SNAP Library 3.0, User Reference  2016-07-20 17:56:49
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TTable Class Reference

Table class: Relational table with columnar data storage. More...

#include <table.h>

Public Member Functions

void AddIntCol (const TStr &ColName)
 Adds an integer column with name ColName. More...
void AddFltCol (const TStr &ColName)
 Adds a float column with name ColName. More...
void AddStrCol (const TStr &ColName)
 Adds a string column with name ColName. More...
void GroupByIntColMP (const TStr &GroupBy, THashMP< TInt, TIntV > &Grouping, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
 Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values, using OpenMP multi-threading. More...
 TTable ()
 TTable (TTableContext *Context)
 TTable (const Schema &S, TTableContext *Context)
 TTable (TSIn &SIn, TTableContext *Context)
 TTable (const THash< TInt, TInt > &H, const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TTableContext *Context, const TBool IsStrKeys=false)
 Constructor to build table out of a hash table of int->int. More...
 TTable (const THash< TInt, TFlt > &H, const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TTableContext *Context, const TBool IsStrKeys=false)
 Constructor to build table out of a hash table of int->float. More...
 TTable (const TTable &Table)
 Copy constructor. More...
 TTable (const TTable &Table, const TIntV &RowIds)
void SaveSS (const TStr &OutFNm)
 Saves table schema and content to a TSV file. More...
void SaveBin (const TStr &OutFNm)
 Saves table schema and content to a binary file. More...
void Save (TSOut &SOut)
 Saves table schema and content to a binary format. More...
void Dump (FILE *OutF=stdout) const
 Prints table contents to a text file. More...
void AddRow (const TTableRow &Row)
 Adds row with values taken from given TTableRow. More...
TTableContextGetContext ()
 Returns the context. More...
TTableContextChangeContext (TTableContext *Context)
 Changes the current context. Moves all object items to the new context. More...
TInt GetColIdx (const TStr &ColName) const
 Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema. More...
TInt GetIntVal (const TStr &ColName, const TInt &RowIdx)
 Gets the value of integer attribute ColName at row RowIdx. More...
TFlt GetFltVal (const TStr &ColName, const TInt &RowIdx)
 Gets the value of float attribute ColName at row RowIdx. More...
TStr GetStrVal (const TStr &ColName, const TInt &RowIdx) const
 Gets the value of string attribute ColName at row RowIdx. More...
TInt GetStrMapById (TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
 Gets the integer mapping of the string at column ColIdx at row RowIdx. More...
TInt GetStrMapByName (const TStr &ColName, TInt RowIdx) const
 Gets the integer mapping of the string at column ColName at row RowIdx. More...
TStr GetStrValById (TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
 Gets the value of the string attribute at column ColIdx at row RowIdx. More...
TStr GetStrValByName (const TStr &ColName, const TInt &RowIdx) const
 Gets the value of the string attribute at column ColName at row RowIdx. More...
TIntV GetIntRowIdxByVal (const TStr &ColName, const TInt &Val) const
 Gets the rows containing Val in int column ColName. More...
TIntV GetStrRowIdxByMap (const TStr &ColName, const TInt &Map) const
 Gets the rows containing int mapping Map in str column ColName. More...
TIntV GetFltRowIdxByVal (const TStr &ColName, const TFlt &Val) const
 Gets the rows containing Val in flt column ColName. More...
TInt RequestIndexInt (const TStr &ColName)
 Creates Index for Int Column ColName. More...
TInt RequestIndexFlt (const TStr &ColName)
 Creates Index for Flt Column ColName. More...
TInt RequestIndexStrMap (const TStr &ColName)
 Creates Index for Str Column ColName. More...
TStr GetStr (const TInt &KeyId) const
 Gets the string with KeyId. More...
TInt GetIntValAtRowIdx (const TInt &ColIdx, const TInt &RowIdx)
 Get the integer value at column ColIdx and row RowIdx. More...
TFlt GetFltValAtRowIdx (const TInt &ColIdx, const TInt &RowIdx)
 Get the float value at column ColIdx and row RowIdx. More...
Schema GetSchema ()
 Gets the schema of this table. More...
TVec< PNEANetToGraphSequence (TStr SplitAttr, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy, TInt WindowSize, TInt JumpSize, TInt StartVal=TInt::Mn, TInt EndVal=TInt::Mx)
 Creates a sequence of graphs based on values of column SplitAttr and windows specified by JumpSize and WindowSize. More...
TVec< PNEANetToVarGraphSequence (TStr SplitAttr, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy, TIntPrV SplitIntervals)
 Creates a sequence of graphs based on values of column SplitAttr and intervals specified by SplitIntervals. More...
TVec< PNEANetToGraphPerGroup (TStr GroupAttr, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
 Creates a sequence of graphs based on grouping specified by GroupAttr. More...
PNEANet ToGraphSequenceIterator (TStr SplitAttr, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy, TInt WindowSize, TInt JumpSize, TInt StartVal=TInt::Mn, TInt EndVal=TInt::Mx)
 Creates the graph sequence one at a time. More...
PNEANet ToVarGraphSequenceIterator (TStr SplitAttr, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy, TIntPrV SplitIntervals)
 Creates the graph sequence one at a time. More...
PNEANet ToGraphPerGroupIterator (TStr GroupAttr, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
 Creates the graph sequence one at a time. More...
PNEANet NextGraphIterator ()
 Calls to this must be preceded by a call to one of the above ToGraph*Iterator functions. More...
TBool IsLastGraphOfSequence ()
 Checks if the end of the graph sequence is reached. More...
TStr GetSrcCol () const
 Gets the name of the column to be used as src nodes in the graph. More...
void SetSrcCol (const TStr &Src)
 Sets the name of the column to be used as src nodes in the graph. More...
TStr GetDstCol () const
 Gets the name of the column to be used as dst nodes in the graph. More...
void SetDstCol (const TStr &Dst)
 Sets the name of the column to be used as dst nodes in the graph. More...
void AddEdgeAttr (const TStr &Attr)
 Adds column to be used as graph edge attribute. More...
void AddEdgeAttr (TStrV &Attrs)
 Adds columns to be used as graph edge attributes. More...
void AddSrcNodeAttr (const TStr &Attr)
 Adds column to be used as src node atribute of the graph. More...
void AddSrcNodeAttr (TStrV &Attrs)
 Adds columns to be used as src node attributes of the graph. More...
void AddDstNodeAttr (const TStr &Attr)
 Adds column to be used as dst node atribute of the graph. More...
void AddDstNodeAttr (TStrV &Attrs)
 Adds columns to be used as dst node attributes of the graph. More...
void AddNodeAttr (const TStr &Attr)
 Handles the common case where src and dst both belong to the same "universe" of entities. More...
void AddNodeAttr (TStrV &Attrs)
 Handles the common case where src and dst both belong to the same "universe" of entities. More...
void SetCommonNodeAttrs (const TStr &SrcAttr, const TStr &DstAttr, const TStr &CommonAttrName)
 Sets the columns to be used as both src and dst node attributes. More...
TStrV GetSrcNodeIntAttrV () const
 Gets src node int attribute name vector. More...
TStrV GetDstNodeIntAttrV () const
 Gets dst node int attribute name vector. More...
TStrV GetEdgeIntAttrV () const
 Gets edge int attribute name vector. More...
TStrV GetSrcNodeFltAttrV () const
 Gets src node float attribute name vector. More...
TStrV GetDstNodeFltAttrV () const
 Gets dst node float attribute name vector. More...
TStrV GetEdgeFltAttrV () const
 Gets edge float attribute name vector. More...
TStrV GetSrcNodeStrAttrV () const
 Gets src node str attribute name vector. More...
TStrV GetDstNodeStrAttrV () const
 Gets dst node str attribute name vector. More...
TStrV GetEdgeStrAttrV () const
 Gets edge str attribute name vector. More...
TAttrType GetColType (const TStr &ColName) const
 Gets type of column ColName. More...
TInt GetNumRows () const
 Gets total number of rows in this table. More...
TInt GetNumValidRows () const
 Gets number of valid, i.e. not deleted, rows in this table. More...
THash< TInt, TIntGetRowIdMap () const
 Gets a map of logical to physical row ids. More...
TRowIterator BegRI () const
 Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table. More...
TRowIterator EndRI () const
 Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table. More...
TRowIteratorWithRemove BegRIWR ()
 Gets iterator with reomve to the first valid row. More...
TRowIteratorWithRemove EndRIWR ()
 Gets iterator with reomve to the last valid row. More...
void GetPartitionRanges (TIntPrV &Partitions, TInt NumPartitions) const
 Partitions the table into NumPartitions and populate Partitions with the ranges. More...
void Rename (const TStr &Column, const TStr &NewLabel)
 Renames a column. More...
void Unique (const TStr &Col)
 Removes rows with duplicate values in given column. More...
void Unique (const TStrV &Cols, TBool Ordered=true)
 Removes rows with duplicate values in given columns. More...
void Select (TPredicate &Predicate, TIntV &SelectedRows, TBool Remove=true)
 Selects rows that satisfy given Predicate. More...
void Select (TPredicate &Predicate)
void Classify (TPredicate &Predicate, const TStr &LabelName, const TInt &PositiveLabel=1, const TInt &NegativeLabel=0)
void SelectAtomic (const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, TBool Remove=true)
 Selects rows using atomic compare operation. More...
void SelectAtomic (const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TPredComp Cmp)
void ClassifyAtomic (const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TPredComp Cmp, const TStr &LabelName, const TInt &PositiveLabel=1, const TInt &NegativeLabel=0)
void SelectAtomicConst (const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
 Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val. More...
template<class T >
void SelectAtomicConst (const TStr &Col, const T &Val, TPredComp Cmp)
template<class T >
void SelectAtomicConst (const TStr &Col, const T &Val, TPredComp Cmp, PTable &SelectedTable)
template<class T >
void ClassifyAtomicConst (const TStr &Col, const T &Val, TPredComp Cmp, const TStr &LabelName, const TInt &PositiveLabel=1, const TInt &NegativeLabel=0)
void SelectAtomicIntConst (const TStr &Col, const TInt &Val, TPredComp Cmp)
void SelectAtomicIntConst (const TStr &Col, const TInt &Val, TPredComp Cmp, PTable &SelectedTable)
void SelectAtomicStrConst (const TStr &Col, const TStr &Val, TPredComp Cmp)
void SelectAtomicStrConst (const TStr &Col, const TStr &Val, TPredComp Cmp, PTable &SelectedTable)
void SelectAtomicFltConst (const TStr &Col, const TFlt &Val, TPredComp Cmp)
void SelectAtomicFltConst (const TStr &Col, const TFlt &Val, TPredComp Cmp, PTable &SelectedTable)
void Group (const TStrV &GroupBy, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool Ordered=true, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
 Groups rows depending on values of GroupBy columns. More...
void Count (const TStr &CountColName, const TStr &Col)
 Counts number of unique elements. More...
void Order (const TStrV &OrderBy, TStr OrderColName="", TBool ResetRankByMSC=false, TBool Asc=true)
 Orders the rows according to the values in columns of OrderBy (in descending lexicographic order). More...
void Aggregate (const TStrV &GroupByAttrs, TAttrAggr AggOp, const TStr &ValAttr, const TStr &ResAttr, TBool Ordered=true)
 Aggregates values of ValAttr after grouping with respect to GroupByAttrs. Result are stored as new attribute ResAttr. More...
void AggregateCols (const TStrV &AggrAttrs, TAttrAggr AggOp, const TStr &ResAttr)
 Aggregates attributes in AggrAttrs across columns. More...
TVec< PTableSpliceByGroup (const TStrV &GroupByAttrs, TBool Ordered=true)
 Splices table into subtables according to a grouping statement. More...
PTable Join (const TStr &Col1, const TTable &Table, const TStr &Col2)
 Performs equijoin. More...
PTable Join (const TStr &Col1, const PTable &Table, const TStr &Col2)
PTable ThresholdJoin (const TStr &KeyCol1, const TStr &JoinCol1, const TTable &Table, const TStr &KeyCol2, const TStr &JoinCol2, TInt Threshold, TBool PerJoinKey=false)
PTable SelfJoin (const TStr &Col)
 Joins table with itself, on values of Col. More...
PTable SelfSimJoin (const TStrV &Cols, const TStr &DistanceColName, const TSimType &SimType, const TFlt &Threshold)
PTable SelfSimJoinPerGroup (const TStr &GroupAttr, const TStr &SimCol, const TStr &DistanceColName, const TSimType &SimType, const TFlt &Threshold)
 Performs join if the distance between two rows is less than the specified threshold. More...
PTable SelfSimJoinPerGroup (const TStrV &GroupBy, const TStr &SimCol, const TStr &DistanceColName, const TSimType &SimType, const TFlt &Threshold)
 Performs join if the distance between two rows is less than the specified threshold. More...
PTable SimJoin (const TStrV &Cols1, const TTable &Table, const TStrV &Cols2, const TStr &DistanceColName, const TSimType &SimType, const TFlt &Threshold)
 Performs join if the distance between two rows is less than the specified threshold. More...
void SelectFirstNRows (const TInt &N)
 Selects first N rows from the table. More...
void Defrag ()
 Releases memory of deleted rows, and defrags. More...
void StoreIntCol (const TStr &ColName, const TIntV &ColVals)
 Adds entire int column to table. More...
void StoreFltCol (const TStr &ColName, const TFltV &ColVals)
 Adds entire flt column to table. More...
void StoreStrCol (const TStr &ColName, const TStrV &ColVals)
 Adds entire str column to table. More...
void UpdateFltFromTable (const TStr &KeyAttr, const TStr &UpdateAttr, const TTable &Table, const TStr &FKeyAttr, const TStr &ReadAttr, TFlt DefaultFltVal=0.0)
void UpdateFltFromTableMP (const TStr &KeyAttr, const TStr &UpdateAttr, const TTable &Table, const TStr &FKeyAttr, const TStr &ReadAttr, TFlt DefaultFltVal=0.0)
void SetFltColToConstMP (TInt UpdateColIdx, TFlt DefaultFltVal)
PTable Union (const TTable &Table)
 Returns union of this table with given Table. More...
PTable Union (const PTable &Table)
PTable UnionAll (const TTable &Table)
 Returns union of this table with given Table, preserving duplicates. More...
PTable UnionAll (const PTable &Table)
void UnionAllInPlace (const TTable &Table)
 Same as TTable::ConcatTable. More...
void UnionAllInPlace (const PTable &Table)
PTable Intersection (const TTable &Table)
 Returns intersection of this table with given Table. More...
PTable Intersection (const PTable &Table)
PTable Minus (TTable &Table)
 Returns table with rows that are present in this table but not in given Table. More...
PTable Minus (const PTable &Table)
PTable Project (const TStrV &ProjectCols)
 Returns table with only the columns in ProjectCols. More...
void ProjectInPlace (const TStrV &ProjectCols)
 Keeps only the columns specified in ProjectCols. More...
void ColGenericOp (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
 Performs columnwise arithmetic operation. More...
void ColGenericOpMP (TInt ArgColIdx1, TInt ArgColIdx2, TAttrType ArgType1, TAttrType ArgType2, TInt ResColIdx, TArithOp op)
void ColAdd (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResultAttrName="")
 Performs columnwise addition. See TTable::ColGenericOp. More...
void ColSub (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResultAttrName="")
 Performs columnwise subtraction. See TTable::ColGenericOp. More...
void ColMul (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResultAttrName="")
 Performs columnwise multiplication. See TTable::ColGenericOp. More...
void ColDiv (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResultAttrName="")
 Performs columnwise division. See TTable::ColGenericOp. More...
void ColMod (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResultAttrName="")
 Performs columnwise modulus. See TTable::ColGenericOp. More...
void ColMin (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResultAttrName="")
 Performs min of two columns. See TTable::ColGenericOp. More...
void ColMax (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResultAttrName="")
 Performs max of two columns. See TTable::ColGenericOp. More...
void ColGenericOp (const TStr &Attr1, TTable &Table, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op, TBool AddToFirstTable)
 Performs columnwise arithmetic operation with column of given table. More...
void ColAdd (const TStr &Attr1, TTable &Table, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr="", TBool AddToFirstTable=true)
 Performs columnwise addition with column of given table. More...
void ColSub (const TStr &Attr1, TTable &Table, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr="", TBool AddToFirstTable=true)
 Performs columnwise subtraction with column of given table. More...
void ColMul (const TStr &Attr1, TTable &Table, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr="", TBool AddToFirstTable=true)
 Performs columnwise multiplication with column of given table. More...
void ColDiv (const TStr &Attr1, TTable &Table, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr="", TBool AddToFirstTable=true)
 Performs columnwise division with column of given table. More...
void ColMod (const TStr &Attr1, TTable &Table, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr="", TBool AddToFirstTable=true)
 Performs columnwise modulus with column of given table. More...
void ColGenericOp (const TStr &Attr1, const TFlt &Num, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op, const TBool floatCast)
 Performs arithmetic op of column values and given Num. More...
void ColGenericOpMP (const TInt &ColIdx1, const TInt &ColIdx2, TAttrType ArgType, const TFlt &Num, TArithOp op, TBool ShouldCast)
void ColAdd (const TStr &Attr1, const TFlt &Num, const TStr &ResultAttrName="", const TBool floatCast=false)
 Performs addition of column values and given Num. More...
void ColSub (const TStr &Attr1, const TFlt &Num, const TStr &ResultAttrName="", const TBool floatCast=false)
 Performs subtraction of column values and given Num. More...
void ColMul (const TStr &Attr1, const TFlt &Num, const TStr &ResultAttrName="", const TBool floatCast=false)
 Performs multiplication of column values and given Num. More...
void ColDiv (const TStr &Attr1, const TFlt &Num, const TStr &ResultAttrName="", const TBool floatCast=false)
 Performs division of column values and given Num. More...
void ColMod (const TStr &Attr1, const TFlt &Num, const TStr &ResultAttrName="", const TBool floatCast=false)
 Performs modulus of column values and given Num. More...
void ColConcat (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &Sep="", const TStr &ResAttr="")
 Concatenates two string columns. More...
void ColConcat (const TStr &Attr1, TTable &Table, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &Sep="", const TStr &ResAttr="", TBool AddToFirstTable=true)
 Concatenates string column with column of given table. More...
void ColConcatConst (const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Val, const TStr &Sep="", const TStr &ResAttr="")
 Concatenates column values with given string value. More...
void ReadIntCol (const TStr &ColName, TIntV &Result) const
 Reads values of entire int column into Result. More...
void ReadFltCol (const TStr &ColName, TFltV &Result) const
 Reads values of entire float column into Result. More...
void ReadStrCol (const TStr &ColName, TStrV &Result) const
 Reads values of entire string column into Result. More...
void InitIds ()
 Adds explicit row ids, initialize hash set mapping ids to physical rows. More...
PTable IsNextK (const TStr &OrderCol, TInt K, const TStr &GroupBy, const TStr &RankColName="")
 Distance based filter. More...
void PrintSize ()
void PrintContextSize ()
TSize GetMemUsedKB ()
 Returns approximate memory used by table in [KB]. More...
TSize GetContextMemUsedKB ()
 Returns approximate memory used by table context in [KB]. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void SetMP (TInt Value)
static TInt GetMP ()
static TStr NormalizeColName (const TStr &ColName)
 Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist. More...
static TStrV NormalizeColNameV (const TStrV &Cols)
 Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist. More...
static PTable New ()
static PTable New (TTableContext *Context)
static PTable New (const Schema &S, TTableContext *Context)
static PTable New (const THash< TInt, TInt > &H, const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TTableContext *Context, const TBool IsStrKeys=false)
 Returns pointer to a table constructed from given int->int hash. More...
static PTable New (const THash< TInt, TFlt > &H, const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TTableContext *Context, const TBool IsStrKeys=false)
 Returns pointer to a table constructed from given int->float hash. More...
static PTable New (const PTable Table)
 Returns pointer to a new table created from given Table. More...
static void GetSchema (const TStr &InFNm, Schema &S, const char &Separator= '\t')
 Returns pointer to a new table created from given Table, with name set to TableName. More...
static PTable LoadSS (const Schema &S, const TStr &InFNm, TTableContext *Context, const char &Separator= '\t', TBool HasTitleLine=false)
 Loads table from spread sheet (TSV, CSV, etc). Note: HasTitleLine = true is not supported. Please comment title lines instead. More...
static PTable LoadSS (const Schema &S, const TStr &InFNm, TTableContext *Context, const TIntV &RelevantCols, const char &Separator= '\t', TBool HasTitleLine=false)
 Loads table from spread sheet - but only load the columns specified by RelevantCols. Note: HasTitleLine = true is not supported. Please comment title lines instead. More...
static PTable Load (TSIn &SIn, TTableContext *Context)
 Loads table from a binary format. More...
static PTable TableFromHashMap (const THash< TInt, TInt > &H, const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TTableContext *Context, const TBool IsStrKeys=false)
 Builds table from hash table of int->int. More...
static PTable TableFromHashMap (const THash< TInt, TFlt > &H, const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TTableContext *Context, const TBool IsStrKeys=false)
 Builds table from hash table of int->float. More...
static PTable GetNodeTable (const PNEANet &Network, TTableContext *Context)
 Extracts node TTable from PNEANet. More...
static PTable GetEdgeTable (const PNEANet &Network, TTableContext *Context)
 Extracts edge TTable from PNEANet. More...
static PTable GetEdgeTablePN (const PNGraphMP &Network, TTableContext *Context)
 Extracts edge TTable from parallel graph PNGraphMP. More...
static PTable GetFltNodePropertyTable (const PNEANet &Network, const TIntFltH &Property, const TStr &NodeAttrName, const TAttrType &NodeAttrType, const TStr &PropertyAttrName, TTableContext *Context)
 Extracts node and edge property TTables from THash. More...
static TTableIterator GetMapPageRank (const TVec< PNEANet > &GraphSeq, TTableContext *Context, const double &C=0.85, const double &Eps=1e-4, const int &MaxIter=100)
 Gets sequence of PageRank tables from given GraphSeq. More...
static TTableIterator GetMapHitsIterator (const TVec< PNEANet > &GraphSeq, TTableContext *Context, const int &MaxIter=20)
 Gets sequence of Hits tables from given GraphSeq. More...

Protected Member Functions

void InvalidatePhysicalGroupings ()
void InvalidateAffectedGroupings (const TStr &Attr)
void IncrementNext ()
 Increments the next vector and set last, NumRows and NumValidRows. More...
void ClassifyAux (const TIntV &SelectedRows, const TStr &LabelName, const TInt &PositiveLabel=1, const TInt &NegativeLabel=0)
 Adds a label attribute with positive labels on selected rows and negative labels on the rest. More...
const char * GetContextKey (TInt Val) const
 Gets the Key of the Context StringVals pool. Used by ToGraph method in conv.cpp. More...
TStr GetStrVal (TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
 Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx. More...
void AddStrVal (const TInt &ColIdx, const TStr &Val)
 Adds Val in column with id ColIdx. More...
void AddStrVal (const TStr &Col, const TStr &Val)
 Adds Val in column with name Col. More...
TStr GetIdColName () const
 Gets name of the id column of this table. More...
TStr GetSchemaColName (TInt Idx) const
 Gets name of the column with index Idx in the schema. More...
TAttrType GetSchemaColType (TInt Idx) const
 Gets type of the column with index Idx in the schema. More...
void AddSchemaCol (const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
 Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema. More...
TBool IsColName (const TStr &ColName) const
void AddColType (const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
 Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap. More...
void AddColType (const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType, TInt Index)
 Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap. More...
void DelColType (const TStr &ColName)
 Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap. More...
TPair< TAttrType, TIntGetColTypeMap (const TStr &ColName) const
 Gets column type and index of ColName. More...
TStr RenumberColName (const TStr &ColName) const
 Returns a re-numbered column name based on number of existing columns with conflicting names. More...
TStr DenormalizeColName (const TStr &ColName) const
 Removes suffix to column name if exists. More...
Schema DenormalizeSchema () const
 Removes suffix to column names in the Schema. More...
TBool IsAttr (const TStr &Attr)
 Checks if Attr is an attribute of this table schema. More...
void AddTable (const TTable &T)
 Adds all the rows of the input table. Allows duplicate rows (not a union). More...
void ConcatTable (const PTable &T)
 Appends all rows of T to this table, and recalculate indices. More...
void AddRow (const TRowIterator &RI)
 Adds row corresponding to RI. More...
void AddRow (const TIntV &IntVals, const TFltV &FltVals, const TStrV &StrVals)
 Adds row with values corresponding to the given vectors by type. More...
void AddGraphAttribute (const TStr &Attr, TBool IsEdge, TBool IsSrc, TBool IsDst)
 Adds names of columns to be used as graph attributes. More...
void AddGraphAttributeV (TStrV &Attrs, TBool IsEdge, TBool IsSrc, TBool IsDst)
 Adds vector of names of columns to be used as graph attributes. More...
void CheckAndAddIntNode (PNEANet Graph, THashSet< TInt > &NodeVals, TInt NodeId)
 Checks if given NodeId is seen earlier; if not, add it to Graph and hashmap NodeVals. More...
template<class T >
TInt CheckAndAddFltNode (T Graph, THash< TFlt, TInt > &NodeVals, TFlt FNodeVal)
 Checks if given NodeVal is seen earlier; if not, add it to Graph and hashmap NodeVals. More...
void AddEdgeAttributes (PNEANet &Graph, int RowId)
 Adds attributes of edge corresponding to RowId to the Graph. More...
void AddNodeAttributes (TInt NId, TStrV NodeAttrV, TInt RowId, THash< TInt, TStrIntVH > &NodeIntAttrs, THash< TInt, TStrFltVH > &NodeFltAttrs, THash< TInt, TStrStrVH > &NodeStrAttrs)
 Takes as parameters, and updates, maps NodeXAttrs: Node Id –> (attribute name –> Vector of attribute values). More...
PNEANet BuildGraph (const TIntV &RowIds, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
 Makes a single pass over the rows in the given row id set, and creates nodes, edges, assigns node and edge attributes. More...
void InitRowIdBuckets (int NumBuckets)
 Initializes the RowIdBuckets vector which will be used for the graph sequence creation. More...
void FillBucketsByWindow (TStr SplitAttr, TInt JumpSize, TInt WindowSize, TInt StartVal, TInt EndVal)
 Fills RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids. More...
void FillBucketsByInterval (TStr SplitAttr, TIntPrV SplitIntervals)
 Fills RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids. More...
TVec< PNEANetGetGraphsFromSequence (TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
 Returns a sequence of graphs. More...
PNEANet GetFirstGraphFromSequence (TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
 Returns the first graph of the sequence. More...
PNEANet GetNextGraphFromSequence ()
 Returns the next graph in sequence corresponding to RowIdBuckets. More...
template<class T >
AggregateVector (TVec< T > &V, TAttrAggr Policy)
 Aggregates vector into a single scalar value according to a policy. More...
void GroupingSanityCheck (const TStr &GroupBy, const TAttrType &AttrType) const
 Checks if grouping key exists and matches given attr type. More...
template<class T >
void GroupByIntCol (const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
 Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values. More...
template<class T >
void GroupByFltCol (const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
 Groups/hashes by a single column with float values. Returns hash table with grouping. More...
template<class T >
void GroupByStrCol (const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
 Groups/hashes by a single column with string values. Returns hash table with grouping. More...
template<class T >
void UpdateGrouping (THash< T, TIntV > &Grouping, T Key, TInt Val) const
 Template for utility function to update a grouping hash map. More...
template<class T >
void UpdateGrouping (THashMP< T, TIntV > &Grouping, T Key, TInt Val) const
 Template for utility function to update a parallel grouping hash map. More...
void PrintGrouping (const THash< TGroupKey, TIntV > &Grouping) const
TInt CompareRows (TInt R1, TInt R2, const TAttrType &CompareByType, const TInt &CompareByIndex, TBool Asc=true)
 Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strcmp semantics). More...
TInt CompareRows (TInt R1, TInt R2, const TVec< TAttrType > &CompareByTypes, const TIntV &CompareByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
 Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strcmp semantics). More...
TInt GetPivot (TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc)
 Gets pivot element for QSort. More...
TInt Partition (TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc)
 Partitions vector for QSort. More...
void ISort (TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
 Performs insertion sort on given vector V. More...
void QSort (TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
 Performs QSort on given vector V. More...
void Merge (TIntV &V, TInt Idx1, TInt Idx2, TInt Idx3, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
 Helper function for parallel QSort. More...
void QSortPar (TIntV &V, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
 Performs QSort in parallel on given vector V. More...
bool IsRowValid (TInt RowIdx) const
 Checks if RowIdx corresponds to a valid (i.e. not deleted) row. More...
TInt GetLastValidRowIdx ()
 Gets the id of the last valid row of the table. More...
void RemoveFirstRow ()
 Removes first valid row of the table. More...
void RemoveRow (TInt RowIdx, TInt PrevRowIdx)
 Removes row with id RowIdx. More...
void KeepSortedRows (const TIntV &KeepV)
 Removes all rows that are not mentioned in the SORTED vector KeepV. More...
void SetFirstValidRow ()
 Sets the first valid row of the TTable. More...
PTable InitializeJointTable (const TTable &Table)
 Initializes an empty table for the join of this table with the given table. More...
void AddJointRow (const TTable &T1, const TTable &T2, TInt RowIdx1, TInt RowIdx2)
 Adds joint row T1[RowIdx1]<=>T2[RowIdx2]. More...
void ThresholdJoinInputCorrectness (const TStr &KeyCol1, const TStr &JoinCol1, const TTable &Table, const TStr &KeyCol2, const TStr &JoinCol2)
void ThresholdJoinCountCollisions (const TTable &TB, const TTable &TS, const TIntIntVH &T, TInt JoinColIdxB, TInt KeyColIdxB, TInt KeyColIdxS, THash< TIntPr, TIntTr > &Counters, TBool ThisIsSmaller, TAttrType JoinColType, TAttrType KeyType)
PTable ThresholdJoinOutputTable (const THash< TIntPr, TIntTr > &Counters, TInt Threshold, const TTable &Table)
void ThresholdJoinCountPerJoinKeyCollisions (const TTable &TB, const TTable &TS, const TIntIntVH &T, TInt JoinColIdxB, TInt KeyColIdxB, TInt KeyColIdxS, THash< TIntTr, TIntTr > &Counters, TBool ThisIsSmaller, TAttrType JoinColType, TAttrType KeyType)
PTable ThresholdJoinPerJoinKeyOutputTable (const THash< TIntTr, TIntTr > &Counters, TInt Threshold, const TTable &Table)
void ResizeTable (int RowCount)
 Resizes the table to hold RowCount rows. More...
int GetEmptyRowsStart (int NewRows)
 Gets the start index to a chunk of empty rows of size NewRows. More...
void AddSelectedRows (const TTable &Table, const TIntV &RowIDs)
 Adds rows from Table that correspond to ids in RowIDs. More...
void AddNRows (int NewRows, const TVec< TIntV > &IntColsP, const TVec< TFltV > &FltColsP, const TVec< TIntV > &StrColMapsP)
 Adds NewRows rows from the given vectors for each column type. More...
void AddNJointRowsMP (const TTable &T1, const TTable &T2, const TVec< TIntPrV > &JointRowIDSet)
 Adds rows from T1 and T2 to this table in a parallel manner. Used by Join. More...
void UpdateTableForNewRow ()
 Updates table state after adding one or more rows. More...
void GroupAux (const TStrV &GroupBy, THash< TGroupKey, TPair< TInt, TIntV > > &Grouping, TBool Ordered, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool KeepUnique, TIntV &UniqueVec, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
 Helper function for grouping. More...
void StoreGroupCol (const TStr &GroupColName, const TVec< TPair< TInt, TInt > > &GroupAndRowIds)
 Parallel helper function for grouping. - we currently don't support such parallel grouping by complex keys. More...
void Reindex ()
 Reinitializes row ids. More...
void AddIdColumn (const TStr &IdColName)
 Adds a column of explicit integer identifiers to the rows. More...
void GetCollidingRows (const TTable &T, THashSet< TInt > &Collisions)
 Gets set of row ids of rows common with table T. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static void LoadSSPar (PTable &NewTable, const Schema &S, const TStr &InFNm, const TIntV &RelevantCols, const char &Separator, TBool HasTitleLine)
 Parallelly loads data from input file at InFNm into NewTable. Only work when NewTable has no string columns. More...
static void LoadSSSeq (PTable &NewTable, const Schema &S, const TStr &InFNm, const TIntV &RelevantCols, const char &Separator, TBool HasTitleLine)
 Sequentially loads data from input file at InFNm into NewTable. More...
static TInt CompareKeyVal (const TInt &K1, const TInt &V1, const TInt &K2, const TInt &V2)
static TInt CheckSortedKeyVal (TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)
static void ISortKeyVal (TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)
static TInt GetPivotKeyVal (TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)
static TInt PartitionKeyVal (TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)
static void QSortKeyVal (TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)

Protected Attributes

 Execution Context. More...
Schema Sch
 Table Schema. More...
TCRef CRef
TInt NumRows
 Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid). More...
TInt NumValidRows
 Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed). More...
TInt FirstValidRow
 Physical index of first valid row. More...
TInt LastValidRow
 Physical index of last valid row. More...
TIntV Next
 A vector describing the logical order of the rows. More...
TVec< TIntVIntCols
 Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next More...
TVec< TFltVFltCols
 Data columns of floating point attributes. More...
TVec< TIntVStrColMaps
 Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes. More...
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType,
TInt > > 
TStr IdColName
 A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type. More...
TIntIntH RowIdMap
 Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id. More...
THash< TStr, THash< TInt, TIntV > > IntColIndexes
 Indexes for Int Columns. More...
THash< TStr, THash< TInt, TIntV > > StrMapColIndexes
 Indexes for String Columns. More...
THash< TStr, THash< TFlt, TIntV > > FltColIndexes
 Indexes for Float Columns. More...
THash< TStr, GroupStmtGroupStmtNames
 Maps user-given grouping statement names to their group-by attributes. More...
THash< GroupStmt, THash< TInt,
TGroupKey > > 
 Maps grouping statements to their (group id –> group-by key) mapping. More...
THash< GroupStmt, THash
< TGroupKey, TIntV > > 
 Maps grouping statements to their (group-by key –> group id) mapping. More...
TStr SrcCol
 Column (attribute) to serve as src nodes when constructing the graph. More...
TStr DstCol
 Column (attribute) to serve as dst nodes when constructing the graph. More...
TStrV EdgeAttrV
 List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes. More...
TStrV SrcNodeAttrV
 List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes. More...
TStrV DstNodeAttrV
 List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes. More...
TStrTrV CommonNodeAttrs
 List of attribute pairs with values common to source and destination and their common given name. More...
TVec< TIntVRowIdBuckets
 Partitioning of row ids into buckets corresponding to different graph objects when generating a sequence of graphs. More...
TInt CurrBucket
 Current row id bucket - used when generating a sequence of graphs using an iterator. More...
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
 Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same node. More...
TInt IsNextDirty
 Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing GetPartitionRanges. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static const TInt Last = -1
 Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table. More...
static const TInt Invalid = -2
 Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row. More...
static TInt UseMP = 1
 Global switch for choosing multi-threaded versions of TTable functions. More...


class TPt< TTable >
class TRowIterator
class TRowIteratorWithRemove
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToGraph (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToNetwork (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TStrV &SrcAttrs, TStrV &DstAttrs, TStrV &EdgeAttrs, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToNetwork (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TStrV &EdgeAttrV, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToNetwork (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToNetwork (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TStrV &EdgeAttrV, PTable NodeTable, const TStr &NodeCol, TStrV &NodeAttrV, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
int TSnap::LoadCrossNet (TCrossNet &Graph, PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TStrV &EdgeAttrV)
int TSnap::LoadMode (TModeNet &Graph, PTable Table, const TStr &NCol, TStrV &NodeAttrV)
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToGraphMP (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol)
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToGraphMP3 (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol)
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TStrV &SrcAttrs, TStrV &DstAttrs, TStrV &EdgeAttrs, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP2 (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TStrV &SrcAttrs, TStrV &DstAttrs, TStrV &EdgeAttrs, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TStrV &EdgeAttrV, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP (PTable Table, const TStr &SrcCol, const TStr &DstCol, TStrV &EdgeAttrV, PTable NodeTable, const TStr &NodeCol, TStrV &NodeAttrV, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)

Detailed Description

Table class: Relational table with columnar data storage.

Definition at line 495 of file table.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TTable::TTable ( )

Definition at line 302 of file table.cpp.

302  : Context(new TTableContext), NumRows(0), NumValidRows(0),
303  FirstValidRow(0), LastValidRow(-1) {}
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
Execution context.
Definition: table.h:194
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TTable::TTable ( TTableContext Context)

Definition at line 305 of file table.cpp.

305  : Context(Context), NumRows(0),
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TTable::TTable ( const Schema S,
TTableContext Context 

Definition at line 308 of file table.cpp.

308  : Context(Context),
310  TInt IntColCnt = 0;
311  TInt FltColCnt = 0;
312  TInt StrColCnt = 0;
313  for (TInt i = 0; i < TableSchema.Len(); i++) {
314  TStr ColName = TableSchema[i].Val1;
315  TAttrType ColType = TableSchema[i].Val2;
316  AddSchemaCol(ColName, ColType);
317  switch (ColType) {
318  case atInt:
319  AddColType(ColName, atInt, IntColCnt);
320  IntColCnt++;
321  break;
322  case atFlt:
323  AddColType(ColName, atFlt, FltColCnt);
324  FltColCnt++;
325  break;
326  case atStr:
327  AddColType(ColName, atStr, StrColCnt);
328  StrColCnt++;
329  break;
330  }
331  }
332  IntCols = TVec<TIntV>(IntColCnt);
333  FltCols = TVec<TFltV>(FltColCnt);
334  StrColMaps = TVec<TIntV>(StrColCnt);
335 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
TInt IsNextDirty
Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing Get...
Definition: table.h:613
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
TTable::TTable ( TSIn SIn,
TTableContext Context 

Definition at line 337 of file table.cpp.

337  : Context(Context), NumRows(SIn),
338  NumValidRows(SIn), FirstValidRow(SIn), LastValidRow(SIn), Next(SIn), IntCols(SIn),
339  FltCols(SIn), StrColMaps(SIn) {
340  THash<TStr,TPair<TInt,TInt> > ColTypeIntMap(SIn);
342  ColTypeMap.Clr();
343  Sch.Clr();
344  for (THash<TStr,TPair<TInt,TInt> >::TIter it = ColTypeIntMap.BegI(); it < ColTypeIntMap.EndI(); it++) {
345  TPair<TInt,TInt> dat = it.GetDat();
346  switch (dat.GetVal1()) {
347  case 0:
348  AddColType(it.GetKey(), atInt, dat.GetVal2());
349  AddSchemaCol(it.GetKey(), atInt);
350  break;
351  case 1:
352  AddColType(it.GetKey(), atFlt, dat.GetVal2());
353  AddSchemaCol(it.GetKey(), atFlt);
354  break;
355  case 2:
356  AddColType(it.GetKey(), atStr, dat.GetVal2());
357  AddSchemaCol(it.GetKey(), atStr);
358  break;
359  }
360  }
362  IsNextDirty = 0;
363 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
const TVal1 & GetVal1() const
Definition: ds.h:60
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
const TVal2 & GetVal2() const
Definition: ds.h:61
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const TSizeTy &NoDelLim=-1)
Clears the contents of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:971
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
Definition: ds.h:32
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: hash.h:88
Definition: gbase.h:23
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1, const bool &ResetDat=true)
Definition: hash.h:319
TInt IsNextDirty
Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing Get...
Definition: table.h:613
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
TTable::TTable ( const THash< TInt, TInt > &  H,
const TStr Col1,
const TStr Col2,
TTableContext Context,
const TBool  IsStrKeys = false 

Constructor to build table out of a hash table of int->int.

Definition at line 365 of file table.cpp.

366  : Context(Context), NumRows(H.Len()),
367  NumValidRows(H.Len()), FirstValidRow(0), LastValidRow(H.Len()-1) {
368  TAttrType KeyType = IsStrKeys ? atStr : atInt;
369  AddSchemaCol(Col1, KeyType);
370  AddSchemaCol(Col2, atInt);
371  AddColType(Col1, KeyType, 0);
372  AddColType(Col2, atInt, 1);
373  if (IsStrKeys) {
374  StrColMaps = TVec<TIntV>(1);
375  IntCols = TVec<TIntV>(1);
376  H.GetKeyV(StrColMaps[0]);
377  H.GetDatV(IntCols[0]);
378  } else {
379  IntCols = TVec<TIntV>(2);
380  H.GetKeyV(IntCols[0]);
381  H.GetDatV(IntCols[1]);
382  }
383  Next = TIntV(NumRows);
384  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumRows; i++) {
385  Next[i] = i+1;
386  }
387  Next[NumRows-1] = Last;
388  IsNextDirty = 0;
389  InitIds();
390 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
void GetDatV(TVec< TDat > &DatV) const
Definition: hash.h:450
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
void InitIds()
Adds explicit row ids, initialize hash set mapping ids to physical rows.
Definition: table.cpp:1863
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void GetKeyV(TVec< TKey > &KeyV) const
Definition: hash.h:442
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
TInt IsNextDirty
Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing Get...
Definition: table.h:613
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
int Len() const
Definition: hash.h:186
TTable::TTable ( const THash< TInt, TFlt > &  H,
const TStr Col1,
const TStr Col2,
TTableContext Context,
const TBool  IsStrKeys = false 

Constructor to build table out of a hash table of int->float.

Definition at line 392 of file table.cpp.

393  : Context(Context),
394  NumRows(H.Len()), NumValidRows(H.Len()), FirstValidRow(0), LastValidRow(H.Len()-1) {
395  TAttrType KeyType = IsStrKeys ? atStr : atInt;
396  AddSchemaCol(Col1, KeyType);
397  AddSchemaCol(Col2, atFlt);
398  AddColType(Col1, KeyType, 0);
399  AddColType(Col2, atFlt, 0);
400  if (IsStrKeys) {
401  StrColMaps = TVec<TIntV>(1);
402  H.GetKeyV(StrColMaps[0]);
403  } else {
404  IntCols = TVec<TIntV>(1);
405  H.GetKeyV(IntCols[0]);
406  }
407  FltCols = TVec<TFltV>(1);
408  H.GetDatV(FltCols[0]);
409  Next = TIntV(NumRows);
410  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumRows; i++) {
411  Next[i] = i+1;
412  }
413  Next[NumRows-1] = Last;
414  IsNextDirty = 0;
415  InitIds();
416 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
void GetDatV(TVec< TDat > &DatV) const
Definition: hash.h:450
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
void InitIds()
Adds explicit row ids, initialize hash set mapping ids to physical rows.
Definition: table.cpp:1863
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void GetKeyV(TVec< TKey > &KeyV) const
Definition: hash.h:442
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
TInt IsNextDirty
Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing Get...
Definition: table.h:613
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
int Len() const
Definition: hash.h:186
TTable::TTable ( const TTable Table)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 918 of file table.h.

918  : Context(Table.Context), Sch(Table.Sch),
920  LastValidRow(Table.LastValidRow), Next(Table.Next), IntCols(Table.IntCols),
921  FltCols(Table.FltCols), StrColMaps(Table.StrColMaps), ColTypeMap(Table.ColTypeMap),
924  SrcCol(Table.SrcCol), DstCol(Table.DstCol),
927  IsNextDirty(Table.IsNextDirty) {}
TStrV EdgeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.
Definition: table.h:601
THash< GroupStmt, THash< TGroupKey, TIntV > > GroupMapping
Maps grouping statements to their (group-by key –> group id) mapping.
Definition: table.h:591
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
TStrTrV CommonNodeAttrs
List of attribute pairs with values common to source and destination and their common given name...
Definition: table.h:604
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStrV SrcNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes.
Definition: table.h:602
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
THash< TStr, GroupStmt > GroupStmtNames
Maps user-given grouping statement names to their group-by attributes.
Definition: table.h:583
TStr SrcCol
Column (attribute) to serve as src nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:599
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TStrV DstNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes.
Definition: table.h:603
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TStr DstCol
Column (attribute) to serve as dst nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:600
THash< GroupStmt, THash< TInt, TGroupKey > > GroupIDMapping
Maps grouping statements to their (group id –> group-by key) mapping.
Definition: table.h:587
TInt IsNextDirty
Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing Get...
Definition: table.h:613
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TTable::TTable ( const TTable Table,
const TIntV RowIds 

Definition at line 418 of file table.cpp.

418  : Context(Table.Context),
419  Sch(Table.Sch), SrcCol(Table.SrcCol), DstCol(Table.DstCol), EdgeAttrV(Table.EdgeAttrV),
422  ColTypeMap = Table.ColTypeMap;
423  IntCols = TVec<TIntV>(Table.IntCols.Len());
424  FltCols = TVec<TFltV>(Table.FltCols.Len());
426  FirstValidRow = 0;
427  LastValidRow = -1;
428  NumRows = 0;
429  NumValidRows = 0;
430  AddSelectedRows(Table, RowIDs);
431  IsNextDirty = 0;
432  InitIds();
433 }
TStrV EdgeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.
Definition: table.h:601
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
void AddSelectedRows(const TTable &Table, const TIntV &RowIDs)
Adds rows from Table that correspond to ids in RowIDs.
Definition: table.cpp:4376
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
void InitIds()
Adds explicit row ids, initialize hash set mapping ids to physical rows.
Definition: table.cpp:1863
TStrTrV CommonNodeAttrs
List of attribute pairs with values common to source and destination and their common given name...
Definition: table.h:604
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStrV SrcNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes.
Definition: table.h:602
TStr SrcCol
Column (attribute) to serve as src nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:599
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TStrV DstNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes.
Definition: table.h:603
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TStr DstCol
Column (attribute) to serve as dst nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:600
TInt IsNextDirty
Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing Get...
Definition: table.h:613
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562

Member Function Documentation

void TTable::AddColType ( const TStr ColName,
TPair< TAttrType, TInt ColType 

Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.

Definition at line 661 of file table.h.

661  {
662  TStr NColName = NormalizeColName(ColName);
663  ColTypeMap.AddDat(NColName, ColType);
664  }
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::AddColType ( const TStr ColName,
TAttrType  ColType,
TInt  Index 

Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.

Definition at line 666 of file table.h.

666  {
667  TStr NColName = NormalizeColName(ColName);
668  AddColType(NColName, TPair<TAttrType,TInt>(ColType, Index));
669  }
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: ds.h:32
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
Definition: dt.h:412
void TTable::AddDstNodeAttr ( const TStr Attr)

Adds column to be used as dst node atribute of the graph.

Definition at line 1171 of file table.h.

1171 { AddGraphAttribute(Attr, false, false, true); }
void AddGraphAttribute(const TStr &Attr, TBool IsEdge, TBool IsSrc, TBool IsDst)
Adds names of columns to be used as graph attributes.
Definition: table.cpp:965
void TTable::AddDstNodeAttr ( TStrV Attrs)

Adds columns to be used as dst node attributes of the graph.

Definition at line 1173 of file table.h.

1173 { AddGraphAttributeV(Attrs, false, false, true); }
void AddGraphAttributeV(TStrV &Attrs, TBool IsEdge, TBool IsSrc, TBool IsDst)
Adds vector of names of columns to be used as graph attributes.
Definition: table.cpp:972
void TTable::AddEdgeAttr ( const TStr Attr)

Adds column to be used as graph edge attribute.

Definition at line 1163 of file table.h.

1163 { AddGraphAttribute(Attr, true, false, false); }
void AddGraphAttribute(const TStr &Attr, TBool IsEdge, TBool IsSrc, TBool IsDst)
Adds names of columns to be used as graph attributes.
Definition: table.cpp:965
void TTable::AddEdgeAttr ( TStrV Attrs)

Adds columns to be used as graph edge attributes.

Definition at line 1165 of file table.h.

1165 { AddGraphAttributeV(Attrs, true, false, false); }
void AddGraphAttributeV(TStrV &Attrs, TBool IsEdge, TBool IsSrc, TBool IsDst)
Adds vector of names of columns to be used as graph attributes.
Definition: table.cpp:972
void TTable::AddEdgeAttributes ( PNEANet Graph,
int  RowId 

Adds attributes of edge corresponding to RowId to the Graph.

Definition at line 3375 of file table.cpp.

3375  {
3376  for (TInt i = 0; i < EdgeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
3377  TStr ColName = EdgeAttrV[i];
3378  TAttrType T = GetColType(ColName);
3379  TInt Index = GetColIdx(ColName);
3380  switch (T) {
3381  case atInt:
3382  Graph->AddIntAttrDatE(RowId, IntCols[Index][RowId], ColName);
3383  break;
3384  case atFlt:
3385  Graph->AddFltAttrDatE(RowId, FltCols[Index][RowId], ColName);
3386  break;
3387  case atStr:
3388  Graph->AddStrAttrDatE(RowId, GetStrVal(Index, RowId), ColName);
3389  break;
3390  }
3391  }
3392 }
TStrV EdgeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.
Definition: table.h:601
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TStr GetStrVal(TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:636
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: gbase.h:23
void TTable::AddFltCol ( const TStr ColName)

Adds a float column with name ColName.

Definition at line 4657 of file table.cpp.

4657  {
4658  AddSchemaCol(ColName, atFlt);
4659  FltCols.Add(TFltV(NumRows));
4660  TInt L = FltCols.Len();
4661  AddColType(ColName, atFlt, L-1);
4662 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TVec< TFlt > TFltV
Definition: ds.h:1531
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
Definition: gbase.h:23
void TTable::AddGraphAttribute ( const TStr Attr,
TBool  IsEdge,
TBool  IsSrc,
TBool  IsDst 

Adds names of columns to be used as graph attributes.

Definition at line 965 of file table.cpp.

965  {
966  if (!IsColName(Attr)) { TExcept::Throw(Attr + ": No such column"); }
967  if (IsEdge) { EdgeAttrV.Add(NormalizeColName(Attr)); }
968  if (IsSrc) { SrcNodeAttrV.Add(NormalizeColName(Attr)); }
969  if (IsDst) { DstNodeAttrV.Add(NormalizeColName(Attr)); }
970 }
TStrV EdgeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.
Definition: table.h:601
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TStrV SrcNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes.
Definition: table.h:602
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
TStrV DstNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes.
Definition: table.h:603
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
void TTable::AddGraphAttributeV ( TStrV Attrs,
TBool  IsEdge,
TBool  IsSrc,
TBool  IsDst 

Adds vector of names of columns to be used as graph attributes.

Definition at line 972 of file table.cpp.

972  {
973  for (TInt i = 0; i < Attrs.Len(); i++) {
974  if (!IsColName(Attrs[i])) {
975  TExcept::Throw(Attrs[i] + ": no such column");
976  }
977  }
978  for (TInt i = 0; i < Attrs.Len(); i++) {
979  if (IsEdge) { EdgeAttrV.Add(NormalizeColName(Attrs[i])); }
980  if (IsSrc) { SrcNodeAttrV.Add(NormalizeColName(Attrs[i])); }
981  if (IsDst) { DstNodeAttrV.Add(NormalizeColName(Attrs[i])); }
982  }
983 }
TStrV EdgeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.
Definition: table.h:601
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TStrV SrcNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes.
Definition: table.h:602
Definition: dt.h:1044
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
TStrV DstNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes.
Definition: table.h:603
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
void TTable::AddIdColumn ( const TStr IdColName)

Adds a column of explicit integer identifiers to the rows.

Definition at line 1880 of file table.cpp.

1880  {
1881  //printf("NumRows: %d\n", NumRows.Val);
1882  TInt IdCol = IntCols.Add();
1883  IntCols[IdCol].Reserve(NumRows, NumRows);
1884  //printf("IdCol Reserved\n");
1885  TInt IdCnt = 0;
1886  RowIdMap.Clr();
1887  for (TRowIterator RI = BegRI(); RI < EndRI(); RI++) {
1888  IntCols[IdCol][RI.GetRowIdx()] = IdCnt;
1889  RowIdMap.AddDat(IdCnt, RI.GetRowIdx());
1890  IdCnt++;
1891  }
1892  AddSchemaCol(ColName, atInt);
1893  AddColType(ColName, atInt, IntCols.Len()-1);
1894 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1, const bool &ResetDat=true)
Definition: hash.h:319
void Reserve(const TSizeTy &_MxVals)
Reserves enough memory for the vector to store _MxVals elements.
Definition: ds.h:515
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::AddIntCol ( const TStr ColName)

Adds an integer column with name ColName.

Definition at line 4650 of file table.cpp.

4650  {
4651  AddSchemaCol(ColName, atInt);
4653  TInt L = IntCols.Len();
4654  AddColType(ColName, atInt, L-1);
4655 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1044
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::AddJointRow ( const TTable T1,
const TTable T2,
TInt  RowIdx1,
TInt  RowIdx2 

Adds joint row T1[RowIdx1]<=>T2[RowIdx2].

Definition at line 1937 of file table.cpp.

1937  {
1938  for (TInt i = 0; i < T1.IntCols.Len(); i++) {
1939  IntCols[i].Add(T1.IntCols[i][RowIdx1]);
1940  }
1941  for (TInt i = 0; i < T1.FltCols.Len(); i++) {
1942  FltCols[i].Add(T1.FltCols[i][RowIdx1]);
1943  }
1944  for (TInt i = 0; i < T1.StrColMaps.Len(); i++) {
1945  StrColMaps[i].Add(T1.StrColMaps[i][RowIdx1]);
1946  }
1947  TInt IntOffset = T1.IntCols.Len();
1948  TInt FltOffset = T1.FltCols.Len();
1949  TInt StrOffset = T1.StrColMaps.Len();
1950  for (TInt i = 0; i < T2.IntCols.Len(); i++) {
1951  IntCols[i+IntOffset].Add(T2.IntCols[i][RowIdx2]);
1952  }
1953  for (TInt i = 0; i < T2.FltCols.Len(); i++) {
1954  FltCols[i+FltOffset].Add(T2.FltCols[i][RowIdx2]);
1955  }
1956  for (TInt i = 0; i < T2.StrColMaps.Len(); i++) {
1957  StrColMaps[i+StrOffset].Add(T2.StrColMaps[i][RowIdx2]);
1958  }
1959  TInt IdOffset = IntOffset + T2.IntCols.Len();
1960  NumRows++;
1961  NumValidRows++;
1962  if (!Next.Empty()) {
1963  Next[Next.Len()-1] = NumValidRows-1;
1965  }
1966  Next.Add(Last);
1968  IntCols[IdOffset].Add(NumRows-1);
1969 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
bool Empty() const
Tests whether the vector is empty.
Definition: ds.h:542
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::AddNJointRowsMP ( const TTable T1,
const TTable T2,
const TVec< TIntPrV > &  JointRowIDSet 

Adds rows from T1 and T2 to this table in a parallel manner. Used by Join.

Definition at line 4419 of file table.cpp.

4419  {
4420  //double startFn = omp_get_wtime();
4421  int JointTableSize = 0;
4422  TIntV StartOffsets(JointRowIDSet.Len());
4423  for (int i = 0; i < JointRowIDSet.Len(); i++) {
4424  StartOffsets[i] = JointTableSize;
4425  JointTableSize += JointRowIDSet[i].Len();
4426  }
4427  if (JointTableSize == 0) {
4428  TExcept::Throw("Joint table is empty");
4429  }
4430  //double endOffsets = omp_get_wtime();
4431  //printf("Offsets time = %f\n",endOffsets-startFn);
4432  ResizeTable(JointTableSize);
4433  //double endResize = omp_get_wtime();
4434  //printf("Resize time = %f\n",endResize-endOffsets);
4435  NumRows = JointTableSize;
4436  NumValidRows = JointTableSize;
4437  Assert(NumRows <= Next.Len());
4439  TInt IntOffset = T1.IntCols.Len();
4440  TInt FltOffset = T1.FltCols.Len();
4441  TInt StrOffset = T1.StrColMaps.Len();
4443  TInt IdOffset = IntOffset + T2.IntCols.Len();
4444  RowIdMap.Clr();
4445  for (TInt IdCnt = 0; IdCnt < JointTableSize; IdCnt++) {
4446  RowIdMap.AddDat(IdCnt, IdCnt);
4447  }
4449  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD)
4450  for (int j = 0; j < JointRowIDSet.Len(); j++) {
4451  const TIntPrV& RowIDs = JointRowIDSet[j];
4452  int start = StartOffsets[j];
4453  int NewRows = RowIDs.Len();
4454  if (NewRows == 0) {continue;}
4455  for (TInt r = 0; r < NewRows; r++){
4456  TIntPr CurrRowIdPr = RowIDs[r];
4457  for(TInt i = 0; i < T1.IntCols.Len(); i++){
4458  IntCols[i][start+r] = T1.IntCols[i][CurrRowIdPr.GetVal1()];
4459  }
4460  for(TInt i = 0; i < T1.FltCols.Len(); i++){
4461  FltCols[i][start+r] = T1.FltCols[i][CurrRowIdPr.GetVal1()];
4462  }
4463  for(TInt i = 0; i < T1.StrColMaps.Len(); i++){
4464  StrColMaps[i][start+r] = T1.StrColMaps[i][CurrRowIdPr.GetVal1()];
4465  }
4466  for(TInt i = 0; i < T2.IntCols.Len(); i++){
4467  IntCols[i+IntOffset][start+r] = T2.IntCols[i][CurrRowIdPr.GetVal2()];
4468  }
4469  for(TInt i = 0; i < T2.FltCols.Len(); i++){
4470  FltCols[i+FltOffset][start+r] = T2.FltCols[i][CurrRowIdPr.GetVal2()];
4471  }
4472  for(TInt i = 0; i < T2.StrColMaps.Len(); i++){
4473  StrColMaps[i+StrOffset][start+r] = T2.StrColMaps[i][CurrRowIdPr.GetVal2()];
4474  }
4475  IntCols[IdOffset][start+r] = start+r;
4476  }
4477  for(TInt r = 0; r < NewRows; r++){
4478  Next[start+r] = start+r+1;
4479  }
4480  }
4481  LastValidRow = JointTableSize-1;
4482  Next[LastValidRow] = Last;
4483  //double endIterate = omp_get_wtime();
4484  //printf("Iterate time = %f\n",endIterate-endResize);
4485 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
const TVal1 & GetVal1() const
Definition: ds.h:60
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
void ResizeTable(int RowCount)
Resizes the table to hold RowCount rows.
Definition: table.cpp:4307
const TVal2 & GetVal2() const
Definition: ds.h:61
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
Definition: ds.h:32
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1, const bool &ResetDat=true)
Definition: hash.h:319
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::AddNodeAttr ( const TStr Attr)

Handles the common case where src and dst both belong to the same "universe" of entities.

Definition at line 1175 of file table.h.

1175 { AddSrcNodeAttr(Attr); AddDstNodeAttr(Attr); }
void AddDstNodeAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Adds column to be used as dst node atribute of the graph.
Definition: table.h:1171
void AddSrcNodeAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Adds column to be used as src node atribute of the graph.
Definition: table.h:1167
void TTable::AddNodeAttr ( TStrV Attrs)

Handles the common case where src and dst both belong to the same "universe" of entities.

Definition at line 1177 of file table.h.

1177 { AddSrcNodeAttr(Attrs); AddDstNodeAttr(Attrs); }
void AddDstNodeAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Adds column to be used as dst node atribute of the graph.
Definition: table.h:1171
void AddSrcNodeAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Adds column to be used as src node atribute of the graph.
Definition: table.h:1167
void TTable::AddNodeAttributes ( TInt  NId,
TStrV  NodeAttrV,
TInt  RowId,
THash< TInt, TStrIntVH > &  NodeIntAttrs,
THash< TInt, TStrFltVH > &  NodeFltAttrs,
THash< TInt, TStrStrVH > &  NodeStrAttrs 

Takes as parameters, and updates, maps NodeXAttrs: Node Id –> (attribute name –> Vector of attribute values).

Definition at line 3394 of file table.cpp.

3395  {
3396  for (TInt i = 0; i < NodeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
3397  TStr ColAttr = NodeAttrV[i];
3398  TAttrType CT = GetColType(ColAttr);
3399  int ColId = GetColIdx(ColAttr);
3400  // check if this is a common src-dst attribute
3401  for (TInt i = 0; i < CommonNodeAttrs.Len(); i++) {
3402  if (CommonNodeAttrs[i].Val1 == ColAttr || CommonNodeAttrs[i].Val2 == ColAttr) {
3403  ColAttr = CommonNodeAttrs[i].Val3;
3404  break;
3405  }
3406  }
3407  if (CT == atInt) {
3408  if (!NodeIntAttrs.IsKey(NId)) { NodeIntAttrs.AddKey(NId); }
3409  if (!NodeIntAttrs.GetDat(NId).IsKey(ColAttr)) { NodeIntAttrs.GetDat(NId).AddKey(ColAttr); }
3410  NodeIntAttrs.GetDat(NId).GetDat(ColAttr).Add(IntCols[ColId][RowId]);
3411  } else if (CT == atFlt) {
3412  if (!NodeFltAttrs.IsKey(NId)) { NodeFltAttrs.AddKey(NId); }
3413  if (!NodeFltAttrs.GetDat(NId).IsKey(ColAttr)) { NodeFltAttrs.GetDat(NId).AddKey(ColAttr); }
3414  NodeFltAttrs.GetDat(NId).GetDat(ColAttr).Add(FltCols[ColId][RowId]);
3415  } else {
3416  if (!NodeStrAttrs.IsKey(NId)) { NodeStrAttrs.AddKey(NId); }
3417  if (!NodeStrAttrs.GetDat(NId).IsKey(ColAttr)) { NodeStrAttrs.GetDat(NId).AddKey(ColAttr); }
3418  NodeStrAttrs.GetDat(NId).GetDat(ColAttr).Add(GetStrVal(ColId, RowId));
3419  }
3420  }
3421 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
TStrTrV CommonNodeAttrs
List of attribute pairs with values common to source and destination and their common given name...
Definition: table.h:604
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
int AddKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:331
TStr GetStrVal(TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:636
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::AddNRows ( int  NewRows,
const TVec< TIntV > &  IntColsP,
const TVec< TFltV > &  FltColsP,
const TVec< TIntV > &  StrColMapsP 

Adds NewRows rows from the given vectors for each column type.

Definition at line 4398 of file table.cpp.

4398  {
4399  if (NewRows == 0) { return; }
4400  // this call should be thread-safe
4401  int start = GetEmptyRowsStart(NewRows);
4402  for (TInt r = 0; r < NewRows; r++) {
4403  for (TInt i = 0; i < IntColsP.Len(); i++) {
4404  IntCols[i][start+r] = IntColsP[i][r];
4405  }
4406  for (TInt i = 0; i < FltColsP.Len(); i++) {
4407  FltCols[i][start+r] = FltColsP[i][r];
4408  }
4409  for (TInt i = 0; i < StrColMapsP.Len(); i++) {
4410  StrColMaps[i][start+r] = StrColMapsP[i][r];
4411  }
4412  }
4413  for (TInt r = 0; r < NewRows-1; r++) {
4414  Next[start+r] = start+r+1;
4415  }
4416 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
int GetEmptyRowsStart(int NewRows)
Gets the start index to a chunk of empty rows of size NewRows.
Definition: table.cpp:4353
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
void TTable::AddRow ( const TRowIterator RI)

Adds row corresponding to RI.

Definition at line 4272 of file table.cpp.

4272  {
4273  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
4274  TStr ColName = GetSchemaColName(c);
4275  if (ColName == IdColName) { continue; }
4277  TInt ColIdx = GetColIdx(ColName);
4279  switch (GetColType(ColName)) {
4280  case atInt:
4281  IntCols[ColIdx].Add(RI.GetIntAttr(ColName));
4282  break;
4283  case atFlt:
4284  FltCols[ColIdx].Add(RI.GetFltAttr(ColName));
4285  break;
4286  case atStr:
4287  StrColMaps[ColIdx].Add(RI.GetStrMapByName(ColName));
4288  break;
4289  }
4290  }
4292 }
TFlt GetFltAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of floating point attribute specified by float column index for current row...
Definition: table.cpp:159
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TInt GetIntAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of integer attribute specified by integer column index for current row.
Definition: table.cpp:155
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
TInt GetStrMapByName(const TStr &Col) const
Returns integer mapping of string attribute specified by attribute name for current row...
Definition: table.cpp:181
Definition: gbase.h:23
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStr GetSchemaColName(TInt Idx) const
Gets name of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:648
void UpdateTableForNewRow()
Updates table state after adding one or more rows.
Definition: table.cpp:4117
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::AddRow ( const TIntV IntVals,
const TFltV FltVals,
const TStrV StrVals 

Adds row with values corresponding to the given vectors by type.

Definition at line 4294 of file table.cpp.

4294  {
4295  for (TInt c = 0; c < IntVals.Len(); c++) {
4296  IntCols[c].Add(IntVals[c]);
4297  }
4298  for (TInt c = 0; c < FltVals.Len(); c++) {
4299  FltCols[c].Add(FltVals[c]);
4300  }
4301  for (TInt c = 0; c < StrVals.Len(); c++) {
4302  AddStrVal(c, StrVals[c]);
4303  }
4305 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
void UpdateTableForNewRow()
Updates table state after adding one or more rows.
Definition: table.cpp:4117
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
void AddStrVal(const TInt &ColIdx, const TStr &Val)
Adds Val in column with id ColIdx.
Definition: table.cpp:951
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::AddRow ( const TTableRow Row)

Adds row with values taken from given TTableRow.

Definition at line 993 of file table.h.

993 { AddRow(Row.GetIntVals(), Row.GetFltVals(), Row.GetStrVals()); };
TStrV GetStrVals() const
Gets string attributes of this row.
Definition: table.h:262
TFltV GetFltVals() const
Gets float attributes of this row.
Definition: table.h:260
TIntV GetIntVals() const
Gets int attributes of this row.
Definition: table.h:258
void AddRow(const TRowIterator &RI)
Adds row corresponding to RI.
Definition: table.cpp:4272
void TTable::AddSchemaCol ( const TStr ColName,
TAttrType  ColType 

Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.

Definition at line 652 of file table.h.

652  {
653  TStr NColName = NormalizeColName(ColName);
654  Sch.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(NColName, ColType));
655  }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::AddSelectedRows ( const TTable Table,
const TIntV RowIDs 

Adds rows from Table that correspond to ids in RowIDs.

Definition at line 4376 of file table.cpp.

4376  {
4377  int NewRows = RowIDs.Len();
4378  if (NewRows == 0) { return; }
4379  // this call should be thread-safe
4380  int start = GetEmptyRowsStart(NewRows);
4381  for (TInt r = 0; r < NewRows; r++) {
4382  TInt CurrRowIdx = RowIDs[r];
4383  for (TInt i = 0; i < Table.IntCols.Len(); i++) {
4384  IntCols[i][start+r] = Table.IntCols[i][CurrRowIdx];
4385  }
4386  for (TInt i = 0; i < Table.FltCols.Len(); i++) {
4387  FltCols[i][start+r] = Table.FltCols[i][CurrRowIdx];
4388  }
4389  for (TInt i = 0; i < Table.StrColMaps.Len(); i++) {
4390  StrColMaps[i][start+r] = Table.StrColMaps[i][CurrRowIdx];
4391  }
4392  }
4393  for (TInt r = 0; r < NewRows-1; r++) {
4394  Next[start+r] = start+r+1;
4395  }
4396 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
int GetEmptyRowsStart(int NewRows)
Gets the start index to a chunk of empty rows of size NewRows.
Definition: table.cpp:4353
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
void TTable::AddSrcNodeAttr ( const TStr Attr)

Adds column to be used as src node atribute of the graph.

Definition at line 1167 of file table.h.

1167 { AddGraphAttribute(Attr, false, true, false); }
void AddGraphAttribute(const TStr &Attr, TBool IsEdge, TBool IsSrc, TBool IsDst)
Adds names of columns to be used as graph attributes.
Definition: table.cpp:965
void TTable::AddSrcNodeAttr ( TStrV Attrs)

Adds columns to be used as src node attributes of the graph.

Definition at line 1169 of file table.h.

1169 { AddGraphAttributeV(Attrs, false, true, false); }
void AddGraphAttributeV(TStrV &Attrs, TBool IsEdge, TBool IsSrc, TBool IsDst)
Adds vector of names of columns to be used as graph attributes.
Definition: table.cpp:972
void TTable::AddStrCol ( const TStr ColName)

Adds a string column with name ColName.

Definition at line 4664 of file table.cpp.

4664  {
4665  AddSchemaCol(ColName, atStr);
4667  TInt L = StrColMaps.Len();
4668  AddColType(ColName, atStr, L-1);
4669 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::AddStrVal ( const TInt ColIdx,
const TStr Val 

Adds Val in column with id ColIdx.

Definition at line 951 of file table.cpp.

951  {
952  TInt KeyId = TInt(Context->StringVals.AddKey(Key));
953  //printf("TTable::AddStrVal2 %d .%s. %d\n", ColIdx.Val, Key.CStr(), KeyId.Val);
954  StrColMaps[ColIdx].Add(KeyId);
955 }
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
int AddKey(const char *Key)
Definition: hash.h:896
Definition: dt.h:1044
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::AddStrVal ( const TStr Col,
const TStr Val 

Adds Val in column with name Col.

Definition at line 957 of file table.cpp.

957  {
958  if (GetColType(Col) != atStr) {
959  TExcept::Throw(Col + " is not a string valued column");
960  }
961  //printf("TTable::AddStrVal1 .%s. .%s.\n", Col.CStr(), Key.CStr());
962  AddStrVal(GetColIdx(Col), Key);
963 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
void AddStrVal(const TInt &ColIdx, const TStr &Val)
Adds Val in column with id ColIdx.
Definition: table.cpp:951
Definition: gbase.h:23
void TTable::AddTable ( const TTable T)

Adds all the rows of the input table. Allows duplicate rows (not a union).

Definition at line 3952 of file table.cpp.

3952  {
3953  //for (TInt c = 0; c < S.Len(); c++) {
3954  // if (S[c] != T.S[c]) { printf("(%s,%d) != (%s,%d)\n", S[c].Val1.CStr(), S[c].Val2, T.S[c].Val1.CStr(), T.S[c].Val2); TExcept::Throw("when adding tables, their schemas must match!"); }
3955  //}
3956  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
3957  TStr ColName = GetSchemaColName(c);
3958  TInt ColIdx = GetColIdx(ColName);
3959  TInt TColIdx = ColName == IdColName ? T.GetColIdx(T.IdColName) : T.GetColIdx(ColName);
3960  if (TColIdx < 0) { TExcept::Throw("when adding a table, it must contain all columns of source table!"); }
3961  switch (GetColType(ColName)) {
3962  case atInt:
3963  IntCols[ColIdx].AddV(T.IntCols[TColIdx]);
3964  break;
3965  case atFlt:
3966  FltCols[ColIdx].AddV(T.FltCols[TColIdx]);
3967  break;
3968  case atStr:
3969  StrColMaps[ColIdx].AddV(T.StrColMaps[TColIdx]);
3970  break;
3971  }
3972  }
3974  TIntV TNext(T.Next);
3975  for (TInt i = 0; i < TNext.Len(); i++) {
3976  if (TNext[i] != Last && TNext[i] != Invalid) { TNext[i] += NumRows; }
3977  }
3979  Next.AddV(TNext);
3980  // checks if table is empty
3981  if (LastValidRow >= 0) {
3983  }
3985  NumRows += T.NumRows;
3987 }
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStr GetSchemaColName(TInt Idx) const
Gets name of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:648
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy AddV(const TVec< TVal, TSizeTy > &ValV)
Adds the elements of the vector ValV to the to end of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:1056
void TTable::Aggregate ( const TStrV GroupByAttrs,
TAttrAggr  AggOp,
const TStr ValAttr,
const TStr ResAttr,
TBool  Ordered = true 

Aggregates values of ValAttr after grouping with respect to GroupByAttrs. Result are stored as new attribute ResAttr.

Definition at line 1565 of file table.cpp.

1566  {
1568  for (TInt c = 0; c < GroupByAttrs.Len(); c++) {
1569  if (!IsColName(GroupByAttrs[c])) {
1570  TExcept::Throw("no such column " + GroupByAttrs[c]);
1571  }
1572  }
1574  // double startFn = omp_get_wtime();
1575  TStrV NGroupByAttrs = NormalizeColNameV(GroupByAttrs);
1576  TBool UsePhysicalIds = (GetColIdx(IdColName) < 0);
1578  THash<TInt,TIntV> GroupByIntMapping;
1579  THash<TFlt,TIntV> GroupByFltMapping;
1580  THash<TInt,TIntV> GroupByStrMapping;
1581  THash<TGroupKey,TIntV> Mapping;
1582 #ifdef GCC_ATOMIC
1583  THashMP<TInt,TIntV> GroupByIntMapping_MP(NumValidRows);
1584  TIntV GroupByIntMPKeys(NumValidRows);
1585 #endif
1586  TInt NumOfGroups = 0;
1587  TInt GroupingCase = 0;
1589  // check if grouping already exists
1590  GroupStmt Stmt(NGroupByAttrs, Ordered, UsePhysicalIds);
1591  if (GroupMapping.IsKey(Stmt)) {
1592  Mapping = GroupMapping.GetDat(Stmt);
1593  } else{
1594  if(NGroupByAttrs.Len() == 1){
1595  switch(GetColType(NGroupByAttrs[0])){
1596  case atInt:
1597 #ifdef GCC_ATOMIC
1598  if(GetMP()){
1599  GroupByIntColMP(NGroupByAttrs[0], GroupByIntMapping_MP, UsePhysicalIds);
1600  int x = 0;
1601  for(THashMP<TInt,TIntV>::TIter it = GroupByIntMapping_MP.BegI(); it < GroupByIntMapping_MP.EndI(); it++){
1602  GroupByIntMPKeys[x] = it.GetKey();
1603  x++;
1604  /*
1605  printf("%d --> ", it.GetKey().Val);
1606  TIntV& V = it.GetDat();
1607  for(int i = 0; i < V.Len(); i++){
1608  printf(" %d", V[i].Val);
1609  }
1610  printf("\n");
1611  */
1612  }
1613  NumOfGroups = x;
1614  GroupingCase = 4;
1615  //printf("Number of groups: %d\n", NumOfGroups.Val);
1616  break;
1617  }
1618 #endif // GCC_ATOMIC
1619  GroupByIntCol(NGroupByAttrs[0], GroupByIntMapping, TIntV(), true, UsePhysicalIds);
1620  NumOfGroups = GroupByIntMapping.Len();
1621  GroupingCase = 1;
1622  break;
1623  case atFlt:
1624  GroupByFltCol(NGroupByAttrs[0], GroupByFltMapping, TIntV(), true, UsePhysicalIds);
1625  NumOfGroups = GroupByFltMapping.Len();
1626  GroupingCase = 2;
1627  break;
1628  case atStr:
1629  GroupByStrCol(NGroupByAttrs[0], GroupByStrMapping, TIntV(), true, UsePhysicalIds);
1630  NumOfGroups = GroupByStrMapping.Len();
1631  GroupingCase = 3;
1632  break;
1633  }
1634  }
1635  else{
1636  TIntV UniqueVector;
1638  GroupAux(NGroupByAttrs, Mapping_aux, Ordered, "", false, UniqueVector, UsePhysicalIds);
1639  for(THash<TGroupKey, TPair<TInt, TIntV> >::TIter it = Mapping_aux.BegI(); it < Mapping_aux.EndI(); it++){
1640  Mapping.AddDat(it.GetKey(), it.GetDat().Val2);
1641  }
1642  NumOfGroups = Mapping.Len();
1643  }
1644  }
1646  // double endGroup = omp_get_wtime();
1647  // printf("Group time = %f\n", endGroup-startFn);
1649  TAttrType T = GetColType(ValAttr);
1651  // add column corresponding to result attribute type
1652  if (AggOp == aaCount) { AddIntCol(ResAttr); }
1653  else {
1654  if (T == atInt) { AddIntCol(ResAttr); }
1655  else if (T == atFlt) { AddFltCol(ResAttr); }
1656  else {
1657  // Count is the only aggregation operation handled for Str
1658  TExcept::Throw("Invalid aggregation for Str type!");
1659  }
1660  }
1661  TInt ColIdx = GetColIdx(ResAttr);
1662  TInt AggrColIdx = GetColIdx(ValAttr);
1664  // double endAdd = omp_get_wtime();
1665  // printf("AddCol time = %f\n", endAdd-endGroup);
1667 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
1668  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
1669 #endif
1670  for (int g = 0; g < NumOfGroups; g++) {
1671  TIntV* GroupRows = NULL;
1672  switch(GroupingCase){
1673  case 0:
1674  GroupRows = & Mapping.GetDat(Mapping.GetKey(g));
1675  break;
1676  case 1:
1677  GroupRows = & GroupByIntMapping.GetDat(GroupByIntMapping.GetKey(g));
1678  break;
1679  case 2:
1680  GroupRows = & GroupByIntMapping.GetDat(GroupByIntMapping.GetKey(g));
1681  break;
1682  case 3:
1683  GroupRows = & GroupByStrMapping.GetDat(GroupByStrMapping.GetKey(g));
1684  break;
1685  case 4:
1686 #ifdef GCC_ATOMIC
1687  GroupRows = & GroupByIntMapping_MP.GetDat(GroupByIntMPKeys[g]);
1688 #endif
1689  break;
1690  }
1692  // find valid rows of group
1693  /*
1694  TIntV ValidRows;
1695  for (TInt i = 0; i < GroupRows.Len(); i++) {
1696  // TODO: This should not be necessary
1697  if (!RowIdMap.IsKey(GroupRows[i])) { continue; }
1698  TInt RowId = RowIdMap.GetDat(GroupRows[i]);
1699  // GroupRows has physical row indices
1700  if (RowId != Invalid) { ValidRows.Add(RowId); }
1701  }
1702  */
1703  TIntV& ValidRows = *GroupRows;
1704  TInt sz = ValidRows.Len();
1705  if (sz <= 0) continue;
1706  // Count is handled separately (other operations have aggregation policies defined in a template)
1707  if (AggOp == aaCount) {
1708  for (TInt i = 0; i < sz; i++) { IntCols[ColIdx][ValidRows[i]] = sz; }
1709  } else {
1710  // aggregate based on column type
1711  if (T == atInt) {
1712  TIntV V;
1713  for (TInt i = 0; i < sz; i++) { V.Add(IntCols[AggrColIdx][ValidRows[i]]); }
1714  TInt Res = AggregateVector<TInt>(V, AggOp);
1715  if (AggOp == aaMean) { Res = Res / sz; }
1716  for (TInt i = 0; i < sz; i++) { IntCols[ColIdx][ValidRows[i]] = Res; }
1717  } else {
1718  TFltV V;
1719  for (TInt i = 0; i < sz; i++) { V.Add(FltCols[AggrColIdx][ValidRows[i]]); }
1720  TFlt Res = AggregateVector<TFlt>(V, AggOp);
1721  if (AggOp == aaMean) { Res /= sz; }
1722  for (TInt i = 0; i < sz; i++) { FltCols[ColIdx][ValidRows[i]] = Res; }
1723  }
1724  }
1725  }
1726  // double endIter = omp_get_wtime();
1727  // printf("Iter time = %f\n", endIter-endAdd);
1728 }
THash< GroupStmt, THash< TGroupKey, TIntV > > GroupMapping
Maps grouping statements to their (group-by key –> group id) mapping.
Definition: table.h:591
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
void AddIntCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds an integer column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4650
Definition: table.h:266
void GroupByIntColMP(const TStr &GroupBy, THashMP< TInt, TIntV > &Grouping, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values, using OpenMP multi-threading.
Definition: table.cpp:1205
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
static TStrV NormalizeColNameV(const TStrV &Cols)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:549
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
void GroupAux(const TStrV &GroupBy, THash< TGroupKey, TPair< TInt, TIntV > > &Grouping, TBool Ordered, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool KeepUnique, TIntV &UniqueVec, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
Helper function for grouping.
Definition: table.cpp:1302
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
void GroupByFltCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with float values. Returns hash table with grouping.
Definition: table.h:1633
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1293
TPHKeyDat * EndI
Definition: hashmp.h:47
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
const TVal & GetDat(const TVal &Val) const
Returns reference to the first occurrence of element Val.
Definition: ds.h:807
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
void GroupByIntCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values.
Definition: table.h:1605
A class representing a cached grouping statement identifier.
Definition: table.h:275
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
Definition: ds.h:32
void GroupByStrCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with string values. Returns hash table with grouping.
Definition: table.h:1660
Definition: gbase.h:23
Hash-Table with multiprocessing support.
Definition: hashmp.h:81
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
void AddFltCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds a float column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4657
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Definition: dt.h:881
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
int Len() const
Definition: hash.h:186
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
const TKey & GetKey(const int &KeyId) const
Definition: hash.h:210
Definition: table.h:266
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::AggregateCols ( const TStrV AggrAttrs,
TAttrAggr  AggOp,
const TStr ResAttr 

Aggregates attributes in AggrAttrs across columns.

Definition at line 1730 of file table.cpp.

1730  {
1732  for (TInt i = 0; i < AggrAttrs.Len(); i++) {
1733  Info.Add(GetColTypeMap(AggrAttrs[i]));
1734  if (Info[i].Val1 != Info[0].Val1) {
1735  TExcept::Throw("AggregateCols: Aggregation attributes must have the same type");
1736  }
1737  }
1739  if (Info[0].Val1 == atInt) {
1740  AddIntCol(ResAttr);
1741  TInt ResIdx = GetColIdx(ResAttr);
1743  for (TRowIterator RI = BegRI(); RI < EndRI(); RI++) {
1744  TInt RowIdx = RI.GetRowIdx();
1745  TIntV V;
1746  for (TInt i = 0; i < AggrAttrs.Len(); i++) {
1747  V.Add(IntCols[Info[i].Val2][RowIdx]);
1748  }
1749  IntCols[ResIdx][RowIdx] = AggregateVector<TInt>(V, AggOp);
1750  }
1751  } else if (Info[0].Val1 == atFlt) {
1752  AddFltCol(ResAttr);
1753  TInt ResIdx = GetColIdx(ResAttr);
1755  for (TRowIterator RI = BegRI(); RI < EndRI(); RI++) {
1756  TInt RowIdx = RI.GetRowIdx();
1757  TFltV V;
1758  for (TInt i = 0; i < AggrAttrs.Len(); i++) {
1759  V.Add(FltCols[Info[i].Val2][RowIdx]);
1760  }
1761  FltCols[ResIdx][RowIdx] = AggregateVector<TFlt>(V, AggOp);
1762  }
1763  } else {
1764  TExcept::Throw("AggregateCols: Only Int and Flt aggregation supported right now");
1765  }
1766 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
void AddIntCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds an integer column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4650
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
void AddFltCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds a float column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4657
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
template<class T >
T TTable::AggregateVector ( TVec< T > &  V,
TAttrAggr  Policy 

Aggregates vector into a single scalar value according to a policy.

Aggregate vector into a single scalar value according to a policy. Used for choosing an attribute value for a node when this node appears in several records and has conflicting attribute values

Definition at line 1551 of file table.h.

1551  {
1552  switch (Policy) {
1553  case aaMin: {
1554  T Res = V[0];
1555  for (TInt i = 1; i < V.Len(); i++) {
1556  if (V[i] < Res) { Res = V[i]; }
1557  }
1558  return Res;
1559  }
1560  case aaMax: {
1561  T Res = V[0];
1562  for (TInt i = 1; i < V.Len(); i++) {
1563  if (V[i] > Res) { Res = V[i]; }
1564  }
1565  return Res;
1566  }
1567  case aaFirst: {
1568  return V[0];
1569  }
1570  case aaLast:{
1571  return V[V.Len()-1];
1572  }
1573  case aaSum: {
1574  T Res = V[0];
1575  for (TInt i = 1; i < V.Len(); i++) {
1576  Res = Res + V[i];
1577  }
1578  return Res;
1579  }
1580  case aaMean: {
1581  T Res = V[0];
1582  for (TInt i = 1; i < V.Len(); i++) {
1583  Res = Res + V[i];
1584  }
1585  //Res = Res / V.Len(); // TODO: Handle Str case separately?
1586  return Res;
1587  }
1588  case aaMedian: {
1589  V.Sort();
1590  return V[V.Len()/2];
1591  }
1592  case aaCount: {
1593  // NOTE: Code should never reach here
1594  // I had to put this here to avoid a compiler warning.
1595  // Is there a better way to do this?
1596  return V[0];
1597  }
1598  }
1599  // Added to remove a compiler warning.
1600  T ShouldNotComeHere;
1601  return ShouldNotComeHere;
1602 }
Definition: table.h:266
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: table.h:266
void Sort(const bool &Asc=true)
Sorts the elements of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:1254
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: table.h:266
Definition: table.h:266
Definition: table.h:266
Definition: table.h:266
Definition: table.h:266
TRowIterator TTable::BegRI ( ) const

Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.

Definition at line 1232 of file table.h.

1232 { return TRowIterator(FirstValidRow, this);}
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
friend class TRowIterator
Definition: table.h:1533
TRowIteratorWithRemove TTable::BegRIWR ( )

Gets iterator with reomve to the first valid row.

Definition at line 1236 of file table.h.

1236 { return TRowIteratorWithRemove(FirstValidRow, this);}
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
friend class TRowIteratorWithRemove
Definition: table.h:1534
PNEANet TTable::BuildGraph ( const TIntV RowIds,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 

Makes a single pass over the rows in the given row id set, and creates nodes, edges, assigns node and edge attributes.

Definition at line 3425 of file table.cpp.

3425  {
3426  PNEANet Graph = TNEANet::New();
3428  const TAttrType NodeType = GetColType(SrcCol);
3429  Assert(NodeType == GetColType(DstCol));
3430  const TInt SrcColIdx = GetColIdx(SrcCol);
3431  const TInt DstColIdx = GetColIdx(DstCol);
3433  // node values - i.e. the unique values of src/dst col
3434  //THashSet<TInt> IntNodeVals; // for both int and string node attr types.
3435  THash<TFlt, TInt> FltNodeVals;
3437  // node attributes
3438  THash<TInt, TStrIntVH> NodeIntAttrs;
3439  THash<TInt, TStrFltVH> NodeFltAttrs;
3440  THash<TInt, TStrStrVH> NodeStrAttrs;
3442  // make single pass over all rows in given row id set
3443  for (TVec<TInt>::TIter it = RowIds.BegI(); it < RowIds.EndI(); it++) {
3444  TInt CurrRowIdx = *it;
3446  // add src and dst nodes to graph if they are not seen earlier
3447  TInt SVal, DVal;
3448  if (NodeType == atFlt) {
3449  TFlt FSVal = FltCols[SrcColIdx][CurrRowIdx];
3450  SVal = CheckAndAddFltNode(Graph, FltNodeVals, FSVal);
3451  TFlt FDVal = FltCols[SrcColIdx][CurrRowIdx];
3452  DVal = CheckAndAddFltNode(Graph, FltNodeVals, FDVal);
3453  } else if (NodeType == atInt || NodeType == atStr) {
3454  if (NodeType == atInt) {
3455  SVal = IntCols[SrcColIdx][CurrRowIdx];
3456  DVal = IntCols[DstColIdx][CurrRowIdx];
3457  } else {
3458  SVal = StrColMaps[SrcColIdx][CurrRowIdx];
3459  if (strlen(Context->StringVals.GetKey(SVal)) == 0) { continue; } //illegal value
3460  DVal = StrColMaps[DstColIdx][CurrRowIdx];
3461  if (strlen(Context->StringVals.GetKey(DVal)) == 0) { continue; } //illegal value
3462  }
3463  if (!Graph->IsNode(SVal)) { Graph->AddNode(SVal); }
3464  if (!Graph->IsNode(DVal)) { Graph->AddNode(DVal); }
3465  //CheckAndAddIntNode(Graph, IntNodeVals, SVal);
3466  //CheckAndAddIntNode(Graph, IntNodeVals, DVal);
3467  }
3469  // add edge and edge attributes
3470  Graph->AddEdge(SVal, DVal, CurrRowIdx);
3471  if (EdgeAttrV.Len() > 0) { AddEdgeAttributes(Graph, CurrRowIdx); }
3473  // get src and dst node attributes into hashmaps
3474  if (SrcNodeAttrV.Len() > 0) {
3475  AddNodeAttributes(SVal, SrcNodeAttrV, CurrRowIdx, NodeIntAttrs, NodeFltAttrs, NodeStrAttrs);
3476  }
3477  if (DstNodeAttrV.Len() > 0) {
3478  AddNodeAttributes(DVal, DstNodeAttrV, CurrRowIdx, NodeIntAttrs, NodeFltAttrs, NodeStrAttrs);
3479  }
3480  }
3482  // aggregate node attributes and add to graph
3483  if (SrcNodeAttrV.Len() > 0 || DstNodeAttrV.Len() > 0) {
3484  for (TNEANet::TNodeI NodeI = Graph->BegNI(); NodeI < Graph->EndNI(); NodeI++) {
3485  TInt NId = NodeI.GetId();
3486  if (NodeIntAttrs.IsKey(NId)) {
3487  TStrIntVH IntAttrVals = NodeIntAttrs.GetDat(NId);
3488  for (TStrIntVH::TIter it = IntAttrVals.BegI(); it < IntAttrVals.EndI(); it++) {
3489  TInt AttrVal = AggregateVector<TInt>(it.GetDat(), AggrPolicy);
3490  Graph->AddIntAttrDatN(NId, AttrVal, it.GetKey());
3491  }
3492  }
3493  if (NodeFltAttrs.IsKey(NId)) {
3494  TStrFltVH FltAttrVals = NodeFltAttrs.GetDat(NId);
3495  for (TStrFltVH::TIter it = FltAttrVals.BegI(); it < FltAttrVals.EndI(); it++) {
3496  TFlt AttrVal = AggregateVector<TFlt>(it.GetDat(), AggrPolicy);
3497  Graph->AddFltAttrDatN(NId, AttrVal, it.GetKey());
3498  }
3499  }
3500  if (NodeStrAttrs.IsKey(NId)) {
3501  TStrStrVH StrAttrVals = NodeStrAttrs.GetDat(NId);
3502  for (TStrStrVH::TIter it = StrAttrVals.BegI(); it < StrAttrVals.EndI(); it++) {
3503  TStr AttrVal = AggregateVector<TStr>(it.GetDat(), AggrPolicy);
3504  Graph->AddStrAttrDatN(NId, AttrVal, it.GetKey());
3505  }
3506  }
3507  }
3508  }
3510  return Graph;
3511 }
TIter EndI() const
Returns an iterator referring to the past-the-end element in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:567
TStrV EdgeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.
Definition: table.h:601
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
Node iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: network.h:1632
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1293
const char * GetKey(const int &KeyId) const
Definition: hash.h:821
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStrV SrcNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes.
Definition: table.h:602
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
Definition: dt.h:1044
TStr SrcCol
Column (attribute) to serve as src nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:599
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TStrV DstNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes.
Definition: table.h:603
TStr DstCol
Column (attribute) to serve as dst nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:600
Definition: dt.h:412
TIter BegI() const
Returns an iterator pointing to the first element in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:565
Definition: hash.h:88
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: bd.h:196
void AddEdgeAttributes(PNEANet &Graph, int RowId)
Adds attributes of edge corresponding to RowId to the Graph.
Definition: table.cpp:3375
Definition: gbase.h:23
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
static PNEANet New()
Static cons returns pointer to graph. Ex: PNEANet Graph=TNEANet::New().
Definition: network.h:1940
TInt CheckAndAddFltNode(T Graph, THash< TFlt, TInt > &NodeVals, TFlt FNodeVal)
Checks if given NodeVal is seen earlier; if not, add it to Graph and hashmap NodeVals.
Definition: table.h:1540
void AddNodeAttributes(TInt NId, TStrV NodeAttrV, TInt RowId, THash< TInt, TStrIntVH > &NodeIntAttrs, THash< TInt, TStrFltVH > &NodeFltAttrs, THash< TInt, TStrStrVH > &NodeStrAttrs)
Takes as parameters, and updates, maps NodeXAttrs: Node Id –> (attribute name –> Vector of attribut...
Definition: table.cpp:3394
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TTableContext * TTable::ChangeContext ( TTableContext Context)

Changes the current context. Moves all object items to the new context.

Definition at line 901 of file table.cpp.

901  {
902  TInt L = Sch.Len();
904 #if 0
905  // print table on the input, iterate over all columns
906  for (TInt i = 0; i < L; i++) {
907  // skip non-string columns
908  if (GetSchemaColType(i) != atStr) {
909  continue;
910  }
912  TInt ColIdx = GetColIdx(GetSchemaColName(i));
914  // iterate over all rows
915  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
916  TInt RowIdx = RowI.GetRowIdx();
917  TInt KeyId = StrColMaps[ColIdx][RowIdx];
918  printf("ChangeContext in %d %d %d .%s.\n",
919  ColIdx.Val, RowIdx.Val, KeyId.Val, GetStrVal(ColIdx, RowIdx).CStr());
920  }
921  }
922 #endif
924  // add strings to the new context, change values
925  // iterate over all columns
926  for (TInt i = 0; i < L; i++) {
927  // skip non-string columns
928  if (GetSchemaColType(i) != atStr) {
929  continue;
930  }
932  TInt ColIdx = GetColIdx(GetSchemaColName(i));
934  // iterate over all rows
935  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
936  TInt RowIdx = RowI.GetRowIdx();
937  // get the string
938  TStr Key = GetStrVal(ColIdx, RowIdx);
939  // add the string to the new context
940  TInt KeyId = TInt(NewContext->StringVals.AddKey(Key));
941  // change the value in the table
942  StrColMaps[ColIdx][RowIdx] = KeyId;
943  }
944  }
946  // set the new context
947  Context = NewContext;
948  return Context;
949 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
int Val
Definition: dt.h:1046
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TAttrType GetSchemaColType(TInt Idx) const
Gets type of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:650
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStr GetSchemaColName(TInt Idx) const
Gets name of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:648
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TStr GetStrVal(TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:636
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
template<class T >
TInt TTable::CheckAndAddFltNode ( Graph,
THash< TFlt, TInt > &  NodeVals,
TFlt  FNodeVal 

Checks if given NodeVal is seen earlier; if not, add it to Graph and hashmap NodeVals.

Definition at line 1540 of file table.h.

1540  {
1541  if (!NodeVals.IsKey(FNodeVal)) {
1542  TInt NodeVal = NodeVals.Len();
1543  Graph->AddNode(NodeVal);
1544  NodeVals.AddKey(FNodeVal);
1545  NodeVals.AddDat(FNodeVal, NodeVal);
1546  return NodeVal;
1547  } else { return NodeVals.GetDat(FNodeVal); }
1548 }
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
Definition: dt.h:1044
int AddKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:331
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
int Len() const
Definition: hash.h:186
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::CheckAndAddIntNode ( PNEANet  Graph,
THashSet< TInt > &  NodeVals,
TInt  NodeId 

Checks if given NodeId is seen earlier; if not, add it to Graph and hashmap NodeVals.

Definition at line 3368 of file table.cpp.

3368  {
3369  if (!NodeVals.IsKey(NodeId)) {
3370  Graph->AddNode(NodeId);
3371  NodeVals.AddKey(NodeId);
3372  }
3373 }
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: shash.h:1148
int AddKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: shash.h:1254
TInt TTable::CheckSortedKeyVal ( TIntV Key,
TIntV Val,
TInt  Start,
TInt  End 

Definition at line 5287 of file table.cpp.

5287  {
5288  TInt j;
5289  for (j = Start; j < End; j++) {
5290  if (CompareKeyVal(Key[j], Val[j], Key[j+1], Val[j+1]) > 0) {
5291  break;
5292  }
5293  }
5294  if (j >= End) { return 0; }
5295  else { return 1; }
5296 }
static TInt CompareKeyVal(const TInt &K1, const TInt &V1, const TInt &K2, const TInt &V2)
Definition: table.cpp:5274
Definition: dt.h:1044
void TTable::Classify ( TPredicate Predicate,
const TStr LabelName,
const TInt PositiveLabel = 1,
const TInt NegativeLabel = 0 

Definition at line 2785 of file table.cpp.

2785  {
2786  TIntV SelectedRows;
2787  Select(Predicate, SelectedRows, false);
2788  ClassifyAux(SelectedRows, LabelName, PositiveLabel, NegativeLabel);
2789 }
void Select(TPredicate &Predicate, TIntV &SelectedRows, TBool Remove=true)
Selects rows that satisfy given Predicate.
Definition: table.cpp:2730
void ClassifyAux(const TIntV &SelectedRows, const TStr &LabelName, const TInt &PositiveLabel=1, const TInt &NegativeLabel=0)
Adds a label attribute with positive labels on selected rows and negative labels on the rest...
Definition: table.cpp:4671
void TTable::ClassifyAtomic ( const TStr Col1,
const TStr Col2,
TPredComp  Cmp,
const TStr LabelName,
const TInt PositiveLabel = 1,
const TInt NegativeLabel = 0 

Definition at line 2846 of file table.cpp.

2847  {
2848  TIntV SelectedRows;
2849  SelectAtomic(Col1, Col2, Cmp, SelectedRows, false);
2850  ClassifyAux(SelectedRows, LabelName, PositiveLabel, NegativeLabel);
2851 }
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void SelectAtomic(const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, TBool Remove=true)
Selects rows using atomic compare operation.
Definition: table.cpp:2793
void ClassifyAux(const TIntV &SelectedRows, const TStr &LabelName, const TInt &PositiveLabel=1, const TInt &NegativeLabel=0)
Adds a label attribute with positive labels on selected rows and negative labels on the rest...
Definition: table.cpp:4671
template<class T >
void TTable::ClassifyAtomicConst ( const TStr Col,
const T &  Val,
TPredComp  Cmp,
const TStr LabelName,
const TInt PositiveLabel = 1,
const TInt NegativeLabel = 0 

Definition at line 1292 of file table.h.

1293  {
1294  TIntV SelectedRows;
1295  PTable SelectedTable;
1296  SelectAtomicConst(Col, TPrimitive(Val), Cmp, SelectedRows, SelectedTable, false, false);
1297  ClassifyAux(SelectedRows, LabelName, PositiveLabel, NegativeLabel);
1298  }
Primitive class: Wrapper around primitive data types.
Definition: table.h:220
void SelectAtomicConst(const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:2853
Definition: bd.h:196
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void ClassifyAux(const TIntV &SelectedRows, const TStr &LabelName, const TInt &PositiveLabel=1, const TInt &NegativeLabel=0)
Adds a label attribute with positive labels on selected rows and negative labels on the rest...
Definition: table.cpp:4671
void TTable::ClassifyAux ( const TIntV SelectedRows,
const TStr LabelName,
const TInt PositiveLabel = 1,
const TInt NegativeLabel = 0 

Adds a label attribute with positive labels on selected rows and negative labels on the rest.

Definition at line 4671 of file table.cpp.

4671  {
4672  AddSchemaCol(LabelName, atInt);
4673  TInt LabelColIdx = IntCols.Len();
4674  AddColType(LabelName, atInt, LabelColIdx);
4676  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumRows; i++) {
4677  IntCols[LabelColIdx][i] = NegativeLabel;
4678  }
4679  for (TInt i = 0; i < SelectedRows.Len(); i++) {
4680  IntCols[LabelColIdx][SelectedRows[i]] = PositiveLabel;
4681  }
4682 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1044
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::ColAdd ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "" 

Performs columnwise addition. See TTable::ColGenericOp.

Definition at line 4793 of file table.cpp.

4793  {
4794  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoAdd);
4795 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColAdd ( const TStr Attr1,
TTable Table,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResAttr = "",
TBool  AddToFirstTable = true 

Performs columnwise addition with column of given table.

Definition at line 4926 of file table.cpp.

4927  {
4928  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Table, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoAdd, AddToFirstTable);
4929 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColAdd ( const TStr Attr1,
const TFlt Num,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "",
const TBool  floatCast = false 

Performs addition of column values and given Num.

Definition at line 5040 of file table.cpp.

5040  {
5041  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Num, ResultAttrName, aoAdd, floatCast);
5042 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColConcat ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr Sep = "",
const TStr ResAttr = "" 

Concatenates two string columns.

Definition at line 5060 of file table.cpp.

5060  {
5061  // check if attributes are valid
5062  if (!IsAttr(Attr1)) TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr1);
5063  if (!IsAttr(Attr2)) TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr2);
5065  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info1 = GetColTypeMap(Attr1);
5066  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info2 = GetColTypeMap(Attr2);
5068  if (Info1.Val1 != atStr || Info2.Val1 != atStr) {
5069  TExcept::Throw("Only string columns supported in concat.");
5070  }
5072  // source column indices
5073  TInt ColIdx1 = Info1.Val2;
5074  TInt ColIdx2 = Info2.Val2;
5076  // destination column index
5077  TInt ColIdx3 = ColIdx1;
5079  // Create empty result column with type that of first attribute
5080  if (ResAttr != "") {
5081  AddStrCol(ResAttr);
5082  ColIdx3 = GetColIdx(ResAttr);
5083  }
5085  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
5086  TStr CurVal1 = RowI.GetStrAttr(ColIdx1);
5087  TStr CurVal2 = RowI.GetStrAttr(ColIdx2);
5088  TStr NewVal = CurVal1 + Sep + CurVal2;
5089  TInt Key = TInt(Context->StringVals.AddKey(NewVal));
5090  StrColMaps[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = Key;
5091  }
5092 }
TBool IsAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Checks if Attr is an attribute of this table schema.
Definition: table.cpp:4605
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
int AddKey(const char *Key)
Definition: hash.h:896
Definition: dt.h:1044
void AddStrCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds a string column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4664
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: dt.h:412
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
Definition: gbase.h:23
void TTable::ColConcat ( const TStr Attr1,
TTable Table,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr Sep = "",
const TStr ResAttr = "",
TBool  AddToFirstTable = true 

Concatenates string column with column of given table.

Definition at line 5094 of file table.cpp.

5095  {
5096  // check if attributes are valid
5097  if (!IsAttr(Attr1)) { TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr1); }
5098  if (!Table.IsAttr(Attr2)) { TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr2); }
5100  if (NumValidRows != Table.NumValidRows) {
5101  TExcept::Throw("Tables do not have equal number of rows");
5102  }
5104  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info1 = GetColTypeMap(Attr1);
5105  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info2 = Table.GetColTypeMap(Attr2);
5107  if (Info1.Val1 != atStr || Info2.Val1 != atStr) {
5108  TExcept::Throw("Only string columns supported in concat.");
5109  }
5111  // source column indices
5112  TInt ColIdx1 = Info1.Val2;
5113  TInt ColIdx2 = Info2.Val2;
5115  // destination column index
5116  TInt ColIdx3 = ColIdx1;
5118  if (!AddToFirstTable) {
5119  ColIdx3 = ColIdx2;
5120  }
5122  // Create empty result column in appropriate table with type that of first attribute
5123  if (ResAttr != "") {
5124  if (AddToFirstTable) {
5125  AddStrCol(ResAttr);
5126  ColIdx3 = GetColIdx(ResAttr);
5127  }
5128  else {
5129  Table.AddStrCol(ResAttr);
5130  ColIdx3 = Table.GetColIdx(ResAttr);
5131  }
5132  }
5134  TRowIterator RI1, RI2;
5136  RI1 = BegRI();
5137  RI2 = Table.BegRI();
5139  while (RI1 < EndRI() && RI2 < Table.EndRI()) {
5140  TStr CurVal1 = RI1.GetStrAttr(ColIdx1);
5141  TStr CurVal2 = RI2.GetStrAttr(ColIdx2);
5142  TStr NewVal = CurVal1 + Sep + CurVal2;
5143  TInt Key = TInt(Context->StringVals.AddKey(NewVal));
5144  if (AddToFirstTable) {
5145  StrColMaps[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = Key;
5146  }
5147  else {
5148  Table.StrColMaps[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = Key;
5149  }
5150  RI1++;
5151  RI2++;
5152  }
5154  if (RI1 != EndRI() || RI2 != Table.EndRI()) {
5155  TExcept::Throw("ColGenericOp: Iteration error");
5156  }
5157 }
TBool IsAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Checks if Attr is an attribute of this table schema.
Definition: table.cpp:4605
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TStr GetStrAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of string attribute specified by string column index for current row.
Definition: table.cpp:163
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TInt GetRowIdx() const
Gets the id of the row pointed by this iterator.
Definition: table.cpp:151
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
int AddKey(const char *Key)
Definition: hash.h:896
Definition: dt.h:1044
void AddStrCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds a string column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4664
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: dt.h:412
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
void TTable::ColConcatConst ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Val,
const TStr Sep = "",
const TStr ResAttr = "" 

Concatenates column values with given string value.

Definition at line 5159 of file table.cpp.

5159  {
5160  // check if attribute is valid
5161  if (!IsAttr(Attr1)) { TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr1); }
5163  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info1 = GetColTypeMap(Attr1);
5165  if (Info1.Val1 != atStr) {
5166  TExcept::Throw("Only string columns supported in concat.");
5167  }
5169  // source column index
5170  TInt ColIdx1 = Info1.Val2;
5172  // destination column index
5173  TInt ColIdx2 = ColIdx1;
5175  // Create empty result column with type that of first attribute
5176  if (ResAttr != "") {
5177  AddStrCol(ResAttr);
5178  ColIdx2 = GetColIdx(ResAttr);
5179  }
5181  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
5182  TStr CurVal = RowI.GetStrAttr(ColIdx1);
5183  TStr NewVal = CurVal + Sep + Val;
5184  TInt Key = TInt(Context->StringVals.AddKey(NewVal));
5185  StrColMaps[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = Key;
5186  }
5187 }
TBool IsAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Checks if Attr is an attribute of this table schema.
Definition: table.cpp:4605
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
int AddKey(const char *Key)
Definition: hash.h:896
Definition: dt.h:1044
void AddStrCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds a string column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4664
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: dt.h:412
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
Definition: gbase.h:23
void TTable::ColDiv ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "" 

Performs columnwise division. See TTable::ColGenericOp.

Definition at line 4805 of file table.cpp.

4805  {
4806  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoDiv);
4807 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColDiv ( const TStr Attr1,
TTable Table,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResAttr = "",
TBool  AddToFirstTable = true 

Performs columnwise division with column of given table.

Definition at line 4941 of file table.cpp.

4942  {
4943  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Table, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoDiv, AddToFirstTable);
4944 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColDiv ( const TStr Attr1,
const TFlt Num,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "",
const TBool  floatCast = false 

Performs division of column values and given Num.

Definition at line 5052 of file table.cpp.

5052  {
5053  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Num, ResultAttrName, aoDiv, floatCast);
5054 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColGenericOp ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResAttr,
TArithOp  op 

Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.

Performs Attr1 OP Attr2 and stores it in Attr1 If ResAttr != "", result is stored in a new column ResAttr

Definition at line 4729 of file table.cpp.

4729  {
4730  // check if attributes are valid
4731  if (!IsAttr(Attr1)) TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr1);
4732  if (!IsAttr(Attr2)) TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr2);
4733  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info1 = GetColTypeMap(Attr1);
4734  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info2 = GetColTypeMap(Attr2);
4735  TAttrType Arg1Type = Info1.Val1;
4736  TAttrType Arg2Type = Info2.Val1;
4737  if (Arg1Type == atStr || Arg2Type == atStr) {
4738  TExcept::Throw("Only numeric columns supported in arithmetic operations.");
4739  }
4740  if(Arg1Type == atInt && Arg2Type == atFlt && ResAttr == ""){
4741  TExcept::Throw("Trying to write float values to an existing int-typed column");
4742  }
4743  // source column indices
4744  TInt ColIdx1 = Info1.Val2;
4745  TInt ColIdx2 = Info2.Val2;
4747  // destination column index
4748  TInt ColIdx3 = ColIdx1;
4749  // Create empty result column with type that of first attribute
4750  if (ResAttr != "") {
4751  if (Arg1Type == atInt && Arg2Type == atInt) {
4752  AddIntCol(ResAttr);
4753  }
4754  else {
4755  AddFltCol(ResAttr);
4756  }
4757  ColIdx3 = GetColIdx(ResAttr);
4758  }
4759 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
4760  if(GetMP()){
4761  ColGenericOpMP(ColIdx1, ColIdx2, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, ColIdx3, op);
4762  return;
4763  }
4764 #endif //USE_OPENMP
4765  TAttrType ResType = atFlt;
4766  if(Arg1Type == atInt && Arg2Type == atInt){ printf("hooray!\n"); ResType = atInt;}
4767  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
4768  //printf("%d %d %d %d\n", ColIdx1.Val, ColIdx2.Val, ColIdx3.Val, RowI.GetRowIdx().Val);
4769  if(ResType == atInt){
4770  TInt V1 = RowI.GetIntAttr(ColIdx1);
4771  TInt V2 = RowI.GetIntAttr(ColIdx2);
4772  if (op == aoAdd) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 + V2; }
4773  if (op == aoSub) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 - V2; }
4774  if (op == aoMul) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 * V2; }
4775  if (op == aoDiv) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 / V2; }
4776  if (op == aoMod) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 % V2; }
4777  if (op == aoMin) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = (V1 < V2) ? V1 : V2;}
4778  if (op == aoMax) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = (V1 > V2) ? V1 : V2;}
4779  } else{
4780  TFlt V1 = (Arg1Type == atInt) ? (TFlt)RowI.GetIntAttr(ColIdx1) : RowI.GetFltAttr(ColIdx1);
4781  TFlt V2 = (Arg2Type == atInt) ? (TFlt)RowI.GetIntAttr(ColIdx2) : RowI.GetFltAttr(ColIdx2);
4782  if (op == aoAdd) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 + V2; }
4783  if (op == aoSub) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 - V2; }
4784  if (op == aoMul) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 * V2; }
4785  if (op == aoDiv) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 / V2; }
4786  if (op == aoMod) { TExcept::Throw("Cannot find modulo for float columns"); }
4787  if (op == aoMin) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = (V1 < V2) ? V1 : V2;}
4788  if (op == aoMax) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = (V1 > V2) ? V1 : V2;}
4789  }
4790  }
4791 }
Definition: table.h:268
Definition: table.h:268
TBool IsAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Checks if Attr is an attribute of this table schema.
Definition: table.cpp:4605
Definition: table.h:268
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
void AddIntCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds an integer column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4650
Definition: table.h:268
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1293
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: table.h:268
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
void AddFltCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds a float column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4657
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: table.h:268
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOpMP(TInt ArgColIdx1, TInt ArgColIdx2, TAttrType ArgType1, TAttrType ArgType2, TInt ResColIdx, TArithOp op)
Definition: table.cpp:4685
void TTable::ColGenericOp ( const TStr Attr1,
TTable Table,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResAttr,
TArithOp  op,
TBool  AddToFirstTable 

Performs columnwise arithmetic operation with column of given table.

Definition at line 4821 of file table.cpp.

4822  {
4823  // check if attributes are valid
4824  if (!IsAttr(Attr1)) { TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr1); }
4825  if (!Table.IsAttr(Attr2)) { TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr2); }
4827  if (NumValidRows != Table.NumValidRows) {
4828  TExcept::Throw("Tables do not have equal number of rows");
4829  }
4831  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info1 = GetColTypeMap(Attr1);
4832  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info2 = Table.GetColTypeMap(Attr2);
4833  TAttrType Arg1Type = Info1.Val1;
4834  TAttrType Arg2Type = Info2.Val1;
4835  if (Info1.Val1 == atStr || Info2.Val1 == atStr) {
4836  TExcept::Throw("Only numeric columns supported in arithmetic operations.");
4837  }
4838  if(Arg1Type == atInt && Arg2Type == atFlt && ResAttr == ""){
4839  TExcept::Throw("Trying to write float values to an existing int-typed column");
4840  }
4841  // source column indices
4842  TInt ColIdx1 = Info1.Val2;
4843  TInt ColIdx2 = Info2.Val2;
4845  // destination column index
4846  TInt ColIdx3 = AddToFirstTable ? ColIdx1 : ColIdx2;
4848  // Create empty result column in appropriate table with type that of first attribute
4849  if (ResAttr != "") {
4850  if (AddToFirstTable) {
4851  if (Arg1Type == atInt && Arg2Type == atInt) {
4852  AddIntCol(ResAttr);
4853  } else {
4854  AddFltCol(ResAttr);
4855  }
4856  ColIdx3 = GetColIdx(ResAttr);
4857  }
4858  else {
4859  if (Arg1Type == atInt && Arg2Type == atInt) {
4860  Table.AddIntCol(ResAttr);
4861  } else {
4862  Table.AddFltCol(ResAttr);
4863  }
4864  ColIdx3 = Table.GetColIdx(ResAttr);
4865  }
4866  }
4868  /*
4869  #ifdef USE_OPENMP
4870  if(GetMP()){
4871  ColGenericOpMP(Table, AddToFirstTable, ColIdx1, ColIdx2, Arg1Type, Arg2Type, ColIdx3, op);
4872  return;
4873  }
4874  #endif //USE_OPENMP
4875  */
4877  TRowIterator RI1, RI2;
4878  RI1 = BegRI();
4879  RI2 = Table.BegRI();
4880  TAttrType ResType = atFlt;
4881  if(Arg1Type == atInt && Arg2Type == atInt){ ResType = atInt;}
4882  while (RI1 < EndRI() && RI2 < Table.EndRI()) {
4883  if (ResType == atInt) {
4884  TInt V1 = RI1.GetIntAttr(ColIdx1);
4885  TInt V2 = RI2.GetIntAttr(ColIdx2);
4886  if (AddToFirstTable) {
4887  if (op == aoAdd) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = V1 + V2; }
4888  if (op == aoSub) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = V1 - V2; }
4889  if (op == aoMul) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = V1 * V2; }
4890  if (op == aoDiv) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = V1 / V2; }
4891  if (op == aoMod) { IntCols[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = V1 % V2; }
4892  }
4893  else {
4894  if (op == aoAdd) { Table.IntCols[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = V1 + V2; }
4895  if (op == aoSub) { Table.IntCols[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = V1 - V2; }
4896  if (op == aoMul) { Table.IntCols[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = V1 * V2; }
4897  if (op == aoDiv) { Table.IntCols[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = V1 / V2; }
4898  if (op == aoMod) { Table.IntCols[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = V1 % V2; }
4899  }
4900  } else {
4901  TFlt V1 = (Arg1Type == atInt) ? (TFlt)RI1.GetIntAttr(ColIdx1) : RI2.GetFltAttr(ColIdx1);
4902  TFlt V2 = (Arg2Type == atInt) ? (TFlt)RI1.GetIntAttr(ColIdx2) : RI2.GetFltAttr(ColIdx2);
4903  if (AddToFirstTable) {
4904  if (op == aoAdd) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = V1 + V2; }
4905  if (op == aoSub) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = V1 - V2; }
4906  if (op == aoMul) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = V1 * V2; }
4907  if (op == aoDiv) { FltCols[ColIdx3][RI1.GetRowIdx()] = V1 / V2; }
4908  if (op == aoMod) { TExcept::Throw("Cannot find modulo for float columns"); }
4909  } else {
4910  if (op == aoAdd) { Table.FltCols[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = V1 + V2; }
4911  if (op == aoSub) { Table.FltCols[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = V1 - V2; }
4912  if (op == aoMul) { Table.FltCols[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = V1 * V2; }
4913  if (op == aoDiv) { Table.FltCols[ColIdx3][RI2.GetRowIdx()] = V1 / V2; }
4914  if (op == aoMod) { TExcept::Throw("Cannot find modulo for float columns"); }
4915  }
4916  }
4917  RI1++;
4918  RI2++;
4919  }
4921  if (RI1 != EndRI() || RI2 != Table.EndRI()) {
4922  TExcept::Throw("ColGenericOp: Iteration error");
4923  }
4924 }
Definition: table.h:268
TFlt GetFltAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of floating point attribute specified by float column index for current row...
Definition: table.cpp:159
Definition: table.h:268
TBool IsAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Checks if Attr is an attribute of this table schema.
Definition: table.cpp:4605
Definition: table.h:268
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
TInt GetIntAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of integer attribute specified by integer column index for current row.
Definition: table.cpp:155
void AddIntCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds an integer column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4650
Definition: table.h:268
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1293
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TInt GetRowIdx() const
Gets the id of the row pointed by this iterator.
Definition: table.cpp:151
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
void AddFltCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds a float column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4657
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: table.h:268
void TTable::ColGenericOp ( const TStr Attr1,
const TFlt Num,
const TStr ResAttr,
TArithOp  op,
const TBool  floatCast 

Performs arithmetic op of column values and given Num.

Definition at line 4952 of file table.cpp.

4952  {
4953  // check if attribute is valid
4954  if (!IsAttr(Attr1)) { TExcept::Throw("No attribute present: " + Attr1); }
4956  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info1 = GetColTypeMap(Attr1);
4957  TAttrType ArgType = Info1.Val1;
4958  if (ArgType == atStr) {
4959  TExcept::Throw("Only numeric columns supported in arithmetic operations.");
4960  }
4961  // source column index
4962  TInt ColIdx1 = Info1.Val2;
4963  // destination column index
4964  TInt ColIdx2 = ColIdx1;
4966  // Create empty result column with type that of first attribute
4967  TBool shouldCast = floatCast;
4968  if (ResAttr != "") {
4969  if ((ArgType == atInt) & !shouldCast) {
4970  AddIntCol(ResAttr);
4971  } else {
4972  AddFltCol(ResAttr);
4973  }
4974  ColIdx2 = GetColIdx(ResAttr);
4975  } else {
4976  // Cannot change type of existing attribute
4977  shouldCast = false;
4978  }
4980  #ifdef USE_OPENMP
4981  if(GetMP()){
4982  ColGenericOpMP(ColIdx1, ColIdx2, ArgType, Num, op, shouldCast);
4983  return;
4984  }
4985  #endif //USE_OPENMP
4987  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
4988  if ((ArgType == atInt) && !shouldCast) {
4989  TInt CurVal = RowI.GetIntAttr(ColIdx1);
4990  TInt Val = static_cast<int>(Num);
4991  if (op == aoAdd) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal + Val; }
4992  if (op == aoSub) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal - Val; }
4993  if (op == aoMul) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal * Val; }
4994  if (op == aoDiv) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal / Val; }
4995  if (op == aoMod) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal % Val; }
4996  }
4997  else {
4998  TFlt CurVal = (ArgType == atFlt) ? RowI.GetFltAttr(ColIdx1) : (TFlt) RowI.GetIntAttr(ColIdx1);
4999  if (op == aoAdd) { FltCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal + Num; }
5000  if (op == aoSub) { FltCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal - Num; }
5001  if (op == aoMul) { FltCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal * Num; }
5002  if (op == aoDiv) { FltCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal / Num; }
5003  if (op == aoMod) { TExcept::Throw("Cannot find modulo for float columns"); }
5004  }
5005  }
5006 }
Definition: table.h:268
Definition: table.h:268
TBool IsAttr(const TStr &Attr)
Checks if Attr is an attribute of this table schema.
Definition: table.cpp:4605
Definition: table.h:268
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
void AddIntCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds an integer column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4650
Definition: table.h:268
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1293
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
void AddFltCol(const TStr &ColName)
Adds a float column with name ColName.
Definition: table.cpp:4657
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:881
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOpMP(TInt ArgColIdx1, TInt ArgColIdx2, TAttrType ArgType1, TAttrType ArgType2, TInt ResColIdx, TArithOp op)
Definition: table.cpp:4685
void TTable::ColGenericOpMP ( TInt  ArgColIdx1,
TInt  ArgColIdx2,
TAttrType  ArgType1,
TAttrType  ArgType2,
TInt  ResColIdx,
TArithOp  op 

Definition at line 4685 of file table.cpp.

4685  {
4686  TAttrType ResType = atFlt;
4687  if(ArgType1 == atInt && ArgType2 == atInt){ ResType = atInt;}
4688  TIntPrV Partitions;
4689  GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
4690  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
4691  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD)
4692  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
4693  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), this);
4694  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), this);
4695  while(RowI < EndI){
4696  if(ResType == atInt){
4697  TInt V1 = RowI.GetIntAttr(ArgColIdx1);
4698  TInt V2 = RowI.GetIntAttr(ArgColIdx2);
4699  if (op == aoAdd) { IntCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 + V2; }
4700  if (op == aoSub) { IntCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 - V2; }
4701  if (op == aoMul) { IntCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 * V2; }
4702  if (op == aoDiv) { IntCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 / V2; }
4703  if (op == aoMod) { IntCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 % V2; }
4704  if (op == aoMin) { IntCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = (V1 < V2) ? V1 : V2;}
4705  if (op == aoMax) { IntCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = (V1 > V2) ? V1 : V2;}
4706  } else{
4707  TFlt V1 = (ArgType1 == atInt) ? (TFlt)RowI.GetIntAttr(ArgColIdx1) : RowI.GetFltAttr(ArgColIdx1);
4708  TFlt V2 = (ArgType2 == atInt) ? (TFlt)RowI.GetIntAttr(ArgColIdx2) : RowI.GetFltAttr(ArgColIdx2);
4709  if (op == aoAdd) { FltCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 + V2; }
4710  if (op == aoSub) { FltCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 - V2; }
4711  if (op == aoMul) { FltCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 * V2; }
4712  if (op == aoDiv) { FltCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = V1 / V2; }
4713  if (op == aoMod) { TExcept::Throw("Cannot find modulo for float columns"); }
4714  if (op == aoMin) { FltCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = (V1 < V2) ? V1 : V2;}
4715  if (op == aoMax) { FltCols[ResColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = (V1 > V2) ? V1 : V2;}
4716  }
4717  RowI++;
4718  }
4719  }
4720 }
Definition: table.h:268
Definition: table.h:268
Definition: table.h:268
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
void GetPartitionRanges(TIntPrV &Partitions, TInt NumPartitions) const
Partitions the table into NumPartitions and populate Partitions with the ranges.
Definition: table.cpp:1157
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: table.h:268
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1293
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: table.h:268
Definition: table.h:268
Definition: table.h:268
void TTable::ColGenericOpMP ( const TInt ColIdx1,
const TInt ColIdx2,
TAttrType  ArgType,
const TFlt Num,
TArithOp  op,
TBool  ShouldCast 

Definition at line 5009 of file table.cpp.

5009  {
5010  TIntPrV Partitions;
5011  GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
5012  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
5013  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD)
5014  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
5015  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), this);
5016  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), this);
5017  while(RowI < EndI){
5018  if ((ArgType == atInt) && !ShouldCast) {
5019  TInt CurVal = RowI.GetIntAttr(ColIdx1);
5020  TInt Val = static_cast<int>(Num);
5021  if (op == aoAdd) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal + Val; }
5022  if (op == aoSub) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal - Val; }
5023  if (op == aoMul) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal * Val; }
5024  if (op == aoDiv) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal / Val; }
5025  if (op == aoMod) { IntCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal % Val; }
5026  } else {
5027  TFlt CurVal = (ArgType == atFlt) ? RowI.GetFltAttr(ColIdx1) : (TFlt) RowI.GetIntAttr(ColIdx1);
5028  if (op == aoAdd) { FltCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal + Num; }
5029  if (op == aoSub) { FltCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal - Num; }
5030  if (op == aoMul) { FltCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal * Num; }
5031  if (op == aoDiv) { FltCols[ColIdx2][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = CurVal / Num; }
5032  if (op == aoMod) { TExcept::Throw("Cannot find modulo for float columns"); }
5033  }
5034  RowI++;
5035  }
5036  }
5037 }
Definition: table.h:268
Definition: table.h:268
Definition: table.h:268
void GetPartitionRanges(TIntPrV &Partitions, TInt NumPartitions) const
Partitions the table into NumPartitions and populate Partitions with the ranges.
Definition: table.cpp:1157
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: table.h:268
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1293
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: table.h:268
void TTable::ColMax ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "" 

Performs max of two columns. See TTable::ColGenericOp.

Definition at line 4817 of file table.cpp.

4817  {
4818  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoMax);
4819 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColMin ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "" 

Performs min of two columns. See TTable::ColGenericOp.

Definition at line 4813 of file table.cpp.

4813  {
4814  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoMin);
4815 }
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
Definition: table.h:268
void TTable::ColMod ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "" 

Performs columnwise modulus. See TTable::ColGenericOp.

Definition at line 4809 of file table.cpp.

4809  {
4810  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoMod);
4811 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColMod ( const TStr Attr1,
TTable Table,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResAttr = "",
TBool  AddToFirstTable = true 

Performs columnwise modulus with column of given table.

Definition at line 4946 of file table.cpp.

4947  {
4948  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Table, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoMod, AddToFirstTable);
4949 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColMod ( const TStr Attr1,
const TFlt Num,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "",
const TBool  floatCast = false 

Performs modulus of column values and given Num.

Definition at line 5056 of file table.cpp.

5056  {
5057  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Num, ResultAttrName, aoMod, floatCast);
5058 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColMul ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "" 

Performs columnwise multiplication. See TTable::ColGenericOp.

Definition at line 4801 of file table.cpp.

4801  {
4802  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoMul);
4803 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColMul ( const TStr Attr1,
TTable Table,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResAttr = "",
TBool  AddToFirstTable = true 

Performs columnwise multiplication with column of given table.

Definition at line 4936 of file table.cpp.

4937  {
4938  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Table, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoMul, AddToFirstTable);
4939 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColMul ( const TStr Attr1,
const TFlt Num,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "",
const TBool  floatCast = false 

Performs multiplication of column values and given Num.

Definition at line 5048 of file table.cpp.

5048  {
5049  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Num, ResultAttrName, aoMul, floatCast);
5050 }
Definition: table.h:268
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
void TTable::ColSub ( const TStr Attr1,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "" 

Performs columnwise subtraction. See TTable::ColGenericOp.

Definition at line 4797 of file table.cpp.

4797  {
4798  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoSub);
4799 }
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
Definition: table.h:268
void TTable::ColSub ( const TStr Attr1,
TTable Table,
const TStr Attr2,
const TStr ResAttr = "",
TBool  AddToFirstTable = true 

Performs columnwise subtraction with column of given table.

Definition at line 4931 of file table.cpp.

4932  {
4933  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Table, Attr2, ResultAttrName, aoSub, AddToFirstTable);
4934 }
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
Definition: table.h:268
void TTable::ColSub ( const TStr Attr1,
const TFlt Num,
const TStr ResultAttrName = "",
const TBool  floatCast = false 

Performs subtraction of column values and given Num.

Definition at line 5044 of file table.cpp.

5044  {
5045  ColGenericOp(Attr1, Num, ResultAttrName, aoSub, floatCast);
5046 }
void ColGenericOp(const TStr &Attr1, const TStr &Attr2, const TStr &ResAttr, TArithOp op)
Performs columnwise arithmetic operation.
Definition: table.cpp:4729
Definition: table.h:268
TInt TTable::CompareKeyVal ( const TInt K1,
const TInt V1,
const TInt K2,
const TInt V2 

Definition at line 5274 of file table.cpp.

5274  {
5275  // if (K1 == K2) {
5276  // if (V1 < V2) { return -1; }
5277  // else if (V1 > V2) { return 1; }
5278  // else return 0;
5279  // }
5280  // if (K1 < K2) { return -1; }
5281  // else { return 1; }
5283  if (K1 == K2) { return V1 - V2; }
5284  else { return K1 - K2; }
5285 }
TInt TTable::CompareRows ( TInt  R1,
TInt  R2,
const TAttrType CompareByType,
const TInt CompareByIndex,
TBool  Asc = true 

Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strcmp semantics).

Definition at line 3044 of file table.cpp.

3044  {
3045  //printf("comparing rows %d %d by %s\n", R1.Val, R2.Val, CompareBy.CStr());
3046  switch (CompareByType) {
3047  case atInt:{
3048  if (IntCols[CompareByIndex][R1] > IntCols[CompareByIndex][R2]) { return (Asc ? 1 : -1); }
3049  if (IntCols[CompareByIndex][R1] < IntCols[CompareByIndex][R2]) { return (Asc ? -1 : 1); }
3050  return 0;
3051  }
3052  case atFlt:{
3053  if (FltCols[CompareByIndex][R1] > FltCols[CompareByIndex][R2]) { return (Asc ? 1 : -1); }
3054  if (FltCols[CompareByIndex][R1] < FltCols[CompareByIndex][R2]) { return (Asc ? -1 : 1); }
3055  return 0;
3056  }
3057  case atStr:{
3058  TStr S1 = GetStrVal(CompareByIndex, R1);
3059  TStr S2 = GetStrVal(CompareByIndex, R2);
3060  int CmpRes = strcmp(S1.CStr(), S2.CStr());
3061  return (Asc ? CmpRes : -CmpRes);
3062  }
3063  }
3064  // code should not come here, added to remove a compiler warning
3065  return 0;
3066 }
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TStr GetStrVal(TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:636
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: gbase.h:23
char * CStr()
Definition: dt.h:476
TInt TTable::CompareRows ( TInt  R1,
TInt  R2,
const TVec< TAttrType > &  CompareByTypes,
const TIntV CompareByIndices,
TBool  Asc = true 

Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strcmp semantics).

Definition at line 3068 of file table.cpp.

3068  {
3069  for (TInt i = 0; i < CompareByTypes.Len(); i++) {
3070  TInt res = CompareRows(R1, R2, CompareByTypes[i], CompareByIndices[i], Asc);
3071  if (res != 0) { return res; }
3072  }
3073  return 0;
3074 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: dt.h:1044
TInt CompareRows(TInt R1, TInt R2, const TAttrType &CompareByType, const TInt &CompareByIndex, TBool Asc=true)
Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strc...
Definition: table.cpp:3044
void TTable::ConcatTable ( const PTable T)

Appends all rows of T to this table, and recalculate indices.

Definition at line 693 of file table.h.

693 {AddTable(*T); Reindex(); }
void Reindex()
Reinitializes row ids.
Definition: table.cpp:1869
void AddTable(const TTable &T)
Adds all the rows of the input table. Allows duplicate rows (not a union).
Definition: table.cpp:3952
void TTable::Count ( const TStr CountColName,
const TStr Col 

Counts number of unique elements.

Count the number of appearences of the different elements of column . Record results in column CountCol

Definition at line 1782 of file table.cpp.

1782  {
1783  TStrV GroupByAttrs;
1784  GroupByAttrs.Add(CountColName);
1785  Aggregate(GroupByAttrs, aaCount, "", Col);
1786 }
void Aggregate(const TStrV &GroupByAttrs, TAttrAggr AggOp, const TStr &ValAttr, const TStr &ResAttr, TBool Ordered=true)
Aggregates values of ValAttr after grouping with respect to GroupByAttrs. Result are stored as new at...
Definition: table.cpp:1565
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Definition: table.h:266
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::Defrag ( )

Releases memory of deleted rows, and defrags.

Also updates meta-data as row indices have changed Need some liveness analysis of columns

Definition at line 3291 of file table.cpp.

3291  {
3292  TInt FreeIndex = 0;
3293  TIntV Mapping; // Mapping[old_index] = new_index/invalid
3295  TInt IdColIdx = GetColIdx(IdColName);
3297  for (TInt i = 0; i < Next.Len(); i++) {
3298  if (Next[i] != TTable::Invalid) {
3299  // "first row" properly set beforehand
3300  if (FreeIndex == 0) {
3301  Assert (i == FirstValidRow);
3302  FirstValidRow = 0;
3303  }
3305  if (Next[i] != Last) {
3306  Next[FreeIndex] = FreeIndex + 1;
3307  Mapping.Add(FreeIndex);
3308  } else {
3309  Next[FreeIndex] = Last;
3310  LastValidRow = FreeIndex;
3311  Mapping.Add(Last);
3312  }
3314  RowIdMap.AddDat(IntCols[IdColIdx][i], FreeIndex);
3316  for (TInt j = 0; j < IntCols.Len(); j++) {
3317  IntCols[j][FreeIndex] = IntCols[j][i];
3318  }
3319  for (TInt j = 0; j < FltCols.Len(); j++) {
3320  FltCols[j][FreeIndex] = FltCols[j][i];
3321  }
3322  for (TInt j = 0; j < StrColMaps.Len(); j++) {
3323  StrColMaps[j][FreeIndex] = StrColMaps[j][i];
3324  }
3326  FreeIndex++;
3327  } else {
3328  NumRows--;
3329  Mapping.Add(TTable::Invalid);
3330  }
3331  }
3333  // should match, or bug somewhere
3335 }
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::DelColType ( const TStr ColName)

Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.

Definition at line 671 of file table.h.

671  {
672  TStr NColName = NormalizeColName(ColName);
673  ColTypeMap.DelKey(NColName);
674  }
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
void DelKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:362
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
TStr TTable::DenormalizeColName ( const TStr ColName) const

Removes suffix to column name if exists.

Definition at line 4625 of file table.cpp.

4625  {
4626  TStr DColName = ColName;
4627  if (DColName.Len() == 0) { return DColName; }
4628  if (DColName.GetCh(0) == '_') { return DColName; }
4629  if (DColName.GetCh(DColName.Len()-2) == '-') {
4630  DColName = DColName.GetSubStr(0,DColName.Len()-3);
4631  }
4632  TInt Conflicts = 0;
4633  for (TInt i = 0; i < Sch.Len(); i++) {
4634  if (DColName == Sch[i].Val1.GetSubStr(0, Sch[i].Val1.Len()-3)) {
4635  Conflicts++;
4636  }
4637  }
4638  if (Conflicts > 1) { return ColName; }
4639  else { return DColName; }
4640 }
int Len() const
Definition: dt.h:487
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr GetSubStr(const int &BChN, const int &EChN) const
Definition: dt.cpp:811
char GetCh(const int &ChN) const
Definition: dt.h:483
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: dt.h:412
Schema TTable::DenormalizeSchema ( ) const

Removes suffix to column names in the Schema.

Definition at line 4642 of file table.cpp.

4642  {
4643  Schema DSch;
4644  for (TInt i = 0; i < Sch.Len(); i++) {
4645  DSch.Add(TPair<TStr, TAttrType>(DenormalizeColName(Sch[i].Val1), Sch[i].Val2));
4646  }
4647  return DSch;
4648 }
TStr DenormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Removes suffix to column name if exists.
Definition: table.cpp:4625
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: dt.h:1044
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::Dump ( FILE *  OutF = stdout) const

Prints table contents to a text file.

Definition at line 867 of file table.cpp.

867  {
868  TInt L = Sch.Len();
869  Schema DSch = DenormalizeSchema();
871  // LoadSS() will not throw away lines with #
872  //fprintf(OutF, "# Table: rows: %d, columns: %d\n", GetNumValidRows(), GetNodes());
873  // print title (schema), LoadSS() will take first line as (optional) schema
874  fprintf(OutF, "# ");
875  for (TInt i = 0; i < L-1; i++) {
876  fprintf(OutF, "%s\t", DSch[i].Val1.CStr());
877  }
878  fprintf(OutF, "%s\n", DSch[L-1].Val1.CStr());
879  // print table contents
880  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
881  for (TInt i = 0; i < L; i++) {
882  char C = (i == L-1) ? '\n' : '\t';
883  switch (GetSchemaColType(i)) {
884  case atInt: {
885  fprintf(OutF, "%d%c", RowI.GetIntAttr(GetSchemaColName(i)).Val, C);
886  break;
887  }
888  case atFlt: {
889  fprintf(OutF, "%f%c", RowI.GetFltAttr(GetSchemaColName(i)).Val, C);
890  break;
891  }
892  case atStr: {
893  fprintf(OutF, "%s%c", RowI.GetStrAttr(GetSchemaColName(i)).CStr(), C);
894  break;
895  }
896  }
897  }
898  }
899 }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TAttrType GetSchemaColType(TInt Idx) const
Gets type of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:650
Schema DenormalizeSchema() const
Removes suffix to column names in the Schema.
Definition: table.cpp:4642
TStr GetSchemaColName(TInt Idx) const
Gets name of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:648
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: gbase.h:23
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TRowIterator TTable::EndRI ( ) const

Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.

Definition at line 1234 of file table.h.

1234 { return TRowIterator(TTable::Last, this);}
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
friend class TRowIterator
Definition: table.h:1533
TRowIteratorWithRemove TTable::EndRIWR ( )

Gets iterator with reomve to the last valid row.

Definition at line 1238 of file table.h.

1238 { return TRowIteratorWithRemove(TTable::Last, this);}
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
friend class TRowIteratorWithRemove
Definition: table.h:1534
void TTable::FillBucketsByInterval ( TStr  SplitAttr,
TIntPrV  SplitIntervals 

Fills RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids.

Fill RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids, partitioned on the value of the column SplitAttr, according to the intervals specified by SplitIntervals. Called by ToVarGraphSequence and ToVarGraphSequenceIterator.

Definition at line 3577 of file table.cpp.

3577  {
3578  TInt SplitColId = GetColIdx(SplitAttr);
3579  int NumBuckets = SplitIntervals.Len();
3580  InitRowIdBuckets(NumBuckets);
3582  // populate RowIdSets by computing the range of buckets for each row
3583  for (TInt i = 0; i < Next.Len(); i++) {
3584  if (Next[i] == Invalid) { continue; }
3585  int SplitVal = IntCols[SplitColId][i];
3586  for (TInt j = 0; j < SplitIntervals.Len(); j++) {
3587  if (SplitVal >= SplitIntervals[j].Val1 && SplitVal < SplitIntervals[j].Val2) {
3588  RowIdBuckets[j].Add(i);
3589  }
3590  }
3591  }
3592 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > RowIdBuckets
Partitioning of row ids into buckets corresponding to different graph objects when generating a seque...
Definition: table.h:609
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
void InitRowIdBuckets(int NumBuckets)
Initializes the RowIdBuckets vector which will be used for the graph sequence creation.
Definition: table.cpp:3515
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::FillBucketsByWindow ( TStr  SplitAttr,
TInt  JumpSize,
TInt  WindowSize,
TInt  StartVal,
TInt  EndVal 

Fills RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids.

Fill RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids partitioned on the value of the column SplitAttr, according to the windows specified by JumpSize and WindowSize. Called by ToGraphSequence and ToGraphSequenceIterator.

Definition at line 3527 of file table.cpp.

3527  {
3528  Assert (JumpSize <= WindowSize);
3529  int NumBuckets, MinBucket, MaxBucket;
3530  TInt SplitColId = GetColIdx(SplitAttr);
3532  if (StartVal == TInt::Mn || EndVal == TInt::Mx) {
3533  // calculate min and max value of the column 'SplitAttr'
3534  TInt MinValue = TInt::Mx;
3535  TInt MaxValue = TInt::Mn;
3536  for (TInt i = 0; i < Next.Len(); i++) {
3537  if (Next[i] != Invalid) {
3538  if (MinValue > IntCols[SplitColId][i]) {
3539  MinValue = IntCols[SplitColId][i];
3540  }
3541  if (MaxValue < IntCols[SplitColId][i]) {
3542  MaxValue = IntCols[SplitColId][i];
3543  }
3544  }
3545  }
3547  if (StartVal == TInt::Mn) StartVal = MinValue;
3548  if (EndVal == TInt::Mx) EndVal = MaxValue;
3549  }
3551  // initialize buckets
3552  if (JumpSize == 0) { NumBuckets = (EndVal - StartVal)/JumpSize + 1; }
3553  else { NumBuckets = (EndVal - StartVal)/JumpSize + 1; }
3555  InitRowIdBuckets(NumBuckets);
3557  // populate RowIdSets by computing the range of buckets for each row
3558  for (TInt i = 0; i < Next.Len(); i++) {
3559  if (Next[i] == Invalid) { continue; }
3560  int SplitVal = IntCols[SplitColId][i];
3561  if (SplitVal < StartVal || SplitVal > EndVal) { continue; }
3562  int RowVal = SplitVal - StartVal;
3563  if (JumpSize == 0) { // expanding windows
3564  MinBucket = RowVal/WindowSize;
3565  MaxBucket = NumBuckets-1;
3566  } else if (JumpSize == WindowSize) { // disjoint windows
3567  MinBucket = MaxBucket = RowVal/JumpSize;
3568  } else { // sliding windows
3569  if (RowVal < WindowSize) { MinBucket = 0; }
3570  else { MinBucket = (RowVal-WindowSize)/JumpSize + 1; }
3571  MaxBucket = RowVal/JumpSize;
3572  }
3573  for (TInt j = MinBucket; j <= MaxBucket; j++) { RowIdBuckets[j].Add(i); }
3574  }
3575 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
static const int Mx
Definition: dt.h:1049
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > RowIdBuckets
Partitioning of row ids into buckets corresponding to different graph objects when generating a seque...
Definition: table.h:609
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
static const int Mn
Definition: dt.h:1048
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
void InitRowIdBuckets(int NumBuckets)
Initializes the RowIdBuckets vector which will be used for the graph sequence creation.
Definition: table.cpp:3515
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TInt TTable::GetColIdx ( const TStr ColName) const

Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.

Definition at line 1004 of file table.h.

1004  {
1005  TStr NColName = NormalizeColName(ColName);
1006  return ColTypeMap.IsKey(NColName) ? ColTypeMap.GetDat(NColName).Val2 : TInt(-1);
1007  }
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
Definition: dt.h:1044
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
void TTable::GetCollidingRows ( const TTable T,
THashSet< TInt > &  Collisions 

Gets set of row ids of rows common with table T.

Definition at line 3991 of file table.cpp.

3991  {
3992  TIntV UniqueVec;
3994  TStrV GroupBy;
3996  // indices of columns of each type
3997  TIntV IntGroupByCols;
3998  TIntV FltGroupByCols;
3999  TIntV StrGroupByCols;
4001  TInt IKLen, FKLen, SKLen;
4003  // check that schemas match
4004  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
4005  if (Sch[c].Val1 == IdColName) {
4006  if (Table.Sch[c].Val1 != Table.GetIdColName()) {
4007  TExcept::Throw("GetCollidingRows: schemas do not match!");
4008  }
4009  continue;
4010  }
4011  if (Sch[c] != Table.Sch[c]) {
4012  printf("(%s,%d) != (%s,%d)\n", Sch[c].Val1.CStr(), Sch[c].Val2, Table.Sch[c].Val1.CStr(), Table.Sch[c].Val2);
4013  TExcept::Throw("GetCollidingRows: schemas do not match!");
4014  }
4015  GroupBy.Add(NormalizeColName(Sch[c].Val1));
4016  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> ColType = Table.GetColTypeMap(Sch[c].Val1);
4017  switch (ColType.Val1) {
4018  case atInt:
4019  IntGroupByCols.Add(ColType.Val2);
4020  break;
4021  case atFlt:
4022  FltGroupByCols.Add(ColType.Val2);
4023  break;
4024  case atStr:
4025  StrGroupByCols.Add(ColType.Val2);
4026  break;
4027  }
4028  }
4030  IKLen = IntGroupByCols.Len();
4031  FKLen = FltGroupByCols.Len();
4032  SKLen = StrGroupByCols.Len();
4034  // group rows of first table
4035  GroupAux(GroupBy, Grouping, true, "", false, UniqueVec, true);
4037  // find colliding rows of second table
4038  for (TRowIterator it = Table.BegRI(); it < Table.EndRI(); it++) {
4039  // read keys from row
4040  TIntV IKey(IKLen + SKLen, 0);
4041  TFltV FKey(FKLen, 0);
4043  // find group key
4044  for (TInt c = 0; c < IKLen; c++) {
4045  IKey.Add(it.GetIntAttr(IntGroupByCols[c]));
4046  }
4047  for (TInt c = 0; c < FKLen; c++) {
4048  FKey.Add(it.GetFltAttr(FltGroupByCols[c]));
4049  }
4050  for (TInt c = 0; c < SKLen; c++) {
4051  IKey.Add(it.GetStrMapById(StrGroupByCols[c]));
4052  }
4053  // look for group matching the key
4054  TGroupKey GroupKey = TGroupKey(IKey, FKey);
4056  TInt RowIdx = it.GetRowIdx();
4057  if (Grouping.IsKey(GroupKey)) {
4058  // row exists in first table
4059  Collisions.AddKey(RowIdx);
4060  }
4061  }
4062 }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
void GroupAux(const TStrV &GroupBy, THash< TGroupKey, TPair< TInt, TIntV > > &Grouping, TBool Ordered, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool KeepUnique, TIntV &UniqueVec, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
Helper function for grouping.
Definition: table.cpp:1302
Definition: gbase.h:23
TPair< TIntV, TFltV > TGroupKey
Represents grouping key with IntV for integer and string attributes and FltV for float attributes...
Definition: table.h:145
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
int AddKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: shash.h:1254
Definition: dt.h:1044
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: ds.h:32
Definition: hash.h:88
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
Definition: gbase.h:23
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TAttrType TTable::GetColType ( const TStr ColName) const

Gets type of column ColName.

Definition at line 1218 of file table.h.

1218  {
1219  TStr NColName = NormalizeColName(ColName);
1220  return ColTypeMap.GetDat(NColName).Val1;
1221  }
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
TPair<TAttrType, TInt> TTable::GetColTypeMap ( const TStr ColName) const

Gets column type and index of ColName.

Definition at line 676 of file table.h.

676  {
677  TStr NColName = NormalizeColName(ColName);
678  return ColTypeMap.GetDat(NColName);
679  }
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
TTableContext* TTable::GetContext ( )

Returns the context.

Definition at line 996 of file table.h.

996  {
997  return Context;
998  }
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
const char* TTable::GetContextKey ( TInt  Val) const

Gets the Key of the Context StringVals pool. Used by ToGraph method in conv.cpp.

Definition at line 632 of file table.h.

632  {
633  return Context->StringVals.GetKey(Val);
634  }
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
const char * GetKey(const int &KeyId) const
Definition: hash.h:821
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
TSize TTable::GetContextMemUsedKB ( )

Returns approximate memory used by table context in [KB].

Definition at line 3946 of file table.cpp.

3946  {
3947  TSize ApproxSize = 0;
3948  ApproxSize += Context->StringVals.GetMemUsed();
3949  return ApproxSize;
3950 }
::TSize GetMemUsed() const
Definition: hash.h:794
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
size_t TSize
Definition: bd.h:58
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
TStr TTable::GetDstCol ( ) const

Gets the name of the column to be used as dst nodes in the graph.

Definition at line 1156 of file table.h.

1156 { return DstCol; }
TStr DstCol
Column (attribute) to serve as dst nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:600
TStrV TTable::GetDstNodeFltAttrV ( ) const

Gets dst node float attribute name vector.

Definition at line 1029 of file table.cpp.

1029  {
1030  TStrV FltNA = TStrV(FltCols.Len(),0);
1031  for (TInt i = 0; i < DstNodeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
1032  TStr Attr = DstNodeAttrV[i];
1033  if (GetColType(Attr) == atFlt) {
1034  FltNA.Add(Attr);
1035  }
1036  }
1037  return FltNA;
1038 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TVec< TStr > TStrV
Definition: ds.h:1534
TStrV DstNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes.
Definition: table.h:603
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TStrV TTable::GetDstNodeIntAttrV ( ) const

Gets dst node int attribute name vector.

Definition at line 996 of file table.cpp.

996  {
997  TStrV IntNA = TStrV(IntCols.Len(),0);
998  for (TInt i = 0; i < DstNodeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
999  TStr Attr = DstNodeAttrV[i];
1000  if (GetColType(Attr) == atInt) {
1001  IntNA.Add(Attr);
1002  }
1003  }
1004  return IntNA;
1005 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TStr > TStrV
Definition: ds.h:1534
TStrV DstNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes.
Definition: table.h:603
Definition: dt.h:412
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TStrV TTable::GetDstNodeStrAttrV ( ) const

Gets dst node str attribute name vector.

Definition at line 1062 of file table.cpp.

1062  {
1063  TStrV StrNA = TStrV(StrColMaps.Len(),0);
1064  for (TInt i = 0; i < DstNodeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
1065  TStr Attr = DstNodeAttrV[i];
1066  if (GetColType(Attr) == atStr) {
1067  StrNA.Add(Attr);
1068  }
1069  }
1070  return StrNA;
1071 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TStr > TStrV
Definition: ds.h:1534
TStrV DstNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes.
Definition: table.h:603
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TStrV TTable::GetEdgeFltAttrV ( ) const

Gets edge float attribute name vector.

Definition at line 1040 of file table.cpp.

1040  {
1041  TStrV FltEA = TStrV(FltCols.Len(),0);;
1042  for (TInt i = 0; i < EdgeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
1043  TStr Attr = EdgeAttrV[i];
1044  if (GetColType(Attr) == atFlt) {
1045  FltEA.Add(Attr);
1046  }
1047  }
1048  return FltEA;
1049 }
TStrV EdgeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.
Definition: table.h:601
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TVec< TStr > TStrV
Definition: ds.h:1534
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TStrV TTable::GetEdgeIntAttrV ( ) const

Gets edge int attribute name vector.

Definition at line 1007 of file table.cpp.

1007  {
1008  TStrV IntEA = TStrV(IntCols.Len(),0);
1009  for (TInt i = 0; i < EdgeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
1010  TStr Attr = EdgeAttrV[i];
1011  if (GetColType(Attr) == atInt) {
1012  IntEA.Add(Attr);
1013  }
1014  }
1015  return IntEA;
1016 }
TStrV EdgeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.
Definition: table.h:601
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TStr > TStrV
Definition: ds.h:1534
Definition: dt.h:412
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TStrV TTable::GetEdgeStrAttrV ( ) const

Gets edge str attribute name vector.

Definition at line 1074 of file table.cpp.

1074  {
1075  TStrV StrEA = TStrV(StrColMaps.Len(),0);
1076  for (TInt i = 0; i < EdgeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
1077  TStr Attr = EdgeAttrV[i];
1078  if (GetColType(Attr) == atStr) {
1079  StrEA.Add(Attr);
1080  }
1081  }
1082  return StrEA;
1083 }
TStrV EdgeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.
Definition: table.h:601
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TStr > TStrV
Definition: ds.h:1534
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
PTable TTable::GetEdgeTable ( const PNEANet Network,
TTableContext Context 

Extracts edge TTable from PNEANet.

Definition at line 3719 of file table.cpp.

3719  {
3720  Schema SR;
3721  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>("edg_id",atInt));
3722  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>("src_id",atInt));
3723  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>("dst_id",atInt));
3725  TStrV IntAttrNames;
3726  TStrV FltAttrNames;
3727  TStrV StrAttrNames;
3729  TNEANet::TEdgeI EdgeI = Network->BegEI();
3730  EdgeI.GetIntAttrNames(IntAttrNames);
3731  EdgeI.GetFltAttrNames(FltAttrNames);
3732  EdgeI.GetStrAttrNames(StrAttrNames);
3733  for (TInt i = 0; i < IntAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3734  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(IntAttrNames[i],atInt));
3735  }
3736  for (TInt i = 0; i < FltAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3737  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(FltAttrNames[i],atFlt));
3738  }
3739  for (TInt i = 0; i < StrAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3740  //printf("%s\n",StrAttrNames[i].CStr());
3741  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(StrAttrNames[i],atStr));
3742  }
3744  PTable T = New(SR, Context);
3746  TInt Cnt = 0;
3747  // populate table columns
3748  while (EdgeI < Network->EndEI()) {
3749  T->IntCols[0].Add(EdgeI.GetId());
3750  T->IntCols[1].Add(EdgeI.GetSrcNId());
3751  T->IntCols[2].Add(EdgeI.GetDstNId());
3752  for (TInt i = 0; i < IntAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3753  T->IntCols[i+3].Add(Network->GetIntAttrDatE(EdgeI,IntAttrNames[i]));
3754  }
3755  for (TInt i = 0; i < FltAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3756  T->FltCols[i].Add(Network->GetFltAttrDatE(EdgeI,FltAttrNames[i]));
3757  }
3758  for (TInt i = 0; i < StrAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3759  T->AddStrVal(i, Network->GetStrAttrDatE(EdgeI,StrAttrNames[i]));
3760  }
3761  Cnt++;
3762  EdgeI++;
3763  }
3764  // set number of rows and "Next" vector
3765  T->NumRows = Cnt;
3766  T->NumValidRows = T->NumRows;
3767  T->Next = TIntV(T->NumRows,0);
3768  for (TInt i = 0; i < T->NumRows-1; i++) {
3769  T->Next.Add(i+1);
3770  }
3771  T->LastValidRow = T->NumRows-1;
3772  T->Next.Add(Last);
3773  return T;
3774 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
void GetStrAttrNames(TStrV &Names) const
Gets vector of str attribute names.
Definition: network.h:1740
int GetId() const
Returns edge ID.
Definition: network.h:1722
Definition: gbase.h:23
int GetDstNId() const
Returns the destination of the edge.
Definition: network.h:1726
int GetSrcNId() const
Returns the source of the edge.
Definition: network.h:1724
void GetFltAttrNames(TStrV &Names) const
Gets vector of flt attribute names.
Definition: network.h:1744
Definition: dt.h:1044
Edge iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: network.h:1707
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
Definition: bd.h:196
void GetIntAttrNames(TStrV &Names) const
Gets vector of int attribute names.
Definition: network.h:1732
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
PTable TTable::GetEdgeTablePN ( const PNGraphMP Network,
TTableContext Context 

Extracts edge TTable from parallel graph PNGraphMP.

Definition at line 3777 of file table.cpp.

3777  {
3778  Schema SR;
3779  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>("src_id",atInt));
3780  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>("dst_id",atInt));
3782  TNGraphMP::TEdgeI FirstEI = Network->BegEI();
3783  PTable T = New(SR, Context);
3784  TInt NumEdges = Network->GetEdges();
3785  TInt NumPartitions = omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD;
3786  TInt PartitionSize = NumEdges/NumPartitions;
3787  if (PartitionSize*NumPartitions < NumEdges) { NumPartitions++;}
3790  TVec<TEIPr> Partitions;
3791  TIntV PartitionSizes;
3792  TNGraphMP::TEdgeI currStart = FirstEI;
3793  TInt currCount = 0;
3794  while (FirstEI < Network->EndEI()){
3795  if (currCount == PartitionSize) {
3796  Partitions.Add(TEIPr(currStart, FirstEI));
3797  currStart = FirstEI;
3798  PartitionSizes.Add(currCount);
3799  //printf("added: %d\n", currCount.Val);
3800  currCount = 0;
3801  }
3802  //printf("%d\n", currCount.Val);
3803  FirstEI++;
3804  currCount++;
3805  }
3806  Partitions.Add(TEIPr(currStart, FirstEI));
3807  PartitionSizes.Add(currCount);
3809  T->ResizeTable(NumEdges);
3810  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD)
3811  for (int p = 0; p < Partitions.Len(); p++) {
3812  TNGraphMP::TEdgeI EdgeI = Partitions[p].GetVal1();
3813  TNGraphMP::TEdgeI EndI = Partitions[p].GetVal2();
3814  //printf("Thread = %d, p = %d, size = %d\n", omp_get_thread_num(), p, PartitionSizes[p].Val);
3815  int start = T->GetEmptyRowsStart(PartitionSizes[p]);
3816  while (EdgeI < EndI) {
3817  T->IntCols[0][start] = EdgeI.GetSrcNId();
3818  T->IntCols[1][start] = EdgeI.GetDstNId();
3819  EdgeI++;
3820  if (EdgeI < EndI) { T->Next[start] = start+1;}
3821  start++;
3822  }
3823  }
3825  Assert(T->NumRows == NumEdges);
3826  return T;
3827 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: gbase.h:23
int GetSrcNId() const
Gets the source node of an edge.
Definition: graphmp.h:116
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
int GetDstNId() const
Gets destination node of an edge.
Definition: graphmp.h:118
Edge iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: graphmp.h:99
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: bd.h:196
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
int TTable::GetEmptyRowsStart ( int  NewRows)

Gets the start index to a chunk of empty rows of size NewRows.

Definition at line 4353 of file table.cpp.

4353  {
4354  int start = -1;
4355 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
4356  #pragma omp critical
4357  {
4358 #endif
4359  start = NumRows;
4360  NumRows += NewRows;
4361  NumValidRows += NewRows;
4362  // To make this function thread-safe, the following call must be done before the
4363  // code enters parallel region.
4364  // ResizeTable(NumRows);
4365  Assert(NumRows <= Next.Len());
4366  if (LastValidRow >= 0) {Next[LastValidRow] = start;}
4367  LastValidRow = start+NewRows-1;
4368  Next[LastValidRow] = Last;
4369 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
4370  }
4371 #endif
4372  Assert (start >= 0);
4373  return start;
4374 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
PNEANet TTable::GetFirstGraphFromSequence ( TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy)

Returns the first graph of the sequence.

Return the first graph of the sequence corresponding to the sets of row ids in RowIdBuckets. This is used by the ToGraph*Iterator functions.

Definition at line 3606 of file table.cpp.

3606  {
3607  CurrBucket = -1;
3608  this->AggrPolicy = AggrPolicy;
3609  return GetNextGraphFromSequence();
3610 }
TInt CurrBucket
Current row id bucket - used when generating a sequence of graphs using an iterator.
Definition: table.h:610
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
PNEANet GetNextGraphFromSequence()
Returns the next graph in sequence corresponding to RowIdBuckets.
Definition: table.cpp:3612
PTable TTable::GetFltNodePropertyTable ( const PNEANet Network,
const TIntFltH Property,
const TStr NodeAttrName,
const TAttrType NodeAttrType,
const TStr PropertyAttrName,
TTableContext Context 

Extracts node and edge property TTables from THash.

Definition at line 3830 of file table.cpp.

3832  {
3833  Schema SR;
3834  // Determine type of node id
3835  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(NodeAttrName,NodeAttrType));
3836  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(PropertyAttrName,atFlt));
3837  PTable T = New(SR, Context);
3838  TInt NodeColIdx = T->GetColIdx(NodeAttrName);
3839  TInt Cnt = 0;
3840  // populate table columns
3841  for (TNEANet::TNodeI NodeI = Network->BegNI(); NodeI < Network->EndNI(); NodeI++) {
3842  switch (NodeAttrType) {
3843  case atInt:
3844  T->IntCols[NodeColIdx].Add(Network->GetIntAttrDatN(NodeI,NodeAttrName));
3845  break;
3846  case atFlt:
3847  T->FltCols[NodeColIdx].Add(Network->GetFltAttrDatN(NodeI,NodeAttrName));
3848  break;
3849  case atStr:
3850  T->AddStrVal(TInt(0), Network->GetStrAttrDatN(NodeI,NodeAttrName));
3851  break;
3852  }
3853  T->FltCols[0].Add(Property.GetDat(NodeI.GetId()));
3854  Cnt++;
3855  }
3856  // set number of rows and "Next" vector
3857  T->NumRows = Cnt;
3858  T->NumValidRows = T->NumRows;
3859  T->Next = TIntV(T->NumRows,0);
3860  for (TInt i = 0; i < T->NumRows-1; i++) {
3861  T->Next.Add(i+1);
3862  }
3863  T->LastValidRow = T->NumRows-1;
3864  T->Next.Add(Last);
3865  return T;
3866 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
Node iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: network.h:1632
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
Definition: bd.h:196
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TIntV TTable::GetFltRowIdxByVal ( const TStr ColName,
const TFlt Val 
) const

Gets the rows containing Val in flt column ColName.

Returns the RowIdxs in the float column given by ColName which have value Val, as a Vector. (If no such value is found, returns an empty vector.) Uses an index created by RequestIndex method if it exists, else loops over the entire table (which can be slow, so it is recommended to request an index if multiple queries must be made).

Definition at line 5430 of file table.cpp.

5430  {
5432  if (FltColIndexes.IsKey(ColName)) {
5433  THash<TFlt, TIntV> ColIndex = FltColIndexes.GetDat(ColName);
5434  if (ColIndex.IsKey(Val)) {
5435  return ColIndex.GetDat(Val);
5436  }
5437  else {
5438  TIntV Empty;
5439  return Empty;
5440  }
5441  }
5443  TIntV ToReturn;
5444  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
5445  TFlt ValAtRow = RowI.GetFltAttr(ColName);
5446  if ( Val == ValAtRow) {
5447  ToReturn.Add(RowI.GetRowIdx());
5448  }
5449  }
5450  return ToReturn;
5451 }
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Definition: dt.h:1293
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
THash< TStr, THash< TFlt, TIntV > > FltColIndexes
Indexes for Float Columns.
Definition: table.h:580
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: hash.h:88
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TFlt TTable::GetFltVal ( const TStr ColName,
const TInt RowIdx 

Gets the value of float attribute ColName at row RowIdx.

Definition at line 1015 of file table.h.

1015  {
1016  return FltCols[GetColIdx(ColName)][RowIdx];
1017  }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TFlt TTable::GetFltValAtRowIdx ( const TInt ColIdx,
const TInt RowIdx 

Get the float value at column ColIdx and row RowIdx.

Definition at line 1111 of file table.h.

1111  {
1112  return FltCols[ColIdx][RowIdx];
1113  }
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TVec< PNEANet > TTable::GetGraphsFromSequence ( TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy)

Returns a sequence of graphs.

Return a sequence of graphs, each constructed from the set of row ids corresponding to a particular bucket in RowIdBuckets.

Definition at line 3594 of file table.cpp.

3594  {
3595  //call BuildGraph on each row id set - parallelizable!
3596  TVec<PNEANet> GraphSequence;
3597  for (TInt i = 0; i < RowIdBuckets.Len(); i++) {
3598  if (RowIdBuckets[i].Len() == 0) { continue; }
3600  GraphSequence.Add(PNet);
3601  }
3603  return GraphSequence;
3604 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > RowIdBuckets
Partitioning of row ids into buckets corresponding to different graph objects when generating a seque...
Definition: table.h:609
PNEANet BuildGraph(const TIntV &RowIds, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
Makes a single pass over the rows in the given row id set, and creates nodes, edges, assigns node and edge attributes.
Definition: table.cpp:3425
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: bd.h:196
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TStr TTable::GetIdColName ( ) const

Gets name of the id column of this table.

Definition at line 646 of file table.h.

646 { return IdColName; }
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TIntV TTable::GetIntRowIdxByVal ( const TStr ColName,
const TInt Val 
) const

Gets the rows containing Val in int column ColName.

Returns the RowIdxs in the integer column given by ColName which have value Val, as a Vector. (If no such value is found, returns an empty vector.) Uses an index created by RequestIndex method if it exists, else loops over the entire table (which can be slow, so it is recommended to request an index if multiple queries must be made).

Definition at line 5387 of file table.cpp.

5387  {
5389  if (IntColIndexes.IsKey(ColName)) {
5390  THash<TInt, TIntV> ColIndex = IntColIndexes.GetDat(ColName);
5391  if (ColIndex.IsKey(Val)) {
5392  return ColIndex.GetDat(Val);
5393  }
5394  else {
5395  TIntV Empty;
5396  return Empty;
5397  }
5398  }
5399  TIntV ToReturn;
5400  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
5401  TInt ValAtRow = RowI.GetIntAttr(ColName);
5402  if ( Val == ValAtRow) {
5403  ToReturn.Add(RowI.GetRowIdx());
5404  }
5405  }
5406  return ToReturn;
5407 }
THash< TStr, THash< TInt, TIntV > > IntColIndexes
Indexes for Int Columns.
Definition: table.h:578
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TInt TTable::GetIntVal ( const TStr ColName,
const TInt RowIdx 

Gets the value of integer attribute ColName at row RowIdx.

Definition at line 1011 of file table.h.

1011  {
1012  return IntCols[GetColIdx(ColName)][RowIdx];
1013  }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
TInt TTable::GetIntValAtRowIdx ( const TInt ColIdx,
const TInt RowIdx 

Get the integer value at column ColIdx and row RowIdx.

Definition at line 1107 of file table.h.

1107  {
1108  return IntCols[ColIdx][RowIdx];
1109  }
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
TInt TTable::GetLastValidRowIdx ( )

Gets the id of the last valid row of the table.

static TTableIterator TTable::GetMapHitsIterator ( const TVec< PNEANet > &  GraphSeq,
TTableContext Context,
const int &  MaxIter = 20 

Gets sequence of Hits tables from given GraphSeq.

Definition at line 1518 of file table.h.

1519  {
1520  TVec<PTable> TableSeq(GraphSeq.Len());
1521  TSnap::MapHits(GraphSeq, TableSeq, Context, MaxIter);
1522  return TTableIterator(TableSeq);
1523  }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Iterator over a vector of tables.
Definition: table.h:432
void MapHits(const TVec< PGraph > &GraphSeq, TVec< PTable > &TableSeq, TTableContext *Context, const int &MaxIter)
Gets sequence of Hits tables from given GraphSeq into TableSeq.
Definition: table.h:1743
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
static TTableIterator TTable::GetMapPageRank ( const TVec< PNEANet > &  GraphSeq,
TTableContext Context,
const double &  C = 0.85,
const double &  Eps = 1e-4,
const int &  MaxIter = 100 

Gets sequence of PageRank tables from given GraphSeq.

Definition at line 1510 of file table.h.

1511  {
1512  TVec<PTable> TableSeq(GraphSeq.Len());
1513  TSnap::MapPageRank(GraphSeq, TableSeq, Context, C, Eps, MaxIter);
1514  return TTableIterator(TableSeq);
1515  }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Iterator over a vector of tables.
Definition: table.h:432
void MapPageRank(const TVec< PGraph > &GraphSeq, TVec< PTable > &TableSeq, TTableContext *Context, const double &C, const double &Eps, const int &MaxIter)
Gets sequence of PageRank tables from given GraphSeq into TableSeq.
Definition: table.h:1729
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TSize TTable::GetMemUsedKB ( )

Returns approximate memory used by table in [KB].

Definition at line 3918 of file table.cpp.

3918  {
3919  TSize ApproxSize = 0;
3920  ApproxSize += Next.GetMemUsed()/1000; // Next vector
3921  for(int i = 0; i < IntCols.Len(); i++){
3922  ApproxSize += IntCols[i].GetMemUsed()/1000;
3923  }
3924  for(int i = 0; i < FltCols.Len(); i++){
3925  ApproxSize += FltCols[i].GetMemUsed()/1000;
3926  }
3927  for(int i = 0; i < StrColMaps.Len(); i++){
3928  ApproxSize += StrColMaps[i].GetMemUsed()/1000;
3929  }
3930  ApproxSize += RowIdMap.GetMemUsed()/1000;
3931  ApproxSize += GroupIDMapping.GetMemUsed()/1000;
3932  ApproxSize += GroupMapping.GetMemUsed()/1000;
3933  ApproxSize += RowIdBuckets.GetMemUsed() / 1000;
3934  return ApproxSize;
3935 }
THash< GroupStmt, THash< TGroupKey, TIntV > > GroupMapping
Maps grouping statements to their (group-by key –> group id) mapping.
Definition: table.h:591
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > RowIdBuckets
Partitioning of row ids into buckets corresponding to different graph objects when generating a seque...
Definition: table.h:609
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
TSizeTy GetMemUsed() const
Returns the memory footprint (the number of bytes) of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:483
size_t TSize
Definition: bd.h:58
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
::TSize GetMemUsed() const
Definition: hash.h:159
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
THash< GroupStmt, THash< TInt, TGroupKey > > GroupIDMapping
Maps grouping statements to their (group id –> group-by key) mapping.
Definition: table.h:587
static TInt TTable::GetMP ( )

Definition at line 537 of file table.h.

537 { return UseMP; }
static TInt UseMP
Global switch for choosing multi-threaded versions of TTable functions.
Definition: table.h:500
PNEANet TTable::GetNextGraphFromSequence ( )

Returns the next graph in sequence corresponding to RowIdBuckets.

Returns the next graph in sequence corresponding to RowIdBuckets. This is used to iterate over the graph sequence by constructing one graph at a time. Called by NextGraphIterator().

Definition at line 3612 of file table.cpp.

3612  {
3613  CurrBucket++;
3614  while (CurrBucket < RowIdBuckets.Len() && RowIdBuckets[CurrBucket].Len() == 0) {
3615  CurrBucket++;
3616  }
3617  if (CurrBucket >= RowIdBuckets.Len()) { return NULL; }
3619 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > RowIdBuckets
Partitioning of row ids into buckets corresponding to different graph objects when generating a seque...
Definition: table.h:609
PNEANet BuildGraph(const TIntV &RowIds, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
Makes a single pass over the rows in the given row id set, and creates nodes, edges, assigns node and edge attributes.
Definition: table.cpp:3425
TInt CurrBucket
Current row id bucket - used when generating a sequence of graphs using an iterator.
Definition: table.h:610
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
PTable TTable::GetNodeTable ( const PNEANet Network,
TTableContext Context 

Extracts node TTable from PNEANet.

Definition at line 3667 of file table.cpp.

3667  {
3668  Schema SR;
3669  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>("node_id",atInt));
3671  TStrV IntAttrNames;
3672  TStrV FltAttrNames;
3673  TStrV StrAttrNames;
3675  TNEANet::TNodeI NodeI = Network->BegNI();
3676  NodeI.GetIntAttrNames(IntAttrNames);
3677  NodeI.GetFltAttrNames(FltAttrNames);
3678  NodeI.GetStrAttrNames(StrAttrNames);
3679  for (TInt i = 0; i < IntAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3680  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(IntAttrNames[i],atInt));
3681  }
3682  for (TInt i = 0; i < FltAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3683  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(FltAttrNames[i],atFlt));
3684  }
3685  for (TInt i = 0; i < StrAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3686  SR.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(StrAttrNames[i],atStr));
3687  }
3689  PTable T = New(SR, Context);
3691  TInt Cnt = 0;
3692  // populate table columns
3693  while (NodeI < Network->EndNI()) {
3694  T->IntCols[0].Add(NodeI.GetId());
3695  for (TInt i = 0; i < IntAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3696  T->IntCols[i+1].Add(Network->GetIntAttrDatN(NodeI,IntAttrNames[i]));
3697  }
3698  for (TInt i = 0; i < FltAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3699  T->FltCols[i].Add(Network->GetFltAttrDatN(NodeI,FltAttrNames[i]));
3700  }
3701  for (TInt i = 0; i < StrAttrNames.Len(); i++) {
3702  T->AddStrVal(i, Network->GetStrAttrDatN(NodeI,StrAttrNames[i]));
3703  }
3704  Cnt++;
3705  NodeI++;
3706  }
3707  // set number of rows and "Next" vector
3708  T->NumRows = Cnt;
3709  T->NumValidRows = T->NumRows;
3710  T->Next = TIntV(T->NumRows,0);
3711  for (TInt i = 0; i < T->NumRows-1; i++) {
3712  T->Next.Add(i+1);
3713  }
3714  T->LastValidRow = T->NumRows-1;
3715  T->Next.Add(Last);
3716  return T;
3717 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Node iterator. Only forward iteration (operator++) is supported.
Definition: network.h:1632
Definition: gbase.h:23
int GetId() const
Returns ID of the current node.
Definition: network.h:1647
Definition: dt.h:1044
void GetIntAttrNames(TStrV &Names) const
Gets vector of int attribute names.
Definition: network.h:1689
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
Definition: bd.h:196
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void GetFltAttrNames(TStrV &Names) const
Gets vector of flt attribute names.
Definition: network.h:1701
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
void GetStrAttrNames(TStrV &Names) const
Gets vector of str attribute names.
Definition: network.h:1697
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TInt TTable::GetNumRows ( ) const

Gets total number of rows in this table.

Definition at line 1223 of file table.h.

1223 { return NumRows;}
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TInt TTable::GetNumValidRows ( ) const

Gets number of valid, i.e. not deleted, rows in this table.

Definition at line 1225 of file table.h.

1225 { return NumValidRows;}
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
void TTable::GetPartitionRanges ( TIntPrV Partitions,
TInt  NumPartitions 
) const

Partitions the table into NumPartitions and populate Partitions with the ranges.

Definition at line 1157 of file table.cpp.

1157  {
1158  TInt PartitionSize = NumValidRows / (NumPartitions);
1159  if (NumValidRows % NumPartitions != 0) PartitionSize++;
1160  if (PartitionSize < 10) {
1161  PartitionSize = 10;
1162  NumPartitions = NumValidRows / PartitionSize;
1163  }
1164  Partitions.Reserve(NumPartitions+1);
1166  TInt currRow = FirstValidRow;
1167  TInt currStart = currRow;
1168  if (IsNextDirty) {
1169  TInt currCount = PartitionSize;
1170  while (currRow != TTable::Last) {
1171  if (currCount == 0) {
1172  Partitions.Add(TIntPr(currStart, currRow));
1173  currStart = currRow;
1174  currCount = PartitionSize;
1175  }
1176  currRow = Next[currRow];
1177  currCount--;
1178  }
1179  Partitions.Add(TIntPr(currStart, currRow));
1180  } else {
1181  // Optimize for the case when rows are logically in sequence.
1182  currRow += PartitionSize;
1183  while (currRow != TTable::Last && currRow < Next.Len()) {
1184  if (Next[currRow] == TTable::Invalid) { currRow++; continue; }
1185  Partitions.Add(TIntPr(currStart, currRow));
1186  currStart = currRow;
1187  currRow += PartitionSize;
1188  }
1189  Partitions.Add(TIntPr(currStart, TTable::Last));
1190  }
1191  //printf("Num partitions: %d\n", Partitions.Len());
1192 }
TPair< TInt, TInt > TIntPr
Definition: ds.h:83
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
TInt IsNextDirty
Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing Get...
Definition: table.h:613
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
void Reserve(const TSizeTy &_MxVals)
Reserves enough memory for the vector to store _MxVals elements.
Definition: ds.h:515
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TInt TTable::GetPivot ( TIntV V,
TInt  StartIdx,
TInt  EndIdx,
const TVec< TAttrType > &  SortByTypes,
const TIntV SortByIndices,
TBool  Asc 

Gets pivot element for QSort.

Definition at line 3090 of file table.cpp.

3090  {
3091  TInt L = EndIdx - StartIdx + 1;
3092  const TInt Idx1 = StartIdx + TInt::GetRnd(L);
3093  const TInt Idx2 = StartIdx + TInt::GetRnd(L);
3094  const TInt Idx3 = StartIdx + TInt::GetRnd(L);
3095  if (CompareRows(V[Idx1], V[Idx2], SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) < 0) {
3096  if (CompareRows(V[Idx2], V[Idx3], SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) < 0) { return Idx2; }
3097  if (CompareRows(V[Idx1], V[Idx3], SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) < 0) { return Idx3; }
3098  return Idx1;
3099  } else {
3100  if (CompareRows(V[Idx3], V[Idx2], SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) < 0) { return Idx2; }
3101  if (CompareRows(V[Idx3], V[Idx1], SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) < 0) { return Idx3; }
3102  return Idx1;
3103  }
3104 }
Definition: dt.h:1044
static int GetRnd(const int &Range=0)
Definition: dt.h:1085
TInt CompareRows(TInt R1, TInt R2, const TAttrType &CompareByType, const TInt &CompareByIndex, TBool Asc=true)
Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strc...
Definition: table.cpp:3044
TInt TTable::GetPivotKeyVal ( TIntV Key,
TIntV Val,
TInt  Start,
TInt  End 

Definition at line 5315 of file table.cpp.

5315  {
5316  TInt L = End - Start + 1;
5317  const TInt Idx1 = Start + TInt::GetRnd(L);
5318  const TInt Idx2 = Start + TInt::GetRnd(L);
5319  const TInt Idx3 = Start + TInt::GetRnd(L);
5320  if (CompareKeyVal(Key[Idx1], Val[Idx1], Key[Idx2], Val[Idx2]) < 0) {
5321  if (CompareKeyVal(Key[Idx2], Val[Idx2], Key[Idx3], Val[Idx3]) < 0) { return Idx2; }
5322  if (CompareKeyVal(Key[Idx1], Val[Idx1], Key[Idx3], Val[Idx3]) < 0) { return Idx3; }
5323  return Idx1;
5324  } else {
5325  if (CompareKeyVal(Key[Idx3], Val[Idx3], Key[Idx2], Val[Idx2]) < 0) { return Idx2; }
5326  if (CompareKeyVal(Key[Idx3], Val[Idx3], Key[Idx1], Val[Idx1]) < 0) { return Idx3; }
5327  return Idx1;
5328  }
5329 }
static TInt CompareKeyVal(const TInt &K1, const TInt &V1, const TInt &K2, const TInt &V2)
Definition: table.cpp:5274
Definition: dt.h:1044
static int GetRnd(const int &Range=0)
Definition: dt.h:1085
THash<TInt, TInt> TTable::GetRowIdMap ( ) const

Gets a map of logical to physical row ids.

Definition at line 1228 of file table.h.

1228 { return RowIdMap;}
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
void TTable::GetSchema ( const TStr InFNm,
Schema S,
const char &  Separator = '\t' 

Returns pointer to a new table created from given Table, with name set to TableName.

Automatically detects the Schema of a input file (data is assumed to be in tsv format)

Definition at line 435 of file table.cpp.

435  {
436  // Determine Attr Type
437  // Assume that the data is tab separated
438  TSsParser Ss(InFNm, '\t', false, false, false);
439  TInt rowsToPeek = 1000;
440  TInt currRow = 0;
441  TInt lastComment = 0;
442  while (Ss.Next()) {
443  if (Ss.IsCmt()) {
444  lastComment += 1;
445  }
446  else break;
447  }
448  if (Ss.Eof()) {TExcept::Throw("No Data to determine attribute types!");}
449  TInt numCols = Ss.GetFlds();
450  TVec<TAttrType> colAttrV(numCols);
451  colAttrV.PutAll(atInt);
452  while (true) {
453  for (TInt i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
454  if (Ss.IsInt(i)) {
455  }
456  else if (Ss.IsFlt(i)) {
457  colAttrV[i] = atFlt;
458  }
459  else {
460  colAttrV[i] = atStr;
461  }
462  }
463  currRow++;
464  if (currRow > rowsToPeek || Ss.Eof()) break;
465  Ss.Next();
466  }
467  // Default Separator is tab
468  TSsParser SsNames(InFNm, Separator, false, false, false);
469  for (int i = 0; i < lastComment; i++) { SsNames.Next();}
470  TVec<TStr> attrV;
471  TStr first(SsNames[0]);
472  int begin = 0;
473  TStr comment('#');
474  if (first != comment) {
475  for (int i = 1; i < first.Len(); i++){
476  if (first[i] != ' ') { begin = i; break;}
477  }
478  attrV.Add(first.GetSubStr(begin));
479  }
480  for (int i = 1; i < SsNames.GetFlds(); i++) {attrV.Add(SsNames[i]);}
481  for (TInt i = 0; i < numCols; i++) {
482  S.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(attrV[i],colAttrV[i]));
483  }
484 }
Definition: ss.h:72
Definition: gbase.h:23
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
Schema TTable::GetSchema ( )

Gets the schema of this table.

Definition at line 1116 of file table.h.

1116 { return DenormalizeSchema(); }
Schema DenormalizeSchema() const
Removes suffix to column names in the Schema.
Definition: table.cpp:4642
TStr TTable::GetSchemaColName ( TInt  Idx) const

Gets name of the column with index Idx in the schema.

Definition at line 648 of file table.h.

648 { return Sch[Idx].Val1; }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TAttrType TTable::GetSchemaColType ( TInt  Idx) const

Gets type of the column with index Idx in the schema.

Definition at line 650 of file table.h.

650 { return Sch[Idx].Val2; }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TStr TTable::GetSrcCol ( ) const

Gets the name of the column to be used as src nodes in the graph.

Definition at line 1149 of file table.h.

1149 { return SrcCol; }
TStr SrcCol
Column (attribute) to serve as src nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:599
TStrV TTable::GetSrcNodeFltAttrV ( ) const

Gets src node float attribute name vector.

Definition at line 1018 of file table.cpp.

1018  {
1019  TStrV FltNA = TStrV(FltCols.Len(),0);
1020  for (TInt i = 0; i < SrcNodeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
1021  TStr Attr = SrcNodeAttrV[i];
1022  if (GetColType(Attr) == atFlt) {
1023  FltNA.Add(Attr);
1024  }
1025  }
1026  return FltNA;
1027 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TStrV SrcNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes.
Definition: table.h:602
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TVec< TStr > TStrV
Definition: ds.h:1534
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TStrV TTable::GetSrcNodeIntAttrV ( ) const

Gets src node int attribute name vector.

Definition at line 985 of file table.cpp.

985  {
986  TStrV IntNA = TStrV(IntCols.Len(),0);
987  for (TInt i = 0; i < SrcNodeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
988  TStr Attr = SrcNodeAttrV[i];
989  if (GetColType(Attr) == atInt) {
990  IntNA.Add(Attr);
991  }
992  }
993  return IntNA;
994 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TStrV SrcNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes.
Definition: table.h:602
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TStr > TStrV
Definition: ds.h:1534
Definition: dt.h:412
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TStrV TTable::GetSrcNodeStrAttrV ( ) const

Gets src node str attribute name vector.

Definition at line 1051 of file table.cpp.

1051  {
1052  TStrV StrNA = TStrV(StrColMaps.Len(),0);
1053  for (TInt i = 0; i < SrcNodeAttrV.Len(); i++) {
1054  TStr Attr = SrcNodeAttrV[i];
1055  if (GetColType(Attr) == atStr) {
1056  StrNA.Add(Attr);
1057  }
1058  }
1059  return StrNA;
1060 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStrV SrcNodeAttrV
List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes.
Definition: table.h:602
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TStr > TStrV
Definition: ds.h:1534
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
TStr TTable::GetStr ( const TInt KeyId) const

Gets the string with KeyId.

Definition at line 1100 of file table.h.

1100  {
1101  return Context->StringVals.GetKey(KeyId);
1102  }
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
const char * GetKey(const int &KeyId) const
Definition: hash.h:821
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
TInt TTable::GetStrMapById ( TInt  ColIdx,
TInt  RowIdx 
) const

Gets the integer mapping of the string at column ColIdx at row RowIdx.

Definition at line 1024 of file table.h.

1024  {
1025  return StrColMaps[ColIdx][RowIdx];
1026  }
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TInt TTable::GetStrMapByName ( const TStr ColName,
TInt  RowIdx 
) const

Gets the integer mapping of the string at column ColName at row RowIdx.

Definition at line 1029 of file table.h.

1029  {
1030  return StrColMaps[GetColIdx(ColName)][RowIdx];
1031  }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TIntV TTable::GetStrRowIdxByMap ( const TStr ColName,
const TInt Map 
) const

Gets the rows containing int mapping Map in str column ColName.

Returns the RowIdxs in the string column given by ColName which have the string with integer mapping Map, as a Vector. (If no such value is found, returns an empty vector.) Uses an index created by RequestIndex method if it exists, else loops over the entire table (which can be slow, so it is recommended to request an index if multiple queries must be made).

Definition at line 5408 of file table.cpp.

5408  {
5410  if (StrMapColIndexes.IsKey(ColName)) {
5411  THash<TInt, TIntV> ColIndex = StrMapColIndexes.GetDat(ColName);
5412  if (ColIndex.IsKey(Map)) {
5413  return ColIndex.GetDat(Map);
5414  }
5415  else {
5416  TIntV Empty;
5417  return Empty;
5418  }
5419  }
5420  TIntV ToReturn;
5421  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
5422  TInt MapAtRow = RowI.GetStrMapByName(ColName);
5423  if ( Map == MapAtRow) {
5424  ToReturn.Add(RowI.GetRowIdx());
5425  }
5426  }
5427  return ToReturn;
5428 }
THash< TStr, THash< TInt, TIntV > > StrMapColIndexes
Indexes for String Columns.
Definition: table.h:579
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TStr TTable::GetStrVal ( TInt  ColIdx,
TInt  RowIdx 
) const

Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.

Definition at line 636 of file table.h.

636  {
637  return TStr(Context->StringVals.GetKey(StrColMaps[ColIdx][RowIdx]));
638  }
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
const char * GetKey(const int &KeyId) const
Definition: hash.h:821
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
Definition: dt.h:412
TStr TTable::GetStrVal ( const TStr ColName,
const TInt RowIdx 
) const

Gets the value of string attribute ColName at row RowIdx.

Definition at line 1019 of file table.h.

1019  {
1020  return GetStrVal(GetColIdx(ColName), RowIdx);
1021  }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TStr GetStrVal(TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:636
TStr TTable::GetStrValById ( TInt  ColIdx,
TInt  RowIdx 
) const

Gets the value of the string attribute at column ColIdx at row RowIdx.

Definition at line 1034 of file table.h.

1034  {
1035  return GetStrVal(ColIdx, RowIdx);
1036  }
TStr GetStrVal(TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:636
TStr TTable::GetStrValByName ( const TStr ColName,
const TInt RowIdx 
) const

Gets the value of the string attribute at column ColName at row RowIdx.

Definition at line 1039 of file table.h.

1039  {
1040  return GetStrVal(ColName, RowIdx);
1041  }
TStr GetStrVal(TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:636
void TTable::Group ( const TStrV GroupBy,
const TStr GroupColName,
TBool  Ordered = true,
TBool  UsePhysicalIds = true 

Groups rows depending on values of GroupBy columns.

Specify columns to group by, name of column in new table, whether to treat columns as ordered If name of column is an empty string, no column is created

Definition at line 1549 of file table.cpp.

1549  {
1550  TStrV NGroupBy = NormalizeColNameV(GroupBy);
1551  TStr NGroupColName = NormalizeColName(GroupColName);
1552  TIntV UniqueVec;
1554  GroupAux(NGroupBy, Grouping, Ordered, NGroupColName, false, UniqueVec, UsePhysicalIds);
1555 }
static TStrV NormalizeColNameV(const TStrV &Cols)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:549
void GroupAux(const TStrV &GroupBy, THash< TGroupKey, TPair< TInt, TIntV > > &Grouping, TBool Ordered, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool KeepUnique, TIntV &UniqueVec, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
Helper function for grouping.
Definition: table.cpp:1302
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: hash.h:88
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::GroupAux ( const TStrV GroupBy,
THash< TGroupKey, TPair< TInt, TIntV > > &  Grouping,
TBool  Ordered,
const TStr GroupColName,
TBool  KeepUnique,
TIntV UniqueVec,
TBool  UsePhysicalIds = true 

Helper function for grouping.

If KeepUnique is true, UniqueVec will be modified to contain a row from each group If KeepUnique is false, then normal grouping is done and a new column is added depending on whether GroupColName is empty

Definition at line 1302 of file table.cpp.

1303  {
1304  TInt IdColIdx = GetColIdx(IdColName);
1305  if(!UsePhysicalIds && IdColIdx < 0){
1306  TExcept::Throw("Grouping: Either use physical row ids, or have an id column");
1307  }
1308  TIntV IntGroupByCols;
1309  TIntV FltGroupByCols;
1310  TIntV StrGroupByCols;
1311  // get indices for each column type
1312  for (TInt c = 0; c < GroupBy.Len(); c++) {
1313  //printf("GroupBy col %d: %s\n", c.Val, GroupBy[c].CStr());
1314  if (!IsColName(GroupBy[c])) {
1315  TExcept::Throw("no such column " + GroupBy[c]);
1316  }
1318  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> ColType = GetColTypeMap(GroupBy[c]);
1319  switch (ColType.Val1) {
1320  case atInt:
1321  IntGroupByCols.Add(ColType.Val2);
1322  break;
1323  case atFlt:
1324  FltGroupByCols.Add(ColType.Val2);
1325  break;
1326  case atStr:
1327  StrGroupByCols.Add(ColType.Val2);
1328  break;
1329  }
1330  }
1332  TInt IKLen = IntGroupByCols.Len();
1333  TInt FKLen = FltGroupByCols.Len();
1334  TInt SKLen = StrGroupByCols.Len();
1336  TInt GroupNum = 0;
1337  TVec<TPair<TInt, TInt> > GroupAndRowIds;
1338  //printf("done GroupAux initialization\n");
1340  // iterate over rows
1341  for (TRowIterator it = BegRI(); it < EndRI(); it++) {
1342  TIntV IKey(IKLen + SKLen, 0);
1343  TFltV FKey(FKLen, 0);
1344  TIntV SKey(SKLen, 0);
1346  // find group key
1347  for (TInt c = 0; c < IKLen; c++) {
1348  IKey.Add(it.GetIntAttr(IntGroupByCols[c]));
1349  }
1350  for (TInt c = 0; c < FKLen; c++) {
1351  FKey.Add(it.GetFltAttr(FltGroupByCols[c]));
1352  }
1353  for (TInt c = 0; c < SKLen; c++) {
1354  SKey.Add(it.GetStrMapById(StrGroupByCols[c]));
1355  }
1356  if (!Ordered) {
1357  if (IKLen > 0) { IKey.ISort(0, IKey.Len()-1, true); }
1358  if (FKLen > 0) { FKey.ISort(0, FKey.Len()-1, true); }
1359  if (SKLen > 0) { SKey.ISort(0, SKey.Len()-1, true); }
1360  }
1361  for (TInt c = 0; c < SKLen; c++) {
1362  IKey.Add(SKey[c]);
1363  }
1365  // look for group matching the key
1366  TGroupKey GroupKey = TGroupKey(IKey, FKey);
1368  TInt RowIdx = it.GetRowIdx();
1369  TInt idx = UsePhysicalIds ? it.GetRowIdx() : IntCols[IdColIdx][it.GetRowIdx()];
1370  if (!Grouping.IsKey(GroupKey)) {
1371  // Grouping key hasn't been seen before, create a new group
1372  TPair<TInt, TIntV> NewGroup;
1373  NewGroup.Val1 = GroupNum;
1374  NewGroup.Val2.Add(idx);
1375  Grouping.AddDat(GroupKey, NewGroup);
1376  if (GroupColName != "") {
1377  GroupAndRowIds.Add(TPair<TInt, TInt>(GroupNum, RowIdx));
1378  }
1379  if (KeepUnique) {
1380  UniqueVec.Add(idx);
1381  }
1382  GroupNum++;
1383  } else {
1384  // Grouping key has been seen before, update corresponding group
1385  if (!KeepUnique) {
1386  TPair<TInt, TIntV>& NewGroup = Grouping.GetDat(GroupKey);
1387  NewGroup.Val2.Add(idx);
1388  if (GroupColName != "") {
1389  GroupAndRowIds.Add(TPair<TInt, TInt>(NewGroup.Val1, RowIdx));
1390  }
1391  }
1392  }
1393  }
1394  // printf("KeepUnique: %d\n", KeepUnique.Val);
1395  // update group mapping
1396  if (!KeepUnique) {
1397  GroupStmt Stmt(NormalizeColNameV(GroupBy), Ordered, UsePhysicalIds);
1398  GroupStmtNames.AddDat(GroupColName, Stmt);
1399  GroupIDMapping.AddKey(Stmt);
1400  GroupMapping.AddKey(Stmt);
1401  //printf("Adding statement: ");
1402  //Stmt.Print();
1403  for (THash<TGroupKey, TPair<TInt, TIntV> >::TIter it = Grouping.BegI(); it < Grouping.EndI(); it++) {
1404  TGroupKey key = it.GetKey();
1405  TPair<TInt, TIntV> group = it.GetDat();
1406  GroupIDMapping.GetDat(Stmt).AddDat(group.Val1, TGroupKey(key));
1407  GroupMapping.GetDat(Stmt).AddDat(TGroupKey(key), TIntV(group.Val2));
1408  }
1409  }
1411  // add a column to the table
1412  if (GroupColName != "") {
1413  StoreGroupCol(GroupColName, GroupAndRowIds);
1414  AddSchemaCol(GroupColName, atInt); // update schema
1415  }
1416 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
THash< GroupStmt, THash< TGroupKey, TIntV > > GroupMapping
Maps grouping statements to their (group-by key –> group id) mapping.
Definition: table.h:591
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
void StoreGroupCol(const TStr &GroupColName, const TVec< TPair< TInt, TInt > > &GroupAndRowIds)
Parallel helper function for grouping. - we currently don't support such parallel grouping by complex...
Definition: table.cpp:1290
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
static TStrV NormalizeColNameV(const TStrV &Cols)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:549
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
TPair< TIntV, TFltV > TGroupKey
Represents grouping key with IntV for integer and string attributes and FltV for float attributes...
Definition: table.h:145
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
A class representing a cached grouping statement identifier.
Definition: table.h:275
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
Definition: dt.h:1044
THash< TStr, GroupStmt > GroupStmtNames
Maps user-given grouping statement names to their group-by attributes.
Definition: table.h:583
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
THash< GroupStmt, THash< TInt, TGroupKey > > GroupIDMapping
Maps grouping statements to their (group id –> group-by key) mapping.
Definition: table.h:587
Definition: hash.h:88
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
Definition: gbase.h:23
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
template<class T >
void TTable::GroupByFltCol ( const TStr GroupBy,
T &  Grouping,
const TIntV IndexSet,
TBool  All,
TBool  UsePhysicalIds = true 
) const

Groups/hashes by a single column with float values. Returns hash table with grouping.

Definition at line 1633 of file table.h.

1634  {
1635  TInt IdColIdx = GetColIdx(IdColName);
1636  if(!UsePhysicalIds && IdColIdx < 0){
1637  TExcept::Throw("Grouping: Either use physical row ids, or have an id column");
1638  }
1639  GroupingSanityCheck(GroupBy, atFlt);
1640  if (All) {
1641  // Optimize for the common and most expensive case - iterate over only valid rows.
1642  for (TRowIterator it = BegRI(); it < EndRI(); it++) {
1643  TInt idx = UsePhysicalIds ? it.GetRowIdx() : it.GetIntAttr(IdColIdx);
1644  UpdateGrouping<TFlt>(Grouping, it.GetFltAttr(GroupBy), idx);
1645  }
1646  } else {
1647  // Consider only rows in IndexSet.
1648  for (TInt i = 0; i < IndexSet.Len(); i++) {
1649  if (IsRowValid(IndexSet[i])) {
1650  TInt RowIdx = IndexSet[i];
1651  const TFltV& Col = FltCols[GetColIdx(GroupBy)];
1652  TInt idx = UsePhysicalIds ? RowIdx : IntCols[IdColIdx][RowIdx];
1653  UpdateGrouping<TFlt>(Grouping, Col[RowIdx], idx);
1654  }
1655  }
1656  }
1657 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
void GroupingSanityCheck(const TStr &GroupBy, const TAttrType &AttrType) const
Checks if grouping key exists and matches given attr type.
Definition: table.cpp:1195
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
bool IsRowValid(TInt RowIdx) const
Checks if RowIdx corresponds to a valid (i.e. not deleted) row.
Definition: table.h:811
template<class T >
void TTable::GroupByIntCol ( const TStr GroupBy,
T &  Grouping,
const TIntV IndexSet,
TBool  All,
TBool  UsePhysicalIds = true 
) const

Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values.

Group/hash by a single column with integer values. Returns hash table with grouping. IndexSet tells what rows to consider (vector of physical row ids). It is used only if All == true. Note that the IndexSet option is currently not used anywhere.

Definition at line 1605 of file table.h.

1606  {
1607  TInt IdColIdx = GetColIdx(IdColName);
1608  if(!UsePhysicalIds && IdColIdx < 0){
1609  TExcept::Throw("Grouping: Either use physical row ids, or have an id column");
1610  }
1611  // TO do: add a check if grouping already exists and is valid
1612  GroupingSanityCheck(GroupBy, atInt);
1613  if (All) {
1614  // Optimize for the common and most expensive case - iterate over only valid rows.
1615  for (TRowIterator it = BegRI(); it < EndRI(); it++) {
1616  TInt idx = UsePhysicalIds ? it.GetRowIdx() : it.GetIntAttr(IdColIdx);
1617  UpdateGrouping<TInt>(Grouping, it.GetIntAttr(GroupBy), idx);
1618  }
1619  } else {
1620  // Consider only rows in IndexSet.
1621  for (TInt i = 0; i < IndexSet.Len(); i++) {
1622  if (IsRowValid(IndexSet[i])) {
1623  TInt RowIdx = IndexSet[i];
1624  const TIntV& Col = IntCols[GetColIdx(GroupBy)];
1625  TInt idx = UsePhysicalIds ? RowIdx : IntCols[IdColIdx][RowIdx];
1626  UpdateGrouping<TInt>(Grouping, Col[RowIdx], idx);
1627  }
1628  }
1629  }
1630 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
void GroupingSanityCheck(const TStr &GroupBy, const TAttrType &AttrType) const
Checks if grouping key exists and matches given attr type.
Definition: table.cpp:1195
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
bool IsRowValid(TInt RowIdx) const
Checks if RowIdx corresponds to a valid (i.e. not deleted) row.
Definition: table.h:811
void TTable::GroupByIntColMP ( const TStr GroupBy,
THashMP< TInt, TIntV > &  Grouping,
TBool  UsePhysicalIds = true 
) const

Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values, using OpenMP multi-threading.

Definition at line 1205 of file table.cpp.

1205  {
1206  timeval timer0;
1207  gettimeofday(&timer0, NULL);
1208  double t1 = timer0.tv_sec + (timer0.tv_usec/1000000.0);
1209  //printf("X\n");
1210  TInt IdColIdx = GetColIdx(IdColName);
1211  TInt GroupByColIdx = GetColIdx(GroupBy);
1212  if(!UsePhysicalIds && IdColIdx < 0){
1213  TExcept::Throw("Grouping: Either use physical row ids, or have an id column");
1214  }
1215  //double startFn = omp_get_wtime();
1216  GroupingSanityCheck(GroupBy, atInt);
1217  TIntPrV Partitions;
1218  GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, 8*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
1219  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
1220  //double endPart = omp_get_wtime();
1221  //printf("Partition time = %f\n", endPart-startFn);
1223  Grouping.Gen(NumValidRows);
1224  //double endGen = omp_get_wtime();
1225  //printf("Gen time = %f\n", endGen-endPart);
1226  //printf("S\n");
1227  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD) //num_threads(1)
1228  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
1229  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), this);
1230  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), this);
1231  while (RowI < EndI) {
1232  TInt idx = UsePhysicalIds ? RowI.GetRowIdx() : RowI.GetIntAttr(IdColIdx);
1233  // printf("updating grouping with key = %d, row_id = %d\n", RowI.GetIntAttr(GroupBy).Val, idx.Val);
1234  UpdateGrouping<TInt>(Grouping, RowI.GetIntAttr(GroupByColIdx), idx);
1235  RowI++;
1236  }
1237  }
1238  gettimeofday(&timer0, NULL);
1239  double t2 = timer0.tv_sec + (timer0.tv_usec/1000000.0);
1240  printf("Grouping time: %f\n", t2 - t1);
1241  //double endAdd = omp_get_wtime();
1242  //printf("Add time = %f\n", endAdd-endGen);
1243 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
void GetPartitionRanges(TIntPrV &Partitions, TInt NumPartitions) const
Partitions the table into NumPartitions and populate Partitions with the ranges.
Definition: table.cpp:1157
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
void GroupingSanityCheck(const TStr &GroupBy, const TAttrType &AttrType) const
Checks if grouping key exists and matches given attr type.
Definition: table.cpp:1195
Definition: dt.h:1044
void Gen(const int &ExpectVals)
Definition: hashmp.h:160
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
template<class T >
void TTable::GroupByStrCol ( const TStr GroupBy,
T &  Grouping,
const TIntV IndexSet,
TBool  All,
TBool  UsePhysicalIds = true 
) const

Groups/hashes by a single column with string values. Returns hash table with grouping.

Definition at line 1660 of file table.h.

1661  {
1662  TInt IdColIdx = GetColIdx(IdColName);
1663  if(!UsePhysicalIds && IdColIdx < 0){
1664  TExcept::Throw("Grouping: Either use physical row ids, or have an id column");
1665  }
1666  GroupingSanityCheck(GroupBy, atStr);
1667  if (All) {
1668  // Optimize for the common and most expensive case - iterate over all valid rows.
1669  for (TRowIterator it = BegRI(); it < EndRI(); it++) {
1670  TInt idx = UsePhysicalIds ? it.GetRowIdx() : it.GetIntAttr(IdColIdx);
1671  UpdateGrouping<TInt>(Grouping, it.GetStrMapByName(GroupBy), idx);
1672  }
1673  } else {
1674  // Consider only rows in IndexSet.
1675  for (TInt i = 0; i < IndexSet.Len(); i++) {
1676  if (IsRowValid(IndexSet[i])) {
1677  TInt RowIdx = IndexSet[i];
1678  TInt ColIdx = GetColIdx(GroupBy);
1679  TInt idx = UsePhysicalIds ? RowIdx : IntCols[IdColIdx][RowIdx];
1680  UpdateGrouping<TInt>(Grouping, StrColMaps[ColIdx][RowIdx], idx);
1681  }
1682  }
1683  }
1684 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
void GroupingSanityCheck(const TStr &GroupBy, const TAttrType &AttrType) const
Checks if grouping key exists and matches given attr type.
Definition: table.cpp:1195
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
bool IsRowValid(TInt RowIdx) const
Checks if RowIdx corresponds to a valid (i.e. not deleted) row.
Definition: table.h:811
void TTable::GroupingSanityCheck ( const TStr GroupBy,
const TAttrType AttrType 
) const

Checks if grouping key exists and matches given attr type.

Definition at line 1195 of file table.cpp.

1195  {
1196  if (!IsColName(GroupBy)) {
1197  TExcept::Throw("no such column " + GroupBy);
1198  }
1199  if (GetColType(GroupBy) != AttrType) {
1200  TExcept::Throw(GroupBy + " values are not of expected type");
1201  }
1202 }
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
void TTable::IncrementNext ( )

Increments the next vector and set last, NumRows and NumValidRows.

Definition at line 2235 of file table.cpp.

2236 {
2237  // Advance the Next vector
2238  NumRows++;
2239  NumValidRows++;
2240  if (!Next.Empty()) {
2241  Next[Next.Len()-1] = NumValidRows-1;
2243  }
2244  Next.Add(Last);
2245 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
bool Empty() const
Tests whether the vector is empty.
Definition: ds.h:542
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
PTable TTable::InitializeJointTable ( const TTable Table)

Initializes an empty table for the join of this table with the given table.

Definition at line 1896 of file table.cpp.

1896  {
1897  PTable JointTable = New(Context);
1898  JointTable->IntCols = TVec<TIntV>(IntCols.Len() + Table.IntCols.Len() + 1);
1899  JointTable->FltCols = TVec<TFltV>(FltCols.Len() + Table.FltCols.Len());
1900  JointTable->StrColMaps = TVec<TIntV>(StrColMaps.Len() + Table.StrColMaps.Len());
1901  for (TInt i = 0; i < Sch.Len(); i++) {
1902  TStr ColName = GetSchemaColName(i);
1903  TAttrType ColType = GetSchemaColType(i);
1904  TStr CName = JointTable->RenumberColName(ColName);
1905  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> TypeMap = GetColTypeMap(ColName);
1906  JointTable->AddColType(CName, TypeMap);
1907  //JointTable->AddLabel(CName, ColName);
1908  JointTable->AddSchemaCol(CName, ColType);
1909  }
1910  for (TInt i = 0; i < Table.Sch.Len(); i++) {
1911  TStr ColName = Table.GetSchemaColName(i);
1912  TAttrType ColType = Table.GetSchemaColType(i);
1913  TStr CName = JointTable->RenumberColName(ColName);
1914  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> NewDat = Table.GetColTypeMap(ColName);
1915  Assert(ColType == NewDat.Val1);
1916  // add offsets
1917  switch (NewDat.Val1) {
1918  case atInt:
1919  NewDat.Val2 += IntCols.Len();
1920  break;
1921  case atFlt:
1922  NewDat.Val2 += FltCols.Len();
1923  break;
1924  case atStr:
1925  NewDat.Val2 += StrColMaps.Len();
1926  break;
1927  }
1928  JointTable->AddColType(CName, NewDat);
1929  JointTable->AddSchemaCol(CName, ColType);
1930  }
1931  TStr IdColName = "_id";
1932  JointTable->AddColType(IdColName, atInt, IntCols.Len() + Table.IntCols.Len());
1933  JointTable->AddSchemaCol(IdColName, atInt);
1934  return JointTable;
1935 }
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
TAttrType GetSchemaColType(TInt Idx) const
Gets type of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:650
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStr GetSchemaColName(TInt Idx) const
Gets name of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:648
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
Definition: ds.h:32
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
Definition: bd.h:196
Definition: gbase.h:23
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
void TTable::InitIds ( )

Adds explicit row ids, initialize hash set mapping ids to physical rows.

Definition at line 1863 of file table.cpp.

1863  {
1864  IdColName = "_id";
1865  //Assert(NumRows == NumValidRows);
1867 }
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
void AddIdColumn(const TStr &IdColName)
Adds a column of explicit integer identifiers to the rows.
Definition: table.cpp:1880
void TTable::InitRowIdBuckets ( int  NumBuckets)

Initializes the RowIdBuckets vector which will be used for the graph sequence creation.

Definition at line 3515 of file table.cpp.

3515  {
3516  for (TInt i = 0; i < RowIdBuckets.Len(); i++) {
3517  RowIdBuckets[i].Clr();
3518  }
3519  RowIdBuckets.Clr();
3521  RowIdBuckets.Gen(NumBuckets);
3522  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumBuckets; i++) {
3523  RowIdBuckets[i].Gen(10, 0);
3524  }
3525 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > RowIdBuckets
Partitioning of row ids into buckets corresponding to different graph objects when generating a seque...
Definition: table.h:609
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const TSizeTy &NoDelLim=-1)
Clears the contents of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:971
Definition: dt.h:1044
void Gen(const TSizeTy &_Vals)
Constructs a vector (an array) of _Vals elements.
Definition: ds.h:495
PTable TTable::Intersection ( const TTable Table)

Returns intersection of this table with given Table.

Definition at line 4544 of file table.cpp.

4544  {
4545  Schema NewSchema;
4546  THashSet<TInt> Collisions;
4548  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
4549  if (Sch[c].Val1 != GetIdColName()) {
4550  NewSchema.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(Sch[c].Val1, Sch[c].Val2));
4551  }
4552  }
4553  PTable result = TTable::New(NewSchema, Context);
4555  GetCollidingRows(Table, Collisions);
4557  // this part should be made faster by adding all the rows in one go
4558  for (TRowIterator it = Table.BegRI(); it < Table.EndRI(); it++) {
4559  if (Collisions.IsKey(it.GetRowIdx())) {
4560  result->AddRow(it);
4561  }
4562  }
4563  result->InitIds();
4564  return result;
4565 }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: shash.h:1148
TStr GetIdColName() const
Gets name of the id column of this table.
Definition: table.h:646
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
void GetCollidingRows(const TTable &T, THashSet< TInt > &Collisions)
Gets set of row ids of rows common with table T.
Definition: table.cpp:3991
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: bd.h:196
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
PTable TTable::Intersection ( const PTable Table)

Definition at line 1413 of file table.h.

1413 { return Intersection(*Table); };
PTable Intersection(const TTable &Table)
Returns intersection of this table with given Table.
Definition: table.cpp:4544
void TTable::InvalidateAffectedGroupings ( const TStr Attr)

Definition at line 1561 of file table.cpp.

1561  {
1562  //TODO
1563 }
void TTable::InvalidatePhysicalGroupings ( )

A mapping between grouping statement (group-by attribute names and 'Ordered' flag) to a hash map between group-by keys to the ids of records that share the group-by key. Can be used as hash-index for the table.

Definition at line 1557 of file table.cpp.

1557  {
1558  //TODO
1559 }
TBool TTable::IsAttr ( const TStr Attr)

Checks if Attr is an attribute of this table schema.

Definition at line 4605 of file table.cpp.

4605  {
4606  return IsColName(Attr);
4607 }
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
TBool TTable::IsColName ( const TStr ColName) const

Definition at line 656 of file table.h.

656  {
657  TStr NColName = NormalizeColName(ColName);
658  return ColTypeMap.IsKey(NColName);
659  }
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TBool TTable::IsLastGraphOfSequence ( )

Checks if the end of the graph sequence is reached.

Definition at line 3663 of file table.cpp.

3663  {
3664  return CurrBucket >= RowIdBuckets.Len() - 1;
3665 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > RowIdBuckets
Partitioning of row ids into buckets corresponding to different graph objects when generating a seque...
Definition: table.h:609
TInt CurrBucket
Current row id bucket - used when generating a sequence of graphs using an iterator.
Definition: table.h:610
PTable TTable::IsNextK ( const TStr OrderCol,
TInt  K,
const TStr GroupBy,
const TStr RankColName = "" 

Distance based filter.

Creates a table T' where the rows are joint rows (T[r1],T[r2]) such that r2 is one of the successive rows to r1 when this table is ordered by OrderCol, and both r1 and r2 have the same value of GroupBy column

Definition at line 3869 of file table.cpp.

3869  {
3870  TStrV OrderBy;
3871  if (GroupBy.Empty()) {
3872  OrderBy.Add(OrderCol);
3873  } else {
3874  OrderBy.Add(GroupBy);
3875  OrderBy.Add(OrderCol);
3876  }
3877  if (RankColName.Empty()) {
3878  Order(OrderBy);
3879  } else {
3880  Order(OrderBy, RankColName, true);
3881  }
3882  TAttrType GroupByAttrType = GetColType(GroupBy);
3883  PTable T = InitializeJointTable(*this);
3884  for (TRowIterator RI = BegRI(); RI < EndRI(); RI++) {
3885  TInt Succ = RI.GetRowIdx();
3886  TBool OutOfGroup = false;
3887  for (TInt i = 0; i < K; i++) {
3888  Succ = Next[Succ];
3889  if (Succ == Last) { break; }
3890  switch (GroupByAttrType) {
3891  case atInt:
3892  if (GetIntVal(GroupBy, Succ) != RI.GetIntAttr(GroupBy)) { OutOfGroup = true; }
3893  break;
3894  case atFlt:
3895  if (GetFltVal(GroupBy, Succ) != RI.GetFltAttr(GroupBy)) { OutOfGroup = true; }
3896  break;
3897  case atStr:
3898  if (GetStrVal(GroupBy, Succ) != RI.GetStrAttr(GroupBy)) { OutOfGroup = true; }
3899  break;
3900  }
3901  if (OutOfGroup) { break; } // break out of inner for loop
3902  T->AddJointRow(*this, *this, RI.GetRowIdx(), Succ);
3903  }
3904  }
3905  return T;
3906 }
void Order(const TStrV &OrderBy, TStr OrderColName="", TBool ResetRankByMSC=false, TBool Asc=true)
Orders the rows according to the values in columns of OrderBy (in descending lexicographic order)...
Definition: table.cpp:3220
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TFlt GetFltVal(const TStr &ColName, const TInt &RowIdx)
Gets the value of float attribute ColName at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:1015
TStr GetStrVal(TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:636
bool Empty() const
Definition: dt.h:488
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: bd.h:196
PTable InitializeJointTable(const TTable &Table)
Initializes an empty table for the join of this table with the given table.
Definition: table.cpp:1896
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Definition: dt.h:881
TInt GetIntVal(const TStr &ColName, const TInt &RowIdx)
Gets the value of integer attribute ColName at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:1011
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::ISort ( TIntV V,
TInt  StartIdx,
TInt  EndIdx,
const TVec< TAttrType > &  SortByTypes,
const TIntV SortByIndices,
TBool  Asc = true 

Performs insertion sort on given vector V.

Definition at line 3076 of file table.cpp.

3076  {
3077  if (StartIdx < EndIdx) {
3078  for (TInt i = StartIdx+1; i <= EndIdx; i++) {
3079  TInt Val = V[i];
3080  TInt j = i;
3081  while ((StartIdx < j) && (CompareRows(V[j-1], Val, SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) > 0)) {
3082  V[j] = V[j-1];
3083  j--;
3084  }
3085  V[j] = Val;
3086  }
3087  }
3088 }
Definition: dt.h:1044
TInt CompareRows(TInt R1, TInt R2, const TAttrType &CompareByType, const TInt &CompareByIndex, TBool Asc=true)
Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strc...
Definition: table.cpp:3044
void TTable::ISortKeyVal ( TIntV Key,
TIntV Val,
TInt  Start,
TInt  End 

Definition at line 5298 of file table.cpp.

5298  {
5299  if (Start < End) {
5300  for (TInt i = Start+1; i <= End; i++) {
5301  TInt K = Key[i];
5302  TInt V = Val[i];
5303  TInt j = i;
5304  while ((Start < j) && (CompareKeyVal(Key[j-1], Val[j-1], K, V) > 0)) {
5305  Key[j] = Key[j-1];
5306  Val[j] = Val[j-1];
5307  j--;
5308  }
5309  Key[j] = K;
5310  Val[j] = V;
5311  }
5312  }
5313 }
static TInt CompareKeyVal(const TInt &K1, const TInt &V1, const TInt &K2, const TInt &V2)
Definition: table.cpp:5274
Definition: dt.h:1044
bool TTable::IsRowValid ( TInt  RowIdx) const

Checks if RowIdx corresponds to a valid (i.e. not deleted) row.

Definition at line 811 of file table.h.

811 { return Next[RowIdx] != Invalid;}
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
PTable TTable::Join ( const TStr Col1,
const TTable Table,
const TStr Col2 

Performs equijoin.

Perform equi-join with given columns - i.e. keep tuple pairs where this->Col1 == Table->Col2 Implementation: Hash-Join - build a hash out of the smaller table hash the larger table and check for collisions

Definition at line 2252 of file table.cpp.

2252  {
2253  // double startFn = omp_get_wtime();
2254  if (!IsColName(Col1)) {
2255  TExcept::Throw("no such column " + Col1);
2256  printf("no such column %s\n", Col1.CStr());
2257  }
2258  if (!Table.IsColName(Col2)) {
2259  TExcept::Throw("no such column " + Col2);
2260  printf("no such column %s\n", Col2.CStr());
2261  }
2262  if (GetColType(Col1) != Table.GetColType(Col2)) {
2263  TExcept::Throw("Trying to Join on columns of different type");
2264  printf("Trying to Join on columns of different type\n");
2265  }
2266  //printf("passed initial checks\n");
2267  // initialize result table
2268  PTable JointTable = InitializeJointTable(Table);
2269  //printf("initialized joint table\n");
2270  // hash smaller table (group by column)
2271  TAttrType ColType = GetColType(Col1);
2272  TBool ThisIsSmaller = (NumValidRows <= Table.NumValidRows);
2273  const TTable& TS = ThisIsSmaller ? *this : Table;
2274  const TTable& TB = ThisIsSmaller ? Table : *this;
2275  TStr ColS = ThisIsSmaller ? Col1 : Col2;
2276  TStr ColB = ThisIsSmaller ? Col2 : Col1;
2277  TInt ColBId = ThisIsSmaller ? Table.GetColIdx(ColB) : GetColIdx(ColB);
2278  // double endInit = omp_get_wtime();
2279  // printf("Init time = %f\n", endInit-startFn);
2280  // iterate over the rows of the bigger table and check for "collisions"
2281  // with the group keys for the small table.
2282 #ifdef GCC_ATOMIC
2283  if (GetMP()) {
2284  switch(ColType){
2285  case atInt:{
2287  TS.GroupByIntColMP(ColS, T, true);
2288  // double endGroup = omp_get_wtime();
2289  // printf("Group time = %f\n", endGroup-endInit);
2291  TIntPrV Partitions;
2292  TB.GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
2293  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
2294  TVec<TIntPrV> JointRowIDSet(Partitions.Len());
2295  // double endPart = omp_get_wtime();
2296  // printf("Partition time = %f\n", endPart-endGroup);
2298  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD)
2299  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
2300  //double start = omp_get_wtime();
2301  JointRowIDSet[i].Reserve(PartitionSize);
2302  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), &TB);
2303  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), &TB);
2304  while (RowI < EndI) {
2305  TInt K = RowI.GetIntAttr(ColBId);
2306  if(T.IsKey(K)){
2307  TIntV& Group = T.GetDat(K);
2308  for(TInt j = 0; j < Group.Len(); j++){
2309  if(ThisIsSmaller){
2310  JointRowIDSet[i].Add(TIntPr(Group[j], RowI.GetRowIdx()));
2311  } else{
2312  JointRowIDSet[i].Add(TIntPr(RowI.GetRowIdx(), Group[j]));
2313  }
2314  }
2315  }
2316  RowI++;
2317  }
2318  //double end = omp_get_wtime();
2319  //printf("END: Thread %d: i = %d, start = %d, end = %d, num = %d, time = %f\n", omp_get_thread_num(), i,
2320  // Partitions[i].GetVal1().Val, Partitions[i].GetVal2().Val, JointRowIDSet[i].Len(), end-start);
2321  }
2322  // double endJoin = omp_get_wtime();
2323  // printf("Iterate time = %f\n", endJoin-endPart);
2324  JointTable->AddNJointRowsMP(*this, Table, JointRowIDSet);
2325  // double endAdd = omp_get_wtime();
2326  // printf("Add time = %f\n", endAdd-endJoin);
2327  break;
2328  }
2329  case atFlt:{
2331  TS.GroupByFltCol(ColS, T, TIntV(), true);
2333  TIntPrV Partitions;
2334  TB.GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
2335  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
2336  TVec<TIntPrV> JointRowIDSet(Partitions.Len());
2338  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
2339  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
2340  JointRowIDSet[i].Reserve(PartitionSize);
2341  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), &TB);
2342  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), &TB);
2343  while (RowI < EndI) {
2344  TFlt K = RowI.GetFltAttr(ColBId);
2345  if(T.IsKey(K)){
2346  TIntV& Group = T.GetDat(K);
2347  for(TInt j = 0; j < Group.Len(); j++){
2348  if(ThisIsSmaller){
2349  JointRowIDSet[i].Add(TIntPr(Group[j], RowI.GetRowIdx()));
2350  } else{
2351  JointRowIDSet[i].Add(TIntPr(RowI.GetRowIdx(), Group[j]));
2352  }
2353  }
2354  }
2355  RowI++;
2356  }
2357  }
2358  JointTable->AddNJointRowsMP(*this, Table, JointRowIDSet);
2359  break;
2360  }
2361  case atStr:{
2363  TS.GroupByStrCol(ColS, T, TIntV(), true);
2365  TIntPrV Partitions;
2366  TB.GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
2367  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
2368  TVec<TIntPrV> JointRowIDSet(Partitions.Len());
2370  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
2371  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
2372  JointRowIDSet[i].Reserve(PartitionSize);
2373  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), &TB);
2374  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), &TB);
2375  while (RowI < EndI) {
2376  TInt K = RowI.GetStrMapById(ColBId);
2377  if(T.IsKey(K)){
2378  TIntV& Group = T.GetDat(K);
2379  for(TInt j = 0; j < Group.Len(); j++){
2380  if(ThisIsSmaller){
2381  JointRowIDSet[i].Add(TIntPr(Group[j], RowI.GetRowIdx()));
2382  } else{
2383  JointRowIDSet[i].Add(TIntPr(RowI.GetRowIdx(), Group[j]));
2384  }
2385  }
2386  }
2387  RowI++;
2388  }
2389  }
2390  JointTable->AddNJointRowsMP(*this, Table, JointRowIDSet);
2391  }
2392  break;
2393  }
2394  } else {
2395 #endif // GCC_ATOMIC
2396  switch (ColType) {
2397  case atInt:{
2398  TIntIntVH T;
2399  TS.GroupByIntCol(ColS, T, TIntV(), true);
2400  for (TRowIterator RowI = TB.BegRI(); RowI < TB.EndRI(); RowI++) {
2401  TInt K = RowI.GetIntAttr(ColBId);
2402  if (T.IsKey(K)) {
2403  TIntV& Group = T.GetDat(K);
2404  for (TInt i = 0; i < Group.Len(); i++) {
2405  if (ThisIsSmaller) {
2406  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, Group[i], RowI.GetRowIdx());
2407  } else {
2408  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, RowI.GetRowIdx(), Group[i]);
2409  }
2410  }
2411  }
2412  }
2413  break;
2414  }
2415  case atFlt:{
2417  TS.GroupByFltCol(ColS, T, TIntV(), true);
2418  for (TRowIterator RowI = TB.BegRI(); RowI < TB.EndRI(); RowI++) {
2419  TFlt K = RowI.GetFltAttr(ColBId);
2420  if (T.IsKey(K)) {
2421  TIntV& Group = T.GetDat(K);
2422  for (TInt i = 0; i < Group.Len(); i++) {
2423  if (ThisIsSmaller) {
2424  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, Group[i], RowI.GetRowIdx());
2425  } else {
2426  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, RowI.GetRowIdx(), Group[i]);
2427  }
2428  }
2429  }
2430  }
2431  break;
2432  }
2433  case atStr:{
2434  TIntIntVH T;
2435  TS.GroupByStrCol(ColS, T, TIntV(), true);
2436  for (TRowIterator RowI = TB.BegRI(); RowI < TB.EndRI(); RowI++) {
2437  TInt K = RowI.GetStrMapById(ColBId);
2438  if (T.IsKey(K)) {
2439  TIntV& Group = T.GetDat(K);
2440  for (TInt i = 0; i < Group.Len(); i++) {
2441  if (ThisIsSmaller) {
2442  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, Group[i], RowI.GetRowIdx());
2443  } else {
2444  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, RowI.GetRowIdx(), Group[i]);
2445  }
2446  }
2447  }
2448  }
2449  }
2450  break;
2451  }
2452 #ifdef GCC_ATOMIC
2453  }
2454 #endif
2455  return JointTable;
2456 }
TPair< TInt, TInt > TIntPr
Definition: ds.h:83
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
void GetPartitionRanges(TIntPrV &Partitions, TInt NumPartitions) const
Partitions the table into NumPartitions and populate Partitions with the ranges.
Definition: table.cpp:1157
void GroupByIntColMP(const TStr &GroupBy, THashMP< TInt, TIntV > &Grouping, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values, using OpenMP multi-threading.
Definition: table.cpp:1205
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
void Group(const TStrV &GroupBy, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool Ordered=true, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
Groups rows depending on values of GroupBy columns.
Definition: table.cpp:1549
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TInt GetNumValidRows() const
Gets number of valid, i.e. not deleted, rows in this table.
Definition: table.h:1225
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
void GroupByFltCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with float values. Returns hash table with grouping.
Definition: table.h:1633
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1293
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
const TVal & GetDat(const TVal &Val) const
Returns reference to the first occurrence of element Val.
Definition: ds.h:807
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
void GroupByIntCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values.
Definition: table.h:1605
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: dt.h:412
void GroupByStrCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with string values. Returns hash table with grouping.
Definition: table.h:1660
Definition: gbase.h:23
Table class: Relational table with columnar data storage.
Definition: table.h:495
Hash-Table with multiprocessing support.
Definition: hashmp.h:81
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
Definition: bd.h:196
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
PTable InitializeJointTable(const TTable &Table)
Initializes an empty table for the join of this table with the given table.
Definition: table.cpp:1896
void Reserve(const TSizeTy &_MxVals)
Reserves enough memory for the vector to store _MxVals elements.
Definition: ds.h:515
Definition: gbase.h:23
char * CStr()
Definition: dt.h:476
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
Definition: dt.h:881
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
PTable TTable::Join ( const TStr Col1,
const PTable Table,
const TStr Col2 

Definition at line 1351 of file table.h.

1351  {
1352  return Join(Col1, *Table, Col2);
1353  }
PTable Join(const TStr &Col1, const TTable &Table, const TStr &Col2)
Performs equijoin.
Definition: table.cpp:2252
void TTable::KeepSortedRows ( const TIntV KeepV)

Removes all rows that are not mentioned in the SORTED vector KeepV.

Definition at line 1132 of file table.cpp.

1132  {
1133  TIntIntH KeepH(KeepV.Len());
1134  for (TInt i = 0; i < KeepV.Len(); i++) {
1135  KeepH.AddKey(KeepV[i]);
1136  }
1139  TInt KeepSize = 0;
1140  while (RowI.GetNextRowIdx() != Last) {
1141  if (KeepSize < KeepV.Len()) {
1142  if (KeepH.IsKey(RowI.GetNextRowIdx())) {
1143  KeepSize++;
1144  RowI++;
1145  } else {
1146  RowI.RemoveNext();
1147  }
1148  } else {
1149  // Covered all of KeepV. Remove the rest of the rows.
1150  // Current RowI.CurrRowIdx is the last element of KeepV.
1151  RowI.RemoveNext();
1152  }
1153  }
1154  LastValidRow = KeepV[KeepV.Len()-1];
1155 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TRowIteratorWithRemove BegRIWR()
Gets iterator with reomve to the first valid row.
Definition: table.h:1236
Iterator class for TTable rows, that allows logical row removal while iterating.
Definition: table.h:383
TInt GetNextRowIdx() const
Gets physical index of next row.
Definition: table.cpp:243
void RemoveNext()
Removes next row.
Definition: table.cpp:278
Definition: dt.h:1044
int AddKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:331
static PTable TTable::Load ( TSIn SIn,
TTableContext Context 

Loads table from a binary format.

TTableContext Context must be provided as a parameter and loaded separately from a table load as it can be shared among multiple tables. Context can be loaded either before and after the table load, but must be available for operations that require string values (as opposed to string references).

Definition at line 970 of file table.h.

970 { return new TTable(SIn, Context);}
Definition: table.cpp:302
PTable TTable::LoadSS ( const Schema S,
const TStr InFNm,
TTableContext Context,
const char &  Separator = '\t',
TBool  HasTitleLine = false 

Loads table from spread sheet (TSV, CSV, etc). Note: HasTitleLine = true is not supported. Please comment title lines instead.

Definition at line 775 of file table.cpp.

776  {
777  return LoadSS(S, InFNm, Context, TIntV(), Separator, HasTitleLine);
778 }
static PTable LoadSS(const Schema &S, const TStr &InFNm, TTableContext *Context, const char &Separator= '\t', TBool HasTitleLine=false)
Loads table from spread sheet (TSV, CSV, etc). Note: HasTitleLine = true is not supported. Please comment title lines instead.
Definition: table.cpp:775
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
PTable TTable::LoadSS ( const Schema S,
const TStr InFNm,
TTableContext Context,
const TIntV RelevantCols,
const char &  Separator = '\t',
TBool  HasTitleLine = false 

Loads table from spread sheet - but only load the columns specified by RelevantCols. Note: HasTitleLine = true is not supported. Please comment title lines instead.

Definition at line 737 of file table.cpp.

738  {
739  TVec<uint64> IntGroupByCols;
740  bool NoStringCols = true;
742  // find the schema for the new table which contains only relevant columns
743  Schema SR;
744  if (RelevantCols.Len() == 0) {
745  SR = S;
746  } else {
747  for (int i = 0; i < RelevantCols.Len(); i++) {
748  SR.Add(S[RelevantCols[i]]);
749  }
750  }
751  PTable T = New(SR, Context);
753  // find col types and check for string cols
754  for (int i = 0; i < SR.Len(); i++) {
755  if (T->GetSchemaColType(i) == atStr) {
756  NoStringCols = false;
757  break;
758  }
759  }
761  if (GetMP() && NoStringCols) {
762  // Right now, can load in parallel only in Linux (for mmap) and if
763  // there are no string columns
764 #ifdef GLib_LINUX
765  LoadSSPar(T, S, InFNm, RelevantCols, Separator, HasTitleLine);
766 #else
767  LoadSSSeq(T, S, InFNm, RelevantCols, Separator, HasTitleLine);
768 #endif
769  } else {
770  LoadSSSeq(T, S, InFNm, RelevantCols, Separator, HasTitleLine);
771  }
772  return T;
773 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
static void LoadSSSeq(PTable &NewTable, const Schema &S, const TStr &InFNm, const TIntV &RelevantCols, const char &Separator, TBool HasTitleLine)
Sequentially loads data from input file at InFNm into NewTable.
Definition: table.cpp:649
static void LoadSSPar(PTable &NewTable, const Schema &S, const TStr &InFNm, const TIntV &RelevantCols, const char &Separator, TBool HasTitleLine)
Parallelly loads data from input file at InFNm into NewTable. Only work when NewTable has no string c...
Definition: table.cpp:487
Definition: bd.h:196
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::LoadSSPar ( PTable NewTable,
const Schema S,
const TStr InFNm,
const TIntV RelevantCols,
const char &  Separator,
TBool  HasTitleLine 

Parallelly loads data from input file at InFNm into NewTable. Only work when NewTable has no string columns.

Definition at line 487 of file table.cpp.

488  {
489  // preloaded necessary variables
490  TInt RowLen = T->Sch.Len();
491  TVec<TAttrType> ColTypes = TVec<TAttrType>(RowLen);
492  for (TInt i = 0; i < RowLen; i++) {
493  ColTypes[i] = T->GetSchemaColType(i);
494  }
496  TSsParserMP Ss(InFNm, Separator);
497  Ss.SkipCommentLines();
499  // if title line (i.e. names of the columns) is included as first row in the
500  // input file - use it to validate schema
501  if (HasTitleLine) {
502  Ss.Next();
503  if (S.Len() != Ss.GetFlds()) {
504  printf("%s\n", Ss[0]); TExcept::Throw("Table Schema Mismatch!");
505  }
506  for (TInt i = 0; i < Ss.GetFlds(); i++) {
507  // remove carriage return char
508  TInt L = strlen(Ss[i]);
509  if (Ss[i][L-1] < ' ') { Ss[i][L-1] = 0; }
510  if (NormalizeColName(S[i].Val1) != NormalizeColName(Ss[i])) { TExcept::Throw("Table Schema Mismatch!"); }
511  }
512  }
514  // Divide remaining part of stream into equal sized chunks
515  // Find starting position in stream for each thread
516  int64 Cnt = 0;
517  uint64 Pos = Ss.GetStreamPos();
518  uint64 Len = Ss.GetStreamLen();
519  uint64 Rem = Len - Pos;
520  int NumThreads = omp_get_max_threads();
522  uint64 Delta = Rem / NumThreads;
523  if (Delta < 1) Delta = 1;
525  TVec<uint64> StartIntV(NumThreads);
526  TVec<uint64> LineCountV(NumThreads);
527  TVec<uint64> PrefixSumV(NumThreads);
529  StartIntV[0] = Pos;
530  for (int i = 1; i < NumThreads; i++) {
531  StartIntV[i] = StartIntV[i-1] + Delta;
532  }
533  StartIntV.Add(Len);
535  // Find number of lines handled by each thread
536  omp_set_num_threads(NumThreads);
537  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) reduction(+:Cnt)
538  for (int i = 0; i < NumThreads; i++) {
539  LineCountV[i] = Ss.CountNewLinesInRange(StartIntV[i], StartIntV[i+1]);
540  Cnt += LineCountV[i];
541  }
543  // Calculate row index offsets for each thread
544  PrefixSumV[0] = 0;
545  for (int i = 1; i < NumThreads; i++) {
546  PrefixSumV[i] = PrefixSumV[i-1] + LineCountV[i-1];
547  }
548  Ss.SetStreamPos(Pos);
550  // allocate memory for columns
551  TInt IntColIdx = 0;
552  TInt FltColIdx = 0;
553  for (TInt i = 0; i < RowLen; i++) {
554  switch (ColTypes[i]) {
555  case atInt:
556  T->IntCols[IntColIdx].Gen(Cnt);
557  IntColIdx++;
558  break;
559  case atFlt:
560  T->FltCols[FltColIdx].Gen(Cnt);
561  FltColIdx++;
562  break;
563  case atStr:
564  break;
565  }
566  }
568  Cnt = 0;
569  omp_set_num_threads(NumThreads);
570  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic) reduction(+:Cnt)
571  for (int i = 0; i < NumThreads; i++) {
572  // calculate beginning of each line handled by thread
573  TVec<uint64> LineStartPosV = Ss.GetStartPosV(StartIntV[i], StartIntV[i+1]);
575  // parse line and fill rows
576  for (uint64 k = 0; k < (uint64) LineStartPosV.Len(); k++) {
577  TVec<char*> FieldsV;
578  Ss.NextFromIndex(LineStartPosV[k], FieldsV);
579  if (FieldsV.Len() != S.Len()) {
580  TExcept::Throw("Error reading tsv file");
581  }
582  TInt IntColIdx = 0;
583  TInt FltColIdx = 0;
584  TInt RowIdx = PrefixSumV[i] + k;
586  for (TInt j = 0; j < RowLen; j++) {
587  switch (ColTypes[j]) {
588  case atInt:
589  if (RelevantCols.Len() == 0) {
590  T->IntCols[IntColIdx][RowIdx] = \
591  (Ss.GetIntFromFldV(FieldsV, j));
592  } else {
593  T->IntCols[IntColIdx][RowIdx] = \
594  (Ss.GetIntFromFldV(FieldsV, RelevantCols[j]));
595  }
596  IntColIdx++;
597  break;
598  case atFlt:
599  if (RelevantCols.Len() == 0) {
600  T->FltCols[FltColIdx][RowIdx] = \
601  (Ss.GetFltFromFldV(FieldsV, j));
602  } else {
603  T->FltCols[FltColIdx][RowIdx] = \
604  (Ss.GetFltFromFldV(FieldsV, RelevantCols[j]));
605  }
606  FltColIdx++;
607  break;
608  case atStr:
609  TExcept::Throw("TTable::LoadSS:: Str Col found\n");
610  break;
611  }
612  }
613  Cnt++;
614  }
615  }
617  // set number of rows and "Next" vector
618  T->NumRows = Cnt;
619  T->NumValidRows = T->NumRows;
621  T->Next.Clr();
622  T->Next.Gen(Cnt);
624  omp_set_num_threads(NumThreads);
625  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10000)
626  for (int64 i = 0; i < Cnt-1; i++) {
627  T->Next[i] = i+1;
628  }
629  T->IsNextDirty = 0;
630  T->Next[Cnt-1] = Last;
631  T->LastValidRow = T->NumRows - 1;
633  T->IdColName = "_id";
634  TInt IdCol = T->IntCols.Add();
635  T->IntCols[IdCol].Gen(Cnt);
637  // initialize ID column
638  omp_set_num_threads(NumThreads);
639  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 10000)
640  for (int64 i = 0; i < Cnt; i++) {
641  T->IntCols[IdCol][i] = i;
642  }
644  T->AddSchemaCol(T->IdColName, atInt);
645  T->AddColType(T->IdColName, atInt, T->IntCols.Len()-1);
646 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: gbase.h:23
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
unsigned long long uint64
Definition: bd.h:38
Definition: dt.h:1044
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
long long int64
Definition: bd.h:27
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: gbase.h:23
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::LoadSSSeq ( PTable NewTable,
const Schema S,
const TStr InFNm,
const TIntV RelevantCols,
const char &  Separator,
TBool  HasTitleLine 

Sequentially loads data from input file at InFNm into NewTable.

Definition at line 649 of file table.cpp.

651  {
652  // preloaded necessary variables
653  int RowLen = T->Sch.Len();
654  TVec<TAttrType> ColTypes = TVec<TAttrType>(RowLen);
655  for (int i = 0; i < RowLen; i++) {
656  ColTypes[i] = T->GetSchemaColType(i);
657  }
659  // Sequential load
660  TSsParser Ss(InFNm, Separator);
661  // if title line (i.e. names of the columns) is included as first row in the
662  // input file - use it to validate schema
663  if (HasTitleLine) {
664  Ss.Next();
665  if (S.Len() != Ss.GetFlds()) {
666  printf("%s\n", Ss[0]); TExcept::Throw("Table Schema Mismatch!");
667  }
668  for (int i = 0; i < Ss.GetFlds(); i++) {
669  // remove carriage return char
670  int L = strlen(Ss[i]);
671  if (Ss[i][L-1] < ' ') { Ss[i][L-1] = 0; }
672  if (NormalizeColName(S[i].Val1) != NormalizeColName(Ss[i])) { TExcept::Throw("Table Schema Mismatch!"); }
673  }
674  }
676  // populate table columns
677  //printf("starting to populate table\n");
678  uint64 Cnt = 0;
679  while (Ss.Next()) {
680  int IntColIdx = 0;
681  int FltColIdx = 0;
682  int StrColIdx = 0;
683  Assert(Ss.GetFlds() == S.Len()); // compiled only in debug
684  if (Ss.GetFlds() != S.Len()) {
685  printf("%s\n", Ss[S.Len()]); TExcept::Throw("Error reading tsv file");
686  }
687  for (int i = 0; i < RowLen; i++) {
688  switch (ColTypes[i]) {
689  case atInt:
690  if (RelevantCols.Len() == 0) {
691  T->IntCols[IntColIdx].Add(Ss.GetInt(i));
692  } else {
693  T->IntCols[IntColIdx].Add(Ss.GetInt(RelevantCols[i]));
694  }
695  IntColIdx++;
696  break;
697  case atFlt:
698  if (RelevantCols.Len() == 0) {
699  T->FltCols[FltColIdx].Add(Ss.GetFlt(i));
700  } else {
701  T->FltCols[FltColIdx].Add(Ss.GetFlt(RelevantCols[i]));
702  }
703  FltColIdx++;
704  break;
705  case atStr:
706  int ColIdx;
707  if (RelevantCols.Len() == 0) {
708  ColIdx = i;
709  } else {
710  ColIdx = RelevantCols[i];
711  }
712  TStr Sval = TStr(Ss[ColIdx]);
713  T->AddStrVal(StrColIdx, Sval);
714  StrColIdx++;
715  break;
716  }
717  }
718  Cnt += 1;
719  }
720  //printf("finished populating table\n");
721  // set number of rows and "Next" vector
722  T->NumRows = static_cast<int>(Cnt);
723  T->NumValidRows = T->NumRows;
725  T->Next.Clr();
726  T->Next.Gen(static_cast<int>(Cnt));
727  for (uint64 i = 0; i < Cnt-1; i++) {
728  T->Next[static_cast<int>(i)] = static_cast<int>(i+1);
729  }
730  T->IsNextDirty = 0;
731  T->Next[static_cast<int>(Cnt-1)] = Last;
732  T->LastValidRow = T->NumRows - 1;
734  T->InitIds();
735 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: ss.h:72
Definition: gbase.h:23
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
unsigned long long uint64
Definition: bd.h:38
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: gbase.h:23
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::Merge ( TIntV V,
TInt  Idx1,
TInt  Idx2,
TInt  Idx3,
const TVec< TAttrType > &  SortByTypes,
const TIntV SortByIndices,
TBool  Asc = true 

Helper function for parallel QSort.

Definition at line 3158 of file table.cpp.

3158  {
3159  TInt i = Idx1, j = Idx2;
3160  TIntV SortedV;
3161  while (i < Idx2 && j < Idx3) {
3162  if (CompareRows(V[i], V[j], SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) <= 0) {
3163  SortedV.Add(V[i]);
3164  i++;
3165  }
3166  else {
3167  SortedV.Add(V[j]);
3168  j++;
3169  }
3170  }
3171  while (i < Idx2) {
3172  SortedV.Add(V[i]);
3173  i++;
3174  }
3175  while (j < Idx3) {
3176  SortedV.Add(V[j]);
3177  j++;
3178  }
3180  for (TInt sz = 0; sz < Idx3 - Idx1; sz++) {
3181  V[Idx1 + sz] = SortedV[sz];
3182  }
3183 }
Definition: dt.h:1044
TInt CompareRows(TInt R1, TInt R2, const TAttrType &CompareByType, const TInt &CompareByIndex, TBool Asc=true)
Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strc...
Definition: table.cpp:3044
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
PTable TTable::Minus ( TTable Table)

Returns table with rows that are present in this table but not in given Table.

Definition at line 4569 of file table.cpp.

4569  {
4570  Schema NewSchema;
4571  THashSet<TInt> Collisions;
4573  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
4574  if (Sch[c].Val1 != GetIdColName()) {
4575  NewSchema.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(Sch[c].Val1, Sch[c].Val2));
4576  }
4577  }
4578  PTable result = TTable::New(NewSchema, Context);
4580  Table.GetCollidingRows(*this, Collisions);
4582  // this part should be made faster by adding all the rows in one go
4583  for (TRowIterator it = BegRI(); it < EndRI(); it++) {
4584  if (!Collisions.IsKey(it.GetRowIdx())) {
4585  result->AddRow(it);
4586  }
4587  }
4588  result->InitIds();
4589  return result;
4590 }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: shash.h:1148
TStr GetIdColName() const
Gets name of the id column of this table.
Definition: table.h:646
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
void GetCollidingRows(const TTable &T, THashSet< TInt > &Collisions)
Gets set of row ids of rows common with table T.
Definition: table.cpp:3991
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: bd.h:196
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
PTable TTable::Minus ( const PTable Table)

Definition at line 1416 of file table.h.

1416 { return Minus(*Table); };
PTable Minus(TTable &Table)
Returns table with rows that are present in this table but not in given Table.
Definition: table.cpp:4569
static PTable TTable::New ( )

Definition at line 931 of file table.h.

931 { return new TTable(); }
Definition: table.cpp:302
static PTable TTable::New ( TTableContext Context)

Definition at line 932 of file table.h.

932 { return new TTable(Context); }
Definition: table.cpp:302
static PTable TTable::New ( const Schema S,
TTableContext Context 

Definition at line 933 of file table.h.

933  {
934  return new TTable(S, Context);
935  }
Definition: table.cpp:302
static PTable TTable::New ( const THash< TInt, TInt > &  H,
const TStr Col1,
const TStr Col2,
TTableContext Context,
const TBool  IsStrKeys = false 

Returns pointer to a table constructed from given int->int hash.

Definition at line 937 of file table.h.

938  {
939  return new TTable(H, Col1, Col2, Context, IsStrKeys);
940  }
Definition: table.cpp:302
static PTable TTable::New ( const THash< TInt, TFlt > &  H,
const TStr Col1,
const TStr Col2,
TTableContext Context,
const TBool  IsStrKeys = false 

Returns pointer to a table constructed from given int->float hash.

Definition at line 942 of file table.h.

943  {
944  return new TTable(H, Col1, Col2, Context, IsStrKeys);
945  }
Definition: table.cpp:302
static PTable TTable::New ( const PTable  Table)

Returns pointer to a new table created from given Table.

Definition at line 947 of file table.h.

947 { return new TTable(*Table); }
Definition: table.cpp:302
PNEANet TTable::NextGraphIterator ( )

Calls to this must be preceded by a call to one of the above ToGraph*Iterator functions.

Definition at line 3659 of file table.cpp.

3659  {
3660  return GetNextGraphFromSequence();
3661 }
PNEANet GetNextGraphFromSequence()
Returns the next graph in sequence corresponding to RowIdBuckets.
Definition: table.cpp:3612
static TStr TTable::NormalizeColName ( const TStr ColName)

Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.

Definition at line 540 of file table.h.

540  {
541  TStr Result = ColName;
542  int RLen = Result.Len();
543  if (RLen == 0) { return Result; }
544  if (Result.GetCh(0) == '_') { return Result; }
545  if (RLen >= 2 && Result.GetCh(RLen-2) == '-') { return Result; }
546  return Result + "-1";
547  }
int Len() const
Definition: dt.h:487
char GetCh(const int &ChN) const
Definition: dt.h:483
Definition: dt.h:412
static TStrV TTable::NormalizeColNameV ( const TStrV Cols)

Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.

Definition at line 549 of file table.h.

549  {
550  TStrV NCols;
551  for (TInt i = 0; i < Cols.Len(); i++) { NCols.Add(NormalizeColName(Cols[i])); }
552  return NCols;
553  }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: dt.h:1044
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::Order ( const TStrV OrderBy,
TStr  OrderColName = "",
TBool  ResetRankByMSC = false,
TBool  Asc = true 

Orders the rows according to the values in columns of OrderBy (in descending lexicographic order).

Definition at line 3220 of file table.cpp.

3220  {
3221  // get a vector of all valid row indices
3222  TIntV ValidRows = TIntV(NumValidRows);
3223  if (NumRows == NumValidRows) {
3224  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumValidRows; i++) {
3225  ValidRows[i] = i;
3226  }
3227  } else {
3228  TInt i = 0;
3229  for (TRowIterator RI = BegRI(); RI < EndRI(); RI++) {
3230  ValidRows[i] = RI.GetRowIdx();
3231  i++;
3232  }
3233  }
3234  TVec<TAttrType> OrderByTypes(OrderBy.Len());
3235  TIntV OrderByIndices(OrderBy.Len());
3236  for (TInt i = 0; i < OrderBy.Len(); i++) {
3237  OrderByTypes[i] = GetColType(OrderBy[i]);
3238  OrderByIndices[i] = GetColIdx(OrderBy[i]);
3239  }
3241  // sort that vector according to the attributes given in "OrderBy" in lexicographic order
3242 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
3243  if (GetMP()) {
3244  QSortPar(ValidRows, OrderByTypes, OrderByIndices, Asc);
3245  } else {
3246 #endif
3247  QSort(ValidRows, 0, NumValidRows-1, OrderByTypes, OrderByIndices, Asc);
3248 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
3249  }
3250 #endif
3252  // rewire Next vector
3253  IsNextDirty = 1;
3254  if (NumValidRows > 0) {
3255  FirstValidRow = ValidRows[0];
3256  } else {
3257  FirstValidRow = Last;
3258  }
3259  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumValidRows-1; i++) {
3260  Next[ValidRows[i]] = ValidRows[i+1];
3261  }
3262  if (NumValidRows > 0) {
3263  Next[ValidRows[NumValidRows-1]] = Last;
3264  LastValidRow = ValidRows[NumValidRows-1];
3265  } else {
3266  LastValidRow = Last;
3267  }
3269  // add rank column
3270  if (!OrderColName.Empty()) {
3271  TIntV RankCol = TIntV(NumRows);
3272  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumValidRows; i++) {
3273  RankCol[ValidRows[i]] = i;
3274  }
3275  if (ResetRankByMSC) {
3276  for (TInt i = 1; i < NumValidRows; i++) {
3277  TStr GroupName = OrderBy[0];
3278  if (GetStrVal(GroupName, ValidRows[i]) != GetStrVal(GroupName, ValidRows[i-1])) {
3279  RankCol[ValidRows[i]] = 0;
3280  } else {
3281  RankCol[ValidRows[i]] = RankCol[ValidRows[i-1]] + 1;
3282  }
3283  }
3284  }
3285  IntCols.Add(RankCol);
3286  AddSchemaCol(OrderColName, atInt);
3287  AddColType(OrderColName, atInt, IntCols.Len()-1);
3288  }
3289 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
void QSort(TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
Performs QSort on given vector V.
Definition: table.cpp:3134
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
void QSortPar(TIntV &V, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
Performs QSort in parallel on given vector V.
Definition: table.cpp:3186
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TStr GetStrVal(TInt ColIdx, TInt RowIdx) const
Gets the value in column with id ColIdx at row RowIdx.
Definition: table.h:636
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
Definition: dt.h:412
bool Empty() const
Definition: dt.h:488
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
TInt IsNextDirty
Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing Get...
Definition: table.h:613
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TInt TTable::Partition ( TIntV V,
TInt  StartIdx,
TInt  EndIdx,
const TVec< TAttrType > &  SortByTypes,
const TIntV SortByIndices,
TBool  Asc 

Partitions vector for QSort.

Definition at line 3106 of file table.cpp.

3106  {
3108  // test if the elements are already sorted
3109  TInt j;
3110  for (j = StartIdx; j < EndIdx; j++) {
3111  if (CompareRows(V[j], V[j+1], SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) > 0) {
3112  break;
3113  }
3114  }
3115  if (j >= EndIdx) {
3116  return EndIdx+1;
3117  }
3119  TInt PivotIdx = GetPivot(V, StartIdx, EndIdx, SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc);
3120  TInt Pivot = V[PivotIdx];
3121  V.Swap(PivotIdx, EndIdx);
3122  TInt StoreIdx = StartIdx;
3123  for (TInt i = StartIdx; i < EndIdx; i++) {
3124  if (CompareRows(V[i], Pivot, SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) <= 0) {
3125  V.Swap(i, StoreIdx);
3126  StoreIdx++;
3127  }
3128  }
3129  // move pivot value to its place
3130  V.Swap(StoreIdx, EndIdx);
3131  return StoreIdx;
3132 }
TInt GetPivot(TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc)
Gets pivot element for QSort.
Definition: table.cpp:3090
void Swap(TVec< TVal, TSizeTy > &Vec)
Swaps the contents of the vector with Vec.
Definition: ds.h:1047
Definition: dt.h:1044
TInt CompareRows(TInt R1, TInt R2, const TAttrType &CompareByType, const TInt &CompareByIndex, TBool Asc=true)
Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strc...
Definition: table.cpp:3044
TInt TTable::PartitionKeyVal ( TIntV Key,
TIntV Val,
TInt  Start,
TInt  End 

Definition at line 5332 of file table.cpp.

5332  {
5333  TInt Pivot = GetPivotKeyVal(Key, Val, Start, End);
5334  //printf("Pivot=%d\n", Pivot.Val);
5335  TInt PivotKey = Key[Pivot];
5336  TInt PivotVal = Val[Pivot];
5337  Key.Swap(Pivot, End);
5338  Val.Swap(Pivot, End);
5339  TInt StoreIdx = Start;
5340  for (TInt i = Start; i < End; i++) {
5341  //printf("%d %d %d %d\n", Key[i].Val, Val[i].Val, PivotKey.Val, PivotVal.Val);
5342  if (CompareKeyVal(Key[i], Val[i], PivotKey, PivotVal) <= 0) {
5343  Key.Swap(i, StoreIdx);
5344  Val.Swap(i, StoreIdx);
5345  StoreIdx++;
5346  }
5347  }
5348  //printf("StoreIdx=%d\n", StoreIdx.Val);
5349  // move pivot value to its place
5350  Key.Swap(StoreIdx, End);
5351  Val.Swap(StoreIdx, End);
5352  return StoreIdx;
5353 }
static TInt CompareKeyVal(const TInt &K1, const TInt &V1, const TInt &K2, const TInt &V2)
Definition: table.cpp:5274
void Swap(TVec< TVal, TSizeTy > &Vec)
Swaps the contents of the vector with Vec.
Definition: ds.h:1047
Definition: dt.h:1044
static TInt GetPivotKeyVal(TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)
Definition: table.cpp:5315
void TTable::PrintContextSize ( )

Definition at line 3937 of file table.cpp.

3937  {
3938  printf("Number of strings in pool: ");
3939  printf("%d\n", Context->StringVals.Len());
3940  printf("Number of entries in hash table: ");
3941  printf("%d\n", Context->StringVals.Reserved());
3942  TSize MemUsed = GetContextMemUsedKB();
3943  printf("Approximate memory used for Context: %lu KB\n", MemUsed);
3944 }
int Reserved() const
Definition: hash.h:771
int Len() const
Definition: hash.h:770
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
size_t TSize
Definition: bd.h:58
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
TSize GetContextMemUsedKB()
Returns approximate memory used by table context in [KB].
Definition: table.cpp:3946
void TTable::PrintGrouping ( const THash< TGroupKey, TIntV > &  Grouping) const

Definition at line 1768 of file table.cpp.

1768  {
1769  for(THash<TGroupKey, TIntV>::TIter it = Mapping.BegI(); it < Mapping.EndI(); it++){
1770  TGroupKey gk = it.GetKey();
1771  TIntV ik = gk.Val1;
1772  TFltV fk = gk.Val2;
1773  for(int i = 0; i < ik.Len(); i++){ printf("%d ",ik[i].Val);}
1774  for(int i = 0; i < fk.Len(); i++){ printf("%f ",fk[i].Val);}
1775  printf("-->");
1776  TIntV v = it.GetDat();
1777  for(int i = 0; i < v.Len(); i++){ printf("%d ",v[i].Val);}
1778  printf("\n");
1779  }
1780 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
const TVal & GetDat(const TVal &Val) const
Returns reference to the first occurrence of element Val.
Definition: ds.h:807
Definition: ds.h:32
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
THKeyDat * EndI
Definition: hash.h:45
void TTable::PrintSize ( )

Definition at line 3908 of file table.cpp.

3908  {
3909  printf("Total number of rows: %d\n", NumRows.Val);
3910  printf("Number of valid rows: %d\n", NumValidRows.Val);
3911  printf("Number of Int columns: %d\n", IntCols.Len());
3912  printf("Number of Flt columns: %d\n", FltCols.Len());
3913  printf("Number of Str columns: %d\n", StrColMaps.Len());
3914  TSize MemUsed = GetMemUsedKB();
3915  printf("Approximated size is %lu KB\n", MemUsed);
3916 }
TSize GetMemUsedKB()
Returns approximate memory used by table in [KB].
Definition: table.cpp:3918
int Val
Definition: dt.h:1046
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
size_t TSize
Definition: bd.h:58
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
PTable TTable::Project ( const TStrV ProjectCols)

Returns table with only the columns in ProjectCols.

Definition at line 4592 of file table.cpp.

4592  {
4593  Schema NewSchema;
4594  for (TInt c = 0; c < ProjectCols.Len(); c++) {
4595  if (!IsColName(ProjectCols[c])) { TExcept::Throw("no such column " + ProjectCols[c]); }
4596  NewSchema.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(ProjectCols[c], GetColType(ProjectCols[c])));
4597  }
4599  PTable result = TTable::New(NewSchema, Context);
4600  result->AddTable(*this);
4601  result->InitIds();
4602  return result;
4603 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: bd.h:196
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::ProjectInPlace ( const TStrV ProjectCols)

Keeps only the columns specified in ProjectCols.

Definition at line 5216 of file table.cpp.

5216  {
5217  TStrV NProjectCols = NormalizeColNameV(ProjectCols);
5218  for (TInt c = 0; c < NProjectCols.Len(); c++) {
5219  if (!IsColName(NProjectCols[c])) { TExcept::Throw("no such column " + NProjectCols[c]); }
5220  }
5221  THashSet<TStr> ProjectColsSet = THashSet<TStr>(NProjectCols);
5222  // Delete the column vectors
5223  for (TInt i = Sch.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
5224  TStr ColName = GetSchemaColName(i);
5225  if (ProjectColsSet.IsKey(ColName) || ColName == IdColName) { continue; }
5226  TAttrType ColType = GetSchemaColType(i);
5227  TInt ColId = GetColIdx(ColName);
5228  switch (ColType) {
5229  case atInt:
5230  IntCols.Del(ColId);
5231  break;
5232  case atFlt:
5233  FltCols.Del(ColId);
5234  break;
5235  case atStr:
5236  StrColMaps.Del(ColId);
5237  break;
5238  }
5239  }
5241  // Rebuild the ColTypeMap with new indexes of the column vectors
5242  TInt IntColCnt = 0;
5243  TInt FltColCnt = 0;
5244  TInt StrColCnt = 0;
5245  ColTypeMap.Clr();
5246  for (TInt i = 0; i < Sch.Len(); i++) {
5247  TStr ColName = GetSchemaColName(i);
5248  if (!ProjectColsSet.IsKey(ColName) && ColName != IdColName) { continue; }
5249  TAttrType ColType = GetSchemaColType(i);
5250  switch (ColType) {
5251  case atInt:
5252  AddColType(ColName, atInt, IntColCnt);
5253  IntColCnt++;
5254  break;
5255  case atFlt:
5256  AddColType(ColName, atFlt, FltColCnt);
5257  FltColCnt++;
5258  break;
5259  case atStr:
5260  AddColType(ColName, atStr, StrColCnt);
5261  StrColCnt++;
5262  break;
5263  }
5264  }
5266  // Update schema
5267  for (TInt i = Sch.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
5268  TStr ColName = GetSchemaColName(i);
5269  if (ProjectColsSet.IsKey(ColName) || ColName == IdColName) { continue; }
5270  Sch.Del(i);
5271  }
5272 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
void Del(const TSizeTy &ValN)
Removes the element at position ValN.
Definition: ds.h:1130
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
static TStrV NormalizeColNameV(const TStrV &Cols)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:549
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: shash.h:1148
Definition: gbase.h:23
TAttrType GetSchemaColType(TInt Idx) const
Gets type of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:650
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStr GetSchemaColName(TInt Idx) const
Gets name of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:648
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1, const bool &ResetDat=true)
Definition: hash.h:319
Definition: gbase.h:23
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::QSort ( TIntV V,
TInt  StartIdx,
TInt  EndIdx,
const TVec< TAttrType > &  SortByTypes,
const TIntV SortByIndices,
TBool  Asc = true 

Performs QSort on given vector V.

Definition at line 3134 of file table.cpp.

3134  {
3135  if (StartIdx < EndIdx) {
3136  if (EndIdx - StartIdx < 20) {
3137  ISort(V, StartIdx, EndIdx, SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc);
3138  } else {
3139  TInt Pivot = Partition(V, StartIdx, EndIdx, SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc);
3140  if (Pivot > EndIdx) {
3141  return;
3142  }
3143  // Everything <= Pivot will be in StartIdx, Pivot-1. Shrink this
3144  // range to ignore elements equal to the pivot in the first
3145  // recursive call, to optimize for the case when a lot of
3146  // rows are equal.
3147  int Ub = Pivot - 1;
3148  while (Ub >= StartIdx && CompareRows(
3149  V[Ub], V[Pivot], SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc) == 0) {
3150  Ub -= 1;
3151  }
3152  QSort(V, StartIdx, Ub, SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc);
3153  QSort(V, Pivot+1, EndIdx, SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc);
3154  }
3155  }
3156 }
void QSort(TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
Performs QSort on given vector V.
Definition: table.cpp:3134
Definition: dt.h:1044
void ISort(TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
Performs insertion sort on given vector V.
Definition: table.cpp:3076
TInt CompareRows(TInt R1, TInt R2, const TAttrType &CompareByType, const TInt &CompareByIndex, TBool Asc=true)
Returns positive value if R1 is bigger, negative value if R2 is bigger, and 0 if they are equal (strc...
Definition: table.cpp:3044
TInt Partition(TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc)
Partitions vector for QSort.
Definition: table.cpp:3106
void TTable::QSortKeyVal ( TIntV Key,
TIntV Val,
TInt  Start,
TInt  End 

Definition at line 5355 of file table.cpp.

5355  {
5356  //printf("Thread=%d, Start=%d, End=%d\n", omp_get_thread_num(), Start.Val, End.Val);
5357  TInt L = End-Start;
5358  if (L <= 0) { return; }
5359  if (CheckSortedKeyVal(Key, Val, Start, End) == 0) { return; }
5361  if (L <= 20) { ISortKeyVal(Key, Val, Start, End); }
5362  else {
5363  TInt Pivot = PartitionKeyVal(Key, Val, Start, End);
5365  if (Pivot > End) { return; }
5366  if (L <= 500000) {
5367  QSortKeyVal(Key, Val, Start, Pivot-1);
5368  QSortKeyVal(Key, Val, Pivot+1, End);
5369  } else {
5370 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
5371 #ifndef GLib_WIN32
5372  #pragma omp task untied shared(Key, Val)
5373 #endif
5374 #endif
5375  { QSortKeyVal(Key, Val, Start, Pivot-1); }
5377 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
5378 #ifndef GLib_WIN32
5379  #pragma omp task untied shared(Key, Val)
5380 #endif
5381 #endif
5382  { QSortKeyVal(Key, Val, Pivot+1, End); }
5383  }
5384  }
5385 }
static TInt PartitionKeyVal(TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)
Definition: table.cpp:5332
static void QSortKeyVal(TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)
Definition: table.cpp:5355
Definition: dt.h:1044
static void ISortKeyVal(TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)
Definition: table.cpp:5298
static TInt CheckSortedKeyVal(TIntV &Key, TIntV &Val, TInt Start, TInt End)
Definition: table.cpp:5287
void TTable::QSortPar ( TIntV V,
const TVec< TAttrType > &  SortByTypes,
const TIntV SortByIndices,
TBool  Asc = true 

Performs QSort in parallel on given vector V.

Definition at line 3186 of file table.cpp.

3186  {
3187  TInt NumThreads = 8; // Setting this to 8 because that results in the fastest sorting on Madmax.
3188  TInt Sz = V.Len();
3189  TIntV IndV, NextV;
3190  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumThreads; i++) {
3191  IndV.Add(i * (Sz / NumThreads));
3192  }
3193  IndV.Add(Sz);
3195  omp_set_num_threads(NumThreads);
3196  #pragma omp parallel for
3197  for (int i = 0; i < NumThreads; i++) {
3198  QSort(V, IndV[i], IndV[i+1] - 1, SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc);
3199  }
3201  while (NumThreads > 1) {
3202  omp_set_num_threads(NumThreads / 2);
3203  #pragma omp parallel for
3204  for (int i = 0; i < NumThreads; i += 2) {
3205  Merge(V, IndV[i], IndV[i+1], IndV[i+2], SortByTypes, SortByIndices, Asc);
3206  }
3208  NextV.Clr();
3209  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumThreads; i+=2) {
3210  NextV.Add(IndV[i]);
3211  }
3212  NextV.Add(Sz);
3213  IndV = NextV;
3215  NumThreads = NumThreads / 2;
3216  }
3217 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
void QSort(TIntV &V, TInt StartIdx, TInt EndIdx, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
Performs QSort on given vector V.
Definition: table.cpp:3134
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const TSizeTy &NoDelLim=-1)
Clears the contents of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:971
Definition: dt.h:1044
void Merge(TIntV &V, TInt Idx1, TInt Idx2, TInt Idx3, const TVec< TAttrType > &SortByTypes, const TIntV &SortByIndices, TBool Asc=true)
Helper function for parallel QSort.
Definition: table.cpp:3158
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::ReadFltCol ( const TStr ColName,
TFltV Result 
) const

Reads values of entire float column into Result.

Definition at line 5198 of file table.cpp.

5198  {
5199  if (!IsColName(ColName)) { TExcept::Throw("no such column " + ColName); }
5200  if (GetColType(ColName) != atFlt) { TExcept::Throw("not a floating point column " + ColName); }
5201  TInt ColId = GetColIdx(ColName);
5202  for (TRowIterator it = BegRI(); it < EndRI(); it++) {
5203  Result.Add(it.GetFltAttr(ColId));
5204  }
5205 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
void TTable::ReadIntCol ( const TStr ColName,
TIntV Result 
) const

Reads values of entire int column into Result.

Definition at line 5189 of file table.cpp.

5189  {
5190  if (!IsColName(ColName)) { TExcept::Throw("no such column " + ColName); }
5191  if (GetColType(ColName) != atInt) { TExcept::Throw("not an integer column " + ColName); }
5192  TInt ColId = GetColIdx(ColName);
5193  for (TRowIterator it = BegRI(); it < EndRI(); it++) {
5194  Result.Add(it.GetIntAttr(ColId));
5195  }
5196 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
void TTable::ReadStrCol ( const TStr ColName,
TStrV Result 
) const

Reads values of entire string column into Result.

Definition at line 5207 of file table.cpp.

5207  {
5208  if (!IsColName(ColName)) { TExcept::Throw("no such column " + ColName); }
5209  if (GetColType(ColName) != atStr) { TExcept::Throw("not a string column " + ColName); }
5210  TInt ColId = GetColIdx(ColName);
5211  for (TRowIterator it = BegRI(); it < EndRI(); it++) {
5212  Result.Add(it.GetStrAttr(ColId));
5213  }
5214 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
void TTable::Reindex ( )

Reinitializes row ids.

Register (cache) result of a grouping statement by a single group-by attribute T is a hash table mapping a key x to rows keyed by x => DISABLED FOR NOW

Definition at line 1869 of file table.cpp.

1869  {
1870  RowIdMap.Clr();
1871  TInt IdColIdx = GetColIdx(IdColName);
1872  TInt IdCnt = 0;
1873  for (TRowIterator RI = BegRI(); RI < EndRI(); RI++) {
1874  IntCols[IdColIdx][RI.GetRowIdx()] = IdCnt;
1875  RowIdMap.AddDat(RI.GetRowIdx(), IdCnt);
1876  IdCnt++;
1877  }
1878 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const int &NoDelLim=-1, const bool &ResetDat=true)
Definition: hash.h:319
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::RemoveFirstRow ( )

Removes first valid row of the table.

Definition at line 1102 of file table.cpp.

1102  {
1103  if (FirstValidRow == LastValidRow) {
1104  LastValidRow = -1;
1105  }
1107  TInt Old = FirstValidRow;
1109  Next[Old] = TTable::Invalid;
1110  NumValidRows--;
1111  TInt IdColIdx = GetColIdx(GetIdColName());
1112  RowIdMap.AddDat(IntCols[IdColIdx][Old], Invalid);
1113 }
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
TStr GetIdColName() const
Gets name of the id column of this table.
Definition: table.h:646
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::RemoveRow ( TInt  RowIdx,
TInt  PrevRowIdx 

Removes row with id RowIdx.

Definition at line 1115 of file table.cpp.

1115  {
1116  if (RowIdx == FirstValidRow) {
1117  RemoveFirstRow();
1118  return;
1119  }
1120  Assert(RowIdx != TTable::Invalid);
1121  if (RowIdx == TTable::Last) { return; }
1122  Next[PrevRowIdx] = Next[RowIdx];
1123  if (LastValidRow == RowIdx) {
1124  LastValidRow = RowIdx;
1125  }
1126  Next[RowIdx] = TTable::Invalid;
1127  NumValidRows--;
1128  TInt IdColIdx = GetColIdx(GetIdColName());
1129  RowIdMap.AddDat(IntCols[IdColIdx][RowIdx], Invalid);
1130 }
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
TStr GetIdColName() const
Gets name of the id column of this table.
Definition: table.h:646
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
void RemoveFirstRow()
Removes first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.cpp:1102
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::Rename ( const TStr Column,
const TStr NewLabel 

Renames a column.

Definition at line 1085 of file table.cpp.

1085  {
1086  // This function is necessary, for example to take the union of two tables
1087  // where the attribute names don't match.
1088  if (!IsColName(column)) { TExcept::Throw("no such column " + column); }
1089  TPair<TAttrType,TInt> ColVal = GetColTypeMap(column);
1090  DelColType(column);
1091  AddColType(NewLabel, ColVal);
1092  TStr NColName = NormalizeColName(column);
1093  TStr NLabel = NormalizeColName(NewLabel);
1094  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
1095  if (Sch[c].Val1 == NColName) {
1096  Sch.SetVal(c, TPair<TStr, TAttrType>(NLabel, Sch[c].Val2));
1097  break;
1098  }
1099  }
1100 }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TPair< TAttrType, TInt > GetColTypeMap(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets column type and index of ColName.
Definition: table.h:676
void SetVal(const TSizeTy &ValN, const TVal &Val)
Sets the value of element at position ValN to Val.
Definition: ds.h:625
void DelColType(const TStr &ColName)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:671
Definition: dt.h:1044
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: ds.h:32
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
Definition: dt.h:412
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
TStr TTable::RenumberColName ( const TStr ColName) const

Returns a re-numbered column name based on number of existing columns with conflicting names.

Definition at line 4609 of file table.cpp.

4609  {
4610  TStr NColName = ColName;
4611  if (NColName.GetCh(NColName.Len()-2) == '-') {
4612  NColName = NColName.GetSubStr(0,NColName.Len()-3);
4613  }
4614  TInt Conflicts = 0;
4615  for (TInt i = 0; i < Sch.Len(); i++) {
4616  if (NColName == Sch[i].Val1.GetSubStr(0, Sch[i].Val1.Len()-3)) {
4617  Conflicts++;
4618  }
4619  }
4620  Conflicts++;
4621  NColName = NColName + "-" + Conflicts.GetStr();
4622  return NColName;
4623 }
TStr GetStr() const
Definition: dt.h:1107
int Len() const
Definition: dt.h:487
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr GetSubStr(const int &BChN, const int &EChN) const
Definition: dt.cpp:811
char GetCh(const int &ChN) const
Definition: dt.h:483
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: dt.h:412
TInt TTable::RequestIndexFlt ( const TStr ColName)

Creates Index for Flt Column ColName.

Creates an Index on float column ColName. The index is hash-based, going from the column value to a vector of RowIdxs in the table that correspond to the value. If it exists, the index is used by the Get*RowIdxByVal functions; else, those functions will loop over the entire table. The index is NOT updated automatically when the table is modified; it is the user's responsibility to call RequestIndex after modifying the table if the index is necessary.

Definition at line 5472 of file table.cpp.

5472  {
5474  THash<TFlt, TIntV> NewIndex;
5475  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
5476  TFlt ValAtRow = RowI.GetFltAttr(ColName);
5477  TInt RowIdx = RowI.GetRowIdx();
5478  if (NewIndex.IsKey(ValAtRow)) {
5479  TIntV Curr_V = NewIndex.GetDat(ValAtRow);
5480  Curr_V.Add(RowIdx);
5481  }
5482  else {
5483  TIntV New_V;
5484  New_V.Add(RowIdx);
5485  NewIndex.AddDat(ValAtRow, New_V);
5486  }
5487  }
5488  FltColIndexes.AddDat(ColName, NewIndex);
5489  return 0;
5490 }
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Definition: dt.h:1293
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
THash< TStr, THash< TFlt, TIntV > > FltColIndexes
Indexes for Float Columns.
Definition: table.h:580
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: hash.h:88
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
TInt TTable::RequestIndexInt ( const TStr ColName)

Creates Index for Int Column ColName.

Creates an Index on integer column ColName. The index is hash-based, going from the column value to a vector of RowIdxs in the table that correspond to the value. If it exists, the index is used by the Get*RowIdxByVal functions; else, those functions will loop over the entire table. The index is NOT updated automatically when the table is modified; it is the user's responsibility to call RequestIndex after modifying the table if the index is necessary.

Definition at line 5453 of file table.cpp.

5453  {
5455  THash<TInt, TIntV> NewIndex;
5456  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
5457  TInt ValAtRow = RowI.GetIntAttr(ColName);
5458  TInt RowIdx = RowI.GetRowIdx();
5459  if (NewIndex.IsKey(ValAtRow)) {
5460  TIntV Curr_V = NewIndex.GetDat(ValAtRow);
5461  Curr_V.Add(RowIdx);
5462  }
5463  else {
5464  TIntV New_V;
5465  New_V.Add(RowIdx);
5466  NewIndex.AddDat(ValAtRow, New_V);
5467  }
5468  }
5469  IntColIndexes.AddDat(ColName, NewIndex);
5470  return 0;
5471 }
THash< TStr, THash< TInt, TIntV > > IntColIndexes
Indexes for Int Columns.
Definition: table.h:578
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
TInt TTable::RequestIndexStrMap ( const TStr ColName)

Creates Index for Str Column ColName.

Creates an Index on string column given by ColName. The index is hash-based, going from the column value (that is, the integer mapping of the string value) to a vector of RowIdxs in the table that correspond to the value. If it exists, the index is used by the Get*RowIdxByVal functions; else, those functions will loop over the entire table. The index is NOT updated automatically when the table is modified; it is the user's responsibility to call RequestIndex after modifying the table if the index is necessary.

Definition at line 5491 of file table.cpp.

5491  {
5492  THash<TInt, TIntV> NewIndex;
5493  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
5494  TInt MapAtRow = RowI.GetStrMapByName(ColName);
5495  TInt RowIdx = RowI.GetRowIdx();
5496  if (NewIndex.IsKey(MapAtRow)) {
5497  TIntV Curr_V = NewIndex.GetDat(MapAtRow);
5498  Curr_V.Add(RowIdx);
5499  }
5500  else {
5501  TIntV New_V;
5502  New_V.Add(RowIdx);
5503  NewIndex.AddDat(MapAtRow, New_V);
5504  }
5505  }
5506  StrMapColIndexes.AddDat(ColName, NewIndex);
5507  return 0;
5508 }
THash< TStr, THash< TInt, TIntV > > StrMapColIndexes
Indexes for String Columns.
Definition: table.h:579
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::ResizeTable ( int  RowCount)

Resizes the table to hold RowCount rows.

Definition at line 4307 of file table.cpp.

4307  {
4308  if (RowCount == 0) {
4309  // initialize empty table
4310  NumValidRows = 0;
4313  }
4314  if (Next.Len() < RowCount) {
4315  TInt FltOffset = IntCols.Len();
4316  TInt StrOffset = FltOffset + FltCols.Len();
4317  TInt TotalCols = StrOffset + StrColMaps.Len();
4318 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
4319  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
4320 #endif
4321  for (int i = 0; i < TotalCols+1; i++) {
4322  if (i < FltOffset) {
4323  IntCols[i].Reserve(RowCount, RowCount);
4324  } else if (i < StrOffset) {
4325  FltCols[i-FltOffset].Reserve(RowCount, RowCount);
4326  } else if (i < TotalCols) {
4327  StrColMaps[i-StrOffset].Reserve(RowCount, RowCount);
4328  } else {
4329  Next.Reserve(RowCount, RowCount);
4330  }
4331  }
4332  } else if (Next.Len() > RowCount) {
4333  TInt FltOffset = IntCols.Len();
4334  TInt StrOffset = FltOffset + FltCols.Len();
4335  TInt TotalCols = StrOffset + StrColMaps.Len();
4336 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
4337  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
4338 #endif
4339  for (int i = 0; i < TotalCols+1; i++) {
4340  if (i < FltOffset) {
4341  IntCols[i].Trunc(RowCount);
4342  } else if (i < StrOffset) {
4343  FltCols[i-FltOffset].Trunc(RowCount);
4344  } else if (i < TotalCols) {
4345  StrColMaps[i-StrOffset].Trunc(RowCount);
4346  } else {
4347  Next.Trunc(RowCount);
4348  }
4349  }
4350  }
4351 }
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
void Reserve(const TSizeTy &_MxVals)
Reserves enough memory for the vector to store _MxVals elements.
Definition: ds.h:515
void Trunc(const TSizeTy &_Vals=-1)
Truncates the vector's length and capacity to _Vals elements.
Definition: ds.h:982
void TTable::Save ( TSOut SOut)

Saves table schema and content to a binary format.

Note that TTableContext must be saved separately as it can be shared among multiple tables.

Definition at line 834 of file table.cpp.

834  {
835  NumRows.Save(SOut);
836  NumValidRows.Save(SOut);
837  FirstValidRow.Save(SOut);
838  LastValidRow.Save(SOut);
839  Next.Save(SOut);
840  IntCols.Save(SOut);
841  FltCols.Save(SOut);
842  StrColMaps.Save(SOut);
844  THash<TStr,TPair<TInt,TInt> > ColTypeIntMap;
845  TInt atIntVal = TInt(0);
846  TInt atFltVal = TInt(1);
847  TInt atStrVal = TInt(2);
848  for (THash<TStr,TPair<TAttrType,TInt> >::TIter it = ColTypeMap.BegI(); it < ColTypeMap.EndI(); it++) {
849  TPair<TAttrType,TInt> dat = it.GetDat();
850  TStr DColName = DenormalizeColName(it.GetKey());
851  switch (dat.GetVal1()) {
852  case atInt:
853  ColTypeIntMap.AddDat(DColName, TPair<TInt,TInt>(atIntVal, dat.GetVal2()));
854  break;
855  case atFlt:
856  ColTypeIntMap.AddDat(DColName, TPair<TInt,TInt>(atFltVal, dat.GetVal2()));
857  break;
858  case atStr:
859  ColTypeIntMap.AddDat(DColName, TPair<TInt,TInt>(atStrVal, dat.GetVal2()));
860  break;
861  }
862  }
863  ColTypeIntMap.Save(SOut);
864  SOut.Flush();
865 }
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TStr DenormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Removes suffix to column name if exists.
Definition: table.cpp:4625
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: dt.h:1060
THash< TStr, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > > ColTypeMap
Definition: table.h:574
const TVal1 & GetVal1() const
Definition: ds.h:60
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: hash.h:141
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
const TVal2 & GetVal2() const
Definition: ds.h:61
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
void Save(TSOut &SOut) const
Definition: ds.h:903
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
virtual void Flush()=0
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
Definition: ds.h:32
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: hash.h:88
Definition: gbase.h:23
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
void TTable::SaveBin ( const TStr OutFNm)

Saves table schema and content to a binary file.

Definition at line 829 of file table.cpp.

829  {
830  TFOut SOut(OutFNm);
831  Save(SOut);
832 }
Definition: fl.h:319
void Save(TSOut &SOut)
Saves table schema and content to a binary format.
Definition: table.cpp:834
void TTable::SaveSS ( const TStr OutFNm)

Saves table schema and content to a TSV file.

Definition at line 780 of file table.cpp.

780  {
781  if (NumValidRows == 0) {
782  printf("Table is empty");
783  return;
784  }
785  FILE* F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "w");
786  // debug
787  if (F == NULL) {
788  printf("failed to open file %s\n", OutFNm.CStr());
789  perror("fail ");
790  return;
791  }
793  Dump(F);
795 #if 0
796  Schema DSch = DenormalizeSchema();
798  TInt L = Sch.Len();
799  // print title (schema)
800  fprintf(F, "# ");
801  for (TInt i = 0; i < L-1; i++) {
802  fprintf(F, "%s\t", DSch[i].Val1.CStr());
803  }
804  fprintf(F, "%s\n", DSch[L-1].Val1.CStr());
805  // print table contents
806  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
807  for (TInt i = 0; i < L; i++) {
808  char C = (i == L-1) ? '\n' : '\t';
809  switch (GetSchemaColType(i)) {
810  case atInt: {
811  fprintf(F, "%d%c", RowI.GetIntAttr(GetSchemaColName(i)).Val, C);
812  break;
813  }
814  case atFlt: {
815  fprintf(F, "%f%c", RowI.GetFltAttr(GetSchemaColName(i)).Val, C);
816  break;
817  }
818  case atStr: {
819  fprintf(F, "%s%c", RowI.GetStrAttr(GetSchemaColName(i)).CStr(), C);
820  break;
821  }
822  }
823  }
824  }
825 #endif
826  fclose(F);
827 }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
void Dump(FILE *OutF=stdout) const
Prints table contents to a text file.
Definition: table.cpp:867
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TAttrType GetSchemaColType(TInt Idx) const
Gets type of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:650
Schema DenormalizeSchema() const
Removes suffix to column names in the Schema.
Definition: table.cpp:4642
TStr GetSchemaColName(TInt Idx) const
Gets name of the column with index Idx in the schema.
Definition: table.h:648
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
Definition: gbase.h:23
char * CStr()
Definition: dt.h:476
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::Select ( TPredicate Predicate,
TIntV SelectedRows,
TBool  Remove = true 

Selects rows that satisfy given Predicate.

Select. Has two modes of operation:

  1. If Remove == true then (logically) remove the rows for which the predicate doesn't hold
  2. If Remove == false then add the physical indices of the rows for which the predicate holds to the vactor SelectedRows

Definition at line 2730 of file table.cpp.

2730  {
2731  TIntV Selected;
2732  TStrV RelevantCols;
2733  Predicate.GetVariables(RelevantCols);
2734  TInt NumRelevantCols = RelevantCols.Len();
2735  TVec<TAttrType> ColTypes = TVec<TAttrType>(NumRelevantCols);
2736  TIntV ColIndices = TIntV(NumRelevantCols);
2737  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumRelevantCols; i++) {
2738  ColTypes[i] = GetColType(RelevantCols[i]);
2739  ColIndices[i] = GetColIdx(RelevantCols[i]);
2740  }
2742  if (Remove) {
2744  while (RowI.GetNextRowIdx() != Last) {
2745  // prepare arguments for predicate evaluation
2746  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumRelevantCols; i++) {
2747  switch (ColTypes[i]) {
2748  case atInt:
2749  Predicate.SetIntVal(RelevantCols[i], RowI.GetNextIntAttr(ColIndices[i]));
2750  break;
2751  case atFlt:
2752  Predicate.SetFltVal(RelevantCols[i], RowI.GetNextFltAttr(ColIndices[i]));
2753  break;
2754  case atStr:
2755  Predicate.SetStrVal(RelevantCols[i], RowI.GetNextStrAttr(ColIndices[i]));
2756  break;
2757  }
2758  }
2759  if (!Predicate.Eval()) {
2760  RowI.RemoveNext();
2761  } else {
2762  RowI++;
2763  }
2764  }
2765  } else {
2766  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
2767  for (TInt i = 0; i < NumRelevantCols; i++) {
2768  switch (ColTypes[i]) {
2769  case atInt:
2770  Predicate.SetIntVal(RelevantCols[i], RowI.GetIntAttr(RelevantCols[i]));
2771  break;
2772  case atFlt:
2773  Predicate.SetFltVal(RelevantCols[i], RowI.GetFltAttr(RelevantCols[i]));
2774  break;
2775  case atStr:
2776  Predicate.SetStrVal(RelevantCols[i], RowI.GetStrAttr(RelevantCols[i]));
2777  break;
2778  }
2779  }
2780  if (Predicate.Eval()) { SelectedRows.Add(RowI.GetRowIdx()); }
2781  }
2782  }
2783 }
void SetFltVal(TStr VarName, TFlt VarVal)
Set flt variable value in the predicate or all the children that use it.
Definition: table.h:100
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TFlt GetNextFltAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of float attribute specified by float column index for next row.
Definition: table.cpp:252
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr GetNextStrAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of string attribute specified by string column index for next row.
Definition: table.cpp:256
TRowIteratorWithRemove BegRIWR()
Gets iterator with reomve to the first valid row.
Definition: table.h:1236
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows, that allows logical row removal while iterating.
Definition: table.h:383
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TInt GetNextRowIdx() const
Gets physical index of next row.
Definition: table.cpp:243
void SetIntVal(TStr VarName, TInt VarVal)
Set int variable value in the predicate or all the children that use it.
Definition: table.h:98
void SetStrVal(TStr VarName, TStr VarVal)
Set str variable value in the predicate or all the children that use it.
Definition: table.h:102
void RemoveNext()
Removes next row.
Definition: table.cpp:278
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
TInt GetRowIdx() const
Gets physical index of current row.
Definition: table.cpp:239
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
Definition: gbase.h:23
TInt GetNextIntAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of integer attribute specified by integer column index for next row.
Definition: table.cpp:248
void GetVariables(TStrV &Variables)
Get variables in current predicate.
Definition: table.cpp:10
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TBool Eval()
Return the result of evaluating current predicate.
Definition: table.cpp:14
void TTable::Select ( TPredicate Predicate)

Definition at line 1257 of file table.h.

1257  {
1258  TIntV SelectedRows;
1259  Select(Predicate, SelectedRows, true);
1260  }
void Select(TPredicate &Predicate, TIntV &SelectedRows, TBool Remove=true)
Selects rows that satisfy given Predicate.
Definition: table.cpp:2730
void TTable::SelectAtomic ( const TStr Col1,
const TStr Col2,
TPredComp  Cmp,
TIntV SelectedRows,
TBool  Remove = true 

Selects rows using atomic compare operation.

Select atomic - optimized cases of select with predicate of an atomic form: compare attribute to attribute or compare attribute to a constant

Definition at line 2793 of file table.cpp.

2793  {
2794  const TAttrType Ty1 = GetColType(Col1);
2795  const TAttrType Ty2 = GetColType(Col2);
2796  const TInt ColIdx1 = GetColIdx(Col1);
2797  const TInt ColIdx2 = GetColIdx(Col2);
2798  if (Ty1 != Ty2) {
2799  TExcept::Throw("SelectAtomic: diff types");
2800  }
2801  if (Cmp == SUBSTR || Cmp == SUPERSTR) { Assert(Ty1 == atStr); }
2803  if (Remove) {
2805  while (RowI.GetNextRowIdx() != Last) {
2807  TBool Result;
2808  switch (Ty1) {
2809  case atInt:
2810  Result = TPredicate::EvalAtom(RowI.GetNextIntAttr(ColIdx1), RowI.GetNextIntAttr(ColIdx2), Cmp);
2811  break;
2812  case atFlt:
2813  Result = TPredicate::EvalAtom(RowI.GetNextFltAttr(ColIdx1), RowI.GetNextFltAttr(ColIdx2), Cmp);
2814  break;
2815  case atStr:
2816  Result = TPredicate::EvalStrAtom(RowI.GetNextStrAttr(ColIdx1), RowI.GetNextStrAttr(ColIdx2), Cmp);
2817  break;
2818  }
2820  if (!Result) {
2821  RowI.RemoveNext();
2822  } else {
2823  RowI++;
2824  }
2826  }
2827  } else {
2828  for (TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++) {
2829  TBool Result;
2830  switch (Ty1) {
2831  case atInt:
2832  Result = TPredicate::EvalAtom(RowI.GetIntAttr(Col1), RowI.GetIntAttr(Col2), Cmp);
2833  break;
2834  case atFlt:
2835  Result = TPredicate::EvalAtom(RowI.GetFltAttr(Col1), RowI.GetFltAttr(Col2), Cmp);
2836  break;
2837  case atStr:
2838  Result = TPredicate::EvalStrAtom(RowI.GetStrAttr(Col1), RowI.GetStrAttr(Col2), Cmp);
2839  break;
2840  }
2841  if (Result) { SelectedRows.Add(RowI.GetRowIdx()); }
2842  }
2843  }
2844 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TFlt GetNextFltAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of float attribute specified by float column index for next row.
Definition: table.cpp:252
TStr GetNextStrAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of string attribute specified by string column index for next row.
Definition: table.cpp:256
TRowIteratorWithRemove BegRIWR()
Gets iterator with reomve to the first valid row.
Definition: table.h:1236
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows, that allows logical row removal while iterating.
Definition: table.h:383
static TBool EvalStrAtom(const TStr &Val1, const TStr &Val2, TPredComp Cmp)
Compare atomic string values Val1 and Val2 using predicate Cmp.
Definition: table.h:123
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: table.h:7
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TInt GetNextRowIdx() const
Gets physical index of next row.
Definition: table.cpp:243
void RemoveNext()
Removes next row.
Definition: table.cpp:278
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
TInt GetRowIdx() const
Gets physical index of current row.
Definition: table.cpp:239
static TBool EvalAtom(T Val1, T Val2, TPredComp Cmp)
Compare atomic values Val1 and Val2 using predicate Cmp.
Definition: table.h:110
Definition: table.h:7
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
Definition: gbase.h:23
TInt GetNextIntAttr(TInt ColIdx) const
Returns value of integer attribute specified by integer column index for next row.
Definition: table.cpp:248
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Definition: dt.h:881
void TTable::SelectAtomic ( const TStr Col1,
const TStr Col2,
TPredComp  Cmp 

Definition at line 1269 of file table.h.

1269  {
1270  TIntV SelectedRows;
1271  SelectAtomic(Col1, Col2, Cmp, SelectedRows, true);
1272  }
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void SelectAtomic(const TStr &Col1, const TStr &Col2, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, TBool Remove=true)
Selects rows using atomic compare operation.
Definition: table.cpp:2793
void TTable::SelectAtomicConst ( const TStr Col,
const TPrimitive Val,
TPredComp  Cmp,
TIntV SelectedRows,
PTable SelectedTable,
TBool  Remove = true,
TBool  Table = true 

Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.

Definition at line 2853 of file table.cpp.

2854  {
2855  //double startFn = omp_get_wtime();
2856  TStr ValTStr(Val.GetStr());
2857  TAttrType Type = GetColType(Col);
2858  TInt ColIdx = GetColIdx(Col);
2860  if (Type != Val.GetType()) {
2861  TExcept::Throw("SelectAtomicConst: coltype does not match const type");
2862  }
2864  if(Remove){
2865 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
2866  if (GetMP()) {
2867  //double endInit = omp_get_wtime();
2868  //printf("Init time = %f\n", endInit-startFn);
2869  TIntPrV Partitions;
2870  GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
2871  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
2872  int RemoveCount = 0;
2873  //double endPart = omp_get_wtime();
2874  //printf("Partition time = %f\n", endPart-endInit);
2876  TIntPrV Bounds(Partitions.Len());
2878  // #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD) reduction(+:RemoveCount) shared(Val)
2879  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD) reduction(+:RemoveCount)
2880  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
2881  //TPrimitive ThreadLocalVal(Val);
2882  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), this);
2883  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), this);
2884  TInt FirstRowIdx = TTable::Invalid;
2885  TInt LastRowIdx = TTable::Invalid;
2886  TBool First = true;
2887  while (RowI < EndI) {
2888  TInt CurrRowIdx = RowI.GetRowIdx();
2889  TBool Result;
2890  if (Type != atStr) {
2891  Result = RowI.CompareAtomicConst(ColIdx, Val, Cmp);
2892  } else {
2893  Result = RowI.CompareAtomicConstTStr(ColIdx, ValTStr, Cmp);
2894  }
2895  RowI++;
2896  if(!Result) {
2897  Next[CurrRowIdx] = TTable::Invalid;
2898  RemoveCount++;
2899  } else {
2900  if (First) { FirstRowIdx = CurrRowIdx; First = false; }
2901  else { Next[LastRowIdx] = CurrRowIdx; }
2902  LastRowIdx = CurrRowIdx;
2903  }
2904  }
2905  Bounds[i] = TIntPr(FirstRowIdx, LastRowIdx);
2906  //printf("Thread %d: i = %d, start = %d, end = %d\n", omp_get_thread_num(), i,
2907  // Partitions[i].GetVal1().Val, Partitions[i].GetVal2().Val);
2908  }
2909  //double endIter = omp_get_wtime();
2910  //printf("Iter time = %f\n", endIter-endPart);
2912  // repair the next vector
2913  TInt CurrBound = 0;
2914  while (CurrBound < Bounds.Len() && Bounds[CurrBound].Val1 == TTable::Invalid) {
2915  CurrBound++;
2916  }
2917  if (CurrBound == Bounds.Len()) {
2918  // selected table is empty
2919  Assert(NumValidRows == RemoveCount);
2920  NumValidRows = 0;
2923  } else {
2924  NumValidRows -= RemoveCount;
2925  FirstValidRow = Bounds[CurrBound].Val1;
2926  LastValidRow = Bounds[CurrBound].Val2;
2927  TInt PrevBound = CurrBound;
2928  CurrBound++;
2929  while (CurrBound < Bounds.Len()) {
2930  if (Bounds[CurrBound].Val1 == TTable::Invalid) { CurrBound++; continue; }
2931  Next[Bounds[PrevBound].Val2] = Bounds[CurrBound].Val1;
2932  LastValidRow = Bounds[CurrBound].Val2;
2933  PrevBound = CurrBound;
2934  CurrBound++;
2935  }
2936  Next[Bounds[PrevBound].Val2] = TTable::Last;
2937  }
2938  IsNextDirty = 1;
2939  //double endRepair = omp_get_wtime();
2940  //printf("Repair time = %f\n", endRepair-endIter);
2941  } else {
2942 #endif
2944  while(RowI.GetNextRowIdx() != Last){
2945  if (!RowI.CompareAtomicConst(ColIdx, Val, Cmp)) {
2946  RowI.RemoveNext();
2947  } else {
2948  RowI++;
2949  }
2950  }
2951  IsNextDirty = 1;
2952 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
2953  }
2954 #endif
2955  } else if (Table) {
2956 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
2957  if (GetMP()) {
2958  //double endInit = omp_get_wtime();
2959  //printf("Init time = %f\n", endInit-startFn);
2960  TIntPrV Partitions;
2961  GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
2962  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
2963  //double endPart = omp_get_wtime();
2964  //printf("Partition time = %f\n", endPart-endInit);
2966  int TotalSelectedRows = 0;
2967  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD) reduction(+:TotalSelectedRows)
2968  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
2969  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), this);
2970  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), this);
2971  while (RowI < EndI) {
2972  if (Type != atStr) {
2973  if (RowI.CompareAtomicConst(ColIdx, Val, Cmp)) {
2974  TotalSelectedRows++;
2975  }
2976  } else {
2977  if (RowI.CompareAtomicConstTStr(ColIdx, ValTStr, Cmp)) {
2978  TotalSelectedRows++;
2979  }
2980  }
2981  RowI++;
2982  }
2983  }
2984  //double endCount = omp_get_wtime();
2985  //printf("Count time = %f\n", endCount-endPart);
2987  SelectedTable->ResizeTable(TotalSelectedRows);
2988  //double endResize = omp_get_wtime();
2989  //printf("Resize time = %f\n", endResize-endCount);
2991  if (TotalSelectedRows == 0) {
2992  // printf("Select: Empty output!\n");
2993  return;
2994  }
2996  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD)
2997  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
2998  TIntV LocalSelectedRows;
2999  LocalSelectedRows.Reserve(PartitionSize);
3000  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), this);
3001  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), this);
3002  while (RowI < EndI) {
3003  if (Type != atStr) {
3004  if (RowI.CompareAtomicConst(ColIdx, Val, Cmp)) {
3005  LocalSelectedRows.Add(RowI.GetRowIdx());
3006  }
3007  } else {
3008  if (RowI.CompareAtomicConstTStr(ColIdx, ValTStr, Cmp)) {
3009  LocalSelectedRows.Add(RowI.GetRowIdx());
3010  }
3011  }
3012  RowI++;
3013  }
3014  SelectedTable->AddSelectedRows(*this, LocalSelectedRows);
3015  //printf("Thread %d: i = %d, start = %d, end = %d\n", omp_get_thread_num(), i,
3016  // Partitions[i].GetVal1().Val, Partitions[i].GetVal2().Val);
3017  }
3018  //double endIter = omp_get_wtime();
3019  //printf("Iter time = %f\n", endIter-endResize);
3021  //SelectedTable->ResizeTable(SelectedTable->GetNumValidRows());
3022  //double endResize2 = omp_get_wtime();
3023  //printf("Resize2 time = %f\n", endResize2-endIter);
3024  SelectedTable->SetFirstValidRow();
3025  } else {
3026 #endif
3027  for(TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++){
3028  if (RowI.CompareAtomicConst(ColIdx, Val, Cmp)) {
3029  SelectedTable->AddRow(RowI);
3030  }
3031  }
3032 #ifdef USE_OPENMP
3033  }
3034 #endif
3035  } else {
3036  for(TRowIterator RowI = BegRI(); RowI < EndRI(); RowI++){
3037  if (RowI.CompareAtomicConst(ColIdx, Val, Cmp)) {
3038  SelectedRows.Add(RowI.GetRowIdx());
3039  }
3040  }
3041  }
3042 }
TPair< TInt, TInt > TIntPr
Definition: ds.h:83
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
void GetPartitionRanges(TIntPrV &Partitions, TInt NumPartitions) const
Partitions the table into NumPartitions and populate Partitions with the ranges.
Definition: table.cpp:1157
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
TRowIteratorWithRemove BegRIWR()
Gets iterator with reomve to the first valid row.
Definition: table.h:1236
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows, that allows logical row removal while iterating.
Definition: table.h:383
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TInt GetNextRowIdx() const
Gets physical index of next row.
Definition: table.cpp:243
void RemoveNext()
Removes next row.
Definition: table.cpp:278
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TStr GetStr() const
Definition: table.h:237
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TAttrType GetType() const
Definition: table.h:238
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
Definition: dt.h:412
TBool CompareAtomicConst(TInt ColIdx, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp)
Compares value in column ColIdx with given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:282
TInt GetRowIdx() const
Gets physical index of current row.
Definition: table.cpp:239
TInt IsNextDirty
Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing Get...
Definition: table.h:613
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
void Reserve(const TSizeTy &_MxVals)
Reserves enough memory for the vector to store _MxVals elements.
Definition: ds.h:515
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
Definition: dt.h:881
template<class T >
void TTable::SelectAtomicConst ( const TStr Col,
const T &  Val,
TPredComp  Cmp 

Definition at line 1281 of file table.h.

1281  {
1282  TIntV SelectedRows;
1283  PTable SelectedTable;
1284  SelectAtomicConst(Col, TPrimitive(Val), Cmp, SelectedRows, SelectedTable, true, false);
1285  }
Primitive class: Wrapper around primitive data types.
Definition: table.h:220
void SelectAtomicConst(const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:2853
Definition: bd.h:196
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
template<class T >
void TTable::SelectAtomicConst ( const TStr Col,
const T &  Val,
TPredComp  Cmp,
PTable SelectedTable 

Definition at line 1287 of file table.h.

1287  {
1288  TIntV SelectedRows;
1289  SelectAtomicConst(Col, TPrimitive(Val), Cmp, SelectedRows, SelectedTable, false, true);
1290  }
Primitive class: Wrapper around primitive data types.
Definition: table.h:220
void SelectAtomicConst(const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:2853
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void TTable::SelectAtomicFltConst ( const TStr Col,
const TFlt Val,
TPredComp  Cmp 

Definition at line 1314 of file table.h.

1314  {
1315  SelectAtomicConst(Col, Val, Cmp);
1316  }
void SelectAtomicConst(const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:2853
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void TTable::SelectAtomicFltConst ( const TStr Col,
const TFlt Val,
TPredComp  Cmp,
PTable SelectedTable 

Definition at line 1317 of file table.h.

1317  {
1318  SelectAtomicConst(Col, Val, Cmp, SelectedTable);
1319  }
void SelectAtomicConst(const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:2853
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void TTable::SelectAtomicIntConst ( const TStr Col,
const TInt Val,
TPredComp  Cmp 

Definition at line 1300 of file table.h.

1300  {
1301  SelectAtomicConst(Col, Val, Cmp);
1302  }
void SelectAtomicConst(const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:2853
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void TTable::SelectAtomicIntConst ( const TStr Col,
const TInt Val,
TPredComp  Cmp,
PTable SelectedTable 

Definition at line 1303 of file table.h.

1303  {
1304  SelectAtomicConst(Col, Val, Cmp, SelectedTable);
1305  }
void SelectAtomicConst(const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:2853
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void TTable::SelectAtomicStrConst ( const TStr Col,
const TStr Val,
TPredComp  Cmp 

Definition at line 1307 of file table.h.

1307  {
1308  SelectAtomicConst(Col, Val, Cmp);
1309  }
void SelectAtomicConst(const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:2853
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void TTable::SelectAtomicStrConst ( const TStr Col,
const TStr Val,
TPredComp  Cmp,
PTable SelectedTable 

Definition at line 1310 of file table.h.

1310  {
1311  SelectAtomicConst(Col, Val, Cmp, SelectedTable);
1312  }
void SelectAtomicConst(const TStr &Col, const TPrimitive &Val, TPredComp Cmp, TIntV &SelectedRows, PTable &SelectedTable, TBool Remove=true, TBool Table=true)
Selects rows where the value of Col matches given primitive Val.
Definition: table.cpp:2853
bool Cmp(const int &RelOp, const TRec &Rec1, const TRec &Rec2)
Definition: bd.h:426
void TTable::SelectFirstNRows ( const TInt N)

Selects first N rows from the table.

Definition at line 3337 of file table.cpp.

3337  {
3338  if (N == 0) {
3339  LastValidRow = -1;
3340  return;
3341  }
3342  TRowIterator RowI = BegRI();
3343  TInt count = 1;
3344  while (count < N) {
3345  if (!(RowI < EndRI())) {
3346  return; // The table contains less than N rows
3347  }
3348  RowI++;
3349  count++;
3350  }
3351  NumValidRows = N;
3352  TInt LastId = RowI.GetRowIdx();
3353  if (Next[LastId] == Last) {
3354  return; // The table contains exactly N rows
3355  }
3356  // The table contains more than N rows
3357  TInt CurrId = LastId;
3358  while (Next[CurrId] != Last) {
3359  Assert(Next[CurrId] != Invalid);
3360  TInt NextId = Next[CurrId];
3361  Next[CurrId] = Invalid;
3362  CurrId = NextId;
3363  }
3364  Next[LastId] = Last;
3365  LastValidRow = LastId;
3366 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TInt GetRowIdx() const
Gets the id of the row pointed by this iterator.
Definition: table.cpp:151
Definition: dt.h:1044
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
PTable TTable::SelfJoin ( const TStr Col)

Joins table with itself, on values of Col.

Definition at line 1357 of file table.h.

1357 { return Join(Col, *this, Col); }
PTable Join(const TStr &Col1, const TTable &Table, const TStr &Col2)
Performs equijoin.
Definition: table.cpp:2252
PTable TTable::SelfSimJoin ( const TStrV Cols,
const TStr DistanceColName,
const TSimType SimType,
const TFlt Threshold 

Definition at line 1358 of file table.h.

1358 { return SimJoin(Cols, *this, Cols, DistanceColName, SimType, Threshold); }
PTable SimJoin(const TStrV &Cols1, const TTable &Table, const TStrV &Cols2, const TStr &DistanceColName, const TSimType &SimType, const TFlt &Threshold)
Performs join if the distance between two rows is less than the specified threshold.
Definition: table.cpp:1974
PTable TTable::SelfSimJoinPerGroup ( const TStr GroupAttr,
const TStr SimCol,
const TStr DistanceColName,
const TSimType SimType,
const TFlt Threshold 

Performs join if the distance between two rows is less than the specified threshold.

Returns table with schema (GroupId1, GroupId2, Similarity).

Definition at line 2074 of file table.cpp.

2075 {
2076  if(!IsColName(SimCol) || !IsColName(GroupAttr)){
2077  TExcept::Throw("No such column found in table");
2078  }
2080  PTable JointTable = New(Context);
2081  // Initialize the joint table - (GroupId1, GroupId2, Similarity)
2082  JointTable->IntCols = TVec<TIntV>(2);
2083  JointTable->FltCols = TVec<TFltV>(1);
2085  for(TInt i=0;i<2;i++){
2086  TInt Suffix = i+1;
2087  TStr CName = "GroupId_" + Suffix.GetStr();
2089  JointTable->AddColType(CName, Group);
2090  JointTable->AddSchemaCol(CName, atInt);
2091  }
2094  JointTable->AddColType(DistanceColName, Group);
2095  JointTable->AddSchemaCol(DistanceColName, atFlt);
2099  TAttrType attrType = GetColType(SimCol);
2100  TInt GroupColIdx = GetColIdx(GroupAttr);
2101  TInt SimColIdx = GetColIdx(SimCol);
2103  for (TRowIterator RowI = this->BegRI(); RowI < this->EndRI(); RowI++) {
2104  TInt GroupId = IntCols[GroupColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()];
2106  if(attrType==atInt || attrType==atStr)
2107  {
2108  if(!TIntHH.IsKey(GroupId)){
2110  TIntHH.AddDat(GroupId, TIntH);
2111  }
2113  THash<TInt, TInt>& TIntH = TIntHH.GetDat(GroupId);
2114  TInt SimAttrVal = (attrType==atInt ? IntCols[SimColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] : StrColMaps[SimColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()]);
2115  TIntH.AddDat(SimAttrVal, 0);
2116  }
2117  else
2118  {
2119  TExcept::Throw("Attribute type not supported.");
2120  }
2121  }
2123  // Iterate through every pair of groups and calculate the distance
2124  for (THash<TInt, THash<TInt, TInt> >::TIter it1 = TIntHH.BegI(); it1 < TIntHH.EndI(); it1++) {
2125  THash<TInt, TInt> Vals1H = it1.GetDat();
2126  TInt GroupId1 = it1.GetKey();
2128  for (THash<TInt, THash<TInt, TInt> >::TIter it2 = TIntHH.BegI(); it2 < TIntHH.EndI(); it2++) {
2129  int intersectionCount = 0;
2130  TInt GroupId2 = it2.GetKey();
2131  THash<TInt, TInt> Vals2H = it2.GetDat();
2133  for(THash<TInt, TInt>::TIter it = Vals1H.BegI(); it < Vals1H.EndI(); it++)
2134  {
2135  TInt Val = it.GetKey();
2136  if(Vals2H.IsKey(Val)){
2137  intersectionCount+=1;
2138  }
2139  }
2141  int unionCount = Vals1H.Len() + Vals2H.Len() - intersectionCount;
2142  float distance = 1.0f - (float)intersectionCount/unionCount;
2144  // Add a new row to the JointTable
2145  if(distance<=Threshold){
2146  JointTable->IntCols[0].Add(GroupId1);
2147  JointTable->IntCols[1].Add(GroupId2);
2148  JointTable->FltCols[0].Add(distance);
2149  JointTable->IncrementNext();
2150  }
2151  }
2152  }
2154  JointTable->InitIds();
2155  return JointTable;
2156 }
TStr GetStr() const
Definition: dt.h:1107
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
void Group(const TStrV &GroupBy, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool Ordered=true, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
Groups rows depending on values of GroupBy columns.
Definition: table.cpp:1549
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
THash< TInt, TInt > TIntH
Definition: hash.h:565
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: hash.h:88
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: bd.h:196
Definition: gbase.h:23
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
int Len() const
Definition: hash.h:186
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
PTable TTable::SelfSimJoinPerGroup ( const TStrV GroupBy,
const TStr SimCol,
const TStr DistanceColName,
const TSimType SimType,
const TFlt Threshold 

Performs join if the distance between two rows is less than the specified threshold.

SimJoinPerGroup performs SimJoin based on a set of attributes. Performs the grouping internally and returns a projection of the columns on which groupby was performed along with the similarity.

Definition at line 2160 of file table.cpp.

2161  {
2162  TStrV NGroupBy = NormalizeColNameV(GroupBy);
2163  TStrV ProjectionV;
2165  // Only keep the GroupBy cols and the SimCol
2166  for(TInt i=0; i<GroupBy.Len(); i++)
2167  {
2168  ProjectionV.Add(GroupBy[i]);
2169  }
2171  ProjectionV.Add(SimCol);
2172  ProjectInPlace(ProjectionV);
2174  TStr CName = "Group";
2175  TIntV UniqueVec;
2177  GroupAux(NGroupBy, Grouping, false, CName, false, UniqueVec);
2178  PTable GroupJointTable = SelfSimJoinPerGroup(CName, SimCol, DistanceColName, SimType, Threshold);
2179  PTable JointTable = InitializeJointTable(*this);
2181  // Hash of groupid to any arbitrary row of that group. Arbitrary because the GroupBy
2182  // columns within that group are the same, so we can choose any one.
2183  THash<TInt, TInt> GroupIdH;
2185  for(THash<TGroupKey, TPair<TInt, TIntV> >::TIter it=Grouping.BegI(); it<Grouping.EndI(); it++)
2186  {
2187  TPair<TInt, TIntV> group = it.GetDat();
2188  TInt GroupNum = group.Val1;
2189  TIntV RowIds = group.Val2;
2191  if(!GroupIdH.IsKey(GroupNum))
2192  {
2193  TInt RandomRowId = RowIds[0]; // Arbitrarily select the 1st row.
2194  GroupIdH.AddDat(GroupNum, RandomRowId);
2195  }
2196  }
2198  for(TRowIterator RowI = GroupJointTable->BegRI(); RowI < GroupJointTable->EndRI(); RowI++)
2199  {
2200  // The GroupJoinTable has a well defined structure - columns 0 and 1 are GroupIds
2201  TInt GroupId1 = GroupJointTable->IntCols[0][RowI.GetRowIdx()];
2202  TInt GroupId2 = GroupJointTable->IntCols[1][RowI.GetRowIdx()];
2204  // Get the rows for groupid1 and groupid and arbitrary select one row
2205  TInt RowId1 = GroupIdH.GetDat(GroupId1);
2206  TInt RowId2 = GroupIdH.GetDat(GroupId2);
2207  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, *this, RowId1, RowId2);
2208  }
2210  // Add the simiarlity column from the GroupJointTable - GroupJointTable has a
2211  // well defined structure - The first float column is the similarity;
2212  JointTable->StoreFltCol(DistanceColName, GroupJointTable->FltCols[0]);
2213  ProjectionV.Clr();
2214  ProjectionV.Add(DistanceColName);
2216  // Find the GroupBy columns in the JointTable by matching the Suffix of the Schema
2217  // columns with the original GroupBy columns - Note that Join renames columns.
2218  for(TInt i=0; i<GroupBy.Len(); i++){
2219  for(TInt j=0; j<JointTable->Sch.Len(); j++)
2220  {
2221  TStr ColName = JointTable->Sch[j].Val1;
2222  if(ColName.IsStrIn(GroupBy[i]))
2223  {
2224  ProjectionV.Add(ColName);
2225  }
2226  }
2227  }
2229  JointTable->ProjectInPlace(ProjectionV);
2230  JointTable->InitIds();
2231  return JointTable;
2232 }
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
PTable SelfSimJoinPerGroup(const TStr &GroupAttr, const TStr &SimCol, const TStr &DistanceColName, const TSimType &SimType, const TFlt &Threshold)
Performs join if the distance between two rows is less than the specified threshold.
Definition: table.cpp:2074
static TStrV NormalizeColNameV(const TStrV &Cols)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:549
void GroupAux(const TStrV &GroupBy, THash< TGroupKey, TPair< TInt, TIntV > > &Grouping, TBool Ordered, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool KeepUnique, TIntV &UniqueVec, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
Helper function for grouping.
Definition: table.cpp:1302
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
void Clr(const bool &DoDel=true, const TSizeTy &NoDelLim=-1)
Clears the contents of the vector.
Definition: ds.h:971
void ProjectInPlace(const TStrV &ProjectCols)
Keeps only the columns specified in ProjectCols.
Definition: table.cpp:5216
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: ds.h:32
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: hash.h:88
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
Definition: bd.h:196
PTable InitializeJointTable(const TTable &Table)
Initializes an empty table for the join of this table with the given table.
Definition: table.cpp:1896
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
bool IsStrIn(const TStr &Str) const
Definition: dt.h:554
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::SetCommonNodeAttrs ( const TStr SrcAttr,
const TStr DstAttr,
const TStr CommonAttrName 

Sets the columns to be used as both src and dst node attributes.

Definition at line 1179 of file table.h.

1179  {
1180  CommonNodeAttrs.Add(TStrTr(NormalizeColName(SrcAttr), NormalizeColName(DstAttr), NormalizeColName(CommonAttrName)));
1181  }
TStrTrV CommonNodeAttrs
List of attribute pairs with values common to source and destination and their common given name...
Definition: table.h:604
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
TTriple< TStr, TStr, TStr > TStrTr
Definition: ds.h:185
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::SetDstCol ( const TStr Dst)

Sets the name of the column to be used as dst nodes in the graph.

Definition at line 1158 of file table.h.

1158  {
1159  if (!IsColName(Dst)) { TExcept::Throw(Dst + ": no such column"); }
1160  DstCol = NormalizeColName(Dst);
1161  }
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
TStr DstCol
Column (attribute) to serve as dst nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:600
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
void TTable::SetFirstValidRow ( )

Sets the first valid row of the TTable.

Definition at line 821 of file table.h.

821  {
822  for (int i = 0; i < Next.Len(); i++) {
823  if(Next[i] != TTable::Invalid) { FirstValidRow = i; return;}
824  }
825  TExcept::Throw("SetFirstValidRow: Table is empty");
826  }
TInt FirstValidRow
Physical index of first valid row.
Definition: table.h:563
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
static const TInt Invalid
Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.
Definition: table.h:498
void TTable::SetFltColToConstMP ( TInt  UpdateColIdx,
TFlt  DefaultFltVal 

Definition at line 4129 of file table.cpp.

4129  {
4130  if(!GetMP()){ TExcept::Throw("Not Using MP!");}
4131  TIntPrV Partitions;
4132  GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
4133  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
4134  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD)
4135  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++){
4136  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), this);
4137  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), this);
4138  while(RowI < EndI){
4139  FltCols[UpdateColIdx][RowI.GetRowIdx()] = DefaultFltVal;
4140  RowI++;
4141  }
4142  }
4143 }
void GetPartitionRanges(TIntPrV &Partitions, TInt NumPartitions) const
Partitions the table into NumPartitions and populate Partitions with the ranges.
Definition: table.cpp:1157
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
static void TTable::SetMP ( TInt  Value)

Definition at line 536 of file table.h.

536 { UseMP = Value; }
static TInt UseMP
Global switch for choosing multi-threaded versions of TTable functions.
Definition: table.h:500
void TTable::SetSrcCol ( const TStr Src)

Sets the name of the column to be used as src nodes in the graph.

Definition at line 1151 of file table.h.

1151  {
1152  if (!IsColName(Src)) { TExcept::Throw(Src + ": no such column"); }
1153  SrcCol = NormalizeColName(Src);
1154  }
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
TStr SrcCol
Column (attribute) to serve as src nodes when constructing the graph.
Definition: table.h:599
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
PTable TTable::SimJoin ( const TStrV Cols1,
const TTable Table,
const TStrV Cols2,
const TStr DistanceColName,
const TSimType SimType,
const TFlt Threshold 

Performs join if the distance between two rows is less than the specified threshold.

Returns Similarity based join of two tables based on a given distance metric and a given threshold. Records (r1, r2) that are returned satisfy the criterion: d(r1, r2) <= Threshold

Definition at line 1974 of file table.cpp.

1975 {
1976  Assert(Cols1.Len() == Cols2.Len());
1978  if(Cols1.Len()!=Cols2.Len()){
1979  TExcept::Throw("Column vectors must match in type and length");
1980  }
1982  for (TInt i = 0; i < Cols1.Len(); i++) {
1983  if(!IsColName(Cols1[i]) || !Table.IsColName(Cols2[i])){
1984  TExcept::Throw("Column not found in Table");
1985  }
1987  TAttrType Type1 = GetColType(Cols1[i]);
1988  TAttrType Type2 = GetColType(Cols2[i]);
1990  if(Type1!=Type2){
1991  TExcept::Throw("Column types on the two tables must match.");
1992  }
1994  // When supporting more distance metrics, check if the types are supported for given metric.
1995  if((Type1!=atInt && Type1!=atFlt) || (Type2!=atInt && Type2!=atFlt)){
1996  TExcept::Throw("Column type not supported. Only Flt and Int column types are supported.");
1997  }
1998  }
2000  // Initialize Join table and add the similarity column
2001  PTable JointTable = InitializeJointTable(Table);
2002  TFltV DistanceV;
2004  // O(n^2): Parallelize
2005  for(TRowIterator RowI = this->BegRI(); RowI < this->EndRI(); RowI++) {
2006  for(TRowIterator RowI2 = Table.BegRI(); RowI2 < Table.EndRI(); RowI2++) {
2007  float distance = 0;
2009  switch(SimType)
2010  {
2011  // Calculate the distance metric
2012  case L2Norm:
2013  for(TInt i = 0; i < Cols1.Len(); i++) {
2014  float attrVal1, attrVal2;
2015  attrVal1 = GetColType(Cols1[i])==atInt ? (float)RowI.GetIntAttr(Cols1[i]) : (float)RowI.GetFltAttr(Cols1[i]);
2016  attrVal2 = Table.GetColType(Cols2[i])==atInt ? (float)RowI2.GetIntAttr(Cols2[i]) : (float)RowI2.GetFltAttr(Cols2[i]);
2017  distance += pow(attrVal1 - attrVal2, 2);
2018  }
2020  distance = sqrt(distance);
2022  if(distance<=Threshold){
2023  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, RowI.GetRowIdx(), RowI2.GetRowIdx());
2024  DistanceV.Add(distance);
2025  }
2027  // Add row to the joint table if distance <= Threshold
2028  break;
2029  // Haversine distance to calculate the distance between two points on Earth from latitude/longitude
2030  case Haversine:
2031  {
2032  if(Cols1.Len()!=2){
2033  TExcept::Throw("Haversine disance expects exactly two attributes - latitude and longitude - in that order.");
2034  }
2036  // Block to prevent cross-initialization error from compiler
2037  TFlt Radius = 6373; // km
2038  float Latitude1 = GetColType(Cols1[0])==atInt ? (float)RowI.GetIntAttr(Cols1[0]) : (float)RowI.GetFltAttr(Cols1[0]);
2039  float Latitude2 = Table.GetColType(Cols2[0])==atInt ? (float)RowI2.GetIntAttr(Cols2[0]) : (float)RowI2.GetFltAttr(Cols2[0]);
2041  float Longitude1 = GetColType(Cols1[1])==atInt ? (float)RowI.GetIntAttr(Cols1[1]) : (float)RowI.GetFltAttr(Cols1[1]);
2042  float Longitude2 = Table.GetColType(Cols2[1])==atInt ? (float)RowI2.GetIntAttr(Cols2[1]) : (float)RowI2.GetFltAttr(Cols2[1]);
2044  Latitude1 *= static_cast<float>(M_PI/180.0);
2045  Latitude2 *= static_cast<float>(M_PI/180.0);
2046  Longitude1 *= static_cast<float>(M_PI/180.0);
2047  Longitude2 *= static_cast<float>(M_PI/180.0);
2049  float dlon = Longitude2 - Longitude1;
2050  float dlat = Latitude2 - Latitude1;
2051  float a = pow(sin(dlat/2), 2) + cos(Latitude1)*cos(Latitude2)*pow(sin(dlon/2), 2);
2052  float c = 2*atan2(sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a));
2053  distance = (static_cast<float>(Radius.Val))*c;
2055  if(distance<=Threshold){
2056  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, RowI.GetRowIdx(), RowI2.GetRowIdx());
2057  DistanceV.Add(distance);
2058  }
2059  }
2060  break;
2061  case L1Norm:
2062  case Jaccard:
2063  TExcept::Throw("This distance metric is not supported");
2064  }
2065  }
2066  }
2068  // Add the value for the similarity column
2069  JointTable->StoreFltCol(DistanceColName, DistanceV);
2070  JointTable->InitIds();
2071  return JointTable;
2072 }
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
double Val
Definition: dt.h:1295
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
Definition: table.h:149
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1293
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
Definition: table.h:149
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
#define Assert(Cond)
Definition: bd.h:251
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
Definition: table.h:149
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: bd.h:196
PTable InitializeJointTable(const TTable &Table)
Initializes an empty table for the join of this table with the given table.
Definition: table.cpp:1896
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
TVec< PTable > TTable::SpliceByGroup ( const TStrV GroupByAttrs,
TBool  Ordered = true 

Splices table into subtables according to a grouping statement.

Definition at line 1788 of file table.cpp.

1788  {
1789  TStrV NGroupBy = NormalizeColNameV(GroupBy);
1790  TIntV UniqueVec;
1792  TVec<PTable> Result;
1794  Schema NewSchema;
1795  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
1796  if (Sch[c].Val1 != GetIdColName()) {
1797  NewSchema.Add(Sch[c]);
1798  }
1799  }
1801  GroupAux(NGroupBy, Grouping, Ordered, "", false, UniqueVec);
1803  TInt cnt = 0;
1804  // iterate over groups
1805  for (THash<TGroupKey, TPair<TInt, TIntV> >::TIter it = Grouping.BegI(); it != Grouping.EndI(); it++) {
1806  PTable GroupTable = TTable::New(NewSchema, Context);
1808  TVec<TPair<TAttrType, TInt> > ColInfo;
1809  TIntV V;
1810  for (TInt i = 0; i < Sch.Len(); i++) {
1811  ColInfo.Add(GroupTable->GetColTypeMap(Sch[i].Val1));
1812  if (Sch[i].Val1 == IdColName()) {
1813  ColInfo[i].Val2 = -1;
1814  }
1815  V.Add(GetColIdx(Sch[i].Val1));
1816  }
1818  TIntV& Rows = it.GetDat().Val2;
1820  // iterate over rows in group
1821  for (TInt i = 0; i < Rows.Len(); i++) {
1822  // convert from permanent ID to row ID
1823  TInt RowIdx = RowIdMap.GetDat(Rows[i]);
1825  // iterate over schema
1826  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
1827  TPair<TAttrType, TInt> Info = ColInfo[c];
1828  TInt ColIdx = Info.Val2;
1830  if (ColIdx == -1) { continue; }
1832  // add row to new group
1833  switch (Info.Val1) {
1834  case atInt:
1835  GroupTable->IntCols[ColIdx].Add(IntCols[V[c]][RowIdx]);
1836  break;
1837  case atFlt:
1838  GroupTable->FltCols[ColIdx].Add(FltCols[V[c]][RowIdx]);
1839  break;
1840  case atStr:
1841  GroupTable->StrColMaps[ColIdx].Add(StrColMaps[V[c]][RowIdx]);
1842  break;
1843  }
1845  }
1846  if (GroupTable->LastValidRow >= 0) {
1847  GroupTable->Next[GroupTable->LastValidRow] = GroupTable->NumRows;
1848  }
1849  GroupTable->Next.Add(GroupTable->Last);
1850  GroupTable->LastValidRow = GroupTable->NumRows;
1852  GroupTable->NumRows++;
1853  GroupTable->NumValidRows++;
1854  }
1855  GroupTable->InitIds();
1856  Result.Add(GroupTable);
1858  cnt += 1;
1859  }
1860  return Result;
1861 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TStr IdColName
A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type...
Definition: table.h:575
static TStrV NormalizeColNameV(const TStrV &Cols)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:549
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
void GroupAux(const TStrV &GroupBy, THash< TGroupKey, TPair< TInt, TIntV > > &Grouping, TBool Ordered, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool KeepUnique, TIntV &UniqueVec, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
Helper function for grouping.
Definition: table.cpp:1302
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
TStr GetIdColName() const
Gets name of the id column of this table.
Definition: table.h:646
Definition: gbase.h:23
const TVal & GetDat(const TVal &Val) const
Returns reference to the first occurrence of element Val.
Definition: ds.h:807
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TIntIntH RowIdMap
Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.
Definition: table.h:576
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
Definition: ds.h:32
Definition: hash.h:88
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
Definition: bd.h:196
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::StoreFltCol ( const TStr ColName,
const TFltV ColVals 

Adds entire flt column to table.

Definition at line 4081 of file table.cpp.

4081  {
4082  if (ColVals.Len() != NumRows) {
4083  printf("new column dimension must agree with number of rows\n");
4084  return;
4085  }
4086  AddSchemaCol(ColName, atFlt);
4087  FltCols.Add(TFltV(NumRows));
4088  TInt ColIdx = FltCols.Len()-1;
4089  TInt i = 0;
4090  for (TRowIterator RI = BegRI(); RI < EndRI(); RI++) {
4091  FltCols[ColIdx][RI.GetRowIdx()] = ColVals[i];
4092  i++;
4093  }
4094  TInt L = FltCols.Len();
4095  AddColType(ColName, atFlt, L-1);
4096 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TVec< TFlt > TFltV
Definition: ds.h:1531
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
Definition: gbase.h:23
void TTable::StoreGroupCol ( const TStr GroupColName,
const TVec< TPair< TInt, TInt > > &  GroupAndRowIds 

Parallel helper function for grouping. - we currently don't support such parallel grouping by complex keys.

Stores column for a group. Physical row ids have to be passed.

Definition at line 1290 of file table.cpp.

1290  {
1291  // Add a column where the value of the i'th row is the group id of row i.
1293  TInt L = IntCols.Len();
1294  AddColType(GroupColName, atInt, L-1);
1295  // Store group id for each row.
1296  for (TInt i = 0; i < GroupAndRowIds.Len(); i++) {
1297  IntCols[L-1][GroupAndRowIds[i].Val2] = GroupAndRowIds[i].Val1;
1298  }
1299 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:1044
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::StoreIntCol ( const TStr ColName,
const TIntV ColVals 

Adds entire int column to table.

Definition at line 4064 of file table.cpp.

4064  {
4065  if (ColVals.Len() != NumRows) {
4066  printf("new column dimension must agree with number of rows\n");
4067  return;
4068  }
4069  AddSchemaCol(ColName, atInt);
4071  TInt ColIdx = IntCols.Len()-1;
4072  TInt i = 0;
4073  for (TRowIterator RI = BegRI(); RI < EndRI(); RI++) {
4074  IntCols[ColIdx][RI.GetRowIdx()] = ColVals[i];
4075  i++;
4076  }
4077  TInt L = IntCols.Len();
4078  AddColType(ColName, atInt, L-1);
4079 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::StoreStrCol ( const TStr ColName,
const TStrV ColVals 

Adds entire str column to table.

Definition at line 4098 of file table.cpp.

4098  {
4099  if (ColVals.Len() != NumRows) {
4100  printf("new column dimension must agree with number of rows\n");
4101  return;
4102  }
4103  AddSchemaCol(ColName, atStr);
4105  TInt ColIdx = FltCols.Len()-1;
4106  TInt i = 0;
4107  for (TRowIterator RI = BegRI(); RI < EndRI(); RI++) {
4108  TInt Key = Context->StringVals.GetKeyId(ColVals[i]);
4109  if (Key == -1) { Context->StringVals.AddKey(ColVals[i]); }
4110  StrColMaps[ColIdx][RI.GetRowIdx()] = Key;
4111  i++;
4112  }
4113  TInt L = StrColMaps.Len();
4114  AddColType(ColName, atStr, L-1);
4115 }
void AddSchemaCol(const TStr &ColName, TAttrType ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the schema.
Definition: table.h:652
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
TStrHash< TInt, TBigStrPool > StringVals
StringPool - stores string data values and maps them to integers.
Definition: table.h:196
int AddKey(const char *Key)
Definition: hash.h:896
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
void AddColType(const TStr &ColName, TPair< TAttrType, TInt > ColType)
Adds column with name ColName and type ColType to the ColTypeMap.
Definition: table.h:661
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
int GetKeyId(const char *Key) const
Definition: hash.h:922
static PTable TTable::TableFromHashMap ( const THash< TInt, TInt > &  H,
const TStr Col1,
const TStr Col2,
TTableContext Context,
const TBool  IsStrKeys = false 

Builds table from hash table of int->int.

Definition at line 979 of file table.h.

980  {
981  PTable T = New(H, Col1, Col2, Context, IsStrKeys);
982  T->InitIds();
983  return T;
984  }
Definition: bd.h:196
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
static PTable TTable::TableFromHashMap ( const THash< TInt, TFlt > &  H,
const TStr Col1,
const TStr Col2,
TTableContext Context,
const TBool  IsStrKeys = false 

Builds table from hash table of int->float.

Definition at line 986 of file table.h.

987  {
988  PTable T = New(H, Col1, Col2, Context, IsStrKeys);
989  T->InitIds();
990  return T;
991  }
Definition: bd.h:196
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
PTable TTable::ThresholdJoin ( const TStr KeyCol1,
const TStr JoinCol1,
const TTable Table,
const TStr KeyCol2,
const TStr JoinCol2,
TInt  Threshold,
TBool  PerJoinKey = false 

Definition at line 2624 of file table.cpp.

2625  {
2626  // test input correctness
2627  ThresholdJoinInputCorrectness(KeyCol1, JoinCol1, Table, KeyCol2, JoinCol2);
2628  //printf("verified input correctness\n");
2629  // type of column on which we join (currently support only int)
2630  TAttrType JoinColType = GetColType(JoinCol1);
2631  // type of key column (currently support only int)
2632  TAttrType KeyType = GetColType(KeyCol1);
2633  // Determine which table is smaller
2634  TBool ThisIsSmaller = (NumValidRows <= Table.NumValidRows);
2635  const TTable& TS = ThisIsSmaller ? *this : Table;
2636  const TTable& TB = ThisIsSmaller ? Table : *this;
2637  TStr JoinColS = JoinCol1;
2638  TInt JoinColIdxB = GetColIdx(JoinCol2);
2639  TInt KeyColIdxS = GetColIdx(KeyCol1);
2640  TInt KeyColIdxB = GetColIdx(KeyCol2);
2641  if(!ThisIsSmaller){
2642  JoinColS = JoinCol2;
2643  JoinColIdxB = GetColIdx(JoinCol1);
2644  KeyColIdxS = GetColIdx(KeyCol2);
2645  KeyColIdxB = GetColIdx(KeyCol1);
2646  }
2648  // debug print
2649  //printf("JoinColS = %d, JoinColIdxB = %d, KeyColIdxS = %d, KeyColIdxB = %d\n",
2650  //GetColIdx(JoinColS).Val, JoinColIdxB.Val, KeyColIdxS.Val, KeyColIdxB.Val);
2651  //printf("starting switch-case\n");
2653  if(KeyType != atInt && KeyType != atStr){
2654  printf("ThresholdJoin only supports integer or string key attributes\n");
2655  TExcept::Throw("ThresholdJoin only supports integer or string key attributes");
2656  }
2657  if(JoinColType != atInt && JoinColType != atStr){
2658  printf("ThresholdJoin only supports integer or string join attributes\n");
2659  TExcept::Throw("ThresholdJoin only supports integer or string join attributes");
2660  }
2661  //printf("starting the real stuff!\n");
2662  // hash the smaller table T: join col value --> physical row ids of rows with that value
2663  TIntIntVH T;
2664  if(JoinColType == atInt){
2665  TS.GroupByIntCol(JoinColS, T, TIntV(), true);
2666  } else if(JoinColType == atStr){
2667  TS.GroupByStrCol(JoinColS, T, TIntV(), true);
2668  } else{
2669  TExcept::Throw("ThresholdJoin only supports integer or string join attributes");
2670  }
2672  /*
2673  for(THash<TInt,TIntV>::TIter it = T.BegI(); it < T.EndI(); it++){
2674  if(JoinColType == atStr){
2675  printf("%s -->", Context.StringVals.GetKey(it.GetKey().Val));
2676  } else{
2677  printf("%d -->", it.GetKey().Val);
2678  }
2679  const TIntV& V = it.GetDat();
2680  for(int sr = 0; sr < V.Len(); sr++){
2681  printf(" %d", V[sr].Val);
2682  }
2683  printf("\n");
2684  }
2685  */
2687  // Counters: (K1,K2) --> (RowIdx1,RowIdx2, count) where K1 is a key from KeyCol1,
2688  // K2 is a key from Table's KeyCol2; RowIdx1 and RowIdx2 are physical row ids
2689  // that participates in a joint tuple that satisfies (1).
2690  // count is the count of joint records that satisfy (1).
2691  // In case of string attributes - the integer mappings of the key attribute values are used.
2692  if(PerJoinKey){
2693  //printf("PerJoinKey\n");
2694  THash<TIntTr,TIntTr> Counters;
2695  ThresholdJoinCountPerJoinKeyCollisions(TB, TS, T, JoinColIdxB, KeyColIdxB, KeyColIdxS, Counters, ThisIsSmaller, JoinColType, KeyType);
2696  /*
2697  for(THash<TIntTr,TIntTr>::TIter it = Counters.BegI(); it < Counters.EndI(); it++){
2698  const TIntTr& K = it.GetKey();
2699  const TIntTr& V = it.GetDat();
2700  if(KeyType == atStr){
2701  printf("%s %s --> %d %d %d\n", Context->StringVals.GetKey(K.Val1), Context->StringVals.GetKey(K.Val2), V.Val1.Val, V.Val2.Val, V.Val3.Val);
2702  } else{
2703  printf("%d %d --> %d %d %d\n", K.Val1.Val, K.Val2.Val, V.Val1.Val, V.Val2.Val, V.Val3.Val);
2704  }
2705  }
2706  */
2707  //printf("found collisions\n");
2708  return ThresholdJoinPerJoinKeyOutputTable(Counters, Threshold, Table);
2709  } else{
2710  //printf("not PerJoinKey\n");
2711  THash<TIntPr,TIntTr> Counters;
2712  ThresholdJoinCountCollisions(TB, TS, T, JoinColIdxB, KeyColIdxB, KeyColIdxS, Counters, ThisIsSmaller, JoinColType, KeyType);
2713  /*
2714  for(THash<TIntPr,TIntTr>::TIter it = Counters.BegI(); it < Counters.EndI(); it++){
2715  const TIntPr& K = it.GetKey();
2716  const TIntTr& V = it.GetDat();
2717  if(KeyType == atStr){
2718  printf("%s %s --> %d %d %d\n", Context->StringVals.GetKey(K.Val1), Context->StringVals.GetKey(K.Val2), V.Val1.Val, V.Val2.Val, V.Val3.Val);
2719  } else{
2720  printf("%d %d --> %d %d %d\n", K.Val1.Val, K.Val2.Val, V.Val1.Val, V.Val2.Val, V.Val3.Val);
2721  }
2722  }
2723  */
2724  //printf("found collisions\n");
2725  return ThresholdJoinOutputTable(Counters, Threshold, Table);
2726  }
2727 }
void ThresholdJoinInputCorrectness(const TStr &KeyCol1, const TStr &JoinCol1, const TTable &Table, const TStr &KeyCol2, const TStr &JoinCol2)
Definition: table.cpp:2458
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
void ThresholdJoinCountCollisions(const TTable &TB, const TTable &TS, const TIntIntVH &T, TInt JoinColIdxB, TInt KeyColIdxB, TInt KeyColIdxS, THash< TIntPr, TIntTr > &Counters, TBool ThisIsSmaller, TAttrType JoinColType, TAttrType KeyType)
Definition: table.cpp:2486
void ThresholdJoinCountPerJoinKeyCollisions(const TTable &TB, const TTable &TS, const TIntIntVH &T, TInt JoinColIdxB, TInt KeyColIdxB, TInt KeyColIdxS, THash< TIntTr, TIntTr > &Counters, TBool ThisIsSmaller, TAttrType JoinColType, TAttrType KeyType)
Definition: table.cpp:2537
Definition: gbase.h:23
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
void GroupByIntCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values.
Definition: table.h:1605
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: dt.h:412
void GroupByStrCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with string values. Returns hash table with grouping.
Definition: table.h:1660
Table class: Relational table with columnar data storage.
Definition: table.h:495
PTable ThresholdJoinPerJoinKeyOutputTable(const THash< TIntTr, TIntTr > &Counters, TInt Threshold, const TTable &Table)
Definition: table.cpp:2602
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
PTable ThresholdJoinOutputTable(const THash< TIntPr, TIntTr > &Counters, TInt Threshold, const TTable &Table)
Definition: table.cpp:2588
Definition: gbase.h:23
Definition: dt.h:881
void TTable::ThresholdJoinCountCollisions ( const TTable TB,
const TTable TS,
const TIntIntVH T,
TInt  JoinColIdxB,
TInt  KeyColIdxB,
TInt  KeyColIdxS,
THash< TIntPr, TIntTr > &  Counters,
TBool  ThisIsSmaller,
TAttrType  JoinColType,
TAttrType  KeyType 

Definition at line 2486 of file table.cpp.

2488  {
2489  // iterate over big table and count / record joint tuples
2490  for (TRowIterator RowI = TB.BegRI(); RowI < TB.EndRI(); RowI++) {
2491  // value to join on from big table
2492  TInt JVal = 0;
2493  if(JoinColType == atStr){
2494  JVal = RowI.GetStrMapById(JoinColIdxB);
2495  } else{
2496  JVal = RowI.GetIntAttr(JoinColIdxB);
2497  }
2498  //printf("JVal: %d\n", JVal.Val);
2499  if(T.IsKey(JVal)){
2500  // read key attribute of big table row
2501  TInt KeyB = 0;
2502  if(KeyType == atStr){
2503  KeyB = RowI.GetStrMapById(KeyColIdxB);
2504  } else{
2505  KeyB = RowI.GetIntAttr(KeyColIdxB);
2506  }
2507  // read row ids from small table with join attribute value of JVal
2508  const TIntV& RelevantRows = T.GetDat(JVal);
2509  for(int i = 0; i < RelevantRows.Len(); i++){
2510  // read key attribute of relevant row from small table
2511  TInt KeyS = 0;
2512  if(KeyType == atStr){
2513  KeyS = TS.StrColMaps[KeyColIdxS][RelevantRows[i]];
2514  } else{
2515  KeyS = TS.IntCols[KeyColIdxS][RelevantRows[i]];
2516  }
2517  // create a pair of keys - serves as a key in Counters
2518  TIntPr Keys = ThisIsSmaller ? TIntPr(KeyS, KeyB) : TIntPr(KeyB, KeyS);
2519  if(Counters.IsKey(Keys)){
2520  // if the key pair has been seen before - increment its counter by 1
2521  TIntTr& V = Counters.GetDat(Keys);
2522  V.Val3 = V.Val3 + 1;
2523  } else{
2524  // if the key pair hasn't been seen before - add it with value of
2525  // row indices that create a joint record with this key pair
2526  if(ThisIsSmaller){
2527  Counters.AddDat(Keys, TIntTr(RelevantRows[i], RowI.GetRowIdx(),1));
2528  } else{
2529  Counters.AddDat(Keys, TIntTr(RowI.GetRowIdx(), RelevantRows[i],1));
2530  }
2531  }
2532  } // end of for loop
2533  } // end of if statement
2534  } // end of for loop
2535 }
TPair< TInt, TInt > TIntPr
Definition: ds.h:83
Definition: ds.h:129
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TTriple< TInt, TInt, TInt > TIntTr
Definition: ds.h:170
Definition: gbase.h:23
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
TVal3 Val3
Definition: ds.h:133
void TTable::ThresholdJoinCountPerJoinKeyCollisions ( const TTable TB,
const TTable TS,
const TIntIntVH T,
TInt  JoinColIdxB,
TInt  KeyColIdxB,
TInt  KeyColIdxS,
THash< TIntTr, TIntTr > &  Counters,
TBool  ThisIsSmaller,
TAttrType  JoinColType,
TAttrType  KeyType 

Definition at line 2537 of file table.cpp.

2539  {
2540  for (TRowIterator RowI = TB.BegRI(); RowI < TB.EndRI(); RowI++) {
2541  // value to join on from big table
2542  TInt JVal = 0;
2543  if(JoinColType == atStr){
2544  JVal = RowI.GetStrMapById(JoinColIdxB);
2545  } else{
2546  JVal = RowI.GetIntAttr(JoinColIdxB);
2547  }
2548  //printf("JVal: %d\n", JVal.Val);
2549  if(T.IsKey(JVal)){
2550  // read key attribute of big table row
2551  TInt KeyB = 0;
2552  if(KeyType == atStr){
2553  KeyB = RowI.GetStrMapById(KeyColIdxB);
2554  } else{
2555  KeyB = RowI.GetIntAttr(KeyColIdxB);
2556  }
2557  // read row ids from small table with join attribute value of JVal
2558  const TIntV& RelevantRows = T.GetDat(JVal);
2559  for(int i = 0; i < RelevantRows.Len(); i++){
2560  // read key attribute of relevant row from small table
2561  TInt KeyS = 0;
2562  if(KeyType == atStr){
2563  KeyS = TS.StrColMaps[KeyColIdxS][RelevantRows[i]];
2564  } else{
2565  KeyS = TS.IntCols[KeyColIdxS][RelevantRows[i]];
2566  }
2567  // create a pair of keys - serves as a key in Counters
2568  TIntPr Keys = ThisIsSmaller ? TIntPr(KeyS, KeyB) : TIntPr(KeyB, KeyS);
2569  TIntTr K(Keys.Val1,Keys.Val2,JVal);
2570  if(Counters.IsKey(K)){
2571  // if the key pair has been seen before - increment its counter by 1
2572  TIntTr& V = Counters.GetDat(K);
2573  V.Val3 = V.Val3 + 1;
2574  } else{
2575  // if the key pair hasn't been seen before - add it with value of
2576  // row indices that create a joint record with this key pair
2577  if(ThisIsSmaller){
2578  Counters.AddDat(K, TIntTr(RelevantRows[i], RowI.GetRowIdx(),1));
2579  } else{
2580  Counters.AddDat(K, TIntTr(RowI.GetRowIdx(), RelevantRows[i],1));
2581  }
2582  }
2583  } // end of for loop
2584  } // end of if statement
2585  } // end of for loop
2586  }
TPair< TInt, TInt > TIntPr
Definition: ds.h:83
Definition: ds.h:129
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
TVec< TIntV > IntCols
Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next ...
Definition: table.h:568
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
TVec< TIntV > StrColMaps
Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.
Definition: table.h:570
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: ds.h:32
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:34
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:35
TTriple< TInt, TInt, TInt > TIntTr
Definition: ds.h:170
Definition: gbase.h:23
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
TVal3 Val3
Definition: ds.h:133
void TTable::ThresholdJoinInputCorrectness ( const TStr KeyCol1,
const TStr JoinCol1,
const TTable Table,
const TStr KeyCol2,
const TStr JoinCol2 

Definition at line 2458 of file table.cpp.

2459  {
2460  if (!IsColName(KeyCol1)) {
2461  printf("no such column %s\n", KeyCol1.CStr());
2462  TExcept::Throw("no such column " + KeyCol1);
2463  }
2464  if (!Table.IsColName(KeyCol2)) {
2465  printf("no such column %s\n", KeyCol2.CStr());
2466  TExcept::Throw("no such column " + KeyCol2);
2467  }
2468  if (!IsColName(JoinCol1)) {
2469  printf("no such column %s\n", JoinCol1.CStr());
2470  TExcept::Throw("no such column " + JoinCol1);
2471  }
2472  if (!Table.IsColName(JoinCol2)) {
2473  printf("no such column %s\n", JoinCol2.CStr());
2474  TExcept::Throw("no such column " + JoinCol2);
2475  }
2476  if (GetColType(JoinCol1) != Table.GetColType(JoinCol2)) {
2477  printf("Trying to Join on columns of different type\n");
2478  TExcept::Throw("Trying to Join on columns of different type");
2479  }
2480  if (GetColType(KeyCol1) != Table.GetColType(KeyCol2)) {
2481  printf("Key type mismatch\n");
2482  TExcept::Throw("Key type mismatch");
2483  }
2484 }
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
char * CStr()
Definition: dt.h:476
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
PTable TTable::ThresholdJoinOutputTable ( const THash< TIntPr, TIntTr > &  Counters,
TInt  Threshold,
const TTable Table 

Definition at line 2588 of file table.cpp.

2588  {
2589  // initialize result table
2590  PTable JointTable = InitializeJointTable(Table);
2591  for(THash<TIntPr,TIntTr>::TIter iter = Counters.BegI(); iter < Counters.EndI(); iter++){
2592  TIntTr& Counter = iter.GetDat();
2593  //printf("keys: %d, %d\n", iter.GetKey().Val1.Val, iter.GetKey().Val2.Val);
2594  //printf("selected rows: %d,%d, counter: %d\n", Counter.Val1.Val, Counter.Val2.Val, Counter.Val3.Val);
2595  if(Counter.Val3 >= Threshold){
2596  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, Counter.Val1, Counter.Val2);
2597  }
2598  }
2599  return JointTable;
2600 }
Definition: ds.h:129
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:131
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:132
Definition: bd.h:196
PTable InitializeJointTable(const TTable &Table)
Initializes an empty table for the join of this table with the given table.
Definition: table.cpp:1896
TVal3 Val3
Definition: ds.h:133
PTable TTable::ThresholdJoinPerJoinKeyOutputTable ( const THash< TIntTr, TIntTr > &  Counters,
TInt  Threshold,
const TTable Table 

Definition at line 2602 of file table.cpp.

2602  {
2603  PTable JointTable = InitializeJointTable(Table);
2604  for(THash<TIntTr,TIntTr>::TIter iter = Counters.BegI(); iter < Counters.EndI(); iter++){
2605  const TIntTr& Counter = iter.GetDat();
2606  const TIntTr& Keys = iter.GetKey();
2607  THashSet<TIntPr> Pairs;
2608  if(Counter.Val3 >= Threshold){
2609  TIntPr K(Keys.Val1,Keys.Val2);
2610  if(!Pairs.IsKey(K)){
2611  Pairs.AddKey(K);
2612  JointTable->AddJointRow(*this, Table, Counter.Val1, Counter.Val2);
2613  }
2614  }
2615  }
2616  return JointTable;
2617 }
Definition: ds.h:129
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
TVal1 Val1
Definition: ds.h:131
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: shash.h:1148
TVal2 Val2
Definition: ds.h:132
int AddKey(const TKey &Key)
Definition: shash.h:1254
Definition: ds.h:32
Definition: bd.h:196
PTable InitializeJointTable(const TTable &Table)
Initializes an empty table for the join of this table with the given table.
Definition: table.cpp:1896
TVal3 Val3
Definition: ds.h:133
TVec< PNEANet > TTable::ToGraphPerGroup ( TStr  GroupAttr,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 

Creates a sequence of graphs based on grouping specified by GroupAttr.

Definition at line 3640 of file table.cpp.

3640  {
3641  return ToGraphSequence(GroupAttr, AggrPolicy, TInt(1), TInt(1), TInt::Mn, TInt::Mx);
3642 }
static const int Mx
Definition: dt.h:1049
TVec< PNEANet > ToGraphSequence(TStr SplitAttr, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy, TInt WindowSize, TInt JumpSize, TInt StartVal=TInt::Mn, TInt EndVal=TInt::Mx)
Creates a sequence of graphs based on values of column SplitAttr and windows specified by JumpSize an...
Definition: table.cpp:3629
static const int Mn
Definition: dt.h:1048
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
Definition: dt.h:1044
PNEANet TTable::ToGraphPerGroupIterator ( TStr  GroupAttr,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 

Creates the graph sequence one at a time.

Create the graph sequence one at a time, to allow efficient use of memory. A call to this function must be followed by subsequent calls to NextGraphIterator().

Definition at line 3654 of file table.cpp.

3654  {
3655  return ToGraphSequenceIterator(GroupAttr, AggrPolicy, TInt(1), TInt(1), TInt::Mn, TInt::Mx);
3656 }
static const int Mx
Definition: dt.h:1049
static const int Mn
Definition: dt.h:1048
PNEANet ToGraphSequenceIterator(TStr SplitAttr, TAttrAggr AggrPolicy, TInt WindowSize, TInt JumpSize, TInt StartVal=TInt::Mn, TInt EndVal=TInt::Mx)
Creates the graph sequence one at a time.
Definition: table.cpp:3644
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
Definition: dt.h:1044
TVec< PNEANet > TTable::ToGraphSequence ( TStr  SplitAttr,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy,
TInt  WindowSize,
TInt  JumpSize,
TInt  StartVal = TInt::Mn,
TInt  EndVal = TInt::Mx 

Creates a sequence of graphs based on values of column SplitAttr and windows specified by JumpSize and WindowSize.

Definition at line 3629 of file table.cpp.

3629  {
3630  FillBucketsByWindow(SplitAttr, JumpSize, WindowSize, StartVal, EndVal);
3631  printf("buckets filled\n");
3633 }
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
void FillBucketsByWindow(TStr SplitAttr, TInt JumpSize, TInt WindowSize, TInt StartVal, TInt EndVal)
Fills RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids.
Definition: table.cpp:3527
TVec< PNEANet > GetGraphsFromSequence(TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
Returns a sequence of graphs.
Definition: table.cpp:3594
PNEANet TTable::ToGraphSequenceIterator ( TStr  SplitAttr,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy,
TInt  WindowSize,
TInt  JumpSize,
TInt  StartVal = TInt::Mn,
TInt  EndVal = TInt::Mx 

Creates the graph sequence one at a time.

Create the graph sequence one at a time, to allow efficient use of memory. A call to this function must be followed by subsequent calls to NextGraphIterator().

Definition at line 3644 of file table.cpp.

3644  {
3645  FillBucketsByWindow(SplitAttr, JumpSize, WindowSize, StartVal, EndVal);
3647 }
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
void FillBucketsByWindow(TStr SplitAttr, TInt JumpSize, TInt WindowSize, TInt StartVal, TInt EndVal)
Fills RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids.
Definition: table.cpp:3527
PNEANet GetFirstGraphFromSequence(TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
Returns the first graph of the sequence.
Definition: table.cpp:3606
TVec< PNEANet > TTable::ToVarGraphSequence ( TStr  SplitAttr,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy,
TIntPrV  SplitIntervals 

Creates a sequence of graphs based on values of column SplitAttr and intervals specified by SplitIntervals.

Definition at line 3635 of file table.cpp.

3635  {
3636  FillBucketsByInterval(SplitAttr, SplitIntervals);
3638 }
void FillBucketsByInterval(TStr SplitAttr, TIntPrV SplitIntervals)
Fills RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids.
Definition: table.cpp:3577
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
TVec< PNEANet > GetGraphsFromSequence(TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
Returns a sequence of graphs.
Definition: table.cpp:3594
PNEANet TTable::ToVarGraphSequenceIterator ( TStr  SplitAttr,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy,
TIntPrV  SplitIntervals 

Creates the graph sequence one at a time.

Create the graph sequence one at a time, to allow efficient use of memory. A call to this function must be followed by subsequent calls to NextGraphIterator().

Definition at line 3649 of file table.cpp.

3649  {
3650  FillBucketsByInterval(SplitAttr, SplitIntervals);
3652 }
void FillBucketsByInterval(TStr SplitAttr, TIntPrV SplitIntervals)
Fills RowIdBuckets with sets of row ids.
Definition: table.cpp:3577
TAttrAggr AggrPolicy
Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same no...
Definition: table.h:611
PNEANet GetFirstGraphFromSequence(TAttrAggr AggrPolicy)
Returns the first graph of the sequence.
Definition: table.cpp:3606
PTable TTable::Union ( const TTable Table)

Returns union of this table with given Table.

Definition at line 4508 of file table.cpp.

4508  {
4509  Schema NewSchema;
4510  THashSet<TInt> Collisions;
4511  TStrV ColNames;
4513  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
4514  if (Sch[c].Val1 != GetIdColName()) {
4515  NewSchema.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(Sch[c].Val1, Sch[c].Val2));
4516  ColNames.Add(Sch[c].Val1);
4517  }
4518  }
4519  PTable result = TTable::New(NewSchema, Context);
4521  GetCollidingRows(Table, Collisions);
4523  result->AddTable(*this);
4525  result->Unique(ColNames);
4527  // this part should be made faster by adding all the rows in one go
4528  for (TRowIterator it = Table.BegRI(); it < Table.EndRI(); it++) {
4529  if (!Collisions.IsKey(it.GetRowIdx())) {
4530  result->AddRow(it);
4531  }
4532  }
4534  // printf("this: %d %d, table: %d %d, result: %d %d\n",
4535  // this->GetNumRows().Val, this->GetNumValidRows().Val,
4536  // Table.GetNumRows().Val, Table.GetNumValidRows().Val,
4537  // result->GetNumRows().Val, result->GetNumValidRows().Val);
4539  result->InitIds();
4540  return result;
4541 }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: shash.h:1148
TStr GetIdColName() const
Gets name of the id column of this table.
Definition: table.h:646
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
void GetCollidingRows(const TTable &T, THashSet< TInt > &Collisions)
Gets set of row ids of rows common with table T.
Definition: table.cpp:3991
Definition: dt.h:1044
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: bd.h:196
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
PTable TTable::Union ( const PTable Table)

Definition at line 1404 of file table.h.

1404 { return Union(*Table); };
PTable Union(const TTable &Table)
Returns union of this table with given Table.
Definition: table.cpp:4508
PTable TTable::UnionAll ( const TTable Table)

Returns union of this table with given Table, preserving duplicates.

Definition at line 4488 of file table.cpp.

4488  {
4489  Schema NewSchema;
4490  for (TInt c = 0; c < Sch.Len(); c++) {
4491  if (Sch[c].Val1 != GetIdColName()) {
4492  NewSchema.Add(TPair<TStr,TAttrType>(Sch[c].Val1, Sch[c].Val2));
4493  }
4494  }
4495  PTable result = TTable::New(NewSchema, Context);
4496  result->AddTable(*this);
4497  result->UnionAllInPlace(Table);
4498  return result;
4499 }
Schema Sch
Table Schema.
Definition: table.h:559
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
TTableContext * Context
Execution Context.
Definition: table.h:555
TStr GetIdColName() const
Gets name of the id column of this table.
Definition: table.h:646
Definition: dt.h:1044
Definition: bd.h:196
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
static PTable New()
Definition: table.h:931
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
PTable TTable::UnionAll ( const PTable Table)

Definition at line 1407 of file table.h.

1407 { return UnionAll(*Table); };
PTable UnionAll(const TTable &Table)
Returns union of this table with given Table, preserving duplicates.
Definition: table.cpp:4488
void TTable::UnionAllInPlace ( const TTable Table)

Same as TTable::ConcatTable.

Definition at line 4501 of file table.cpp.

4501  {
4502  AddTable(Table);
4503  // TODO: For the moment, IDs are not initialized (to avoid having too many ID columns)
4504  //result->InitIds();
4505 }
void AddTable(const TTable &T)
Adds all the rows of the input table. Allows duplicate rows (not a union).
Definition: table.cpp:3952
void TTable::UnionAllInPlace ( const PTable Table)

Definition at line 1410 of file table.h.

1410 { return UnionAllInPlace(*Table); };
void UnionAllInPlace(const TTable &Table)
Same as TTable::ConcatTable.
Definition: table.cpp:4501
void TTable::Unique ( const TStr Col)

Removes rows with duplicate values in given column.

Definition at line 1246 of file table.cpp.

1246  {
1247  TIntV RemainingRows;
1248  TStr NCol = NormalizeColName(Col);
1249  switch (GetColType(NCol)) {
1250  case atInt: {
1251  TIntIntVH Grouping;
1252  GroupByIntCol(NCol, Grouping, TIntV(), true, true);
1253  for (TIntIntVH::TIter it = Grouping.BegI(); it < Grouping.EndI(); it++) {
1254  RemainingRows.Add(it->Dat[0]);
1255  }
1256  break;
1257  }
1258  case atFlt: {
1259  THash<TFlt,TIntV> Grouping;
1260  GroupByFltCol(NCol, Grouping, TIntV(), true, true);
1261  for (THash<TFlt,TIntV>::TIter it = Grouping.BegI(); it < Grouping.EndI(); it++) {
1262  RemainingRows.Add(it->Dat[0]);
1263  }
1264  break;
1265  }
1266  case atStr: {
1267  TIntIntVH Grouping;
1268  GroupByStrCol(NCol, Grouping, TIntV(), true, true);
1269  for (TIntIntVH::TIter it = Grouping.BegI(); it < Grouping.EndI(); it++) {
1270  RemainingRows.Add(it->Dat[0]);
1271  }
1272  break;
1273  }
1274  }
1275  KeepSortedRows(RemainingRows);
1276 }
TIter BegI() const
Definition: hash.h:171
TIter EndI() const
Definition: hash.h:176
void GroupByFltCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with float values. Returns hash table with grouping.
Definition: table.h:1633
Definition: gbase.h:23
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
void GroupByIntCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values.
Definition: table.h:1605
void KeepSortedRows(const TIntV &KeepV)
Removes all rows that are not mentioned in the SORTED vector KeepV.
Definition: table.cpp:1132
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
Definition: dt.h:412
void GroupByStrCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with string values. Returns hash table with grouping.
Definition: table.h:1660
Definition: gbase.h:23
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
Definition: gbase.h:23
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
void TTable::Unique ( const TStrV Cols,
TBool  Ordered = true 

Removes rows with duplicate values in given columns.

Definition at line 1278 of file table.cpp.

1278  {
1279  if(Cols.Len() == 1){
1280  Unique(Cols[0]);
1281  return;
1282  }
1283  TStrV NCols = NormalizeColNameV(Cols);
1285  TIntV UniqueVec;
1286  GroupAux(NCols, Grouping, Ordered, "", true, UniqueVec, true);
1287  KeepSortedRows(UniqueVec);
1288 }
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
static TStrV NormalizeColNameV(const TStrV &Cols)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:549
void GroupAux(const TStrV &GroupBy, THash< TGroupKey, TPair< TInt, TIntV > > &Grouping, TBool Ordered, const TStr &GroupColName, TBool KeepUnique, TIntV &UniqueVec, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true)
Helper function for grouping.
Definition: table.cpp:1302
void KeepSortedRows(const TIntV &KeepV)
Removes all rows that are not mentioned in the SORTED vector KeepV.
Definition: table.cpp:1132
void Unique(const TStr &Col)
Removes rows with duplicate values in given column.
Definition: table.cpp:1246
Definition: hash.h:88
Vector is a sequence TVal objects representing an array that can change in size.
Definition: ds.h:429
void TTable::UpdateFltFromTable ( const TStr KeyAttr,
const TStr UpdateAttr,
const TTable Table,
const TStr FKeyAttr,
const TStr ReadAttr,
TFlt  DefaultFltVal = 0.0 

Definition at line 4219 of file table.cpp.

4220  {
4221  if(!IsColName(KeyAttr)){ TExcept::Throw("Bad KeyAttr parameter");}
4222  if(!IsColName(UpdateAttr)){ TExcept::Throw("Bad UpdateAttr parameter");}
4223  if(!Table.IsColName(FKeyAttr)){ TExcept::Throw("Bad FKeyAttr parameter");}
4224  if(!Table.IsColName(ReadAttr)){ TExcept::Throw("Bad ReadAttr parameter");}
4226 #ifdef GCC_ATOMIC
4227  if(GetMP()){
4228  UpdateFltFromTableMP(KeyAttr, UpdateAttr,Table, FKeyAttr, ReadAttr, DefaultFltVal);
4229  return;
4230  }
4231 #endif // GCC_ATOMIC
4233  TAttrType KeyType = GetColType(KeyAttr);
4234  TAttrType FKeyType = Table.GetColType(FKeyAttr);
4235  if(KeyType != FKeyType){TExcept::Throw("Key Type Mismatch");}
4236  if(GetColType(UpdateAttr) != atFlt || Table.GetColType(ReadAttr) != atFlt){
4237  TExcept::Throw("Expecting Float values");
4238  }
4239  TStr NKeyAttr = NormalizeColName(KeyAttr);
4240  TStr NUpdateAttr = NormalizeColName(UpdateAttr);
4241  TStr NFKeyAttr = Table.NormalizeColName(FKeyAttr);
4242  TStr NReadAttr = Table.NormalizeColName(ReadAttr);
4243  TInt UpdateColIdx = GetColIdx(UpdateAttr);
4245  for(TRowIterator iter = BegRI(); iter < EndRI(); iter++){
4246  FltCols[UpdateColIdx][iter.GetRowIdx()] = DefaultFltVal;
4247  }
4249  switch(KeyType) {
4250  // TODO: add support for other cases of KeyType
4251  case atInt: {
4252  TIntIntVH Grouping;
4253  GroupByIntCol(NKeyAttr, Grouping, TIntV(), true, true);
4254  for (TRowIterator RI = Table.BegRI(); RI < Table.EndRI(); RI++) {
4255  TInt K = RI.GetIntAttr(NFKeyAttr);
4256  if (Grouping.IsKey(K)) {
4257  TIntV& UpdateRows = Grouping.GetDat(K);
4258  for (int i = 0; i < UpdateRows.Len(); i++) {
4259  FltCols[UpdateColIdx][UpdateRows[i]] = RI.GetFltAttr(NReadAttr);
4260  } // end of for loop
4261  } // end of if statement
4262  } // end of for loop
4263  } // end of case atInt
4264  break;
4265  default:
4266  break;
4267  } // end of outer switch statement
4268 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
TRowIterator BegRI() const
Gets iterator to the first valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1232
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
void GroupByIntCol(const TStr &GroupBy, T &Grouping, const TIntV &IndexSet, TBool All, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values.
Definition: table.h:1605
Definition: dt.h:1044
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TRowIterator EndRI() const
Gets iterator to the last valid row of the table.
Definition: table.h:1234
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
void UpdateFltFromTableMP(const TStr &KeyAttr, const TStr &UpdateAttr, const TTable &Table, const TStr &FKeyAttr, const TStr &ReadAttr, TFlt DefaultFltVal=0.0)
Definition: table.cpp:4151
TVec< TInt > TIntV
Definition: ds.h:1529
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TBool IsColName(const TStr &ColName) const
Definition: table.h:656
void TTable::UpdateFltFromTableMP ( const TStr KeyAttr,
const TStr UpdateAttr,
const TTable Table,
const TStr FKeyAttr,
const TStr ReadAttr,
TFlt  DefaultFltVal = 0.0 

Definition at line 4151 of file table.cpp.

4153  {
4154  if (!GetMP()) {
4155  TExcept::Throw("Not Using MP!");
4156  }
4158  TAttrType KeyType = GetColType(KeyAttr);
4159  TAttrType FKeyType = Table.GetColType(FKeyAttr);
4160  if(KeyType != FKeyType){TExcept::Throw("Key Type Mismatch");}
4161  if(GetColType(UpdateAttr) != atFlt || Table.GetColType(ReadAttr) != atFlt){
4162  TExcept::Throw("Expecting Float values");
4163  }
4164  TStr NKeyAttr = NormalizeColName(KeyAttr);
4165  //TStr NUpdateAttr = NormalizeColName(UpdateAttr);
4166  //TStr NFKeyAttr = Table.NormalizeColName(FKeyAttr);
4167  //TStr NReadAttr = Table.NormalizeColName(ReadAttr);
4168  TInt UpdateColIdx = GetColIdx(UpdateAttr);
4169  TInt FKeyColIdx = GetColIdx(FKeyAttr);
4170  TInt ReadColIdx = GetColIdx(ReadAttr);
4172  // TODO: this should be a generic vector operation
4173  SetFltColToConstMP(UpdateColIdx, DefaultFltVal);
4175  TIntPrV Partitions;
4176  Table.GetPartitionRanges(Partitions, omp_get_max_threads()*CHUNKS_PER_THREAD);
4177  TInt PartitionSize = Partitions[0].GetVal2()-Partitions[0].GetVal1()+1;
4178  TIntV Locks(NumRows);
4179  Locks.PutAll(0); // need to parallelize this...
4181  switch (KeyType) {
4182  // TODO: add support for other cases of KeyType
4183  case atInt: {
4184  THashMP<TInt,TIntV> Grouping;
4185  // must use physical row ids
4186  GroupByIntColMP(NKeyAttr, Grouping, true);
4187  #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, CHUNKS_PER_THREAD) // num_threads(1)
4188  for (int i = 0; i < Partitions.Len(); i++) {
4189  TRowIterator RowI(Partitions[i].GetVal1(), &Table);
4190  TRowIterator EndI(Partitions[i].GetVal2(), &Table);
4191  while (RowI < EndI) {
4192  TInt K = RowI.GetIntAttr(FKeyColIdx);
4193  if (Grouping.IsKey(K)) {
4194  TIntV& UpdateRows = Grouping.GetDat(K);
4195  for (int j = 0; j < UpdateRows.Len(); j++) {
4196  int* lock = &Locks[UpdateRows[j]].Val;
4197  // OP RS 2016/06/30: needed to define a wrapper function
4198  // for the code to compile on Mac OS X gcc 4.2.1
4199  //if (!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(lock, 0, 1)) {
4200  if (!sync_bool_compare_and_swap(lock)) {
4201  continue;
4202  }
4203  //printf("key = %d, row = %d, old_score = %f\n", K.Val, j, UpdateRows[j].Val, FltCols[UpdateColIdx][UpdateRows[j]].Val);
4204  FltCols[UpdateColIdx][UpdateRows[j]] = RowI.GetFltAttr(ReadColIdx);
4205  //printf("key = %d, new_score = %f\n", K.Val, j, FltCols[UpdateColIdx][UpdateRows[j]].Val);
4206  } // end of for loop
4207  } // end of if statement
4208  RowI++;
4209  } // end of while loop
4210  } // end of for loop
4211  } // end of case atInt
4212  break;
4213  default:
4214  break;
4215  } // end of outer switch statement
4216 }
TInt GetColIdx(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets index of column ColName among columns of the same type in the schema.
Definition: table.h:1004
enum TAttrType_ TAttrType
Types for tables, sparse and dense attributes.
void GetPartitionRanges(TIntPrV &Partitions, TInt NumPartitions) const
Partitions the table into NumPartitions and populate Partitions with the ranges.
Definition: table.cpp:1157
void GroupByIntColMP(const TStr &GroupBy, THashMP< TInt, TIntV > &Grouping, TBool UsePhysicalIds=true) const
Groups/hashes by a single column with integer values, using OpenMP multi-threading.
Definition: table.cpp:1205
void SetFltColToConstMP(TInt UpdateColIdx, TFlt DefaultFltVal)
Definition: table.cpp:4129
TSizeTy Len() const
Returns the number of elements in the vector.
Definition: ds.h:547
static TInt GetMP()
Definition: table.h:537
Definition: gbase.h:23
Iterator class for TTable rows.
Definition: table.h:339
static void Throw(const TStr &MsgStr)
Definition: ut.h:187
TAttrType GetColType(const TStr &ColName) const
Gets type of column ColName.
Definition: table.h:1218
int sync_bool_compare_and_swap(int *lock)
Definition: table.cpp:4147
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hashmp.h:191
Definition: dt.h:1044
static TStr NormalizeColName(const TStr &ColName)
Adds suffix to column name if it doesn't exist.
Definition: table.h:540
TVec< TFltV > FltCols
Data columns of floating point attributes.
Definition: table.h:569
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
Definition: dt.h:412
Definition: gbase.h:23
Hash-Table with multiprocessing support.
Definition: hashmp.h:81
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hashmp.h:195
template<class T >
void TTable::UpdateGrouping ( THash< T, TIntV > &  Grouping,
TInt  Val 
) const

Template for utility function to update a grouping hash map.

Definition at line 1687 of file table.h.

1687  {
1688  if (Grouping.IsKey(Key)) {
1689  Grouping.GetDat(Key).Add(Val);
1690  } else {
1691  TIntV NewGroup;
1692  NewGroup.Add(Val);
1693  Grouping.AddDat(Key, NewGroup);
1694  }
1695 }
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:220
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hash.h:216
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hash.h:196
template<class T >
void TTable::UpdateGrouping ( THashMP< T, TIntV > &  Grouping,
TInt  Val 
) const

Template for utility function to update a parallel grouping hash map.

Definition at line 1699 of file table.h.

1699  {
1700  if (Grouping.IsKey(Key)) {
1701  //printf("y\n");
1702  Grouping.GetDat(Key).Add(Val);
1703  } else {
1704  //printf("n\n");
1705  TIntV NewGroup;
1706  NewGroup.Add(Val);
1707  Grouping.AddDat(Key, NewGroup);
1708  }
1709 }
bool IsKey(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hashmp.h:191
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574
TDat & AddDat(const TKey &Key)
Definition: hashmp.h:181
const TDat & GetDat(const TKey &Key) const
Definition: hashmp.h:195
void TTable::UpdateTableForNewRow ( )

Updates table state after adding one or more rows.

Definition at line 4117 of file table.cpp.

4117  {
4118  if (LastValidRow >= 0) {
4120  }
4121  Next.Add(Last);
4124  NumRows++;
4125  NumValidRows++;
4126 }
static const TInt Last
Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.
Definition: table.h:497
TInt LastValidRow
Physical index of last valid row.
Definition: table.h:564
TIntV Next
A vector describing the logical order of the rows.
Definition: table.h:565
TInt NumRows
Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).
Definition: table.h:561
TInt NumValidRows
Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).
Definition: table.h:562
TSizeTy Add()
Adds a new element at the end of the vector, after its current last element.
Definition: ds.h:574

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class TPt< TTable >

Definition at line 1532 of file table.h.

friend class TRowIterator

Definition at line 1533 of file table.h.

friend class TRowIteratorWithRemove

Definition at line 1534 of file table.h.

int TSnap::LoadCrossNet ( TCrossNet Graph,
PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TStrV EdgeAttrV 
int TSnap::LoadMode ( TModeNet Graph,
PTable  Table,
const TStr NCol,
TStrV NodeAttrV 
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToGraph ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToGraphMP ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol 
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToGraphMP3 ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol 
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToNetwork ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TStrV SrcAttrs,
TStrV DstAttrs,
TStrV EdgeAttrs,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToNetwork ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TStrV EdgeAttrV,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToNetwork ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 
template<class PGraph >
PGraph TSnap::ToNetwork ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TStrV EdgeAttrV,
PTable  NodeTable,
const TStr NodeCol,
TStrV NodeAttrV,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TStrV SrcAttrs,
TStrV DstAttrs,
TStrV EdgeAttrs,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TStrV EdgeAttrV,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TStrV EdgeAttrV,
PTable  NodeTable,
const TStr NodeCol,
TStrV NodeAttrV,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 
template<class PGraphMP >
PGraphMP TSnap::ToNetworkMP2 ( PTable  Table,
const TStr SrcCol,
const TStr DstCol,
TStrV SrcAttrs,
TStrV DstAttrs,
TStrV EdgeAttrs,
TAttrAggr  AggrPolicy 

Member Data Documentation

TAttrAggr TTable::AggrPolicy

Aggregation policy used for solving conflicts between different values of an attribute of the same node.

Definition at line 611 of file table.h.

THash<TStr,TPair<TAttrType,TInt> > TTable::ColTypeMap

String columns are implemented using a string pool to fight memory fragmentation. The value of string column c in row r is Context.StringVals.GetKey(StrColMaps[c][r])

Definition at line 574 of file table.h.

TStrTrV TTable::CommonNodeAttrs

List of attribute pairs with values common to source and destination and their common given name.

Definition at line 604 of file table.h.

TTableContext* TTable::Context

Execution Context.

Definition at line 555 of file table.h.

TCRef TTable::CRef

Definition at line 560 of file table.h.

TInt TTable::CurrBucket

Current row id bucket - used when generating a sequence of graphs using an iterator.

Definition at line 610 of file table.h.

TStr TTable::DstCol

Column (attribute) to serve as dst nodes when constructing the graph.

Definition at line 600 of file table.h.

TStrV TTable::DstNodeAttrV

List of columns (attributes) to serve as destination node attributes.

Definition at line 603 of file table.h.

TStrV TTable::EdgeAttrV

List of columns (attributes) to serve as edge attributes.

Definition at line 601 of file table.h.

TInt TTable::FirstValidRow

Physical index of first valid row.

Definition at line 563 of file table.h.

THash<TStr, THash<TFlt, TIntV> > TTable::FltColIndexes

Indexes for Float Columns.

Definition at line 580 of file table.h.

TVec<TFltV> TTable::FltCols

Data columns of floating point attributes.

Definition at line 569 of file table.h.

THash<GroupStmt, THash<TInt, TGroupKey> > TTable::GroupIDMapping

Maps grouping statements to their (group id –> group-by key) mapping.

A mapping between the newly-added group id column name of a grouping statement to a vector of the group-by attribute names and a flag specifying whether those attributes are ordered or not.

Definition at line 587 of file table.h.

THash<GroupStmt, THash<TGroupKey, TIntV> > TTable::GroupMapping

Maps grouping statements to their (group-by key –> group id) mapping.

A mapping between grouping statement (group-by attribute names and 'Ordered' flag) to a hash map between given group ids to their corresponding group-by key.

Definition at line 591 of file table.h.

THash<TStr, GroupStmt > TTable::GroupStmtNames

Maps user-given grouping statement names to their group-by attributes.

Definition at line 583 of file table.h.

TStr TTable::IdColName

A mapping from column name to column type and column index among columns of the same type.

Name of column associated with (optional) permanent row identifiers.

Definition at line 575 of file table.h.

THash<TStr, THash<TInt, TIntV> > TTable::IntColIndexes

Indexes for Int Columns.

Definition at line 578 of file table.h.

TVec<TIntV> TTable::IntCols

Next[i] is the successor of row i. Table iterators follow the order dictated by Next

Data columns of integer attributes.

Definition at line 568 of file table.h.

TInt const TTable::Invalid = -2

Special value for Next vector entry - logically removed row.

Definition at line 498 of file table.h.

TInt TTable::IsNextDirty

Flag to signify whether the rows are stored in logical sequence or reordered. Used for optimizing GetPartitionRanges.

Definition at line 613 of file table.h.

TInt const TTable::Last = -1

Special value for Next vector entry - last row in table.

Definition at line 497 of file table.h.

TInt TTable::LastValidRow

Physical index of last valid row.

Definition at line 564 of file table.h.

TIntV TTable::Next

A vector describing the logical order of the rows.

Definition at line 565 of file table.h.

TInt TTable::NumRows

Number of rows in the table (valid and invalid).

Definition at line 561 of file table.h.

TInt TTable::NumValidRows

Number of valid rows in the table (i.e. rows that were not logically removed).

Definition at line 562 of file table.h.

TVec<TIntV> TTable::RowIdBuckets

Partitioning of row ids into buckets corresponding to different graph objects when generating a sequence of graphs.

Example: <T_1.age,T_2.age, age> - T_1.age is a src node attribute, T_2.age is a dst node attribute. However, since all nodes refer to the same universe of entities (users) we just do one assignment of age per node, and call that attribute 'age'. This list should be very small.

Definition at line 609 of file table.h.

TIntIntH TTable::RowIdMap

Mapping of permanent row ids to physical id.

Definition at line 576 of file table.h.

Schema TTable::Sch

Table Schema.

Execution context includes a global string pool for all string values of tables in current session. Access to the pool is done via Context.StringVals.

Definition at line 559 of file table.h.

TStr TTable::SrcCol

Column (attribute) to serve as src nodes when constructing the graph.

Definition at line 599 of file table.h.

TStrV TTable::SrcNodeAttrV

List of columns (attributes) to serve as source node attributes.

Definition at line 602 of file table.h.

TVec<TIntV> TTable::StrColMaps

Data columns of integer mappings of string attributes.

Definition at line 570 of file table.h.

THash<TStr, THash<TInt, TIntV> > TTable::StrMapColIndexes

Indexes for String Columns.

Definition at line 579 of file table.h.

TInt TTable::UseMP = 1

Global switch for choosing multi-threaded versions of TTable functions.

Definition at line 500 of file table.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: