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Get started @ SNAP

Welcome to SNAP! Here is a list that will help you get started in the SNAP group.

Remote access

  • SSH to
  • Login with your InfoLab account.

SNAP mailing list



Source core repository

git clone

Papers, publications repository

Check out the repository as follows:

svn co svn+ssh://

The repository can be viewed in a browser with:

How to create and add a new paper to SVN

To add a new paper into the repository:

  • Checkout the appropriate year (e.g., "svn checkout")

  • Create a new subdirectory in the 2018 for the paper. Use the following notation to create the folder <your-name>-<keyword> (e.g., seth-influence, jaewon-communities)

  • We keep each section of the paper in a separate file (000abstract.tex, 010intro.tex, ...). Here is a paper template that you can use:

  • We put the figures (EPS files) into the FIG folder (see
  • We use the Makefile to compile the LaTeX source into PDF. If you rename the *.tex files make sure you also edit the Makefile appropriately.
  • Now that you have the skeleton of the paper ready add it to the repository: "svn add my-paper". Make sure you only add *.tex, *.bib, Makefile and the FIG folder. Don't add *.aux and other temporary files.

Tips on writing good papers

For a nice set of tips and guidelines on how to write a good technical paper see Jennifer Widom's page: