Revision 3 as of 2015-10-06 07:56:20

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Infrastructure overview

The InfolabComputeServersStats lists our big memory servers. These are first come first serve (nobody is managing the resources). If you are on a tight deadline or you feel that somebody is hogging the machine talk to them or talk to your local sysadmin.

You can access this machines by logging in via ssh with your CSID. Here's an example:

~$ ssh tommy@madmax5
tommy@madmax5's password: 
Last login: Sun Oct  4 10:54:11 2015 from
tommy@madmax5:~$ uptime
 00:53:00 up 134 days, 19:21,  9 users,  load average: 33.06, 33.05, 33.00

Servers and professors

As a general rule of thumb Chris' students should go for raidersX machines and Jure's students should go for madmaxX machines.

Storage options

Long running sessions

Compute cluster

Hadoop cluster