Sparse Attributes¶
SNAP offers the following classes for handling sparse attributes: TAttr
when keys are integers and TAttrPair
for when keys are a pair of integers.
These classes use hash tables to organize and store integer, float, and string
NOTE: Sparse attributes are still under development in python.
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(SIn) -
(Attrs) Returns a data structure for tracking sparse attributes, where the keys are integers. If SIn is specified, the data structure is loaded from the binary stream. If Attrs is specified, the contents of Attrs are copied into the new sparse attribute data structure.
All the attribute related functions return an integer indicating whether there were any errors during execution. Below is a list of functions supported by the
Saves the attributes to a (binary) stream SOut.
Clears the contents of the attribute map.
AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrName, Val)
AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val)
Adds attribute with name AttrName or attribtue id AttrId for the given integer id Id. Val can be an int, float, or string.
GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrName, Val)
GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val)
Gets attribute with name AttrName or attribute id AttrId for the given integer id Id. Resulting value is stored in Val.
DelSAttrDat(Id, AttrId)
Delete attribute with name AttrName or attribute id AttrId for the given integer id Id.
Delete all attributes for the given integer id Id.
GetSAttrV(Id, AttrType, AttrV)
Get a list of all attributes of type AttrType for the given integer id Id. AttrType should be one of IntType, FltType, or StrType.
GetIdVSAttr(AttrName, IdV)
GetIdVSAttr(AttrId, IdV)
Get a list of all ids that have an attribute with name AttrName or id AttrId.
AddSAttr(Name, AttrType, AttrId)
Adds a mapping for an attribute with name Name and type AttrType. AttrId is updated with the assigned attribute integer id.
GetSAttrId(Name, AttrId, AttrType)
Given the attribute name Name, get the attribute id.
GetSAttrName(AttrId, Name, AttrType)
Given the attribute id AttrId, get the attribute name.
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(SIn) -
(Attrs) Returns a data structure for tracking sparse attributes, where the keys are integer pairs. If SIn is specified, the data structure is loaded from the binary stream. If Attrs is specified, the contents of Attrs are copied into the new sparse attribute data structure.
All the attribute related functions return an integer indicating whether there were any errors during execution. Below is a list of functions supported by the
Saves the attributes to a (binary) stream SOut.
Clears the contents of the attribute map.
AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrName, Val)
AddSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val)
Adds attribute with name AttrName or attribtue id AttrId for the given integer pair id Id. Val can be an int, float, or string.
GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrName, Val)
GetSAttrDat(Id, AttrId, Val)
Gets attribute with name AttrName or attribute id AttrId for the given integer pair id Id. Resulting value is stored in Val.
DelSAttrDat(Id, AttrId)
Delete attribute with name AttrName or attribute id AttrId for the given integer pair id Id.
Delete all attributes for the given integer pair id Id.
GetSAttrV(Id, AttrType, AttrV)
Get a list of all attributes of type AttrType for the given integer pair id Id. AttrType should be one of IntType, FltType, or StrType.
GetIdVSAttr(AttrName, IdV)
GetIdVSAttr(AttrId, IdV)
Get a list of all ids that have an attribute with name AttrName or id AttrId.
AddSAttr(Name, AttrType, AttrId)
Adds a mapping for an attribute with name Name and type AttrType. AttrId is updated with the assigned attribute integer id.
GetSAttrId(Name, AttrId, AttrType)
Given the attribute name Name, get the attribute id.
GetSAttrName(AttrId, Name, AttrType)
Given the attribute id AttrId, get the attribute name.