GetSubGraphRenumber (SWIG) '''''''''''''''''''''''''' .. function:: GetSubGraphRenumber(Graph, NIdV) :noindex: Returns the subgraph of *Graph* induced by the nodes in *NIdV* with renumbered node ids from 0 to N-1. This function is implemented for :class:`TNGraph` and :class:`TUNGraph`. Parameters: - *Graph*: graph (input) A graph or a network. - *NIdV*: TIntV (input) Node ID vector. The subgraph consists of all nodes in *NIdV* and the edges between nodes in *NIdV*. Return value: - a subgraph that is the same type as *Graph* and contains the nodes from *Graph*, which have node IDs in the *NIdV* vector and all the edges with both nodes in *NIdV*. The nodes in the resulting subgraph are renumbered sequentially from 0 to N-1. For more information, see: The following example shows how to get subgraphs for :class:`TNGraph`, :class:`TUNGraph`, and :class:`TNEANet`:: import snap Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 50, 500) Nodes = snap.TIntV() for N in Graph.GetNI(0).GetOutEdges(): Nodes.Add(N) # Get subgraph induced by the neighbors of Node 0. SubGraph = snap.GetSubGraphRenumber(Graph, Nodes) Graph = snap.GenCircle(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 2, False) Nodes = snap.TIntV() for N in Graph.GetNI(50).GetOutEdges(): Nodes.Add(N) SubGraph = snap.GetSubGraphRenumber(Graph, Nodes)