SNAP Library 2.0, Developer Reference
2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
DfOnNotify(const TNotifyType &Type, const TStr &MsgStr) | TNotify | [static] |
FlushP | TFPathNotify | [private] |
GetTypeStr(const TNotifyType &Type, const bool &Brief=true) | TNotify | [static] |
LastTm | TFPathNotify | [private] |
LogFPath | TFPathNotify | [private] |
LogSOut | TFPathNotify | [private] |
New(const TStr &LogFPath, const TStr &PrefixFNm, const bool &FlushP) | TFPathNotify | [inline, static] |
NullNotify | TNotify | [static] |
OnLn(const TStr &) | TNotify | [inline, virtual] |
OnLn(const PNotify &Notify, const TStr &MsgStr) | TNotify | [inline, static] |
OnLnFmt(const char *FmtStr,...) | TNotify | |
OnNotify(const TNotifyType &, const TStr &) | TNotify | [inline, virtual] |
OnNotify(const PNotify &Notify, const TNotifyType &Type, const TStr &MsgStr) | TNotify | [inline, static] |
OnNotifyFmt(const TNotifyType &Type, const char *FmtStr,...) | TNotify | |
OnStatus(const TStr &MsgStr) | TFPathNotify | [virtual] |
TNotify::OnStatus(const PNotify &Notify, const TStr &MsgStr) | TNotify | [inline, static] |
OnStatusFmt(const char *FmtStr,...) | TNotify | |
OnTxt(const TStr &) | TNotify | [inline, virtual] |
OnTxt(const PNotify &Notify, const TStr &MsgStr) | TNotify | [inline, static] |
OnTxtFmt(const char *FmtStr,...) | TNotify | |
PrefixFNm | TFPathNotify | [private] |
StdErrNotify | TNotify | [static] |
StdNotify | TNotify | [static] |
TFPathNotify(const TStr &_LogFPath, const TStr &_PrefixFNm, const bool &_FlushP) | TFPathNotify | |
TNotify() | TNotify | [inline] |
TPt< TNotify > class | TNotify | [friend] |
UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TFPathNotify) | TFPathNotify | [private] |
UpdateSOut(const TTm &NowTm) | TFPathNotify | [private] |
~TNotify() | TNotify | [inline, virtual] |