GetEgonet ''''''''' .. function:: GetEgonet(NId) A graph method that returns an ego network of the node *NId* and the number of connecting edges. The ego network includes the node *NId*, its neighbours, and all the edges between them. Connecting edges are the edges between a node in the ego network and a node not in the network. The method is supported for :class:`TUNGraph` and :class:`TNGraph`. For :class:`TUNGraph`, connecting edges is a single value, for :class:`TNGraph`, connecting edges is represented by a pair of incoming and outgoind edges from the ego network. Parameters: - *NId*: int Id of the center node of the ego network. Return value: - graph A graph of the same type as the input graph, containing the ego network for *NId*. - edges: int The number of connecting edges from the ego network. For :class:`TNGraph`, only incoming edges are counted here. - edges: int (returned only for :class:`TNGraph`): The number of outgoing connecting edges from the ego network. The following example shows how to create a subgraph for nodes in :class:`TUNGraph`, and :class:`TNGraph`:: import snap UGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TUNGraph, 100, 1000) Egonet, edges = UGraph.GetEgonet(0) NGraph = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNGraph, 100, 1000) Egonet, edges_in, edges_out = NGraph.GetEgonet(0)