SNAP Library 2.0, Developer Reference  2013-05-13 16:33:57
SNAP, a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks
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00001 #include "bd.h"
00003 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00005 typedef enum {ssfUndef,
00006   ssfTabSep,       
00007   ssfCommaSep,     
00008   ssfSemicolonSep, 
00009   ssfVBar,         
00010   ssfSpaceSep,     
00011   ssfWhiteSep,     
00012   ssfMx} TSsFmt;
00014 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00018 ClassTP(TSs, PSs)//{
00019 private:
00020   TVec<PStrV> CellStrVV;
00021 public:
00022   TSs(): CellStrVV(){}
00023   static PSs New(){return PSs(new TSs());}
00024   ~TSs(){}
00025   TSs(TSIn& SIn): CellStrVV(SIn){}
00026   static PSs Load(TSIn& SIn){return new TSs(SIn);}
00027   void Save(TSOut& SOut){CellStrVV.Save(SOut);}
00029   TSs& operator=(const TSs& Ss){
00030     if (this!=&Ss){CellStrVV=Ss.CellStrVV;} return *this;}
00032   // values
00033   TStr& At(const int& X, const int& Y);
00034   void PutVal(const int& X, const int& Y, const TStr& Str);
00035   TStr GetVal(const int& X, const int& Y) const;
00037   // row & column
00038   int GetXLen() const;
00039   int GetXLen(const int& Y) const;
00040   int GetYLen() const;
00041   void DelX(const int& X);
00042   void DelY(const int& Y);
00043   int SearchX(const int& Y, const TStr& Str) const;
00044   int SearchY(const int& X, const TStr& Str) const;
00046   // fields
00047   int GetFlds() const {return GetXLen(0);}
00048   int GetFldX(const TStr& FldNm, const TStr& NewFldNm="", const int& Y=0) const;
00049   int GetFldY(const TStr& FldNm, const TStr& NewFldNm="", const int& X=0) const;
00050   TStr GetFldNm(const int& FldX) const {return GetVal(FldX, 0);}
00052   // files
00053   static PSs LoadTxt(
00054    const TSsFmt& SsFmt, const TStr& FNm,
00055    const PNotify& Notify=NULL, const bool& IsExcelEoln=true,
00056    const int& MxY=-1, const TIntV& AllowedColNV=TIntV(), const bool& IsQStr=true);
00057   void SaveTxt(const TStr& FNm, const PNotify& Notify=NULL) const;
00058   static void LoadTxtFldV(
00059    const TSsFmt& SsFmt, const PSIn& SIn, char& Ch,
00060    TStrV& FldValV, const bool& IsExcelEoln=true, const bool& IsQStr=true);
00062   // format
00063   static TSsFmt GetSsFmtFromStr(const TStr& SsFmtNm);
00064   static TStr GetStrFromSsFmt(const TSsFmt& SsFmt);
00065   static TStr GetSsFmtNmVStr();
00066 };
00068 //#//////////////////////////////////////////////
00072 ClassTP(TSsParser, PSsParser)//{
00073 private:
00074   TSsFmt SsFmt;  
00075   bool SkipLeadBlanks;  
00076   bool SkipCmt;         
00077   bool SkipEmptyFld;    
00078   uint64 LineCnt;       
00079   char SplitCh;         
00080   TChA LineStr;         
00081   TVec<char*> FldV;     
00082   PSIn FInPt;           
00083   UndefDefaultCopyAssign(TSsParser);
00084 public:
00092   TSsParser(const TStr& FNm, const TSsFmt _SsFmt=ssfTabSep, const bool& _SkipLeadBlanks=false, const bool& _SkipCmt=true, const bool& _SkipEmptyFld=false);
00100   TSsParser(const TStr& FNm, const char& Separator, const bool& _SkipLeadBlanks=false, const bool& _SkipCmt=true, const bool& _SkipEmptyFld=false);
00101   ~TSsParser();
00102   static PSsParser New(const TStr& FNm, const TSsFmt SsFmt) { return new TSsParser(FNm, SsFmt); }
00107   bool Next();
00112   bool NextSlow();
00114   int Len() const { return FldV.Len(); }
00116   int GetFlds() const { return Len(); }
00118   uint64 GetLineNo() const { return LineCnt; }
00120   bool IsCmt() const { return Len()>0 && GetFld(0)[0] == '#'; }
00122   bool Eof() const { return FInPt->Eof(); }
00124   const TChA& GetLnStr() const { return LineStr; }
00126   void ToLc();
00129   const char* GetFld(const int& FldN) const { return FldV[FldN]; }
00131   char* GetFld(const int& FldN) { return FldV[FldN]; }
00133   const char* operator [] (const int& FldN) const { return FldV[FldN]; }
00135   char* operator [] (const int& FldN) { return FldV[FldN]; }
00137   bool GetInt(const int& FldN, int& Val) const;
00139   int GetInt(const int& FldN) const {
00140     int Val=0; IAssertR(GetInt(FldN, Val), TStr::Fmt("Field %d not INT.\n%s", FldN, DumpStr()).CStr()); return Val; }
00142   bool IsInt(const int& FldN) const { int v; return GetInt(FldN, v); }
00144   bool GetFlt(const int& FldN, double& Val) const;
00146   bool IsFlt(const int& FldN) const { double v; return GetFlt(FldN, v); }
00148   double GetFlt(const int& FldN) const {
00149     double Val=0.0; IAssert(GetFlt(FldN, Val)); return Val; }
00151   const char* DumpStr() const;
00152 };