GetESubGraph '''''''''''' .. function:: GetESubGraph(EIdV) A graph method for that returns a subgraph of the original graph, which contains all the edges from the original graph with edge ids in *EIdV* and all the nodes that are connected by at least one edge in *EIdV*. Nodes and edges in the resulting subgraph have the same ids as in the original graph. This method is only implemented for :class:`TNEANet`. Parameters: - *EIdV*: Python list or :class:`TIntV`, a vector of ints (input) A vector of edge ids in graph. Return value: - network A network, which is a subgraph of the original graph with *EIdV* edges. The following example shows how to use :func:`GetESubGraph` with :class:`TNEANet`:: import snap Network = snap.GenRndGnm(snap.TNEANet, 100, 1000) EIdV = [] for EI in Network.Edges(): EIdV.append(EI.GetId()) ESubGraph = Network.GetESubGraph(EIdV)