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Diff for "SshAfsPermissions"

Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2013-01-11 05:55:59
Size: 627
Editor: akrevl
Revision 3 as of 2013-01-11 05:59:16
Size: 924
Editor: akrevl
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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When you ssh into one of the CS managed servers Once you ssh into one of the ''CS managed'' servers run the ''reauth'' script and it will take care of renewing your tickets.

~$ ssh your_csid@madmax.stanford.edu
Last login: Thu Jan 10 13:51:03 2013 from gonzo.stanford.edu
~$ /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth
Password for your_csid:
Background process pid is: 60858
~$ runMyJob.sh
Line 13: Line 21:

SSH, AFS and permissions

If you are running jobs that last for a few days on CS managed machines you have probably run into some permission or input/output problems.

The reason for this is that Kerberos tickets (used to grant you access to a server) and AFS tickets (used to grant you access to the AFS file system) are not eternal. So when you run your program it successfully obtains all the credentials it needs, but as it keeps chugging along, the tickets expire and you are left with input/output errors.

Tackling the issue


Once you ssh into one of the CS managed servers run the reauth script and it will take care of renewing your tickets.

~$ ssh your_csid@madmax.stanford.edu
Last login: Thu Jan 10 13:51:03 2013 from gonzo.stanford.edu
~$ /afs/cs/software/bin/reauth
Password for your_csid:
Background process pid is: 60858
~$ runMyJob.sh