SNAP Library 2.1, Developer Reference  2013-09-25 10:47:25
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00002 // Sigle Snapshot Graph Statistics
00003 int TGStat::NDiamRuns = 10;
00004 int TGStat::TakeSngVals = 100;
00005 const TFltPrV TGStat::EmptyV = TFltPrV();
00007 bool TGStat::TCmpByVal::operator () (const TGStat& GS1, const TGStat& GS2) const {
00008   IAssertR(GS1.HasVal(ValCmp) && GS2.HasVal(ValCmp), TStr::Fmt("CmpVal: %d (%s)", 
00009     int(ValCmp), TGStat::GetValStr(ValCmp).CStr()).CStr());
00010   bool Res;
00011   if (ValCmp == gsvTime) { Res = GS1.Time < GS2.Time; }
00012   else { Res = GS1.GetVal(ValCmp) < GS2.GetVal(ValCmp); }
00013   if (SortAsc) { return Res; }
00014   else { return ! Res; }
00015 }
00017 bool TGStat::TCmpByVal::operator () (const PGStat& GS1, const PGStat& GS2) const {
00018   return operator()(*GS1, *GS2);
00019 }
00021 TGStat::TGStat(const TSecTm& GraphTm, const TStr& GraphName) :
00022   Time(GraphTm), GraphNm(GraphName), ValStatH(), DistrStatH() {
00023 }
00025 TGStat::TGStat(const PNGraph& Graph, const TSecTm& GraphTm, TFSet StatFSet, const TStr& GraphName) {
00026   TakeStat(Graph, GraphTm, StatFSet, GraphName);
00027 }
00029 TGStat::TGStat(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TSecTm& GraphTm, TFSet StatFSet, const TStr& GraphName) {
00030   TakeStat(Graph, GraphTm, StatFSet, GraphName);
00031 }
00033 TGStat::TGStat(const PNEGraph& Graph, const TSecTm& GraphTm, TFSet StatFSet, const TStr& GraphName) {
00034   TakeStat(Graph, GraphTm, StatFSet, GraphName);
00035 }
00036 TGStat::TGStat(const TGStat& GStat) : Time(GStat.Time), GraphNm(GStat.GraphNm),
00037   ValStatH(GStat.ValStatH), DistrStatH(GStat.DistrStatH) {
00038 }
00040 TGStat::TGStat(TSIn& SIn) : Time(SIn), GraphNm(SIn), ValStatH(SIn), DistrStatH(SIn) { }
00042 void TGStat::Save(TSOut& SOut) const {
00043   Time.Save(SOut);  GraphNm.Save(SOut);
00044   ValStatH.Save(SOut);  DistrStatH.Save(SOut);
00045 }
00047 TGStat& TGStat::operator = (const TGStat& GStat) {
00048   if (this != &GStat) {
00049     Time = GStat.Time;
00050     GraphNm = GStat.GraphNm;
00051     ValStatH = GStat.ValStatH;
00052     DistrStatH = GStat.DistrStatH;
00053   }
00054   return *this;
00055 }
00057 bool TGStat::operator == (const TGStat& GStat) const {
00058   return Time==GStat.Time && ValStatH==GStat.ValStatH && DistrStatH==GStat.DistrStatH;
00059 }
00061 bool TGStat::operator < (const TGStat& GStat) const {
00062   if (Time<GStat.Time) { return true; }
00063   if (Time>GStat.Time) { return false; }
00064   if (ValStatH.Empty() && ! GStat.ValStatH.Empty()) { return true; }
00065   if (GStat.ValStatH.Empty()) { return false; }
00066   for (int v = gsvTime; v < gsvMx; v++) {
00067     if (! ValStatH.IsKey(v) && ! GStat.ValStatH.IsKey(v)) { continue; }
00068     if (ValStatH.IsKey(v) && ! GStat.ValStatH.IsKey(v)) { return false; }
00069     if (! ValStatH.IsKey(v)) { return true; }
00070     if (ValStatH.GetDat(v) < GStat.ValStatH.GetDat(v)) { return true; }
00071   }
00072   return false;
00073 }
00075 bool TGStat::HasVal(const TGStatVal& StatVal) const {
00076   if (StatVal == gsvIndex) { return true; }
00077   if (StatVal == gsvTime) { return Time.IsDef(); }
00078   return ValStatH.IsKey(int(StatVal));
00079 }
00081 double TGStat::GetVal(const TGStatVal& StatVal) const {
00082   if (StatVal == gsvIndex) { return -1; }
00083   if (StatVal == gsvTime) { return Time.GetAbsSecs(); }
00084   if (! ValStatH.IsKey(int(StatVal))) { return -1.0; }
00085   return ValStatH.GetDat(int(StatVal));
00086 }
00088 void TGStat::SetVal(const TGStatVal& StatVal, const double& Val) {
00089   ValStatH.AddDat(int(StatVal), Val);
00090 }
00092 const TFltPrV& TGStat::GetDistr(const TGStatDistr& Distr) const {
00093   if (! DistrStatH.IsKey(int(Distr))) { return EmptyV; }
00094   return DistrStatH.GetDat(int(Distr));
00095 }
00097 void TGStat::SetDistr(const TGStatDistr& Distr, const TFltPrV& FltPrV) {
00098   DistrStatH.AddDat(Distr, FltPrV);
00099 }
00101 void TGStat::GetDistr(const TGStatDistr& Distr, TFltPrV& FltPrV) const {
00102   FltPrV = GetDistr(Distr);
00103 }
00105 void TGStat::TakeStat(const PNGraph& Graph, const TSecTm& _Time, TFSet StatFSet, const TStr& GraphName) {
00106   printf("\n===TakeStat:  G(%u, %u) at %s\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges(), _Time.IsDef()?_Time.GetStr().CStr():"");
00107   TExeTm ExeTm, FullTm;
00108   Time = _Time;
00109   GraphNm = GraphName;
00110   if (StatFSet.In(gsvNone)) { return; }
00111   TakeBasicStat(Graph, false);
00112   TakeDiam(Graph, StatFSet, false);
00113   if (StatFSet.In(gsdWcc) || StatFSet.In(gsdWccHops) || StatFSet.In(gsvFullDiam) || StatFSet.In(gsvEffWccDiam) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccNodes) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccSrcNodes) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccDstNodes) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccEdges) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccUniqEdges) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccBiDirEdges)) {
00114     PNGraph WccGraph = TSnap::GetMxWcc(Graph);
00115     TakeBasicStat(WccGraph, true);
00116     TakeDiam(WccGraph, StatFSet, true);
00117     SetVal(gsvWccSize, WccGraph->GetNodes()/double(Graph->GetNodes()));
00118   }
00119   // strongly connected component
00120   TakeSccStat(Graph, StatFSet);
00121   // strongly connected component
00122   TakeBccStat(Graph, StatFSet);
00123   // degrees
00124   TakeDegDistr(Graph, StatFSet);
00125   // components
00126   TakeConnComp(Graph, StatFSet);
00127   // spectral
00128   TakeSpectral(Graph, StatFSet, -1);
00129   // clustering coeffient
00130   if (StatFSet.In(gsdClustCf) || StatFSet.In(gsvClustCf)) {
00131     TakeClustCf(Graph); }
00132   if (StatFSet.In(gsdTriadPart)) {
00133     TakeTriadPart(Graph); }
00134   printf("**[%s]\n", FullTm.GetTmStr());
00135 }
00137 void TGStat::TakeStat(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TSecTm& _Time, TFSet StatFSet, const TStr& GraphName) {
00138   printf("\n===TakeStat:  UG(%u, %u) at %s\n", Graph->GetNodes(), Graph->GetEdges(), _Time.IsDef()?_Time.GetStr().CStr():"");
00139   TExeTm ExeTm, FullTm;
00140   Time = _Time;
00141   GraphNm = GraphName;
00142   if (StatFSet.In(gsvNone)) { return; }
00143   TakeBasicStat(Graph, false);
00144   TakeDiam(Graph, StatFSet, false);
00145   if (StatFSet.In(gsdWcc) || StatFSet.In(gsdWccHops) || StatFSet.In(gsvFullDiam) || StatFSet.In(gsvEffWccDiam) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccNodes) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccSrcNodes) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccDstNodes) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccEdges) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccUniqEdges) || StatFSet.In(gsvWccBiDirEdges)) {
00146     PUNGraph WccGraph = TSnap::GetMxWcc(Graph);
00147     TakeBasicStat(WccGraph, true);
00148     TakeDiam(WccGraph, StatFSet, true);
00149     SetVal(gsvWccSize, WccGraph->GetNodes()/double(Graph->GetNodes()));
00150   }
00151   // strongly connected component
00152   //TakeSccStat(Graph, StatFSet);
00153   // strongly connected component
00154   TakeBccStat(Graph, StatFSet);
00155   // degrees
00156   TakeDegDistr(Graph, StatFSet);
00157   // components
00158   TakeConnComp(Graph, StatFSet);
00159   // spectral
00160   //TakeSpectral(Graph, StatFSet, -1);
00161   // clustering coeffient
00162   if (StatFSet.In(gsdClustCf) || StatFSet.In(gsvClustCf)) {
00163     TakeClustCf(Graph); }
00164   if (StatFSet.In(gsdTriadPart)) {
00165     TakeTriadPart(Graph); }
00166   printf("**[%s]\n", FullTm.GetTmStr());
00167 }
00169 void TGStat::TakeSpectral(const PNGraph& Graph, const int _TakeSngVals) {
00170   TakeSpectral(Graph, TFSet() | gsdSngVal | gsdSngVec, _TakeSngVals);
00171 }
00173 void TGStat::TakeSpectral(const PNGraph& Graph, TFSet StatFSet, int _TakeSngVals) {
00174   TExeTm ExeTm;
00175   if (_TakeSngVals == -1) { _TakeSngVals = TakeSngVals; }
00176   // singular values, vectors
00177   if (StatFSet.In(gsdSngVal)) {
00178     printf("sing-vals...");  
00179     const int SngVals = TMath::Mn(_TakeSngVals, Graph->GetNodes()/2);
00180     TFltV SngValV1;
00181     TSnap::GetSngVals(Graph, SngVals, SngValV1);
00182     SngValV1.Sort(false);
00183     TFltPrV& SngValV = DistrStatH.AddDat(gsdSngVal);
00184     SngValV.Gen(SngValV1.Len(), 0);
00185     for (int i = 0; i < SngValV1.Len(); i++) {
00186       SngValV.Add(TFltPr(i+1, SngValV1[i]));
00187     }
00188     printf("[%s]  ", ExeTm.GetTmStr());
00189   }
00190   if (StatFSet.In(gsdSngVec)) {
00191     printf("sing-vec...");  
00192     TFltV LeftV, RightV;
00193     TSnap::GetSngVec(Graph, LeftV, RightV);
00194     LeftV.Sort(false);
00195     TFltPrV& SngVec = DistrStatH.AddDat(gsdSngVec);
00196     SngVec.Gen(LeftV.Len(), 0);
00197     for (int i = 0; i < TMath::Mn(Kilo(10), LeftV.Len()/2); i++) {
00198       if (LeftV[i] > 0) { SngVec.Add(TFltPr(i+1, LeftV[i])); }
00199     }
00200     printf("[%s]  ", ExeTm.GetTmStr());
00201   }
00202 }
00204 void TGStat::Plot(const TGStatDistr& Distr, const TStr& FNmPref, TStr Desc, bool PowerFit) const {
00205   if (Desc.Empty()) Desc = FNmPref.GetUc();
00206   if (! HasDistr(Distr) || Distr==gsdUndef || Distr==gsdMx) { return; }
00207   TPlotInfo Info = GetPlotInfo(Distr);
00208   TGnuPlot GnuPlot(Info.Val1+TStr(".")+FNmPref, TStr::Fmt("%s. G(%d, %d)", Desc.CStr(), GetNodes(),GetEdges()));
00209   GnuPlot.SetXYLabel(Info.Val2, Info.Val3);
00210   GnuPlot.SetScale(Info.Val4);
00211   const int plotId = GnuPlot.AddPlot(GetDistr(Distr), gpwLinesPoints, "");
00212   if (PowerFit) { GnuPlot.AddPwrFit(plotId, gpwLines); }
00213   #ifdef GLib_MACOSX
00214   GnuPlot.SaveEps();
00215   #else
00216   GnuPlot.SavePng();
00217   #endif
00218 }
00220 void TGStat::Plot(const TFSet& FSet, const TStr& FNmPref, TStr Desc, bool PowerFit) const {
00221   for (int d = gsdUndef; d < gsdMx; d++) {
00222     const TGStatDistr Distr = TGStatDistr(d);
00223     if (! FSet.In(Distr)) { continue; }
00224     Plot(Distr, FNmPref, Desc, PowerFit);
00225   }
00226 }
00228 void TGStat::PlotAll(const TStr& FNmPref, TStr Desc, bool PowerFit) const {
00229   for (int d = gsdUndef; d < gsdMx; d++) {
00230     const TGStatDistr Distr = TGStatDistr(d);
00231     Plot(Distr, FNmPref, Desc, PowerFit);
00232   }
00233 }
00235 void TGStat::DumpValStat() {
00236   for (int val = gsvNone; val < gsvMx; val++) {
00237     const TGStatVal Val = TGStatVal(val);
00238     if (! HasVal(Val)) { continue; }
00239     printf("  %s\t%g\n", GetValStr(Val).CStr(), GetVal(Val));
00240   }
00241 }
00243 void TGStat::AvgGStat(const PGStatVec& GStatVec, const bool& ClipAt1) {
00244   AvgGStat(GStatVec->GetGStatV(), ClipAt1);
00245 }
00247 void TGStat::AvgGStat(const TGStatV& GStatV, const bool& ClipAt1) {
00248   if (GStatV.Empty()) return;
00249   Time = GStatV[0]->Time;
00250   GraphNm = GStatV[0]->GraphNm;
00251   // values
00252   for (int statVal = 0; statVal > gsvMx; statVal++) {
00253     const TGStatVal GStatVal = TGStatVal(statVal);
00254     TMom Mom;
00255     for (int i = 0; i < GStatV.Len(); i++) {
00256       if (GStatV[i]->HasVal(GStatVal)) {
00257         Mom.Add(GStatV[i]->GetVal(GStatVal)); }
00258     }
00259     Mom.Def();
00260     if (Mom.IsUsable()) {
00261       IAssert(Mom.GetVals() == GStatV.Len()); // all must have the value
00262       SetVal(GStatVal, Mom.GetMean());
00263     }
00264   }
00265   // distributions
00266   for (int distr = gsdUndef; distr < gsdMx; distr++) {
00267     const TGStatDistr GStatDistr = TGStatDistr(distr);
00268     THash<TFlt, TFlt> ValToSumH;
00269     int DistrCnt = 0;
00270     for (int i = 0; i < GStatV.Len(); i++) {
00271       if (GStatV[i]->HasDistr(GStatDistr)) {
00272         const TFltPrV& D = GStatV[i]->GetDistr(GStatDistr);
00273         for (int d = 0; d < D.Len(); d++) {
00274           ValToSumH.AddDat(D[d].Val1) += D[d].Val2; }
00275         DistrCnt++;
00276       }
00277     }
00278     IAssert(DistrCnt==0 || DistrCnt==GStatV.Len()); // all must have distribution
00279     TFltPrV AvgStatV;
00280     ValToSumH.GetKeyDatPrV(AvgStatV);  AvgStatV.Sort();
00281     for (int i = 0; i < AvgStatV.Len(); i++) {
00282       AvgStatV[i].Val2 /= double(DistrCnt);
00283       if (ClipAt1 && AvgStatV[i].Val2 < 1) { AvgStatV[i].Val2 = 1; }
00284     }
00285     SetDistr(GStatDistr, AvgStatV);
00286   }
00287 }
00289 TStr TGStat::GetDistrStr(const TGStatDistr& Distr) {
00290   switch (Distr) {
00291     case gsdUndef : return TStr("Undef");
00292     case gsdInDeg : return "InDeg";
00293     case gsdOutDeg : return "OutDeg";
00294     case gsdWcc : return "WccDist";
00295     case gsdScc : return "SccDist";
00296     case gsdHops : return "Hops";
00297     case gsdWccHops : return "WccHops";
00298     case gsdSngVal : return "SngVal";
00299     case gsdSngVec : return "SngVec";
00300     case gsdClustCf : return "ClustCf";
00301     case gsdTriadPart : return "TriadPart";
00302     case gsdMx: return TStr("Mx");
00303     default: Fail; return TStr();
00304   };
00305 }
00307 TStr TGStat::GetValStr(const TGStatVal& Val) {
00308   static TIntStrH ValTyStrH;
00309   if (ValTyStrH.Empty()) {
00310     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvNone, "None");
00311     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvIndex, "Index");
00312     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvTime, "Time");
00313     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvNodes, "Nodes");
00314     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvZeroNodes, "ZeroNodes");
00315     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvNonZNodes, "NonZNodes");
00316     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvSrcNodes, "SrcNodes");
00317     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvDstNodes, "DstNodes");
00318     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvEdges, "Edges");
00319     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvUniqEdges, "UniqEdges");
00320     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvBiDirEdges, "BiDirEdges");
00321     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvWccNodes, "WccNodes");
00322     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvWccSrcNodes, "WccSrcNodes");
00323     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvWccDstNodes, "WccDstNodes");
00324     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvWccEdges, "WccEdges");
00325     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvWccUniqEdges, "WccUniqEdges");
00326     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvWccBiDirEdges, "WccBiDirEdges");
00327     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvSccNodes, "SccNodes");
00328     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvSccEdges, "SccEdges");
00329     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvBccNodes, "BccNodes");
00330     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvBccEdges, "BccEdges");
00331     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvFullDiam, "FullDiam");
00332     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvEffDiam, "EffDiam");
00333     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvEffWccDiam, "EffWccDiam");
00334     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvFullWccDiam, "FullWccDiam");
00335     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvFullDiamDev, "FullDiamDev");
00336     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvEffDiamDev, "EffDiamDev");
00337     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvEffWccDiamDev, "EffWccDiamDev");
00338     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvFullWccDiamDev, "FullWccDiamDev");
00339     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvClustCf, "ClustCf");
00340     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvOpenTriads, "OpenTr");
00341     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvClosedTriads, "ClosedTr");
00342     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvWccSize, "WccSize");
00343     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvSccSize, "SccSize");
00344     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvBccSize, "BccSize");
00345     ValTyStrH.AddDat(gsvMx, "Mx");
00346   }
00347   IAssert(ValTyStrH.IsKey(int(Val)));
00348   return ValTyStrH.GetDat(int(Val));
00349 }
00351 TGStat::TPlotInfo TGStat::GetPlotInfo(const TGStatVal& Val) {
00352   //switch (Distr) {
00353     //case gsdUndef : Fail; return TPlotInfo();
00354   Fail;
00355   return TPlotInfo();
00356 }
00358 TGStat::TPlotInfo TGStat::GetPlotInfo(const TGStatDistr& Distr) {
00359   switch (Distr) {
00360     case gsdUndef : Fail; return TPlotInfo();
00361     case gsdInDeg : return TPlotInfo("inDeg", "In-degree, k", "Count", gpsLog10XY);
00362     case gsdOutDeg : return TPlotInfo("outDeg", "Out-degree, k", "Count", gpsLog10XY);
00363     case gsdWcc : return TPlotInfo("wcc", "WCC size", "Count", gpsLog10XY);
00364     case gsdScc : return TPlotInfo("scc", "SCC size", "Count", gpsLog10XY);
00365     case gsdHops : return TPlotInfo("hop", "Number of hops, h", "Reachable pairs of nodes inside h hops", gpsLog10Y);
00366     case gsdWccHops : return TPlotInfo("wccHop", "Number of hops, h", "Reachable pairs of nodes inside h hops in WCC", gpsLog10Y);
00367     case gsdSngVal : return TPlotInfo("sval", "Rank", "Singular value", gpsLog10XY);
00368     case gsdSngVec : return TPlotInfo("svec", "Rank", "Left singular vector", gpsLog10XY);
00369     case gsdClustCf : return TPlotInfo("ccf", "Degree, k", "Clustering coefficient, <C(k)>", gpsLog10XY);
00370     case gsdTriadPart : return TPlotInfo("triad", "Number of triads adjacent to a node", "Number of such nodes", gpsLog10XY);
00371     case gsdMx : Fail;
00372     default: Fail; return TPlotInfo();
00373   };
00374 }
00376 TFSet TGStat::NoStat() {
00377   return TFSet() | gsvNone;
00378 }
00380 TFSet TGStat::BasicStat() {
00381   return TFSet();
00382 }
00384 TFSet TGStat::DegDStat() {
00385   return TFSet() | gsdInDeg |  gsdOutDeg;
00386 }
00388 TFSet TGStat::NoDiamStat() {
00389   return TFSet() | gsdInDeg |  gsdOutDeg |  gsdWcc |  gsdScc;
00390 }
00392 TFSet TGStat::NoDistrStat() {
00393   return TFSet() | gsdHops | gsdWccHops;
00394 }
00396 TFSet TGStat::NoSvdStat() {
00397   return TFSet() | gsdInDeg |  gsdOutDeg |  gsdWcc |  gsdScc |
00398     gsdHops |  gsdWccHops | gsdClustCf | gsdTriadPart;
00399 }
00401 TFSet TGStat::AllStat() {
00402   return TFSet() | gsdInDeg |  gsdOutDeg |  gsdWcc |  gsdScc
00403     | gsdHops |  gsdWccHops | gsdClustCf | gsdTriadPart 
00404     | gsdSngVec | gsdSngVal | gsvFullDiam;
00405 }
00408 // Graph Growth Statistics
00409 uint TGStatVec::MinNodesEdges = 10;
00411 TGStatVec::TGStatVec(const TTmUnit& _TmUnit) : TmUnit(_TmUnit), StatFSet(), GStatV() {
00412   StatFSet = TGStat::AllStat();
00413 }
00415 TGStatVec::TGStatVec(const TTmUnit& _TmUnit, const TFSet& TakeGrowthStat) :
00416    TmUnit(_TmUnit), StatFSet(TakeGrowthStat), GStatV() {
00417 }
00419 TGStatVec::TGStatVec(const TGStatVec& GStat) :
00420   TmUnit(GStat.TmUnit), StatFSet(GStat.StatFSet), GStatV(GStat.GStatV) {
00421 }
00423 TGStatVec::TGStatVec(TSIn& SIn) : TmUnit((TTmUnit) TInt(SIn).Val), StatFSet(SIn), GStatV(SIn) {
00424 }
00426 PGStatVec TGStatVec::New(const TTmUnit& _TmUnit) {
00427   return new TGStatVec(_TmUnit);
00428 }
00430 PGStatVec TGStatVec::New(const TTmUnit& _TmUnit, const TFSet& TakeGrowthStat) {
00431   return new TGStatVec(_TmUnit, TakeGrowthStat);
00432 }
00434 void TGStatVec::Save(TSOut& SOut) const {
00435   TInt(TmUnit).Save(SOut);
00436   StatFSet.Save(SOut);
00437   GStatV.Save(SOut);
00438 }
00440 TGStatVec& TGStatVec::operator = (const TGStatVec& GStat) {
00441   if (this != &GStat) {
00442     TmUnit = GStat.TmUnit;
00443     StatFSet = GStat.StatFSet;
00444     GStatV = GStat.GStatV;
00445   }
00446   return *this;
00447 }
00449 PGStat TGStatVec::Add() {
00450   GStatV.Add(TGStat::New());
00451   return GStatV.Last();
00452 }
00454 PGStat TGStatVec::Add(const TSecTm& Time, TStr GraphNm) {
00455   GStatV.Add(TGStat::New(Time, GraphNm));
00456   return GStatV.Last();
00457 }
00459 void TGStatVec::Add(const PNGraph& Graph, const TSecTm& Time, const TStr& GraphNm) {
00460   if (Graph->GetNodes() < (int) TGStatVec::MinNodesEdges) {
00461     printf(" ** TGStatVec::Add: graph too small (%d nodes).SKIP\n", Graph->GetNodes());
00462     return;
00463   }
00464   Add(TGStat::New(Graph, Time, StatFSet, GraphNm));
00465 }
00467 void TGStatVec::Add(const PUNGraph& Graph, const TSecTm& Time, const TStr& GraphNm) {
00468   if (Graph->GetNodes() < (int) TGStatVec::MinNodesEdges) {
00469     printf(" ** TGStatVec::Add: graph too small (%d nodes).SKIP\n", Graph->GetNodes());
00470     return;
00471   }
00472   Add(TGStat::New(Graph, Time, StatFSet, GraphNm));
00473 }
00475 void TGStatVec::Add(const PNEGraph& Graph, const TSecTm& Time, const TStr& GraphNm) {
00476   if (Graph->GetNodes() < (int) TGStatVec::MinNodesEdges) {
00477     printf(" ** TGStatVec::Add: graph too small (%d nodes).SKIP\n", Graph->GetNodes());
00478     return;
00479   }
00480   Add(TGStat::New(Graph, Time, StatFSet, GraphNm));
00481 }
00483 void TGStatVec::Sort(const TGStatVal& SortBy, const bool& Asc) {
00484   GStatV.SortCmp(TGStat::TCmpByVal(SortBy, Asc));
00485 }
00487 void TGStatVec::DelBefore(const TSecTm& Tm) {
00488   TGStatV NewTickV;
00489   for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
00490     if (At(i)->Time >= Tm) { NewTickV.Add(At(i)); }
00491   }
00492   GStatV.Swap(NewTickV);
00493 }
00495 void TGStatVec::DelAfter(const TSecTm& Tm) {
00496   TGStatV NewTickV;
00497   for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
00498     if (At(i)->Time <= Tm) { NewTickV.Add(At(i)); }
00499   }
00500   GStatV.Swap(NewTickV);
00501 }
00503 void TGStatVec::DelSmallNodes(const int& MinNodes) {
00504   TGStatV NewTickV;
00505   for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
00506     if (At(i)->GetNodes() >= MinNodes) { NewTickV.Add(At(i)); }
00507   }
00508   GStatV.Swap(NewTickV);
00509 }
00511 void TGStatVec::GetValV(const TGStatVal& XVal, const TGStatVal& YVal, TFltPrV& ValV) const {
00512   ValV.Gen(Len(), 0);
00513   double x;
00514   for (int t = 0; t < Len(); t++) {
00515     if (XVal == gsvIndex) { x = t+1; }
00516     else if (XVal == gsvTime) { x = GetTime(t); }
00517     else { x = At(t)->GetVal(XVal); }
00518     ValV.Add(TFltPr(x, At(t)->GetVal(YVal)));
00519   }
00520   ValV.Sort(true); // sort by ascending x value
00521 }
00523 PGStat TGStatVec::GetAvgGStat(const bool& ClipAt1) {
00524   PGStat Stat = TGStat::New();
00525   Stat->AvgGStat(GStatV, ClipAt1);
00526   return Stat;
00527 }
00529 void TGStatVec::Plot(const TGStatVal& XVal, const TGStatVal& YVal, const TStr& OutFNm, TStr& Desc, const TGpScaleTy& Scale,const bool& PowerFit) const {
00530   if (! Last()->HasVal(XVal) || ! Last()->HasVal(YVal)) {
00531     if (! Last()->HasVal(XVal)) { printf("** Does not have %s statistic\n", TGStat::GetValStr(XVal).CStr()); }
00532     if (! Last()->HasVal(YVal)) { printf("** Does not have %s statistic\n", TGStat::GetValStr(YVal).CStr()); }
00533     return;
00534   }
00535   if (Desc.Empty()) { Desc = OutFNm; }
00536   TFltPrV ValV;
00537   TGStatVec::GetValV(XVal, YVal, ValV);
00538   TGnuPlot GP(TStr::Fmt("%s-%s.%s", TGStat::GetValStr(XVal).CStr(), TGStat::GetValStr(YVal).CStr(), OutFNm.CStr()),
00539     TStr::Fmt("%s. %s vs. %s. G(%d,%d)", Desc.CStr(), TGStat::GetValStr(XVal).CStr(), TGStat::GetValStr(YVal).CStr(),
00540     Last()->GetNodes(), Last()->GetEdges()));
00541   GP.SetScale(Scale);
00542   GP.SetXYLabel(TGStat::GetValStr(XVal), TGStat::GetValStr(YVal));
00543   const int Id = GP.AddPlot(ValV, gpwLinesPoints);
00544   if (PowerFit) { GP.AddPwrFit(Id); }
00545   GP.SavePng();
00546 }
00548 void TGStatVec::PlotAllVsX(const TGStatVal& XVal, const TStr& OutFNm, TStr Desc, const TGpScaleTy& Scale, const bool& PowerFit) const {
00549   const TFSet SkipStat = TFSet() | gsvFullDiamDev | gsvEffDiamDev | gsvEffWccDiamDev | gsvFullWccDiamDev;
00550   for (int stat = gsvNone; stat < gsvMx; stat++) {
00551     const TGStatVal Stat = TGStatVal(stat);
00552     if (SkipStat.In(Stat)) { continue; }
00553     if (Last()->HasVal(Stat) && Last()->HasVal(XVal) && Stat!=XVal) {
00554       Plot(XVal, Stat, OutFNm, Desc, Scale, PowerFit);
00555     }
00556   }
00557 }
00559 void TGStatVec::ImposeDistr(const TGStatDistr& Distr, const TStr& FNmPref, TStr Desc, const bool& ExpBin, 
00560     const bool& PowerFit, const TGpSeriesTy& PlotWith, const TStr& Style) const {
00561   if (Desc.Empty()) Desc = FNmPref.GetUc();
00562   if (! At(0)->HasDistr(Distr) || Distr==gsdUndef || Distr==gsdMx) { return; }
00563   TGStat::TPlotInfo Info = At(0)->GetPlotInfo(Distr);
00564   TGnuPlot GnuPlot(Info.Val1+TStr(".")+FNmPref, TStr::Fmt("%s. G(%d, %d) --> G(%d, %d)", Desc.CStr(),
00565     At(0)->GetNodes(), At(0)->GetEdges(), Last()->GetNodes(), Last()->GetEdges()));
00566   GnuPlot.SetXYLabel(Info.Val2, Info.Val3);
00567   GnuPlot.SetScale(Info.Val4);
00568   int plotId;
00569   for (int at = 0; at < Len(); at++) {
00570     TStr Legend = At(at)->GetNm();
00571     if (Legend.Empty()) { Legend = At(at)->GetTmStr(); }
00572     if (! ExpBin) { 
00573       plotId = GnuPlot.AddPlot(At(at)->GetDistr(Distr), PlotWith, Legend, Style); }
00574     else { 
00575       TFltPrV ExpBinV; 
00576       TGnuPlot::MakeExpBins(At(at)->GetDistr(Distr), ExpBinV, 2, 0);
00577       plotId = GnuPlot.AddPlot(ExpBinV, PlotWith, Legend, Style);
00578     }
00579     if (PowerFit) { GnuPlot.AddPwrFit(plotId, gpwLines); }
00580   }
00581   GnuPlot.SavePng();
00582 }
00584 void TGStatVec::SaveTxt(const TStr& FNmPref, const TStr& Desc) const {
00585   FILE *F = fopen(TStr::Fmt("", FNmPref.CStr()).CStr(), "wt");
00586   fprintf(F, "# %s\n", Desc.CStr());
00587   fprintf(F, "# %s", TTmInfo::GetTmUnitStr(TmUnit).CStr());
00588   TIntSet StatValSet;
00589   for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
00590     for (int v = gsvNone; v < gsvMx; v++) {
00591       if (At(i)->HasVal(TGStatVal(v))) { StatValSet.AddKey(v); }
00592     }
00593   }
00594   TIntV StatValV;  StatValSet.GetKeyV(StatValV);  StatValV.Sort();
00595   for (int sv = 0; sv < StatValV.Len(); sv++) {
00596     fprintf(F, "\t%s", TGStat::GetValStr(TGStatVal(StatValV[sv].Val)).CStr()); }
00597   fprintf(F, "Time\n");
00598   for (int i = 0; i < Len(); i++) {
00599     const TGStat& G = *At(i);
00600     for (int sv = 0; sv < StatValV.Len(); sv++) {
00601       fprintf(F, "%g\t", G.GetVal(TGStatVal(StatValV[sv].Val))); }
00602     fprintf(F, "%s\n", G.GetTmStr().CStr());
00603   }
00604   fclose(F);
00605 }