SNAP Library 2.2, User Reference  2014-03-11 19:15:55
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00002 #include "stdafx.h"
00003 #include "agmattr.h"
00004 #include "Snap.h"
00005 #include "agm.h"
00009 void TCesna::RandomInit(const int InitComs) {
00010   F.Gen(G->GetNodes());
00011   SumFV.Gen(InitComs);
00012   NumComs = InitComs;
00013   for (int u = 0; u < F.Len(); u++) {
00014     //assign to just one community
00015     int Mem = G->GetNI(u).GetDeg();
00016     if (Mem > 10) { Mem = 10; }
00017     for (int c = 0; c < Mem; c++) {
00018       int CID = Rnd.GetUniDevInt(InitComs);
00019       AddCom(u, CID, Rnd.GetUniDev());
00020     }
00021   }
00022   //assign a member to zero-member community (if any)
00023   for (int c = 0; c < SumFV.Len(); c++) {
00024     if (SumFV[c] == 0.0) {
00025       int UID = Rnd.GetUniDevInt(G->GetNodes());
00026       AddCom(UID, c, Rnd.GetUniDev());
00027     }
00028   }
00029   InitW();
00030 }
00032 void TCesna::NeighborComInit(const int InitComs) {
00033   //initialize with best neighborhood communities (Gleich KDD'12)
00034   TFltIntPrV NIdPhiV(F.Len(), 0);
00035   TCesnaUtil::GetNIdPhiV<PUNGraph>(G, NIdPhiV);
00036   NeighborComInit(NIdPhiV, InitComs);
00037 }
00039 void TCesna::NeighborComInit(TFltIntPrV& NIdPhiV, const int InitComs) {
00040   //initialize with best neighborhood communities (Gleich KDD'12)
00041   NIdPhiV.Sort(true);
00042   F.Gen(G->GetNodes());
00043   SumFV.Gen(InitComs);
00044   NumComs = InitComs;
00045   TIntSet InvalidNIDS(F.Len());
00046   TIntV ChosenNIDV(InitComs, 0); //FOR DEBUG
00047   //choose nodes with local minimum in conductance
00048   int CurCID = 0;
00049   for (int ui = 0; ui < NIdPhiV.Len(); ui++) {
00050     int UID = NIdPhiV[ui].Val2;
00051     fflush(stdout);
00052     if (InvalidNIDS.IsKey(UID)) { continue; }
00053     ChosenNIDV.Add(UID); //FOR DEBUG
00054     //add the node and its neighbors to the current community
00055     AddCom(UID, CurCID, 1.0);
00056     TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(UID);
00057     fflush(stdout);
00058     for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
00059       AddCom(NI.GetNbrNId(e), CurCID, 1.0);
00060     }
00061     //exclude its neighbors from the next considerations
00062     for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
00063       InvalidNIDS.AddKey(NI.GetNbrNId(e));
00064     }
00065     CurCID++;
00066     fflush(stdout);
00067     if (CurCID >= NumComs) { break;  }
00068   }
00069   if (NumComs > CurCID) {
00070     printf("%d communities needed to fill randomly\n", NumComs - CurCID);
00071   }
00072   //assign a member to zero-member community (if any)
00073   for (int c = 0; c < SumFV.Len(); c++) {
00074     if (SumFV[c] == 0.0) {
00075       int ComSz = 10;
00076       for (int u = 0; u < ComSz; u++) {
00077         int UID = Rnd.GetUniDevInt(G->GetNodes());
00078         AddCom(UID, c, Rnd.GetUniDev());
00079       }
00080     }
00081   }
00082   InitW();
00083 }
00085 void TCesna::SetCmtyVV(const TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV) {
00086   F.Gen(G->GetNodes());
00087   SumFV.Gen(CmtyVV.Len());
00088   NumComs = CmtyVV.Len();
00089   InitW();
00090   for (int c = 0; c < CmtyVV.Len(); c++) {
00091     for (int u = 0; u < CmtyVV[c].Len(); u++) {
00092       int UID = CmtyVV[c][u];
00093       if (! NIDToIdx.IsKey(UID)) { continue; }
00094       AddCom(NIDToIdx.GetKeyId(UID), c, 1.0);
00095     }
00096   }
00097 }
00099 void TCesna::SetGraph(const PUNGraph& GraphPt, const THash<TInt, TIntV>& NIDAttrH) {
00100   HOVIDSV.Gen(GraphPt->GetNodes());  
00101   HOKIDSV.Gen(GraphPt->GetNodes());  
00102   X.Gen(GraphPt->GetNodes());
00103   TIntV NIDV;
00104   GraphPt->GetNIdV(NIDV);
00105   NIDToIdx.Gen(NIDV.Len());
00106   NIDToIdx.AddKeyV(NIDV);
00107   // check that nodes IDs are {0,1,..,Nodes-1}
00108   printf("rearrage nodes\n");
00109   G = TSnap::GetSubGraph(GraphPt, NIDV, true);
00110   for (int nid = 0; nid < G->GetNodes(); nid++) {
00111     IAssert(G->IsNode(nid)); 
00112   }
00113   TSnap::DelSelfEdges(G);
00115   PNoCom = 1.0 / (double) G->GetNodes();
00116   DoParallel = false;
00117   if (1.0 / PNoCom > sqrt(TFlt::Mx)) { PNoCom = 0.99 / sqrt(TFlt::Mx); } // to prevent overflow
00118   NegWgt = 1.0;
00120   // add node attributes, find number of attributes
00121   int NumAttr = 0;
00122   for (int u = 0; u < NIDAttrH.Len(); u++) {
00123     int UID = NIDAttrH.GetKey(u);
00124     if (! NIDToIdx.IsKey(UID)) { continue; }
00125     X[NIDToIdx.GetKeyId(UID)].Gen(NIDAttrH[u].Len());
00126     for (int k = 0; k < NIDAttrH[u].Len(); k++) {
00127       int KID = NIDAttrH[u][k];
00128       IAssert (KID >= 0);
00129       X[NIDToIdx.GetKeyId(UID)].AddKey(KID);
00130       if (NumAttr < KID + 1) { NumAttr = KID + 1; } 
00131     }
00132   }
00133   Attrs = NumAttr;
00134   InitW();
00135 }
00137 double TCesna::Likelihood(const bool _DoParallel) { 
00138   TExeTm ExeTm;
00139   double L = 0.0;
00140   if (_DoParallel) {
00141   #pragma omp parallel for 
00142     for (int u = 0; u < F.Len(); u++) {
00143       double LU = LikelihoodForRow(u);
00144       #pragma omp atomic
00145         L += LU;
00146     }
00147   }
00148   else {
00149     for (int u = 0; u < F.Len(); u++) {
00150       double LU = LikelihoodForRow(u);
00151         L += LU;
00152     }
00153   }
00154   return L;
00155 }
00157 double TCesna::LikelihoodForRow(const int UID) {
00158   return LikelihoodForRow(UID, F[UID]);
00159 }
00161 double TCesna::LikelihoodForRow(const int UID, const TIntFltH& FU) {
00162   double L = 0.0;
00163   TFltV HOSumFV; //adjust for Fv of v hold out
00164   if (HOVIDSV[UID].Len() > 0) {
00165     HOSumFV.Gen(SumFV.Len());
00167     for (int e = 0; e < HOVIDSV[UID].Len(); e++) {
00168       for (int c = 0; c < SumFV.Len(); c++) {
00169         HOSumFV[c] += GetCom(HOVIDSV[UID][e], c);
00170       }
00171     }
00172   }
00174   TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(UID);
00175   for (int e = 0; e < NI.GetDeg(); e++) {
00176     int v = NI.GetNbrNId(e);
00177     if (v == UID) { continue; }
00178     if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(v)) { continue; }
00179     L += log (1.0 - Prediction(FU, F[v])) + NegWgt * DotProduct(FU, F[v]);
00180   }
00181   for (TIntFltH::TIter HI = FU.BegI(); HI < FU.EndI(); HI++) {
00182     double HOSum = HOVIDSV[UID].Len() > 0?  HOSumFV[HI.GetKey()].Val: 0.0;//subtract Hold out pairs only if hold out pairs exist
00183     L -= NegWgt * (SumFV[HI.GetKey()] - HOSum - GetCom(UID, HI.GetKey())) * HI.GetDat();
00184   }
00185   //add regularization
00186   if (RegCoef > 0.0) { //L1
00187     L -= RegCoef * Sum(FU);
00188   }
00189   if (RegCoef < 0.0) { //L2
00190     L += RegCoef * Norm2(FU);
00191   }
00192   L *= (1.0 - WeightAttr);
00193   // add attribute part
00194   for (int k = 0; k < Attrs; k++) {
00195     if (HOKIDSV[UID].IsKey(k)) { continue; }
00196     L += WeightAttr * LikelihoodAttrKForRow(UID, k, FU);
00197   }
00198   return L;
00199 }
00202 double TCesna::LikelihoodAttrKForRow(const int UID, const int K, const TIntFltH& FU, const TFltV& WK) {
00203   double Prob = PredictAttrK(FU, WK);
00204   double L = 0.0;
00205   if (GetAttr(UID, K)) { 
00206     L = Prob == 0.0? -100.0: log(Prob);
00207   } else {
00208     L = Prob == 1.0? -100.0: log(1.0 - Prob);
00209   }
00210   return L;
00211 }
00213 void TCesna::GradientForRow(const int UID, TIntFltH& GradU, const TIntSet& CIDSet) {
00214   GradU.Gen(CIDSet.Len());
00215   TFltV HOSumFV; //adjust for Fv of v hold out
00216   if (HOVIDSV[UID].Len() > 0) {
00217     HOSumFV.Gen(SumFV.Len());
00219     for (int e = 0; e < HOVIDSV[UID].Len(); e++) {
00220       for (int c = 0; c < SumFV.Len(); c++) {
00221         HOSumFV[c] += GetCom(HOVIDSV[UID][e], c);
00222       }
00223     }
00224   }
00225   TUNGraph::TNodeI NI = G->GetNI(UID);
00226   int Deg = NI.GetDeg();
00227   TFltV PredV(Deg), GradV(CIDSet.Len());
00228   TIntV CIDV(CIDSet.Len());
00229   for (int e = 0; e < Deg; e++) {
00230     if (NI.GetNbrNId(e) == UID) { continue; }
00231     if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(NI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
00232     PredV[e] = Prediction(UID, NI.GetNbrNId(e));
00233   }
00235   for (int c = 0; c < CIDSet.Len(); c++) {
00236     int CID = CIDSet.GetKey(c);
00237     double Val = 0.0;
00238     for (int e = 0; e < Deg; e++) {
00239       int VID = NI.GetNbrNId(e);
00240       if (VID == UID) { continue; }
00241       if (HOVIDSV[UID].IsKey(VID)) { continue; }
00242       Val += PredV[e] * GetCom(VID, CID) / (1.0 - PredV[e]) + NegWgt * GetCom(VID, CID);
00243     }
00244     double HOSum = HOVIDSV[UID].Len() > 0?  HOSumFV[CID].Val: 0.0;//subtract Hold out pairs only if hold out pairs exist
00245     Val -= NegWgt * (SumFV[CID] - HOSum - GetCom(UID, CID));
00246     CIDV[c] = CID;
00247     GradV[c] = Val;
00248   }
00249   //add regularization
00250   if (RegCoef > 0.0) { //L1
00251     for (int c = 0; c < GradV.Len(); c++) {
00252       GradV[c] -= RegCoef; 
00253     }
00254   }
00255   if (RegCoef < 0.0) { //L2
00256     for (int c = 0; c < GradV.Len(); c++) {
00257       GradV[c] += 2 * RegCoef * GetCom(UID, CIDV[c]); 
00258     }
00259   }
00260   for (int c = 0; c < GradV.Len(); c++) {
00261     GradV[c] *= (1.0 - WeightAttr);
00262   }
00263   //add attribute part
00264   TFltV AttrPredV(Attrs);
00265   for (int k = 0; k < Attrs; k++) {
00266     if (HOKIDSV[UID].IsKey(k)) { continue; }
00267     AttrPredV[k] = PredictAttrK(F[UID], W[k]);
00268   }
00269   for (int c = 0; c < GradV.Len(); c++) {
00270     for (int k = 0; k < Attrs; k++) {
00271       if (HOKIDSV[UID].IsKey(k)) { continue; }
00272       GradV[c] += WeightAttr * (GetAttr(UID, k) - AttrPredV[k]) * GetW(CIDV[c], k);
00273     }
00274   }
00277   for (int c = 0; c < GradV.Len(); c++) {
00278     if (GetCom(UID, CIDV[c]) == 0.0 && GradV[c] < 0.0) { continue; }
00279     if (fabs(GradV[c]) < 0.0001) { continue; }
00280     GradU.AddDat(CIDV[c], GradV[c]);
00281   }
00282   for (int c = 0; c < GradU.Len(); c++) {
00283     if (GradU[c] >= 10) { GradU[c] = 10; }
00284     if (GradU[c] <= -10) { GradU[c] = -10; }
00285     IAssert(GradU[c] >= -10);
00286   }
00287 }
00289 void TCesna::GetCmtyVV(TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV) {
00290   TVec<TFltV> TmpV;
00291   GetCmtyVV(CmtyVV, TmpV, sqrt(2.0 * (double) G->GetEdges() / G->GetNodes() / G->GetNodes()), 3);
00292 }
00296 void TCesna::GetCmtyVV(TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV, TVec<TFltV>& Wck, const double Thres, const int MinSz) {
00297   CmtyVV.Gen(NumComs, 0);
00298   Wck.Gen(NumComs, 0);
00299   TIntFltH CIDSumFH(NumComs);
00300   for (int c = 0; c < SumFV.Len(); c++) {
00301     CIDSumFH.AddDat(c, SumFV[c]);
00302   }
00303   CIDSumFH.SortByDat(false);
00304   for (int c = 0; c < NumComs; c++) {
00305     int CID = CIDSumFH.GetKey(c);
00306     TIntFltH NIDFucH(F.Len() / 10);
00307     TIntV CmtyV;
00308     IAssert(SumFV[CID] == CIDSumFH.GetDat(CID));
00309     if (SumFV[CID] < Thres) { continue; }
00310     for (int u = 0; u < F.Len(); u++) {
00311       int NID = NIDToIdx[u];
00312       if (GetCom(u, CID) >= Thres) { NIDFucH.AddDat(NID, GetCom(u, CID)); }
00313     }
00314     NIDFucH.SortByDat(false);
00315     NIDFucH.GetKeyV(CmtyV);
00316     if (CmtyV.Len() < MinSz) { continue; }
00317     CmtyVV.Add(CmtyV); 
00318     TFltV WV(Attrs);
00319     for (int k = 0; k < Attrs; k++) {
00320       WV[k] = GetW(CID, k);
00321     }
00322     Wck.Add(WV);
00323   }
00324   if ( NumComs != CmtyVV.Len()) {
00325     printf("Community vector generated. %d communities are ommitted\n", NumComs.Val - CmtyVV.Len());
00326   }
00327 }
00329 void TCesna::GetCmtyVVUnSorted(TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV) {
00330   GetCmtyVVUnSorted(CmtyVV, sqrt(2.0 * (double) G->GetEdges() / G->GetNodes() / G->GetNodes()), 3);
00331 }
00333 void TCesna::GetCmtyVVUnSorted(TVec<TIntV>& CmtyVV, const double Thres, const int MinSz) {
00334   CmtyVV.Gen(NumComs, 0);
00335   for (int c = 0; c < NumComs; c++) {
00336     TIntV CmtyV;
00337     for (int u = 0; u < G->GetNodes(); u++) {
00338       if (GetCom(u, c) > Thres) { CmtyV.Add(NIDToIdx[u]); }
00339     }
00340     if (CmtyV.Len() >= MinSz) { CmtyVV.Add(CmtyV); }
00341   }
00342   if ( NumComs != CmtyVV.Len()) {
00343     printf("Community vector generated. %d communities are ommitted\n", NumComs.Val - CmtyVV.Len());
00344   }
00345 }
00348 int TCesna::FindComs(const int NumThreads, const int MaxComs, const int MinComs, const int DivComs, const TStr OutFNm, const bool UseBIC, const double HOFrac, const double StepAlpha, const double StepBeta) {
00349     double ComsGap = exp(TMath::Log((double) MaxComs / (double) MinComs) / (double) DivComs);
00350     TIntV ComsV;
00351     ComsV.Add(MinComs);
00352     while (ComsV.Len() < DivComs) {
00353       int NewComs = int(ComsV.Last() * ComsGap);
00354       if (NewComs == ComsV.Last().Val) { NewComs++; }
00355       ComsV.Add(NewComs);
00356     }
00357     if (ComsV.Last() < MaxComs) { ComsV.Add(MaxComs); }
00358     return FindComs(ComsV, UseBIC, HOFrac, NumThreads, OutFNm, StepAlpha, StepBeta);
00359 }
00361 int TCesna::FindComs(TIntV& ComsV, const bool UseBIC, const double HOFrac, const int NumThreads, const TStr PlotLFNm, const double StepAlpha, const double StepBeta) {
00362   if (ComsV.Len() == 0) {
00363     int MaxComs = G->GetNodes() / 5;
00364     ComsV.Add(2);
00365     while(ComsV.Last() < MaxComs) { ComsV.Add(ComsV.Last() * 2); }
00366   }
00367   int MaxIterCV = 3;
00369   TVec<TVec<TIntSet> > HoldOutSets(MaxIterCV), HoldOutSetsAttr(MaxIterCV);
00370   TFltIntPrV NIdPhiV;
00371   TCesnaUtil::GetNIdPhiV<PUNGraph>(G, NIdPhiV);
00372   if (! UseBIC) { //if edges are many enough, use CV
00373     //printf("generating hold out set\n");
00374     TIntV NIdV1, NIdV2;
00375     G->GetNIdV(NIdV1);
00376     G->GetNIdV(NIdV2);
00377     for (int IterCV = 0; IterCV < MaxIterCV; IterCV++) {
00378       // generate holdout sets
00379       TCesnaUtil::GenHoldOutPairs(G, HoldOutSets[IterCV], HOFrac, Rnd);
00380       GenHoldOutAttr(HOFrac, HoldOutSetsAttr[IterCV]);
00381     }
00382     //printf("hold out set generated\n");
00383   }
00385   TFltV HOLV(ComsV.Len());
00386   TIntFltPrV ComsLV;
00387   for (int c = 0; c < ComsV.Len(); c++) {
00388     const int Coms = ComsV[c];
00389     //printf("Try number of Coms:%d\n", Coms);
00391     if (! UseBIC) { //if edges are many enough, use CV
00392       for (int IterCV = 0; IterCV < MaxIterCV; IterCV++) {
00393         HOVIDSV = HoldOutSets[IterCV];
00394         HOKIDSV = HoldOutSetsAttr[IterCV];
00395         NeighborComInit(NIdPhiV, Coms);
00396         //printf("Initialized\n");
00398         if (NumThreads == 1) {
00399           //printf("MLE without parallelization begins\n");
00400           MLEGradAscent(0.01, 100 * G->GetNodes(), "", StepAlpha, StepBeta);
00401           //printf("likelihood: train:%f, attr:%f, hold:%f\n", Likelihood(), LikelihoodAttr(), LikelihoodHoldOut());
00402         } else {
00403           //printf("MLE with parallelization begins\n");
00404           MLEGradAscentParallel(0.01, 100, NumThreads, "", StepAlpha, StepBeta);
00405         }
00406         double HOL = LikelihoodHoldOut();
00407         HOL = HOL < 0? HOL: TFlt::Mn;
00408         HOLV[c] += HOL;
00409       }
00410     }
00411     else {
00412       HOVIDSV.Gen(G->GetNodes());
00413       HOKIDSV.Gen(G->GetNodes());
00414       if (NumThreads == 1) {
00415         MLEGradAscent(0.005, 100 * G->GetNodes(), "", StepAlpha, StepBeta);
00416         printf("likelihood: train:%f, attr:%f, hold:%f\n", Likelihood(), LikelihoodAttr(), LikelihoodHoldOut());
00417       } else {
00418         MLEGradAscentParallel(0.005, 100, NumThreads, "", StepAlpha, StepBeta);
00419       }
00420       //int NumParams = G->GetNodes() * Coms + Coms * Attrs;
00421       double NumParams = (1.0 - WeightAttr) * Coms + WeightAttr * Coms * Attrs;
00422       double Observations = (1.0 - WeightAttr) * G->GetNodes() * (G->GetNodes() - 1) / 2 + WeightAttr * G->GetNodes() * Attrs;
00423       double BIC = 2 * Likelihood() - NumParams * log (Observations);
00424       HOLV[c] = BIC;
00425     }
00426   }
00427   int EstComs = 2;
00428   double MaxL = TFlt::Mn;
00429   if (UseBIC) {
00430     printf("Number of communities vs likelihood (criterion: BIC)\n");
00431   } else {
00432     printf("Number of communities vs likelihood (criterion: Cross validation)\n");
00433   }
00434   for (int c = 0; c < ComsV.Len(); c++) {
00435     ComsLV.Add(TIntFltPr(ComsV[c].Val, HOLV[c].Val));
00436     printf("%d(%f)\t", ComsV[c].Val, HOLV[c].Val);
00437     if (MaxL < HOLV[c]) {
00438       MaxL = HOLV[c];
00439       EstComs = ComsV[c];
00440     }
00441   }
00442   printf("\n");
00443   RandomInit(EstComs);
00444   HOVIDSV.Gen(G->GetNodes());
00445   HOKIDSV.Gen(G->GetNodes());
00446   if (! PlotLFNm.Empty()) {
00447     TGnuPlot::PlotValV(ComsLV, PlotLFNm, "hold-out likelihood", "communities", "likelihood");
00448   }
00449   return EstComs;
00450 }
00452 double TCesna::LikelihoodHoldOut() { 
00453   double L = 0.0;
00454   for (int u = 0; u < HOVIDSV.Len(); u++) {
00455     for (int e = 0; e < HOVIDSV[u].Len(); e++) {
00456       int VID = HOVIDSV[u][e];
00457       if (VID == u) { continue; } 
00458       double Pred = Prediction(u, VID);
00459       if (G->IsEdge(u, VID)) {
00460         L += log(1.0 - Pred);
00461       }
00462       else {
00463         L += NegWgt * log(Pred);
00464       }
00465       //printf("NODE %d, %d: Dot Prod: %f, Prediction: %f L:%f\n", u, VID, DotProduct(F[u], F[VID]), Pred, L);
00466     } 
00467   }
00468   L *= (1.0 - WeightAttr);
00469   //printf("likelihood for hold out network:%f\n", L);
00470   for (int u = 0; u < HOKIDSV.Len(); u++) {
00471     for (int e = 0; e < HOKIDSV[u].Len(); e++) {
00472       IAssert(HOKIDSV[u][e] < Attrs);
00473       L += WeightAttr * LikelihoodAttrKForRow(u, HOKIDSV[u][e]);
00474       //printf("asbefsafd ATTRIBUTE %d, NODE %d:%f\n", u, HOKIDSV[u][e].Val, LikelihoodAttrKForRow(u, HOKIDSV[u][e]));
00475     }
00476   }
00477   return L;
00478 }
00480 double TCesna::GetStepSizeByLineSearch(const int UID, const TIntFltH& DeltaV, const TIntFltH& GradV, const double& Alpha, const double& Beta, const int MaxIter) {
00481   double StepSize = 1.0;
00482   double InitLikelihood = LikelihoodForRow(UID);
00483   TIntFltH NewVarV(DeltaV.Len());
00484   for(int iter = 0; iter < MaxIter; iter++) {
00485     for (int i = 0; i < DeltaV.Len(); i++){
00486       int CID = DeltaV.GetKey(i);
00487       double NewVal = GetCom(UID, CID) + StepSize * DeltaV.GetDat(CID);
00488       if (NewVal < MinVal) { NewVal = MinVal; }
00489       if (NewVal > MaxVal) { NewVal = MaxVal; }
00490       NewVarV.AddDat(CID, NewVal);
00491     }
00492     if (LikelihoodForRow(UID, NewVarV) < InitLikelihood + Alpha * StepSize * DotProduct(GradV, DeltaV)) {
00493       StepSize *= Beta;
00494     } else {
00495       break;
00496     }
00497     if (iter == MaxIter - 1) { 
00498       StepSize = 0.0;
00499       break;
00500     }
00501   }
00502   return StepSize;
00503 }
00505 int TCesna::MLEGradAscent(const double& Thres, const int& MaxIter, const TStr PlotNm, const double StepAlpha, const double StepBeta) {
00506   time_t InitTime = time(NULL);
00507   TExeTm ExeTm, CheckTm;
00508   int iter = 0, PrevIter = 0;
00509   TIntFltPrV IterLV;
00510   TUNGraph::TNodeI UI;
00511   double PrevL = TFlt::Mn, CurL = 0.0;
00512   TIntV NIdxV(F.Len(), 0);
00513   for (int i = 0; i < F.Len(); i++) { NIdxV.Add(i); }
00514   TIntFltH GradV;
00515   //consider all C
00516   TIntSet CIDSet(NumComs);
00517   for (int c = 0; c < NumComs; c++) { CIDSet.AddKey(c); }
00518   while(iter < MaxIter) {
00519     NIdxV.Shuffle(Rnd);
00520     for (int ui = 0; ui < F.Len(); ui++, iter++) {
00521       int u = NIdxV[ui]; //
00522       /*
00523       //find set of candidate c (we only need to consider c to which a neighbor of u belongs to)
00524       UI = G->GetNI(u);
00525       TIntSet CIDSet(20 * UI.GetDeg());
00526       for (int e = 0; e < UI.GetDeg(); e++) {
00527         if (HOVIDSV[u].IsKey(UI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
00528         TIntFltH& NbhCIDH = F[UI.GetNbrNId(e)];
00529         for (TIntFltH::TIter CI = NbhCIDH.BegI(); CI < NbhCIDH.EndI(); CI++) {
00530           CIDSet.AddKey(CI.GetKey());
00531         }
00532       }
00533       for (TIntFltH::TIter CI = F[u].BegI(); CI < F[u].EndI(); CI++) { //remove the community membership which U does not share with its neighbors
00534         if (! CIDSet.IsKey(CI.GetKey())) {
00535           DelCom(u, CI.GetKey());
00536         }
00537       }
00538       if (CIDSet.Empty()) { continue; }
00539       */
00541       GradientForRow(u, GradV, CIDSet);
00542       if (Norm2(GradV) < 1e-4) { continue; }
00543       double LearnRate = GetStepSizeByLineSearch(u, GradV, GradV, StepAlpha, StepBeta);
00544       if (LearnRate == 0.0) { continue; }
00545       for (int ci = 0; ci < GradV.Len(); ci++) {
00546         int CID = GradV.GetKey(ci);
00547         double Change = LearnRate * GradV.GetDat(CID);
00548         double NewFuc = GetCom(u, CID) + Change;
00549         if (NewFuc <= 0.0) {
00550           DelCom(u, CID);
00551         } else {
00552           AddCom(u, CID, NewFuc);
00553         }
00554       }
00555       if (! PlotNm.Empty() && (iter + 1) % G->GetNodes() == 0) {
00556         IterLV.Add(TIntFltPr(iter, Likelihood(false)));
00557       }
00558     }
00559     // fit W (logistic regression)
00560     for (int k = 0; k < Attrs; k++) {
00561       TFltV GradWV(NumComs);
00562       GradientForWK(GradWV, k);
00563       if (TLinAlg::Norm2(GradWV) < 1e-4) { continue; }
00564       double LearnRate = GetStepSizeByLineSearchForWK(k, GradWV, GradWV, StepAlpha, StepBeta);
00565       if (LearnRate == 0.0) { continue; }
00566       for (int c = 0; c < GradWV.Len(); c++){
00567         W[k][c] += LearnRate * GradWV[c];
00568         if (W[k][c] < MinValW) { W[k][c] = MinValW; }
00569         if (W[k][c] > MaxValW) { W[k][c] = MaxValW; }
00570       }
00571     }
00572     printf("\r%d iterations (%f) [%lu sec]", iter, CurL, time(NULL) - InitTime);
00573     fflush(stdout);
00574     if (iter - PrevIter >= 2 * G->GetNodes() && iter > 10000) {
00575       PrevIter = iter;
00576       CurL = Likelihood();
00577       if (PrevL > TFlt::Mn && ! PlotNm.Empty()) {
00578         printf("\r%d iterations, Likelihood: %f, Diff: %f", iter, CurL,  CurL - PrevL);
00579       }
00580       fflush(stdout);
00581       if (CurL - PrevL <= Thres * fabs(PrevL)) { break; }
00582       else { PrevL = CurL; }
00583     }
00585   }
00586   printf("\n");
00587   printf("MLE for Lambda completed with %d iterations(%s)\n", iter, ExeTm.GetTmStr());
00588   if (! PlotNm.Empty()) {
00589     TGnuPlot::PlotValV(IterLV, PlotNm + ".likelihood_Q");
00590   }
00591   return iter;
00592 }
00594 int TCesna::MLEGradAscentParallel(const double& Thres, const int& MaxIter, const int ChunkNum, const int ChunkSize, const TStr PlotNm, const double StepAlpha, const double StepBeta) {
00595   //parallel
00596   time_t InitTime = time(NULL);
00597   uint64 StartTm = TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetAbsSecs();
00598   TExeTm ExeTm, CheckTm;
00599   double PrevL = Likelihood(true);
00600   TIntFltPrV IterLV;
00601   int PrevIter = 0;
00602   int iter = 0;
00603   TIntV NIdxV(F.Len(), 0);
00604   for (int i = 0; i < F.Len(); i++) { NIdxV.Add(i); }
00605   TIntV NIDOPTV(F.Len()); //check if a node needs optimization or not 1: does not require optimization
00606   NIDOPTV.PutAll(0);
00607   TVec<TIntFltH> NewF(ChunkNum * ChunkSize);
00608   TIntV NewNIDV(ChunkNum * ChunkSize);
00609   for (iter = 0; iter < MaxIter; iter++) {
00610     NIdxV.Clr(false);
00611     for (int i = 0; i < F.Len(); i++) { 
00612       if (NIDOPTV[i] == 0) {  NIdxV.Add(i); }
00613     }
00614     IAssert (NIdxV.Len() <= F.Len());
00615     NIdxV.Shuffle(Rnd);
00616     // compute gradient for chunk of nodes
00617 #pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1)
00618     for (int TIdx = 0; TIdx < ChunkNum; TIdx++) {
00619       TIntFltH GradV;
00620       for (int ui = TIdx * ChunkSize; ui < (TIdx + 1) * ChunkSize; ui++) {
00621         NewNIDV[ui] = -1;
00622         if (ui >= NIdxV.Len()) { continue; }
00623         int u = NIdxV[ui]; //
00624         //find set of candidate c (we only need to consider c to which a neighbor of u belongs to)
00625         TUNGraph::TNodeI UI = G->GetNI(u);
00626         TIntSet CIDSet(5 * UI.GetDeg());
00627         TIntFltH CurFU = F[u];
00628         for (int e = 0; e < UI.GetDeg(); e++) {
00629           if (HOVIDSV[u].IsKey(UI.GetNbrNId(e))) { continue; }
00630           TIntFltH& NbhCIDH = F[UI.GetNbrNId(e)];
00631           for (TIntFltH::TIter CI = NbhCIDH.BegI(); CI < NbhCIDH.EndI(); CI++) {
00632             CIDSet.AddKey(CI.GetKey());
00633           }
00634         }
00635         if (CIDSet.Empty()) { 
00636           CurFU.Clr();
00637         }
00638         else {
00639           for (TIntFltH::TIter CI = CurFU.BegI(); CI < CurFU.EndI(); CI++) { //remove the community membership which U does not share with its neighbors
00640             if (! CIDSet.IsKey(CI.GetKey())) {
00641               CurFU.DelIfKey(CI.GetKey());
00642             }
00643           }
00644           GradientForRow(u, GradV, CIDSet);
00645           if (Norm2(GradV) < 1e-4) { NIDOPTV[u] = 1; continue; }
00646           double LearnRate = GetStepSizeByLineSearch(u, GradV, GradV, StepAlpha, StepBeta);
00647           if (LearnRate == 0.0) { NewNIDV[ui] = -2; continue; }
00648           for (int ci = 0; ci < GradV.Len(); ci++) {
00649             int CID = GradV.GetKey(ci);
00650             double Change = LearnRate * GradV.GetDat(CID);
00651             double NewFuc = CurFU.IsKey(CID)? CurFU.GetDat(CID) + Change : Change;
00652             if (NewFuc <= 0.0) {
00653               CurFU.DelIfKey(CID);
00654             } else {
00655               CurFU.AddDat(CID) = NewFuc;
00656             }
00657           }
00658           CurFU.Defrag();
00659         }
00660         //store changes
00661         NewF[ui] = CurFU;
00662         NewNIDV[ui] = u;
00663       }
00664     }
00665     int NumNoChangeGrad = 0;
00666     int NumNoChangeStepSize = 0;
00667     for (int ui = 0; ui < NewNIDV.Len(); ui++) {
00668       int NewNID = NewNIDV[ui];
00669       if (NewNID == -1) { NumNoChangeGrad++; continue; }
00670       if (NewNID == -2) { NumNoChangeStepSize++; continue; }
00671       for (TIntFltH::TIter CI = F[NewNID].BegI(); CI < F[NewNID].EndI(); CI++) {
00672         SumFV[CI.GetKey()] -= CI.GetDat();
00673       }
00674     }
00675 #pragma omp parallel for
00676     for (int ui = 0; ui < NewNIDV.Len(); ui++) {
00677       int NewNID = NewNIDV[ui];
00678       if (NewNID < 0) { continue; }
00679       F[NewNID] = NewF[ui];
00680     }
00681     for (int ui = 0; ui < NewNIDV.Len(); ui++) {
00682       int NewNID = NewNIDV[ui];
00683       if (NewNID < 0) { continue; }
00684       for (TIntFltH::TIter CI = F[NewNID].BegI(); CI < F[NewNID].EndI(); CI++) {
00685         SumFV[CI.GetKey()] += CI.GetDat();
00686       }
00687     }
00688     // update the nodes who are optimal
00689     for (int ui = 0; ui < NewNIDV.Len(); ui++) {
00690       int NewNID = NewNIDV[ui];
00691       if (NewNID < 0) { continue; }
00692       TUNGraph::TNodeI UI = G->GetNI(NewNID);
00693       NIDOPTV[NewNID] = 0;
00694       for (int e = 0; e < UI.GetDeg(); e++) {
00695         NIDOPTV[UI.GetNbrNId(e)] = 0;
00696       }
00697     }
00698     int OPTCnt = 0;
00699     for (int i = 0; i < NIDOPTV.Len(); i++) { if (NIDOPTV[i] == 1) { OPTCnt++; } }
00700     // fit W (logistic regression)
00701     if (! PlotNm.Empty()) {
00702       printf("\r%d iterations [%s] %s secs", iter * ChunkSize * ChunkNum, ExeTm.GetTmStr(), TUInt64::GetStr(TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetAbsSecs()-StartTm).CStr());
00703       if (PrevL > TFlt::Mn) { printf(" (%f) %d g %d s %d OPT", PrevL, NumNoChangeGrad, NumNoChangeStepSize, OPTCnt); }
00704       fflush(stdout);
00705     }
00706     if (iter == 0 || (iter - PrevIter) * ChunkSize * ChunkNum >= G->GetNodes()) {
00707   #pragma omp parallel for
00708       for (int k = 0; k < Attrs; k++) {
00709         TFltV GradWV(NumComs);
00710         GradientForWK(GradWV, k);
00711         if (TLinAlg::Norm2(GradWV) < 1e-4) { continue; }
00712         double LearnRate = GetStepSizeByLineSearchForWK(k, GradWV, GradWV, StepAlpha, StepBeta);
00713         if (LearnRate == 0.0) { continue; }
00714         for (int c = 0; c < GradWV.Len(); c++){
00715           W[k][c] += LearnRate * GradWV[c];
00716           if (W[k][c] < MinValW) { W[k][c] = MinValW; }
00717           if (W[k][c] > MaxValW) { W[k][c] = MaxValW; }
00718         }
00719       }
00720       PrevIter = iter;
00721       double CurL = Likelihood(true);
00722       IterLV.Add(TIntFltPr(iter * ChunkSize * ChunkNum, CurL));
00723       printf("\r%d iterations, Likelihood: %f, Diff: %f [%lu secs]", iter, CurL,  CurL - PrevL, time(NULL) - InitTime);
00724        fflush(stdout);
00725       if (CurL - PrevL <= Thres * fabs(PrevL)) { 
00726         break;
00727       }
00728       else {
00729         PrevL = CurL;
00730       }
00731     }
00732   }
00733   if (! PlotNm.Empty()) {
00734     printf("\nMLE completed with %d iterations(%s secs)\n", iter, TUInt64::GetStr(TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetAbsSecs()-StartTm).CStr());
00735     TGnuPlot::PlotValV(IterLV, PlotNm + ".likelihood_Q");
00736   } else {
00737     printf("\rMLE completed with %d iterations(%lu secs)", iter, time(NULL) - InitTime);
00738     fflush(stdout);
00739   }
00740   return iter;
00741 }