const bool& InitBigQ=true) :
82  Graph(GraphPt), Queue(InitBigQ?Graph->GetNodes():1024), NIdDistH(InitBigQ?Graph->GetNodes():1024) { }
84  void SetGraph(const PGraph& GraphPt);
86  int DoBfs(const int& StartNode, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn, const int& TargetNId=-1, const int& MxDist=TInt::Mx);
88  int DoBfsHybrid(const int& StartNode, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn, const int& TargetNId=-1, const int& MxDist=TInt::Mx);
90  int GetNVisited() const { return NIdDistH.Len(); }
92  void GetVisitedNIdV(TIntV& NIdV) const { NIdDistH.GetKeyV(NIdV); }
95  int GetHops(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const;
98  int GetRndPath(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, TIntV& PathNIdV) const;
100 /* Private variables and functions for DoBfsHybrid */
101 private:
102  int Stage; // 0, 2: top down, 1: bottom up
103  static const unsigned int alpha = 100;
104  static const unsigned int beta = 20;
105  /* Private functions */
106  bool TopDownStep(TIntV &NIdDistV, TIntV *Frontier, TIntV *NextFrontier, int& MaxDist, const int& TargetNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn);
107  bool BottomUpStep(TIntV &NIdDistV, TIntV *Frontier, TIntV *NextFrontier, int& MaxDist, const int& TargetNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn);
108 };
110 template<class PGraph>
111 void TBreathFS<PGraph>::SetGraph(const PGraph& GraphPt) {
112  Graph=GraphPt;
113  const int N=GraphPt->GetNodes();
114  if (Queue.Reserved() < N) { Queue.Gen(N); }
115  if (NIdDistH.GetReservedKeyIds() < N) { NIdDistH.Gen(N); }
116 }
118 template<class PGraph>
119 int TBreathFS<PGraph>::DoBfs(const int& StartNode, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn, const int& TargetNId, const int& MxDist) {
120  StartNId = StartNode;
121  IAssert(Graph->IsNode(StartNId));
122 // const typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI StartNodeI = Graph->GetNI(StartNode);
123 // IAssertR(StartNodeI.GetOutDeg() > 0, TStr::Fmt("No neighbors from start node %d.", StartNode));
124  NIdDistH.Clr(false); NIdDistH.AddDat(StartNId, 0);
125  Queue.Clr(false); Queue.Push(StartNId);
126  int v, MaxDist = 0;
127  while (! Queue.Empty()) {
128  const int NId = Queue.Top(); Queue.Pop();
129  const int Dist = NIdDistH.GetDat(NId);
130  if (Dist == MxDist) { break; } // max distance limit reached
131  const typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NodeI = Graph->GetNI(NId);
132  if (FollowOut) { // out-links
133  for (v = 0; v < NodeI.GetOutDeg(); v++) { // out-links
134  const int DstNId = NodeI.GetOutNId(v);
135  if (! NIdDistH.IsKey(DstNId)) {
136  NIdDistH.AddDat(DstNId, Dist+1);
137  MaxDist = TMath::Mx(MaxDist, Dist+1);
138  if (DstNId == TargetNId) { return MaxDist; }
139  Queue.Push(DstNId);
140  }
141  }
142  }
143  if (FollowIn) { // in-links
144  for (v = 0; v < NodeI.GetInDeg(); v++) {
145  const int DstNId = NodeI.GetInNId(v);
146  if (! NIdDistH.IsKey(DstNId)) {
147  NIdDistH.AddDat(DstNId, Dist+1);
148  MaxDist = TMath::Mx(MaxDist, Dist+1);
149  if (DstNId == TargetNId) { return MaxDist; }
150  Queue.Push(DstNId);
151  }
152  }
153  }
154  }
155  return MaxDist;
156 }
158 template<class PGraph>
159 int TBreathFS<PGraph>::DoBfsHybrid(const int& StartNode, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn, const int& TargetNId, const int& MxDist) {
160  StartNId = StartNode;
161  IAssert(Graph->IsNode(StartNId));
162  if (TargetNId == StartNode) return 0;
163  const typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI StartNodeI = Graph->GetNI(StartNode);
165  // Initialize vector
166  TIntV NIdDistV(Graph->GetMxNId() + 1);
167  for (int i = 0; i < NIdDistV.Len(); i++) {
168  NIdDistV.SetVal(i, -1);
169  }
170  TIntV *Frontier = new TIntV(Graph->GetNodes(), 0);
171  TIntV *NextFrontier = new TIntV(Graph->GetNodes(), 0);
173  NIdDistV.SetVal(StartNId, 0);
174  Frontier->Add(StartNId);
175  Stage = 0;
176  int MaxDist = -1;
177  const unsigned int TotalNodes = Graph->GetNodes();
178  unsigned int UnvisitedNodes = Graph->GetNodes();
179  while (! Frontier->Empty()) {
180  MaxDist += 1;
181  NextFrontier->Clr(false);
182  if (MaxDist == MxDist) { break; } // max distance limit reached
184  UnvisitedNodes -= Frontier->Len();
185  if (Stage == 0 && UnvisitedNodes / Frontier->Len() < alpha) {
186  Stage = 1;
187  } else if (Stage == 1 && TotalNodes / Frontier->Len() > beta) {
188  Stage = 2;
189  }
191  // Top down or bottom up depending on stage
192  bool targetFound = false;
193  if (Stage == 0 || Stage == 2) {
194  targetFound = TopDownStep(NIdDistV, Frontier, NextFrontier, MaxDist, TargetNId, FollowOut, FollowIn);
195  } else {
196  targetFound = BottomUpStep(NIdDistV, Frontier, NextFrontier, MaxDist, TargetNId, FollowOut, FollowIn);
197  }
198  if (targetFound) {
199  MaxDist = NIdDistV[TargetNId];
200  break;
201  }
203  // swap Frontier and NextFrontier
204  TIntV *temp = Frontier;
205  Frontier = NextFrontier;
206  NextFrontier = temp;
207  }
209  delete Frontier;
210  delete NextFrontier;
211  // Transform vector to hash table
212  NIdDistH.Clr(false);
213  for (int NId = 0; NId < NIdDistV.Len(); NId++) {
214  if (NIdDistV[NId] != -1) {
215  NIdDistH.AddDat(NId, NIdDistV[NId]);
216  }
217  }
218  return MaxDist;
219 }
221 template<class PGraph>
222 bool TBreathFS<PGraph>::TopDownStep(TIntV &NIdDistV, TIntV *Frontier, TIntV *NextFrontier, int& MaxDist, const int& TargetNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn) {
223  for (TIntV::TIter it = Frontier->BegI(); it != Frontier->EndI(); ++it) { // loop over frontier
224  const int NId = *it;
225  const int Dist = NIdDistV[NId];
226  IAssert(Dist == MaxDist); // Must equal to MaxDist
227  const typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NodeI = Graph->GetNI(NId);
228  if (FollowOut) {
229  for (int v = 0; v < NodeI.GetOutDeg(); v++) {
230  const int NeighborNId = NodeI.GetOutNId(v);
231  if (NIdDistV[NeighborNId] == -1) {
232  NIdDistV.SetVal(NeighborNId, Dist+1);
233  if (NeighborNId == TargetNId) return true;
234  NextFrontier->Add(NeighborNId);
235  }
236  }
237  }
238  if (FollowIn) {
239  for (int v = 0; v < NodeI.GetInDeg(); v++) {
240  const int NeighborNId = NodeI.GetInNId(v);
241  if (NIdDistV[NeighborNId] == -1) {
242  NIdDistV.SetVal(NeighborNId, Dist+1);
243  if (NeighborNId == TargetNId) return true;
244  NextFrontier->Add(NeighborNId);
245  }
246  }
247  }
248  }
249  return false;
250 }
252 template<class PGraph>
253 bool TBreathFS<PGraph>::BottomUpStep(TIntV &NIdDistV, TIntV *Frontier, TIntV *NextFrontier, int& MaxDist, const int& TargetNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn) {
254  for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NodeI = Graph->BegNI(); NodeI < Graph->EndNI(); NodeI++) {
255  const int NId = NodeI.GetId();
256  if (NIdDistV[NId] == -1) {
257  if (FollowOut) {
258  for (int v = 0; v < NodeI.GetInDeg(); v++) {
259  const int ParentNId = NodeI.GetInNId(v);
260  if (NIdDistV[ParentNId] == MaxDist) {
261  NIdDistV[NId] = MaxDist + 1;
262  if (NId == TargetNId) return true;
263  NextFrontier->Add(NId);
264  break;
265  }
266  }
267  }
268  if (FollowIn && NIdDistV[NId] == -1) {
269  for (int v = 0; v < NodeI.GetOutDeg(); v++) {
270  const int ParentNId = NodeI.GetOutNId(v);
271  if (NIdDistV[ParentNId] == MaxDist) {
272  NIdDistV[NId] = MaxDist + 1;
273  if (NId == TargetNId) return true;
274  NextFrontier->Add(NId);
275  break;
276  }
277  }
278  }
279  }
280  }
281  return false;
282 }
284 template<class PGraph>
285 int TBreathFS<PGraph>::GetHops(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId) const {
286  TInt Dist;
287  if (SrcNId!=StartNId) { return -1; }
288  if (! NIdDistH.IsKeyGetDat(DstNId, Dist)) { return -1; }
289  return Dist.Val;
290 }
292 template<class PGraph>
293 int TBreathFS<PGraph>::GetRndPath(const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, TIntV& PathNIdV) const {
294  PathNIdV.Clr(false);
295  if (SrcNId!=StartNId || ! NIdDistH.IsKey(DstNId)) { return -1; }
296  PathNIdV.Add(DstNId);
297  TIntV CloserNIdV;
298  int CurNId = DstNId;
299  TInt CurDist, NextDist;
300  while (CurNId != SrcNId) {
301  typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(CurNId);
302  IAssert(NIdDistH.IsKeyGetDat(CurNId, CurDist));
303  CloserNIdV.Clr(false);
304  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
305  const int Next = NI.GetNbrNId(e);
306  if (NIdDistH.IsKeyGetDat(Next, NextDist)) {
307  if (NextDist == CurDist-1) { CloserNIdV.Add(Next); }
308  }
309  }
310  IAssert(! CloserNIdV.Empty());
311  CurNId = CloserNIdV[TInt::Rnd.GetUniDevInt(CloserNIdV.Len())];
312  PathNIdV.Add(CurNId);
313  }
314  PathNIdV.Reverse();
315  return PathNIdV.Len()-1;
316 }
319 // Implementation
320 namespace TSnap {
322 template <class PGraph>
323 PNGraph GetBfsTree(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn) {
324  TBreathFS<PGraph> BFS(Graph);
325  BFS.DoBfs(StartNId, FollowOut, FollowIn, -1, TInt::Mx);
326  PNGraph Tree = TNGraph::New();
327  BFS.NIdDistH.SortByDat();
328  for (int i = 0; i < BFS.NIdDistH.Len(); i++) {
329  const int NId = BFS.NIdDistH.GetKey(i);
330  const int Dist = BFS.NIdDistH[i];
331  typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(NId);
332  if (!Tree->IsNode(NId)) {
333  Tree->AddNode(NId);
334  }
335  if (FollowOut) {
336  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetInDeg(); e++) {
337  const int Prev = NI.GetInNId(e);
338  if (Tree->IsNode(Prev) && BFS.NIdDistH.GetDat(Prev)==Dist-1) {
339  Tree->AddEdge(Prev, NId); }
340  }
341  }
342  if (FollowIn) {
343  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
344  const int Prev = NI.GetOutNId(e);
345  if (Tree->IsNode(Prev) && BFS.NIdDistH.GetDat(Prev)==Dist-1) {
346  Tree->AddEdge(Prev, NId); }
347  }
348  }
349  }
350  return Tree;
351 }
353 template <class PGraph>
354 int GetSubTreeSz(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn, int& TreeSz, int& TreeDepth) {
355  TBreathFS<PGraph> BFS(Graph);
356  BFS.DoBfs(StartNId, FollowOut, FollowIn, -1, TInt::Mx);
357  TreeSz = BFS.NIdDistH.Len();
358  TreeDepth = 0;
359  for (int i = 0; i < BFS.NIdDistH.Len(); i++) {
360  TreeDepth = TMath::Mx(TreeDepth, BFS.NIdDistH[i].Val);
361  }
362  return TreeSz;
363 }
365 template <class PGraph>
366 int GetNodesAtHop(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, const int& Hop, TIntV& NIdV, const bool& IsDir) {
367  TBreathFS<PGraph> BFS(Graph);
368  BFS.DoBfs(StartNId, true, !IsDir, -1, Hop);
369  NIdV.Clr(false);
370  for (int i = 0; i < BFS.NIdDistH.Len(); i++) {
371  if (BFS.NIdDistH[i] == Hop) {
372  NIdV.Add(BFS.NIdDistH.GetKey(i)); }
373  }
374  return NIdV.Len();
375 }
377 template <class PGraph>
378 int GetNodesAtHops(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, TIntPrV& HopCntV, const bool& IsDir) {
379  TBreathFS<PGraph> BFS(Graph);
380  BFS.DoBfs(StartNId, true, !IsDir, -1, TInt::Mx);
381  TIntH HopCntH;
382  for (int i = 0; i < BFS.NIdDistH.Len(); i++) {
383  HopCntH.AddDat(BFS.NIdDistH[i]) += 1;
384  }
385  HopCntH.GetKeyDatPrV(HopCntV);
386  HopCntV.Sort();
387  return HopCntV.Len();
388 }
390 template <class PGraph>
391 int GetShortPath(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, TIntH& NIdToDistH, const bool& IsDir, const int& MaxDist) {
392  TBreathFS<PGraph> BFS(Graph);
393  BFS.DoBfs(SrcNId, true, ! IsDir, -1, MaxDist);
394  NIdToDistH.Clr();
395  NIdToDistH.Swap(BFS.NIdDistH);
396  return NIdToDistH[NIdToDistH.Len()-1];
397 }
399 template <class PGraph>
400 int GetShortPath(const PGraph& Graph, const int& SrcNId, const int& DstNId, const bool& IsDir) {
401  TBreathFS<PGraph> BFS(Graph);
402  BFS.DoBfs(SrcNId, true, ! IsDir, DstNId, TInt::Mx);
403  return BFS.GetHops(SrcNId, DstNId);
404 }
406 template <class PGraph>
407 int GetBfsFullDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const bool& IsDir) {
408  int FullDiam;
409  double EffDiam;
410  GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, NTestNodes, IsDir, EffDiam, FullDiam);
411  return FullDiam;
412 }
414 template <class PGraph>
415 double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const bool& IsDir) {
416  int FullDiam;
417  double EffDiam;
418  GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, NTestNodes, IsDir, EffDiam, FullDiam);
419  return EffDiam;
420 }
422 template <class PGraph>
423 double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const bool& IsDir, double& EffDiam, int& FullDiam) {
424  double AvgDiam;
425  EffDiam = -1; FullDiam = -1;
426  return GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, NTestNodes, IsDir, EffDiam, FullDiam, AvgDiam);
427 }
429 template <class PGraph>
430 double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const bool& IsDir, double& EffDiam, int& FullDiam, double& AvgSPL) {
431  EffDiam = -1; FullDiam = -1; AvgSPL = -1;
432  TIntFltH DistToCntH;
433  TBreathFS<PGraph> BFS(Graph);
434  // shotest paths
435  TIntV NodeIdV;
436  Graph->GetNIdV(NodeIdV); NodeIdV.Shuffle(TInt::Rnd);
437  for (int tries = 0; tries < TMath::Mn(NTestNodes, Graph->GetNodes()); tries++) {
438  const int NId = NodeIdV[tries];
439  BFS.DoBfs(NId, true, ! IsDir, -1, TInt::Mx);
440  for (int i = 0; i < BFS.NIdDistH.Len(); i++) {
441  DistToCntH.AddDat(BFS.NIdDistH[i]) += 1; }
442  }
443  TIntFltKdV DistNbrsPdfV;
444  double SumPathL=0, PathCnt=0;
445  for (int i = 0; i < DistToCntH.Len(); i++) {
446  DistNbrsPdfV.Add(TIntFltKd(DistToCntH.GetKey(i), DistToCntH[i]));
447  SumPathL += DistToCntH.GetKey(i) * DistToCntH[i];
448  PathCnt += DistToCntH[i];
449  }
450  DistNbrsPdfV.Sort();
451  EffDiam = TSnap::TSnapDetail::CalcEffDiamPdf(DistNbrsPdfV, 0.9); // effective diameter (90-th percentile)
452  FullDiam = DistNbrsPdfV.Last().Key; // approximate full diameter (max shortest path length over the sampled nodes)
453  AvgSPL = SumPathL/PathCnt; // average shortest path length
454  return EffDiam;
455 }
457 template <class PGraph>
458 double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const TIntV& SubGraphNIdV, const bool& IsDir, double& EffDiam, int& FullDiam) {
459  EffDiam = -1;
460  FullDiam = -1;
462  TIntFltH DistToCntH;
463  TBreathFS<PGraph> BFS(Graph);
464  // shotest paths
465  TIntV NodeIdV(SubGraphNIdV); NodeIdV.Shuffle(TInt::Rnd);
466  TInt Dist;
467  for (int tries = 0; tries < TMath::Mn(NTestNodes, SubGraphNIdV.Len()); tries++) {
468  const int NId = NodeIdV[tries];
469  BFS.DoBfs(NId, true, ! IsDir, -1, TInt::Mx);
470  for (int i = 0; i < SubGraphNIdV.Len(); i++) {
471  if (BFS.NIdDistH.IsKeyGetDat(SubGraphNIdV[i], Dist)) {
472  DistToCntH.AddDat(Dist) += 1;
473  }
474  }
475  }
476  TIntFltKdV DistNbrsPdfV;
477  for (int i = 0; i < DistToCntH.Len(); i++) {
478  DistNbrsPdfV.Add(TIntFltKd(DistToCntH.GetKey(i), DistToCntH[i]));
479  }
480  DistNbrsPdfV.Sort();
481  EffDiam = TSnap::TSnapDetail::CalcEffDiamPdf(DistNbrsPdfV, 0.9); // effective diameter (90-th percentile)
482  FullDiam = DistNbrsPdfV.Last().Key; // approximate full diameter (max shortest path length over the sampled nodes)
483  return EffDiam; // average shortest path length
484 }
486 template <class PGraph>
487 int GetShortestDistances(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn, TIntV& ShortestDists) {
488  PSOut StdOut = TStdOut::New();
489  int MxNId = Graph->GetMxNId();
490  int NonNodeDepth = 2147483647; // INT_MAX
491  int InfDepth = 2147483646; // INT_MAX - 1
492  ShortestDists.Gen(MxNId);
493  for (int NId = 0; NId < MxNId; NId++) {
494  if (Graph->IsNode(NId)) { ShortestDists[NId] = InfDepth; }
495  else { ShortestDists[NId] = NonNodeDepth; }
496  }
498  TIntV Vec1(MxNId, 0); // ensure enough capacity
499  TIntV Vec2(MxNId, 0); // ensure enough capacity
501  ShortestDists[StartNId] = 0;
502  TIntV* PCurV = &Vec1;
503  PCurV->Add(StartNId);
504  TIntV* PNextV = &Vec2;
505  int Depth = 0; // current depth
506  while (!PCurV->Empty()) {
507  Depth++; // increase depth
508  for (int i = 0; i < PCurV->Len(); i++) {
509  int NId = PCurV->GetVal(i);
510  typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(NId);
511  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
512  const int OutNId = NI.GetOutNId(e);
513  if (ShortestDists[OutNId].Val == InfDepth) {
514  ShortestDists[OutNId] = Depth;
515  PNextV->Add(OutNId);
516  }
517  }
518  }
519  // swap pointer, no copying
520  TIntV* Tmp = PCurV;
521  PCurV = PNextV;
522  PNextV = Tmp;
523  // clear next
524  PNextV->Reduce(0); // reduce length, does not initialize new array
525  }
526  return Depth-1;
527 }
529 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
530 template <class PGraph>
531 int GetShortestDistancesMP2(const PGraph& Graph, const int& StartNId, const bool& FollowOut, const bool& FollowIn, TIntV& ShortestDists) {
532  int MxNId = Graph->GetMxNId();
533  int NonNodeDepth = 2147483647; // INT_MAX
534  int InfDepth = 2147483646; // INT_MAX - 1
535  ShortestDists.Gen(MxNId);
536  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10000)
537  for (int NId = 0; NId < MxNId; NId++) {
538  if (Graph->IsNode(NId)) { ShortestDists[NId] = InfDepth; }
539  else { ShortestDists[NId] = NonNodeDepth; }
540  }
542  TIntV Vec1(MxNId, 0); // ensure enough capacity
543  TIntV Vec2(MxNId, 0); // ensure enough capacity
545  ShortestDists[StartNId] = 0;
546  TIntV* PCurV = &Vec1;
547  PCurV->Add(StartNId);
548  TIntV* PNextV = &Vec2;
549  int Depth = 0; // current depth
551  while (!PCurV->Empty()) {
552  Depth++; // increase depth
553  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10000)
554  for (int i = 0; i < PCurV->Len(); i++) {
555  int NId = PCurV->GetVal(i);
556  typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(NId);
557  for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetOutDeg(); e++) {
558  const int OutNId = NI.GetOutNId(e);
559  if (__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&(ShortestDists[OutNId].Val), InfDepth, Depth)) {
560  PNextV->AddMP(OutNId);
561  }
562  }
563  }
564 // #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,10000)
565 // for (int NId = 0; NId < MxNId; NId++) {
566 // if (ShortestDists[NId] == InfDepth) {
567 // typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->GetNI(NId);
568 // for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetInDeg(); e++) {
569 // const int InNId = NI.GetInNId(e);
570 // if (ShortestDists[InNId] < Depth) {
571 // ShortestDists[NId] = Depth;
572 // PNextV->AddMP(NId);
573 // break;
574 // }
575 // }
576 // }
577 // }
578  // swap pointer, no copying
579  TIntV* Tmp = PCurV;
580  PCurV = PNextV;
581  PNextV = Tmp;
582  // clear next
583  PNextV->Reduce(0); // reduce length, does not initialize new array
584  }
585  return Depth-1;
586 }
587 #endif // USE_OPENMP
589 } // namespace TSnap
#define IAssert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:262
static const T & Mn(const T &LVal, const T &RVal)
Definition: xmath.h:36
bool BottomUpStep(TIntV &NIdDistV, TIntV *Frontier, TIntV *NextFrontier, int &MaxDist, const int &TargetNId, const bool &FollowOut, const bool &FollowIn)
Definition: bfsdfs.h:253
TIter EndI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:567
int GetHops(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId) const
Definition: bfsdfs.h:285
static const unsigned int beta
Definition: bfsdfs.h:104
int GetShortestDistances(const PGraph &Graph, const int &StartNId, const bool &FollowOut, const bool &FollowIn, TIntV &ShortestDists)
Definition: bfsdfs.h:487
TInt StartNId
Definition: bfsdfs.h:78
int GetBfsFullDiam(const PGraph &Graph, const int &NTestNodes, const bool &IsDir=false)
Returns the (approximation of the) Diameter (maximum shortest path length) of a graph (by performing ...
Definition: bfsdfs.h:407
bool TopDownStep(TIntV &NIdDistV, TIntV *Frontier, TIntV *NextFrontier, int &MaxDist, const int &TargetNId, const bool &FollowOut, const bool &FollowIn)
Definition: bfsdfs.h:222
double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph &Graph, const int &NTestNodes, const bool &IsDir=false)
Returns the (approximation of the) Effective Diameter (90-th percentile of the distribution of shorte...
Definition: bfsdfs.h:415
static const T & Mx(const T &LVal, const T &RVal)
Definition: xmath.h:32
int Val
Definition: dt.h:1046
static PNGraph New()
Static constructor that returns a pointer to the graph. Call: PNGraph Graph = TNGraph::New().
Definition: graph.h:425
static const int Mx
Definition: dt.h:1049
int DoBfs(const int &StartNode, const bool &FollowOut, const bool &FollowIn, const int &TargetNId=-1, const int &MxDist=TInt::Mx)
Performs BFS from node id StartNode for at maps MxDist steps by only following in-links (parameter Fo...
Definition: bfsdfs.h:119
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TKeyDat< TInt, TFlt > TIntFltKd
Definition: ds.h:380
static const unsigned int alpha
Definition: bfsdfs.h:103
TBreathFS(const PGraph &GraphPt, const bool &InitBigQ=true)
Definition: bfsdfs.h:81
int GetNodesAtHops(const PGraph &Graph, const int &StartNId, TIntPrV &HopCntV, const bool &IsDir=false)
Returns the number of nodes at each hop distance from the starting node StartNId. ...
Definition: bfsdfs.h:378
static TPt< TSOut > New()
Definition: fl.h:266
TSizeTy AddMP(const TVal &Val)
Adds element Val at the end of the vector in a thread safe manner, returns the element index in the v...
Definition: ds.h:589
int AddNode(int NId=-1)
Adds a node of ID NId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:236
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
static TRnd Rnd
Definition: dt.h:1053
void Reduce(const TSizeTy &_Vals=-1)
Reduces the vector's length to _Vals elements, which must be less than the current length...
Definition: ds.h:528
void SetGraph(const PGraph &GraphPt)
Sets the graph to be used by the BFS to GraphPt and resets the data structures.
Definition: bfsdfs.h:111
PNGraph GetBfsTree(const PGraph &Graph, const int &StartNId, const bool &FollowOut, const bool &FollowIn)
Returns a directed Breadth-First-Search tree rooted at StartNId.
Definition: bfsdfs.h:323
bool Empty() const
Tests whether the vector is empty.
Definition: ds.h:542
TSnapQueue< int > Queue
Definition: bfsdfs.h:77
int GetRndPath(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, TIntV &PathNIdV) const
Definition: bfsdfs.h:293
void Swap(THash &Hash)
Definition: hash.h:502
const TVal & GetVal(const TSizeTy &ValN) const
Returns a reference to the element at position ValN in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:621
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const TSizeTy &NoDelLim=-1)
Clears the contents of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:971
int GetNodesAtHop(const PGraph &Graph, const int &StartNId, const int &Hop, TIntV &NIdV, const bool &IsDir=false)
Finds IDs of all nodes that are at distance Hop from node StartNId.
Definition: bfsdfs.h:366
void Sort(const bool &Asc=true)
Sorts the elements of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:1254
int AddEdge(const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId)
Adds an edge from node IDs SrcNId to node DstNId to the graph.
Definition: graph.cpp:321
double CalcEffDiamPdf(const TIntFltKdV &DistNbrsPdfV, const double &Percentile)
Helper function for computing a given Percentile of a (unnormalized) probability distribution functio...
Definition: anf.cpp:29
bool IsNode(const int &NId) const
Tests whether ID NId is a node.
Definition: graph.h:477
bool IsKeyGetDat(const TKey &Key, TDat &Dat) const
Definition: hash.h:232
const TVal & Last() const
Returns a reference to the last element of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:551
int GetSubTreeSz(const PGraph &Graph, const int &StartNId, const bool &FollowOut, const bool &FollowIn, int &TreeSzX, int &TreeDepthX)
Returns the BFS tree size (number of nodes) and depth (number of levels) by following in-links (param...
Definition: bfsdfs.h:354
int Stage
Definition: bfsdfs.h:102
void SetVal(const TSizeTy &ValN, const TVal &Val)
Sets the value of element at position ValN to Val.
Definition: ds.h:625
Definition: dt.h:1044
int GetShortestDistancesMP2(const PGraph &Graph, const int &StartNId, const bool &FollowOut, const bool &FollowIn, TIntV &ShortestDists)
Definition: bfsdfs.h:531
void GetKeyV(TVec< TKey > &KeyV) const
Definition: hash.h:442
PGraph Graph
Definition: bfsdfs.h:76
TIter BegI() const
Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:565
void Shuffle(TRnd &Rnd)
Randomly shuffles the elements of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:1271
int GetNVisited() const
Returns the number of nodes visited/reached by the BFS.
Definition: bfsdfs.h:90
void GetKeyDatPrV(TVec< TPair< TKey, TDat > > &KeyDatPrV) const
Definition: hash.h:458
void GetVisitedNIdV(TIntV &NIdV) const
Returns the IDs of the nodes visited/reached by the BFS.
Definition: bfsdfs.h:92
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1, const bool &ResetDat=true)
Definition: hash.h:319
void Reverse()
Reverses the order of the elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:1286
int DoBfsHybrid(const int &StartNode, const bool &FollowOut, const bool &FollowIn, const int &TargetNId=-1, const int &MxDist=TInt::Mx)
Same functionality as DoBfs with better performance.
Definition: bfsdfs.h:159
void Gen(const TSizeTy &_Vals)
Constructs a vector (an array) of _Vals elements.
Definition: ds.h:495
int GetUniDevInt(const int &Range=0)
Definition: dt.cpp:39
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TIntH NIdDistH
Definition: bfsdfs.h:79
int GetShortPath(const PGraph &Graph, const int &SrcNId, const int &DstNId, const bool &IsDir=false)
Returns the length of the shortest path from node SrcNId to node DstNId.
Definition: bfsdfs.h:400
int Len() const
Definition: hash.h:186
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
const TKey & GetKey(const int &KeyId) const
Definition: hash.h:210
void SortByDat(const bool &Asc=true)
Definition: hash.h:250