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You can upload content for the page named below. If you change the page name, you can also upload content for another page. If the page name is empty, we derive the page name from the file name.

File to load page content from
Page name

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Welcome to SNAP! Here is a list that will help you get started in the SNAP group.

Remote access

  • SSH to shark.stanford.edu.
  • Login with your InfoLab account.

SNAP mailing list



Source core repository

git clone snap@shark.stanford.edu:/u/snap/git/snapcore.git

Papers, publications repository

Check out the repository as follows:

svn co svn+ssh://snap@snap.stanford.edu/svn/snap2/docs/papers

The repository can be viewed in a browser with: http://snap.stanford.edu/viewvc/snap/

How to create and add a new paper to SVN

To add a new paper into the repository:

  • Checkout the appropriate year (e.g., "svn checkout http://snap@snap.stanford.edu/svn/snap2/docs/papers/2018/")

  • Create a new subdirectory in the 2018 for the paper. Use the following notation to create the folder <your-name>-<keyword> (e.g., seth-influence, jaewon-communities)

  • We keep each section of the paper in a separate file (000abstract.tex, 010intro.tex, ...). Here is a paper template that you can use: http://snap.stanford.edu/svn/snap2/docs/papers/samplePaper.zip

  • We put the figures (EPS files) into the FIG folder (see samplePaper.zip)
  • We use the Makefile to compile the LaTeX source into PDF. If you rename the *.tex files make sure you also edit the Makefile appropriately.
  • Now that you have the skeleton of the paper ready add it to the repository: "svn add my-paper". Make sure you only add *.tex, *.bib, Makefile and the FIG folder. Don't add *.aux and other temporary files.

Tips on writing good papers

For a nice set of tips and guidelines on how to write a good technical paper see Jennifer Widom's page: http://infolab.stanford.edu/~widom/paper-writing.html