GetUnDir (SWIG) ''''''''''''''' .. function:: GetUnDir(Graph) :noindex: Returns an undirected version of the graph. For every edge (u,v) an edge (v,u) is added (if it does not yet exist). Parameters: - *Graph*: directed graph (input) A graph or a network. Return value: - graph The un-directed version of graph *Graph*. If *Graph* is undirected, returns an identical graph. The following example shows how to convert directed graph to un-directed graph using :class:`TNGraph`:: import snap Graph = snap.TNGraph.New() Graph.AddNode(1) Graph.AddNode(3) Graph.AddNode(5) Graph.AddEdge(1,3) Graph.AddEdge(3,5) Graph.AddEdge(1,5) UGraph = snap.GetUnDir(Graph) for EI in UGraph.Edges(): print("edge (%d, %d)" % (EI.GetSrcNId(), EI.GetDstNId()))