Social and Information Network Analysis
Autumn 2011
CS224W Frequently Asked questions

Q: What are the prerequisites for the course?

A: Students are expected to have good programming skills, and know some basic probability / statistics and linear algebra. You can find a more detailed description of the prerequisites on Course information.

Q: I have a time conflict with this course and cannot attend the lectures in person. Is it still possible for me to take it?

A: Yes it is. This class is recorded and televised by SCPD, and so you will be able to watch the lectures online at the SCPD site.

Q: How do I submit my assignment outside class?

A: Assignments (homeworks and all other reports) will be due at the beginning of the class on Thursdays. Write down the date and time of submission on your handed-in homework. There will be a box outside the classroom. If you are a regular (non-SCPD) student and need to submit your assignments outside class, hand it in to the cabinet in 1st floor of Gates building, near the east entrance. You can find a photo of it here. You should also upload your work (write-ups, code and any other extra results you might have) electronically. Make sure that the write-up is in PDF format, as we have had some trouble printing equations from MS-Office doc/docx files. Create a single ZIP file and use the assignment submission site. Please do not email your assignments to us. Note that we will only grade the paper copy of your assignment. We will consult your submitted files if needed.

If you are an SCPD student, you should submit all your files via assignment submission site.Then also send us email to the submissions email: cs224w.fall11@gmail.com (Note: this is different from the normal staff e-mail @stanford.edu). Write "Assignment XXX Submission: SUNetID" on the Subject of the email, where XXX is one of the following: {HW1, HW2, Reaction, Proposal, Milestone, Final}. And SUNetID is your Stanford University Network ID. Do not attach the homework to the email.

Q: Will the recitation sessions be recorded?

A: Yes. The recitation sessions will also be available along with the other recorded lectures.

Q: How do I register to Piazza?

A: Piazza requires @stanford.edu emaill address to be used for registration. If you do not have @stanford.edu address, send us email to cs224w-aut1112-staff@lists.stanford.edu with your email address and we will register you manually.

Q: Is there a tutorial to get SNAP working on Mac/Linux/Windows

A: Yes, Click here.