SNAP Library 2.2, Developer Reference  2014-03-11 19:15:55
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00001 #ifndef zipfl_h
00002 #define zipfl_h
00004 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00014 // Obsolete note (RS 2014/01/29): You can only load .gz files of uncompressed size <2GB. If you load some other format (like .bz2 or rar) there is no such limitation.
00015 class TZipIn : public TSIn {
00016 public:
00017   static TStr SevenZipPath;
00018 private:
00019   static TStrStrH FExtToCmdH;
00020   static const int MxBfL;
00021   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00022     HANDLE ZipStdoutRd, ZipStdoutWr;
00023   #else 
00024     FILE* ZipStdoutRd, *ZipStdoutWr;
00025   #endif
00026   uint64 FLen, CurFPos;
00027   char* Bf;
00028   int BfC, BfL;
00029 private:
00030   void FillBf();
00031   int FindEol(int& BfN);
00032   void CreateZipProcess(const TStr& Cmd, const TStr& ZipFNm);
00033   static void FillFExtToCmdH();
00034 private:
00035   TZipIn();
00036   TZipIn(const TZipIn&);
00037   TZipIn& operator=(const TZipIn&);
00038 public:
00039   TZipIn(const TStr& FNm);
00040   TZipIn(const TStr& FNm, bool& OpenedP);
00041   static PSIn New(const TStr& FNm);
00042   static PSIn New(const TStr& FNm, bool& OpenedP);
00043   ~TZipIn();
00045   bool Eof() { return CurFPos==FLen && BfC==BfL; }
00046   int Len() const { return int(FLen-CurFPos+BfL-BfC); }
00047   char GetCh() { if (BfC==BfL){FillBf();} return Bf[BfC++]; }
00048   char PeekCh() { if (BfC==BfL){FillBf();} return Bf[BfC]; }
00049   int GetBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00050   bool GetNextLnBf(TChA& LnChA);
00052   uint64 GetFLen() const { return FLen; }
00053   uint64 GetCurFPos() const { return CurFPos; }
00056   static bool IsZipFNm(const TStr& FNm) { return IsZipExt(FNm.GetFExt()); }
00058   static bool IsZipExt(const TStr& FNmExt);
00060   static TStr GetCmd(const TStr& ZipFNm);
00062   static uint64 GetFLen(const TStr& ZipFNm);
00063   static PSIn NewIfZip(const TStr& FNm) { return IsZipFNm(FNm) ? New(FNm) : TFIn::New(FNm); }
00064 };
00066 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00074 class TZipOut : public TSOut{
00075 private:
00076   static const TSize MxBfL;
00077   static TStrStrH FExtToCmdH;
00078   #ifdef GLib_WIN
00079     HANDLE ZipStdinRd, ZipStdinWr;
00080   #else 
00081     FILE *ZipStdinRd, *ZipStdinWr;
00082   #endif
00083   char* Bf;
00084   TSize BfL;
00085 private:
00086   void FlushBf();
00087   void CreateZipProcess(const TStr& Cmd, const TStr& ZipFNm);
00088   static void FillFExtToCmdH();
00089 private:
00090   TZipOut();
00091   TZipOut(const TZipOut&);
00092   TZipOut& operator=(const TZipOut&);
00093 public:
00094   TZipOut(const TStr& _FNm);
00095   static PSOut New(const TStr& FNm);
00096   ~TZipOut();
00098   int PutCh(const char& Ch);
00099   int PutBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00100   void Flush();
00103   static bool IsZipFNm(const TStr& FNm) { return IsZipExt(FNm.GetFExt()); }
00105   static bool IsZipExt(const TStr& FNmExt);
00107   static TStr GetCmd(const TStr& ZipFNm);
00108   static PSOut NewIfZip(const TStr& FNm) { return IsZipFNm(FNm) ? New(FNm) : TFOut::New(FNm); }
00109 };
00111 #endif