PlotInvParticipRat (SWIG) ''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. function:: PlotInvParticipRat(Graph, MaxEigVecs, TimeLimit, FNmPref, DescStr) :noindex: Plots the inverse participation ratio. See the reference below for more details. The function creates three new files: 1) eigIPR.<*FNmPref*>.plt (the commands used to create the plot), 2) eigIPR.<*FNPref*>.png (the plot), and 3) eigIPR.<*FNmPref*>.tab (the plotting data).. Parameters: - *Graph*: undirected graph (input) A undirected graph. - *MaxEigVecs*: int (input) Maximum number of eigenvectors to return. - *TimeLimit*: int (input) Maximum number seconds to search. - *FNmPref*: string (input) File name preference for the plotted graph. - *DescStr*: string (input) Description of the graph. The string should be non-empty. Return value: - None For more info see: The following example shows how to plot the inverse participation ratio of an undirected graph of type :class:`TUNGraph`:: import snap UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000) snap.PlotInvParticipRat(UGraph, 50, 10, "example", "PlotInvParticipRat")