SNAP Library, Developer Reference  2012-10-02 12:56:23
SNAP, a general purpose network analysis and graph mining library
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00002 // Notifications
00003 void TNotify::OnNotifyFmt(const TNotifyType& Type, const char *FmtStr, ...) {
00004   char Bf[10*1024];
00005   va_list valist;
00006   va_start(valist, FmtStr);
00007   const int RetVal=vsnprintf(Bf, 10*1024-2, FmtStr, valist);
00008   va_end(valist);
00009   if (RetVal!=-1) { OnNotify(Type, TStr(Bf)); }
00010 }
00012 void TNotify::OnStatusFmt(const char *FmtStr, ...) {
00013   char Bf[10*1024];
00014   va_list valist;
00015   va_start(valist, FmtStr);
00016   const int RetVal=vsnprintf(Bf, 10*1024-2, FmtStr, valist);
00017   va_end(valist);
00018   if (RetVal!=-1) { OnStatus(TStr(Bf)); }
00019 }
00021 void TNotify::OnLnFmt(const char *FmtStr, ...) {
00022   char Bf[10*1024];
00023   va_list valist;
00024   va_start(valist, FmtStr);
00025   const int RetVal=vsnprintf(Bf, 10*1024-2, FmtStr, valist);
00026   va_end(valist);
00027   if (RetVal!=-1) { OnLn(TStr(Bf)); }
00028 }
00030 void TNotify::OnTxtFmt(const char *FmtStr, ...) {
00031   char Bf[10*1024];
00032   va_list valist;
00033   va_start(valist, FmtStr);
00034   const int RetVal=vsnprintf(Bf, 10*1024-2, FmtStr, valist);
00035   va_end(valist);
00036   if (RetVal!=-1) { OnTxt(TStr(Bf)); }
00037 }
00039 TStr TNotify::GetTypeStr(
00040  const TNotifyType& Type, const bool& Brief){
00041   static TStr InfoSStr="I"; static TStr InfoLStr="Information";
00042   static TStr WarnSStr="W"; static TStr WarnLStr="Warning";
00043   static TStr ErrSStr="E"; static TStr ErrLStr="Error";
00044   static TStr StatSStr=""; static TStr StatLStr="Status";
00045   switch (Type){
00046     case ntInfo: if (Brief){return InfoSStr;} else {return InfoLStr;}
00047     case ntWarn: if (Brief){return WarnSStr;} else {return WarnLStr;}
00048     case ntErr: if (Brief){return ErrSStr;} else {return ErrLStr;}
00049     case ntStat: if (Brief){return StatSStr;} else {return StatLStr;}
00050     default: Fail; return TStr();
00051   }
00052 }
00054 void TNotify::DfOnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr){
00055   switch (Type){
00056     case ntInfo: InfoNotify(MsgStr); break;
00057     case ntWarn: WarnNotify(MsgStr); break;
00058     case ntErr: ErrNotify(MsgStr); break;
00059     case ntStat: StatNotify(MsgStr); break;
00060     default: Fail;
00061   }
00062 }
00064 const PNotify TNotify::NullNotify=TNullNotify::New();
00065 const PNotify TNotify::StdNotify=TStdNotify::New();
00066 const PNotify TNotify::StdErrNotify=TStdErrNotify::New();
00069 // Standard-Notifier
00070 void TStdNotify::OnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr){
00071   if (Type==ntInfo){
00072     printf("%s\n", MsgStr.CStr());
00073   } else {
00074     TStr TypeStr=TNotify::GetTypeStr(Type, false);
00075     printf("%s: %s\n", TypeStr.CStr(), MsgStr.CStr());
00076   }
00077 }
00079 void TStdNotify::OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr){
00080   printf("%s", MsgStr.CStr());
00081   // print '\n' if message not overlayed
00082   if ((!MsgStr.Empty())&&(MsgStr.LastCh()!='\r')){
00083     printf("\n");}
00084 }
00087 // Standard-Error-Notifier
00088 void TStdErrNotify::OnNotify(const TNotifyType& Type, const TStr& MsgStr){
00089   if (Type==ntInfo){
00090     fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", MsgStr.CStr());
00091   } else {
00092     TStr TypeStr=TNotify::GetTypeStr(Type, false);
00093     fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", TypeStr.CStr(), MsgStr.CStr());
00094   }
00095 }
00097 void TStdErrNotify::OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr){
00098   fprintf(stderr, "%s", MsgStr.CStr());
00099   // print '\n' if message not overlayed
00100   if ((!MsgStr.Empty())&&(MsgStr.LastCh()!='\r')){
00101      fprintf(stderr, "\n");}
00102 }
00105 // Log-Notify
00106 void TLogNotify::OnStatus(const TStr& MsgStr) {
00107         TTm NowTm = TTm::GetCurLocTm();
00108         Notify->OnStatus(TStr::Fmt("[%s %s] %s", 
00109                 NowTm.GetYMDDashStr().CStr(), 
00110                 NowTm.GetHMSTColonDotStr(true, false).CStr(), 
00111                 MsgStr.CStr()));
00112 }
00115 // Exception
00116 TExcept::TOnExceptF TExcept::OnExceptF=NULL;