SNAP Library 2.2, Developer Reference  2014-03-11 19:15:55
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #include "bd.h"
00003 #ifdef GLib_WIN
00005 // Com
00006 class TCom{
00007 public:
00008   TCom(){
00009     /*EAssertR(::CoInitialize(NULL)==S_OK, "COM initialization failed.");*/}
00010   ~TCom(){/*CoUninitialize();*/}
00011 };
00014 // System-Processes
00015 class TSysProc{
00016 public:
00017   static void Sleep(const uint& MSecs);
00018   static TStr GetExeFNm();
00019   static void SetLowPriority();
00020   static bool ExeProc(const TStr& ExeFNm, TStr& ParamStr);
00021 };
00024 // System-Memory-Status
00025 ClassTP(TSysMemStat, PSysMemStat)//{
00026 private:
00028 public:
00029   TSysMemStat(){Refresh();}
00030   ~TSysMemStat(){}
00031   TSysMemStat(TSIn&){Fail;}
00032   static TPt<TSysMemStat> Load(TSIn&){Fail; return NULL;}
00033   void Save(TSOut&){Fail;}
00035   TSysMemStat& operator=(const TSysMemStat&){Fail; return *this;}
00037   void Refresh(){
00038     MemStat.dwLength=sizeof(MEMORYSTATUSEX);
00039     GlobalMemoryStatusEx(&MemStat);}
00041   uint64 GetLoad(){ // percent of memory in use
00042     return uint64(MemStat.dwMemoryLoad);}
00043   uint64 GetTotalPhys(){ // bytes of physical memory
00044     return uint64(MemStat.ullTotalPhys);}
00045   uint64 GetAvailPhys(){ // free physical memory bytes
00046     return uint64(MemStat.ullAvailPhys);}
00047   uint64 GetTotalPageFile(){ // bytes of paging file
00048     return uint64(MemStat.ullTotalPageFile);}
00049   uint64 GetAvailPageFile(){ // free bytes of paging file
00050     return uint64(MemStat.ullAvailPageFile);}
00051   uint64 GetTotalVirtual(){ // user bytes of address space
00052     return uint64(MemStat.ullTotalVirtual);}
00053   uint64 GetAvailVirtual(){ // free user bytes
00054     return uint64(MemStat.ullAvailVirtual);}
00056   TStr GetLoadStr();
00057   TStr GetUsageStr();
00058   TStr GetInfoStr();
00059   TStr GetStr();
00061   static bool Is32Bit(){return sizeof(char*)==4;}
00062   static bool Is64Bit(){return sizeof(char*)==8;}
00063 };
00066 // System-Console
00067 ClassTP(TSysConsole, PSysConsole)//{
00068 private:
00069   bool Ok;
00070   HANDLE hStdOut;
00071 public:
00072   TSysConsole();
00073   static PSysConsole New(){return PSysConsole(new TSysConsole());}
00074   ~TSysConsole();
00075   TSysConsole(TSIn&){Fail;}
00076   static PSysConsole Load(TSIn&){Fail; return NULL;}
00077   void Save(TSOut&){Fail;}
00079   TSysConsole& operator=(const TSysConsole&){Fail; return *this;}
00081   void Put(const TStr& Str);
00082   void PutLn(const TStr& Str){
00083     Put(Str); Put("\r\n");}
00085   static void OpenFile(const TStr& FNm){
00086     ShellExecute(0, "open", FNm.CStr(), "", "", SW_SHOWNORMAL);}
00087 };
00090 // System-Console-Notifier
00091 class TSysConsoleNotify: public TNotify{
00092 private:
00093   PSysConsole SysConsole;
00094 public:
00095   TSysConsoleNotify(const PSysConsole& _SysConsole):
00096     SysConsole(_SysConsole){}
00097   static PNotify New(const PSysConsole& _SysConsole){
00098     return PNotify(new TSysConsoleNotify(_SysConsole));}
00100   void OnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr);
00101   void OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr);
00102 };
00105 // System-Messages
00106 //class TSysMsg{
00107 //public:
00108 //  static void Loop();
00109 //  static void Quit();
00110 //};
00113 // System-Time
00114 class TSysTm{
00115 public:
00116   static TTm GetCurUniTm();
00117   static TTm GetCurLocTm();
00118   static uint64 GetCurUniMSecs();
00119   static uint64 GetCurLocMSecs();
00120   static uint64 GetMSecsFromTm(const TTm& Tm);
00121   static TTm GetTmFromMSecs(const uint64& MSecs);
00122   static uint GetMSecsFromOsStart();
00124   static TTm GetLocTmFromUniTm(const TTm& Tm);
00125   static TTm GetUniTmFromLocTm(const TTm& Tm);
00127   static uint64 GetProcessMSecs();
00128   static uint64 GetThreadMSecs();
00130   static uint64 GetPerfTimerFq();
00131   static uint64 GetPerfTimerTicks();
00132 };
00135 // System-Strings
00136 class TSysStr{
00137 public:
00138   static TStr GetCmLn();
00139   static TStr GetMsgStr(const DWORD& MsgCd);
00140   static TStr GetLastMsgStr(){return GetMsgStr(GetLastError());}
00141   static char* GetLastMsgCStr();
00143   static BSTR NewBStr(const TStr& Str){
00144     return SysAllocStringByteLen(Str.CStr(), Str.Len());}
00145   static TStr DelBStr(BSTR& BStr){
00146     TStr Str=(char*)BStr; SysFreeString(BStr); BStr=NULL; return Str;}
00147 };
00150 // Registry-Key
00151 ClassTP(TRegKey, PRegKey)//{
00152 private:
00153   bool Ok;
00154   HKEY hKey;
00155   void UndefCopyAssgin(TRegKey);
00156 private:
00157   TRegKey(): Ok(false), hKey(0){}
00158   TRegKey(const bool& _Ok, const HKEY& _hKey): Ok(_Ok), hKey(_hKey){}
00159   ~TRegKey(){if (Ok){RegCloseKey(hKey);}}
00161   HKEY GetHandle() const {return hKey;}
00162 public:
00163   static PRegKey GetKey(const PRegKey& Key, const TStr& SubKeyNm);
00164   static TStr GetVal(const PRegKey& Key, const TStr& SubKeyNm, const TStr& ValNm);
00165   static PRegKey GetClassesRootKey(){return new TRegKey(true, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT);}
00166   static PRegKey GetCurrentUserKey(){return new TRegKey(true, HKEY_CURRENT_USER);}
00167   static PRegKey GetLocalMachineKey(){return new TRegKey(true, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);}
00168   static PRegKey GetUsersKey(){return new TRegKey(true, HKEY_USERS);}
00170   bool IsOk() const {return Ok;}
00171   void GetKeyNmV(TStrV& KeyNmV) const;
00172   void GetValV(TStrKdV& ValNmStrKdV) const;
00173 };
00176 // Program StdIn and StdOut redirection using pipes
00177 class TStdIOPipe {
00178 private:
00179   HANDLE ChildStdinRd, ChildStdinWrDup;
00180   HANDLE ChildStdoutWr, ChildStdoutRdDup;
00181   void CreateProc(const TStr& Cmd);
00182 private:
00183   UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TStdIOPipe);
00184 public:
00185   TStdIOPipe(const TStr& CmdToExe);
00186   ~TStdIOPipe();
00188   int Write(const char* Bf) { return Write(Bf, (int) strlen(Bf)); }
00189   int Write(const char* Bf, const int& BfLen);
00190   int Read(char *Bf, const int& BfMxLen);
00191 };
00193 #elif defined(GLib_UNIX)
00196 // Compatibility functions
00198 int GetModuleFileName(void *hModule, char *Bf, int MxBfL);
00199 int GetCurrentDirectory(const int MxBfL, char *Bf);
00200 int CreateDirectory(const char *FNm, void *useless);
00201 int RemoveDirectory(const char *FNm);
00202 uint64 Epoch2Ft(time_t Epoch);
00203 time_t Ft2Epoch(uint64 Ft);
00206 // System-Processes
00207 class TSysProc{
00208 public:
00209   static int Sleep(const uint& MSecs);
00210   static TStr GetExeFNm();
00211   static void SetLowPriority();
00212   static bool ExeProc(const TStr& ExeFNm, TStr& ParamStr);
00213 };
00216 // System-Messages
00217 class TSysMsg{
00218 public:
00219   static void Loop();
00220   static void Quit();
00221 };
00224 // System-Time
00225 class TSysTm{
00226 public:
00227   static TTm GetCurUniTm();
00228   static TTm GetCurLocTm();
00229   static uint64 GetCurUniMSecs();
00230   static uint64 GetCurLocMSecs();
00231   static uint64 GetMSecsFromTm(const TTm& Tm);
00232   static TTm GetTmFromMSecs(const uint64& MSecs);
00233   static uint GetMSecsFromOsStart();
00235   static TTm GetLocTmFromUniTm(const TTm& Tm);
00236   static TTm GetUniTmFromLocTm(const TTm& Tm);
00238   static uint64 GetProcessMSecs();
00239   static uint64 GetThreadMSecs();
00241   static uint64 GetPerfTimerFq();
00242   static uint64 GetPerfTimerTicks();
00243 };
00246 // Program StdIn and StdOut redirection using pipes
00247 // J: not yet ported to Linux
00248 class TStdIOPipe {
00249 private:
00250   int ChildStdinRd, ChildStdinWrDup;
00251   int ChildStdoutWr, ChildStdoutRdDup;
00252   void CreateProc(const TStr& Cmd);
00253 private:
00254   UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TStdIOPipe);
00255 public:
00256   TStdIOPipe(const TStr& CmdToExe);
00257   ~TStdIOPipe();
00259   int Write(const char* Bf) { return Write(Bf, (int) strlen(Bf)); }
00260   int Write(const char* Bf, const int& BfLen);
00261   int Read(char *Bf, const int& BfMxLen);
00262 };
00264 #endif