SNAP Library 2.2, Developer Reference  2014-03-11 19:15:55
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #include "bd.h"
00004 // Forward-Definitions
00005 class TMem;
00006 class TChA;
00007 class TStr;
00010 // Check-Sum
00011 class TCs{
00012 private:
00013   static const int MxMask;
00014   int Val;
00015 public:
00016   TCs(): Val(0){}
00017   TCs(const TCs& Cs): Val(Cs.Val&MxMask){}
00018   TCs(const int& Int): Val(Int&MxMask){}
00020   TCs& operator=(const TCs& Cs){Val=Cs.Val; return *this;}
00021   bool operator==(const TCs& Cs) const {return Val==Cs.Val;}
00022   TCs& operator+=(const TCs& Cs){Val=(Val+Cs.Val)&MxMask; return *this;}
00023   TCs& operator+=(const char& Ch){Val=(Val+Ch)&MxMask; return *this;}
00024   TCs& operator+=(const int& Int){Val=(Val+Int)&MxMask; return *this;}
00025   int Get() const {return Val;}
00027   static TCs GetCsFromBf(char* Bf, const int& BfL);
00028 };
00031 // Output-stream-manipulator
00032 class TSOutMnp {
00033 public:
00034   virtual TSOut& operator()(TSOut& SOut) const=0;
00035   virtual ~TSOutMnp();
00036 };
00039 // Stream-base
00040 class TSBase{
00041 protected:
00042   TCRef CRef;
00043   TSStr SNm;
00044   TCs Cs;
00045 //protected:
00046 //  TSBase();
00047 //  TSBase(const TSBase&);
00048 //  TSBase& operator=(const TSBase&);
00049 public:
00050   TSBase(const TSStr& Nm): SNm(Nm){}
00051   virtual ~TSBase(){}
00053   virtual TStr GetSNm() const;
00054 };
00057 // Input-Stream
00058 class TSIn: virtual public TSBase{
00059 private:
00060   bool FastMode;
00061 private:
00062   TSIn(const TSIn&);
00063   TSIn& operator=(const TSIn&);
00064 public:
00065   TSIn(): TSBase("Input-Stream"), FastMode(false){}
00066   TSIn(const TStr& Str);
00067   virtual ~TSIn(){}
00069   virtual bool Eof()=0; // if end-of-file
00070   virtual int Len() const=0;  // get number of bytes till eof
00071   virtual char GetCh()=0;     // get one char and advance
00072   virtual char PeekCh()=0;    // get one char and do NOT advance
00073   virtual int GetBf(const void* Bf, const TSize& BfL)=0; // get BfL chars and advance
00074   virtual bool GetNextLnBf(TChA& LnChA)=0;  // get the next line and advance
00075   virtual void Reset(){Fail;}
00077   bool IsFastMode() const {return FastMode;}
00078   void SetFastMode(const bool& _FastMode){FastMode=_FastMode;}
00080   void LoadCs();
00081   void LoadBf(const void* Bf, const TSize& BfL){Cs+=GetBf(Bf, BfL);}
00082   void* LoadNewBf(const int& BfL){
00083     void* Bf=(void*)new char[BfL]; Cs+=GetBf(Bf, BfL); return Bf;}
00084   void Load(bool& Bool){Cs+=GetBf(&Bool, sizeof(Bool));}
00085   void Load(uchar& UCh){Cs+=GetBf(&UCh, sizeof(UCh));}
00086   void Load(char& Ch){Cs+=GetBf(&Ch, sizeof(Ch));}
00087   void Load(short& Short){Cs+=GetBf(&Short, sizeof(Short));} //J:
00088   void Load(ushort& UShort){Cs+=GetBf(&UShort, sizeof(UShort));} //J:
00089   void Load(int& Int){Cs+=GetBf(&Int, sizeof(Int));}
00090   void Load(uint& UInt){Cs+=GetBf(&UInt, sizeof(UInt));}
00091   void Load(int64& Int){Cs+=GetBf(&Int, sizeof(Int));}
00092   void Load(uint64& UInt){Cs+=GetBf(&UInt, sizeof(UInt));}
00093   void Load(double& Flt){Cs+=GetBf(&Flt, sizeof(Flt));}
00094   void Load(sdouble& SFlt){Cs+=GetBf(&SFlt, sizeof(SFlt));}
00095   void Load(ldouble& LFlt){Cs+=GetBf(&LFlt, sizeof(LFlt));}
00096   void Load(char*& CStr, const int& MxCStrLen, const int& CStrLen){
00097     CStr=new char[MxCStrLen+1]; Cs+=GetBf(CStr, CStrLen+1);}
00098   void Load(char*& CStr);
00100   TSIn& operator>>(bool& Bool){Cs+=GetBf(&Bool, sizeof(Bool)); return *this;}
00101   TSIn& operator>>(uchar& UCh){Cs+=GetBf(&UCh, sizeof(UCh)); return *this;}
00102   TSIn& operator>>(char& Ch){Cs+=GetBf(&Ch, sizeof(Ch)); return *this;}
00103   TSIn& operator>>(short& Sh){Cs+=GetBf(&Sh, sizeof(Sh)); return *this;}
00104   TSIn& operator>>(ushort& USh){Cs+=GetBf(&USh, sizeof(USh)); return *this;}
00105   TSIn& operator>>(int& Int){Cs+=GetBf(&Int, sizeof(Int)); return *this;}
00106   TSIn& operator>>(uint& UInt){Cs+=GetBf(&UInt, sizeof(UInt)); return *this;}
00107   TSIn& operator>>(int64& Int){Cs+=GetBf(&Int, sizeof(Int)); return *this;}
00108   TSIn& operator>>(uint64& UInt){Cs+=GetBf(&UInt, sizeof(UInt)); return *this;}
00109   TSIn& operator>>(float& Flt){Cs+=GetBf(&Flt, sizeof(Flt)); return *this;}
00110   TSIn& operator>>(double& Double){Cs+=GetBf(&Double, sizeof(Double)); return *this;}
00111   TSIn& operator>>(long double& LDouble){Cs+=GetBf(&LDouble, sizeof(LDouble)); return *this;}
00113   bool GetNextLn(TStr& LnStr);
00114   bool GetNextLn(TChA& LnChA);
00116   static const TPt<TSIn> StdIn;
00117   friend class TPt<TSIn>;
00118 };
00119 typedef TPt<TSIn> PSIn;
00121 template <class T>
00122 TSIn& operator>>(TSIn& SIn, T& Val) {
00123   Val.Load(SIn); return SIn;
00124 }
00127 // Output-Stream
00128 class TSOut: virtual public TSBase{
00129 private:
00130   int MxLnLen, LnLen;
00131   int UpdateLnLen(const int& StrLen, const bool& ForceInLn=false);
00132 private:
00133   TSOut(const TSIn&);
00134   TSOut& operator = (const TSOut&);
00135 public:
00136   TSOut(): TSBase("Output-Stream"), MxLnLen(-1), LnLen(0){}
00137   TSOut(const TStr& Str);
00138   virtual ~TSOut(){}
00140   void EnableLnTrunc(const int& _MxLnLen){MxLnLen=_MxLnLen;}
00141   void DisableLnTrunc(){MxLnLen=-1;}
00143   virtual int PutCh(const char& Ch)=0;
00144   virtual int PutBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL)=0;
00145   virtual void Flush()=0;
00146   virtual TFileId GetFileId() const {return NULL;}
00148   int PutMem(const TMem& Mem);
00149   int PutCh(const char& Ch, const int& Chs);
00150   int PutBool(const bool& Bool);
00151   int PutInt(const int& Int);
00152   int PutInt(const int& Int, const char* FmtStr);
00153   int PutUInt(const uint& Int);
00154   int PutUInt(const uint& Int, const char* FmtStr);
00155   int PutFlt(const double& Flt);
00156   int PutFlt(const double& Flt, const char* FmtStr);
00157   int PutStr(const char* CStr);
00158   int PutStr(const TChA& ChA);
00159   int PutStr(const TStr& Str, const char* FmtStr);
00160   int PutStr(const TStr& Str, const bool& ForceInLn=false);
00161   int PutStrLn(const TStr& Str, const bool& ForceInLn=false){
00162     int Cs=PutStr(Str,ForceInLn); Cs+=PutLn(); return Cs;}
00163   int PutStrFmt(const char *FmtStr, ...); 
00164   int PutStrFmtLn(const char *FmtStr, ...); 
00165   int PutIndent(const int& IndentLev=1);
00166   int PutLn(const int& Lns=1);
00167   int PutDosLn(const int& Lns=1);
00168   int PutSep(const int& NextStrLen=0);
00169   int PutSepLn(const int& Lns=0);
00171   void SaveCs(){Cs+=PutBf(&Cs, sizeof(Cs));}
00172   void SaveBf(const void* Bf, const TSize& BfL){Cs+=PutBf(Bf, BfL);}
00173   void Save(const bool& Bool){Cs+=PutBf(&Bool, sizeof(Bool));}
00174   void Save(const char& Ch){Cs+=PutBf(&Ch, sizeof(Ch));}
00175   void Save(const uchar& UCh){Cs+=PutBf(&UCh, sizeof(UCh));}
00176   void Save(const short& Short){Cs+=PutBf(&Short, sizeof(Short));}
00177   void Save(const ushort& UShort){Cs+=PutBf(&UShort, sizeof(UShort));}
00178   void Save(const int& Int){Cs+=PutBf(&Int, sizeof(Int));}
00179   void Save(const uint& UInt){Cs+=PutBf(&UInt, sizeof(UInt));}
00180   void Save(const int64& Int){Cs+=PutBf(&Int, sizeof(Int));}
00181   void Save(const uint64& UInt){Cs+=PutBf(&UInt, sizeof(UInt));}
00182   void Save(const double& Flt){Cs+=PutBf(&Flt, sizeof(Flt));}
00183   void Save(const sdouble& SFlt){Cs+=PutBf(&SFlt, sizeof(SFlt));}
00184   void Save(const ldouble& LFlt){Cs+=PutBf(&LFlt, sizeof(LFlt));}
00185   void Save(const char* CStr, const TSize& CStrLen){Cs+=PutBf(CStr, CStrLen+1);}
00186   void Save(const char* CStr);
00187   void Save(TSIn& SIn, const TSize& BfL=-1);
00188   void Save(const PSIn& SIn, const TSize& BfL=-1){Save(*SIn, BfL);}
00189   void Save(const void* Bf, const TSize& BfL){Cs+=PutBf(Bf, BfL);}
00191   TSOut& operator<<(const bool& Bool){Cs+=PutBf(&Bool, sizeof(Bool)); return *this;}
00192   TSOut& operator<<(const uchar& UCh){Cs+=PutBf(&UCh, sizeof(UCh)); return *this;}
00193   TSOut& operator<<(const char& Ch){Cs+=PutBf(&Ch, sizeof(Ch)); return *this;}
00194   TSOut& operator<<(const short& Sh){Cs+=PutBf(&Sh, sizeof(Sh)); return *this;}
00195   TSOut& operator<<(const ushort& USh){Cs+=PutBf(&USh, sizeof(USh)); return *this;}
00196   TSOut& operator<<(const int& Int){Cs+=PutBf(&Int, sizeof(Int)); return *this;}
00197   TSOut& operator<<(const uint& Int){Cs+=PutBf(&Int, sizeof(Int)); return *this;}
00198   TSOut& operator<<(const int64& Int){Cs+=PutBf(&Int, sizeof(Int)); return *this;}
00199   TSOut& operator<<(const uint64& UInt){Cs+=PutBf(&UInt, sizeof(UInt)); return *this;}
00200   TSOut& operator<<(const float& Flt){Cs+=PutBf(&Flt, sizeof(Flt)); return *this;}
00201   TSOut& operator<<(const double& Double){Cs+=PutBf(&Double, sizeof(Double)); return *this;}
00202   TSOut& operator<<(const long double& LDouble){Cs+=PutBf(&LDouble, sizeof(LDouble)); return *this;}
00203   TSOut& operator<<(const TSOutMnp& Mnp){return Mnp(*this);}
00204   TSOut& operator<<(TSOut&(*FuncPt)(TSOut&)){return FuncPt(*this);}
00205   TSOut& operator<<(TSIn& SIn);
00206   TSOut& operator<<(PSIn& SIn){return operator<<(*SIn);}
00208   static const TPt<TSOut> StdOut;
00209   friend class TPt<TSOut>;
00210 };
00211 typedef TPt<TSOut> PSOut;
00213 template <class T>
00214 TSOut& operator<<(TSOut& SOut, const T& Val){
00215   Val.Save(SOut); return SOut;
00216 }
00219 // Input-Output-Stream-Base
00220 class TSInOut: public TSIn, public TSOut{
00221 private:
00222   TSInOut(const TSInOut&);
00223   TSInOut& operator=(const TSInOut&);
00224 public:
00225   TSInOut(): TSBase("Input-Output-Stream"), TSIn(), TSOut() {}
00226   virtual ~TSInOut(){}
00228   virtual void SetPos(const int& Pos)=0;
00229   virtual void MovePos(const int& DPos)=0;
00230   virtual int GetPos() const=0;
00231   virtual int GetSize() const=0; // size of whole stream
00232   virtual void Clr()=0; // clear IO buffer
00234   friend class TPt<TSInOut>;
00235 };
00236 typedef TPt<TSInOut> PSInOut;
00239 // Standard-Input
00240 class TStdIn: public TSIn{
00241 private:
00242   TStdIn(const TStdIn&);
00243   TStdIn& operator=(const TStdIn&);
00244 public:
00245   TStdIn();
00246   static TPt<TSIn> New(){return new TStdIn();}
00248   bool Eof(){return feof(stdin)!=0;}
00249   int Len() const {return -1;}
00250   char GetCh(){return char(getchar());}
00251   char PeekCh(){
00252     int Ch=getchar(); ungetc(Ch, stdin); return char(Ch);}
00253   int GetBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00254   void Reset(){Cs=TCs();}
00255   bool GetNextLnBf(TChA& LnChA);
00256 };
00259 // Standard-Output
00260 class TStdOut: public TSOut{
00261 private:
00262   TStdOut(const TStdOut&);
00263   TStdOut& operator=(const TStdOut&);
00264 public:
00265   TStdOut();
00266   static TPt<TSOut> New(){return new TStdOut();}
00268   int PutCh(const char& Ch){putchar(Ch); return Ch;}
00269   int PutBf(const void *LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00270   void Flush(){fflush(stdout);}
00271 };
00274 // Input-File
00275 class TFIn: public TSIn{
00276 private:
00277   static const int MxBfL;
00278   TFileId FileId;
00279   char* Bf;
00280   int BfC, BfL;
00281 private:
00282   void SetFPos(const int& FPos) const;
00283   int GetFPos() const;
00284   int GetFLen() const;
00285   void FillBf();
00286   int FindEol(int& BfN, bool& CrEnd);
00287 private:
00288   TFIn();
00289   TFIn(const TFIn&);
00290   TFIn& operator=(const TFIn&);
00291 public:
00292   TFIn(const TStr& FNm);
00293   TFIn(const TStr& FNm, bool& OpenedP);
00294   static PSIn New(const TStr& FNm);
00295   static PSIn New(const TStr& FNm, bool& OpenedP);
00296   ~TFIn();
00298   bool Eof(){
00299     if ((BfC==BfL)&&(BfL==MxBfL)){FillBf();}
00300     return (BfC==BfL)&&(BfL<MxBfL);}
00301   int Len() const {return GetFLen()-(GetFPos()-BfL+BfC);}
00302   char GetCh(){
00303     if (BfC==BfL){if (Eof()){return 0;} return Bf[BfC++];}
00304     else {return Bf[BfC++];}}
00305   char PeekCh(){
00306     if (BfC==BfL){if (Eof()){return 0;} return Bf[BfC];}
00307     else {return Bf[BfC];}}
00308   int GetBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00309   void Reset(){rewind(FileId); Cs=TCs(); BfC=BfL=-1; FillBf();}
00310   bool GetNextLnBf(TChA& LnChA);
00312   //J:not needed
00313   //TFileId GetFileId() const {return FileId;} //J:
00314   //void SetFileId(const FileId& FlId) {FileId=FlId; BfC=BfL=-1; FillBf(); } //J: for low level manipulations
00315 };
00318 // Output-File
00319 class TFOut: public TSOut{
00320 private:
00321   static const TSize MxBfL;
00322   TFileId FileId;
00323   char* Bf;
00324   TSize BfL;
00325 private:
00326   void FlushBf();
00327 private:
00328   TFOut();
00329   TFOut(const TFOut&);
00330   TFOut& operator=(const TFOut&);
00331 public:
00332   TFOut(const TStr& _FNm, const bool& Append=false);
00333   TFOut(const TStr& _FNm, const bool& Append, bool& OpenedP);
00334   static PSOut New(const TStr& FNm, const bool& Append=false);
00335   static PSOut New(const TStr& FNm, const bool& Append, bool& OpenedP);
00336   ~TFOut();
00338   int PutCh(const char& Ch);
00339   int PutBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00340   void Flush();
00342   TFileId GetFileId() const {return FileId;}
00343 };
00346 // Input-Output-File
00347 typedef enum {faUndef, faCreate, faUpdate, faAppend, faRdOnly, faRestore} TFAccess;
00349 class TFInOut : public TSInOut {
00350 private:
00351   TFileId FileId;
00352 private:
00353   TFInOut();
00354   TFInOut(const TFIn&);
00355   TFInOut& operator=(const TFIn&);
00356 public:
00357   TFInOut(const TStr& FNm, const TFAccess& FAccess, const bool& CreateIfNo);
00358   static PSInOut New(const TStr& FNm, const TFAccess& FAccess, const bool& CreateIfNo);
00359   ~TFInOut() { if (FileId!=NULL) IAssert(fclose(FileId) == 0); }
00361   TStr GetFNm() const;
00362   TFileId GetFileId() const {return FileId;}
00364   bool Eof(){ return feof(FileId) != 0; }
00365   int Len() const { return GetSize() - GetPos(); } // bytes till eof
00366   char GetCh() { return char(fgetc(FileId)); }
00367   char PeekCh() { const char Ch = GetCh();  MovePos(-1);  return Ch; }
00368   int GetBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00369   bool GetNextLnBf(TChA& LnChA);
00371   void SetPos(const int& Pos) { IAssert(fseek(FileId, Pos, SEEK_SET)==0); }
00372   void MovePos(const int& DPos) { IAssert(fseek(FileId, DPos, SEEK_CUR)==0); }
00373   int GetPos() const { return (int) ftell(FileId); }
00374   int GetSize() const;
00375   void Clr() { Fail; }
00377   int PutCh(const char& Ch) { return PutBf(&Ch, sizeof(Ch)); }
00378   int PutBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00379   void Flush() { IAssert(fflush(FileId) == 0); }
00380 };
00383 // Input-Memory
00384 class TMIn: public TSIn{
00385 private:
00386   char* Bf;
00387   int BfC, BfL;
00388 private:
00389   TMIn();
00390   TMIn(const TMIn&);
00391   TMIn& operator=(const TMIn&);
00392 public:
00393   TMIn(const void* _Bf, const int& _BfL, const bool& TakeBf=false);
00394   TMIn(TSIn& SIn);
00395   TMIn(const char* CStr);
00396   TMIn(const TStr& Str);
00397   TMIn(const TChA& ChA);
00398   static PSIn New(const void* _Bf, const int& _BfL, const bool& TakeBf=false);
00399   static PSIn New(const char* CStr);
00400   static PSIn New(const TStr& Str);
00401   static PSIn New(const TChA& ChA);
00402   ~TMIn(){if (Bf!=NULL){delete[] Bf;}}
00404   bool Eof(){return BfC==BfL;}
00405   int Len() const {return BfL-BfC;}
00406   char GetCh();
00407   char PeekCh();
00408   int GetBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00409   void Reset(){Cs=TCs(); BfC=0;}
00410   bool GetNextLnBf(TChA& LnChA);
00412   char* GetBfAddr(){return Bf;}
00413 };
00416 // Output-Memory
00417 class TMOut: public TSOut{
00418 private:
00419   char* Bf;
00420   int BfL, MxBfL;
00421   bool OwnBf;
00422   void Resize(const int& ReqLen = -1);
00423 private:
00424   TMOut(const TMOut&);
00425   TMOut& operator=(const TMOut&);
00426 public:
00427   TMOut(const int& _MxBfL=1024);
00428   static PSOut New(const int& MxBfL=1024){
00429     return PSOut(new TMOut(MxBfL));}
00430   TMOut(char* _Bf, const int& _MxBfL);
00431   ~TMOut(){if (OwnBf&&(Bf!=NULL)){delete[] Bf;}}
00433   int PutCh(const char& Ch){if (BfL==MxBfL){
00434     Resize();} return Bf[BfL++]=Ch;}
00435   int PutBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00436   void AppendBf(const void* LBf, const TSize& LBfL);
00437   void Flush(){}
00439   int Len() const {return BfL;}
00440   void Clr(){BfL=0;}
00441   char GetCh(const int& ChN) const {
00442     IAssert((0<=ChN)&&(ChN<BfL)); return Bf[ChN];}
00443   TStr GetAsStr() const;
00444   void CutBf(const int& CutBfL);
00445   PSIn GetSIn(const bool& IsCut=true, const int& CutBfL=-1);
00446   char* GetBfAddr() const {return Bf;}
00448   bool IsCrLfLn() const;
00449   TStr GetCrLfLn();
00450   bool IsEolnLn() const;
00451   TStr GetEolnLn(const bool& DoAddEoln, const bool& DoCutBf);
00452   void MkEolnLn();
00453 };
00456 // Character-Returner
00457 class TChRet{
00458 private:
00459   PSIn SIn;
00460   char EofCh;
00461   char Ch;
00462 private:
00463   TChRet();
00464   TChRet(const TChRet&);
00465   TChRet& operator=(const TChRet&);
00466 public:
00467   TChRet(const PSIn& _SIn, const char& _EofCh=0):
00468     SIn(_SIn), EofCh(_EofCh), Ch(_EofCh){}
00470   bool Eof() const {return Ch==EofCh;}
00471   char GetCh(){
00472     if (SIn->Eof()){return Ch=EofCh;} else {return Ch=SIn->GetCh();}}
00473   char operator()(){return Ch;}
00474 };
00477 // Line-Returner
00478 // J: after talking to BlazF -- can be removed from GLib
00479 class TLnRet{
00480 private:
00481   PSIn SIn;
00482   UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TLnRet);
00483 public:
00484   TLnRet(const PSIn& _SIn): SIn(_SIn) {}
00486   bool NextLn(TStr& LnStr);
00487 };
00490 // Random-Access-File
00491 ClassTP(TFRnd, PFRnd)//{
00492 private:
00493   TFileId FileId;
00494   TSStr FNm;
00495   bool RecAct;
00496   int HdLen, RecLen;
00497 private:
00498   void RefreshFPos();
00499 private:
00500   TFRnd(const TFRnd&);
00501   TFRnd& operator=(const TFRnd&);
00502 public:
00503   TFRnd(const TStr& _FNm, const TFAccess& FAccess,
00504    const bool& CreateIfNo=true, const int& _HdLen=-1, const int& _RecLen=-1);
00505   static PFRnd New(const TStr& FNm,
00506    const TFAccess& FAccess, const bool& CreateIfNo=true,
00507    const int& HdLen=-1, const int& RecLen=-1){
00508     return new TFRnd(FNm, FAccess, CreateIfNo, HdLen, RecLen);}
00509   ~TFRnd();
00511   TStr GetFNm() const;
00512   void SetHdRecLen(const int& _HdLen, const int& _RecLen){
00513     HdLen=_HdLen; RecLen=_RecLen; RecAct=(HdLen>=0)&&(RecLen>0);}
00515   void SetFPos(const int& FPos);
00516   void MoveFPos(const int& DFPos);
00517   int GetFPos();
00518   int GetFLen();
00519   bool Empty(){return GetFLen()==0;}
00520   bool Eof(){return GetFPos()==GetFLen();}
00522   void SetRecN(const int& RecN);
00523   int GetRecN();
00524   int GetRecs();
00526   void GetBf(void* Bf, const TSize& BfL);
00527   void PutBf(const void* Bf, const TSize& BfL);
00528   void Flush();
00530   void GetHd(void* Hd){IAssert(RecAct);
00531     int FPos=GetFPos(); SetFPos(0); GetBf(Hd, HdLen); SetFPos(FPos);}
00532   void PutHd(const void* Hd){IAssert(RecAct);
00533     int FPos=GetFPos(); SetFPos(0); PutBf(Hd, HdLen); SetFPos(FPos);}
00534   void GetRec(void* Rec, const int& RecN=-1){
00535     IAssert(RecAct); if (RecN!=-1){SetRecN(RecN);} GetBf(Rec, RecLen);}
00536   void PutRec(const void* Rec, const int& RecN=-1){
00537     IAssert(RecAct); if (RecN!=-1){SetRecN(RecN);} PutBf(Rec, RecLen);}
00539   void PutCs(const TCs& Cs){PutBf(&Cs, sizeof(Cs));}
00540   TCs GetCs(){TCs Cs; GetBf(&Cs, sizeof(Cs)); return Cs;}
00541   void PutCh(const char& Ch){PutBf(&Ch, sizeof(Ch));}
00542   void PutCh(const char& Ch, const int& Chs);
00543   char GetCh(){char Ch; GetBf(&Ch, sizeof(Ch)); return Ch;}
00544   void PutUCh(const uchar& UCh){PutBf(&UCh, sizeof(UCh));}
00545   uchar GetUCh(){uchar UCh; GetBf(&UCh, sizeof(UCh)); return UCh;}
00546   void PutInt(const int& Int){PutBf(&Int, sizeof(Int));}
00547   int GetInt(){int Int; GetBf(&Int, sizeof(Int)); return Int;}
00548   void PutUInt(const uint& UInt){PutBf(&UInt, sizeof(UInt));}
00549   uint GetUInt(){uint UInt; GetBf(&UInt, sizeof(UInt)); return UInt;}
00550   void PutStr(const TStr& Str);
00551   TStr GetStr(const int& StrLen);
00552   TStr GetStr(const int& MxStrLen, bool& IsOk);
00553   void PutSIn(const PSIn& SIn, TCs& Cs);
00554   PSIn GetSIn(const int& SInLen, TCs& Cs);
00556   static TStr GetStrFromFAccess(const TFAccess& FAccess);
00557   static TFAccess GetFAccessFromStr(const TStr& Str);
00558 };
00561 // Files
00562 class TFile{
00563 public:
00564   static const TStr TxtFExt;
00565   static const TStr HtmlFExt;
00566   static const TStr HtmFExt;
00567   static const TStr GifFExt;
00568   static const TStr JarFExt;
00569 public:
00570   static bool Exists(const TStr& FNm);
00571   static void Copy(const TStr& SrcFNm, const TStr& DstFNm, 
00572     const bool& ThrowExceptP=true, const bool& FailIfExistsP=false);
00573   static void Del(const TStr& FNm, const bool& ThrowExceptP=true);
00574   static void DelWc(const TStr& WcStr, const bool& RecurseDirP=false);
00575   static void Rename(const TStr& SrcFNm, const TStr& DstFNm);
00576   static TStr GetUniqueFNm(const TStr& FNm);
00577   static uint64 GetSize(const TStr& FNm);
00578   static uint64 GetCreateTm(const TStr& FNm);
00579   static uint64 GetLastAccessTm(const TStr& FNm);
00580   static uint64 GetLastWriteTm(const TStr& FNm);
00581 };