SNAP Library 2.1, Developer Reference  2013-09-25 10:47:25
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00002 // Defines
00003 #define Kilo(n) (1000*(n))
00004 #define Mega(n) (1000*1000*(n))
00005 #define Giga(n) (1000*1000*1000*(n))
00007 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00011 typedef enum TGraphFlag_ {
00012   gfUndef=0,    
00013   gfDirected,   
00014   gfMultiGraph, 
00015   gfNodeDat,    
00016   gfEdgeDat,    
00017   gfSources,    
00018   gfBipart,     
00019   gfMx          
00020 } TGraphFlag;
00022 namespace TSnap {
00025 template <class TGraph> struct IsDirected   { enum { Val = 0 }; };
00027 template <class TGraph> struct IsMultiGraph { enum { Val = 0 }; };
00029 template <class TGraph> struct IsNodeDat    { enum { Val = 0 }; };
00031 template <class TGraph> struct IsEdgeDat    { enum { Val = 0 }; };
00033 template <class TGraph> struct IsSources    { enum { Val = 0 }; };
00035 template <class TGraph> struct IsBipart     { enum { Val = 0 }; };
00038 #define HasGraphFlag(TGraph, Flag) \
00039   ((Flag)==gfDirected ? TSnap::IsDirected<TGraph::TNet>::Val : \
00040   (Flag)==gfMultiGraph ? TSnap::IsMultiGraph<TGraph::TNet>::Val : \
00041   (Flag)==gfNodeDat ? TSnap::IsNodeDat<TGraph::TNet>::Val : \
00042   (Flag)==gfEdgeDat ? TSnap::IsEdgeDat<TGraph::TNet>::Val : \
00043   (Flag)==gfSources ? TSnap::IsSources<TGraph::TNet>::Val : \
00044   (Flag)==gfBipart ? TSnap::IsBipart<TGraph::TNet>::Val : 0)
00046 #if 0
00047 // RS 2013/08/19, commented out IsDerivedFrom, it is not called anywhere
00048 //  swig throws an error
00050 template<class TDerivClass, class TBaseClass>
00051 class IsDerivedFrom {
00052 private:
00053   struct Yes { char a[1]; };
00054   struct No { char a[10]; };
00055   static Yes Test(TBaseClass*);
00056   static No Test(...);         // undefined
00057 public:
00058   enum { Val = sizeof(Test(static_cast<TDerivClass*>(0))) == sizeof(Yes) ? 1 : 0 };
00059 };
00060 #endif
00063 // Graph Base
00066 TStr GetFlagStr(const TGraphFlag& GraphFlag);
00070 template <class PGraph> void PrintInfo(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& Desc="", const TStr& OutFNm="", const bool& Fast=true);
00073 // Implementation
00075 // Forward declaration, definition in triad.h
00076 template <class PGraph> int64 GetTriads(const PGraph& Graph, int64& ClosedTriads, int64& OpenTriads, int SampleNodes=-1);
00077 template <class PGraph> double GetBfsEffDiam(const PGraph& Graph, const int& NTestNodes, const bool& IsDir, double& EffDiam, int& FullDiam);
00078 template <class PGraph> double GetMxWccSz(const PGraph& Graph);
00079 template <class PGraph> double GetMxSccSz(const PGraph& Graph);
00080 template<class PGraph> int GetKCoreNodes(const PGraph& Graph, TIntPrV& CoreIdSzV);
00081 template<class PGraph> int GetKCoreEdges(const PGraph& Graph, TIntPrV& CoreIdSzV);
00083 template <class PGraph>
00084 void PrintInfo(const PGraph& Graph, const TStr& Desc, const TStr& OutFNm, const bool& Fast) {
00085   int BiDirEdges=0, ZeroNodes=0, ZeroInNodes=0, ZeroOutNodes=0, SelfEdges=0, NonZIODegNodes=0;
00086   THash<TIntPr, TInt> UniqDirE, UniqUnDirE;
00087   FILE *F = stdout;
00088   if (! OutFNm.Empty()) F = fopen(OutFNm.CStr(), "wt");
00089   if (! Desc.Empty()) { fprintf(F, "%s:", Desc.CStr()); }
00090   else { fprintf(F, "Graph:"); }
00091   for (int f = gfUndef; f < gfMx; f++) {
00092     if (HasGraphFlag(typename PGraph::TObj, TGraphFlag(f))) {
00093       fprintf(F, " %s", TSnap::GetFlagStr(TGraphFlag(f)).CStr()); }
00094   }
00095   // calc stat
00096   for (typename PGraph::TObj::TNodeI NI = Graph->BegNI(); NI < Graph->EndNI(); NI++) {
00097     if (NI.GetDeg()==0) ZeroNodes++;
00098     if (NI.GetInDeg()==0) ZeroInNodes++;
00099     if (NI.GetOutDeg()==0) ZeroOutNodes++;
00100     if (NI.GetInDeg()!=0 && NI.GetOutDeg()!=0) NonZIODegNodes++;
00101     if (! Fast || Graph->GetNodes() < 1000) {
00102       const int NId = NI.GetId();
00103       for (int edge = 0; edge < NI.GetOutDeg(); edge++) {
00104         const int DstNId = NI.GetOutNId(edge);
00105         if (Graph->IsEdge(DstNId, NId)) BiDirEdges++;
00106         if (NId == DstNId) SelfEdges++;
00107         UniqDirE.AddKey(TIntPr(NId, DstNId));
00108         UniqUnDirE.AddKey(TIntPr(TInt::GetMn(NId, DstNId), TInt::GetMx(NId, DstNId)));
00109       }
00110     }
00111   }
00112   int64 Closed=0, Open=0;
00113   double WccSz=0, SccSz=0;
00114   double EffDiam=0;
00115   int FullDiam=0;
00116   if (! Fast) {
00117     TSnap::GetTriads(Graph, Closed, Open);
00118     WccSz = TSnap::GetMxWccSz(Graph);
00119     SccSz = TSnap::GetMxSccSz(Graph);
00120     TSnap::GetBfsEffDiam(Graph, 100, false, EffDiam, FullDiam);
00121   }
00122   // print info
00123   fprintf(F, "\n");
00124   fprintf(F, "  Nodes:                    %d\n", Graph->GetNodes());
00125   fprintf(F, "  Edges:                    %d\n", Graph->GetEdges());
00126   fprintf(F, "  Zero Deg Nodes:           %d\n", ZeroNodes);
00127   fprintf(F, "  Zero InDeg Nodes:         %d\n", ZeroInNodes);
00128   fprintf(F, "  Zero OutDeg Nodes:        %d\n", ZeroOutNodes);
00129   fprintf(F, "  NonZero In-Out Deg Nodes: %d\n", NonZIODegNodes);
00130   if (! Fast) {
00131     fprintf(F, "  Unique directed edges:    %d\n", UniqDirE.Len());
00132     fprintf(F, "  Unique undirected edges:  %d\n", UniqUnDirE.Len());
00133     fprintf(F, "  Self Edges:               %d\n", SelfEdges);
00134     fprintf(F, "  BiDir Edges:              %d\n", BiDirEdges);
00135     fprintf(F, "  Closed triangles:         %s\n", TUInt64::GetStr(Closed).CStr());
00136     fprintf(F, "  Open triangles:           %s\n", TUInt64::GetStr(Open).CStr());
00137     fprintf(F, "  Frac. of closed triads:   %f\n", Closed/double(Closed+Open));
00138     fprintf(F, "  Connected component size: %f\n", WccSz);
00139     fprintf(F, "  Strong conn. comp. size:  %f\n", SccSz);
00140     fprintf(F, "  Approx. full diameter:    %d\n", FullDiam);
00141     fprintf(F, "  90%% effective diameter:  %f\n", EffDiam);
00142     //fprintf(F, "  Core\tNodes\tEdges\n");
00143     //for (int i  = 0; i < CNodesV.Len(); i++) {
00144     //  printf("  %d\t%d\t%d\n", CNodesV[i].Val1(), CNodesV[i].Val2(), CEdgesV[i].Val2());
00145     //}
00146   }
00147   if (! OutFNm.Empty()) { fclose(F); }
00148 }
00150 }  // namespace TSnap
00152 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00154 template <class TVal>
00155 class TSnapQueue {
00156 private:
00157   TInt MxFirst; // how often we move the queue to the start of the array
00158   TInt First, Last;
00159   TVec<TVal> ValV;
00160 public:
00161   TSnapQueue() : MxFirst(1024), First(0), Last(0), ValV(MxFirst, 0) { }
00163   TSnapQueue(const int& MxVals) : MxFirst(1024+MxVals/10), First(0), Last(0), ValV(TInt::GetMx(MxFirst, MxVals), 0) { }
00164   TSnapQueue(const int& MxVals, const int& MaxFirst) : MxFirst(MaxFirst),
00165     First(0), Last(0), ValV(TInt::GetMx(MxFirst, MxVals), 0) { }
00166   TSnapQueue(const TSnapQueue& Queue) : MxFirst(Queue.MxFirst), First(Queue.First), Last(Queue.Last), ValV(Queue.ValV) { }
00168   explicit TSnapQueue(TSIn& SIn): MxFirst(SIn), First(SIn), Last(SIn), ValV(SIn) { }
00170   void Save(TSOut& SOut) const { MxFirst.Save(SOut); First.Save(SOut); Last.Save(SOut); ValV.Save(SOut); }
00172   TSnapQueue& operator=(const TSnapQueue& Queue) { if (this != &Queue) { MxFirst=Queue.MxFirst;
00173     First=Queue.First; Last=Queue.Last; ValV=Queue.ValV; } return *this; }
00175   const TVal& operator[](const int& ValN) const { return ValV[First+ValN]; }
00178   void Clr(const bool& DoDel=true) { ValV.Clr(DoDel);  First=Last=0; }
00179   void Gen(const int& MxVals, const int& MaxFirst=1024) {
00180     MxFirst=MaxFirst; First=Last=0; ValV.Gen(MxVals, 0); }
00183   bool Empty() const {return First==Last;}
00185   int Len() const {return Last-First;}
00187   int GetFirst() const { return First; }
00189   int GetLast() const { return Last; }
00190   int Reserved() const { return ValV.Reserved(); }
00193   const TVal& Top() const { return ValV[First]; }
00195   void Pop() { First++;
00196     if (First==Last) { ValV.Clr(false); First=Last=0; } }
00198   void Push(const TVal& Val) {
00199     if (First>0 && (First > MxFirst || ValV.Len() == ValV.Reserved()) && ! ValV.Empty()) {
00200       //printf("[move cc queue.Len:%d-->%d]", ValV.Len(),Len()); TExeTm Tm;
00201       memmove(ValV.BegI(), ValV.GetI(First), sizeof(TVal)*Len());
00202       ValV.Del(Len(), ValV.Len()-1);  Last-=First;  First=0;
00203       //printf("[%s]\n", Tm.GetStr()); fflush(stdout);
00204     }
00205     //if (ValV.Len() == ValV.Reserved()){ printf("[resizeCCQ]"); fflush(stdout); }
00206     Last++;  ValV.Add(Val);
00207   }
00208 };
00210 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00214 class TUnionFind {
00215 private:
00216   THash<TInt, TIntPr> KIdSetH; // key id to (parent, rank)
00217 public:
00219   TInt& Parent(const int& Key) { return KIdSetH.GetDat(Key).Val1; }
00221   TInt& Rank(const int& Key) { return KIdSetH.GetDat(Key).Val2; }
00222 public:
00223   TUnionFind() : KIdSetH() { }
00225   TUnionFind(const int& ExpectKeys) : KIdSetH(ExpectKeys, true) { }
00226   TUnionFind(const TUnionFind& UnionFind) : KIdSetH(UnionFind.KIdSetH) { }
00227   TUnionFind& operator = (const TUnionFind& UF) { KIdSetH=UF.KIdSetH; return *this; }
00230   int Len() const { return KIdSetH.Len(); }
00232   bool IsKey(const int& Key) const { return KIdSetH.IsKey(Key); }
00234   int GetKeyI(const int& KeyN) const { return KIdSetH.GetKey(KeyN); }
00236   int Find(const int& Key);
00238   int Add(const int& Key) { KIdSetH.AddDat(Key, TIntPr(-1, 0));  return Key; }
00240   void Union(const int& Key1, const int& Key2);
00242   bool IsSameSet(const int& Key1, const int& Key2) {
00243     return Find(Key1) == Find(Key2); }
00245   void Dump();
00246 };
00248 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00252 template <class TVal, class TCmp = TLss<TVal> >
00253 class THeap {
00254 private:
00255   TCmp Cmp;
00256   TVec<TVal> HeapV;
00257 private:
00258   void PushHeap(const int& First, int HoleIdx, const int& Top, TVal Val);
00259   void AdjustHeap(const int& First, int HoleIdx, const int& Len, TVal Val);
00260   void MakeHeap(const int& First, const int& Len);
00261 public:
00262   THeap() : HeapV() { }
00263   THeap(const int& MxVals) : Cmp(), HeapV(MxVals, 0) { }
00264   THeap(const TCmp& _Cmp) : Cmp(_Cmp), HeapV() { }
00265   THeap(const TVec<TVal>& Vec) : Cmp(), HeapV(Vec) { MakeHeap(); }
00266   THeap(const TVec<TVal>& Vec, const TCmp& _Cmp) : Cmp(_Cmp), HeapV(Vec) { MakeHeap(); }
00267   THeap(const THeap& Heap) : Cmp(Heap.Cmp), HeapV(Heap.HeapV) { }
00268   THeap& operator = (const THeap& H) { Cmp=H.Cmp; HeapV=H.HeapV; return *this; }
00271   const TVal& TopHeap() const { return HeapV[0]; }
00273   void PushHeap(const TVal& Val);
00275   TVal PopHeap();
00277   int Len() const { return HeapV.Len(); }
00279   bool Empty() const { return HeapV.Empty(); }
00281   const TVec<TVal>& operator()() const { return HeapV; }
00283   TVec<TVal>& operator()() { return HeapV; }
00285   void Add(const TVal& Val) { HeapV.Add(Val); }
00287   void MakeHeap() { MakeHeap(0, Len()); }
00288 };
00290 template <class TVal, class TCmp>
00291 void THeap<TVal, TCmp>::PushHeap(const TVal& Val) {
00292   HeapV.Add(Val);
00293   PushHeap(0, HeapV.Len()-1, 0, Val);
00294 }
00296 template <class TVal, class TCmp>
00297 TVal THeap<TVal, TCmp>::PopHeap() {
00298   IAssert(! HeapV.Empty());
00299   const TVal Top = HeapV[0];
00300   HeapV[0] = HeapV.Last();
00301   HeapV.DelLast();
00302   if (! HeapV.Empty()) {
00303     AdjustHeap(0, 0, HeapV.Len(), HeapV[0]);
00304   }
00305   return Top;
00306 }
00308 template <class TVal, class TCmp>
00309 void THeap<TVal, TCmp>::PushHeap(const int& First, int HoleIdx, const int& Top, TVal Val) {
00310   int Parent = (HoleIdx-1)/2;
00311   while (HoleIdx > Top && Cmp(HeapV[First+Parent], Val)) {
00312     HeapV[First+HoleIdx] = HeapV[First+Parent];
00313     HoleIdx = Parent;  Parent = (HoleIdx-1)/2;
00314   }
00315   HeapV[First+HoleIdx] = Val;
00316 }
00318 template <class TVal, class TCmp>
00319 void THeap<TVal, TCmp>::AdjustHeap(const int& First, int HoleIdx, const int& Len, TVal Val) {
00320   const int Top = HoleIdx;
00321   int Right = 2*HoleIdx+2;
00322   while (Right < Len) {
00323     if (Cmp(HeapV[First+Right], HeapV[First+Right-1])) { Right--; }
00324     HeapV[First+HoleIdx] = HeapV[First+Right];
00325     HoleIdx = Right;  Right = 2*(Right+1); }
00326   if (Right == Len) {
00327     HeapV[First+HoleIdx] = HeapV[First+Right-1];
00328     HoleIdx = Right-1; }
00329   PushHeap(First, HoleIdx, Top, Val);
00330 }
00332 template <class TVal, class TCmp>
00333 void THeap<TVal, TCmp>::MakeHeap(const int& First, const int& Len) {
00334   if (Len < 2) { return; }
00335   int Parent = (Len-2)/2;
00336   while (true) {
00337     AdjustHeap(First, Parent, Len, HeapV[First+Parent]);
00338     if (Parent == 0) { return; }
00339     Parent--;
00340   }
00341 }