GetShortPath (SWIG) ''''''''''''''''''' .. function:: GetShortPath(Graph, SrcNId, NIdToDistH, IsDir=false, MaxDist=TInt::Mx) :noindex: Returns the length of the shortest path from node SrcNId to all other nodes in the network. Parameters: - *Graph*: graph (input) A graph or a network. - *SrcNId*: int (input) Node id for source node. - *NIdToDistH*: :class:`TIntH`, a hash table with integer keys and values (output) Maps node id to shortest path distance. Only contains nodes that are reachable from *SrcNId*. - *IsDir*: bool (input) Indicates whether the edges should be considered directed or undirected. - *MaxDist*: int (input) Maximum number of hops that BFS expands to. This is helpful for speeding-up the code if one in interested only in nodes less than *MaxDist* away from *SrcNId*. Return value: - int The length of the shortest path from *SrcNId* to all other nodes. The following example shows how to calculate the length of the shortest path in :class:`TNGraph`, :class:`TUNGraph`, and :class:`TNEANet`:: import snap Graph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNGraph, 100, 1000) NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH() shortestPath = snap.GetShortPath(Graph, 10, NIdToDistH) for item in NIdToDistH: print(item, NIdToDistH[item]) print(shortestPath) UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PUNGraph, 100, 1000) NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH() shortestPath = snap.GetShortPath(UGraph, 10, NIdToDistH) for item in NIdToDistH: print(item, NIdToDistH[item]) print(shortestPath) Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.PNEANet, 100, 1000) NIdToDistH = snap.TIntH() shortestPath = snap.GetShortPath(Network, 10, NIdToDistH) for item in NIdToDistH: print(item, NIdToDistH[item]) print(shortestPath)